The wife is a bitch - is that good or bad? How to live with a bitch and why she became like this

My wife is a bitch

Difficulties in relationships

My wife is a bitch

There are a huge number of films, articles and opinions about women whom men, with delight and regret in their voices, call bitches. And often such women are presented as confident, willful, chic and passionate tigresses who, without the slightest remorse, achieve their goals, and men fall at their feet.

So, this is an obvious lie that has nothing to do with reality. Women by nature are homemakers who value their family and seek stability. A woman’s embittered, irritable and impetuous behavior does not indicate her strength and confidence, but the absence of a man nearby who would offer her family happiness and confidence in the future.

These women have to become strong to compensate for the support they lack from men. But this is a deception, because in fact women are weak and defenseless. They need a man next to them who will support their endeavors and calm them down in difficult moments. And there's nothing good about being a bitch.

Is my wife a bitch?

This is a rhetorical question that worries every man after a quarrel or an angry response from his wife. If you have asked yourself this question more than once: “Is my wife a crazy bitch?”, most likely it is so.

Most men believe that bitches insidiously make them feel insecure. Such women have a personality type that cannot be influenced by any influence. And any decision of the husband is questioned and almost never accepted.

Men who find themselves in such relationships experience stress, depression and anxiety. Nobody wants to live with a girl who vents her anger and emotions - it's quite humiliating and insulting. Many men cannot stand this attitude and leave their families. And this, unfortunately, is not a one-time incident.

How to live with a bitch

When your wife swears and snaps at you, this is not a reason to run away to your friends, who will reassure you that you are not the only one living with such a harmful, capricious and selfish woman. Yes, it will become easier for you, but it will not solve your problem, much less strengthen your relationship.

Bitches are not born. A woman cannot wake up and attack you one day. This accumulates under the influence of insults, your misunderstanding, ignorance and insults. Remember: You are a man, and only you can keep everything under control. If you allow a woman to solve all your problems, then she automatically begins to command. And unlike men, women do not know when to stop.

A little tenderness and affection. Signs of attention and respect can keep even the most passionate woman in check. Talk about her affairs, find out how she is doing. Show that you care about her feelings. Tell her that she is a good lover, and you don’t need anyone but her. In general, do whatever your woman loves. Believe me, a happy and joyful woman will never raise her voice at her man. She will allow him anything, as long as he remains as attentive and gentle towards her.

Understanding is the key to the heart of any bitch. A woman wants to see herself, not as “sex”, “mother” and “food stamp”, but as a person who is listened to, understood and loved. Respect her and her opinion. Remember: a woman wants nothing more than to see the man who loved her before fall in love with her again. And it’s not so difficult for you to start treating her kindly.

Be kinder. Sometimes we can't keep our love because we can't be good friend to friend. And this opens the way to anger, sadness and suffering. So the next time your wife makes a mistake: hug her and tell her it's okay. She will be grateful to you.

Conclusion. If you begin to understand, love and respect your wife, then soon she will stop being a bitch. She will become the girl you took as your wife. Therefore, take the time to look for solutions within yourself and your own wife.

This will help:

How to Improve Relationships: The Ultimate Guide


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Imagine that you woke up early in the morning and your woman has already prepared breakfast for you. Joy is visible in her eyes, she is happy that she lives with the best man in the world. She is ready to listen to all your stories, she is ready to support you in any situation. She knows that a man needs to relax, she is ready to give you her tenderness and love. This is what your relationship can be if you are strong. We can teach you this!

Short description

Every relationship sooner or later reaches a dead end when only one option is visible - to break up. And it depends only on the man’s competent actions whether he can maintain the relationship, or whether he will have to let his woman go. The problem with many men is that they do not know how to behave in order for a woman to be satisfied with them. And in this book we will teach men how to behave so that relationships never deteriorate.

The situation when a woman has completely lost respect for her man seems no less difficult. No understanding, no sympathy, no sex and affection. There are only reproaches and complaints that she got involved with a loser who is worth nothing.

