It further discusses: Is the influence always negative? How can negative influences be identified? What are the ways of negative influence? Intimidation, - p.6. Pleykast «Negative impact of society on nature. Seregin

Society and nature are inextricably linked due to constant interaction. The consequences of this interaction can be beneficial for them, or, conversely, be harmful.

It's no secret that a person sometimes treats nature as property and behaves like a consumer. But precisely because nature and society interact, all the consequences of disrespect for nature will be reflected in society. It turns out that a person digs a hole for himself. Therefore, today the restoration of nature is one of the most urgent problems.

How exactly does society as a whole harm nature?
Firstly, these are emissions into the atmosphere of various substances. Using toxic substances, a person throws them in the used form into the atmosphere, which leads to the death of the living. Including the person himself.
Secondly, every day people throw garbage wherever they want, without thinking about the consequences of its destruction. But for this garbage to decompose, it will take years, tens, maybe even hundreds of years.
Thirdly, people cut down forests, kill animals, destroy nature in order to build cities. They just destroy it. Mercilessly destroyed. If this continues, does nature have a future?

Why are we doing this?
Again, there is no definitive answer. It is possible to single out the need for material and social goods. A person loves comfort, loves more, but resources are not always enough, so they are used from nature's reserves. Also, as often happens, it is the selfishness of a person. He does not care about the consequences for nature, the main thing is to satisfy his needs. And it turns out that the end justifies the means. Is this attitude correct in this situation? I doubt.

How to solve this problem?
“Fix society and there will be no disease.” Bazarov said. And he's right. The only solution to this problem is to fix society. Man must understand that when he harms nature, he harms himself. But only when he does realize this, willIt's too late because global problems aren't going to wait.

What should be done?
It is necessary to stop the emission of toxic substances into the atmosphere. This causes irreparable damage to the environment. We need to stop cutting down forests and killing animals. But this should be done by certain organizations. Each individual person can also help nature by observing the elementary rules! Stop throwing garbage everywhere. Refuse as much as possible from those things that can be done by destroying nature. Do not use the machine so as not to pollute the air.

The most important thing is that this should not concern one person, but everyone! Only by completely changing our attitude to nature, we can restore it!

A person very rarely can find people - associates in activities. Which will even just emotionally support him, at the stages of his life path. Because society always strives to bury and rot a person, as it were. If a person embarks on the path of spiritual, mental and social development, then there will always be many all kinds of ill-wishers who will try to pull him back.

This is such a phenomenon of environmental resistance. And his psychological aspects may be completely different. Someone will just envy, someone will think that for him loved one it can be dangerous because in their worldview they sincerely believe that this activity can actually be scary. Someone will start pouring negativity solely out of envy, because “what if he can succeed?” And the fact that if, for example, a person succeeds, and he can help this other person develop in the same way in the future, does not even occur to them. Someone may advise not to engage in development solely from their very selfish interests.

Women feel this caste system very well, in particular, Minaev showed it very well. When a woman, for example, does not sleep with a man because he is not part of the middle management caste, we will say that he is either “top”, with whom they still somehow sleep, because there is hope for a career, or he is lower in level. That is, he may be sexually and intellectually attractive, but he is from a different caste, and she will not be able to cross this barrier.

If you set some goals for yourself and start moving in this direction, not only do you need strength to fight some internal contradictions, mental hang-ups, internal mentors who will constantly say in your head that “it won’t work, quit this idea, ”so you will constantly waste time fighting with the people around you. Therefore, at this stage, it is easiest to completely dissolve with these people. If you are heading for a "new economic policy", then stop making friends with those people who constantly drag you back into this domestic swamp. And focus your attention on people who are also striving for something. Change starts with changing your environment. You must filter and revise your circle of friends, sort out those non-liquids that simply have you, without giving anything in return. Moreover, they also constantly pull you back into their swamp.

That is, you must discard the social ballast that pulls you back. Because without dropping this ballast you cannot rise.

It further discusses: Is the influence always negative? How can negative influences be identified? What are the ways of negative influence? Intimidation, blackmail, threat, imitation, addiction, beating, pressure on a person, etc. Adolescents are invited to speak out: do they want to succumb to such influence, and what consequences can the agreement lead to? What needs to be done to get out of the negative influence?

A security plan is being drawn up. It is necessary to convince adolescents that asking for help is not an admission of their own weakness, but a manifestation of the ability to resist. The plan should also include such items as appealing to parents and adults, college teachers, the police, hotlines.

