Candles to prevent pregnancy reviews. Pregnancy suppositories: reviews, pros and cons

Today we will talk about this type of protection as contraceptive vaginal suppositories or, speaking in simple language, pregnancy suppositories.

How do contraceptive suppositories work?

This type of contraceptive has a spermicidal effect. That is, they contain a substance (nonoxynol, benzalkonium chloride, etc.) that almost instantly kills sperm, thus preventing conception from occurring.

In addition, some products of this type can cause copious secretion of mucus in the vagina, which prevents the “tailed” from penetrating into the uterine cavity.

This creates a double effect. It is believed that candles provide an 80% guarantee “not to get caught.”

Candles for unwanted pregnancy: pros and cons

Advantages of spermicidal suppositories:

  • Easy to use;
  • Relative cheapness;
  • Act as a weak antiseptic - kill some viruses and bacteria;
  • Suppositories are not a hormonal agent, therefore they do not affect the entire body, but act locally;
  • Relatively high degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Disadvantages of such candles:

  • They can cause allergies in both men and women (burning, itching and rash on the genitals);
  • I disrupt the vaginal microflora;
  • Does not provide 100% protection against pregnancy;
  • They cannot be used continuously;
  • Suppositories do not protect against STDs;
  • Not suitable for “sudden” contacts when there is no time to insert a suppository into the vagina;
  • According to the latest research, frequent use of these drugs increases the human body’s susceptibility to papillomavirus;
  • Some of their types have a very unpleasant smell, which can even discourage you from having sex (maybe this is their contraceptive effect? ​​:)

Which pregnancy suppositories to choose?

How can you find the most suitable products of this type for yourself?

The site site believes that Each couple will find something different, and probably the best method here will be the “trial and error” method.

Start, perhaps, with the most expensive ones that are in the pharmacy, ask the pharmacist which ones are taken most often. It would also be a good idea to consult with your gynecologist. It is the doctor who can recommend the best contraceptive suppositories, the reviews of which are the most positive.

The most popular contraceptive suppositories

Most often, women use the following means:

  • Pharmatex
  • Erotex
  • Benatex
  • Nonoxynol-9
  • Patentex Oval N
  • Genicotex

All these products are made on the basis of the same active ingredient - nonoxynol. Their quality depends on the manufacturer, as well as on the additional components that they contain. Therefore, reviews about contraceptive suppositories are different.

What our readers say about contraceptive suppositories

  • I have been using Erotex for more than two years. Everything is fine, there have never been any “crashes”. I advise those in doubt to simply read the instructions carefully, stick to them and everything will be fine. Valya, 27 years old.
  • My husband and I have been using Erotex for almost 6 years and are very pleased with it. Although my gynecologist says that pregnancy occurs very often when using Erotex. Pharmatex is supposedly more effective in this regard. Some time ago I tried Contraceptin-T, but it had a very disgusting smell. Irina, 30 years old.
  • I decided to use anti-pregnancy suppositories. The choice fell on Benatex contraceptive suppositories; I found reviews about them on the Internet, mostly positive. But after intercourse there was a strong burning and itching in the vagina, I was all itchy! I do not advise anyone to repeat my bitter experience. Lola, 25 years old.
  • What have we tried? Contraceptive suppositories Nonoxynol, reviews of which from friends were good, are the last on this list. I liked everything very much, no unpleasant sensations, “squelching” or leakage. We will continue to use it! Marina, 28 years old.

Contraindications: who should not use contraceptive suppositories?

Candles should not be used if:

  • There is inflammation in the vagina of a woman or on the penis of a man;
  • One or both partners suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • You are performing vaginal therapy.

Couples who are sexually active need to remember the principle "one candle - one sexual act" even despite the statement in the instructions that the product is effective for 4 hours. It is better for such partners to choose another type of contraception, since in the case of frequent use of suppositories, the risks associated with all the disadvantages of this product described above greatly increase.

Which suppositories are best for pregnancy? There is no clear answer to this question. Each couple should find for themselves what suits them in all respects.

Their choice is large and depends directly on the goals pursued by the doctor, for example, some are able to cure diseases that prevent a successful pregnancy, others increase a woman’s fertility, and others cleanse the body of toxins. This article will tell you what suppositories can be used when planning pregnancy.