Many may think that all women behave this way. That such behavior cannot be avoided after being married for 5-10 years, but this is not true! It all depends on the man’s position: how he will place himself in a relationship and how he will behave with a woman.
If a man can show his strength, a woman will begin to respect, appreciate and love him. And this is the main path to a stable and happy relationship. And every man can achieve this, despite his appearance, income level and physical fitness.

If you want to learn techniques that will help you take a leadership position in a relationship that will win back your wife's respect, you need this book. She will help you!

The woman is a bitch. She creates an ugly scandal over a minor issue and random witnesses think: someone is married to her... What if that someone is you? What to do if your wife is a bitch?

The wife is a bitch - a statement of fact

One meaning of the word bitch in the understanding of contemporaries is beautiful woman who knows how to teach herself the best side and enjoying the favor of men. Another version of a bitch is a wife who constantly nags and demands something from a man. Moreover, it also happens that both of these options are combined in one person. It is the second version of the bitch that we will talk about in this article. First, let's try to classify bitch wives.

  1. Hysterical bitch wife. She does not know how to come to an agreement, and tries to achieve her goals with shouts and reproaches, constantly “talking” in a raised voice, every now and then breaking into a scream. Finding a reason for hysteria is a matter of seconds for her; she always has a whole arsenal of reproaches against her husband in stock. One gets the impression that all he does all the time is ruin her life. And as soon as he starts to object, all his arguments drown under a pile of her “facts” and “evidence” of his guilt, interspersed with crying and stories about how unhappy she is. As a result, no matter what the husband does, no matter how much money he earns, the result will be the same - more and more claims and reproaches.

What's the opposite?

Strategy. You must determine the relationship between the “performance” and the disease.

In the case of 80-100% theatrical acting, it's just a way to get things done. Perhaps even effective. How to behave? As with a capricious child, prove that this method no longer works. Moreover, by acting this way, she only moves away from her goals. Well, at least with you.

If she really doesn't control herself - doctors call it a "hysterical personality disorder", well, she'll have to find a doctor.

How to define "performance"? Watch. Try doing something unexpected - perhaps breaking a plate in response to her screaming and watch closely. If her face, even for a moment, reflects just surprise, without a convulsive grimace, then this is theater. Bad Education, bad character, but not a disease. Be careful - think over your actions in advance, do not harm anyone, remove children and animals from this scene, keep a cool head, do not succumb to provocations.

Tactics. A) Show "performance" from the outside. Demonstrate how ugly the bitch is at such moments. It would be great to record it on a video camera; there are inexpensive surveillance cameras available for sale. But here many technical issues arise: for example, how to bring it under the camera lens. Therefore, the simplest thing is to record this hysteria on a voice recorder. Keep a small voice recorder in your pocket, press the button, behave yourself with dignity and don’t forget to turn it off. Then, when he calms down, let your bitch wife listen to the recordings. Perhaps a new explosion of emotions awaits you - be prepared (for example, have a second voice recorder in your pocket :)) As a rule, the game is worth the candle and the sobering effect of a voice recorder can be simply amazing. Don't rush to wash. If you do have to separate, the recordings may be useful to you in court when determining communication with children, to form a support group, and as a counterweight to blackmail. And don’t rush to post it on the Internet - the bitch will have nothing more to lose and the power of the recordings will be lost for you. And she will want to take revenge on you - and the best war, as you know, is not started.

b) Don't be a victim, don't act like a victim, don't feel like a victim.

c) “mirror” the bitchy behavior - but it only works once. The second one won’t work and you don’t want to turn into a bitch yourself, do you?