Moderator Notes: Some adolescents may have already had experience seeking help with a negative outcome for themselves. In this case, you need to tell the students that each person has the right to make a mistake, but you don’t need to think about all people that in each case of asking for help they will push away, refuse or ridicule. It is better to seek help not from strangers, but to law enforcement agencies, professionals work there, and they know how to help.

Exercise: "Confrontation"

(15 minutes)

Target: The exercise makes you feel that the problem of drug use is not as simple as it seems at first glance. For example, narcotic substances are used in medicine to alleviate the suffering of seriously ill people, there are cases from history when people of art used drugs to stimulate the imagination. The meaning of this exercise is to form a conscious position in relation to psychoactive substances among students and develop the skills of a reasoned defense of their position.

Subgroups are seated in circles and calculated on the "first-second". The first numbers defend their point of view, starting their speech with the words: “Yes, the use of drugs is permissible ...”, and the second - the opposite: “No, the use of drugs is unacceptable ...”. The interaction is carried out in a circle, while the respondent must first paraphrase the previous participant, and then object, referring to the next interlocutor in the circle. For example: “As far as I understand, you are Aleksey, you think that you should not use drugs, as it destroys a person’s health. But I don't think it's a big deal if someone tries the drug even once...” When one circle is over, the exercise continues, but the points of view are reversed due to the odd number of participants.

Role-playing game "Situation of coercion"

(15 minutes)

Target: simulation of a situation of coercion from outside.

The group discusses various outcomes of the situation.

Moderator Notes: you need to ask those guys who were “subjected to” coercion and who were “coerced” about their feelings at this time. It is also discussed: what is the "coercive" in this role play sought? what did he need it for? He probably did not know the laws and hoped that no one would have to answer, the guilty would not be found,

The final part of the lesson (10 minutes)

Target: ending the meeting, getting feedback, scheduling the next meeting.

Materials: voice recorder or notebook and pen.

Content: the meeting comes to an end. First, the evaluation of the lesson. The facilitator passes the recorder around or records the statements of teenagers and asks the participants to evaluate the lesson, answering the question: “What was remembered at this meeting?”. Then the group agrees on the next meeting. Two or three teenagers remain for debriefing. Each exercise is evaluated according to a five-point system according to the following criteria: content, interest, usefulness, work of the facilitator. Options for changing some exercises are discussed.

"Learning to Solve Problems"

Exercise: Collecting Expectations

Target: express your expectations from the meeting and find out the expectations of other participants.

Materials: voice recorder or notebook and pen.

“A wise man said: you can give a man a fish and feed him for one day. Or you can give him a fishing rod and teach him how to use it, then he will be full all his life. The lesson can be compared with that fishing rod, having mastered which, you can not experience problems with a lack of food and always be full.

Exercise: "Keep the rhythm"

(10 minutes)

Goals: warm-up, creating a favorable atmosphere in the group.

The second version of the game: who will sing whom. Everyone conceives his own song and sings it first to himself. At the clap of the host, everyone continues to sing out loud at the same time, each with their own song.

Exercise: Problem Solving

(40 minutes)

Goals: learning different ways to solve problems. Acquaintance with the experience of others in overcoming problems.

Materials: workbook of the training participant, fountain pens.

Content: every person in his life faces problems. Participants are encouraged to open workbook participant of the training and fill out a table listing the problems they faced in their lives and ways to solve them with further discussion in small groups of 3 to 5 people. As a result, the most common problems of adolescents and the most effective ways their decisions.

Moderator Notes: prepare for the next meeting the results of the work of small groups in the form of handouts.

Group discussion: "Who answers in the crowd"

(20 minutes)

Target: development of the ability to predict, responsibility for one's actions, including the influence of aggravating circumstances: the state of drug and alcohol intoxication.

Content: Adolescents are invited to recall situations known to them from television programs of the occurrence of any actions that run counter to the law, when offenses were committed by a group in alcohol and drug intoxication. What was broken? What was the outcome? For example, we can take pogroms in the markets, riots associated with the behavior of football fans or skinheads.

Moderator Notes: I must say that the examples given are not isolated and not only skinheads commit pogroms. Abroad and in Russia, there are many associations, groups and sects that promote racism and xenophobia.

The final part of the lesson

(10 minutes)

Targets ending the meeting, getting feedback, scheduling the next meeting.

Materials: voice recorder or notebook and pen.

