The bachelor show ended with a wedding. Which of the participants in the show "The Bachelor" got married? Project girls who became brides in real life, not on the screen

Probably, many were wondering who she was - a participant in the show Bachelor 2, a winner who was lucky enough to win the heart of a beautiful man? Maria Drigola really became a worthy bachelor couple. But who was the second finalist and how did events unfold at the end of the project?

Finalists of the show Bachelor 2

The second season of the show Bachelor on TNT, Certainly, many viewers were waiting. This is not surprising, because romantic story was coming to an end, and Maxim Chernyavsky had to choose the one that of all applicants truly worthy of his heart.

Alena Pavlova-Participant-Bachelor2

Alena Pavlova and Maria Drigola fought for the palm. Probably with Alena Pavlova many are familiar, she was a participant not only in the reality show Bachelor, but also in Dom-2. Alena was in search of the perfect man with whom to build serious relationship and who would be a good father to her child.

The girl struck the bachelor at first sight. All due to the fact that she was very similar to ex-wife Maxim - Anna Sedokova. The audience was sure that Alena was very sweet and beautiful girl, but the rivals claimed that she was absolutely faceless.

Maria Drigola participant Bachelor2

Concerning Maria Drigola, she was absolutely sure that she needed a man who knows that there are things that money cannot buy. Previously, she already had a relationship with a man who believed that she could be “buyed”, filled up with gifts. But she claimed that she was not his wife, which means that she was not obliged to accept expensive presents.

Later, the lover began to blackmail the girl. He asked her to marry him. However, at the same time, he insisted that she sign a paper stating that Maria refused to communicate with her family.

The Bachelor show was an opportunity for a girl to break out of this hellish circle and really fall in love. Masha looked very gentle and reverent. It was clear that she suffered a lot from pressure from both her rivals and the editors of the show.

The finale of the show Bachelor (season 2 on TNT)

As you can see, two very worthy contenders clashed in the final, and it was very difficult for Maxim Chernyavsky to choose any of the participants. He perfectly understood that with Alena a life full of extreme sports, vivid emotions and drive awaits him.

Masha, on the other hand (as he himself admitted), is rather infantile, calm and ready to enjoy everything that happens to her. However, for a long time the man could not understand whether Masha was ready to start a family and for a serious relationship.

Alena was absolutely sure of her victory and assured that she and the bachelor were made for each other. In the final, a special date was prepared for Alena. She turned into a real princess in the desert. However, even such a romantic meeting could not pass quietly in the company of this girl.

At first, she decided to make a little scandal, to show her character, but she changed her mind in time, realizing that such behavior could repel a man. The prince and Cinderella ended up in a hammam, where Alena gave Maxim a massage. As the bachelor himself admits, he did not want to leave the date.

As for the final meeting with Masha, Maxim tried to make everything as romantic and memorable as possible. The date was in a very unusual place, and despite the fact that Masha had to climb steep rocks in shoes, the girl did not resent, but steadfastly overcame all obstacles.

In the evening, Maria herself arranged a romantic evening for Maxim and invited him to a room decorated with rose petals, and a large teddy bear was waiting for him on the bed. IN final scene the rivals were dressed in beautiful white dresses and were preparing to hear Maxim's verdict. Alena arrived at the meeting on an Arabian horse, drove up to her lover and was already ready to hear a declaration of love.

Unfortunately, Maxim's long speech ended with him confessing that he was in love with another girl. Alena could not hold back her tears, she constantly repeated that she loved this man and was ready to start a family with him, which did not deserve such treatment. The next verdict was to be heard by Masha. However, Maxim decided to test her nerves for strength.

At first, he made several compliments, said that she was the most sincere person he had ever seen, that she was really beautiful, whispered “I'm sorry” in his ear and left. Masha was really confused, but a few minutes later Maxim returned with a white bouquet and said:

I want to breathe with you and with you. I want you to always be there! .. I want to confess: I really love you very much.

Bachelor 2 Winner

As you can see, the winner of the second season of the Bachelor show was Maria Drigola. This was probably the longest relationship after the completion of the project. Young people were together for a whole year and a half. However, for some time, the partners had to live separately, and they realized that long-distance relationships were not their option. In November 2015, young people officially announced that they were no longer dating.

