Creative activity and its types. Types of creativity

Creation- a process of human activity that creates qualitatively new material and spiritual values ​​or the result of the creation of a subjectively new one.

The main criterion that distinguishes creativity from production is uniqueness its result.

The following types of creativity are distinguished:

· Artistic

· Scientific

· Technical

· sports-tactical

· military-tactical.

Artistic creativity associated with the aesthetic development of reality and the satisfaction of people’s aesthetic needs. Function artistic creativity is the creation of new emotions, and the object (result) is a work of art. Features of artistic creativity:

Reliance on visual-figurative thinking

The main component of artistic creativity is emotional

Artistic creativity is realized in a special form public consciousness- art, and the product of artistic creativity is artistic image enclosed in any material object;

Artistic creativity creates the possibility of multi-valued reflection of the same work by different people, which is associated with the subjectivity of perception

Scientific creativity associated with the discovery of phenomena and general patterns of development of the real world. The function of scientific creativity is the creation of new knowledge, and the object (result) is discovery and invention. Features of scientific creativity:

· reliance on abstract, verbal and logical thinking

· the product of scientific creativity is new knowledge, existing in the form of images, concepts, conclusions, theories and abstract ideas;

· the process of scientific creativity consists in the study of what really exists, but is not yet accessible to our consciousness (unknown).

· the process of scientific research can be both empirical and theoretical in nature.

· there is historical predetermination scientific discoveries, conditioned by the need for the progress of society at one or another stage of its development;

Technical creativity associated with the practical transformation of reality. The function of technical creativity is the creation of new means of labor, and the object (result) is processes and mechanisms. It is close in its psychological characteristics to scientific creativity, but it also has differences:

· it is based on visual-figurative and visual-effective components of thinking;

· the process of technical creativity is expressed in invention, design, and its product is the invention of mechanisms and structures that meet the needs of practice.

· what is invented does not exist before its creation, although it is based on an already existing technical basis.


The concept of “creativity” includes the following features:

1.Creativity is an activity aimed at satisfying a person’s need to create new spiritual and material assets.

2.Creativity is original in its essence, since in the process creative activity new techniques, methods and means are being applied.

3.Creativity - combining known actions to obtain a new result.

4.Creativity reflects reality. A person, in the process of creative activity, reveals the possibilities of new connections in his activities, expands and deepens his knowledge of reality. Consequently, creativity is a form of knowledge of reality.

5.Creativity is the process of setting and solving non-standard problems, the process of resolving various kinds of contradictions.

6.Creativity is a form of quality development of activity.

7.Creativity is the highest form of qualitative human development and is inherent only to humans.

8.Creativity is the highest type of human activity; it is primary in relation to performing activity.

9.Creativity appears in the unity of spiritual and material principles. In this unity, the spiritual principle precedes material creativity. In the process of spiritual creativity or thinking, future actions are planned, the materialization of which is carried out in practice. Thinking is revealed in two functions - reflection and creativity. The main reason for the emergence of consciousness - thinking lies precisely in the creative transformation of reality.

10.Creativity is the essence of man, the method and form of his initiative, self-development and self-affirmation.

11.Creativity is a manifestation of the laws and categories of dialectics. Dialectical logic is the logic of creative thinking. Dialectics, thinking, practice - they are all united in creativity.

The essence of creativity and its laws is learned through the structure of creativity. In the theory of creativity, the problem of structure is fundamental. Difficulties in identifying the structure of creative activity are associated with the variety of types, stages, stages, phases, subordination and features of the manifestation of creativity.

Creation– a psychologically complex process. It is not limited to any one aspect, but exists as a synthesis of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of human consciousness. Creativity is closely related to personality traits (character, abilities, interests, etc.).

Despite all the versatility of the creative process, imagination occupies a special place in it. It is like a center, a focus around which, figuratively speaking, other mental processes and properties that ensure its functioning are crowded. Flights of fantasy in the creative process are provided by knowledge (acquired by thinking), reinforced by abilities and determination, and accompanied by an emotional tone. And this whole set of mental activity, where the imagination performs main role, can lead to great discoveries, inventions, and the creation of various values ​​in all types of human activity.

Creativity is the highest level of cognition. It cannot be accomplished without prior accumulation of knowledge. You can discover something new only after mastering all the knowledge already acquired in this area.

Creativity has general principles and stages regardless of the type of activity. At the same time, this does not exclude the patterns and stages characteristic of creativity within the limits of specific content.

Stages of the creative process, taken in general form.

