Humorous sketches for military service. How girls joined the army

In our country, twice a year we celebrate a holiday that is directly related to the army and the military theme. These are February 23 and May 9. We offer you two interesting and funny scenes on military theme. These scenes will help you spend any of these holidays brightly and cheerfully. With the help of skits, you will add variety to the holiday and help guests smile and enjoy life.

But before we move on to the scenes, watch a master class on making a gift for veterans with your own hands. After the skits, give the veterans some crafts and they will be very happy about it!

Scene 1.
New recruits have just arrived in the army. They lined up on the parade ground, and a lieutenant approached them.

Attention! I am Comrade Lieutenant Vykrutaikin, and you are soldiers! All clear? Then let's get straight to the point. So, are there any electricians among you by profession?

Two men step forward and say:
Yes sir! Eat!

Great! This means that your task is to monitor the light: so that at 23:00 the light turns off in the barracks, and at 6 in the morning it turns on! Clear?! Get in line!
So, next – are there any musicians?

Four out of formation step forward:
Yes sir!

Oh how! Four at once! Do you play keyboards? Then march to the head of the unit, he bought his daughter a piano, he needs to bring this piano to the eighth floor!
What's next on our list? But, most importantly, who wants to become a sergeant?

One takes a step forward faster than anyone:
I want it, Comrade Lieutenant!

Well done! This is the start of a career! So, run to the checkpoint, the sergeant is sitting there drunk. Get him and slowly take him to the barracks. It's clear?
And the last question for today - who wants to go potato harvesting tomorrow morning?

The two step forward:
We want!

You two, tomorrow I’m waiting for you near my car at 7 am, we’ll go to the potatoes. And the rest go to the potatoes on foot!
Attention! At ease! Disperse!

Scene 2.
The soldiers are standing and talking to each other. Suddenly they see an officer coming. The lieutenant commands:
Form up!

All soldiers are in formation. The officer comes up and says:
Comrade soldiers! Autumn has arrived, which means it's time to change your disguise. First, untie the green leaves from the trees, and then tie the yellow leaves to the trees! All clear? Execute the command!

The officer leaves, the lieutenant comes out and addresses the soldiers:
So, leave the order! Yesterday, an officer and I were testing a new missile, and it was such a hit that something happened to the officer’s head. You see for yourself: untie, tie. So, that’s it – we won’t untie and tie, we go to the warehouse, get brushes and yellow paint, and repaint the leaves! All clear? Fulfill! And I’m off to the first aid station, my head aches after yesterday’s ordeal!

And so, let's think about how to make February 23 not just a holiday, but a fun and funny holiday. While you were thinking, we came up with our own ideas, which we posted on this page. Watch them and amaze men with your originality.

Modern scenes for February 23rd for a corporate party from women. Funny, new for men!

Well, not much time is left for the fair half of humanity to prepare for February 23rd. But men expect a holiday from their colleagues and girlfriends Have a good mood. And here the girls really can’t lose face in the dirt. And if so, then here are new sketches for February 23rd for a corporate party from women to make it fun. Funny and amusing scenes will help you congratulate your male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day and make this evening unique and unlike anything else.

The first scene is a musical congratulation.
What's a holiday without a song?! And on the occasion of February 23, we need to perform beautiful, funny, but military and festive songs.
For this scene, the girls must learn some kind of dance, for example, change the usual soldier’s march to something bright and danceable. After all, the song is such that you want to march. The song itself is a reworked song to the tune - a soldier has a day off. In our version of the song it is sung that today is a holiday for men and girls dress up in honor of the holiday. So you can turn the march into how girls put on makeup and dress beautifully.
Here are the lyrics of the remade song:

The second scene is congratulations from famous women.

What man doesn’t dream of being approached by some famous woman? In this scene, all the secret desires of your men will come true.
To make this scene bright and funny, you need to rehearse and find outfits for the characters. And the images here are as follows: Venus, Vasilisa Krassa, Scheherazade, Isolde and Pamela Anderson. These are the girls who decided to congratulate the men in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. You girls will have to find outfits for their images and select candidates who will cope with the role. And then everything is simple - after the host’s words, the girls take turns coming out and giving their speech. The men admire and fall to the floor in amazement.
Text for the scene:

Scene three - girls discuss gifts for men.
In this scene, three girls sit and discuss what to give men on February 23rd. During the discussion, they reach the point where the most the best gift for them there will be love! Do you agree with this?
Watch the video skit, memorize it and do the same performance for your men:

Scene four - girls are drafted into the army
This is a fictional scene, because in our country girls are not drafted into the army. But in honor of February 23, we will show men how real girls are chosen to serve in the army!