Rumors circulated in the media that it was not main reason their gap, since Masha could work remotely. So, she could regularly be in Los Angeles with her beloved. However, neither side provides any other information.

After the breakup with Maxim happened, the winner of season 2 of the Bachelor show began to carefully hide her personal life. The only thing that is known is that the beauty has not yet married.

And so ended the second season of the popular television show The Bachelor. Unfortunately, this couple could not maintain their relationship for a long time. Perhaps in the next seasons there will be a couple who will be able to save love for really many years.

Not a single couple of the Russian version of the show "The Bachelor" has played a wedding yet. Evgeny Levchenko and Olesya Ermakova broke up six months after the completion of the project. Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola lasted a year and a half. It was not possible to start a family with Timur Batrutdinov and Daria Kananukha. And Alexei Vorobyov did not choose any of the brides at all! What do beauties rejected by indecisive bachelors do?

1 season

Bachelor - Evgeny Levchenko
Finalists: Olesya Ermakova and Irina Volodchenko

Evgeny Levchenko is a football player who played for the Ukrainian national team, CSKA Moscow, the Dutch Vitesse, Groningen, Willem II and other clubs. According to the producers of the show, Evgeny went through strict auditions and outperformed 200 other applicants for the role of the first Russian Bachelor.

Olesya Ermakova

"Roman" Levchenko and the winner of the first season Olesya Ermakova lasted only six months. On the show, Olesya beat 26 competitors who fought for the heart of a bachelor, but when it came to discussing the wedding, he backed off.

“Every fairy tale comes to an end. So our relationship with Olesya ended, ”wrote Levchenko, who at that moment was living in Holland. - The main reason is the distance. Life in different countries, constant flights and employment turned out to be an obstacle for us. We part without quarrels, peacefully, remaining friends.

Gossips said that the reason for the gap was not the distance, but the completion of the contract between the participants of the show ...

Now Olesya is married to a man with whom she has been in love since her youth, and, according to the suspicions of her fans, she is expecting a child. The girl works as a show producer and maintains a fashion blog.

Irina Volodchenko

Irina's work is connected with politics. The girl is a member of the coordinating council of the public organization Young Guard. On duty, Irina travels a lot and meets with famous people, and actively shares the chronicle of his life on Instagram, along the way campaigning for the party in power and the incumbent president. Like Olesya Ermakova, after the end of the show, Irina started a relationship with her old friend.

season 2

Bachelor - Maxim Chernyavsky

Finalists: Maria Drigola and Alena Pavlova

“I hope to meet my future wife at the Bachelor,” Maxim Chernyavsky assured before the start of the season, ex-husband singer Anna Sedokova, who gave birth to a businessman's daughter Monica. Maxim's relationship with the winner of the show, Maria Drigola, lasted a little longer than the romance of the first couple of the project - a year and a half. Chernyavsky, as expected, promised to marry, but at the end of last year, the couple announced their separation.

Maria Drigola

After breaking up with a bachelor, Maria. as before the project, she continued to work in her father's law firm. The girl travels a lot and goes in for sports, only now a new love has not appeared in the life of the former bride.

Alena Pavlova

After the completion of The Bachelor, Pavlova, who is raising her son David on her own, went to look for love on the Dom-2 show, but the girl did not have a relationship with the participants: six months later Alena left the project, citing nervous exhaustion.

season 3

Bachelor - Timur Batrutdinov

Finalists: Daria Kananukha and Galina Rzhaksenskaya

He marries Daria Kananukhe? Or flirting with Galina Rzhaksenskaya? The most undecided participant in the reality show “The Bachelor” pretty much ruffled the nerves of both the winner, whom he himself chose, and her competitor, with whom he began to flirt after the end of the show, and all the fans of the program.