1. The origin of an idea, the implementation of which is carried out in a creative act.

2. Concentration of knowledge directly and indirectly related to a given problem, obtaining missing information.

3. Conscious and unconscious work on the material, decomposition and combination, enumeration of options, insight.

4. Checking and revision.

Creativity can be considered in two ways - as a component of any activity and as an independent activity. There is an opinion that in any activity there is an element of creativity, that is, a moment of a new, original approach to its implementation. In this case, any stage of activity can act as a creative element - from posing a problem to searching for operational ways of performing actions. When creativity is aimed at finding a new, original, perhaps previously unknown solution, it acquires the status of activity and represents a complex multi-level system. In this system, specific motives, goals, and methods of action are identified, and the features of their dynamics are recorded.

The basis of the creative process is an intuitive mechanism, which is determined by the duality of the result of the activity. One part of the result of an activity, corresponding to a consciously set goal, is called a direct product, and the other, not corresponding to the goal and obtained in addition to the conscious intention, is called a by-product. An unconscious by-product of activity can lead to an unexpected decision, the method of which is not realized. This decision is called intuitive. The main features of an intuitive decision are the presence of a sensory image, the integrity of perception and the unawareness of the method of obtaining the result.

In modern interpretations of the creative process, much attention is paid not so much to the principle of activity, but to the principle of interaction, since the activity approach is based on the correspondence of the goal and the result, and creativity, on the contrary, arises in conditions of mismatch between the goal and the result.

Creativity is understood as a developmental interaction, the movement mechanism of which has certain phases of functioning. If we compare the phases of solving a creative problem by an adult, mentally developed person with the formation of the ability to act in the mind in children, it turns out that the forms of behavior of children at the stages of development of the ability to act in the mind are similar to the forms of behavior of adults at the corresponding stages of solving a creative problem.

1. Phase of arbitrary, logical search. At this stage, the knowledge necessary to solve a creative problem, the solution of which cannot be obtained directly by logical deduction from existing premises, is updated. The researcher consciously selects facts that contribute to an effective solution, generalizes and transfers previously acquired knowledge to new conditions; puts forward hypotheses, applies methods of analysis and synthesis of initial data. At this stage, a conscious idea of ​​the result of the activity and how to achieve it purposefully prevails.

2. Intuitive decision phase. This phase is characterized by an unconscious search for a way to solve problems, which is based on the principle of duality of the result of a person’s action, i.e. the presence of direct (conscious) and by-products (unconscious) of action. Under certain conditions, a by-product can have a regulatory effect on human actions. These conditions are:

The presence of a by-product in unconscious experience;

High level of search motivation;

A clearly and simply formulated task;

Lack of automation of the method of action..

The need for an intuitive solution to a problem arises if, at the previous stage, the selected logical techniques were inadequate to solve the problem and other ways to achieve the goal were required. The level of awareness of behavior at the stage of an intuitive decision is reduced, and the solution found looks unexpected and spontaneous.

3. Verbalization phase of the intuitive decision. Intuitive problem solving at the previous stage of the creative process is carried out unconsciously. Only the result (fact) of the decision is realized. At the stage of verbalization of an intuitive solution, an explanation of the solution method and its verbal presentation are carried out. The basis for understanding the result and the method of solving a problem is the inclusion of a person in the process of interaction (communication) with any other person, for example an experimenter, to whom the process of solving the problem is described.

4. Phase of formalization of the verbalized decision. At this stage, the task of logical formulation of a method for solving a new problem is formulated. The process of formalizing a decision occurs at a conscious level.

The phases of the creative process are considered as structural levels of the organization psychological mechanism behaviors that replace each other during its implementation. The solution of creative problems is carried out through various combinations of levels of organization of the psychological mechanism of creativity. A general psychological criterion of creativity is a change in the dominant levels of organization of the psychological mechanism of creativity, i.e. those levels that are involved in the process of solving a creative problem (posing the problem, choosing means of solution, etc.).

Creative activity arises in the context of solving creative problems, and anyone can feel like a creator for some time. Nevertheless, differential psychological analysis of people's behavior in various life situations shows that there is a type of personality that uses original ways to solve any life problems - this is a type of creative personality. The main feature of a creative person is creativity.

Creativity - an integrative quality of the human psyche that provides productive transformations in the activities of the individual, allowing one to satisfy the need for research activity. A creative personality differs from other people in a number of features:

- cognitive (high sensitivity to subsensory stimuli; sensitivity to the unusual, unique, singular; the ability to perceive phenomena in a certain system, comprehensively; memory for rare events; developed imagination and fantasy; developed divergent thinking as a strategy for generalizing multiple solutions to one problem, etc.);

- emotional (high emotional excitability, overcoming anxiety, the presence of sthenic emotions);

- motivational (the need for understanding, exploration, self-expression and self-affirmation, the need for autonomy and independence);

- communicative (initiative, tendency to lead, spontaneity). Creativity as one of the types of activity and creativity as a stable set of traits that contribute to the search for new, original, atypical, ensure the progress of social development. At the level of public interests, creativity is indeed considered as a heuristic way of life, but at the level social group the behavior of a creative person can be assessed as a type of activity that is not consistent with the norms and regulations accepted in a given community of people. Creativity can be seen as a form of behavior that does not comply with accepted norms, but does not violate the legal and moral regulations of the group.

