Scenario for the opening of the project-based role-playing game "Immersion in an era. The 19th century is the century of great discoveries"


Three thrones come onto the stage one after another, with performers in the images of sovereigns-emperors on them.

1st: Empress Catherine!

I command the rules about balls, written by me with my own hand, to be strictly observed, namely:

When going to a meeting, leave all ranks outside the doors, evenly, like hats, and especially swords. Leave your arrogance at the door too.

I myself love jokes, dressing up, mummers, and fashionable dancing.

2nd: Emperor Paul!

I forbid the use of a dance called valsen at balls! I also prohibit the wearing of tailcoats, vests, and shoes with ribbons. The police will strictly enforce the decree!

3rd: Emperor Alexander!

French-cut dresses are permitted. I command masquerade balls in Winter Palace for those who want to make it available. Fashionable dancing is both possible and necessary.

At the top of the stairs is Ts-r.

C: Masquerade ball, gentlemen! Masks can be purchased at the entrance! Let's gallop! Music!

Emperors cover their faces with masks on sticks. The thrones go backstage.

GALLOP is performed. All dancers wear masks and costumes (in extreme cases, you can get by with half masks). At the end of the dance, bow and everyone freezes. A frozen picture of a ball.


Fantastic music and lights.

Her Majesty Fashion's cloak and crown appear.

And with them after each other

Windy fashions flash

A varied series...

Look at my magic cloak, gentlemen! He keeps the memory of all my hobbies, fantasies and quirks...

The edge of Moda's cape flies up (it was previously attached with invisible fishing lines to the fly rod), and the cape turns into a screen onto which slides are projected. Or a video is shown.

... In the Rococo era, I came up with amazing women's hairstyles - entire still lifes of flowers, ribbons, feathers. And even boats with high sails, windmills, bridges and garden architecture adorned women's heads. Poor things! Can you imagine how difficult it was for them to hold all this while dancing?!

When fashionistas and fashionistas, at my whim, began to powder their hair, they spent 2-3 hours a day on it.

At the ball they wore a dress with a figure-hugging bodice, a large neckline and an unusually wide skirt.

Men's fashion adapted to the whims of women's fashion. She made the figure look bizarre and even effeminate. The tails of the camisole resembled a skirt with hoops.

Finally, I decided to abolish the camisole and gave the men a royal gift - I gave them a tailcoat! The tailcoat, which became the mainstay of men's clothing in the 19th century.

What about dancing? I have always amazed the world with dancing! I have new favorites in the 19th century! Meet!...

The end of the cloak falls. Full light on stage.


FASHION: The most scandalous and most beloved, of course, is the waltz! He was born in Austria. Today he is more than two hundred years old, but no one would even think of calling Waltz an old man.

From under Fashion's cloak a performer appears in the form of a Waltz, then the technique is repeated. Maestro Schlager appears with Waltz, wearing an elegant black shiny tailcoat. During the performance M.Sh. constantly changes costumes, transforms, while the Master of Ceremonies and Dance Master remain unchanged.

M.Sh.: Waltz! Fiery and gentle, he lived a life full of adventures, experienced the bitterness of prohibitions and dizzying popularity. Like a stream of fresh air, the Waltz burst into aristocratic salons with their cutesy, pretentious dances! My God, they even called him obscene!

T: How is it possible: grab a lady by the waist and spin her around the hall!

M.Sh.: And yet he conquered the whole world! The waltz was danced slow and fast, in five steps, a waltz-mignon, a two-step Russian waltz, but the most favorite waltz was in three steps. One two Three! One two Three!...

Waltz and M.Sh. dancing.

FASHION: Quadrille! Fashionista and dreamer!

T: The quadrille figures danced in pairs vis-a-vis, and the figures were first named after the names of the fashionable songs to which they were performed. Then they began to be called simply - “first figure”, “second”, “third”...

M.Sh.: Quadrille cannot be imagined without its faithful companion – Gallop!

FASHION: Gallop! Origin: Hungarian. However, all of Europe was captivated by it!

T: In Russia the sixth began and ended with a gallop - i.e. last and main! - quadrille figure. At a gallop, all pairs were united by order of the Center into various “circles,” “stars,” and “garlands.” It was very exciting and lively!

FASHION: Polka! Originally not from Poland, but from the Czech Republic! Please don't be confused! Adorable, cheerful child!

M.Sh.: She doesn’t know what it is Bad mood or cutesy slowness. And although in Russia the Polka was reluctantly admitted to high society balls, students, high school students and children danced it with delight!

FASHION: Mazurka! But the mazurka comes from Poland. Not a single ball was complete without her!

M.Sh.: Of course! Mazurka – a super hit of its time! And why all? Yes, because in the mazurka the ladies could flirt to their heart’s content, and the gentlemen could show off their daring. The gentleman tapped his spurs, knelt down, walked the lady around him and kissed her hand. The Mazurka has always been at the center of every holiday, they were waiting for it, preparing for it!...

FASHION: ...The Mazurka sounded. It happened

When the mazurka thunder roared,

Everything in the huge hall was shaking,

The parquet was cracking under my heel!

MAZURKA is performed.

After the dance on stage, the Dance Master and the Master of Ceremonies.

Ts: Did you hear what a luxurious ball there was yesterday at the Assembly of the Nobility?

T: I never cease to be amazed by this mysterious country. It seemed that they had recently learned to bow, let alone dance, but now they dance in every home. And how they dance! Fine! Excellent dancing!

Ts: No wonder! As has been the custom since Peter the Great’s time, it continues to this day: dance is a compulsory subject in any school, any boarding school, or gymnasium.

C: Polka, gentlemen! Gentlemen invite ladies!

A children's dance group performs a cheerful POLKA.


C: Girls! Having received invitations to several square dances at once, you must remember your gentlemen so as not to cause displeasure to anyone and not become the heroine of a scandal. To avoid such troubles, you should stock up on small agendas for the ball, which include the names and lines of the dancers.

Ts. Hands the girl a small book. She accepts it with a bow.

Next couple.

C: Madam! Please be so kind as to read the order of square dances on your agenda.

The girl reads: The first quadrille is Prince Nikolai Begichev, the second quadrille is Count Tol, the third quadrille is Prince...

C: Enough, enough, madam! Fine! I asked to read it solely for the sake of our lesson. I hope you understand that secular girls will not brag to each other about their agendas, because this is proof of bad taste.

It must also be remembered that, having refused one dancer, the girl does not have the right to participate in the same dance with another gentleman: such an act also reveals coquetry in bad taste and can have the most disastrous consequences. More than once we have seen a bloody outcome. Let's continue the lesson...

Suddenly M.Sh. appears. in a masquerade half mask and with a huge fan.

M.Sh.: Dear girls! Listen to an experienced person! In order not to bring matters to a duel, I advise you to pay attention to the latest invention of Fashion. Here it is - a box with flies. Haven't you learned how to read sights yet?

M.Sh. approaches the girl, opens the box - and one by one she sticks new flies (in accordance with what he says).

...A fashionista puts on new front sights according to the circumstances, because front sights make it possible to speak silently. The star in the middle of the forehead is majestic, on the temple near the eye - passionate, on the nose - insolent, on the upper lip - flirtatious, near the right eye - tyrant, tiny on the chin - “I love, but I don’t see”, on the cheek - consent, under nose - separation...

The girl covers her face with a fan.

Right! I should cover my face with a fan from prying eyes.

The front sight is a secret sign to only one. What about the fan? See how I opened it up? ABOUT! This is also a special language, full of secret signs.

Vigorously fanning himself, M.Sh. is deleted.

T.: Don't get distracted! What is there?!

Ts: Girls, remember: too bold and familiar treatment of men is extremely disgraceful for any girl!


Romantic waltz music sounds.

Maestro Schlager appears in a snow-white suit.

A musical theater soloist performs an old romance.

One to choose from:

“I met you” - v. F. Tyutcheva, music editor I. Kozlovsky

“I remember a wonderful moment” - v. A. Pushkin, music. M. Glinka

“I remember the lovely sound of the waltz.” - Art. and music N.Listova

Ts.: Waltz, gentlemen! Waltz!

The music is playing in full force. The maestro spins in a waltz, stopping in front of the girl and bows to her. He brings the girl to the center of the stage. The waltz begins. First, one couple dances. Then, one after another, others join them. Performed big, beautiful, romantic

WALTZ. Waltz - declaration of love.

Shadows of dancing people appear at the back of the stage (the shadow theater effect is used).

II Department XX CENTURY

The curtain is closed.

The music sounds in modern rhythms. The curtain flies in different directions. Maestro Schlager appears from different scenes (he is in a fashionable suitXXcentury) and the dancing master (he is in his old costume).

The master of ceremonies comes down the stairs (he is also in his old suit).

Ts: How quickly time flies! The 20th century is already rushing to the finish line!

T: And everyone is running around, afraid of being late, not being in time, being left behind! Get behind life, behind fashion, behind the times!

M.Sh.: And time – it still inexorably runs forward! A time of amazing discoveries and new rhythms, a time of new fashion!

Ts: Meet: Her Majesty Fashion!

The music sounds fantastic. The light is changing.

Fashion's crown and cloak appear.

FASHION: In the 20th century, I made a revolution - I opened women's legs! Yes, I have surprised the world more than once with my fantasies before, but women’s open legs were a shock! It truly was like a revolutionary coup!

A woman of the 20th century is a woman-boy. Short skirt and short hair. This woman plays sports, masters unfamiliar professions, and passionately dances new dances. Meet: here they are!

From under Mod's cloak, performers in the images of popular dances appear, perform several movements, and each freeze in their own pose.

In the 20th century, I brought a whole group of amazing guys to Russia:

- Foxtrot!

- Charleston!

- Boogie Woogie!

- Rock'n'roll!

And cheerful, bright, cheerful Latin American girls:

- Englishman Sheik!