2. Bitter bitch wife. She is convinced that in order to manage her husband, she must constantly keep him on his toes with her criticism. At the same time, such a bitch wife cannot notice the line in time and stop, going beyond all limits of what is permitted. As a result, this criticism takes on an inherently monstrous form, turning into humiliation, ridicule and insults of the husband as an individual. No matter what successes her husband achieves, she will always show him “in his place” - she will show him how ridiculous and insignificant all his achievements are (for example, compared to the successes of other men), and he himself is an eternal loser. What could happen as a result? As in the famous proverb: “If you call someone a pig for a long time, over time he will grunt.” The man begins to believe that he really is a loser and gives up. Then the embittered bitch either leaves her husband or completely humiliates him in every way known to her, turning his life into a real hell.

Which of these options is “better”? Yes, none. Both can equally wear down a spouse to the point of complete psychological exhaustion. What to do if your wife is a bitch?

What to do if your wife is a bitch?

The first advice you hear is to get a divorce. This is the easiest thing to do, but how many families could be saved if some effort were made! After all, when we met, was there love? Why did she suddenly turn from a princess bride into a bitch wife? There must be some reasons?

Over the past month, the request “What should I do if my wife bitch? searched in the popular search engine 212,536 times! Are there really so many malicious violators of family comfort around? Where do bitches come from and whose fault is it? In psychology, a bitch is classified as a person with an abnormal hysterical personality, and one of her characteristic features- These are constant mood swings, which often lead to violent emotional breakdowns.

“Six months passed like a magical sleep. Barely feeling myself wife, my Juliet released the sting, I realized that I had contacted Satan,” says the famous song. Such a nature is a whole storm of passions, which pours out on the chosen one either as a rain of bright colors or as a bucket of slop. Her behavior is demonstrative in nature, everything is done with the expectation of the reaction of others. It is this quality that captivates men so much! And we are still surprised: what does the stronger sex find in such women? Judge for yourself: if a bitch loves, then to the point of madness, and in the most literal sense - she kisses, hugs, hangs on the neck when they meet, sits on her lap, tells everyone what an amazing man she has. Such an active manifestation of feelings makes me believe: she really loves me! But when the chosen one, for one reason or another, stops satisfying the bitch, she will immediately leave him and do it absolutely cold-bloodedly, or even cruelly, trying to humiliate him, and at the same time as compensation for “ best years your life” to take away what you have acquired through backbreaking labor.

Both strong and weak men end up in the network of bitches. However, the latter have a much greater chance of connecting their lives with such a madam. A man who is closed by nature is silent and does not know how to express his feelings violently: while experiencing strong emotions inside, outwardly he remains completely calm. Active, beautiful, bright woman-a bitch - his opposite - can once and for all take over a man’s heart. And even after parting, the unfortunate person will believe that everything is his own fault: insufficient family income, irresponsibility and lack of patience did not allow him to maintain those reverent romantic relationship that existed before the wedding!

Bitches are different...
- What is a bitch?
- This woman, who knows how to turn a man into a hybrid of a vibrator and an ATM... (Anecdote)
Bitches, often without even knowing it, are passionate only about themselves. They need other people only for self-realization; this is their unique environment of existence. Such women
They do everything for show because of their immaturity, they are flighty and simply incapable of becoming seriously attached and experiencing strong emotions. There are also those whose demonstrative behavior is explained by subtle calculations. An affair with an infantile bitch is short-lived, and this is the biggest tragedy that awaits a man in such a relationship: separation will occur as soon as a more promising option appears on the horizon. On the other hand, from these women You can expect very extraordinary actions. They are capable of taking a large dose of sleeping pills, cutting their veins, or promising to jump off the balcony if something goes against their will. Endless hysterics and eternal dissatisfaction with life may well be a consequence of the discrepancy between her expectations and reality. There is only one justification for such ladies: infantile bitches really believe that they love, and that they suffer, and that they are the center of the universe.

