Does love always make a person happy? Based on Ostrovsky's drama The Thunderstorm (School essays) And other approximate topics.

In literature, we were assigned an essay on the work of Groz Ostrovsky for grade 10. Ostrovsky's thunderstorm, and the dark kingdom that has become symbolic, was written in 1859. The author's work takes us to the days before the peasant reforms.

Essay on the theme of Ostrovsky's Thunderstorm

We need to write based on Ostrovsky’s play, and I’ll start with the fact that at the very beginning we are transported into a cruel and terrible world. Reading the work you understand how much we happy people, because it becomes very scary when you imagine that lack of freedom and suffocating atmosphere of the Dark Kingdom, where Dikoy could easily hit, and Kabanov was even worse. Her meaning in life is to once again intimidate or humiliate someone. In Ostrovsky's play we see a weak-willed creature in the person of Kabanova's son Tikhon. This is the fruit of Domostroy, when you need to obey your parents in everything and everywhere. We also see Boris, Dikiy’s nephew, who could not break out of the world of conventions. He could not act as his heart dictated, but he lives and acts as he should.

In the play The Thunderstorm there is also female images. So, we see the dashing Kabanova. In the story, there is also her daughter with a strong character, so she managed to dodge and be cynical.

One of the most bright images Ostrovsky's play The Thunderstorm is the image of Katerina. This is the only living character who can love. Katerina is a ray of light in the world where our heroes live. In this dark kingdom, where the heroine could not live, choosing death for herself.

If we talk about the title of the work, the meaning is ambiguous, and here I will note that the meaning of the title of the work depends on the characters themselves. So, because of her love for another, because of betrayal, Katerina has a storm raging in her soul. Kuligin sees in the thunderstorm the ignorance of people, which needs to be fought. For Tikhon, the thunderstorm is his mother, to whom he obeys. For Boris, a human thunderstorm appears, a human rumor that is worse than a natural phenomenon, so he runs away, leaving Katerina. But it is not all that bad. By calling his work The Thunderstorm, Ostrovsky showed us that changes were coming soon, because after every thunderstorm the sun comes out and it will definitely appear from behind the clouds this time too.

One of the highest feelings that a person can experience is love. She can make a person happy, give him hope and strength to live on. And there is probably no person in the world who would not be “inspired” by love, who would not feel high spirits. But does love always promise a person unlimited happiness?

This question has been asked by philosophers, scientists and writers of all times and peoples. And everyone had their own answer, more or less similar to the others. However, they agreed on only one thing - love can cause not only happiness, but also mental pain, suffering, and a tragic end. I also share this position.

Let's turn to the novel of the famous German writer I.V. Goethe "The Sorrows of Young Werther". In the story, a young man named Werther writes letters to his friend Wilhelm. In addition to describing his daily worries and thoughts that come to his mind, Werther increasingly mentions a certain girl, the daughter of the district commander, Lotte. She becomes...

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Love is a sacred feeling, deep affection or sympathy for another person. Even in past centuries, it was believed that love makes a person happy. And if it is not mutual, unrequited, then love can hurt to the very heart and even kill... Russian and foreign classics have written about this more than once.

Let us remember the story by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin “ Garnet bracelet", which glorifies the great feeling - love. The work ends very in a beautiful phrase, heard more than once in farewell letter of the hero in love: “Hallowed be Thy name!” Isn't this a glorification of love!? But I believe that the love described by the author is a disease, it is a misfortune, it is an obsession! And all because it is not mutual.

The hero of the story, telegraph operator Zheltkov, was in love with Countess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. How many letters with declarations of love he wrote to her! Admiringly, he idolized the princess! But Vera Nikolaevna did not appreciate the holy feelings that the official felt for her. Why should she...

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Love is a simple but unique feeling. “God is love,” says the Bible. This feeling determines a person’s entire life, fills it with meaning, makes it happy or unhappy. At all times, writers have made love an object of observation, description, research, and admiration. An excellent example of this is the Russian classic literature 19th century. Writers of the 20th century continued these traditions, introducing their own individual perception into the understanding of the feeling of love, sharing their vision of this problem. A.I. Kuprin created original works about love, which were included in the classics of Russian literature of the 20th century. This writer considered love to be the most important feeling in a person’s life, making him immensely happy and bringing him closer to God. One of the writer’s most famous and striking works on this topic is the story “The Garnet Bracelet.” It talks about the sacrificial feeling little man, who was very happy until his last days, because in his life there was the opportunity to love....

