Why do you dream about glass breaking? Why do you dream of broken glass - be careful! Basic interpretations of sleep: why I dreamed of broken glass, opinions of different dream books

Many signs and superstitions are associated with cracked or broken glass. Accidentally breaking dishes brings happiness to the house - this is what our ancestors believed. Why do you dream of breaking glass?

And if, which promises big trouble.

Thus, superstitions associated with broken glass vary greatly in everyday life and depend mainly on the type and purpose of the glass.

And if you dreamed of broken glass? Why do you dream of breaking glass? Many dream interpreters give an answer to this question.

Almost all dream interpreters agree: a dream in which the dreamer saw broken glass does not bode well.

Broken glass is a symbol of danger, deception and fear.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

- to the emergence of an unstable situation. You will have to work hard to resolve controversial issues.


Seeing broken glass or broken glass objects in a dream- to the emergence of an insurmountable obstacle on the way.


Break glass into small pieces in a dream means that the work started will remain unfinished due to your fault.

Walking on glass chips in a dream- a warning that you need to act with extreme caution.

Walking on shards of glass barefoot- the business you have started will burn out if you do not take it under strict control.

See broken window panes in an unfamiliar house - you will correct other people’s mistakes.


If in a dream you accidentally broke a window- the goal for which you spent a lot of mental and physical strength will not be achieved.

Cutting yourself with glass shards in a dream means that in order to achieve universal recognition, you will have to work hard.


Seeing broken glass in a dream- to a serious illness.

Stepping on broken glass in a dream– to an unforeseen threat or danger.

Miss Hasse

If in a dream you are trying to piece together small pieces of broken glass- in real life, your attempts to regain what you lost will be in vain.


To see glass shattered into small fragments in a dream– you feel constrained and insecure in certain circumstances.

Also, small fragments symbolize lost illusions and unfulfilled dreams.

Seeing broken glass in a dream for a married couple- a bad sign, foreshadowing family scandals and even divorce.

The view of modern psychologists

Why do you dream of breaking glass? from the perspective of modern science? The answer to this question can be found in the works of psychologists of our time.

In their opinion, a dream with cracked, broken or shattered glass is not so ominous.

It can mean a person’s desire to overcome difficult obstacles on your way, break out of the circle of everyday responsibilities and worries, or even start life from scratch.

If a person breaks a glass window or door in order to escape outside, this is a sign that he needs to deal with his inner world.

Perhaps this is how the subconscious signals about the presence of hidden conflicts, unresolved problems that a person unconsciously tries to hide from himself.

Why do you dream about glass?

Miller's Dream Book

In a dream, looking through glass portends sorrow.

Breaking a window glass portends an unsuccessful completion of a task to which you devoted a lot of effort.

If you dream that you cut yourself with glass, you can very quickly win the admiration of many if you want to show your abilities.

If you admire cleanly washed window panes, the dream promises you will receive a prestigious job position, which will be fraught with conflicts in your environment.

Why do you dream about glass?

Freud's Dream Book

Sheet glass is a feminine symbol.

Dirty glass symbolizes various diseases of the genital organs.

Clean, shiny glass indicates good health and sexual attractiveness of the dreamer.

The process of washing or wiping glass is usually associated with fertilization and the desire to have children, but sometimes it can simply characterize a strong passion.

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Grind the glass - things will get better.

Why do you dream about glass?

Family dream book

If in a dream you looked through glass, expect trouble.

Broken window glass - portends an unsuccessful completion of a task to which you devoted a lot of effort.

Cloudy glass - dreams of failure.

If you cut yourself with glass, show your abilities and very quickly win the admiration of others.

Admire the cleanly washed window glass - you will get a prestigious place, but you will earn a lot of conflicts.

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Transparent glass in a dream is a symbol of your detached curiosity.

Looking through glass at someone you know is a sign of possible alienation between you and this person.

Raindrops drumming on the glass mean someone else's tears, which, perhaps, will arouse your sympathy, but nothing more.