"Learning Not stick labels"

Introductory part

(15 minutes)

The hosts greet all the participants and thank everyone for the fact that they all gathered, briefly sum up the results of the previous meeting, make a message about the program of the day.

Ask the participants about the mood by asking the question: “What fruit does the mood look like?” Participants talk about their mood. Before starting the exercises, you can tell a parable:

Known experiment with a monkey who was taught to put out a fireon a raft, filling the fire with water from a mug. When once in a circleno water was poured, the monkey turned out to be helpless. She didn't get hitWu scoop up water overboard. Man is different from animalbecause he has consciousness. He has his own "I". A special feeling of one's separateness, incomplete fusion with others. There is an understandingtheir place, their rights and obligations among the surrounding people.A person has the ability to experience such deep personalexperiences like love, compassion, shame, resentment, jealousy. AND,most importantly, there is the ability to change one's behavior andmanage your own actions.

Before you start, study the statistics on drug addiction in your region, data on adolescents. You need to know where you can get advice from a narcologist, the opening hours of this institution, address, phone.

Exercise: "Greeting"

(15 minutes)

Goals: establishing a friendly atmosphere in the group.

The facilitator asks the participants to greet their neighbor and tell him the best news of the past week. Everyone says: "I greet you and tell you good news ..." - and continues the phrase.

Exercise: "I would like to_ get"

(15 minutes)

Goals: express your expectations from the meeting and find out the expectations of other students.

Materials: paper sheet, felt-tip pens.

Activity: Sticking Labels

(15 minutes)

Goals: awareness of the harm of judgment and labeling. Materials: cards, markers, pins.

Each participant receives two cards and writes on one of them a description of a person with good behavior, on the other - a description of a person with bad behavior. For example, “helps people”, “loves jokes”, “kind” or “alcoholic”, “drug addict”, “criminal”. After that, the cards are collected, shuffled and placed in the center of the circle. The host, together with one participant, pull out one card each and attach it with a pin to the back of each participant so that he does not see which card is on his back. The leaders also stick cards, preferably with a bad characteristic.

Everyone gets up, moves around the room and greets each other according to which card is on their back. The facilitator asks the participants to accurately express their greeting, try to express their desire or unwillingness to communicate with this person.

When everyone says hello and sits in a circle, everyone tries to guess what words are on their card without looking at it,

Further, the facilitator suggests opening the workbooks of the training participants and answering the questions: what were your feelings when you greeted a good man? What about bad? How did others contact you and why?

What did you feel about it? What have we learned through this exercise? How does this relate to the attitude of society towards HIV-positive and drug-addicted people? How can this exercise be related to the problem of discrimination against HIV-positive and drug-addicted people?

The purpose of this exercise is for everyone to feel the situation in which drug addicts and HIV find themselves. positive people. By sticking a label on someone, we, in turn, receive exactly the same label.

This exercise may cause a negative reaction in some participants. Therefore, it is necessary to foresee this and offer a positive exit from the exercise. For example, collect all the bad cards, tear them up and throw them in the trash. This action symbolizes that all bad things are removed from the circle. You can also say that it was just a game,


Exercise: "Behind the circle"

(10 minutes)

Target: help to understand the root causes of discrimination, the pitfalls and possible consequences.

Instruction: participants in the circle need not be allowed inside the one who is outside the circle; accordingly, the latter needs to get inside by any means; whoever misses will be kicked out of the circle.

Game duration: 10 minutes. At the end, the participants share their feelings, and the conversation smoothly turns to the topic of discrimination. Next, it is proposed to recall a situation when the participants were subjected to any kind of harassment.

Participants share this experience in pairs or tell several situations for a common circle. Attention is drawn to how we react when observing a situation of discrimination, what feelings prevent us from being more fair, and how we later pay for the arbitrariness (feelings of guilt, regret, bitterness, shame, etc.)

Leader notes: Discrimination, as an infringement of the rights of a minority, is quite widespread in our society. Moreover, in the case of drug addiction, both those who use drugs and those who are close to drug addicts can be discriminated against. It is important to understand that by infringing on the rights of a minority (for example, by trying to solve the problem of drug addiction only by punitive methods), we most often only increase tension, alienation, and complicate the situation even more. By the way, this exercise can also demonstrate the opposite example; how, guided by natural human feelings, group members provide assistance to those who are outside the circle.

Exercise: "Responsibility"

(10 minutes)

Target: help teens feel what it means to be responsible, either for themselves or for others.

    Being responsible means to me...

    Some people are more responsible than others - they are people who...

    Irresponsible people are...