Longidaza suppositories when planning pregnancy

When planning pregnancy, Longidaza suppositories, which belong to the group of immunomodulators, are prescribed extremely rarely, since they pose a threat to the health of the fetus, and also if a woman is diagnosed with infertility caused by tubo-peritoneal factors. However, when it is necessary to cure a number of gynecological diseases, they can be prescribed by a doctor, along with one or another means of contraception.

Longidaza suppositories are considered an effective remedy for the development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, for example, endometriosis, intrauterine synechia and endomyometritis. Thanks to this drug, you can quickly recover from medical procedures and surgical interventions. After completing a course of treatment using the drug Longidaza in any form, pregnancy is possible only after a few months.

Before planning a pregnancy, the use of Longidaza suppositories gives a number of positive effects, namely, it improves the patency of the fallopian tubes, increases fertility, the nature and amount of vaginal discharge returns to normal, and pain in the lower abdomen disappears. Accordingly, planning pregnancy after using Longidase in the vast majority of cases has a positive effect.

Utrozhestan suppositories when planning pregnancy

When planning pregnancy, Utrozhestan suppositories are prescribed when a woman’s body does not produce enough progesterone. The importance of this hormone lies in both the success of pregnancy and the efficiency of conception. When planning pregnancy, Utrozhestan suppositories compensate for the lack of natural progesterone. It has minimal side effects, is 100% absorbed into the intestines and is made from natural ingredients. The main task This drug at the pregnancy planning stage is to build up the endometrium and prepare it for conception. The endometrium swells, loosens and becomes ready for the implantation and attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus.

Polyoxidonium suppositories when planning pregnancy.

When planning pregnancy, Polyoxidonium suppositories can be prescribed by a gynecologist to normalize a woman’s immune system. This drug, included in the TOP of the best medicines in Russia, also has an antioxidant and detoxification effect. Often they are prescribed not independently, but in combination for the treatment of genitourinary infections.

Viferon suppositories when planning pregnancy

When planning a pregnancy, Viferon suppositories can also be prescribed by a gynecologist when it is necessary to increase the immune properties in the body expectant mother. The active substance of this drug, human interferon, is produced in the body of a healthy person when it is necessary to overcome an infection, and is completely safe. Therefore, Viferon suppositories are prescribed not only at the stage of pregnancy planning, but also for pregnant women, as well as newborn babies.

2012-11-20 13:06:59

Sasha asks:

Hello, I was prescribed to take femoston + duphaston for 3 months from the 16th to 28th day of the month. Is it possible to get pregnant while taking these drugs?

2010-09-11 21:33:49

Oksana asks:

Is it possible to get pregnant while taking Labilact. Thanks in advance.

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Hello, Oksana! The drug you are interested in contains lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, is a drug for normalizing the body's microflora and does not have contraceptive properties. Therefore, it is quite possible to become pregnant while taking this drug. Take care of your health!

2014-04-21 10:37:52

Valentina asks:

Good afternoon, my husband and I want to have a child, but it hasn’t worked out yet (1.5 years). According to the test results, I have bacterial vaginitis and ureaplasmosis. I completed a course of treatment (trichopol, ornidazole, fluconazole, osarbon, dalacin, laferobion, gatiorloxacin, douching and karsil), and in a week I’m going back for tests. My husband took a spermogram:
Ejaculate quantity – 4.0
Color – grayish-white
pH – 7.2
The smell is specific
Turbidity - cloudy
Liquefaction time – 40 min
Viscosity – 0.1
Quantity in 1 ml – 115 million
Total quantity – 460 million
Mobility – 57%
A (actively mobile) – 9%
B (sedentary with linear movement) – 26%
C (sedentary without linear movement) – 22%
D (stationary) – 43%
Living forms – 64%
Dead forms – 36%
Microscopy of a native drug
Leukocytes - single in the field of view
Red blood cells – single in the preparation
Lecithin grains - in small quantities
Epithelial cells – not detected
Betcher crystals – not found
Spermagglutination – moderately expressed
Cells of spermatogenesis – single
Microscopy of a stained preparation
Flora – coccus scanty
Gonococci - not detected
Trichomonas - not detected
Normal forms – 73%
Degenerative forms – 27%
Pathology of the head – 22%
Body pathology – 2%
Tail pathology – 3%
Farris score – 262.2

Didn't do a MAP test
Please tell me:
a) are the drugs normal for treating my diagnosis?
b) do I need to do a spermogram with a MAP test again?
c) is it necessary for the husband to undergo a course of treatment, go to a urologist for a consultation, and if so, what other tests should be submitted to the doctor?
d) is it possible to prescribe a course of treatment for my husband based on the above data (he doesn’t like doctors and tests))))?
e) after what time can I resume trying to get pregnant (was sexual rest prescribed while taking the medications)?
Thank you very much, I look forward to your answer, Valentina.