The content of human labor in modern conditions is measured not only by the degree of its intensity, but also by the level of manifestation of creativity. Moreover, there is an objective tendency - with the development of society, the intensity and quantity of physical labor decreases, while intellectual and creative labor increases.The assessment of labor and the worker also changes . Creative work, and therefore a creatively working person, is becoming increasingly important in society.

In modern conditions, philosophers, sociologists, teachers, and psychologists pay attention to the problem of creativity and creative personality. It has been convincingly proven that the inclinations of creative abilities are inherent in any person, any normal child. The difference lies only in the scale of achievements and their social significance.

An important conclusion from psychological and pedagogical science is that creative abilities must be developed from an early age. In pedagogy, it is considered proven that if creative activity is not taught from a sufficiently early age, the child will suffer damage that is difficult to repair in subsequent years. Therefore, creativity must be taught from a very early age, and it can be taught.

A common way to develop creative abilities is to involve children in creative activities.

As you know, the main work of children is studying. Therefore, it is necessary to make this work of students creative.

Unfortunately, reproductive education predominates in our school. The learning process often involves the transfer of information from the teacher to the students. In this case, the teacher acts as a transmitter of “memory devices”. And the student performs better the more accurately he reproduces the knowledge acquired in finished form in the next lesson.

Reproductively acquired knowledge and skills do not find application in practice.

In labor education, reproductive teaching methods are used to an even greater extent than in other academic subjects. Teachers rarely resort to solving technical problems, using problems, technical experiments, heuristic conversations, etc. The polytechnic principle of training requires significant deepening. On modern stage development of science and technology, labor training must be organized in such a way that students not only get acquainted with modern achievements in technology and production, but also receive generalized knowledge about them and are involved, even in the smallest way, in the improvement of production.

It can be argued that only in the process of studying at school, even the most creative one, it is impossible to adequately develop creative personality traits. What is needed is direct, practical activity in a specific type of creativity - technical, artistic, etc.

Children's technical creativity students – the most widespread form of attracting students to creativity.

In the definition of the concept"children's technical creativity" there are 2 points of view -pedagogical and psychological.

Teachers consider children's technical creativity not only as a type of activity aimed at introducing students to the diverse world of technology and developing their abilities, but also as one of effective ways labor education and political education.

Psychologists In children's technical creativity, more attention is paid to the timely identification ofabilities to a certain type of creativity,established level their formation and sequence of development. In other words, psychologists are importantmethods for correctly diagnosing creative abilities students who will help to understand in what type of activity and under what conditions students can express themselves most productively.

Taking into account pedagogical and psychological points of viewchildren's technical creativity is an effective means of education, a purposeful process of learning and developing the creative abilities of students as a result of the creation of material objects with signs of usefulness and novelty.

What is new in children's technical creativity is mainly subjective. Students often invent something that has already been invented and a manufactured product or decision is new only for its creator, but the pedagogical benefits of creative work are undoubted.

The result of students' creative activity iscomplex of qualities of a creative personality:

    mental activity;

    the desire to acquire knowledge and develop skills to perform practical work;

    independence in solving the assigned task;

    hard work;


Analysis of psychological and pedagogical research and experience allows us to come to the conclusion thattechnical creativity creates, first of all, favorable conditions for the development of students’ technical thinking.

Firstly , it develops on the basis of ordinary thinking, i.e. all components of ordinary thinking are inherent in technical thinking. For example, one of the most important operations of ordinary thinking is comparison. It turns out that without himtechnical thinking is unthinkable . The same can be said about such thinking operations asopposition, classification, analysis, synthesis, etc. The only characteristic thing is that the above-mentioned operations of thinking in technical activity are developed on technical material.

Secondly, ordinary thinking creates psychophysiological prerequisites for the development of technical thinking. As a result of ordinary thinking, the child’s brain develops, its associative sphere, memory, and flexibility of thinking is acquired.

However, the conceptual and figurative apparatus of ordinary thinking does not have the concepts and images that are necessary for technical thinking. For example, concepts taken frommetal technology, include information from various sciences (physics, chemistry, etc.)They do not represent a mechanical conglomerate of information, but are a unity of essential features technological process or phenomena considered from the point of view of different sciences.

In technical thinking, in contrast to ordinary thinking, the images with which the student operates are significantly different. Information about the shape of a technical object, its dimensions and other features is given not by ready-made images, as in ordinary thinking, but by a system of abstract graphic signs and lines -drawing. Moreover, the drawing does not provide a ready-made image of this or that concept,you have to present it yourself.

The features of technical thinking discussed above allow us to conclude that the formation of its main components should be carried out not only in the learning process, but also in all types extracurricular activities on technical creativity.