    I show my responsibility to other people through...

    The kind of responsibility that I feel is more difficult for me is...

    Responsible person I know by...

    The stronger my responsibility, the more I...

    I would be afraid to be responsible for...

Being responsible to yourself is...

I am responsible for...

This is followed by a discussion in pairs and in a circle. The facilitator helps the participants to clarify their points of view and realize the degree of their responsibility for their feelings, thoughts, actions. When conducting a discussion, you can let the participants feel the merits and demerits of two positions: “responsibility for others” and “responsible treatment of others”.

Note to host: The table below will help the facilitator navigate this issue.

When I feel responsible for others

When I treat others responsibly

fix protect save

I control

I demonstrate empathy (empathy, understanding of feelings) I encourage

I take on their feelings and don't listen

share conflict

I feel...

I feel...

fatigue anxiety

poise freedom



intrinsic value

I am worried about...

I'm worry...

about a human

about feelings

with a person


not to make mistakes in performance

I am a manipulator, i.e. is-

I believe my presence with

I use others

another person is enough

I think that a person is alive

I am a helper/guide, i.e.

vet according to my-

accompanying another

my expectations

I think the person is responsible

for yourself and your actions

I can trust and accept

people as they are Document

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  • Psychologist Guy Winch gave some practical advice to help mitigate the negative impact of failure.

    Rejection is the most common type of emotional upheaval we experience in our daily lives. More recently, the risk of being rejected was very insignificant, since it was limited to the person’s immediate social circle or his search in dating clubs. Today, thanks to electronic communications, social networks and various dating applications, each of us is connected with thousands of people, and any of them can ignore our posts, chats, notes or profiles in dating services, which makes us feel rejected.

    In addition to these minor failures, we are also subject to serious and more destructive failures. The pain of a rejected person - someone who has been abandoned by a spouse, fired from a job, who has been turned away by friends, or who, due to this or that lifestyle, is not accepted by either relatives or society, can be truly paralyzing.

    The psychology of rejection

    Whether you have experienced rejected love or some other kind of emotional upheaval, major or minor rejection, one thing remains the same - it is always a very painful experience, and usually more unpleasant than we expect.

    And the question is why? Why are we so worried if a close friend didn't "like" a photo from family holiday that we posted on Facebook? Why can this ruin the mood completely? Why, because of something seemingly so insignificant, can we get angry with a friend, upset? Even our self-esteem is reduced at such moments.

    Most of the damage from rejection is usually done by ourselves. When our self-esteem is badly hurt, we go and destroy it even more.

    It's simple - our brain is programmed to react in this way. By examining the brains of people who were asked to remember the last time they were rejected using a functional magnetic resonance therapy machine, scientists came to surprising conclusions. When we experience rejection, the same areas of the brain are activated as when we experience physical pain. That is why even a trifling rejection is more painful than we think, because it literally hurts (way and on an emotional level).

    But why is our brain programmed this way?

    Evolutionary psychologists believe that this mechanism goes back to the era of hunter-gatherer tribes. Since then a person could not survive alone, being rejected by society was actually a death sentence. As a result, we developed an early warning mechanism about the danger of “being expelled from the tribe” - and this was a refusal. Fear of rejection contributed to survival. Those who took the rejection more painfully most often changed their line of behavior, remained in the tribe and had the opportunity to continue their lineage.

    Of course, emotional pain is just one of the effects of rejection on our well-being. In addition, rejection also damages mood and self-esteem, triggers anger and aggression, and undermines our need to “be a part of something.”

    Unfortunately, most of the damage from rejection is usually done by ourselves. And it’s true, if you were dumped by the partner you were dating, or if you were the last to be selected in the team gathering, the natural reaction is not to accept the rejection, we will not go to lick our wounds, no, we become extremely self-critical. We berate ourselves, lament our shortcomings, and even feel disgusted with ourselves. In other words, when our self-esteem is very hurt, we go and make things worse. This pattern of behavior harms our emotional health and is also psychologically self-destructive, but despite this, all of us have done it at some point.

    But, fortunately, there are better, more sensible ways to respond to rejection, algorithms to follow to avoid unhealthy responses to such situations, techniques to alleviate emotional pain and restore self-esteem. Here are some of them.

