I dream of a stream with dirty water. Why do you dream about a stream?

Why do you dream about a stream? In a dream, it reflects a certain, rather short life stage or a specific event. However, dream books offer a lot of other interpretations, which are based on the details and nuances of the dream plot.

Why do you dream about a stream? Miller's dream book is sure that you are destined for especially strong impressions and maybe even a trip.

Did you dream of a deep and full-flowing stream? For a short time you will be tormented by doubts and worries. Seeing a dry stream in a dream is somewhat worse. This is a sign of disappointment. However, the dream book does not advise you to be upset, because fate has prepared a more generous gift for you.

Why do you dream about a stream? If in a dream clean water flowed in it, then expect good changes. Did you dream that the water was cloudy and dirty? A short period of endless sorrows and worries awaits you. Did you happen to drink from a stream? In real life, finally decide on your aspirations and ideals.

Have you ever heard the gurgle of water in a stream? You will soon hear a lot of unusual things about yourself. If the stream flows straight, then you have chosen the right path. If it meanders, then you are characterized by capriciousness, variability and frivolity.

Why do you dream about a stream? A collection of dream books prophesies a move to another place of residence. Hearing murmurs means news, gossip. Did you dream about a stream? Soon you will be visited by a whole series of brilliant ideas.

If in a dream a sick person happens to stand in it in reality, or, better yet, swim, then he will be cured. A fast stream with muddy water warns of injury or illness; a muddy but calm stream promises an exacerbation of a chronic illness. Sometimes muddy creek water marks a situation that will deprive your opponents of an advantage.

Did you dream that you found a stream in the forest? Some confusing situation will be resolved in a very original way. This is also a sign of insight after a long search. In addition, a stream in the forest warns of an unexpected surprise.

Why do you dream about a mountain stream? Crystal clear water promises good health, but at the same time calls for sobriety. Your inadequacy in your views leads to complete defeat. A too-turbulent stream in the mountains warns of evil slander and envious gossip.

Stream with clean, dirty water

The exceptionally clean and clear water in the stream reflects the peaceful course of a certain stage of life. In a dream, clean water marks positive changes in business and happy changes in fate.

Drink from the stream, swim in the stream

In relationships, you can hardly be called a demanding partner, and even in sex you adhere to conservatism and do not strive for variety. However, after a vision in which he happened to drink from a stream, everything will change dramatically.

Swimming in a stream in a dream is good for any dreamer, but only if it was exceptionally clean and transparent. It is a symbol of renewal, recovery or awakening. Who is closer? Did you dream that you were swimming in a stream? Spend your weekend or short vacation in nature or in another equally pleasant place.

A stream in a dream - how to interpret the image

To correctly decipher it, it is necessary to take into account the size of the stream, its direction and speed. As well as the quality, condition of the water and your own actions.

To decipher, you can use values ​​that characterize water in general, as well as the river. In the latter version, the interpretation will be only less global in nature.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Stream - If you dreamed of a big stream, then you will be able to do something very important.

Why dream of seeing a roaring stream - then you will have a poorly organized business.

To see that you were standing or swimming in a stream - then you will be able to get rid of a long-standing illness.

If in a dream you forded a stream, then you will be able to achieve your goal.

Why dream of seeing a deep stream - then you will have unreliable friends.

If you dreamed of the murmur of water, this is a sign of rumors and empty rumors.

Muddy stream - financial losses await you.

Why dream of seeing a stream that overflowed its banks - then you will soon lose something and you will have big problems.

See also: why do you dream about a stormy river, why do you dream about a stream, why do you dream about a bridge.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about a stream?

Stream - If you dreamed about a stream, then you will have a reliable friend.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about a stream according to the dream book:

Stream - To see that you heard the murmur of a stream means meaningless conversations await you.

If you see a calm stream, then you will be able to achieve something important.

To see that you jumped over a stream means good luck in business awaits you.

If in a dream you bathed in a stream, then favorable changes in life await you.

If you dreamed of a dirty stream, then financial problems await you.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what does the Brook mean:

Stream - If you dreamed of a babbling sound, it means that rumors about you will reach you.

Such a dream is especially bad for those whose case must be decided in court. Unfortunately, this dream predicts that the matter will not be decided in your favor.