Answers Sudarikov Igor Vitalievich:

Dear Valentina! In the above spermogram, attention is drawn to the low number of actively motile forms of sperm, that is, precisely those that should fertilize the egg. The reason for this may be various factors: infectious, inflammatory, hormonal, vascular, autoimmune, etc. Only an additional examination can answer the question about the leading cause, since the likelihood of getting pregnant with the current analysis is very low. I cannot judge the quality of your treatment, since I am not a gynecologist. To love or not to love doctors is up to each person. It all depends on the goal that the married couple wants to achieve. Best regards, Dr. Sudarikov.

2013-04-25 03:16:00

Julia asks:

My husband took Nolitsin, Verona and Aescusan to treat prostatitis, the andrologist said that you can engage in active planning, there is nothing wrong, then I found out that I was pregnant (3-4 weeks), it turns out that I became pregnant while my husband was taking these drugs.... could this have a negative effect on the fetus?

2015-06-24 14:27:35

Olesya asks:

Hello, please tell me. My husband and I are planning a child, we didn’t get pregnant last cycle, but we need to put on Diclovit and Longidaza suppositories. Is it possible to plan to conceive in the next cycle while taking suppositories? We really want a baby and don’t want to waste time! Thank you!

2015-01-09 12:05:57

Kundyz asks:

Good afternoon. I wrote to you earlier. “Good afternoon. I am 34 years old, married, two children. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I took a course of treatment for about 2 months - a Metaject injection and Metipred tablets. At first the injection increased the dose, and then reduced it to a minimum. Now I want to get pregnant But now the joints have started to hurt again, 2 fingers on my right hand are swollen in the morning, I take painkillers, I read about Chondroxide tablets, I think I can take them, but the question is: will I be able to get pregnant after taking it? And how long will it take for it to happen? get pregnant?
I know that after taking hormonal medications you need to wait 6 months, but Chondroxide does not write that it is hormonal. Help me please. How much does this drug affect the body of a woman of childbearing age? Thank you in advance.

January 09, 2015
Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna answers:
Gynecologist, reproductive specialist
information about the consultant
Kundyz, good afternoon! It is not a fact that chondroxide will help you; to draw any conclusions, you need to take it for a long time (at least 6 months). It is a non-hormonal drug and negative influence does not affect reproductive function. You can plan a pregnancy on a minimum dose of metipred (4 mg) until the sex of the child is determined."
I missed one point - I was given an injection of METAJECT for 2 months. At first the injection increased the dose, and then reduced it to a minimum. I read on the Internet that it takes 6 months to conceive. Please answer if this is true or maybe I'm wrong. Thank you in advance.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Good afternoon, Kundyz! The fact is that methotrexate has a teratogenic effect (can cause fetal malformations), therefore, regardless of the dose, it is necessary for 6 months. use contraception when engaging in sexual activity. During planning, I recommend taking a folic acid supplement.

2013-02-07 16:42:53

Julia asks:

Good afternoon, I’m 23 years old, can you tell me if it’s possible to get pregnant (and even try) while taking Femoston and Utrozhestan, I’ve been taking it for the 2nd month. The schedule for taking 14 days is Utrozhestan on the 14th day + Femoston. I was examined, everything is fine, but there is a lack of progesterone. And Testosterone is increased .

Answers Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

You can try. If pregnancy does not occur within 1 year of open sexual activity, then you should contact a fertility specialist.

2013-01-01 21:08:09

Elena asks:

Hello. I am 34 years old, I have been pregnant twice. The first one froze at 8.4 weeks. (14 years ago), everything is fine with the second one (daughter is almost 9 years old). My cycle has always been like clockwork (not abundant, and lately even scanty), the first 1.5 days are painful. And in November of this year there was a failure. Menses passed from November 1st to November 4th. as expected, they repeated on November 18–22. Since this is not typical for me, on the 19th I already saw a doctor. Ultrasound of the body of the uterus in antiflexion, clear, even contours, myometrium of a homogeneous structure, dimensions 61*61*63 mm, in the anterior wall there are 3 myomatous nodes of 7-15 mm, in the posterior wall there are 2 nodes up to 15 mm; the uterine cavity is not dilated; endometrium 7 mm, uniform in structure and thickness; cervix - length up to 38 mm, homogeneous structure, multiple cysts up to 7-10 mm are located; the cervical canal is not dilated; ovaries: right - 30*18mm, follicles 5-6 mm; left 28*18 mm, follicles 5-7 mm; parametria without features. Free fluid in the retrouterine space was not detected. CONCLUSION: Echo signs of nodular intramural fibroids, discrepancy between the endometrium and the cycle period. Menstruation next month. It was not at the beginning of the month, but from the 13th to the 18th (without features). On December 28, I had a repeat ultrasound: the body of the uterus was 59*49*54 mm, the walls were smooth and clear. The echostructure of the myometrium is heterogeneous, with small intromaral nodules along the anterior wall of the node, 12*12*10 mm, along the posterior wall up to 8.10 mm in diameter. the uterine cavity is not deformed. Endometrium of homogeneous structure up to 12 mm. 2nd phase of menstruation. cycle. The cervix is ​​regular in shape, with small cysts up to 10 mm. The right ovary is in a typical place, dimensions 34*24 mm, the follicular apparatus is pronounced. The left ovary in a typical place is 30*22 mm, the follicular apparatus is pronounced. Conclusion Small nodular uterine fibroids. Tell the doctor whether the bleeding could have been corrected, treatment by a neuropathologist, I completed two courses of treatment in September and October. I received physio, massage (neck area, thoracic spine) and two injections of Diprospan (maybe I call it wrong), I give these injections subcutaneously in the back. And one more question, we are planning to give birth to a second child, but I’m just worried about one thing, there are several nodules, what risks and troubles can they bring during pregnancy? What should you do, get treatment first or get pregnant as quickly as possible and get treatment after giving birth? I have been to three doctors, everyone says that there is nothing wrong, only one prescribed me to take Logest tablets for 6 months, and come to the appointment with a control ultrasound after finishing taking the medications, the second forbade me to take any hormones, the third said that for now just observe . What is your opinion on my situation? Thank you.

2012-09-28 02:27:53

Julia asks:

My husband and I want a child, but on an ultrasound we saw multifollicular ovaries and prescribed a course of Midiana for 4 months for the purpose of treatment and obtaining a “re-bound effect” so that we could get pregnant right away.
On September 27, my period began, and I immediately took 1 tablet of Midiana from day 1, after 5 hours I felt the effect: nausea, vomiting, chills, aching in the liver area and a stomach ache.
In connection with the situation described, I have a number of questions:
1. Is it worth taking Midiana for all 4 months or can you get by with at least 3 months to start trying to get pregnant?
2. Is it possible to start getting pregnant immediately after stopping the course (in the 1st cycle) or do you need to wait a while, I heard differently: after hormones you need to wait time or there will be a frozen pregnancy or you can get pregnant right away, but twins will appear, etc.?
How can I determine that ovulation has begun after canceling the course?
3. Is it normal that I have such side effects after 1 dose? How long can they last?
4. I have a tendency to venous dilatation of the veins, how can I determine whether thrombosis will appear as a side effect?
Thank you in advance!

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Hello! If you feel very bad after taking the drug, then why don’t you consult a doctor, but ask on the Internet? After all, the doctor can examine you, but I can’t. The drug needs to be changed due to poor tolerability of midiana. Opinions differ about when you can get pregnant, but twins are possible: the percentage of twins is slightly higher after using contraceptives than without them. Ovulation can be determined by a test method. Ovulation tests are available in the pharmacy chain, called “Solo”. On the eve of taking contraceptives, it is necessary to donate blood for clotting - a coagulogram.

Many women who are faced with a disease such as candidiasis (thrush) are concerned about the question: is it possible to get pregnant with thrush? Will the disease harm a future pregnancy if it does occur? After all, absolutely everyone knows that any genital tract infection cannot be called harmless.

It is worth saying right away that in the scientific and medical literature there is no indication that vulvovaginal candidiasis prevents a woman from becoming pregnant or makes her infertile.

It is possible to become pregnant both with asymptomatic carriage of the fungus and with pronounced candidiasis. Moreover, medical observations confirm that conception and fungal infection are in no way interrelated. But women usually, to find out whether it will be possible to get pregnant with thrush, go to some women’s forum, where they begin to be stuffed with various myths.