In the process of technical creativity of students, special attention should be paid to the formation of technical concepts, spatial concepts, and the ability to draw up and read drawings and diagrams.

In the process of technical creativity, students inevitably improve their mastery of machine tools and tools.

Technical creativity is of no small importance for expanding the polytechnic horizons of schoolchildren. In the process of creative technical activity, students are faced with the need for additional knowledge about technology:

♦♦♦ in the study of specialized literature;

♦♦♦ in getting acquainted with new technologies;

♦♦♦ in consultations with specialists.

Creative activity contributes to the formation of a transformative attitude towards the surrounding reality in schoolchildren. A person who is not engaged in creative activity develops a commitment to generally accepted views and opinions. This leads to the fact that in his activity, work and thinking he cannot go beyond the limits of the known.

If children at an early age are included in creative activities, then they develop an inquisitive mind, flexibility of thinking, memory, ability to evaluate, vision of problems, the ability to foresight and other qualities characteristic of a person with developed intelligence.

One of the main pedagogical requirements for student creative activity is taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren. Without taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the psyche of children, it is impossible to correctly correlate the goal, motives and means of achieving the goal.

Of great importance in creative activity iscontinuity of the creative process.

In nurturing creative personality traits, it is of great importancethe effectiveness of creative work. Of particular value is work aimed atimproving production, increasing equipment efficiency, etc.

Creation as the spirit of human freedom; freedom as creativity of the human spirit; spirit as freedom of human creativity. The main criterion that distinguishes creativity from manufacturing (production) is the uniqueness of its result. The result of creativity cannot be directly derived from the initial conditions. No one, except perhaps, can obtain exactly the same result if given the same initial situation. Thus, in the process of creativity, the author puts into the material certain possibilities that are not reducible to labor operations or logical conclusion, and expresses in the final result some aspects of his personality. It is this fact that gives creative products additional value in comparison with manufactured products.

The manifestation of creativity in any sphere of human activity has allowed modern research on this problem (F.I. Ivashchenko, A.I. Kochetov, N.V. Kuzmina, V.P. Parkhomenko, E.S. Rapatsevich, I.M. Rozet) highlight the following main types:

a) scientific creativity, which is directly related to research work, to the development of scientific ideas, their logical validity and evidence, to the generalization of the experience of scientists, to the latest recommendations for the development of science, etc.;

b) artistic creativity, which is embodied in works of literature, music, fine art, etc.;

c) technical creativity, which relates to constructive and technical activities, to the process of developing creative initiative and independence, technical abilities, the formation of rationalization and inventive skills, ensuring the scientific and technical progress of society.

Continuity and innovation permeate everything cultural life society. Representatives of each new generation are engaged not only in assimilation, but also in innovative processing of the cultural achievements of the past, creating new cultural values, or, in other words, creativity.

Modern definitions of “creativity” can be found in various literature (philosophical, cultural, psychological, pedagogical) and other areas. In this regard, some definitions are of a scientific (theoretical) nature, others, on the contrary, are activity-based, while others represent a more emotional, individual view or attitude towards creativity. Let's try to consider several definitions of “creativity” and derive a more complete one that is suitable for the topic of our research.

Creativity is a process of activity that creates qualitatively new material and spiritual values ​​or the result of the creation of a subjectively new one. The main criterion that distinguishes creativity from manufacturing (production) is the uniqueness of its result. The result of creativity cannot be directly derived from the initial conditions. No one, except perhaps the author, can get exactly the same result if the same initial situation is created for him. Thus, in the process of creativity, the author puts into the material certain possibilities that are not reducible to labor operations or logical conclusion, and expresses in the final result some aspects of his personality. It is this fact that gives the products of creativity additional value in comparison with the products of production. Creativity is a human activity that creates fundamentally new material and spiritual values. Creativity always presupposes a certain rejection of the old and the creation of cultural innovations. But in different cultures the focus and nature of creativity can vary significantly. The Western model of creativity is focused mainly on changing the external environment by a person, bringing the world into line with the creative person’s own plan. In the East, among humanitarian-educated people, internal creativity predominates, in which transformative activity is directed by the creator towards himself. Its goal is to transform its own spiritual world.

Yu.B. Borev defines creativity as a historically evolutionary form of human activity, expressed in various types activities and leading to personal development. The main criterion for a person’s spiritual development is mastery of the complete and complete process of creativity. Creativity is a derivative of an individual’s realization of unique potentials in a certain area. Therefore, there is a direct connection between the process of creativity and the realization of human abilities in socially significant activities, which acquire the character of self-realization. Thus, creative activity is amateur activity, covering a change in reality and self-realization of the individual in the process of creating material and spiritual values, which contributes to expanding the limits of human capabilities. If a person has fully mastered creativity - both in the process of its flow and in its results - then he has reached the level of spiritual development. He is able to experience moments of unity of all internal forces. If a person has reached the level of spiritual development, no matter what activity he engages in, there is only one thing left to do - to wish him a happy journey. And take a closer look at him at least sometimes. After all, undoubtedly, he will teach something good.