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We studied the works of Russian classics in literature lessons, and read them independently, for the needs of our souls. I would like to dwell on one of these works. This is Ostrovsky's drama "The Thunderstorm".
It interested me with its content, and the main character of the drama, Katerina, especially charmed and attracted my attention.
The development of the drama is built on the relationships between people. Showing the life of the heroes, their feelings and experiences, Ostrovsky especially highlighted, using the example of the main character, a feeling that lives forever and on which life is based - love.
“...Love is a beautiful dream that only a select few dream of,” wrote Shota Rustaveli. And speaking about Katerina, one cannot but agree with this statement.
Clean, tender love given only to people with a huge heart and a big soul. Love will come suddenly, creep up silently, swirl like a whirlwind, and there is no escape from it. A person forgets about everything bad, he immerses himself in his feeling, plunges into...

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An essay on the topic “Does love always make a person happy?” 2.50/5 (50.00%) 2 votes

So many books by famous authors are written specifically about sad love with a tragic ending that you involuntarily begin to wonder whether this feeling can make a person truly happy?
So, this issue can be considered using the example of the drama “The Thunderstorm,” which was written by Ostrovsky. main character of this work poor girl Katerina, who ultimately dies because of her unhappy love. At the same time, the author shows, using the example of this character, that life is based precisely on this eternal feeling, which only selected people can feel.
Only those people who have a huge heart are able to comprehend tender and at the same time pure love, which always comes spontaneously, when you absolutely do not expect it.

Katerina is a very subtle person, but her husband does not want to understand this. He does not defend his wife in front of his mother, who often mocks the poor woman...

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We often hear “peace is love”, “the most important thing is love”, and it seems that love is the meaning of existence. But does love always make a person happy?

Regarding the question “does love always make a person happy”, it is important to answer two questions - is love alone enough to make a person happy, and is any love capable of making him so.

Love really means a lot, and the more recipients it has, the more love there is in our lives. At first, a child loves only his parents, then his lover or beloved, then his own children. At the same time, love should not be replaced, that is, the emergence of a new love does not displace the old one - all types of love can exist in parallel. The progressive development of a person implies an increase in the amount of love in his life. Even in choosing your calling - a professional field or a hobby - love becomes decisive. It’s not for nothing that they say, “I really love my job.”...

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More than once or twice I saw a burning fire. And each time the same picture was repeated: night moths fly around the fire. They gathered around the fire in the dark darkness of the night. But suddenly the fire flares up willfully, throws out sharp tongues of flame, and the moths burn in the fiery element. The survivors fly away in fear for a moment. But the fire still attracts them. And again they will strive for him, and again they will burn in a hot flame. “Stupid moths,” you say. But don’t people make mistakes in love, don’t they rush, mad with passion, to the fire of love, because the fire of love is the greatest temptation. And everyone wants to get closer to love at least once and find out what it is? Love is always a mystery. And the heroes of Kuprin and Bunin's stories. Each of us is trying to discover this secret. What is love? Is it possible to distinguish love from infatuation? How to learn to love? We...

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Series of articles “Workshop December essays»

The third direction is “Love”.

On the FIPI website the following definition is given: “Love” - the direction makes it possible to look at love from a various positions: parents and children, men and women, man and the world around him. We will talk about love as a lofty phenomenon that ennobles and elevates a person, about its bright and tragic sides.

Love is the greatest feeling. He who knows how to love, and who has found his love in the person of his parents, relatives, friends, who has found his soul mate, is truly happy man. For many, love is life, love is air.


Love for ages.
Does love always make a person happy?
Love is stronger than death...
Love and war.
Love and separation.
Love is spiritual rebirth.
Faces of love...
Hypocritical love is worse than hatred.

