Why do you dream of oranges in a dream?
Why do you dream of oranges in a dream?
The flourishing of strength and abilities. Orange trees hung with ripe fruits - efforts will be rewarded...
Planet Mars - explanation for children
Planet Mars - explanation for children
Today we already know a lot about the features of the relief of Mars. However, just a few decades ago, many areas on the planet...
Rapan cutlets recipe
Rapan cutlets recipe
I really want to go to the sea! You close your eyes and hear the sound of the surf, the rustle of pebbles being rolled by a wave, the cries of seagulls... You just want to take a deep breath...
Historian Evgeny Spitsyn: biography, books on Russian history Evgeny Ptitsyn historian articles read
Historian Evgeny Spitsyn: biography, books on Russian history Evgeny Ptitsyn historian articles read
Original taken from slovo13 in Original taken from igorkurl in Halloween. Historian Evgeny Spitsyn against the Russian State University for the Humanities, Higher School of Economics and acad. Pivovarova. Didn't find it in...
What to do when you live with a witch: precautions Egregoric protection from a witch
What to do when you live with a witch: precautions Egregoric protection from a witch
2 years ago Okay, but the statement “eating the corpses of plants..” is an inappropriate joke. Comparing the eating of animals, birds and fish with...
The secret of Antonio Stradivari's violins
The secret of Antonio Stradivari's violins
Three centuries have passed since the death of the great Italian string maker Antonio Stradivari, and the secret of making his instruments...