Dirty glass - portends a small conflict with outsiders.

Clean glass is a sign that you look at things soberly and have a correct idea of ​​current events.

Frosted glass is a symbol of false illusions.

If in your dream you look through frosted glass, the dream suggests that you completely misunderstand some fact or event.

Broken window glass means that some extraneous events that you would like to distance yourself from will cause great complications in your life. The dream suggests that in reality you are trying in vain to avoid solving some problems - you will not succeed.

Why do you dream about glass?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Glass - your personal secrets will be revealed.

Why do you dream about glass?

Spring dream book

Seeing a broken windshield is a warning about danger on the road, on the way.

Inserting glass means correcting previous mistakes.

Why do you dream about glass?

Summer dream book

Replacing the windshield in a car means buying a new car.

Seeing how a master inserts glass into us means that you are too isolated from people.

Why do you dream about glass?

Autumn dream book

Seeing a broken windshield in a car means expanding your horizons.

Seeing broken glass in a dream and seeing it put back in place means some kind of loss.

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing window glass in a dream as dirty and cloudy, through which almost nothing can be seen, portends deception and danger. Wiping or washing glass means agreement between spouses.

Breaking glass means avoiding trouble. Inserting glass means unsuccessful completion of a difficult task. Cutting yourself with glass in a dream means that in reality you will deliberately sacrifice something in the hope of acquiring more. If you look through glass filled with rain, this foreshadows sad events.

Buying glassware will bring disaster to your family. Eating or drinking from it means well-being in the home, harmony between relatives. Broken glassware portends a refusal of a profitable job, which will cause you to lose the chance to escape the vicious circle of constant deprivation.

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Glass - Grind - things will get better

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a piece of glass in a dream means a quarrel with your wife (husband) because of your jealousy, but all your suspicions will be in vain.

If you dreamed of glass fragments, you will quarrel with your wife (husband) because of your jealousy, and all your suspicions will be unfounded.

Breaking glass means a scandal over a trifle.

Buying glass is a sign that in the near future you will bring family troubles on your own head.

In a dream, you watched someone break glass - you will have to forcefully solve some important problem and this will contribute to a big family scandal.

If you dreamed that you were inserting glass, you are about to cause a family scandal among one of your relatives.

In a dream you were selling glass - with sufficient caution you will be able to avoid a big family scandal.

Why do you dream about glass?

Esoteric dream book

Inserting glass into a frame or window means sad memories. Old connections and affairs come to mind.

Broken - old connections will remind you of themselves. If you make a big deal about it, they will “hurt” you. The dream warns you against returning to the past.

Colored, stained glass - diversity in knowledge. The dream warns: do not delude yourself, do not fall for something interesting, choose the main goal.

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

In a dream, looking at the world through a window glass is a harbinger of the bitterness of defeat.

If you admire cleanly washed window glass, you will occupy a prestigious position in the service hierarchy, and your career advancement will be accompanied by conflicts with others.

If the glass is cloudy, failure awaits you.

Breaking a window glass in a dream means an unsuccessful completion of a task to which you devoted a lot of effort.

If you cut yourself with glass, you can easily win the affection and attention of the people around you if you are not afraid to fully demonstrate your abilities.

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Glass - fright; look through - waiting.

Why do you dream about glass?

Modern dream book

If you dream that you are looking through glass, in real life bitter disappointments will not allow your brightest hopes to come true.

Breaking glassware predicts unsuccessful completion of business.

If the glass is cloudy, you will find yourself in unpleasant circumstances.

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Glass - In a dream you seem to be looking through glass - you can perceive this dream as a harbinger of great troubles and sorrows. It’s as if you broke a window glass - you will actually cross out something in your life; some business will end in failure. It’s as if you were cut by glass - fate has endowed you with remarkable strength and great abilities; the fruits of your labor will bring you the respect of others; strangers will act respectfully towards you. You seem to be washing window glass - soon you will be entrusted with a responsible and prestigious job; you will greatly improve your affairs. You wash the window panes, but they remain cloudy - your efforts will lead to nothing, the matter will end in failure.

