What is growing up an example from life. Composition: The problem of moral maturation of a person under the influence of extreme circumstances

Each person has his own starting point, and a person determines this point himself, or rather, he realizes that he has begun to relate to life consciously. Perhaps this is the moment. We have not yet acquired a holistic worldview of an adult, and I think that we have not yet taken place as individuals. Parents, school, society have a huge influence on us. All these skills we acquire from the outside. Some things we accept, some we don't. Many things affect our children's perception of life: bright events, interesting people, favorite books. All this makes us stop, think, and sometimes make an independent choice. At some point you will have to choose. You must be responsible for your actions, thoughts, feelings, and maybe for the life of another person, life will require a person to be ready to interact with others. I think: “What helped my growing up?”. After all, it was not invented by us that the word has power over people. A casually thrown word can leave an indelible mark on the soul. And the artistic word has the ability to deeply influence the mind and soul, evokes an emotional response in the reader. Books have a strong influence on our perception of the world, they educate us. After all, even in ordinary life all people use the knowledge gained in the process of reading. The book shows us how to apply certain knowledge in real life on the example of heroes. Let us turn to the works, the meeting with which for me did not go unnoticed. The first book that changed my worldview is "Crime and Punishment" by F. Dostoevsky. The heroine of the work is Sonya Marmeladova. Among poverty and depravity, wretchedness, Sonya's soul remained pure. Sonya herself is still a child: "very young, like a girl, with a modest and decent manner, with a clear, but frightened face." She managed to take care of her father, mother, children and Rodion Raskolnikov. She is trying to save their souls. She never condemned anyone, she lived according to the laws of love, she is convinced that if a crime is committed, one must repent before herself, before people. She does not look down on anyone, treats all people with respect, who reciprocated her. The image of Sonya Marmeladova is necessary for the author to create a moral counterweight for Rodion Raskolnikov. S. Marmeladova is one of the most important characters in the book. Without her life ideals, Raskolnikov's path could only end in suicide. Sonya M.'s life leads to repentance and purification. Thanks to this “continuation of the path”, the writer managed to create a holistic, logically completed world of his great novel. The second book that influenced my worldview is War and Peace. Namely main character novel - the era of Maria Bolkonskaya, became for me the ideal of a woman, the purity of her soul. M. Bolkonskaya is not distinguished by beauty. He is very afraid of his father, the old prince Bolkonsky. She has a "sad" frightened expression, which rarely left her and made her ugly face "sickly face more ugly." Only one feature shows beauty: "her eyes, large, deep, radiant." Marya devoted her life to her father, being his support and support. A very deep connection with the family, namely with the father and brother. Mary possessed great inner spiritual strength. After the death of his father, he leaves Bogucharov. The estate is skillfully managed without men. At the end of the novel, she marries a loved one and becomes a happy wife and mother. Two heroines of the work, two literary images that shook my inner world. My growing up was accompanied by reflections on them. These images teach that a person can forget about himself in order to help those who need support, and at the same time be happy. The books “Crime and Punishment” by F. M. Dostoevsky and “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy made me grow up and realize that the most important thing in life is helping others.

In my understanding, growing up is a change in moral values, taking responsibility not only for oneself, but also for other people. With maturity, a person begins to analyze his own and other people's actions, to draw any conclusions.

In the story of V.G. Rasputin main character was able to show his independence, which comes with growing up. Sasha was left alone at home. During the week, the boy ran the household and took care of himself without anyone's help: he went to the store, cooked his own food and worked at home.

A similar story happened in my life. Once my parents had to go away for the day and leave me and my little brother alone at home. Fortunately, I already had experience in caring for children, so the most difficult task was the realization that I was responsible for both myself and my brother. However, the day passed very quickly, and upon arrival, the parents were glad to see that their children were safe and sound.

As a result, I come to the conclusion that, growing up, people reconsider their views on the world, they perceive their environment in a different way. It is wisdom that comes to a person with age.