The problem of moral law and moral freedom is one of the leading ones in Russian and world literature. In other words, it can be formulated, in my opinion, as a problem of feeling and duty. It is known that it was characteristic of classic tragedy, in which the hero, forced to choose duty, certainly dies, struck by a fatal dilemma. However, the same problem becomes the main one in the realistic drama by A. N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”.
All the main characters in this work face a difficult choice - law or freedom? First of all, this applies to the main character of “The Thunderstorm” - Katerina Kabanova.
Living in her husband's family, this young woman feels unhappy. I think the heroine strived with all her heart to fall in love with Tikhon Kabanov, to somehow establish life with him. But she couldn't do it. Katerina’s husband always and in everything obeyed his mother, Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova. And how could she not obey - Kabanikha kept not only her relatives, but the entire city in fear.
The heroes of The Thunderstorm, in particular Varvara Kabanova, make their choice between law and freedom. This girl is the complete opposite of Katerina. She is also not satisfied with the rules by which she has to live in her mother’s house. However, Varvara made her choice long ago - in favor of feeling, or rather, her desire. Therefore, she does what she wants - walks with Curly, does not spend the night at home. But, and this is very important, Kabanikha’s daughter skillfully hides her actions. She understands perfectly well that in the hypocritical Kalinovsky society, the main thing is not what actually exists, but the appearance that is created. And Varvara, with the “good hand” of her mother, who preaches the same philosophy, learned to lie and be a hypocrite, doing what she wanted.
The choice of “duty or feeling” became tragic for Tikhon Kabanov. Due to his weak nature, fear of his mother, and inertia, this hero chooses “filial duty,” despite the fact that his heart speaks of something completely different. Precisely because Tikhon is afraid
I am my mother, he allows her to offend Katerina, slander her, humiliate her. The hero himself feels the wrongness of his behavior, the “wrongness” of the entire way of life in their family and in the city, but cannot even dare to think about it. And only after losing his wife, blinded by grief, Tikhon throws accusations in the face of his mother as the main representative of the patriarchal merchant society and its hypocritical foundations.
Boris Grigorievich also makes a choice in favor of duty, having betrayed his love for Katerina because of the inheritance that he should receive from Dikiy. I think Kabanikha herself is betraying her life, making a choice in favor of duty - public opinion, laws of patriarchal society.
Thus, we see that almost all the heroes of Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm” are faced with a choice: moral law or moral freedom, duty or feeling. And almost all of them, when making this choice, are hypocrites: for people they choose “law” (that is, they live according to the traditional laws of a patriarchal society), for themselves they choose “freedom” (true desires that are skillfully hidden). The only exceptions, in my opinion, are two heroes. Firstly, this is Dikoy, who is not afraid of anyone or anything, because he has unlimited power. And this is Katerina Kabanova, who, the only one of all, took her choice seriously, consciously made it and accepted full responsibility for the decision made.

"Thunderstorm" is, without a doubt, the most decisive work Ostrovsky; the mutual relations of tyranny and voicelessness are brought to the most tragic consequences in it. There's even something refreshing and encouraging about The Thunderstorm. N. A. Dobrolyubov A. N. Ostrovsky received literary recognition after the appearance of his first major play. Ostrovsky's dramaturgy became a necessary element of the culture of his time; he retained the position of the best playwright of the era, the head of the Russian dramatic school, despite the fact that at the same time with him in this

The genre was created by A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A. F. Pisemsky, A. K Tolstoy and L. N. Tolstoy. The most popular critics viewed his works as a true and profound reflection of modern reality.

Meanwhile, Ostrovsky, following his original creatively, often baffled both critics and readers. Thus, the play “The Thunderstorm” came as a surprise to many. L.N. Tolstoy did not accept the play. The tragedy of this work forced critics to reconsider their views on Ostrovsky’s dramaturgy. Ap. Grigoriev noted that in “The Thunderstorm” there is a protest against the “existing”, which is terrible

His followers. Dobrolyubov argued in his article “A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom.” that from the image of Katerina in “The Thunderstorm” “blows on us new life" Perhaps for the first time, scenes of family, “private” life, the arbitrariness and lawlessness that were hitherto hidden behind the thick doors of mansions and estates, were shown with such graphic power. And at the same time, this was not just an everyday sketch.

The author showed the unenviable position of a Russian woman in a merchant family. The enormous power of the tragedy was given by the special truthfulness and skill of the author, as D.I. Pisarev rightly noted: “The Thunderstorm” is a painting from life, which is why it breathes truth.” The tragedy takes place in the city of Kalinov, which is located among the greenery of gardens on the steep bank of the Volga. “For fifty years I’ve been looking across the Volga every day and I can’t get enough of it. The view is extraordinary! Beauty! The soul rejoices,” Kuligin admires. It would seem that the life of the people of this city should be beautiful and joyful. However, the life and customs of the rich merchants created “a world of prison and deathly silence.” Savel Dikoy and Marfa Kabanova are the personification of cruelty and tyranny. The order in the merchant's house is based on the outdated religious dogmas of Domostroy. Dobrolyubov says about Kabanikha that she “gnaws at her victim. long and relentlessly."

She forces her daughter-in-law Katerina to bow at her husband’s feet when he leaves, scolds her for “not howling” in public when seeing off her husband. Kabanikha is very rich, this can be judged by the fact that the interests of her affairs go far beyond Kalinov; on her instructions, Tikhon travels to Moscow. She is respected by Dikoy, for whom the main thing in life is money. But the merchant's wife understands that power also brings obedience to those around her. She seeks to kill any manifestation of resistance to her power in the home. The boar is hypocritical, she only hides behind virtue and piety; in the family she is an inhuman despot and tyrant. Tikhon does not contradict her in anything. Varvara learned to lie, hide and dodge.