A completely different case is the calculating bitch. She knows her worth, but never speaks about it out loud, weighs every word, plans every action in advance. In pursuit of her own benefit, she plays a constant game with others, changing roles, which she always exactly corresponds to. For example, having set herself the goal of settling in the capital, she will systematically select men with living space, weeding out those who have unwanted relatives, and within a couple of months after the wedding she will try with all her might to get rid of her unloved spouse. At the same time, those around her will definitely find out how he did not appreciate her, cheated on her left and right, came home drunk, and once even tried to raise his hand against her! Well, prudent bitches know how to survive better than anyone else: they will constantly be in bad mood, will turn family life into hell, and will make a man doubt his own sexual abilities. Such ladies will savor and remember the slightest mistakes of their spouse at every opportunity.

For a calculating bitch, children are a way of manipulation, nothing more. They often become hostages family relations: the bitch is ready to force a child to choose between mother and father, just to annoy the latter.

Both types of bitches are practically devoid of maternal instinct; they treat children very superficially, using them for their own purposes. Working for the public, the bitch will feign strong affection for the baby, play with him, dress him up, showing off the baby to others. At the same time, she can easily go abroad, leaving her beloved child in the care of her parents, and when she arrives “on vacation”, drop in on the child only once to check if he is bored. However, such an attitude will not prevent a “loving mother” from telling friends and acquaintances at a party in a club how difficult it is to part with her children, how much she loves them and how difficult it is to live away from her own blood.

Sometimes we wonder: why among women-Are there so many bosses who are bitchy? In fact, there is nothing surprising here. By nature, bitches are very powerful, they love to subjugate those around them to their will: some - by the power of emotions, others - with the help of subtle calculations. Some even have sadistic tendencies: by causing pain to a loved one, they receive a kind of pleasure.

"The Imaginary Sick"
The whole world has turned gray
gray, gray,
Like a prison wall
After all, there’s a bitch nearby,
bitch, bitch,
And she's mine wife. (Yu. Loza)

Being married to a bitch is a test for even the strongest man. In addition to the personality traits described above, it is worth noting that bitches often suffer from so-called imaginary illnesses, which usually develop immediately after another quarrel, major trouble or violent grief. Hysterical neurosis can take on the most bizarre shapes: the bitch’s legs may give out, sometimes temporary deafness or blindness, suffocation, and endless coughing appear. Wherein woman Blames those around her for everything: it’s clear as daylight that these people simply brought her down! In fact, illnesses are caused only by the characteristics of a hysterical nature, and not by real changes in the patient’s body. Doctors call this phenomenon pseudo-disorders: bitches can be treated for years by various medical luminaries and not even suspect that in reality only one specialist is able to heal them - a psychiatrist.

The role of a bitch's husband is not easy, especially when you have to play it for a long time. After all, the main character trait of such a lady is her fickle nature. The only advice is to take off your rose-colored glasses and look at your beloved woman with a sober look. Usually the falsity becomes obvious a short time after the wedding. What makes a bitch show her true colors? First of all, the discrepancy between reality and expectations. Like a consumer, a bitch perceives family through the prism of pleasure - she dreams of improving her financial situation, raising social status, get rid of parental care and receive many other benefits. But actually young wife acquires only new responsibilities, responsibility, debts, the omnipresent male eye and the list goes on... Naturally, this infuriates her! And since the bitch does not know how to keep dissatisfaction within herself, everything ends up on the head of the main culprit of her misfortunes - her husband. Growing irritation and dissatisfaction gradually turns into quiet hatred. And now the bitch makes a decision: it’s time to get rid of her husband.

Bitches get married five or six times in their life. Even at sixty years old, they are unable to calm down, and shock relatives with statements like: “I finally found the man of my dreams. The wedding will take place at the central registry office on May 20!” Whether such a marriage will last long is anyone's guess. But the bitch will definitely add to the phrase “only death will separate us”: “Your death, dear.”