Myths about candidiasis and conception

Among women suffering from thrush, there are several peculiar myths that supposedly explain why it is impossible to get pregnant with candidiasis. Here's what, in their opinion, prevents you from conceiving with thrush:

  • When the disease occurs, the pH of the vagina changes and it is impossible to get pregnant.
  • After the disease, adhesions appear that prevent conception.
  • After suffering a fungal infection, it is generally impossible to become pregnant, since the fungus seriously affects a woman’s reproductive function.
  • If you succeed in getting pregnant, it will be very difficult to bear a child with such a diagnosis.

All these myths do not stand up to criticism. As for the first, the yeast fungus that causes the disease does not affect the acidity of the vagina in any way. Some “experienced ladies” on some women’s forum can assure that the fungus reduces the normal acidity of the vagina, and therefore sperm do not survive in an alkaline environment. In fact, an alkaline environment is the most favorable for sperm, and if this were the case, then thrush would create excellent conditions for getting pregnant.

There is also no logic in the second myth - the fungal infection is superficial, and the inflammatory process is usually limited to the external genitalia, vagina and cervix. The fungus does not penetrate into the uterine cavity or fallopian tubes, which means that no adhesions are formed. The third and fourth myths are simply echoes of the first two. The fungal infection has virtually no effect on the development of the fetus, as well as the ability to tolerate pregnancy normally.

As we found out, doctors give an affirmative answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with thrush. It is quite possible to get pregnant, but it is better to plan a pregnancy after treatment for thrush.

In the chronic form of the infection, the disease should be put into remission, that is, again, treatment will be required. And only after this can you calculate a time convenient for pregnancy and plan conception.

This sequence is necessary for a pregnant woman to feel normal and not be nervous during the period of bearing a child. And also for the safety of the fetus. Since although thrush does not affect the development of the child, there is a risk of infection of the fetus in the womb or when passing through the birth canal. During childbirth, the risk of infection for a newborn is especially high, so you should not neglect the safety of the unborn child - it is better to undergo a course of treatment, after which you can become pregnant without fear.

Using suppositories during menstruation 1

Treatment of gynecological diseases may involve the use of local therapies. But what if the timing of health-restoring measures coincides with menstruation, because it is impossible to cancel it? Are suppositories indicated during menstruation or will you have to wait until they end?

Advantages and disadvantages of using local treatment on critical days

In some cases, the use of local remedies is possible through the rectum. And then the question of whether it is possible to put candles during menstruation does not arise at all. This type of treatment is carried out independently, without requiring the intervention of doctors or home assistants. And although during menstruation the introduction of a suppository is less comfortable, there is nothing complicated about it, nor are there any obstacles that can prevent the body from accepting the healing components.

It’s a different matter when a woman is forced to use candles during menstruation, placing them in the vagina. This situation can be viewed from different angles. If you administer suppositories on critical days, this will provide:

  • Continuity of treatment. The benefit is especially important in bacterial infections. Pathogenic microorganisms must not be allowed to adapt to substances that suppress their vital functions. And when the healing components arrive unevenly, with irregularities in the scheme, with a long break, this is possible. Due to the pause, treatment becomes more complicated; stronger drugs may be needed;
  • Quality of therapy. On critical days, the reproductive system is renewed and gets rid of obsolete tissue. If you use suppositories during menstruation, this will help speed up the treatment and recover from it faster.

Why the use of suppositories may become undesirable

These types of drugs may reduce their effectiveness when taken on critical days for the following reasons:

  • Menstrual flow washes away the medicine, bringing it out. It may not have time to act, the treatment will be half-hearted. If we are talking about an infection that needs to be gotten rid of, it can then become chronic. The deficiency is especially noticeable if suppositories are used during heavy periods;
  • The acidity of the vagina changes during menstrual periods. This may be important if the components of the suppository enter into a chemical reaction with the secretions, which results in unpleasant sensations and itching. When a drug is designed to affect specifically the local microflora, its effect may be the opposite of what is desired;
  • Menstruation sometimes occurs differently than before using the medicine, due to the side effects of the drug components. This will cause anxiety in the patient and may mislead her doctor.

If we sum up all the pros and cons that suppositories provide when used during menstruation, it turns out that everything is determined by their type, the medicinal substances contained in the suppositories.

The need for therapy may be caused by the urgency of taking it, as well as in combination with injections and tablets. Some medications need to be started at the beginning of the cycle.