And finally, I have the honor to present a special dance - passionate, defiant, bright. It came to Europe from South America, although its origin is still shrouded in mystery. We know several versions of this amazing dance - Spanish, gypsy, Creole, Argentinean. Have you guessed it? Of course it is

Tango, gentlemen!

TANGO is performed. M.Sh. acts as a partner.


On stage T. and Ts.

Ts.: Yes, the popularity of dances of the 20th century is difficult to exaggerate!

“Twist and Charleston!

You have filled the globe!” – the poet wrote.

And this was indeed the case.

The whole world “twisted”. It was as if someone had shouted:

“Hipsters of all countries, unite!”

T.: And they united! They put on ties of unimaginable colors, tight trousers, long-toed shoes, black glasses, the girls did a bouffant... and?!

Ts.: And “to the dance!”

Of course; to the dance! They were real fans of the dance floor! Perhaps, as much as they loved the dance floor, they only loved Elvis Presley and the Beatles. Don’t believe me?.. Ask your grandparents - after all, they are the same dudes. They met, fell in love, were jealous, broke up on the dance floor.

T. (singing):

… The girls are standing on the sidelines,

They fiddle with handkerchiefs in their hands,

Because for ten girls

According to statistics, nine guys.

M.Sh appears at the top of the stairs. in the image of a dude from the 60s.

M.Sh. Hello old man, hello!

Ts.: “O Tempere! O more!” (about tempera, about mores) - “Oh times! Oh morals! Yes, the 60s were the most danceable decade of the century.

By the way, young man, are you not offended at us for the fact that we remained faithful to our old camisoles and did not appear before you in the guise of disc jockeys in some T-shirts or even with bare breasts? You know, I love old things...

M.Sh.: Everything is fine, old man, everything is fine! And about these dances, in which you have to spin all the time, I have my own version. I think the reason they came about is because of the invention of the record. It was the invention of the century! After all, the record is constantly spinning.

Ts.: It may very well be.

M.Sh.: Well, old people, off to the dance?!

Ts. and T. (together): Let's dance!

M.Sh. (shouting into the wings): Start the record! Let's start with the 20s!

At the top of the stairs a girl appears in the form of a “record.” It starts spinning on the top step - and the music of the Charleston sounds. Rotating in the dance, the “plate” goes down – towards M.Sh. He dances in the center of the stage. Getting closer, they continue to dance together, as if competing.

After some time, other young men and women join them.

A dance composition is performed - FANTASY ON THE THEME OF DANCES of the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, melodies of popular songs are played. “The record and Maestro Schlager dance in the center, starting each new dance. The composition ends with catchy rock and roll.


On stage are the Master of Ceremonies and Master Schlager (he is in a bright Latin American suit).

Ts.: We invite you to the carnival!

For a celebration of life, music and light!

And the holiday lasts from dawn to dawn -

We invite you to the carnival

M.Sh.: “To the carnival!!!” - the drums call us.

Hearts are in the mood for carnival.

To the carnival, where they are drunk with fun,

And there is no edge or end to the fun.

Ts.: They dance the rumba here both fiercely and passionately,

And all the streets are a dance hall.

It lasted a moment: you are wonderful!

(together): We invite you to the carnival!!!



Her Majesty Fashion appears on stage.

Fashion's cloak is raised like a screen.

FASHION: How quickly time flies!

Slides or video frames begin to be shown.

FASHION: Pants for women, padded shoulders, imitation men's suit Finally, I released jeans into the arena of life - cheap work pants. And the whole world dressed in jeans.

My moods are changeable: I can easily and quickly replace “rough style” with romantic folk or retro fashion... Who knows what I want tomorrow... or tonight. I, like all women, am flighty and fickle. But I can give you one piece of advice. The surest advice: don’t imitate anyone, not even me! Look for your individuality!

Music is playing. Images of women from different eras appear on the screen, replacing each other. It is best to arrange the slides (video frames) according to the principle of contrast (a romantic beauty in a fluffy dress is replaced by a modern girl with a nose ring and a shaved head, etc.). On the last slide there are beautiful smiling young men and women in modern ballroom dance costumes.

In this episode, it is possible to show models of an extravagant nature. Mannequins also emerge from under the cloak of Fashion.

At the end of the show, the cloak screen rises up. Together with the crown, he will remain above the stage, as if crowning it, until the end of the performance.


Along the stairs are young men with candelabra.

On stage – Dance Master, Master of Ceremonies and Maestro Schlager.

Ts.: Gentlemen! In a few minutes these candles will go out and our ball will end. It was an extraordinary ball. The ball is a fantasy! Fantasy of colors, fantasy of dancing, fantasy of beauty!

T.: I have no doubt that today you received true pleasure. Let me, on your behalf, thank the members of our ballroom dance ensemble - thank you not only for the invitation to this ball, but, first of all, for preserving the high traditions of Russian dance culture.

Music is playing. Groups of people in suits descend the stairs, through a corridor of lights, one after another. different eras: 18th, 19th, 20th century. Each subsequent group seems to displace the previous one. A wide corridor is formed.

At the climax of the music, Peter appears at the top of the stairsI. Goes down.

PETER I: Thank you, my young friends! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Not only did they not disgrace my name and my first endeavors, but they increased Russian glory. Keep it up!

Ts.: Gentlemen! According to tradition, we end our ball with a dance with candles. Gentlemen invite ladies! And you, dear viewers, do not be surprised at the mixing of times - representatives of different eras will dance it together. After all, our ball was unusual - FANTASY BALL!

The FAREWELL DANCE begins. This is a dance procession, everyone has lit candles in their hands. The dance is opened by Peter I. The Master of Ceremonies, Dance Master, Maestro Schlager, and children also take part in it. Performers of different ages in costumes from completely different eras should dance in one pair.

During the dance the following verses are heard:

Centuries have passed in moments,

But the dance was always there

And “pa”, like inspiration,

They fly in a year.

They circle the world

And people circle in them.

And Apollo's lyre

The garden leads to art.

Europe, Asia merged,

Moscow, Paris, Cairo!

And BAL - soul fantasy

The world is spinning in its arms!

Final fireworks display.

1. Performers of the roles of Dance Master and Maestro Schlager must necessarily be artists who dance brilliantly, most likely members of a ballroom dance group, but according to the script, they also have a large text load. Therefore, it is best to record the entire text on a soundtrack in advance (and drama theater actors can do this instead). In general, in this case, almost everything can be recorded in advance, perhaps except for those places where Peter I appears “live”.

2. In the image of Fashion, in the most extreme case, just an actress in a raincoat can appear. But, of course, it’s better to do it as written in the script. If a cloak screen doesn’t work, you can simply show the slides on the screen or use the screen for video projection, but decorate it with a “magic mirror” frame. Live models in suits in the frame of a large mirror may appear from under Fashion's cloak, but then, of course, good suits are needed. In my opinion, you shouldn’t give up slides or video frames: a variety of means of expression will make your presentation much more interesting.


Educational. Teach 19th century dances and their history and culture.

Wellness. Promote the development of musicality.
Educational. Contribute to the education of a creative, cultural personality.


  1. Develop musicality.
  2. Learn to interact in a team.
  3. Develop attentiveness and discipline.
  4. Promote the development of imagination.
  5. Unleash the child's creative potential.
  6. Promote child self-expression through dance.
  7. Contribute to the development of a culture of student behavior and their relationships.
  8. Expand the horizons of teenagers and their general erudition.
  9. Help increase students' cognitive activity by studying the history of dance.
  10. To form manifestations of a sense of collectivism and friendship.
  11. Studying the history of 19th century dances.
  12. Studying the history and identity of 19th century costume.
  13. Studying the rules of etiquette at a ball of the corresponding era.
  14. Development of sketches women's suit 19th century.

Ball script

Hostess of the ball (to her husband): Mon cher, I’m very worried... After all, there will be so many famous guests today. Prince Vasilyev himself promised to be there.

Host of the ball: Darling, we will certainly have a great evening. And here, it seems, are the first guests.

Ball Manager: Count...!

Host of the ball: (Addressing the first guest). My respect, Count!

Master of the Ball: Countess...!

Host of the ball: Countess! Good evening! (kisses hand)

Ball manager: Viscount Egor Konyaev!

Viscount: Countess, I kiss your hands! You are wonderful as always! Your beauty can only be compared to the beauty of a rose!

Hostess of the ball: Ah, mon cher, you know how to give compliments!

Further introduction of guests...

  1. His Serene Highness Prince
  2. Prince
  3. Graph
  4. Baron

The teacher opens the ball:

U. –

Today I am the hostess of the ball,

How crowded it became in our hall.

My friends have gathered here:

students, teachers!

All moms and dads want

see your guys here.

I'll talk about dancing,

I'll get some helpers.

They'll talk about ballet

Quadrille and polka, padigras...

So, let's begin our story.

1 (boy) - Hello!

2 (girl) - Hello, good evening to you!

1- We are glad to meet you today!

We have a happy holiday today,

I’m ready to start dancing myself!

2 – But we can’t dance yet,

We have to tell everyone

Why ballroom dance?

Eternally festive for us?

And to whom? And why?

We owe it to him.

1- Ballroom dance originated in the 14th century in Italy. And in the 16-17th century. France has become the trendsetter of ballroom dancing. Balls first appeared in Russia in the 18th century. By decree of Peter the Great, ballroom dance was a compulsory subject in the curriculum of many educational institutions. In the 19th century, nobles enjoyed going to balls.

U. - The balls were held in huge and magnificent halls, illuminated by many wax candles in crystal chandeliers and copper candlesticks. There was continuous dancing in the middle of the hall, and on both sides of the hall there were many card tables against the wall. Here they played, gossiped and philosophized. The ball for nobles was a place of relaxation and communication.

A slip in dancing at a ball could cost you your career. It was very shameful to lose tact at the ball. The balls were held according to a certain traditional program clearly approved in the noble society. Since the dances set the tone for the ball, they were the core of the evening's program. Gentlemen signed up in advance, inviting ladies to different dances.