Creativity is an attribute of human activity, its necessary, essential, inalienable property. It predetermined the emergence of man and human society and underlies the further progress of material and spiritual production. Creativity is the highest form of activity and independent activity of man and society. It contains an element of the new, presupposes original and productive activity, the ability to solve problem situations, productive imagination combined with a critical attitude towards the achieved result. The scope of creativity covers actions from a non-standard solution to a simple problem to the full realization of an individual’s unique potential in a certain area.

Creativity is:

· activity that generates something qualitatively new, never existing before;

· creating something new, valuable not only for this person, but also for others;

· the process of creating subjective values.

Exist different types creativity:

· production and technical

· inventive

· scientific

· political

· organizational

· philosophical


· mythological

· religious

· everyday life, etc.

in other words, types of creativity correspond to types of practical and spiritual activity.

Researchers of the human creative factor and the phenomenon of the intelligentsia identify artistic, scientific, technical, sports-tactical, as well as military-tactical creativity as independent types.

S. L. Rubinstein was the first to correctly point out characteristics inventive creativity: “The specificity of an invention, which distinguishes it from other forms of creative intellectual activity, is that it must create a thing, a real object, a mechanism or a technique that solves a certain problem. This determines the originality creative work inventor: the inventor must introduce something new into the context of reality, into the actual course of some activity. This is something essentially different from solving a theoretical problem in which a limited number of abstractly identified conditions need to be taken into account. At the same time, reality is historically mediated by human activity, technology: it embodies historical development scientific thought. Therefore, in the process of invention, one must proceed from the context of reality into which something new is to be introduced, and take into account the corresponding scientific context. This determines the general direction and specific nature of the various links in the process of invention."

Through creativity, historical development and the connection of generations are realized. It continuously expands human capabilities, creating conditions for conquering new heights. A precondition for creative activity is the process of cognition, the accumulation of knowledge about the subject that is to be changed.

Creativity can take on various forms - from the discovery of new laws of nature to the invention of new means and tactics for exterminating people during military operations. The same discovery can be used for both good and harm to a person. So, two main driving forces cultural creativity is an individual and a people or a set of people who form a cultural community and create new things in their daily activities. Culture acts as a field for the realization of human creative abilities. However, it not only encourages a person to be creative, but also imposes certain restrictions on him. Cultural prohibitions are designed to protect society from the destructive actions of criminal anti-social elements, limit the influence of supporters of fascism, racism, various forms of extremism disorganizing public life, and prevent a predatory attitude towards nature.

Creativity as a necessary condition includes the adaptation of its subject to culture, the actualization of some results of past human activities. The interaction between different qualitative levels of culture that arises in the creative process raises the question of the relationship between tradition and innovation, because it is impossible to understand the nature and essence of innovation in science, art, technology, or to correctly explain the nature of innovation in culture, language, in various forms of social activity without connection with dialectics of tradition development. Consequently, tradition is one of the internal determinations of creativity. It forms the basis, the original basis of the creative act, instills in the subject of creativity a certain psychological attitude that contributes to the realization of certain needs of society.

A people consists of individuals. It is the individual who is capable of active creative activity. When we say that people create culture, this means that the authorship of individual creations is not emphasized and does not remain in people’s memory. Different people contribute to what is called the creativity of the people. Before a personality can begin active creative actions, it must be formed in a social environment that supports creativity, and does not extinguish or suppress it. If the creativity of an individual coincides with the main direction of social progress, then he can make a significant contribution to world culture. The names of many outstanding philosophers, scientists, inventors, artists, and writers have become firmly established in history. Often, thanks to their titanic efforts, a real breakthrough took place in culture from one qualitative state to another. The activities of an individual can sometimes be directed against the main line of social progress. There are not many people whose creative activity can be assessed completely unambiguously - either as good or as bad. Thus, the creators of nuclear weapons not only brought the world to the brink of survival, but also laid the foundation for the development of nuclear energy, which contributed to the solution of complex economic problems.