When to use pain-relieving suppositories

It can be difficult to endure painful sensations. And therapy aimed at their main cause is not always able to cope with the syndrome. Moreover, pain-relieving suppositories are indicated during menstruation, if the sensations are caused by the presence of critical days. Many of the suppositories also have an anti-inflammatory effect. And this is especially important in this period, because diseases tend to worsen during critical days.

Suppositories for pain during menstruation, for which the discharge will not be a hindrance:

  • Naproxen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Voltaren.

The substances that provide a therapeutic effect in these suppositories do not react chemically with blood and mucus, are not easily washed off and act quickly enough.

Suppositories for thrush: can they be used on menstrual periods?

Many women have suffered from candidiasis at least once. Like most gynecological ailments, it often makes itself known precisely on menstruation days. After all, the secretions and balance of hormones lead to changes in the local microflora. It is difficult to predict which direction it will lean, but conditions are favorable for the spread of candida fungus.

And some suppositories for thrush during menstruation are likely to be useless. Moreover, if they are used, the effect may be negative. Medicinal substances that destroy the fungus will be partly excreted with secretions; a small amount will remain in the vagina, giving the microorganism a chance to get used to them and not react. However, each drug used for this disease should be studied separately:

  • Clotrimazole is a suppository for menstruation, which can increase the symptoms of thrush. Women who use them often note the quality side effect itching of the mucous membrane, even when treated with a drug for inflammation or cystitis. And although the components of clotrimazole are washable, you should not use suppositories during menstruation;
  • It is also undesirable to use pimafucin suppositories during menstruation. Dissolving after some time in the vagina, the suppositories turn into a foamy mass, which is quite easily removed along with the discharge. Another reason why it is better to postpone treatment with them is an adverse reaction caused by the drug. It irritates the mucous membrane, and together with secretions, its components can cause severe itching;
  • Terzhinan suppositories during menstruation not only in the treatment of thrush, but also in other cases can become a lifesaver. Critical days do not become an obstacle to their use. A special feature of terzhinan is that its more active action is ensured by a moist environment. That is, the discharge will not become a hindrance, but will enhance the effect of medicinal substances. Even with heavy menstruation, they do not stop using terzhinan.


Local remedies help well in the treatment of cervicitis and vaginitis, in which the affected area is captured by the influence of medicinal components. But will, for example, Hexicon suppositories help with menstruation if they are prescribed for the treatment of ailments?

The main active ingredient of the drug is chlorhexidine. This substance quickly dissolves in a liquid medium, which is undesirable for treatment. Menstrual flow contributes to this, that is, it reduces the effect of use. And therefore it should be postponed until the end of the period.


Genferon suppositories during menstruation, being antibacterial and antiviral, also reduce their activity with heavy discharge. After all, the composition of microorganisms in the vagina changes during this period. So, when used vaginally in combination with heavy menstruation, suppositories, while less effective, allow bacteria to adapt to medicinal substances. It is better to administer them rectally.

If the discharge is scanty, vaginal use of geneferon is also possible. Especially when the appointment is scheduled once a day. If you put a candle in the evening, the medicine will have time to work overnight, because there is less discharge at this time.


Depantol - suppositories during menstruation, the use of which, although harmless, is pointless. The drug has an antiseptic effect due to the presence of chlorhexidine in the composition. This substance is easily washed away by menstrual flow.

Another task of depanthol is to stimulate regenerative processes in the mucous membrane. It is also difficult to perform it on critical days, since cell renewal occurs. It is impossible to use depanthol rectally, so you should postpone it until after menstruation.


The instructions allow the use of betadine suppositories during menstruation. The action of the drug is aimed at disinfection, that is, getting rid of pathogenic bacteria. The composition contains iodine, which works quickly, and glycerin, which prevents the suppository from slipping out. a short time. The only exception would be heavy periods, which will not allow the medicine to have its full effect.

Betadine does not have the unpleasant property of irritating the mucous membranes, so there is usually no additional discomfort when using it during menstruation.


Acylact is a drug that helps restore vaginal microflora. It contains the bacteria themselves, the presence of which ensures normal well-being in the intimate area and the absence of infections. Therefore, Acylact suppositories are not used during menstruation. There are two reasons for this:

  • The cervix is ​​slightly open, which makes the penetration of microorganisms more likely. But they should not be in the organ cavity, it is sterile;
  • Menstrual flow will not allow microorganisms to settle on the walls of the vagina, so in terms of restoring the local flora, the application will be useless.