The main character of the play, Katerina, is marked by a strong character; she is not used to humiliation and insults and therefore conflicts with her cruel old mother-in-law. In her mother’s house, Katerina lived freely and easily. In the Kabanov House she feels like a bird in a cage. She quickly realizes that she cannot live here for long. Katerina married Tikhon without love. In Kabanikha’s house, everything trembles at the mere imperious cry of the merchant’s wife. Life in this house is hard for the young. And then Katerina meets a completely different person and falls in love. For the first time in her life, she experiences deep personal feeling. One night she goes on a date with Boris. Whose side is the playwright on? He is on Katerina’s side, because a person’s natural aspirations cannot be destroyed. Life in the Kabanov family is unnatural. And Katerina does not accept the inclinations of those people with whom she ended up. Hearing Varvara’s proposal to lie and pretend, Katerina replies: “I don’t know how to deceive, I can’t hide anything.” Katerina’s directness and sincerity evokes respect from the author, the reader, and the viewer. She decides that she can no longer be a victim of a soulless mother-in-law, she cannot languish behind bars. She's free! But she saw a way out only in her death. And one could argue with this. Critics also disagreed about whether Katerina was worth paying for her freedom at the cost of her life. So, Pisarev, unlike Dobrolyubov, considers Katerina’s act senseless. He believes that after Katerina’s suicide everything will return to normal, life will go on as usual, and the “dark kingdom” is not worth such a sacrifice. Of course, Kabanikha brought Katerina to her death.

As a result, her daughter Varvara runs away from home, and her son Tikhon regrets that he did not die with his wife. It is interesting that one of the main, active images of this play is the image of the thunderstorm itself. Symbolically expressing the idea of ​​the work, this image directly participates in the action of the drama as a real natural phenomenon, enters into action at its decisive moments, and largely determines the actions of the heroine. This image is very meaningful; it illuminates almost all aspects of the drama. So, already in the first act a thunderstorm broke out over the city of Kalinov. It broke out like a harbinger of tragedy. Katerina already said: “I will die soon,” she confessed to Varvara her sinful love. In her mind, the mad lady's prediction that the thunderstorm would not pass in vain, and the feeling of her own sin with a real thunderclap had already been combined. Katerina rushes home: “It’s still better, everything is calmer, I’m at home - to the images and pray to God!” After this, the storm ceases for a short time.

Only in Kabanikha’s grumbling are its echoes heard. There was no thunderstorm that night when Katerina felt free and happy for the first time after her marriage. But the fourth, climactic act, begins with the words: “The rain is falling, as if a thunderstorm is not gathering?” And after that the thunderstorm motif never ceases. The dialogue between Kuligin and Dikiy is interesting. Kuligin talks about lightning rods (“we have frequent thunderstorms”) and provokes Dikiy’s anger: “What other kind of electricity is there? Well, how come you are not a robber? A thunderstorm is sent to us as punishment, so that we can feel it, but you want to defend yourself, God forgive me, with poles and some horns. What are you, a Tatar or what?” And in response to the quote from Derzhavin, which Kuligin cites in his defense: “I decay with my body in dust, I command thunder with my mind,” the merchant does not find anything to say at all, except: “And for these words, send you to the mayor, so he will will ask!

Undoubtedly, in the play the image of a thunderstorm acquires a special meaning: it is a refreshing, revolutionary beginning. However, the mind is condemned in the dark kingdom; it is faced with impenetrable ignorance, supported by stinginess. But still, the lightning that cut through the sky over the Volga touched the long-silent Tikhon and flashed over the destinies of Varvara and Kudryash. The thunderstorm shook everyone up thoroughly. It’s too early for inhuman morals. or the end will come later. The struggle between the new and the old has begun and continues. This is the meaning of the work of the great Russian playwright.

Written in 1859 by A.N. Ostrovsky's drama "The Thunderstorm" is truly the pinnacle of his mature creativity. The work was included in a cycle of plays about the “dark kingdom”; here the playwright not only described the dark and light principles, but also showed their interaction. Based on his own observations of the indigenous Russian population, the author managed to create a play of life that tells us about the destinies younger generation and the heroes of which were ordinary people, such as merchants, their wives and children, as well as townspeople and officials. Characters, their characters and views are expressed very accurately in the drama, but the most striking is the image of Katerina, the main character. Characters like Dikoy and Kabanikha represent the dark side. And Katerina, as Dobrolyubov wrote, is like “a ray of light in a dark kingdom.” Katerina became that ray because only she, at first glance a weak and defenseless girl, protested, and this protest was a success.