Daria Kananukha

Dasha announced her breakup with Batrutdinov in November last year. Kananukha blamed Timur for the breakup, who, according to her, did nothing to save the relationship. Despite the fact that Daria failed to become the legal wife of "The Bachelor", participation in the show still benefited her. The acquired popularity had a positive effect on the girl's career: after graduating from the institute, Daria became the director of the etiquette and personality development studio. She also works as a model, holds meetings and master classes.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya

The finalist of season 3 failed to win the heart of Batrutdinov. Resident Comedy Club gave preference to another participant in the show - Daria Kananukha, although he continued to communicate with Galina after the end of filming. After the completion of the project, Timur and Daria, as we have already said, quickly broke up, but Galina's personal life, on the contrary, improved. Recently, beloved Rzhaksenskaya Eugene proposed to her, and the couple celebrated their engagement in Dubai. Rzhaksenskaya did not announce the date of the wedding, as well as whether she would invite Timur Batrutdinov to the celebration, with whom she remained in excellent relations.

season 4

Bachelor - Alexey Vorobyov

Finalists: Natasha Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova

28-year-old musician Alexei Vorobyov left the viewers and participants of the show “Bachelor” in bewilderment, having even managed to create his own alternative ending in a show with a script. The star groom did not choose any of the finalists, considering that it was dishonest, first of all, in relation to himself, to declare his chosen one a girl in whose feelings he was not sure. Alexei also noted that such a finale was a surprise for himself, since he went to the show, among other things, in order to find his love. As a result, none of the finalists convinced him of their feelings and he decided to remain alone.

Natalia Gorozhanova

According to Natasha, the choice of Alexei did not come as a surprise to her. The girl already had a premonition that the singer would not give her the ring, since on the last date she admitted that she did not love him. Natalya admitted that the whole project was a huge stress for her, and to some extent she is glad that it ended. The girl, who was brought up in an orphanage in the town of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, will continue to develop her modeling career and look for love.

May 30, 2018, 14:06

I haven’t written anything for the site for a long time, I went to read it, and I was surprised that there was practically nothing on the topic of the last Bachelor, but before that, every episode was discussed! But I won’t go through all the “chicks”, since who was kicked out - they kicked out, but I’ll tell you about the “cute” Dasha Klyukina and the “doll” Vika Korotkova)

So - Dasha Klyukina

The girl breaks the comedy in public so much, I can't...
Today, one girl watched her, as they stood in line together, by some miracle, she spoke perfectly, without hesitation, excitement and everything else. As Klyukina saw that they were staring at her, for about 6 minutes, she immediately began to work according to the old scheme))
It is somewhat incomprehensible who believes in the angelic image, when an elderly man bought her a sable coat, with whom she had a nice time, and this is not the first time. Very funny lady...

Interesting facts about "The Bachelor 6
1. Dasha Klyukina was called to the project for the sake of high ratings, she herself will not leave the project.
2. Yegor Creed was the same girl before, during and after the project.
3. Egor Creed will choose the winner and will be with her under a contract for a year after the end of the show.
4. Anastasia Smirnova plays the role of a provocateur on the project. She will not win, there can be nothing between them, since they are familiar and communicate well with each other.

Among her close circle there is a rumor that the girl is bisexual and is very close friends with Snezhana)))))

One trusted person whispered that Klyukin would win, but there would be no Creed, in fact, Nicole would leave in the middle of the project.
Well, it is not at all surprising why so much attention is paid to this person.

Everything sticks to popular guys, but alas, oh, a pitiful sight. Klyukina is the same as everyone else. He does not stutter at all, runs after popular guys, has a bunch of bad habits. By itself, she is a habalka, she does not know how to talk normally with people and is very capricious.

They studied and became friends with her when she lived in Kaprinsk. She behaved adequately, but sometimes she was rude to teachers. When I studied in Yekaterinburg, I lived in a hostel, but not for long. She lived with the gopnitsy, and they constantly smoked and drank in the room, more than once the commandant tried to kick them out. Then we met a guy in the shopping center, not to say that he was rich, but the salary was above average, he was married.

Dasha was embarrassed at first, and then he rented her an apartment and helped her escape from the hated hostel. I did not communicate with my mother for half a year during my studies, because she could not rent an apartment for her.
In Sochi, I already found another richer guy. They met with him during her first bachelor, half a year after the end of the project, they broke up, and then her material problems began. An editor was called for the second bachelor, she was the only one of all the girls who was paid a fee. There can be no talk of any feelings for the creed.
Now, as I know, from a mutual friend, he is having an affair with a Russian businessman who lives in the UAE, is also married with a child.