Military registration and enlistment office. There is a table. A nurse sits nearby. On the other side of the nurse are girls who are being drafted into the army. The doctor runs in and says to the nurse:
- Lyuba, what happened?! Why was I called to work so urgently?

- urgently, because a new draft has been announced. And they called me - it was Monday, it was still a working day.

- ah, because of this or what? So this is nonsense. Now we will quickly send everyone to the army. (addresses conscripts) Do you want to join the army? You are all healthy!

The conscripts shout indignantly:
- no, we don’t want to, we are unfit, we are sick.

- who is unfit there? Come on, give me your medical history here.

The doctor takes a medical history from one conscript, lifts it up and looks at it. Speaks:
- I can not see anything.

Then he puts the story aside, and a thousand rubles remain in his hand, which he also holds up to the light and says:
- ah, now I see, I see that you are all glowing with happiness, since you are not fit for the army. This is confirmed by three zeros.

The conscript leaves the stage with joyful cries.

- so, who else is there with us? Ah, it’s you, my soul! Come here. Look (shows a photograph), what do you see there?

- I see love and two people in love.

- look, what an imagination. And I see my son, my boy, who shows promise and enters higher education educational institution! And here you are, who interferes with his life. That's it, it's decided - you are fit to serve on a submarine!

- maybe in a submarine after all. And not on her?!

Everyone will serve in a submarine, and you on a submarine1 will know. How to ruin a child's life.

Doctor addressing nurse:
- Or maybe all of them to the navy, for three years?

Conscripts in chorus:
- no, we can’t, we all have love!

Everyone has? Is everyone in love? Then you don’t need to come to me, you should go to a venereologist first. Check your love...

The conscripts leave the stage. Doctor:
- dear men, remember that serving is not just a year, two or three being away from home. This is a year, two or three years to protect us, girls who are waiting for you and believe in love! Happy holiday to you!

Skits about the army and soldiers

Anecdotes and funny stories There is so much about the army and about soldiers in particular that if you start telling them all, you might not even notice how a year or two flies by. But all the jokes boil down to one thing: that life in the army, although difficult, is quite fun. And you can be convinced of this once again by reading sketches about the army, where the main characters soldiers and officers. For you and your creative evenings, we have come up with three scenes in which the army will be shown from the side of fun and laughter. Therefore, rehearse and stage performances. And the audience will repay you with thunderous applause.


Scene 1 – no need to be afraid of the commander.

There are five officers on the stage, and one stands aside and looks to see if the commander is coming. The officers stand, some smoke, some are busy with their phones. Here the officer who is on guard sees that the commander is walking and running up to the other officers and speaking.

An officer: It's coming, it's coming. Come on, line up.

All the officers threw down their cigarettes, hid their phones, and formed a line. The commander approaches them. It is immediately obvious that the commander is not in the mood. It’s obvious that he’s feeling bad after yesterday’s party. The officer marches up to him and reports in a loud voice.

An officer: comrade commander. The personal officer corps of the unit has been assembled on your order.

The commander grabs his head with one hand, and with the other shows the officer to get into formation.

Commander: Hush, hush, why shout so much? All here?
An officer: That's right, that's it!

The commander examines his officers through the eyes.

Commander: That means everything. So, who got drunk after work last night?

Silence in response.

Commander: I repeat, who drank after work yesterday?

All the officers try not to look the commander in the eyes and turn their heads away.

Commander: Should I go up to everyone and ask them to breathe?

Here all the officers take a step back at once, but the officer who reported remained in place.
The commander saw that one of the officers was standing in front and approaching him.

Commander: Stepanchuk! So, whoever yesterday was drinking after work.
Stepanchuk: Comrade commander is to blame.

The commander shows him to speak more quietly.

Commander: And how do you feel now? Your head probably hurts, your hands are shaking?

Stepanchuk speaks timidly, as if apologizing.

Stepanchuk: There is a little.

The commander looks at the other officers.

Commander: Does that mean you're feeling great? Does anything hurt?

Commander: Clear. So that's it. Comrade officers. Now Officer Stepanchuk and I will go to my office, we need to get over our hangover. Let's run five laps around the unit!

The officers turn and run in a circle.

Commander: What Stepanchuk, please come to my office. So to speak, for health purposes!

Scene 2 – Orders in the army must be followed.