Is it possible to rehabilitate a bitch? The question is not easy. Theoretically, with timely contact with a specialist, and most importantly, if the patient herself wishes, certain negative character traits can be corrected. If the bitch has already threatened or attempted suicide, a visit to a psychiatrist is vital. Firstly, because, even without really wanting to harm herself, a bitch can still overdo it with sleeping pills in the heat of the game - or one day the ambulance will arrive too late... And secondly, do not forget: if one day such a madam managed manipulate your behavior with threats, this will become her favorite means in the future.

This is not about me, dear!
Perhaps every woman is endowed with certain traits of a bitchy nature. woman. To maintain peace and tranquility in the house, ladies need to follow simple rules:
>> be attentive to the requests of your loved one - this will make him attentive to you;
>> be careful if a man is angry. Try to speak quietly, not grumble over trifles and not be overly openly happy;
>> keep his secrets, not telling even his closest people about his personal life;
>> always be on his side, do not compare him with friends and especially enemies;
>> do not expect the impossible from him, because it is well known what is in his power, and what it makes no sense to demand;
>> it is always enough to provide him with two things - delicious food And healthy sleep;
>> be careful with his money - don't hide your expenses and don't ask for more than he can give. To follow or not to follow the given advice, each woman decides for herself. But, trying to fully meet the expectations of your lover, do not forget that the request “What should I do if my husband is a goat?” over the past month was found in the search engine 262,307 times!

Good afternoon, dear men! Have you met a wonderful woman, fell in love with her, got married, and she turned out to be an unbearable tyrant? Let's try to figure out how to live with a bitch. Is your missus really a bitch or is she a confident and independent woman? What can influence this behavior of the wife and how to fix it.

Find the differences

Men often confuse a confident young lady with a bitch. Let's immediately try to figure out who is who.

The main signs of a bitch are selfishness, obsession with one's desires, inattention to others, consumerism, rudeness and harshness.

A confident young lady goes through a stage of enlightenment and abandons all the above-described qualities. She perfectly understands the boundaries of every person. Which may seem selfish. She will confidently defend her freedom and rights, but she will not poke her nose into someone else’s life. She understands perfectly where each person’s personal space is.

A bitch easily violates these boundaries and does not respect your space. For her, the main thing is that only she feels good.

A self-sufficient woman does not achieve her goals at the expense of others. She knows her strengths and weaknesses and is not afraid to ask for help. She makes plans and understands what she needs to achieve her goal. The bitch easily goes over the heads, does not worry about the feelings of others and does not consider it important that everyone wins.

A confident girl does not resort to manipulation. She knows how to competently justify her position and easily agree if she is wrong. A bitch is never wrong, her opinion is an immutable rule. If you doubt the words of such a woman, she will take it as a personal insult.

To better understand family life I suggest you read the article "".

A person cannot be changed

If your spouse turns out to be a terrible bitch, then most likely you will not be able to change her on your own. A person gets used to his behavior, builds a certain line for a long time, accepts or refuses any values. All this has been building over the years.

Is it possible to influence a bitchy woman? One option is a calm and honest conversation. But most often it is extremely difficult to come to an agreement with such people. After all, they don’t hear anything except their own opinion.

Another option is to see a psychologist. When there is a third party, communication always goes more calmly. The specialist will listen to each side, help you understand each other, and tell you both how to act.

If you feel constant pressure from your spouse and don’t know how to talk to her, then there is an article “” especially for you. Remember that every conversation should be calm, without insults or raised voice. Screams and accusations do not lead to anything good, but only make the situation worse.

Woman next to the strong and a confident man begins to become softer, kinder, gentler and more affectionate. She feels safe and therefore easily gives herself over to other concerns: home, comfort, dinner, and so on.

If you are thinking about going left, then first read the article “”. There are many ways to change the situation without resorting to such options. Cheating will not strengthen your marriage, and if this matter comes to light, it can also ruin it. Think carefully.

Under no circumstances should you repay your spouse in the same coin. If she doesn’t take your opinion into account, don’t do the opposite or against her will to spite her. This will only worsen the situation and lead to new conflicts.