The transformative activity of a person educates him as a subject of creativity, instills in him the appropriate knowledge and skills, educates the will, makes him comprehensively developed, allows him to create qualitatively new levels of material and spiritual culture, father-in-law, create. Thus, the principle of activity, the unity of labor and creativity reveal the sociological aspect of the analysis of the foundations of creativity. The cultural aspect is based on the principle of continuity, unity of tradition and innovation. Creative activity is the main component of culture, its essence. Culture and creativity are closely interconnected, moreover, they are interdependent. It is unthinkable to talk about culture without creativity, since it is further development culture (spiritual and material). Creativity is possible only on the basis of continuity in the development of culture. The subject of creativity can realize his task only by interacting with the spiritual experience of humanity, with the historical experience of civilization. Creative activity is amateur activity, covering a change in reality and self-realization of the individual in the process of creating material and spiritual values, new more progressive forms of management, education, etc. and pushing the limits of human capabilities. Creativity is based on the principle of activity, and more specifically, labor activity. The process of practical transformation by man of the surrounding world, in principle, determines the formation of man himself. Creativity is an attribute of activity only of the human race. The generic essence of a person, his most important attributive property, is objective activity, the essence of which is creativity. However, this attribute is not inherent in a person from birth. At this time, it is present only as a possibility. Creativity is not a gift of nature, but a property acquired through work. It is transformative activity and inclusion in it that is a necessary condition for the development of the ability to create.

G.S. Batishchev in his book “Dialectics of Creativity” wrote that creativity and activity are fundamentally opposite forms of human activity. A different opinion is held by philosophers who consider creativity as a human activity of the highest level of cognition and transformation of the surrounding natural and social world, creating new objects and qualities, patterns of behavior and communication, new images and knowledge.

The development of any activity, in turn, is determined by the dialectic of the relationship between process and result orientation. In the case of complete disregard for the intended goal, the activity is likened to “field behavior” (according to Lewin) or is characterized by scatteredness and chaos. When focusing only on the result, activity is deprived of its own goal-setting creative character, and its subject turns into Homo faber - a doer. It is the harmonious combination of discipline and diligence with initiative that ensures creative character labor, his true determination.

In this sense, creativity as a process of exploring the unknown, creating something new, knowing one’s nature, self-improvement of the individual and creating goodness, beauty and harmony is the essence of the human race, which means both the process and the result of realizing the potential of each individual.

The condition for creative activity is the combination and simultaneous development of visual and creative skills - mastering creative operations with practicing expressive means language of fine arts. All creative operations, as mentioned above - change, transformation, arrangement - are trained on abstract material better and more fully than when depicting integral objects. Creative skills are trained most of all on non-standard tasks.

An equally important condition for the formation of abilities for creative activity is the principle of differentiation and integration. Creativity itself, built on a non-standard combination of different elements, cannot be built on ready-made, rigidly formed forms. Therefore, all creative abilities must be built on the development of the qualities of mental processes that serve it - perception, memory, thinking and imagination. In each phase, the leading qualities are different qualities of mental processes.

These qualities should in each case be oriented towards the formation of the ability:

· independently see and pose problems and topics;

· possess the skills of independent search for their implementation;

· have a perfect command of all special skills and a creative style of activity.

In the formation of creative abilities, self-knowledge and the search for an individual style of activity based on psychophysiological characteristics are mandatory, which include: the speed of inclusion in work, the duration of work, the conditions necessary for the awakening and flow of creativity. In addition, it is necessary to analyze your mental processes, try to find ways of activity that will help compensate for the missing qualities.

The method of creative activity is the improvement of the method of activity. The method of Creative activity is equal to the method of activity and the method of creativity (type of thinking). Method of activity - covers the real features of the labor process, the actions directly performed. It's deprived creativity.

An important concept in this topic is “method”. A method is a sum of techniques that best suit a person’s approach to depicting reality and remain beyond the reader’s perception. A method is a sequence of scientifically based actions of a mental and practical nature necessary to solve problems of one type or another. “Method of creative activity” is a combination of real components of activity, thanks to which the intended result is achieved. A method of activity always includes certain methods as one of the means of activity. However, in another respect, on the contrary, the concept of “method” is broader.

Knowing oneself includes choosing one’s theme in art, finding the conditions most favorable for creativity, developing a regime and rhythm of activity that corresponds to the dynamics of performance.

Classics on the psychology of creativity claim that only a person who has found his own individual style of activity becomes a genius in any type of creativity.

In addition, systematic and constant involvement in creativity and the search for new things when performing all types of activities are necessary, the requirement is not to allow the standard and template to appear anywhere. Initially, this causes volitional efforts, and then becomes a habit and turns on automatically as a personal formation.

Maintaining creative potential is facilitated by setting new goals and objectives, mastering more complex species creative activity, since functioning in a wasteful type of activity reduces energy tone and creative potential.

Types and functions of creativity

There are different types of creativity:

  • production and technical
  • inventive
  • scientific
  • political
  • organizational
  • artistic
  • everyday life, etc.

in other words, types of creativity correspond to types of practical and spiritual activity.

Vitaly Tepikin, a researcher of the human creative factor and the phenomenon of the intelligentsia, identifies artistic, scientific, technical, sports-tactical, as well as military-tactical creativity as independent types.