Updated: 2017-09-11

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What is growing up? When the height gets bigger, the milk teeth fall out, and the clothing size is almost like dad's? How to understand that you have matured?

Being an adult means being independent and being able to be responsible for your actions, being able to protect not only yourself, but also your loved ones. Many people want to grow up faster, but not me. It seems to me that it will be very difficult to give up ball games in the yard with the neighbor's children, from going to school with dad, from childish pranks that you are always forgiven because you are still small.

Growing up has its perks. No need to go to school, do homework, help mom wash the dishes, be afraid to get your pants dirty or linger on the street. But adults need to earn money and be able to manage it. You have to pay the rent, buy groceries, cook, help the kids with their homework, manage household chores.

Is it hard being an adult? On the one hand, it's easy. After all, all the most difficult stages of life have already been passed, the main mistakes have been made, behind you there is experience, realized dreams. But on the other hand, an adult has a great responsibility. As a child, you are responsible only for yourself, but as an adult, you must become a reliable person for someone else.

I feel like I'm growing up when I share the latest candy with my mother, help her sweep the floor, not because she asked, but because I understand how tired she is after a whole day at work. I feel like an adult when I give up a seat to an elderly person in transport, when I transport my grandmother across the road.

Growing up is an important period in the life of all people, but for each individual it means something different. For some, this is leaving the parental home and leaving for one's own bread, for some it is the opportunity to decide for oneself what to do, and someone even thinks that being an adult is reaching adulthood.

For me, growing up means independence, the ability to help free of charge, to share something important, to be educated. This means being able to keep other people's secrets, not complaining about your problems, believing in yourself and only moving forward. I want every person during their growing up to learn to be a real adult.

Essay What is Growing Up

The word “growing up” scares some people, attracts some people, or causes a neutral attitude. Such reactions are caused by certain stereotypes, conjectures, or certain facts. For girls, this is the appearance of new wrinkles and an increasingly less attractive appearance, and for men - the fear of becoming old-fashioned in tastes and visions of the world. Each of us has that fear, only for some it is more suppressed, while for others it is expressive.

There is an opinion that there is a certain period of the most "juicy and bright" in a person's life. Age from 18 to 23-25, the time when young people allow themselves to try and experience everything, there is no place for fear and inaction. These few years are the most memorable and allow a person to understand what he really wants and what kind of happy or not way he should become.

After 25 years, the time begins when a person's worldview expands significantly. The time has come for decisive action. It is this period that can be called “growing up”. At this age, a person begins to think about his family and its future. “How to take place in life?”, “How to provide for a family and make it so that it does not need anything?”, And much more.

Growing up is a period when, at a subconscious level, we begin to understand the meaning and functioning of life. We are aware of many things and rethink them. On a psychological level, this period is sometimes characterized by depression or as they like to say "mid-life crisis". But you shouldn’t take everything like that, you need to remember that it is thanks to growing up that our dreams and plans are realized, and our goals are getting closer and closer.

And we can only dream of growing up only morally, but physically remaining all the same young and full of strength to conquer new heights.

Option 3

Growing up is a change that will happen to every person, a person is aware of his role in society. There are those who have matured at a very early age, and there are those who are already over forty or fifty years old, but do not want to grow up, perhaps this is the influence of parents who blow dust off their children. However, when people have a family, children, you already have to grow up.

Growing up requires new skills every day. For example, resolve a conflict, prepare documents, negotiate with someone, and so on. All this we will need in adulthood.

If a person is thirty years old, this does not mean that he is an adult, mature. It is important to see if he takes responsibility for his actions. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to solve your own problems and not rely on others, this is how growing up begins.

The environment is the most important factor in the period of growing up a person. For example, if a child is ten years old, this also does not mean that he cannot be an adult. Children who grow up in large families or without parents are considered older than their peers. Because they get used to looking after their younger brothers and sisters. Children without parents have to earn money for food, in these moments they learn adulthood.

With the advent of children, a person learns to be responsible not only for himself, but also for others. This is also very important in growing up. Growing up is influenced not only by ourselves, but also by our parents, our environment.