Sometimes spouses need an honest and open conversation. When both are ready to listen and work on themselves. After all, there is nothing more important in a relationship than the willingness to change yourself and be prepared for difficulties. Love works wonders. I have witnessed such incredible stories When the womanizing husband became the most faithful and loving, the tyrant wife turned into the kindest and most gentle woman.

Everything depends on you. If you are ready, feel strong, know that you will succeed, then you will definitely succeed. Near loving man every woman blossoms and becomes beautiful. Remember this.

Love your family and be happy!

Guest Author: Pedro Alvares

Many men, probably, like the character in one parable, wondered why their wives were bitches, because they married a completely peaceful and balanced girl.

However, a woman’s bitchiness should not be confused with hysteria.

Decent bitches never stoop to hysterics and breaking dishes. It's more likely wayward, freedom-loving ladies, are somewhat obsessed with controlling their environment.

Despite their somewhat quarrelsome nature, men rarely show a desire to part with such individuals. It was about them that Hemingway wrote “... people with whom it is difficult, but without them it is even more difficult...”

And yet, what is the reason for this behavior of some women? Contrary to the claims of some researchers of human behavior and heredity, who claim that some special hormone of bitchiness is to blame, this is not the case.

Bitches are not born, they become

And it is impossible, fortunately or unfortunately, to pass on this “gift” by inheritance.

Usually It is men who turn simple and sweet girls into bitches. A little less often it is a matter of upbringing in the family.

But, dear men, if you started dating a kind and meek young lady, and after marriage (most likely not immediately) some unpleasant metamorphoses occurred to her, think about your behavior - most likely, this is a response.

Reaction to what?

Most often this is a reaction to male indifference. Remember how many times it happened that you were late at work and forgot to inform her, went for a walk with friends, forgetting about her and leaving her at home alone with a bunch of household chores (for some reason, men think that women are bothered by cleaning, washing, ironing and cooking)…

And every time she humbly waited for you home with a warm, delicious dinner and open arms. What about endless unanswered calls?

Of course, there is a share of women who meekly accept such a fate. But at the same time, there are ladies who, in the end, get tired of the constant routine and waiting for you from work and get-togethers with friends.

  • Some turn into hysterics, and then men, instead of a warm dinner at home, are more often faced with scandals and showdowns.
  • And others suddenly realize that they are above all this and deserve more.

And then the transition period begins - she becomes colder, more selfish, does not forgive insults, does not forget ungiven flowers.

When you come home, you will not find her either in the kitchen or in the bedroom. The fear will begin to creep into your soul that everything is over and she has left you. But later in the evening she will return, and it will turn out that she has developed her own interests, which she does not consider necessary to initiate you into.

Women are not born bitches, but become them because of their husbands.


In fact, the reason for such metamorphoses is a desperate desire to regain your attention. But often by the time men realize the scale of what has happened, women are too carried away by the new lifestyle.

Having felt the taste of a new life, where she succeeds at work, has a bottle of branded perfume and a gym membership in her purse, and is accompanied by greedy glances from men on the streets, she is unlikely to want to return to pots and pans.

Usually, novice bitches are still attached to their man, although they do not openly demonstrate it.

Therefore, the sooner a man notices strange changes in his wife’s behavior, the greater his chances of saving the situation. The more a woman becomes interested in her new successful life, the more she strives to improve her level.

And if she understands that her husband does not suit her and is not able to provide the necessary minimum, she will find herself someone who is up to the task.

Work on yourself. Let her know that you deserve to be with her. Woo your missus, give her the opportunity to feel desired again, give flowers and small (or large) gifts on holidays and on weekdays, give her compliments. Bring romance back into your life.

Not every man is capable of this. But the one who dares will find the greatest treasure - a wife who not only knows her worth, but also constantly strives for excellence, and thereby motivates her man.

If you achieve a bitch, you will be able to conquer any heights in life!

If a man can restore the relationship, he will receive a real treasure - a wife who knows her worth.