    No self-criticism

    No matter how much you want to list all your shortcomings after receiving a refusal, and no matter how logical it would be to punish yourself for what you did “wrong” - it’s not worth it! Armed with all possible means, try to review what happened and determine for the future what could be done differently, but remember: there is not the slightest reason to be self-critical and strict with yourself in this situation. How to survive the rejection of a man or a girl? It’s okay to think, “Maybe the next first date shouldn’t bring up my ex,” but “What a loser I am!” - No.

    Another common mistake we make is taking rejection personally when it isn't. Most rejections, whether in romantic or business relationships or in the social sphere, are a matter of “taste” and chance. Exhausting yourself by looking for your own shortcomings in an attempt to understand why it “didn’t work” is not only unnecessary - it’s not far from false conclusions.

    Restoring self-esteem

    When self-esteem is hit, it's important to remind yourself what you have to offer (instead of listing your shortcomings). Psychologically, the best way to increase self-esteem for an outcast person is to emphasize their significant characteristics. Make a list of five of your important, meaningful qualities - things that make you a great potential partner in a relationship (for example, you are always ready to help and support emotionally), good friend(for example, you are a loyal person and know how to listen) or a reliable employee (for example, you are responsible or used to strictly adhere to work discipline). Then choose one of them and write a paragraph or two (write, not just think) about why this quality is important to others and how it can be manifested in the appropriate situation. By giving yourself this kind of first aid, you will boost your self-esteem, ease the emotional turmoil, and gain the confidence to move on.

    Increasing the sense of social connection

    As social animals, it is important for us to feel needed and valued by members of various social groups to which we belong. Rejected love or other kinds of rejection undermine our need to be a part of something, and as a result, we suffer from uncertainty and a sense of lack of social attachment. Therefore, we need to remind ourselves that we are valued and loved. So you will again feel the social connection and solid ground under your feet. If a work colleague didn't invite you to dinner, go hang out with your softball teammates. If your child's friend does not want to communicate with him, consider how you can find another, and as soon as possible. And if your chosen one does not respond to SMS after the first date, call your grandparents - this is how you remind yourself that your voice alone is enough for someone to be happy.

    Rejection is always difficult to bear, but knowing how to reduce the psychological damage and restore self-esteem in the face of it, you can recover faster and move on with confidence, even if you need to go on another date or social event.

    Guy Winch, psychologist

    All people from our environment carry a different energy. Whether we like it or not, upon contact with the interlocutor, this energy touches us too. Suppose your interlocutor is sad and talks about his problems. After such a conversation, positive emotions obviously will not increase. We cannot isolate ourselves from society. Therefore, it is important to learn not to succumb to someone else's mood and maintain emotional balance.

    How to protect yourself from the negative energy of people

    First of all, it is important to get rid of expectations. Don't expect good or bad from people. It is impossible to predict what this or that meeting will bring. Even people who you consider to be extremely positive can surprise you unpleasantly. It is better not to guess how the event will go, but to act according to the situation. Usually situational decisions, in dealing with people, are the most correct.

    People are completely different. The world is full of people full of negativity and hatred. When dealing with such people, it is better to keep your distance. Such individuals tend to throw out their discontent on others. In addition, they often deliberately try to provoke a person to the manifestation of negative emotions, receiving satisfaction from this. This behavior is often unconscious, but that doesn't make it any easier for you. Therefore, try not to succumb to the provocations of such disgruntled personalities. Without emotion, parry hurtful jokes, criticism, and other unpleasant things that you might hear from them. In this case, you will be considered the winner, since the negative will remain with the one who brought it.

    by the most the best way to avoid negative influence is an optimistic attitude and self-confidence. If you are confident and optimistic about things, then it will be difficult for you to get out of emotional balance. We must try to find the positive moments in every person and every situation. In this case, everything will be fine with you, and no one will be able to dissuade you from this. Also, you can even help your surroundings by sharing positive energy.

    If we are talking about long-term relationships, and a person retains negative energy all this time, then it is better to think about breaking off such contacts. Your positive will not decrease, but the negative will decrease. It is not necessary to say everything in person. Better to just start avoiding contact with him. And if the conclusions are not made, then the relationship will be interrupted by itself. Thus, you will get rid of the negative influence factor.

    Find a way that works for you to wash away the negativity that you often encounter. Breathing practices and meditations are good for clearing the mind of any thoughts. Many dump their negativity in the gym, with intense loads. People who go in for sports are statistically less prone to negative emotions.

    Don't be afraid to turn people down. Especially when your emotional state starts to stagger a little. Excessive emotional stress, at this moment, can even provoke a nervous breakdown.

    Remember that the negative energy of the environment is the problem of the environment until you let it in.