Why do you dream about glass?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing a lot of glass things in a dream means frustration in business.

Broken - danger on the road.

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Glass - fear; deceit, unreliability.

Broken - danger; scandal.

Breaking a window glass and getting out means the fulfillment of your current desire.

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of Glass - Clean, transparent - excellent prospects in life. If you dreamed of dirty or broken glass, imagine that you are washing it or replacing it with a whole and clean one.

Why do you dream about glass?

Intelligent dream book

Dreaming of Glass – Disorder; broken - safety.

Why do you dream about glass?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What is glass for - wonderful prospects will open up in front of you in all areas of your life. Imagine a new, bright building with floor-to-ceiling windows. The glass is perfectly clean and transparent. You first look inside through the glass and see the most beautiful interiors, rich furniture, flowering plants. Then go inside the building and look out through the glass. The sun plays on the glass, and behind it lies the most attractive landscapes for you.

Why do you dream about glass?

Ancient Russian dream book

Glass - Seen in a dream, means deception and danger; to break glass means to ward off danger or deception that threatens us; receiving a glass of water portends an imminent marriage or the birth of children; breaking a glass or other glass or crystal dish, if water does not spill from this dish, then foreshadows the death of the mother and the salvation of the child; and if water spills, it foreshadows the death of the child and the salvation of the mother. "

Why do you dream about glass?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does Glass mean in a dream 1. A dream in which glass is present denotes invisible, but real barriers that we can build around ourselves in order to protect ourselves from relationships with other people. The glass can also represent the barriers that other people have built around themselves, as well as those aspects of ourselves that we have created for our own protection. 2. Breaking glass in a dream means breaking through these same barriers (see Broken). We shatter the emotions that have ensnared us and move into a more purified place where erecting barriers is unacceptable. Frozen or smoky glass signifies a desire for privacy or our unclear view of a specific situation. 3. Glass is a barrier between life and the afterlife.

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Glass – Symbolizes the presence of a fragile situation, ideals that can easily be broken. Seeing broken glass is a quarrel, a call to look at life more realistically. Notice the window glass - your wait will be longer.

Why do you dream about glass?

Home dream book

You dreamed of Glass - an obstacle. Looking through glass means sorrow; break glass - overcome internal doubts; breaking something made of glass is bad luck; disappointment.

Why do you dream about glass?

Russian dream book

You dreamed of Glass - openness with extreme defenselessness; danger; breaking - getting rid of danger.

Why do you dream about glass?

Jewish dream book

What does Glass mean in a dream - A broken blue glass bracelet indicates that the person who saw the dream has been jinxed. Broken glass near the bed - to improve your well-being.

Why do you dream about glass?

Women's dream book

Glass - In a dream, looking at the world through window glass is a harbinger of the bitterness of defeat. If you admire cleanly washed window glass, you will occupy a prestigious position in the service hierarchy, and your career advancement will be accompanied by conflicts with others. If the glass is cloudy, failure awaits you. Breaking a window glass in a dream means an unsuccessful completion of a task to which you devoted a lot of effort. If you cut yourself with glass, you can easily win the affection and attention of the people around you if you are not afraid to fully demonstrate your abilities.

Why do you dream about glass?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Glass is a disorder; broken - safety.

Why do you dream about glass?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning Mayan symbols in the dream book are adapted to our time. If you dreamed of whole glass, then you will soon find out what they are trying to hide from you. To prevent ill-wishers from getting away with it, place a black dot behind your left ear and carry a blue piece of glass with you for a week.

Bad meaning If you dreamed of broken glass, then all our dreams will collapse. To prevent this from happening, draw a circle on the glass with wax and hide it and a dark place until the first rain.

Why do you dream about glass?

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Glass is a disorder; broken - safety.

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream book of the future

Glass - to deception and danger; but breaking it means getting rid of danger.