2- Balls always began with the majestic Polonaise. It could be called a solemn procession in which all those who arrived took part. It lasted 30 minutes. Foreigners called this dance “walking conversation.” In the first pair was the owner with the most distinguished guest, in the second - the hostess with the most eminent guest.

1 – The ball is a real find

For young dandies and ladies;

1 dance. Ladies and Gentlemen! Polonaise!

1- Only the waltz gives us this moment,
And only now he disconnects...
Leafing through time like the pages of books,
The forgotten feeling intoxicates again...
And who can tell me how to save myself now?
I don’t dare look away anymore...
And the waltz circles and circles, like the first time...
The soul is enveloped in boundless music...

2- The second dance at the ball was a waltz. Undoubtedly, but it was the most sophisticated dance of the 19th century. There were many varieties of this dance.

U. - From the middle of the 19th century. The most popular ballroom dance was the Waltz. The history of the waltz is connected with the work of the Viennese composer Johann Strauss, the “King of Waltzes,” who wrote more than 500 waltzes. The dance became very famous in Vienna. Large dance halls were opened especially for the waltz.
2 – In the rhythm of a waltz, everything floats,
Invited people.
Along with the sun and moon
The globe began to spin.
Everyone is dancing, gliding,
You can't resist!

2nd dance. Waltz!

U. – Minuet is an ancient French folk graceful dance. Derived from a slow folk round dance. Initially, the gallant court minuet was performed by one couple. The movements of the minuet were based mainly on bows and curtsies. The minuet gradually developed, its tempo accelerated, movements and steps became more complex, and as a result, the late ballroom minuet acquired bright features of affectation and sophistication. It began to be performed not by one, but by several couples.

History of dance.

Initially, the gallant (court) minuet was performed by one couple. The movements of the minuet were built mainly on bows and curtsies, which created not so much the impression of a dance, but rather an “invitation to dance.” Throughout the 18th century, with the development of the gallant style and the Baroque era, the minuet gradually developed, its tempo accelerated, movements and steps became more complex, and as a result, the late ballroom minuet acquired bright features of affectation and sophistication. It began to be performed not by one, but by several couples (sometimes with a change of partners). On stage, in the opera and ballet performances of Rameau (French composer of the Baroque era), the minuet developed to a virtuosic form, acquired genre characteristics, plot specificity, and even several of its varieties appeared.

Under Louis XIV, the minuet was a favorite court dance. The minuet teacher at that time was François-Robert Marcel, a member of the French Royal Academy of Dance, who specially resigned from the Paris Opera to teach this dance, which quickly became fashionable.

From France, along with the fashion for everything French, the minuet gradually moved to other countries. It appeared in Russia during the reign of Peter the Great and was performed at balls until the 30s of the 19th century.

3 dance. Minuet!

U. – Mazurka is the middle of the ball. She “came” to Russia from Paris in 1810. The lady in the mazurka walks smoothly, gracefully, gracefully, glides and runs across the parquet floor. The partner in this dance is active, makes “entrechat” jumps, during which he must kick his legs three times in the air. Skillful tapping of heels gives the mazurka uniqueness and chic. In the 20s In the 19th century, the mazurka began to be danced more calmly, and not only because the parquet suffered from it.
The Mazurka was danced in four pairs. During its execution, conversations were allowed. Each new dance at the ball contained less formal ballet forms and more dance play and freedom of movement.

He's completely French
He could express himself and wrote;
I danced the mazurka easily
And he bowed casually;
What do you want more? The light has decided
That he is smart and very nice.
A.S. Pushkin

Mazurka - (from Polish mazurek - the name of the inhabitants of Mazovia) - swift and fiery ballroom dance.

The origins of the mazurka are in the Polish folk dance Mazuru, which appeared in the 16th century, remarkable for its beauty and variety of movements. In Europe, the mazurka became famous by the beginning of the 19th century. ( dancing masters gave the folk dance a salon character) and is most widespread in Russia. Nowhere (except Poland) has the mazurka been danced with such brilliance and skill as in Russia. Its study required much more time, patience and skill than the study of other dances.

Russian mazurka. From a French lithograph of the 19th century.

Everything in the mazurka supports the image of a brilliant cavalryman: the special bearing, the springy step, and the gallantry of a courteous gentleman. The successful performance of the dance depended on him. He chooses pieces and changes the tempo. Mazurka is a dance of dashing riders and their gentle ladies. The elements of the men's part were strong blows with the heel (spurring the horse), sharp swings of the hand above the head (pulling the reins), a “lame step” (a reminder of wounds), and for the ladies - light running on half-toes and a general demonstration of weakness and fragility. The lady should be able to easily fly around the hall, be able to grasp the movements and transitions offered by the gentleman. During the dance, the men dropped to one knee in front of the lady, as if wanting to help her get off her horse. The gentlemen showed off in front of their ladies, charmed and conquered them.

By the way, when describing the performance of the mazurka, the authors works of art they mention spurs - a piece of equipment for the rider. It was not customary to appear at the ball in boots with spurs (since they could damage the lady’s outfit). But there is something poetic about spurs, and there was a lot of romance in the image of the brave military men jingling their spurs.

Figures dances were varied and numerous, and free improvisation movements made the dance bright and exciting. The Mazurka has always been at the center of every celebration; people waited for it and prepared for it.

After the mazurka received a permanent “registration” in ballrooms, dance masters came up with more and more new figures and even types of mazurka. Appeared Waltz-Mazurka and quadrille-mazurka, it was combined with Polish, used in cotillion. IN pas de trois The mazurka constitutes an entire part of the dance. One of the mazurka figures – “Zazdravnaya” – was performed with a glass of Champagne in hand. The first part of the ball usually ended with a mazurka.

It is difficult to say whether the mazurka would be so well known today if it were not for the special role that he played in its development. musical form Polish composer Frederic Chopin. He wrote more than 50 beautiful mazurkas. What Chopin did for the mazurka is comparable only to the role Johann Strauss in the Waltz.

5 dance. Mazurka!

“Contredance” is one of the forms of originally English and, subsequently, French folk dance and music for it. It is believed that country dancing originated in England at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries. Subsequently, country dance became widespread in France and further throughout Europe. In country dance, couples dance one opposite the other, and not behind each other, as in circle dances. At first it consisted of one figure, then of alternating 5 or 6 different dance figures. Typical musical sizes are 2/4, 6/8.

6 dance. Country dance!

1- In the 18th century. The cheerful Czech dance “Polka” conquered European countries. According to legend, a village girl, listening to Czech folk song, came up with those jumps that are in “Polka”.

2– The polka was a huge success. Teachers seized on the new dance and began teaching it in all salons and dance halls. And these days

"Polka" is a popular dance with many variations from complex combinations to simple ones, with jumping steps and always happy and cheerful music.

1- The sun is shining in the sky - a golden bottom,

The wind whispers to the cloud: “Come on, let’s dance a little dance.”

These words from a children's song indicate that “Polka” is loved not only by adults, but also by children.

7 dance. Gentlemen invite ladies! Hussar polka!

Galop is native to Hungary, where it has been known since the 1800s. The gallop appeared in Vienna and Berlin in 1822, in Russia - in the early 1820s (with Pushkin in the EO), in Paris and England - in 1829. It became known as the end of a masquerade in French opera. The gallop is considered the forerunner of the polka. Gallop is a cheerful skipping dance. Appeared at Parisian balls. Fast ballroom dance popular in the 19th century Gallop

8 dance. Circular gallop!

U. - Quadrille (French Quadrille) is a French dance, which is a type of country dance and originated in late XVIII V. and very popular late XIX V. in Europe and Russia.
Performed by two or four pairs arranged in a quadrangle (French quadrille), opposite each other. Square dancing often uses well-known tunes in 2/4 or 6/8.

Famous illustration of the first quadrille performance at Almack's Club in London. Decorated with fashionable dance techniques - waltz, polka, gallop, mazurka, etc., new quadrilles displace, and over time completely eliminate, old-fashioned quadrilles with shifts (cotillions) and continue to reign in the ballrooms of the 19th century almost until its end, transforming over time, into a column, simplifying the technique and multiplying the figures. French dance, which is a type of country dance and arose at the end of the 18th century. and very popular until the end of the 19th century. in Europe and Russia. Performed by two or four pairs, located in a quadrangle, opposite each other.

Quadrille - (from the French quadrille - four), folk mass and ballroom dance of the 19th century, active, musical. size 2/4, refers to country dances. England is considered the birthplace of this dance, from which it originated at the beginning of the 18th century. got to France. Quadrille owes its spread and popularity to Paris. The French changed the dance to their liking, not forgetting to add the word “French”. In the 70s XIX century English square dance becomes fashionable lancier.

The traditional quadrille involved 4 or 8 couples who formed a quadrangle - carre. If there were more pairs, they were arranged in several squares. (In the Middle Ages, quadrille was a small detachment of horsemen participating in a tournament, located on four sides of the area designated for the duel). Probably, the military origin of the quadrille explains its popularity among officers at the beginning of the 19th century. Later, two lines were formed, and each line of couples danced each quadrille figure in turn.

There were 6 figures in the quadrille, they included chasse, climbs to half fingers, gallop, transitions. Quadrille figures required lively, graceful and graceful execution. The ball manager could create various dance formations at his discretion. The dance technique of performing the quadrille was brought to perfection, and the movements were perfectly finished.

The ancient French quadrille was the center of attention and the basis of every ball. It could be performed several times in one evening. The quality of performance was a serious test for the dancers; all the eyes of the audience were watching the square dance! Quadrille also had an educational value: it taught good manners, the ability to move musically, clearly and naturally.

Over the course of two hundred years, the dance has undergone many changes: the figures have become simpler, and ordinary everyday steps have appeared. Quadrille has become a dance of rest, necessary among the fast waltzes, gallops And Polish.

Among the people, square dance has been modified, improved and created anew for decades. It acquired unique movements, patterns, and manner of performance, taking only some of the structural features and name from the salon dance. The Russian people made quadrille varied in design, introducing into it many figures Russians round dances And dancing. Quadrille is divided into square, linear, and circular. Performed at dance parties and balls.