The comfort zone is the factor that affects the time of our growing up. Since the sooner we leave it, the sooner we will become adults.

It is necessary to grow up gradually, but constantly, overcoming laziness and fear every day. But if you shift your problems onto others, then at one moment everything will fall on your head, and you will have to grow up at one moment, which is very painful.

Of course, there will be difficulties ahead of each person. independent living, but to be ready for them, you need to prepare from now on. Being under someone's constant care, a person is unlikely to grow up.

What do you understand by the word growing up?

Grade 9 OGE 15.3

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Growing up is a natural change that happens to everyone sooner or later. Now this question is especially relevant for us, older students. Therefore, one often hears such phrases from parents or teachers: “Now you have already become quite adults”; “Solve this question yourself, you are already an adult” or “It’s time for you to grow up already, otherwise you are behaving just like a child.” But what lies behind these words?

I think that the adulthood of a person is determined not so much by his age, but by the ability to take responsibility for his actions. Therefore, it is very important to stop relying on others to solve your problems and do it yourself.

The period of entry into adulthood occurs at different times for everyone. For someone, it begins with entering an institute and moving to another city or to a rented apartment. Someone can grow up even earlier if, for example, he grows up in large family and he has to fulfill part of the duties of a mother and look after his younger brothers or sisters. Well, someone can stay in the state of a child for a long time, especially if others encourage such behavior.

It seems to me that important periods of growing up are also getting a job and having children. In the first case, a person gets the opportunity to independently satisfy his needs, which is very important. And in the second, he learns to be responsible not only for himself, but also for someone else.

Of course, no matter what parents and teachers say, it is still very difficult to call us real adults, since the difficulties of an independent life are just ahead of us. But in order to face all these trials with honor, not to run away from problems and not to give up when any difficulties arise, we must begin preparations now. And in this our senior mentors are, of course, right.

The word "grow up" according to Ozhegov's dictionary means to become an adult, more mature. So that it doesn’t turn out that “butter is oily”, let's look at the meaning of the word “adult”. An adult is a person who has reached adulthood. According to the laws of Russia, mature age, that is, the age of majority, begins at the age of 18. When a person turns 18, they are considered an adult. But in this case, it is defined by the document. The person in this case has become an adult physically and legally. But becoming an adult and growing up are two different things.

Remembering the numerous read works of the classics and not only, we understand that many of their heroes have matured much earlier than their majority. It doesn't just happen in books, it happens in real life too. A person matures when he finds himself in a particular situation. The growth of a person depends on the circumstances in which he finds himself.

Let's start with real life examples. Young men, after graduating from school, go to college. Among those who completed their studies at school, there is also a part who go to serve in the army. Many of us probably noticed that after the army the guys return already different. We notice that they have become more mature, more serious, more responsible. Many of them after the army took up their minds.

Or, for example, another example, not very joyful - death loved one. This loss has a profound effect on the individual. For example, if after the loss of a loved one, the bereaved person is responsible for someone's future life (for example, a younger sister or brother). In such a situation, a person comes to understand that all responsibility now lies with him, and he is responsible for everything. He changes his way of life, adjusts it to new circumstances and his responsibility. In a word, it grows in consciousness.

Now I will give examples from the literature. On the theme of growing up, the author L. Leonov wrote his work “Russian Forest”. The hero of his novel is a brave man, a soldier Roman. He does not know the fear of the battles in which he will have to participate. A bouquet given by a little girl helped him to realize all his responsibility and the seriousness of life. It so happened that this girl remained with the enemies. The work shows that the most insignificant events of his life can affect the growing up of a person.

The next example is the work of Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace". It describes the growing up of one of his heroes, Petya Rostov. The circumstances of his life were such that he went to war very young. But, despite his youth, he did not let anyone down, but rather gained strength of mind.

From all that has been written, the following conclusion can be drawn. Events and experiences that can play a decisive role in the process of growing up a person can be very diverse. But the main factors influencing this are always the circumstances in which a person finds himself and the responsibility that falls on his shoulders.