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Broken glass - take care of your reputation, you may be slandered.

Why do you dream about glass?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, looking through glass is a good sign, you are on the right path to your cherished goal.

If it is cloudy and nothing is visible, this is a hint of something that you have yet to determine in your plans.

If you dreamed that you cut yourself with glass, people will soon admire you.

Shiny and clean - you will live in honor, you will become an example for many.

According to the dream book, cracked glass is a warning that you should carefully consider all your actions, otherwise you may make an unforgivable mistake that will change your entire destiny and make you unhappy for a long time.

If you dreamed of broken glass, your plans are not allowed to come true, grief and disappointment await you, and you should also be extremely careful and careful so as not to incur big trouble.

If you dreamed of shards of glass, it means that in the near future you will have to resolve a huge number of unimportant issues that will make you fuss and distract you from something really important.

If in a dream you felt glass in your mouth, get ready for your well-being to be shaken, troubles will fall on you from all sides, which may also worsen your well-being.

If you specifically absorb it

You are walking on broken glass in a dream - this is a sign that you are now going through not the most favorable period, but you are trying not to show it and maintain external serenity.

According to the dream book, cutting yourself with glass means that in reality you should express yourself more actively, demonstrate everything that you are capable of, this is the only way to win universal recognition, approval and authority among others.

If you dreamed of glass in your leg, try to pay due attention to everything you do; even the most minor mistake can negate all your previous efforts.

If they dig into your body

Why do you dream about glass?

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing glass - you need to clarify your relationship with another person in the most delicate way, since relationships are very fragile; break glass - destroy a relationship with another person, receive mental trauma; For patients, this dream can mean a sharp deterioration in their condition.

Why do you dream about glass?

An old English dream book

If in a dream you look through glass, the dream means the further successful course of your life.

If the glass is frosted and poorly translucent, this means that your affairs and your well-being are very uncertain, you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation and even face poverty.

Trying to figure out why broken glass is dreamed of, we turn to dream books for help. Only in them can we find all the answers to our questions.

You dreamed of broken glass

In the dream book of the seer Vanga, it is said that seeing broken glass in a dream means that you will soon commit an act that will completely change your life. And this perfect act will torment you all your life and you will have to pay for it. Almost all dream books describe glass as some kind of barrier, and broken means that you will be able to break through these problems in your life. But whether all this can happen so easily is a completely different question. Before you begin to interpret the dream, remember it more carefully, start from your feelings and emotions, because any minor detail can completely change the interpretation of the dream.

What to expect if you dreamed of broken glass

Many dream books indicate that broken glass indicates the evasiveness of your character, that is, you strive not to worry about trifles. Also, broken glass may indicate that in the future some obstacles may await you that will prevent your plans from coming true. Basically, broken glass refers to the dreamer's personal life, indicating that something is wrong with it, or something will happen soon that will change life.

If you had a dream in which particles of broken glass pierced your body, then this indicates that you will have a very hard time in the near future and will have to endure a lot of losses, suffering and worries. It’s best for you to do everything you have in mind as quickly as possible, especially since you have enemies who dream of everything going to waste for you.

If you look through broken glass in your dream, then expect great trouble. Some bitter disappointments are coming that will not allow you to breathe freely. A dream where you see cleanly washed glass is a good sign and promises you a prestigious job and position that you will occupy in the near future. And if the glass was cloudy, then expect failure.

A dream in which you saw yourself and there was broken glass around, this indicates that you missed something important, perhaps you didn’t hear, most likely this refers to the fact that someone is not happy with you, but does not talk about this out loud.

Eating broken glass in a dream means that in real life something will happen that will bring you mental trauma, and possibly affect your psyche.

What does such a dream portend?

What could a dream in which you saw broken glass portend? Broken glass is a rather contradictory sign, and when you see fragments in a dream, it means you are about to meet a person whose acquaintance was unpleasant for you. Try to behave as usual, not think about bad things, otherwise you may lead yourself to depression and mental illness.