9 dance. And now the French Quadrille!

U. – At the end of the ball they performed the French dance “cotillion”. It was a dance-game, playful and relaxed. The gentlemen in this dance kneel in front of the lady, sit her down, deceive her, bounce off her, jump over a scarf or card.

Cotillion (fr. cotillon) - ballroom dance of French origin.
Cotillion is close to country dance. It became especially widespread in the middle of the 19th century in European countries and Russia. The cotillion combined several independent dances (waltz, mazurka, polka). It was performed by all participants at the end of the ball. The variety of the Cotillion depended on the leading pair - the cavalier-conductor gave the signal to the orchestra, loudly calling the figures. He also monitored the consistency of the couples’ movements.

In the middle of the century, quadrille figures were often inserted into the cotillion, performed between figures of choice, so that the cotillion was sometimes even called a quadrille cotillion.
In the 20s in Germany, Cotillion was a game of forfeits, with dancing, at the end of the ball. Currently, the Cotillion consists of a quadrille, between the figures of which other dances are inserted: mazurka, waltz, polka.
It is the final dance of the ball.

Cotillion – (from French cotillion), ballroom dance French origin, known since the 18th century, gained popularity in the 19th century. The complication of its composition and the appearance of a huge number of figures. No one ball in the 19th century did not pass without a cotillion.

The cotillion was first performed at the end of the ball as a farewell performance of all participants in their favorite dances, and then became the center of the dance evening. The cotillion is very similar to a mass dance game, led by one couple who assigned the order of the pieces.

The dance included movements waltz, mazurkas, polkas. Sometimes the cotillion was performed between the figures quadrille.

Ball managers introduced a cotillion with accessories (various items) into fashion. The variety of these items and the imagination of the ball manager created many new figures, or rather, entertainment and games with things combined with dancing. Some sources mention more than 200 cotillion figures, for example, “Chairs”, “Flowers”, “Cards”, “Pyramid”, “Mysterious Hands”, “Game of Butterflies”, “Mutual Service”, etc.

“The cotillion is the king of dances, an invaluable encourager, without whom the ball is not a ball, without which the dancers search in vain for what they came for: variety, gaiety, the absence of any technique, a good joke, unexpected effects. This is a dance game where not only the legs work, but the wit is especially refined” (Petrova M. Yu. “St. Petersburg’s newest self-instruction manual for all social dances” St. Petersburg, 1883).

11 dance. Cotillion.

1- The ball is over, the candles have gone out,

It was a wonderful evening!

2- We say thank you to everyone,

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

Evgeny Baratynsky February 19, 1800, the village of Vyazhlya, Kirsanovsky district, Tambov province - June 29, 1844, Naples) - one of the most significant Russian poets of the first half of the 19th century.


Dead midnight. We build long Silvered by the moon The carriages are standing on Tverskaya The front of the house is lush and ancient. Burns with a thousand lights Extensive hall; from high choirs Bows roar; crowd of guests; The hum of dancing with the hum of conversation. In luxurious feathers and flowers, With a dead smile on my lips, An ordinary ball frame, Old ladies of the world are sitting And onto the brilliant whirlwind of the hall They look with dull attention. Young ladies are spinning, They don’t feel like themselves; Dragging them with stones Headdresses are burning; Over their shoulders half naked Golden curls fly; Clothes are as light as smoke Their light frame is designated. Around the captivating charities And it fusses and seethes A crowd of jealous fans; Interprets, catches every glance; Joking, unhappy and happy The pinwheels are creating cute things. Everything is in motion. Achieve grief The attention of flattering beauty, The hussar twirls his mustache The writer will make a prim joke, And both are right: they say What at the same time can ladies Changing from left to look, Laugh at the epigrams on the right. Meanwhile, in ribbons and stars, Sometimes with cards in hand, Important boyars come out, Rising from the card tables, Look at the racing couples Under the rumble of impetuous bows. But the guests made a dull noise, The whole hall is full of whispers: “She went home! Suddenly she felt sick.” - “Really?” - “Turning around merrily in a quadrille, Suddenly she died!” - “What is the reason? Oh my god! Tell me, prince, Tell me what's wrong with Princess Nina, Your wife? - “God knows, Migraine, of course!.. There are six surahs.” - “What’s wrong with her, cousin? danced You are in a close pair, did I see? In a decent circle, isn’t it always Doesn’t she seem like she doesn’t belong?” The slander spoke the truth. In Moscow, between smart girls and fools Too much for my princess It was difficult to be known as Penelope. Full of contempt for opinion, Over female virtue Doesn't she mock? How about a village antics? Who does she attract to her house? Isn't there paperwork? Aren't they pretty newbies? Isn't people's hearing tired? Rumor of her shameless victories And seductive connections? But how omnipotently I attracted you Her living beauty! Whose immaculate lips They smiled so sweetly! What kind of Lyudmila would she like? Humbling, the rays of the pious Your azure eyes And freshness caresses the bashful I wouldn't give it up right now For the bright shine of black eyes, Doused with voluptuous moisture, For the flames the hot cheeks? Which fairy is autocratic Wouldn't you give in from the Harit? Like in conversations close to the heart She was captivating! How pleasingly tender What tenderness in the eyes She was shining! But sometimes Burning with jealous anger, How evil in words, scary in appearance, A new Medea has appeared! What tears from the eyes Then they rolled with her! Tormenting the soul, they shed There are those longing tears in her; Who wouldn't wipe them away from sadness, Who wouldn't leave it to beauty? Fear the dangerous charmer, Stay away: circled With a magical essay she; Around her is a passionate infection The air is full! It's a pity that Who enters into his sweet child: Swimmer's boat whirlpool It leads you so far to destruction! Run away from her: she has no heart! Fear insinuating speeches Stupefying bait; Don't catch loving glances: She has the heat of a drunken bacchante, Feverish heat is not the heat of love.