The soldier stands, smokes, looks around, does nothing. The major comes up to him and coughs deliberately. The soldier turns around coughing and sees the major. The soldier throws away his cigarette, straightens his hat and stands to attention.

Soldier: I wish you good health, Comrade Major.
Major: Why are you, comrade soldier, violating the regulations?
Soldier: It's my fault, Comrade Major. This won't happen again.
Major: This would happen again. Of course, it won't happen again. Last name and what company?
Soldier: Ivanov, seventh company, comrade major.
Major: Ivanov, seventh company. Oh, this is Comrade Captain's company?
Soldier: That's right, comrade captain.
Major: So, tell your captain that I f... (coughs), that I f... (coughs again), I will f... (coughs again), wait for him (coughs).

The major coughed so hard that he bent over and grabbed his throat with his hand. Then Comrade Captain approaches them.

Captain: Private, we’re standing there, looking, we need to help our comrade major.
Soldier: So, what needs to be done?
Captain: What, what, we need to clap!

The soldier hesitantly begins to clap his hands, while looking first at the major and then at the captain. And as the soldier claps his hands more and more confidently and louder, the major gets better and better, the cough begins to subside. Seeing this miracle, the soldier begins to clap his hands even more actively and even dance a little. And soon the major has a coughing fit. He straightens up, straightens his hat and looks at the captain, then at the soldier.

Major: Thank you (in such a grateful, but at the same time uncertain voice).
Soldier: I serve Russia!
Major: Okay soldier, go on and serve.
Soldier: Eat!

He turns around and leaves.

Major: Yes, you are a good soldier, Captain.

The captain looks at the major with slightly frightened, but at the same time proud of his soldier eyes.

Captain: That's right, Comrade Major, good. The main thing carries out orders constantly.
Major: Yes, orders in the army must be followed, no matter how idiotic they are!

Scene 3 – Advice from soldiers to officers.

The soldiers are standing in a line, and an officer walks past them and speaks loudly.

An officer: So, we received an order to change our soldier’s boots to shoes like this (shows shoes in his hands that look like sneakers). So now we are all changing our shoes and testing out new shoes. And we will test it by marching ten kilometers. All clear? Then we take off our boots and put on new shoes.

The soldiers take off their boots and take new shoes to put them on. The officer does the same. All the soldiers have changed their shoes, but the officer still can’t put on his first sneaker.

An officer: So much for army reform. Who came up with these shoes? The devil dared me to say that we will be the first to test it.

One of the soldiers standing in the ranks sees that the officer cannot cope on his own and decides to help.

Soldier: comrade officer. And stick out your tongue.

The officer looks up at the soldier and speaks.

An officer: The smartest one? Did you want an outfit out of turn?
Soldier: No, but it will be more convenient.
An officer: With the tongue hanging out?
Soldier: Yes sir!
The officer hesitantly: Will it really help? Okay, I'll try now.

And the officer again begins to try to put on his shoes and at the same time, timidly sticking his tongue out of his mouth (although the soldier told him about the tongue on the shoes)
The soldiers see that the officer has stuck out his tongue and begin to look at each other and whisper to each other.
The officer tries to pull on his shoes and, as he does so, sticks out his tongue even more.

The officer speaks with his tongue hanging out: Something doesn't really help. Looks like we should give you an outfit out of turn.

The following scene can be used with equal success both as part of a school event and for a corporate party.

Sketch for February 23 “How to get out of the army”

There is a table on the stage with a sign on it

[Agency "Skip away from the army"]

Leading: IN modern world more and more conscripts are trying to find a way to escape military service. For every conscript who contacts us, we will find a decent way to get out of the army.

Method No. 1

At the military registration and enlistment office, conscripts are sitting at the ophthalmologist's office. The first conscript enters the office.

Doctor: Do you see the top line?

Conscript: I see!

Doctor: And the second?

Conscript: I see!

Doctor: And do you see the next one even lower?

Conscript: No!

Doctor: So you’ll become a sniper! Next come in!

The second conscript enters.

Doctor: Do you see the top line, young man?

Conscript: I see!

Doctor: And lower?

Conscript: No, I don’t see it!

Doctor: So you are going to serve in the Marine Navy. Next one, come in!

The third conscript enters.

Doctor: Do you see the top line?

Conscript: No, doctor, I don’t see it!

Doctor: How cunning. You will go to serve in intelligence!

Leading: Yes, not a very good example. Well, then we offer another, more reliable way to avoid service.

