Maya in Buddhism - what is the meaning of this concept?
Maya in Buddhism - what is the meaning of this concept?
Maya (first found in the Indian texts of the Upanishads and Brahmanas) is the name of the goddess who embodied the principle of deception in the world....
Which one is Evgeny Spitsyn?
Which one is Evgeny Spitsyn?
M.: 2015. - Book 1 - 400 pp., Book 2 - 448 pp., Book 3 - 400 pp., Book. - 512s. The proposed four-volume work on Russian history was created...
The role of mathematics in naval affairs
The role of mathematics in naval affairs
The Germans first used chemical weapons on April 22, 1915. near Ypres: they launched a gas attack against French and British troops. Out of 6...
Types and secrets of preparing Italian pasta
Types and secrets of preparing Italian pasta
Even a novice cook can cook Italian noodles at home. Let's start with flour. To prepare Italian noodles you will need flour from hard...
"The Sixth Sense" (Gumilyov): analysis of the poem Analysis of Gumilyov's poem "The Sixth Sense"
In the Homework section on Gumilyov’s question, the analysis of the poem “The Sixth Sense” given by the author Dasha Semyonova is the best...
Old Testament sacrifices of the Lamb lead to the sacrificial altar on
Old Testament sacrifices of the Lamb lead to the sacrificial altar on
If you are familiar with the Passover story, you will know that the slaughter and eating of the lamb is central to it. Because you...