So, not direct sympathy Carried away by power - On her luxurious chest She called the lucky young man; It was recreated for a moment Her vivid imagination; Her wayward face matured, She caressed with gusto One vision of your own. And suddenly her dream faded away: She fell into an annoying deception, Her seducer is funny to her, And among the crowd Laise cold He will be inconspicuous. In the weary hours of the night, Alien to natural pleasures So a sorceress sometimes Treats his eyes with magic: Above her merged from the clouds Magnificent palaces; She's on a throne of flowers The demigods please her. For a moment one is delighted She is a living vision; But it comes to mind with amazement, Hearts laugh at oblivion And merges with darkness with a wave Your brilliant dream. Whose image did the brush paint? Alas! those days are far away When the princess is so easy It ignited, it cooled down! When, pet direct And Epicurus and Nino, One flying whim She knew the laws! The messenger of fate appeared to her; The confused gaze enchanted Enslaved the imagination Merged all thoughts into one thought And shed passionate torment Into the deepest depths of the heart. With pampered beauty Arseny Didn't attract anyone's attention: Traces of tormenting passions, Traces of sad thoughts He wore it on his forehead; in the eyes Gloomy carelessness breathed, And not a smile on your lips - An idle smile wandered. He recently visited The edges are foreign; I was looking there As it was heard, entertainment And again I saw my homeland; But apparently, the heart is healed Someone else's limit could not give. He appeared at my Laisa's house, And a perky regiment of wits I don’t know how I fell silent in front of him - The Adonis' head drooped. He was amazing in conversation Rare knowledge of people and the world, Penetrated deep into the heart With a sly joke, a caustic word, He judged the singer carefully, Knew the price of a brush and a chisel, And, no matter how coldly compressed The usual way of his speeches, Seemed rich in feelings He is in the depths of his soul. Irresistible, like fate, I don't know what's in the game of faces, In motion every stranger You were drawn to him, oh Nina! You didn't take your eyes off him... He was polite, but cold towards her. He embarrassed her many times With an experienced smile; But, priestess of old love, Didn't she know how in the blood Give birth to rebellious excitement, How to breathe wild heat into your feelings. And the almighty moment He was thrown onto her chest. My lovers were breathing Consistent with happiness for two or three days; A day or two later they The dissimilarity in feelings was shown. Full of passionate oblivion, Full of bliss new life, She's free and happy She caressed him; but harsh He often matured sad: A rebellious dream flew before him; Always absent-minded, fate, He seemed to blame for something And, holding Nina to my heart, He hid his heart from Nina. Ungrateful! Im at Nina's All thoughts were busy: His favorite flowers His favorite paintings They appeared to her. Not once New clothes shone In her chambers, for an hour To seduce him, to amuse his eyes. The office was secretly cleaned, Where is the voluptuous half-light, Luxurious sculptures of goddesses, Smoking sweet light vapor - It gave life to all desires, A languid heat poured into my heart. In vain! He was given over to sadness. One day (it got to that point) Nina's forehead flushed And the eyes shone brightly. A quick debate about opposing passions The face appeared. “What’s wrong with you,” She said that your gaze Is everything full of gloomy melancholy? My old annoyance I no longer hide in my heart: Sadness is inseparable from you; I'm ashamed, but I see clearly: It's hard for you, it's boring for you My crazy love! Tell me, why is your contempt? Tell me, in the depths of your heart You're insensitive to me Or incredulous? Suspicion I deserved. Antiques It’s hard for me to remember: Then the ever-present novelty I was aching for dreams; One idol for a long time I couldn’t enslave him; Today's love is hard Lived until tomorrow, - It's reckless to entrust my heart, You're right, but listen to me. Run with me - the earth is great! Foreign lands will hide us easily, And there it is unknown, far away, You will be my complete lord. Sometimes you take me to Italy He praised with brilliant enthusiasm; country, your beloved, I recognized it in my imagination; The sun is lush there, the moon is there Rising, full of sweetness; There are grape vines climbing there, The laurel forests are rustling, - There, there! I'm glad with you Forget your native heavens. Run with me! You are irresponsible! Answer, decide my lot. Or no! For what? of your soul The stubborn cold is noticeable to me; Be quiet! I don't need In deceptive words, enough! My unhappy love I’m being punished from above... but it hurts, it hurts!..” And she burst into tears. Outraged Her melancholy: "Crazy dream “I carried you away,” said Arseny, “ The involuntary darkness of my soul - A trace of former pathetic delusions And the former disastrous passions. It will dissipate over time Your magical love; No, don't worry if again Doubt will take over you! Don’t blame my sadness.” The day after, a peaceful couple, They sat on the sofa. Princess with a languid hand Hug his friend And she lay down on his shoulder. On a nearby table, in a secret thought Leaning on our elbows, our Arseny Meanwhile, on a business card He carried a careless pencil. It was already evening. With a slight crack The candles were burning on the table, Idol marble in the distant darkness Here and there it shone with an uncertain brilliance. Arseny was silent, and so was Nina. Suddenly, carried away by a secret feeling, He exclaims: “How similar!” Nina woke up: “Priceless friend, Looks like it! Really? my portrait! Let me take a look... What is this? No! Not mine: cutesy girl With sweet stupidity in the eyes, In shaggy curls like a lapdog, With a sleepy smile on your lips! I'll tell you, she's such a beauty I would be completely eclipsed..." Meanwhile, the princess's face A deathly pallor covered me. Her breath has gone away The lips froze and turned blue; The cold sweat moistened my brow, The undead glittered Only eyes. I wanted to broadcast The tongue is rebellious, but has become rigid, The words merged into babbling. A long moment has passed, And finally her suffering Found a free voice: “Arseny, you see, I’m dying; Arseny, can you give me an answer? Are you familiar with jealousy?.. No! So know, I know her, I'm capable of it! In old times Among the many rarities of the East I chose one for myself... Here is the ring... with it I am above rock! Arseny! given to me in defense This talisman is powerful; Know, no misadventure He won't intimidate me. There is bewilderment in your eyes, You are amazed! He hides poison." Arseny took Nina’s hand: “My conscience is calm,” He said, but I lived to see the day Heavy hearted revelations. Listen to me. Where should I start? Don't give in to anger, Nina! I breathed differently in the old days, Fate itself wanted it. We grew up together. So cute There was little Olinka! Her other moments I still see before me With dark blue eyes, With a dark curly head. I called her sister I shared childhood games with her; But year after year went away In an ordinary sequence. Childhood has disappeared. Flowed in Days of incomprehensible excitement, And they built on top of each other We are eyes full of languor. The conversation of the eyes is deceiving. And, Olenka’s hand Squeezing with a timid hand, “Tell me,” I sometimes whispered, “ Tell me, do you love me?” And I heard sweet things Yes. To a happy home, on your own mountain, Then I introduced a friend. Face He was pleasant, lively in mind; He soon charmed Olga. Their gazes always met, There was always a whisper between them. I am the torment of my stinging If he didn’t bear it, he poured out a jealous murmur. What kind of success awaited me? The answer was a child's laughter! I left her with contempt, All the pain of my soul is hidden in my soul. Said “forgive” to everything: but with vengeance I swore to my opponent. All the time with caustic words I missed him, I annoyed him, And according to my wish A quarrel broke out between us: We were shooting. Falling in blood, I thought of leaving the world forever; I rose from my bed healthy in body, But he is heart sick. What should I add? I fled to distant lands; Alas! under an alien sky I I was tormented by the same melancholy. Having seen my native land again, I'm only with you dear My soul began to come to life.” Silenced. Stared blankly She's on her friend As if to lead him I still didn’t quite understand; But, from his hand later Quietly releasing his hand, Suddenly her face shuddered, And everything in him expressed torment. And, exhausted, languid, She drooped her head. “What, what’s wrong with you, priceless friend?” - Arseny cried out. Hear it All I could hear was a half-constrained sigh. “Dear friend, what are you doing?” - "Nothing". Still on hasty wings Several weeks have flown by In stormy disagreements, as before, And in unhappy reconciliations. But what, what's next? Today Nina has no friend, And tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, no! In vain, full of sadness, She doesn't take her eyes off the door And he thinks: he will be there in an hour. He forgot about the passionate Nina; He did not enter, a servant entered, The letter was handed to her... a terrible moment! There is no doubt: his hand! “Why hesitate,” Arseny wrote to her, The sky must open! in what? I can barely wield a pen I search in vain for expressions. They on! I met Olga; She still breathes me And my former jealousy She was wrong and funny. The fate is decided. In the old days I am faithful to Olga, faithful to me. Sorry! your memory I will save it until later days; I will be punished in it The mistakes of my youth." For your own and for others Nina is invisible; everyone is the same The doorman has been saying this for a long time: “She doesn’t accept it, she’s unwell!” She doesn’t need anyone or anything; Forgetting food and drink, In peace distant and deaf She is motionless, dumb, Sits and sits alone Doesn't take his gaze off. Deep torment, sad dream! But the doors plow open, dissolving: The husband is not very sentimental, Blowing his nose loudly, the prince enters. And then he sits down. In thought At first silently immersed, He shakes his leg; And finally: “Torment is with you! Without any sadness you are sad; As I see it, you are completely sick; Hey, hey! it's hard to imagine How rich you are in quirks! It's time for you to come to your senses. Today is Prince Peter's ball; Forget empty fantasies And don’t lag behind people; Our young people will be there Arseny with Olga. Go, Well, will you go?” - “I’ll go” She said, strangely animated, Princess. “It’s a matter,” said the prince, “ Goodbye, I’m hurrying to the club for dinner.” What, poor Nina, is wrong with you? What feeling took over Your sick soul? How to skillfully revive her, Is there really hope? In a hurry The hours are flying; the prince left; It's time to get ready, princess. Surrounded by outfits Long gone, She stands in front of the dressing table. The gas on it, flowing, shines; Luxurious, sweet to the eyes Draws the chest, then the legs With a bright garland falls. Diamond of flickering earrings Burns behind black curls; Pearls wrapped around her brow, And, between the abundant braids Passed by a skillful hand, Sometimes we see, sometimes he is invisible. Feathers flutter over your head; According to his languid whim, Then they cherish her face, They are dozing in her curls. Meanwhile (to what destruction There's a heart-breaking storm going on!) Her dull eyes Surrounded by wide shadow And there is no blush on the cheeks! Barely visible in a beautiful image The beauty of a seasoned faint trace! In glass, alive and impartial My poor princess Looking at it, he thinks: “And it’s me! But let the terrible vision He will look up in confusion, Let him see his creation And he will understand all his guilt.” Another heavy dream Then she stirs her soul: "Shall my rival I'll give myself up to reproach! Can I bear it calmly? How, triumphing over me, Its blooming beauty With my faded beauty She compares mockingly! There is one more hope: I will hide the traces of sadness At least half, at least for an hour...” And Nina with a trembling hand The face turns red for the first time. She appeared at the ball. What troubled her soul? Are there crowds of flighty guests? In a brightly shining, lush hall, Carefree babble, peaceful laughter? Are there gusts of cheerful music, And, in a word, this whirlwind of joys, Is it so hard for the sick at heart? Or look ambiguously Did anyone dare to attack Nina? Or shone with extra happiness Does Olga have a young face? Whatever it was, she felt sick She went home. Dead night. In Nina's bedroom, Lazily arguing with the darkness, In front of the golden icon The lamp casts a sad light. Then he will disappear in the darkness, Either he will play on a salary; All around is a deep, dead sleep! Meanwhile, in a brilliant outfit, In rich feathers, pearls, With a strange blush on the cheeks, Is it you, Nina, that I see? In the shimmering darkness Why are you sitting motionless? With a motionless thought on your forehead? The door creaked, the ear hears The gait of someone on the floor; In front of the icon, in the corner, Someone stood up and coughed dully. Dry, decrepit hand Out of the darkness she reached for the lamp; The lamp was slightly touched, The sleepy lamp woke up, And the light is unexpected and alive Suddenly all peace illuminates; Princess mamma gray-haired Stands in front of the icon And now, sighing piously, She makes a prostration. So she stood up and crossed herself; So she trudged home; Suddenly he sees Nina in front of him, Stopped halfway. He looks at her sadly Shakes his old head: “Is it you, my child, So late at this time?.. And you don’t close your eyes to sleep, Grieving God knows what! This is how you spend your time, Whether from the mind or not; Well, really, you're leaving yourself, But it’s a sin, what a sin! And what is bad in your fate? When I see it, the house is full There is so much goodness to be counted; You are of great rank; Your prince has a pleasant face, His soul is so meek, - Everlastingly the highest Creator Another would bless! You forgot God... yes, You never go to church; Believe me, whoever leaves the Lord, The Lord will also leave him; And he rules our spirit, He protects our flesh! Don’t be angry, my dear; You know, you never know about anything I'm talking in the old language, Sorry, give me the pen." Sighing, To the princess's hand she She clung to her old lips - The hand is icy cold. I looked into her face with trepidation - There is a hasty movement of death on her; The eyes are standing and the mouth is foaming... Nina's fate is fulfilled, No Nina! so what? No! As you can see, she was poisoned, She kept her terrible vow! Already the tickets are fatal, Tickets with black border On which human frailty Trophies accepted by fashion, The look is sad; Where are the lean Saturns They sit with menacing braids, Leaning on funeral urns; Where the bones are dead cross Lie with a striking coat of arms Under the coffin heads, - I must know about Nina's death Legalized words They are in a hurry to spread it around the city. On the scheduled day, to remove the body, From all over Moscow big One carriage after another She flew to the prince's mansion. Surrounding the living room, First an important silence The crowd kept; but after A languid buzzing sound arose; It grew, grew, grew And it turned into a noisy conversation. Embraced by happy oblivion, The prince himself got down to business And a heated theological debate He got busy with some kind of hypocrisy. The rich coffin of unfortunate Nina, Surrounded by a magnificent priesthood, Was peacefully lowered into the ground; The world did not recognize her fate. Prince, without much difficulty, He betrayed his lot to the higher will. The poet who always On Thursdays I dined with them, Not with stomach sickness I sprinkled her poems for death. The capital is full of rumors; There was some rumor What is their legit page I accepted it in a ladies' magazine.