See also: why do you dream of water, why do you dream of a stream, why do you dream of a river.

Dream Interpretation of D. Mendeleev

If you dream about a Brook, what is it for:

Stream - A stream in a dream promises the appearance of many new vivid impressions and events in your life, the trace of which will remain in your soul for the rest of your life. If you saw a full-flowing stormy stream rapidly running into the distance, then such a dream predicts the presence of possible experiences. Seeing a dried up stream is a sign of disappointment, but you can still return everything back so that everything is as before.

If in a dream you launch boats into a stream, this dream promises an exciting journey, but it will be short-lived. Getting your feet wet in a stream is a sign of an incipient cold.

If the stream you dreamed of has clean, crystal-clear water, in which you clearly see your reflection, then such a dream confirms the correctness of all the decisions you have made recently, the words you have spoken and the actions you have taken. But if the stream is clogged, and dirty and muddy water flows in it, which cannot be drunk or used in any other way, then this dream encourages you to think about your behavior and attitude towards the people around you. It may even be necessary to reconsider and reevaluate all your previous judgments, beliefs and general outlook on life.

Dream book for girls

Seeing a Brook in a dream:

Stream - If you dreamed of a stream, this is considered a good sign. Do you know why? After all, the stream in real life– this is the place where clean water flows, unpolluted by anything. This is water given to man by Mother Nature herself. The stream is positive Vital energy, which nature generously shares with humans. So the stream you dreamed of symbolizes something pure, positive, even a little naive. If you dreamed about how you were sitting by a stream, it means that now is a period in your life in which you can begin to implement any idea. You will be given assistance and support in any endeavor. Go for it!

If in a dream you quenched your thirst with water from a stream, it means that soon you are destined to meet a person who will have a beneficial influence on you, and you will be able to learn a lot from him. He will share true knowledge with you, awaken interest in what was previously unknown to you, and you will feel something new and positive entering your life.

If in a dream you collect water from a stream and fill some container with it, it means that in reality you will soon feel the need for change. Namely: you want to become better than you are now. It will help you with this close person, whose advice you previously underestimated.

Lunar dream book

Why does a sleeping person dream about a stream? It means:

Creek - good friend. Aquarius.

A stream with clean and quietly flowing water in a dream portends well-being and recovery (for the sick). A dream about a stream often predicts receiving news. See interpretation: river, water.

A dream in which you saw that the stream had dried up means: expect failure in business and bad changes. Such a dream may mean that you will soon lose your job, which gives you your livelihood (or the source of your well-being). If you dream that a clear stream flows near your house, then you will soon receive an important position.

Watching a stream run in a dream is a harbinger of a change in place of residence or lifestyle. A stream running away from you means that you will be troubled by memories of the past. If you dream that the stream has become unusually large, then great things or success await you. A very deep stream in a dream is a sign that you do not know the people with whom you communicate well. A bloody stream in a dream foreshadows great experiences due to the loss of loved ones.

Successfully crossing a stream that blocked your path foreshadows a happy ending to a matter that seemed impossible.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Stream

A stream you see in a dream promises you new, vivid impressions and travel.

A full-flowing stream foreshadows a short period of worries and anxieties.

A dry stream is a dream of fleeting disappointment, followed by the fulfillment of desires.

If you took water from a stream, it means you are very unpretentious and inventive in bed. Any proposal from your partner that goes beyond the bounds of “decency” plunges you into shock. Make sure that monotony doesn’t ruin your relationship.

Interpretation of dreams from

It is quite simple to determine how the dream book interprets a stream seen in a dream. To do this, you need to remember everything that you dreamed about. It’s better to write down your dream on a piece of paper - this way you won’t miss a single detail.

If the stream in the dream was wide, then big, important things await you. This dream is especially favorable for businessmen. In the near future, fate will present you with pleasant surprises.

A narrow stream is a sign that you are on the right path. If it occurred to you interesting idea, be sure to bring it to life. In the future it will bring only positive changes.

Good sign

As the dream book says, a stream in a coniferous forest foretells improved well-being and good health. And if you see him in a deciduous forest, then you can count on career advancement.

A mountain stream usually appears in a dream when the dreamer is overwhelmed with positive emotions. Perhaps an event recently happened in your life that you will remember for the rest of your life. And the flow of water speaks of the dreamer’s good aesthetic taste.