Generally speaking, broken glass does not bode well. Most likely, all your hopes will collapse, you will experience great disappointment, and your dreams will not come true. If you break glass on your own in a dream, it means that all the troubles that happen to you will be only your fault. Look back, maybe you made a mistake somewhere, and you can still correct everything.

Unraveling your dreams is naturally very good, but you should not forget that dreams can be a consequence of the fact that our body has suffered some kind of malfunction. Indeed, while we are in the arms of morpheus, the brain makes various messages in the form of dreams. Therefore, sometimes it is not necessary to listen and focus on the games of our subconscious

In the reality around us there are many objects, the attitude towards which over the long history of mankind has been extremely ambiguous. Accordingly, dreams with these objects also could not have only positive or only negative interpretation.

Dream books of different peoples and times give very different answers to the question of why broken glass is dreamed of. Dream books often say that glass in a dream predicts deception in reality, as well as fear or sadness. In this case, the answer to the question of why broken glass is dreamed of should be positive. However, not all so simple.

Most interpreters believe that dreams of broken glass warn the sleeper from committing rash actions. But among dreams about broken glass there are also favorable plots - it all depends on the specifics. To understand what signs your subconscious is giving you, you first need to decide on the plot of your dreams:

  • You saw the glass shards from the side.
  • We watched glass break in a window, in a car, or somewhere else.
  • They broke a glass object themselves.
  • We were cut by shrapnel.
  • For some reason they ate glass.
  • We walked on broken glass.

If you had a dream in which the glass was already broken and you were looking at the glass shards, the vision warns of a high probability of family conflicts. It is possible that the conflict situation already exists in reality, and the vision in a dream is only a reflection of it. If your relationships, your “family nest” are dear to you, interpreters advise showing maximum tact and understanding in order to preserve them.

You dream of shards of glass that dig into your skin - such a vision warns that a person who once caused you a lot of pain and resentment may appear on your horizon again. As the New Family Dream Book says, glass in this case symbolizes your negative memories. To prevent them from digging into your soul like glass pieces into your skin, try to treat the situation in reality as if it were a bad dream that will soon end, the interpreter advises.

Positively evaluates fragments in a dream Dream Interpretation of the 21st century. If broken glass lies on or on the floor and shimmers with sunlight, this is a good sign. Luck and success await the sleeper ahead. Colored broken glass under the sun's rays promise a fateful meeting.

Break through to a new horizon

Did you dream about glass breaking in your sleep? Then it’s worth remembering what it was like - a window, a windshield, or maybe it was a glass goblet?

According to Miller's dream book, glass that breaks in a window while you sleep foreshadows failure in the business to which you have devoted a lot of effort and time. Modern interpreters say that this vision should not be taken so literally. It is worth taking it as advice to reconsider your priorities: maybe the failure of the business was planned because you are not doing it of your own free will, but you need to find the strength within yourself and do what your soul is about?

In addition, broken windows in a house in a dream can warn that you should take care of your health. If you dream of partially broken, cracked glass in a window, troubles are possible in reality in the near future, but you will easily overcome them.

Why dream of broken glass if it is the windshield of a car? This image in a dream has two interpretations. First, if you drive, you should be as careful as possible on the road in the coming days, since there is a high probability of an accident. Secondly, soon you will have to master some new business, gain new knowledge - in general, go beyond your current limits.

Breaking the glass in the window yourself in order to get out through it means you have to rise to a new level, overcoming certain obstacles. Sometimes this may mean appointment to a higher position, but the promotion will require increased stress resistance from the dreamer. Shards of a broken bottle warn against conflicts in the service.

Why do you dream about glass if you dreamed of cutting yourself with its fragments? Miller's dream book states that cutting yourself with glass in a dream means gaining fame as a result of your own merits and achievements. If in the dream you had to pick up the fragments and cut yourself, Madame Hasse’s Dream Book recommends not clinging to the past, but moving forward.