A little bit of history...

In the 19th century, a significant renewal of imagery and expressive language took place in the field of dance and dance music, and a huge number of new genres appeared. To the greatest extent, this was facilitated by the violent social upheavals occurring in Europe at the end of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries and entailing radical changes in social and cultural life(The Great French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars, the national liberation movement in Austria, Germany, Italy, Poland).

The art of modern times, having lost its connection with aristocratic courts, acquires a civic-democratic character that was previously unusual for it. And this is very clearly manifested in dance, affecting both its choreographic and musical components, causing the emergence of a huge number of new genres in everyday life and in professional creativity.

In a person’s everyday life, public balls are becoming extremely popular, which are held not only in the palaces of the aristocratic elite, but also in theaters and other public institutions (sometimes in parks and squares). One traveler in Bavaria wrote at the time: “Public dance halls are frequented by all classes; here aristocratic arrogance is swept aside, ancestors and titles are forgotten. Here we see artisans, artists, merchants, councilors, barons, counts and other nobles dancing with maids, women of the third estate and ladies.”

Balls not only provide an opportunity to dance, but also become a “lyrical center” public life era, as well as the place where business acquaintances take place and financial transactions are made. They determine the fashion in society for a particular dance, the style and manner of its performance. As a result, special dance classes organized one after another in various European cities, where professional teachers (the most famous of them are Cellarius, Coralli, Labor, Markovsky) teach the art of ballroom dancing, become of great importance. Often, it is there that new dance genres and forms first appear, which first become extremely popular in everyday life, and then gradually penetrate into professional art (musical theater, academic music).

France, which for several centuries determined the main directions of development of choreographic art, still remains the dance center of Europe. French teachers are extremely popular in many countries and are considered the most talented and knowledgeable in the field of dance (both everyday and stage).

But gradually Austria and Russia are beginning to compete with France. Dance, like music, has always been the strongest passion of the Viennese burghers. The largest halls in the city were dedicated to dance evenings. Sometimes restaurants, which usually have their own small ballrooms, could not accommodate everyone, and then the dances were moved to the gardens, in the open air. It is also important that Vienna, as the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, has long been the focus of various national influences, which contributed to the spread of dances of Hungarian, Czech and other origins in Europe. Finally, it was in Vienna that the waltz became widely known, and from here it spread victoriously throughout all countries.

In Russia, new trends also find fertile ground for development. Let us note that until the era of Peter I in Russia little was known about dance art Western Europe. Russian dances, which have long occupied an important place in the life of society, were deeply original and significantly different from numerous European models. For a long time they were a favorite entertainment not only among the common people, but also at the royal court. And only during the reign of Peter I, the minuet, gavotte, country dance and other dances popular in Europe penetrated into Russia. They become an indispensable attribute of social balls (“assemblies”), theatrical performances, and are included in the mandatory training program in various educational institutions. It is noteworthy that the perception of foreign culture, and dance culture in particular, was not simple copying or imitation. In Russia, foreign dances are often modified, they are given a different character, thanks to their performance in a more lively and spontaneous manner.

In ballroom practice early XIX centuries, many dance genres of past times are still preserved. In France they continue to perform the minuet, gavotte, bourrée, in England - the gigue, in Russia - the gavotte, grossvaterre, minuet, and French quadrille. However, the manner of their performance changes, becoming more relaxed; the pace of the dances accelerates; old compositions are modified and adapted to new aesthetic tastes and rules of behavior in society.

The 19th century is the century of mass ballroom dancing, rhythmically alive and natural. Gradually, French dances of the 18th century are forgotten. Thus, the famous minuet loses its former popularity and becomes only a means of education good manners, development of posture, grace and smoothness of movements. Under the influence of national liberation movements emerging in different parts of Europe, dances, the origins of which go back to the folk dance creativity of England, Germany, Austria and Slavic countries, are gaining the right to exist. Ecosaise, quadrille, waltz, polka, mazurka become pan-European dances and throughout the century have enjoyed success in various strata of society. It is noteworthy that of the dances of past eras, only those in which a large number of couples participate continue to live in the 19th century: for example, polonaise, different kinds country dances, widely known back in the 18th century and equally beloved in the new era.

But the most important place among dance genres belongs to the waltz; it was at this time that its improvement and true glory began. It determines the structure and character of all ballroom dances, a relaxed manner of performance based on free submission to the musical rhythm. The absence of complex figures that must be performed in strict sequence, the simplicity of movements and poses, and the captivating melodies make the waltz a favorite dance in all levels of society. Not only the waltz in its basic form, but also its numerous variants and combinations are becoming widespread and popular. Music contributes greatly to the popularity of the waltz. It is written by composers of various nationalities, creating true masterpieces of dance music.

Along with the waltz, other dances are also becoming widespread. For example, a mazurka, which could be performed by any number of couples. Moreover, each pair could choose the order of the figures themselves and “make combinations.” Polka is also a huge success - a mass dance that originates from Bohemian folk dance. Appearing in the 1840s, it became extremely popular both at public balls and at modest student or home parties.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, other dances that were previously known only among the folk of such countries as Spain (bolero, seguidilla, etc.), Poland (krakowiak), Hungary (csardas), Russia (trepak) have also attracted interest. Subject to significant stylization, they also become part of numerous dance evenings, although they do not gain such popularity as the waltz, mazurka, polonaise or quadrille.

Extracurricular activities play an important role in the education of the younger generation. Isaev wrote: “Educating activities - pedagogical activity“, aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various types of educational activities in order to solve the problems of harmonious development of the individual.”

In my work I pay great attention extracurricular activities, to which we invite parents, teachers, war and labor veterans.

Our native Belgorod region has long been famous for dancing. But there were times when it was forbidden to hold balls and churches were closed. And how good it is that now long-standing traditions are being revived and sound classical music. Balls dedicated to A.S. have become traditional in our school. Pushkin.

Purpose of the event– creating conditions for the development of a creative personality.


– contribute to the development of a culture of behavior among students, their relationships, manifestations of a sense of collectivism and friendship;

– contribute to increasing the cognitive activity of students by studying the history of dance;

– expand the horizons of teenagers and their general erudition.

The teacher opens the ball, and then the presenters tell the story of the dance, girls in ball gowns, candles burning. Participants and spectators enjoy the evening.

The purpose of such events is to carry out general repetition and control in a non-traditional form to master vocabulary and consolidate the material covered by students.

Scenario of a ball in the style of the 19th century “Literary ball for schoolchildren”

Target: creating conditions for the development of a creative personality.
introduce you to the customs and life of the nobility of the 19th century;
develop aesthetic taste;
to develop social competencies in students that will be useful in later life;
to cultivate the spiritual culture of students.
Board games, candles;
handkerchief for playing blind man's buff;
notes with tasks for playing “forfeits”;
texts of wishes.

Progress of the event.

Music is playing. The guests gather in the hall and go to their places.
Couples walk across the stage, as if walking through the hall, creating the illusion of a ball.
Behind the scenes
And soon there will be a ball...
And my heart beats tremulously...
How will God let me live it?
How will my soul like it?
And either joy or fear
Now I'm cramped inside...
It can't be expressed in words,
All that remains is for it to come true.
The accompanist and presenter come out. Solemn music sounds.
Hello, dear guests! We are glad to see you at our ball. A ball is a very special event in the life of a person of the last century.
Presenter: For a young girl who was starting to be taken out into the world, this is a reason for excitement - there she will be seen in a beautiful ball gown and there will be a lot of light. And she will dance, and then everyone will know how graceful and light she is... Remember Natasha Rostova’s ball. They are preparing for the ball - after all, it is a whole performance. And the longer this magical time lasts, the more freedom there is.
Today is a ball, the whole house is in lights,
The carriages arrived.
Champagne is covered with ice,
And the servants are dressed up.
Ladies swim in, blind everyone
Diamonds and sapphires.
Wearing fashionable scarves
On bare backs.
There are bows and lace everywhere,
Epaulets flash.
And connoisseurs of Parisian fashions
Dressed up in new clothes.
The hall is filled with candles and mirrors
Crystal clink of glasses
The owner of the house announced
The beginning of abundance.
Mazurka music sounds
It is replaced by waltzes
No one rejected the fun
And it didn’t remain boring!

The music stops. One couple stops at the microphone.

He: The tradition of gathering all nobles, officials, servants with their wives and children for conversations, gallant dances, exercises and music was introduced by Emperor Peter Alekseevich.
She: And they were ordered to give the name to the assembly. And in our time they began to be called balls. The word "ball" comes from the Old French bailer, which means "to dance, to jump."
He: Nowadays balls include not only dancing and socializing, but also charity bazaars, lotteries, performing romances, and playing music.
She: I think the current orchestra plays amazingly, doesn’t it, my friend.

After the music ends, movement begins again. Now two couples stop near the microphone.
1st lady: Every century, every era has its own favorite dances, gentlemen.
1st gentleman: And his own, sometimes very strict, rules.
2nd lady: Empress Catherine the Great wrote the rules about balls with her own hand, ordering them to be strictly observed.
2nd gentleman: I remember that Mother Empress ordered hats and swords to be left outside the doors of the ballroom.
1st lady: And since she herself loved jokes and dressing up, mummers and dancing, the courtiers were ordered to love the same things.
1st gentleman: My father told me that Emperor Paul banned the use of a dance called valsen at balls! He also prohibited the wearing of tailcoats, vests, and shoes with ribbons. He ordered the police to monitor the execution of the decree in the strictest possible manner!
1st lady: Oh times, oh morals!
2nd gentleman: Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, fortunately, has again allowed dresses of French cut.
2nd lady: And from then on, fashionable dancing is both possible and necessary. Balls in the Winter Palace became regular.
The couples leave. The presenters come out.