Creativity as an ability

Creativity as a process (creative thinking)

Stages of Creative Thinking

G. Wallace

The best known description today is the description of the sequence of stages (stages) of creative thinking, which was given by the Englishman Graham Wallace in 1926. He identified four stages of creative thinking:

  1. Preparation- formulation of the problem; attempts to solve it.
  2. Incubation- temporary distraction from the task.
  3. Insight- emergence of an intuitive solution.
  4. Examination- testing and/or implementation of the solution.

However, this description is not original and goes back to the classic report of A. Poincaré in 1908.

A. Poincare

They came especially willingly... during the hours of a leisurely climb through the wooded mountains, on a sunny day. The slightest amount of alcohol seemed to scare them away.

It is interesting to note that stages similar to those described by Poincaré were identified in the process of artistic creativity by B. A. Lezin at the beginning of the 20th century.

  1. Work fills the sphere of consciousness with content, which will then be processed by the unconscious sphere.
  2. Unconscious work represents a selection of the typical; “But how that work is done, of course, cannot be judged, it is a mystery, one of the seven world mysteries.”
  3. Inspiration there is a “transfer” of a ready-made conclusion from the unconscious sphere into consciousness.

Stages of the inventive process

In the most acute form, the connection between the personal and the creative is revealed by N. A. Berdyaev. He's writing:

Creativity motivation

V. N. Druzhinin writes:

The basis of creativity is the global irrational motivation of human alienation from the world; it is directed by a tendency to overcome and functions as a “positive feedback”; a creative product only spurs the process, turning it into a pursuit of the horizon.

Thus, through creativity, a person’s connection with the world is realized. Creativity stimulates itself.

Mental health, freedom and creativity

N. A. Berdyaev adheres to the following point of view:

The creative act is always liberation and overcoming. There is an experience of power in it.

Thus, creativity is something in which a person can exercise his freedom, connection with the world, connection with his deepest essence.

see also



  • Hadamard J. Study of the psychology of the invention process in the field of mathematics. M., 1970.
  • Ananyev B. G. Psychology and problems of human knowledge. Moscow-Voronezh. 1996.
  • Ananyev B.G. Man as an object of knowledge. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.
  • Berdyaev N. A. Experience of eschatological metaphysics // Creativity and objectification / comp. A. G. Shimansky, Yu. O. Shimanskaya. - Mn.: Econompress, 2000.
  • Berdyaev N. A. The meaning of creativity // Philosophy of creativity, culture and art. - M.: Art, 1994.
  • Winnicott D. Game and reality. M.: Institute of General Humanitarian Research, 2002.
  • Druzhinin V. N. Psychology of general abilities. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002.
  • May R. The Courage to Create: An Essay on the Psychology of Creativity. - Lviv: Initiative; M.: Institute of General Humanitarian Research, 2001.
  • Petrova V. N. Formation of a creative personality in the process of studying at a university // Electronic magazine “Knowledge. Understanding. Skill ». - 2009. - No. 9 - Complex research: thesaurus analysis of world culture.
  • Rubinstein S. L. Fundamentals general psychology, - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005.
  • Sabaneev L. L. Psychology of the musical creative process // Art, 1923. - No. 1. - P. 195-212.
  • Jung K. G. Psychological types.
  • Yakovlev V. Philosophy of creativity in Plato's dialogues // Questions of philosophy. - 2003. - No. 6. - P. 142-154.
  • Psychology and poetry Carl Gustav Jung
  • On the psychology of inventive creativity // Questions of psychology, No. 6, 1956. - P. 37-49 © Altshuller G. S., Shapiro R. B., 1956
  • Psychology of children's creativity (part 1) Ella Prokofieva

Creative activity is a process of creating qualitatively new spiritual and material values ​​with their subsequent interpretation. The result of such actions, as a rule, is the emergence of previously unknown areas of art, science or technology. The result of creativity cannot be deduced from the conditions of the initial cycle. This is what distinguishes it from the results of the production process, which are always predictable. Creative activity has the main criterion of attractiveness - it is always unique.


The author, in the process of creative research, can achieve a result that he did not expect. This is the main advantage of the free expression of one's ideas by an artist, writer or performer. Creative activity, in addition to well-known directions, can be realized in some special way. For example, a world-famous musician, for a number of objective reasons, began to feel a certain limitation in his concert activities and decided to expand his potential. Using personal experience, as well as some technical means, the artist creates a previously unknown musical instrument, which revolutionizes the world of music. This is where true creativity lies. History knows many similar examples.

Application value

Human creative activity is a spiritual and material practice focused on the creation of original, previously non-existent cultural values, the discovery of new patterns, as well as methods for transforming world space. The applied significance of the last category is difficult to overestimate. This is, in fact, a cognitive and creative activity that underlies deep practical application in many areas public life. Its results in most cases are global in nature.