Method No. 2

Two conscripts are sitting at the door of the medical commission. One is calm, the other is praying. The first one asks:

-Why are you praying like that?

“I don’t want to go into the army, I’m afraid.”

- And I know how to help you!

“Let me knock out your front teeth now, and then no one will take you into the army!”

— (uncertain) Well, if it definitely helps... go ahead.

(The first conscript swings and imitates a blow to the face. The second covers his face with his hands and goes to the doctor. During this time, he must cover his front teeth with a piece of black paper. After a while, the conscript leaves the doctor’s office, cheerful, smiling with his “toothless” mouth.)

- Well, you didn’t take it? I told you...

— (interrupts, speaks with a lisp) Nope, they didn’t get it! I have flat feet!

Leading: The method is somewhat bloodthirsty, well, what lengths do our conscripts sometimes refuse to go to in order to avoid the army.

Method No. 3

The conscript sits in the neurologist’s office and says:

- It’s all Santa Claus’s fault, he mixed everything up. Fifteen years ago I asked him to give me a New Year military uniform. And just now I received it.

Psychiatrist At this time he writes something. Then he asks

— Do you have mental disorders?

Conscript: (scared) - N-no.

The psychiatrist jumps up sharply and, leaning towards the conscript, shouts:

- What if I find it!!!

Leading: And these are not all the options that our agency is ready to offer to everyone...

(All the conscripts enter and push the presenter off the stage by the collar. The sign with the inscription is thrown out after him)

About the beloved army
Knows old and young.
And she's invincible
Today everyone is happy.

There are soldiers in the army
Tankers, sailors
All the strong guys
They are not afraid of enemies!

And we are ready to serve too,
Become defenders of the country.
Day and night my native land
Protecting from war!

Sketch for February 23 at the “Three Heroes” school

In a glorious city...
Once upon a time we lived, we didn’t grieve
Three heroes.
Every kid here knows them,
He knows, you and I know.

(three heroes come on stage

Ilya Muromets:

Yes, life is good now
Agree with me, Alyosha.
There is peace and grace in the world,
Our army is resting.

Alesha Popovich:

Our strength is with us,
Brave little friend.
Just let the enemy poke his nose in
Let's show him what and how!


So that people sleep sweetly,
We will guard the world
Stand by day and stand by night,
Let there be grace in the country.

Ilya Muromets:

Rus' has always been strong
Impregnable like a wall!
Proud of his army
Our strong country.

Alesha Popovich:

Our swords are ready
We’ll lie down for Rus', they’ll just say.


Ilya Muromets:

And for the young boys
Our parting instructions.
You must serve in the army
This is your duty, not an order!

Sketch for February 23rd for schoolchildren

Princess 1: Oh, and boring! Nothing interesting, nothing to do at all.

Princess 2: Well, let's come up with something like that!

3 princess: For example?

Princess 2: For example, let’s declare war on someone.

Princess 1: Oh, I beg you! War is not in fashion now!

Princess 2: Maybe we can find some grooms for ourselves?

Princess 1: Interesting, where are you going to look for them?

Princess 3: I don’t need just any groom. I want strong, strong, smart, worthy!

Princess 1: Yes, and I wouldn’t refuse such a thing, if they exist at all.

Princess 2: Look around! Look how many of them got divorced, suitors! Will we really not be able to find anyone worthy in our kingdom?

Princess 1: I propose to arrange a competition between the stronger sex. Let's test their strength and dexterity, ingenuity and erudition. We will choose the best as grooms.

Princess 2: Let's go! Herald! ( A herald enters with a scroll. One of the princesses says something to him quietly, he pretends to write it down. After this, he goes to the middle of the stage, unrolls the scroll and reads loudly):

Listen! Listen!
And don't say you didn't hear!
The entire male population needs
Appear at the royal palace
To participate in competitions!
The winner will receive a worthy prize and a royal dinner!

(After this announcement, the participating guys go up to the stage.)

Humorous skit on February 23 for schoolchildren “Recruits”

(Part of the profit included recruits. The ensign lined everyone up)

Ensign: Yes, youngster! Come on, hurry up and line up! Stop talking! Look up to me! Attention! Leave it alone! Be equal! Attention!

(While the ensign is talking, he constantly walks along the line. Finally he stops near one of the recruits)

Ensign: Explain to me, soldier. Why did you join the army?

Soldier: I want to defend my Motherland.

Ensigns K: Right, what else?

Soldier: Service will make me strong and strong!