Presenter: Dear ladies and gentlemen, we are glad to see you at our ball.
I light the candles and remain silent.
And the wizard-evening looks into my eyes,
The hand of darkness touched your shoulder.
For the first time I light candles
From dance to dance along an invisible road,
From crinolines and corsets to silks,
We slide through time, through a great era,
Where dances appeared again and again.
Presenter: We are opening the ball!
According to the social conditions of the ball, I present to you the guests of honor.
Presenter: Present at the ball: (list official guests).
Ball participants:

Master of Ceremonies: Gentlemen, the ball opens with a polonaise.
So here it is, the beginning of the ball,
When there is a cut through time,
The column of couples began to tremble,
Polonaise thundered from the balcony!

Master of Ceremonies: No dance requires such strictness of posture, pride and composure as the polonaise. During the procession, accompanied by solemn fanfare music, guests show themselves, their attire, secular manners and nobility.
Presenter: Thank you, gentlemen, for this majestic and graceful dance.
How beautiful you looked in the solemn procession!
Master of Ceremonies: Now the time has come to delight our ears with exquisite music.

Presenter: Performed by...... sounds ROMANCE

Master of Ceremonies: Dear ladies and gentlemen! For your attention our favorite “Fanta”.
Presenter: (hands out pieces of paper with assignments). The tasks that you have to complete are written on pieces of paper. So let's get started. I love this game! It's so fun!
Master of Ceremonies: Thank you very much! We had a lot of fun!


Two girls approach the microphone, the couples freeze and pretend to have a conversation.
Mashenka: Ah! Hello, Sasha! Girlfriend!
What a wonderful ball today!
Here, Captain Vasiliev - darling -
He danced with me!

Sasha: Ah! Mashenka! My dear!
Countess Gulyaeva's son
He cares about me, I know!
He is here without his mother, alone!

Mashenka: Look to the right, dear!
There is a handsome officer standing.
He looks at us without blinking.
Well, just a miracle gentleman.

Sasha: Ah! Prince Mironov! From Paris
He returned yesterday, they say.
Now he will come closer to us.
By the way, he is fabulously rich.

Mashenka: Oh! The daughter of the merchant Petrov is Glasha.
Crooked! Look, you turned up your nose!
The goods were successfully sold, dad,
Gostintsev brought her a bunch of them.

Mashenka: What kind of lady is there, listen?!
Is a widow really a councillor?!
- Yes, Agrafena, in the past - Grusha.
The old owl has appeared!

Sashenka: The hunt for men is open.
They won't be happy today.
And you and I are not cut out for it.
We won't let ourselves be offended.

Mashenka: Look, what a starry sky!
Let's throw all sorrows away!
French wine flows!
And we'll dance all night!
Music sounds, the girls run away, giggling, and the couples disperse.
Master of Ceremonies: Such conversations sometimes happened at balls. Let us forgive these young ladies their frivolity and slander.
Presenter: Which beautiful evening! Mysterious candles, romantic mood... I really want to dance!
Master of Ceremonies:
Monotonous and crazy
Like a whirlwind of young life
A noisy whirlwind spins around the waltz
Couple flashes after couple.
Waltz, gentlemen! Waltz!

Master of Ceremonies: It was a lovely waltz, and it was a wonderful waltz. We thank everyone who took part in its implementation.
Presenter: It is impossible to imagine a 19th century coquette without a fan. Every beauty knew the rules for handling a fan.

You will have to translate the following phrases into fan language:
- “Yes” - place the fan with your left hand on your right cheek.
- “I love you” - point with your right hand with a closed fan at your heart.
- “My thoughts are always with you” - open the fan halfway and lightly pass it across your forehead several times.
– “I want to dance with you” - wave an open fan several times towards you, i.e. entice.
- “I want to dance with you” - wave the open fan towards you several times.
- “Be careful, we are being watched” – touch your left ear with an open fan.

Presenter: How beautiful are the girls at the ball, how interesting and gallant are the gentlemen! The ladies tried to bring something special and distinctive to their outfit. Each person present also made boutonnieres especially for our ball. Find out what they mean right now!
Master of Ceremonies:
the forget-me-not repeats: “Remember me”;
cornflower means tenderness and happiness;
white rose - youth and charm;
bell - good news;
camellia - admiration, perfection.

Young people can present their boutonnieres to girls.


He: Once again I’m helplessly drunk
Looking into your dear, sweet eyes...
I wish I could love you even more
It’s just a pity, it can’t be stronger anymore!..
She: It can’t be stronger! Yes, believe me, I agree!
Not because there is no stronger love!
But because there is no more happiness,
Than just look into YOUR eyes!
It’s easy to dissolve in them without a trace,
Having understood one thing: you are near, you are with me!
Love, my Darling, is maddeningly sweet,
And I don’t need any other one!..
Him: Oh, how happy I am to be with you,
And enjoy your closeness...
I don't need anything in this life,
Just know that you will be mine forever!..
She: I promise, Darling, it will be so -
I will be yours, you are loved by me!
And no matter what happens in this life,
We will keep our love with you!
And looking into each other's eyes,
Even after a lot for long years,
We understand, Beloved, you and I are only one:
There is nothing more precious than these eyes in the world!..


Master of Ceremonies: Games, including active ones, were popular at balls and literary salons. One of them is badminton!
Presenter: (surprised) Do you want to invite our guests to warm up and compete in hitting plastic balls???
Master of Ceremonies: just to compete,......! Because our badminton will be literary, and it will consist of 2 rounds. Questions will be asked to each pair in turn. A couple that does not answer the question is eliminated from the competition. And the winner is the one who successfully “hit the balls” in two rounds! 2 people per squad are invited.
Presenter: Well, let's begin! First round "What's in your name?" It is necessary to name (in full!) the names and patronymics of writers and poets.
1. Mayakovsky - (Vladimir Vladimirovich)
2. Dostoevsky - (Fyodor Mikhailovich)
3. Griboedov - (Alexander Sergeevich)
4. Turgenev - (Ivan Sergeevich)
5. Kuprin - (Alexander Ivanovich)
6. Bulgakov - (Mikhail Afanasyevich)
7. Derzhavin - (Gabriil Romanovich)
8. Akhmatova - (Anna Andreevna)
Master of Ceremonies: second round - “Co-authored”. Complete the titles literary works:
1. War - and peace.
2. A hero of our time.
3. Notes from a hunter.
4. Quiet - Don.
5. The tale of the priest and his worker Balda.
6. Poor – Lisa.
7. The word is about Igor’s campaign.
8. The Master and Margarita.
Master of Ceremonies: Mazurka! Mazurka comes from Poland. Not a single ball was complete without her!
Presenter: This dance appeared in St. Petersburg, migrating to us from Paris. He immediately became very fashionable.
Master of Ceremonies: Of course! Mazurka – a super hit of its time! And why all? Yes, because in the mazurka the ladies could flirt to their heart’s content, and the gentlemen could show off their daring. The gentleman tapped his spurs, knelt down, walked the lady around him and kissed her hand. The Mazurka has always been at the center of every holiday, they were waiting for it, preparing for it!...

Presenter: The Mazurka sounded. It happened
When the mazurka thunder roared,
Everything in the huge hall was shaking,
The parquet was cracking under my heel!
Master of Ceremonies: Gentlemen, the middle of the ball is the mazurka!

Master of Ceremonies: Not a single ball was complete without games. The most beloved were the well-known “Zhmurki”.
Presenter: We invite 8 people to play. Ladies and gentlemen, don't be shy!
"Blind Man's Bluff"


Master of Ceremonies:


Lady 1: Ah, monsieur......! Are you stuck somewhere? Come in, we are glad to see you. Is it a wonderful ball today?
He: Yes, well, of course... who can compare it with St. Petersburg... (Takes a chair and sits in the center of the ball). Oh, what a life, really! There is no way to hide, no way! As soon as I enter somewhere, everyone already says: “There, he says, ....., he’s coming.”
Lady 2: Say so! Just think about it!
Him: I know pretty actresses. I also write various vaudeville shows there. However, there are many of my works, including “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Robert the Devil”. I don’t even remember the names... And it all happened by chance: I didn’t want to write, but the theater management said: “Please write something!” I think to myself, well, if you please, brother! And then in one evening, it seems, he wrote everything, astonishing everyone. I have extraordinary lightness in my thoughts!
Lady 3: So, right, you wrote “Eugene Onegin”?
Him: Yes, this is my essay. I admit, I exist only through literature. This is my first house in St. Petersburg. Do me a favor, gentlemen, you will be in St. Petersburg, I ask everyone to come to me. I also give points.
Lady 1: I think the balls are given there with taste and splendor...
Him: Just don’t say it! On the table, for example, there is a watermelon... a watermelon costs 700 rubles... Soup in a saucepan came straight from Paris on the boat... I go to balls every day. There we had our own company: the French envoy, the German, the English and me! And it’s curious to look into my hallway when I haven’t woken up yet... The counts and princes are milling around and buzzing like bumblebees, all you can hear is zhzhzhzhzh. Sometimes the minister: zzzzzzzzhzh. They even write to me on the packages: “Your Excellency.” The State Council itself is afraid of me! That's who I am! I tell everyone: “I know myself!” I go to the palace every day! Tomorrow I will be promoted to field marshal!!!
We invite 2 people per group.
Your task is to compliment all the ladies present. The winner will be the team that lasts the longest in the competition.

Presenter: I would like to remind you, dear ladies and gentlemen, that whether there is a holiday in our soul or not depends mainly on ourselves. Don’t allow yourself to be in a bad mood – it’s indecent.
Master of Ceremonies: Gentlemen, the “Cotillion” dance is announced!