How to insert suppositories during menstruation

You need to insert candles during menstruation with special care and hygiene. This is important to prevent infection or involuntary neutralization of the medicinal substances contained in the composition. The first is especially dangerous during menstrual periods when the cervix is ​​dilated, the second is simply undesirable.

Hands and perineum should be washed before insertion. It is important to completely remove the gel from the skin and mucous membranes, as its remnants can help reduce the effect of the drug. The drug is administered while lying on your back, after which it is better to remain in the position for at least 20 minutes.

It is better to discuss with your doctor whether to use candles during menstruation or to abstain. Not all specialists, in principle, allow such treatment during menstruation, even when the instructions for the drug do not prohibit it. The ideal would be the absence of menstruation throughout the entire duration of therapy. But the cycle is subject to its own laws, and if a coincidence cannot be avoided, it is necessary to find out exactly whether it is necessary to interrupt the use of the product, administer the suppositories rectally, or continue to use it vaginally without fear.

Is it possible to get pregnant with candidiasis (thrush)?

  • Chances of getting pregnant with thrush
  • Planning a pregnancy
  • Is thrush dangerous during pregnancy?

Chances of getting pregnant with thrush

There are different opinions about whether it is possible to get pregnant with thrush. No competent doctor would rule out this possibility. However, it has been noted more than once that a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant are very low if she has thrush from time to time, especially in a chronic form. This is explained by the following factors:

  • During thrush, it is quite difficult to get pregnant for the reason that the woman often refuses sexual intercourse. She simply does not like this process because of the pain. The waste products of the pathogenic fungus irritate the walls of the vagina, causing the appearance of small wounds that cause discomfort. In addition, during sex, a partner can easily damage the mucous membrane of a woman’s genital organs.
  • The fungus that causes the disease changes the acidity of vaginal secretions. Because of this, the sperm that get inside begin to rapidly die, never reaching their target. And also the new environment disrupts the natural microflora of the vagina. Therefore, she can no longer continue to maintain immunity at the required level.

Questions about the possibility of pregnancy during thrush usually worry girls who have not been able to completely cure the disease. It has developed into a chronic form and can at any time again provoke the activity of the pathogenic fungus.

In fact, thrush does not affect reproductive function in any way. It does not cause adhesions in pipes. As in a healthy state, the ovaries will perform the main function. No significant changes are observed in the menstrual cycle. Therefore, the uterus is able to normally accept the born life.

The risk of getting pregnant during thrush, although small, is still there. Therefore, if a woman does not plan to become a mother in the near future, then she needs to use protection. You should also use contraception so as not to infect your partner with the fungus. Indeed, in this case, he will also have to undergo long-term treatment.

Planning a pregnancy

Responsible girls will certainly plan their pregnancy long before conception. Such caring attitude toward yourself and your unborn child helps reduce the risk of problems that could threaten the fetus. Initially, a woman should be tested for various viruses and infections. She is also recommended:

  • take care of your diet;
  • exercise regularly;
  • give up bad habits such as alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • try to avoid stressful situations.

These measures are enough to put your own body in order and prepare it for conception.

It is not necessary to postpone conception if a girl suddenly develops thrush. But you need to understand that during the course of the disease a miscarriage may occur. In addition, the fungus can cause problems with the baby’s respiratory system. Thrush no longer poses any threat.

During pregnancy, thrush does not threaten the baby. But he can become infected with the fungus during birth. To avoid such troubles, a woman should think about this possibility in advance. Even before conception, it is recommended to undergo tests that will identify the disease. After this it is worth carrying out full course treatment so that the disease does not decide to make itself known at the most inopportune moment.

Is thrush dangerous during pregnancy?

When a woman becomes pregnant, despite the fact that she has thrush, she should especially carefully monitor her own health. In this situation, it is important to quickly cure the disease. It is strictly forbidden to deal with the problem on your own. Incorrect methods of killing fungus can cause great harm to a child’s health.

If a pregnant woman discovers that she has thrush, the first thing she needs to do is inform the supervising doctor. He will offer to take a series of tests in order to determine the level of danger for the baby and his mother based on their results. Depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor will prescribe a series of effective drugs, which are not dangerous to the child. The faster the thrush is cured, the more comfortable the fetus will feel.

There is no need to delay the fight against the disease. After all, changes in the vaginal microflora during pregnancy can cause the disease to progress. It will quickly develop into a chronic form, and then the woman will constantly face this problem with the slightest decrease in immunity.

Is it possible to get pregnant while using contraceptives?