To the question of why this happens, there is an answer: it’s all about the character of the heroine, the strength of this character and its weakness.

Katerina is a dreamer. "You know, sometimes I think I'm a bird." And it really can be considered that way. She was a “free bird” before, when she lived freely: she did what she wanted, and her mother doted on her, dressed her up like a doll, “didn’t force her to work.” The happy time passes and the bird is put in a cage. Katerina is not marrying for love, and it costs her dearly. Her suffering begins in the Kabanovs' house.

“I’ve completely wilted with you,” the girl says to Varvara. It couldn’t have been any other way: constant strife between family members, the bad character of the mother-in-law and constant condemnation from the outside. Katerina cannot live in such a “dark kingdom”, so she tries to survive. The heroine cannot be called completely weak, since even at the beginning she does not speak out against Kabanova, but she already defends herself: “You are in vain saying this about me, Mama. Whether in front of people or without people, I’m still alone, I don’t prove anything of myself.”

Quiet and modest, Katerina also shows her strengths. There is integrity and fearlessness in her character. However, she knows about this herself: “I was born this way, hot!” This phrase is followed by the heroine’s story about herself, how in childhood, offended by something, she got into a boat and sailed away along the Volga. The girl is distinguished by the desire for freedom, for freedom from " dark kingdom". In a conversation with Varvara, she simply cannot be recognized. “Why don’t people fly?” The interlocutor did not understand Katerina’s words and considered them strange, but for Katerina herself it is of great importance. She has a very difficult time in the Kabanovs’ house, and she wants to leave it place. She wants, but she can’t. She wants to flap her wings and fly away, but she can’t. Because people don’t know how to fly. Dobrolyubov correctly noted “Katerina’s concentrated determination.” at least her throat. She is ready to take off, so as not to live with the Kabanovs. She is ready to repent publicly, so as not to die a sinner, so that her soul will find freedom after death. She is determined, although she has been sinning for herself for a long time. She decided for herself, she gave free rein. her true feelings and spent two weeks with Boris, despite the fact that this breath of freedom cost her dearly.

The main character is distinguished by sincerity. She does not know how and does not deceive not only Varvara that she does not love her husband, but also herself. She is honest, first of all, with herself, which speaks of her spiritual purity. As a religious girl, Katerina worries very much about her sin and is afraid to die the way she is. But at the same time she is true to her feelings, her love for Boris. Therefore, we can say that Katerina is true to her spiritual ideals. Trying to fight with herself, the heroine begs Tikhon to take her with him, but remains misunderstood. Then she wants to take an oath of fidelity, but even here her husband remains indifferent. What could not be avoided happens. But even at the moment of meeting Boris, she continues to fight with her love: “Why did you come, my destroyer? After all, I’m married, and I have to live with my husband until I die!” It follows from this that Katerina is faithful to her life principles, which is why it is so difficult for her to make a choice between suppressing love in herself and giving herself entirely to it. Having won a victory over herself, she discovers in herself the ability to love deeply and strongly, sacrificing everything for the sake of her beloved. Fear fades into the background: “If I am not afraid of sin for myself, will I be afraid of human shame?” But the fear for what she had done and the fear of dying with sin without repenting did their job. The crazy old woman, the unexpected appearance of Boris and the thunderstorm that began again frighten Katerina even more, and she confesses in front of everyone.

The heroine decided her fate herself. She does not fall from a thunderclap, but she herself throws herself into the pool. Katerina believes that living with sin in your soul is even harder than not living. ““No, it’s all the same to me whether it’s home or the grave. Yes, whether it’s home or whether it’s to the grave!.. or whether it’s to the grave! It’s better in the grave...” she reasons. Having made her final choice, the heroine throws herself off a cliff and commits suicide. On the one hand, such an act is a manifestation of Katerina’s weakness of character, and this act makes her defeated. But on the other hand, great courage is probably required to make such a decision and carry out our plans. Even Tikhon envied her: “Good for you, Katya! Why did I stay in the world and suffer!” It’s not for nothing that at the end of the play Kuligin runs away, and Tikhon begins to realize that Kabanova was also wrong in relation to Katya: “You ruined her! You! You!" Main character settled scores with herself, punishing herself, but won a moral victory over " dark kingdom", shaking the long-established framework of society.

Katerina turned out to be a simple girl with a difficult character. What is her weakness is at the same time her strength. She is freedom-loving, she is distinguished by her independence, poetry, and high moral and ethical qualities, which makes her spiritually pure. Katerina truly is a “ray of light” in the “dark kingdom.”