Master of Ceremonies: Polka dance! Originally not from Poland, but from the Czech Republic! Please don't be confused! Adorable, cheerful child!
Presenter: She doesn't know what a bad mood or cutesy slowness is. And although in Russia Polka was reluctantly allowed to attend high society balls, because it was folk in origin, students, high school students and children danced it with delight! The popularity of the polka was extraordinary: weddings were postponed in order to learn a new dance; doctors treated patients suffering from “foot disease” - swollen feet and sprained ligaments.
Master of Ceremonies: Polka, gentlemen! Gentlemen invite ladies!

Presenter: Ladies and gentlemen, now each of you will receive a note with wishes. It will definitely come true, you just have to believe in it.

Trays with notes are brought in. Each guest takes a note.

Wishes texts:
“When you choose a road, don’t turn off”
"Look into your soul, ask your heart"
“Believe in yourself, because for those who believe, nothing is impossible!”
"Don't forget about yourself!"
“Remember, an arrow once fired does not return!”
“Find happiness in today!”
“Know that the clouds will clear and the peak will appear!”
“Remember, no matter how slowly you move, the main thing is not to stop!”
“Knowing moderation, you will have plenty of everything!”
Today is the best day for you! As the others!
“What awaits you will be wonderful!”
“Happiness is just around the corner, move in the same direction!”
“Your future is wonderful, everything is rosy!”
“Happiness will come to you, appreciate the joys of life!”

Master of Ceremonies:
This holiday will be remembered,
Will remain for posterity.
We had a nice time
In fun and acquaintances.

Everyone is happy: both old and young,
There will be talk.
It's a bit of a pity, the upcoming ball
Getting ready soon!

Master of Ceremonies: Our ball ends with a gallop dance.
Presenter: Gallop! Origin: Hungarian. However, all of Europe was captivated by it!
Master of Ceremonies: Gallop, gentlemen!

Master of Ceremonies: Gentlemen, our ball is over. See you soon!

Scenario of a ball in the style of the 19th century

Target: Creating conditions for the development of a creative personality.


Teach creative perception of artistic culture.

Introduce the customs and life of the nobility of the 19th century.

Develop aesthetic taste.

To develop in students social competencies that will be useful in later life.

To cultivate the spiritual culture of students


multimedia projector, computer,

slide with a ballroom scene.

Poems are performed behind the scenes.

Today is a ball, the whole house is in lights,
The carriages arrived
Champagne is covered with ice,
And the servants are dressed up

Ladies swim in, blind everyone
Diamonds and sapphires
Wearing fashionable scarves
On bare backs

Bows and lace everywhere
Epaulets flash
And connoisseurs of Parisian fashions
Dressed up in new clothes

The hall is filled with candles and mirrors
Crystal clink of glasses
The owner of the house announced
Razdolya is the beginning

Mazurka music sounds
It is replaced by waltzes
No one rejected the fun
And it didn’t remain boring

Ved.1. Duchess Rotar Snezhanna Fedorovna, with her sons and daughters!

Ved.2. Duke Tuktarov Danil, with his sisters!

Ved.1. Countess Osertsova Tamara Anatolyevna, with her nephews!

Ved. 2. Baroness Andreeva Tatyana Vladimirovna, with her family!

Ved. 1. Duchess Krutkova Svetlana Anatolyevna, with her family!

Ved.2. Princess Vagapova Olga Gennadievna, with her sons and daughters!

Slide with a portrait of Peter I.

Ved. 1 The tradition of gathering all nobles, officials, servants with their wives and children for conversations, gallant dances, exercises and music was introduced by Emperor Peter Alekseevich.

Ved. 2: And they were ordered to give the name to the assembly. And in our time they began to be called balls. The word "ball" comes from the Old French bailer, which means "to dance, to jump."

Ved. 1: Nowadays, balls include not only dancing and socializing, but also charity bazaars, lotteries, performing romances, and playing music.

Ved. 2: I think the current orchestra plays amazingly, doesn’t it, my friend.

Couples freeze while listening to music performed by an orchestra. 3 min.

Ved. 1: Every century, every era has its favorite dances, gentlemen.

Ved. 2: And their own, sometimes very strict rules.

Slide with a portrait of Catherine II.

Ved. 1: Empress Catherine the Great wrote the rules about balls with her own hand, ordering them to be strictly observed.

Ved. 2: I remember that Mother Empress ordered hats and swords to be left behind the doors of the ballroom.

Ved. 1: And since she herself loved jokes and dressing up, mummers and dancing, the courtiers were ordered to love the same things.

Slide with a portrait of Paul I.

Ved. 2: My father told me that Emperor Paul banned the use of a dance called valsen at balls! He also prohibited the wearing of tailcoats, vests, and shoes with ribbons. He ordered the police to monitor the execution of the decree in the strictest possible manner!

Ved.1: Oh times, oh morals!

Slide with a portrait of Alexander I.

Ved. 2: Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, fortunately, again allowed dresses of French cut.

Ved. 1: And from then on, fashionable dancing is both possible and necessary. Balls in the Winter Palace became regular.

Slide with the image of a ball.

Together. Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen!

Ved. 2. Dear ladies and gentlemen, we are glad to see you at our ball.

Young woman. I light the candles and remain silent.
And the wizard-evening looks into my eyes,
The hand of darkness touched your shoulder.
For the first time I light candles

From dance to dance along an invisible road,
From crinolines and corsets to silks,
We slide through time, through a great era,
Where dances appeared again and again.

The class takes 2 steps forward, the boys are in the background, the girls in the foreground curtsy. Each class has its own curtsey.


Gentlemen, it is announced the ceremonial entrance of their majesties. Everyone stand up.

Everyone gets up and goes out to an empty place in the hall. They line up, creating a “living corridor” for the passage of the emperor and historical guests.


“By the grace of God, Tatyana Borisovna, Empress of the All Ashpan School.”

With Princess Vasilyeva Zoya Mikhailovna

With Countess Olga Alekseevna Dovzhenko

(go through and take the JURY seats)

The masters of ceremonies, standing at the door, strike three times with their wands - a long ebony cane with an ivory ball on top, a double-headed eagle and a bow of St. Andrew's ribbon.

The araps open the doors, everyone bows.

The orchestra performs a polonaise from the opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Eugene Onegin".5 minutes

Ved. 1: Gentlemen, the ball opens with a polonaise.

Slide with an illustration about polonaise.

Ved.2: So here it is, the beginning of the ball,
When there is a cut through time,
The column of couples began to tremble,
Polonaise thundered from the balcony!

Polonaise being performed

Ved.1. Thank you, gentlemen, for this majestic and graceful dance.

Ved.2. How beautiful you looked in the solemn procession!

Ved.1. Now the time has come to delight our ears with exquisite music.

Literary duel

    Assignment for primary school: decorate a poster as a team

    Literary duel among high school students

Presentation with literary duel

    On the way cloud “Zapevayka” for primary classes

Leading. Guys, do you know that there are colored songs?.......

And I'm sure you know several color songs. Therefore, without a doubt, we invite you to perform with us 1 verse of such songs.....

(Performance of songs accompanied by a soundtrack)


- “Once upon a time there was a black cat...”

- “The blue carriage is running and swaying...”

- "Blue Moon…"

- “Somewhere in this world...”

- “Yellow leaves are circling over the city...”

- “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it was green...”

- “Blue, blue frost...”

- “A modest blue handkerchief...”

- “Red, red cat...”

- "Red viburnum…"

- "Black eyes…"

Ved.1. Polka dance! Originally not from Poland, but from the Czech Republic! Please don't be confused! Adorable, cheerful child!

ved.2: Polka, gentlemen! Gentlemen invite ladies!

Polka performed by class

E.N. 5-10 people come out willingly

Teams ask each other “poetic” questions, borrowing lines from famous poems. The opposing team also needs to respond with a poetic line - only it must be a quote from another work. It is advisable to do everything so that at the “junction” of quotes a funny super-meaning is born. You have 1 minute to think about your answer.

Here are examples of questions and answers:

Dreams Dreams.
Where is your sweetness? (A.S. Pushkin.)

In the desert, stunted and stingy. On the ground, hot in the heat... (A.S. Pushkin.)

Tell me, branch of Palestine,
Where did you grow up, where did you bloom? (M.Yu. Lermontov.)

In the depths of Siberian ores... (A.S. Pushkin.)

What do you want, old man? (A.S. Pushkin.)

I came to you with greetings,
Tell me that the sun has risen... (AL. Fet.)

Why did you visit us
In the wilderness of a forgotten village? (A.S. Pushkin.)

I won't tell you anything
I won't alarm you at all... (A Fet.)

5) What are you doing, my old lady. Silent at the window? (A.S. Pushkin.)

And boring and sad,
And no one to give a hand... (M.Yu. Lermontov.)

Ved.1. Ladies and gentlemen, and now the game “Stream”.

Ved.1: Waltz, gentlemen! Waltz!

Slide with a ballroom scene where dancers spin in a waltz.

Ved.2. So, Waltz of Friendship!

Ved.1: Ladies and gentlemen, now each of you will receive a note with wishes. It will definitely come true, you just have to believe in it.

Ved.2 A tray with notes is brought into the hall. Each guest takes a note.

Wishes texts:

“When you choose a road, don’t turn off”

"Look into your soul, ask your heart"

“Believe in yourself, because for those who believe, nothing is impossible!”

"Don't forget about yourself!"

“Remember, an arrow once fired does not return!”

“Find happiness in today!”

“Know that the clouds will clear and the peak will appear!”

“Remember, no matter how slowly you move, the main thing is not to stop!”

“Knowing moderation, you will have plenty of everything!”

Today is the best day for you! As the others!

“What awaits you will be wonderful!”

“Happiness is just around the corner, move in the same direction!”

“Your future is wonderful, everything is rosy!”

Music plays and everyone sings the final song.

Ved.1: This holiday will be remembered,
Will remain for posterity.
We had a nice time
In fun and acquaintances.

ved.2: Everyone is happy, young and old,
There will be talk.
It's a bit of a pity, the upcoming ball
Not getting ready soon

Music is playing.

Ved. together: Gentlemen, the ball is over.