There is no ideal method of contraception. Even proven methods turn out to be ineffective if the instructions are not followed, due to individual characteristics body or due to a combination of circumstances - yes!. The most authoritative indicator that determines the reliability of contraceptives is the Pearl index (“failure rate”). It is equal to the number of unplanned conceptions during one year in 100 women using one or another method of contraception. The lower this indicator, the more reliable the contraceptive method.

Is it possible to get pregnant while using condoms?

Pearl index: 2−18

According to statistics, a condom is the most common method of contraception. In addition, condoms protect against sexually transmitted diseases. To minimize the chance of pregnancy when using condoms, you must:

Choose the right condom (the determining parameter is not the length of the product, but the width);
- carefully open the package (its integrity may be damaged if you use scissors or other sharp objects);
- observe the terms and conditions of storage (under the influence of direct sun rays, high and low temperatures, the latex structure may be damaged);
- put on the product on time and correctly (a condom must be worn before sexual intercourse, and not during it);
- buy contraceptives only in large pharmacies and stores to exclude counterfeit (popular brands of condoms, such as Durex, Contex, Sico, are often counterfeited);
- use high-quality lubricants (due to an insufficient amount of lubricant, which reduces the force of friction, the condom can break during sex; only water-based lubricant does not harm a latex product; fat causes it to lose elasticity and break);
- do not wear two condoms at the same time (this will not double the guarantee of safety, but on the contrary, they may break due to friction).

Is it possible to get pregnant while using suppositories, creams, gels and other spermicides?

Pearl index: 18−29

Spermicides are vaginal contraceptives consisting of a base and a chemical that destroys sperm. These substances include benzalkonium chloride, menfegol, octoxynol, nonoxynol-9. Spermicides are produced in a wide variety of forms - suppositories, creams, jellies, tablets (Pharmatex, Nonoxynol, Benatex, Contracentol, etc.). In what cases may these contraceptives not protect against unwanted pregnancy?

When using these contraceptives, it is important to follow the instructions for use (the duration of action and method of administration of the drug depend on the form of release).
- You should not shower with soap for several hours after sex, because... detergents reduce the spermicidal properties of these contraceptives. For hygiene purposes, only clean water can be used.
- To increase the effectiveness and reliability of spermicidal contraception, it is recommended to use this method in combination with other means, such as condoms.

Is it possible to get pregnant while using birth control pills?

Pearl index: 0.3−0.9

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) contain analogues of the female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Birth control pills have a complex effect on the female reproductive system - they prevent the maturation and release of the egg, thicken the cervical mucus to make it difficult for sperm to pass through the cervix, and change the lining of the uterus so that a fertilized egg cannot attach to it. What rules will help avoid unwanted pregnancy when using birth control pills?

These tablets must be taken regularly at the same time for 21 days, starting from the first day of your period. Each missed pill increases the risk of pregnancy. If a woman forgot to take the pill, then she needs to take the drug as soon as she remembers, and then use additional methods of contraception in the next couple of days.
- Taking antibiotics and certain other medications, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by indigestion, diarrhea and vomiting, may reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. In these situations, you need to additionally protect yourself with a condom.

Is it possible to get pregnant while using a ring?

Pearl index: 0.3−0.8

NuvaRing is a vaginal ring that contains the hormones etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol. It is inserted into the vagina once a month, stays there for three weeks, then it is removed, and after a seven-day break a new one is inserted. Is it possible to get pregnant while using NuvaRing? Yes, such a possibility exists.

A woman will not be protected from pregnancy if she did not start using the ring on the first day of her menstrual cycle, or if she forgot about the ring for more than a month and did not replace it with a new one.
- The ring can sometimes come out on its own, for example, during sex. In this case, it should be rinsed and reinserted as soon as possible, and then consider emergency contraception.

Is it possible to get pregnant while using the IUD?

Pearl index: 0.1−0.8

An intrauterine contraceptive (IUC) is a device that is installed in the uterus for several years. Copper or silver included in the plastic component of the spiral has a detrimental effect on sperm, and the spiral itself, if fertilization does occur, prevents the egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. Can a woman using the IUD get pregnant? Yes, such situations are possible.

In rare cases, pregnancy while using an IUD is associated with the fact that the spiral partially or completely falls out of the uterine cavity, but the woman does not notice this.
- When the service life of the spiral (approximately 5 years) ends, it must be removed, as it loses its properties and there is a risk of infection.

Tatiana Petulko