Ensign: You're right.

Soldier: And in general, no one asked my consent!

(The ensign frowns and moves away from the soldier, stopping in front of the line)

Ensign: Well, let's get acquainted! Ivanov!

Ensign: Petrov!

Ensign: Sidorov!

Prapor: What are you, brothers?

- No way, namesakes!

Private 1: Smirnov. Education: eighth grade.

Private 2: Zaitsev, secondary special education.

Private 3: Novikov, Moscow State University.

Ensign: What? What?

Private 3: MSU...

Ensign: Why are you all mooing there? Do you even know how to write?

Private 3: (shrugs) I can...

Ensign: Which of you knows how to cook, step forward!

(one soldier steps forward)

Ensign: - You will be a cook! Have you ever had to cook in large cauldrons?

Ensign: And what did you cook?

- Asphalt!

Ensign continues moving along the line.

Ensign: Why is the belt loose? What are you, Rambaud, or what? And you, private, why are you spinning around like a fly on a moped?

(Stops near another recruit)

Ensign: What's wrong with your hand?

Private: And this blood was taken from a finger.

Ensign: Why is your arm in a cast?

Private: But I didn’t give...

A latecomer runs in.

Ensign: Where have you been?

Private. In the toilet.

Ensign: You should also go to the theater! Now remember: at the command “Stand!” everyone must immediately take their place in the ranks. Most of all I dislike late people!

Sidorov: Is there really such a word?

Ensign: I see, comrade soldier, you are too smart!

Sidorov: Who am I?

Ensign: Well, isn't it me?! Consider that I don't like late people!

(Ensignstops in front of one of the recruits who is missing an arm)

Ensign: How about you?! Where did you lose your hand?

Soldier: They tore it off... when they dragged it here...

Where should the headdress be worn? On the head. Otherwise, you can get meningitis. Meningitis is a very terrible disease. After it they either die or become fools. My brother and I were sick: my brother died, and I was lucky.

Private: Comrade warrant officer, can I ask...

Ensign (interrupts): Well, why bother! Then ask. And now, Rota! Left! Step-march! One, two! (everyone leaves the stage to the sound of a march)

Sketch for February 23 for preschool children

Small nursery rhymes about dad.

My dad is the best
He is kind, a little strict.
Works as a driver
Traveled all the roads.


Not true, best dad
Of course I have!
He is affectionate and nice
He gave me a horse!


My dad is not a driver
He catches bandits at night.
My dad is a policeman
He is very, very brave!


And mine comes in the evening,
He hugs me.
My dad is the best
He reads fairy tales to me.

My dad is the best!
He is a doctor, he heals people.
Playing games with me
Spends the whole evening!


Without a doubt
My dad is the best.
He makes his own jam,
He gives flowers to my mother and me!


My dad is the best in the world
He is smart, the most honest.
My dad is a hero to me
And there is no more wonderful one!

Today is an important occasion
And there is an opportunity
Tell you, you are daddy

Together: The best in the world!

In addition to the hackneyed traditional congratulations and gifts, as a surprise or an unusual eyeliner under competitive program Theatrical performances come in handy. These scenes will fit perfectly into any holiday scenario on February 23rd.

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The number of listeners is limited! Hurry up to register.

Victory Day celebrations are held annually in all schools in the city. Students draw their own scenery, find costumes and prepare songs. A school skit on a military theme will develop a patriotic spirit in boys and girls and allow them to show their acting talent. The event is designed to be held in an assembly hall with modern equipment.

Sketch “What do you know about war?”

Three students from different grades line up in a row: third, seventh and eleventh. The purpose of this miniature skit on a military theme is to show how similar and different ideas about war are among children of different ages.

Third grader: War is when soldiers go to the front - many - tens, hundreds, thousands. They are fighting for the freedom of my brothers and sisters. Mothers sew warm clothes for the soldiers, older girls prepare food, boys prepare shells and machine guns. This is all then sent to the front. War is always bad, but our country always wins!

Seventh grader: War is when the forces of the entire Soviet state are concentrated on the battlefield, when all people become brothers and sisters and strive for a common goal - to defeat a common enemy.

Eleventh grader: War is a thoughtless, treacherous event orchestrated by rich, powerful people for their own benefit. That was the government fascist Germany, who through the enslavement of the USSR wanted to enslave the whole world.