New achievements

Creative artistic activity occupies a special place in a person’s life, when the creator creates values ​​in the category of fine arts, literature, music, and painting. The process of the emergence of new achievements in the field of high art of various genres always causes a storm of positive emotions: people are constantly waiting for premieres in the theater, new films, opening days and many other events - everything that lives in society. The creative artistic activity of masters of various genres often combines their efforts, and as a result, a certain synthetic masterpiece appears that creates a real sensation. Magnificent opera arias can be complemented by a successful libretto, a wonderful literary work is included in an organic combination with uniquely beautiful illustrations.


Creative activity, the types of which are infinitely diverse, is fertile ground for the development of talents among broad sections of the population. People of different ages and professions strive to realize their abilities in all spheres of public life, and when this succeeds, a person receives incomparable moral satisfaction. Particularly pleasing is artistic creative activity, the types of which are also numerous. This includes painting, sculpting, singing, participating in theater performances, reading poetry, and ballroom dancing.

In fact, a person’s creative activity can be reflected in any area of ​​his vital interests: production and technical, scientific, political, artistic. In addition, there are a number of secondary directions. The creative process can be characterized by two main trends:

  • the psychology of the individual, the creator of certain spiritual or material values;
  • philosophical component, revealing the essence of the phenomenon of creation.


In different historical periods, the question of the meaning of creativity was posed ambiguously. Ancient philosophy linked the process of creation with specific results, without placing them in the mainstream of eternal existence. In other words, creativity was considered a completely earthly matter, without any special contemplative subtleties. However, along with practicality, in the time of Plato, the prerequisites were created for the recognition of human creative aspirations as a phenomenal phenomenon. There were many supporters of this approach.


The Renaissance cultivated the concept of the phenomenon of creative activity, since during that period the ability to create something in the most different areas were huge. The philosophy of the Renaissance did not imply creation at the level of craft or housework. Michelangelo's masterpieces or Leonardo da Vinci's engineering projects cannot be called a creative process - they are so grandiose. These were mega-creations of cosmic significance.

Analytical approach

IN modern world There is a tendency to study the phenomenon of creativity, scientists are trying to understand the psychology of the process, the state of mind of an artist, engineer or writer is being studied while they are busy creating. Often, the results of such analyzes form the basis of doctoral dissertations, because the observations of scientists are also a creative activity. Scientific interest based on psychology always produces unpredictable results, which means that new discoveries can be expected.

Creative activity, when viewed through the prism of philosophy, is interpreted as a personality characteristic formed on the basis of the development of the individual’s special abilities. Provided there is sufficient professional training and a high level of motivation, socio-psychological attitudes are formed that lead the creator to the final result.


In relation to creative activity as such, the desire to achieve original solutions will always be realized subject to a clearly defined goal. In some cases, the goal can be replaced by some stimulus - the result will be the same. The creative activity of an individual is determined by the following criteria:

  1. An attitude in accordance with the assigned tasks: scientific, technical, artistic, managerial, research. Harmony task with psychological attitudes. There must be a social, socially significant motivation.
  2. The author’s ability to comprehend the design principle of future work. You will also need receptivity to the new, creative initiative, and rejection of stereotypes.
  3. The ability to define the scope of one's own initiative in searching for the boundaries of a task. Ability to rationally sequence creative techniques.
  4. High level of intelligence, spatial thinking and developed imagination. Ability for systemic associations and generalization.

The creative process can be divided into several parts:

  • the “infancy” stage, when an idea is born, often vague;
  • the appearance of the outlines of the idea - the general picture is visible;
  • the next stage is the opportunity to choose decisions that form the program of action;
  • selection of methods and optimal actions aimed at results;
  • the emergence of creative excitement, often accompanied by “insights” and emotional uplift;
  • the final stage, crystallization of the idea, assessment of the level of work done and the effectiveness of the result;

However, distribution, and especially planning of actions, is purely conditional, since any creative process- this is a fairly spontaneous phenomenon with an elusive subconscious logic that can make adjustments along the way. Nevertheless, creativity is a living process, most interesting in its first phase, when the need to create appears. How it will be implemented depends entirely on the professionalism of the individual.

Creative activities of children

A child aged 4-6 years, as a rule, strives for an active lifestyle. Games, walks in nature, communication with peers - all this gives him the opportunity to use his energy and get emotional release. However, the creative potential inherent in children also often requires realization. IN preschool institutions There are special development programs. Teachers and methodologists in kindergartens devote several hours every day to the creative activities of their charges. Girls and boys turn into little artists and sculptors, design engineers or creators of fantastic transformers.

Future prospects

Creativity in any form is beneficial for personal development. A child who once drew “a circle of the sun and the sky around” on a piece of paper can become a famous artist in the future, and a first-grader who writes an essay on the topic “How I spent the summer in the village” can become a famous writer. The creative possibilities are endless!