Inedible Visions

Why do you dream of glass that crunches under your feet in a dream? The Eastern dream book says that in reality in the near future you should exercise maximum caution in any actions. Walking barefoot on broken glass means that in reality they will try to drag you into some kind of adventure. You should not “get involved” in a project or business that seems even the slightest doubtful to you.

Walking on fragments in your dreams and seeing a piece of glass in your foot means that in reality unresolved problems are preventing you from moving forward. The splinter in the leg in this case is a symbol of that psychological “anchor” that holds you and does not allow you to reach new heights. This piece of glass in your own leg is a signal to sort out your thoughts, which prevent you from “attracting” luck and moving towards success.

Why do you dream about glass in your mouth? Chewing or glass pieces in a dream and not feeling any discomfort is interpreted by dream books as a sign of the dreamer’s lack of self-confidence. It’s worth being a little bolder - and then your goal will become less unattainable.

Modern doctors also say that when you dream of splinters in your mouth, this may be a signal of health problems - so you should consult a doctor and get examined. If glass in the mouth is not a symptom of a hidden disease, then such a vision may allegorically hint to the sleeper that he needs to monitor everything he says.

Feeling glass in your mouth in your night dreams means realizing how sharp your words and expressions can be, and understanding that they can hurt people around you. Spitting out glass pieces that ended up in your mouth - such a dream symbolizes that you want to get rid of the habit of “cutting the truth”, regardless of the circumstances. If you dreamed of spitting out glass crumbs, it means that you want to master a more comfortable style of communication with others, which in itself is very good.

If you dream of broken glass (according to Vanga’s dream book), then this means that in the future an act will be committed that will greatly change the life of the one who saw broken glass in a dream. Moreover, this person will pay for such an act throughout his life.

What if you dream about broken glass?

Almost all dream books interpret glass as some kind of barrier. Broken glass symbolizes a breakthrough through problems in your personal life, at work, and so on. Another question is how painlessly this breakthrough occurs.

True, all such interpretations are adapted to modern society. In ancient descriptions, broken glass warded off the machinations of enemies and evil spirits from a person.

Currently, a dream about glass is an indicator of an evasive character. This is a person who strives not to worry about every little thing. Broken glass in dreams also means some obstacles that interfere with the implementation of plans.

Broken glass, which you dream about, seems to ask you to pay attention to especially significant moments in life. As a rule, all this applies to a person’s personal life, where significant events occur.

Seeing glass shards pierced into the body means that in the near future a person will have to endure a lot of suffering and loss. It is necessary to implement your plans in the near future, especially if there are enemies who want failure.

Looking through glass in a dream means big trouble. The bitterest disappointments will not allow you to enjoy the delightful moments in life.

If you see cleanly washed window panes in your dreams, it means that you will soon have the opportunity to take a prestigious and long-awaited position; cloudy glass - bad luck

If a person dreams that there is broken glass around him, this means that the person missed some important information: he did not say something important or did not hear something necessary. Alternatively, it may be dissatisfaction with the current situation, which cannot be voiced.

If the dreamer eats broken glass in a dream, this means that in ordinary life some event brought him emotional trauma, traumatized his psyche.

What does it portend?

Why dream of broken glass? Broken glass in dreams is a very controversial symbol. When you see shards of glass in a dream, it means that old acquaintances will remind you of themselves. You need to try not to focus on them. Otherwise, it poses a danger to mental health.

In general, the broken glass that you dreamed about is not a very good sign. It foreshadows the collapse of hopes, disappointment, and unrealistic dreams. If the glass is broken by a sleeping person himself, then all failures and problems will come precisely through his fault. Perhaps a mistake was made, thanks to which all the work would go down the drain.

Interpretation of dreams is, of course, good, but do not forget that through dreams the body makes it clear about possible failures. During sleep, the brain sends out various signals in the form of dreams. Sometimes it’s worth listening to them, but sometimes these are just games of the subconscious, visualization of what you want. Therefore, there is no need to blindly trust the interpretations of dreams.