(This skit on a military theme is accompanied by illustrations of battles on

An eternal flame made of paper is a necessary attribute of the event

It cannot do without the main element, which is a symbol of the memory of deceased soldiers. is located in the squares of most Russian cities, and at events of this kind its presence is simply necessary. Children can easily make this attribute on their own, and it will be safe. To make an eternal flame you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Star template.
  2. Foil cardboard.
  3. Red paper napkins.
  4. Scissors, glue.

You need to trace the star template and cut it out. Glue golden foil cardboard on top or then bend it along the lines and give it a voluminous, stable shape. In the center of the star you need to make a small hole and thread an eternal flame made from red napkins into it. Secure the resulting structure with a toothpick.

Sentimental production “Farewell to Mother”

A slide with a slowly burning candle turns on. Two women take the stage: a daughter and a mother. and the names may be changed, but the idea remains the same.

Do you remember, mother, when the alarm was announced to us - the famous voice of Levitan did not want to share with us, citizens Soviet Union, joy; didn't announce the start graduation ceremonies at school... Then, on June 22, we all learned from him about the worst thing we could expect - the start of the war. I love you, mother, more than anyone in the world: you are the only one left for me, my dear, my little blood. But know that I cannot forgive daddy’s death, and with all my feminine hatred I will go against the enemy, and nothing will stop me! (raises his hand proudly).

Are you the only one, daughter, who can stop our fierce enemy? Will you be able to find the one because of whom you and I were left alone in the whole wide world, my little blood? Don’t leave your dear mother, stay with us in the village! (hurries to hug her daughter, wiping away the tears).

Yes, if everyone thought like you, mother, there would be no one on the battlefield, the Germans would exterminate every single one! But I will go, mother, at any cost I will go and join my fighting friends! (bows at his mother’s feet, crosses himself, kisses his mother and silently leaves).

So Nina Timofeevna Gnilitskaya, a hero of the Soviet Union, went into battle, saying goodbye to her mother forever.

(The burning candle on the slide goes out. The skit on a military theme ends with a minute of silence. An enlarged image of Nina Timofeevna Gnilitskaya appears).

KVN on a military theme

Several people take turns going on stage with short remarks. Mini-KVN will allow teachers and parents present in the assembly hall to relax; this is a much better solution than staging a skit on a military theme. Funny stories are based on both fiction and facts from the lives of soldiers.

1. - Why don’t girls stay in the army for a long time?

Because the old-timer is called “grandfather,” and the fair sex would never want to be called that.

2. A soldier who ate an entire can of stew under the blanket alone during curfew can commit any crime.

With your diagnosis, comrade, it will be especially convenient for you to shoot from around the corner!

4. - Why did you join the army? Didn't get into university? Do you want to defend your homeland from enemies? Or the hunt to find real comrades?

No no no! Nobody asked my consent!

5. -Three thousand and thirty, break down!

Comrade Major, my last name is Zozo!

A short skit on a military theme “The Irreplaceable Fighter”

In the army, the best character traits of a man are laid - endurance, honesty and unquestioning fulfillment of one's duty. This skit on a military theme will demonstrate the situation that can arise with a soldier on guard duty. The task is not to leave your place under any circumstances.

The general approaches the guard and asks:

What time is it, soldier?

Half past two, Comrade General!

And your colleagues have been sleeping for a long time, soldier! Don't you really want to?

No way, Comrade General!

You go and rest, I’m still waiting for the company commander, I’ll stand guard - no one will get into the warehouse.

I have no right to violate the order given by my comrade major, comrade general!

Leave it alone! Disobedience is punishable by your demobilization!

The major approaches and inquires about the situation that occurred on guard, to which the general replies:

An irreplaceable fighter! Under no circumstances did he retreat from guard duty! On my orders, I grant you three days off!

Mini-scene on a military theme “Cunning Shooter”

The production takes place among natural scenery. Military exercises are taking place in the field. The general approaches the target, the center of which is riddled with several bullets, and asks the captain:

Fyodor Ilyich, tell me, whose target is this?

Corporal Sokolov, comrade general!

Good shooter. On my behalf, I order him to be transferred from the infantry to the sniper platoon!

Comrade General, Sokolov will not suit you!

Leave your objections aside! Why won't it work?

So he shoots first, and then draws a target...

Conclusion of the event

After viewing all the performances presented by the children, the administration has the right to note which skit on a military theme was the best and reward its participants. The school choir comes out and performs patriotic songs, and children with musical education play along with the soundtrack on musical instruments. Next, war veterans - the students’ great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers - are invited to the stage and are presented with bouquets of flowers and memorable gifts.