Information about Creed, not from his personal lips, but from his very close circle of friends.
ABOUT Klyukina he doesn’t respond very well now and says not very good things for her in general companies. Like: "I told you that she is false and blah blah blah." On the set, as he said, there were moments where he told Klyukina that you were playing, baby, she swore to him there and swore that she really wants to be, so to speak, closer to him and that she wants them to succeed (Water lila to him)
Here he is not stupid, he did not believe all her fables. And most of the time he spent outside of filming.
He wanted to show himself to the audience from the other side, but there he was definitely not looking for anyone.
I don’t know if you are aware or not, but they really knew Aida before filming) And Klyukina herself fought for what she ran into
And now Vika communicates with his mutual acquaintances, they are quite on good terms

A Dasha what you wanted you got
Yes, and Yegorushka himself told all his friends that he supposedly understood right away that everyone there came for PR.
Well, I can also add that they really had a relationship with Karla, for whom everyone says, and then they had some misunderstandings between themselves. Now they communicate well with her, although some passion may have remained. But now he's talking to some blonde
Which is not from the party (in general, not INSTA girl)
But for some reason, he can’t stand it beyond his narrow circle of friends, and hides it carefully)
Although the girl is cute and sweet. NOT ESCORT
Showed the profile of this girl, it seems like not an escort.
WITH Korotkova, by the way, now they communicate, but she is an escort, it’s not her parents who provide her when she was born, how she lied to everyone, she didn’t go for love, as many people think, but purely for the same PR)

P.S. I knew Vikulik even before the project, I can only say that she is still the actress, in society she strives to show herself good, in fact ....

On June 3, 2018, the final of the 6th season of the show "The Bachelor" on the TNT channel will take place. While Yegor Creed is at a crossroads, we remember how the fate of the winners of the previous seasons of the romantic show turned out.

Five seasons - no wedding

For five seasons of The Bachelor, not a single wedding was played between the project participants. All couples who seemed so prosperous, sooner or later parted. Among the reasons: incompatibility of characters, remote residence, employment of heroes.

Psychologists believe that it is really possible to fall in love on such a project, but it is much more difficult to keep feelings. During filming, the efforts of many people create a romantic atmosphere, conditions that are not so common in real life. Participation in the project is a kind of holiday, after which ordinary everyday life begins, and the participants begin to get to know each other from new sides. The contrast is simply amazing.

Season 1 - Olesya Ermakova

Fragile, tender Olesya Ermakova and courageous Evgeny Levchenko seemed like an ideal couple, but after the end of the project they were together for only 9 months. They parted by mutual consent. Distance became an unbearable test for the heroes: constant trips between Holland and Russia undermined relations that did not have time to get stronger.

The football player wrote about the break with Olesya on his Facebook page: he said that their fairy tale ended peacefully, without quarrels and scandals, they remained friends.

To date, Olesya has been married for 4 years. In 2014, she accepted the offer of her long-term fan from London, and this time the distance did not become a hindrance. Olesya avoids publicity, does not advertise his personal life. Eugene is in a civil marriage, and in April 2016 he became a father.

Season 2 - Maria Drigola

Charming brunette Maria Drigola and charismatic businessman Maxim Chernyavsky were able to maintain a relationship for 1.5 years. But they did it mostly remotely - the Atlantic Ocean stretched between them. Maxim did not rule out that Maria could become his wife. But she did not manage to move to America with him, as it was said "for personal reasons", and the union broke up.

At present, Mary's heart is free. She works in the family business and travels a lot. She is not a public person, she does not strive for popularity, she even closed her Instagram profile.

Maxim, too, has not yet parted with the status of a bachelor. The main girl of his life is his daughter Monica.

Season 3 - Daria Kananukha

The third season was a complete disappointment for the audience: the winner Daria Kananukhu and the bachelor Timur Batrutdinov were never connected by mutual feelings. This information appeared on official page show shortly after the finale. The report said the couple were just working out a contract. Immediately after the show, Timur returned to work at the Comedy Club, and the girl left for her hometown - Kazan. They did not appear anywhere together, nothing connects them.

In 2016, Daria met lawyer Mikhail Zhelaev, and on July 22, 2017, their wedding took place. The wedding took place on the banks of the Volga, the main theme in the design of the ceremony was water.

Timur for some time maintained relations with the second finalist, Galina Rzhaksenskaya, but they soon broke up. Batrutdinov is still free.

Season 4 - no winner

The most shocking was the finale of season 4, when the bachelor Alexei Vorobyov broke up with both finalists.

First, Yana Anosova went home, whom Alexei said that he was not able to make her happy. And then it was Natalya Gorozhanova's turn to hear words that were not at all what she expected. The fault was her confession on the last date with a bachelor: the girl said that she did not love Alexei.

Natalya made several attempts to renew relations with Alexei after the project, but the singer was adamant. Now Gorozhanova leads social life, in the microblog periodically publishes photos with luxurious bouquets, but keeps the name of his chosen one a secret.

Alexey also has not yet committed himself to marriage.

Season 5 - Ekaterina Nikulina

Many fans of the Bachelor show are interested in how the life of the participants turned out after the project. Let's open the veil of this mystery, especially since everyone is alive and well, and although not a single couple continued their relationship after the end of the program, nevertheless, some still tied the knot. So, the first hero of the Bachelor is Evgeny Levchenko, and Olesya Ermakova became the winner.

This happened in 2013, it was then that the footballer's heart became famous after playing in CSKA and the Ukrainian national team. But, nine months after the end of the show, the couple broke up. The girl did not stay and did not get bored, a year later she was made an offer of marriage. She is currently producing different projects and continues her modeling career.

Maxim Chernyavsky

The protagonist of the second issue chose Maria Drygalo. The girl was able to console the entrepreneur, who, on the eve of participating in the show, broke up with Anna Sedokova. This relationship lasted almost half a year, ending in 2015.

After the final, Maxim said in one of his interviews that they were happy, things were going to the wedding, but circumstances intervened. At present, Maria devotes a lot of time to traveling, in addition to her main job in her father's company, which deals with military equipment. Her personal life has not yet developed, but judging by the subscribers in in social networks, the girl still has a lot of fans.

Timur Batrutdinov

This time the winner's ring went to Daria Kananukha. Many argued that this is a fiction, and Timur has real feelings for the second finalist Galina Rzhaksenskaya. Soon this information was partially confirmed, those who considered the affair with Daria implausible turned out to be right. However, Timur did not work out with Galya either.

After completing the program, Batrutdinov returned to work, and Dasha went to Kazan, where she graduated from the federal university with a degree in organization management. She opened a private etiquette school for children. With personal life, too, everything is normal. Daria has already received an offer, the wedding is scheduled for July this year. Galina's life has turned out in the best possible way - she got married and expects an addition to her family.

Alexey Vorobyov

Here the audience, who followed the fate of the heroes for almost 13 weeks, suffered a severe disappointment. As a result, Alexei did not give the ring to anyone, although two participants at once claimed the role of the finalist. The first singer and model from Yakutsk, Yana Anosova, and the second girl who grew up in an orphanage, Natalya Gorozhanova.

The hero finally admitted:

“I realized that Yana doesn’t need me, because she thinks that I love another. At the same time, I am not interested in Natalia, because I could not melt the ice in her heart.

What can I say, bad luck. Vorobyov noted that he tried very hard to build relationships within the framework of the project and hoped with all his heart, but not fate. One of the girls works in the theater as an actress, and the second as a model. Both of their personal lives continue to be unsettled.

Ilya Glinnikov

Here the intrigue was kept to the end. All the spectators were sure that Ilya would give her preference to the beauty with the oriental type of appearance Madina Tamova, and all his actions pointed precisely to this fact.

However, in the end, the hero changed his choice radically, and his final decision fell on Ekaterina Nikulina, a blue-eyed blonde. After the show was over, Ilya and Katya settled under the same roof and even got two dogs. Now they have plans for a beautiful marriage ceremony. The proposal has already been made, consent has been received, and what else is needed for happiness.

Now you know how life turned out for the participants after the project. We are sincerely happy for the last couple. We hope the guys are doing well.