The arrival of guests is what dreams of a stream flowing in your house mean. Also, such a dream foreshadows good, encouraging news. It is possible that you will receive news from old acquaintances.

  • The stream flows in a zigzag - you will change your plans.
  • The water froze - unexpectedly.
  • Waves - to bright, memorable events.
  • Stones in the water - a barrier may arise.
  • Seeing fish is a sign of fun.

If you dreamed of clean streams, then a joyful meeting awaits you. Most likely, you will find yourself in a pleasant company where you can have a lot of fun. Perhaps you will meet new people who will play an important role in your life.

Did you dream that a stream of sewage flows into a stream of clear water? Someone will try to slander you. To prevent your reputation from being damaged, behave with dignity and do not give in to provocations.

A muddy, dirty stream is a sign that your competitors may be playing unfair games against you. Be alert, carefully check information coming to you from dubious sources.

A stream of melted snow portends reconciliation with a loved one. And to see in a dream a stream along which ice floes are floating, according to the dream book, means defending your opinion, trying to impose it on others.

It happens that you have unusual dreams. For example, a milk stream promises the dreamer a warm atmosphere in the house. Kiselny - long conversations on exciting topics. What if instead of water you saw alcoholic drink, then a grand celebration awaits you.

See yourself in a dream

Splashing in a clean stream means improving your health. The dream book believes that you will be able to quickly get rid of the disease. If you do not have health problems, then such a dream says that there should not be any in the near future.

Peace of mind, doing what you love - this is what you dream of about a stream in which you see your reflection. And if the water turns out to be so clear that you can see the bottom, then you can rest assured of the pure intentions of your surroundings.

If the water was ice-cold, then you should pay attention to your relationship with your loved one. You may have been a little cold with your partner lately. Remember the old days, create a romantic atmosphere, say that you love.

Was the stream warm in the dream? Soon everything will get better in your life. And if the water was hot, then a passionate romance awaits you. For married people, such night dreams foreshadow an outburst of passion.

  • Drinking from a stream means gaining new knowledge.
  • To fall into it is to be offended.
  • Wash your face - forgive the offense.
  • Hearing it in the distance means thinking about the future.
  • Collecting water in a bucket means saving money for an expensive purchase.

Standing next to a stream but not hearing its flow means ignoring important details. And a dream in which a stream gurgled loudly usually symbolizes an important conversation. You may hear something you didn't expect at all.

According to the dream book, crossing a body of water means easily overcoming obstacles and quickly completing a task. And to wade through it means making every effort to achieve the desired result.

According to the dream book, the stream along which the current carries you speaks of your flexibility and reluctance to conflict. And if you move against the flow, then you are a stubborn and scrupulous person.

If you believe the dream interpreter, then watching a stream dry up is a request for help. Don't refuse when asked for a favor. Perhaps you are able to solve the problem of a loved one.

Having correctly determined what a stream is in a dream about, you will be able to calculate all your steps in advance, and also learn a lot of new things about yourself. The main thing is not to miss a single detail or nuance when working with a dream book. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Why do you dream about a stream?

  • A stream with bright, clean water is a good turn of events.
  • With muddy and dirty water - worries and sorrows.
  • With fish - wealth.
  • The wider it is, the more wonderful it all is.
  • Drinking from a stream means getting to know your aspirations and desires better.
  • Hearing the murmur of water in a stream is a rumor about you.
  • It meanders bizarrely - your frivolity, changeability, whims.
  • It flows straight - to follow the beaten path through life.
  • Running quickly downhill - harm from the uncontrollability of petty desires.
  • You get lost in the swamp - living in a vicious circle of your own memories.
  • Seeing a dry stream in a dream means cooling of feelings / old love one will have to remember / a meager life with regret or annoyance.
  • A stream flowing into a river, a river flowing into another, even larger one - a turn that gives an insignificant experience the meaning of the main thing in life.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

See a stream in a dream

  • Stream - change of place and life; unexpected joy, the renewal of a long-lost relationship.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

See a stream in a dream

  • A stream seen in a dream promises you new vivid impressions and travel.
  • A full-flowing stream foreshadows a short period of worries and anxieties.
  • A dry stream is a dream of fleeting disappointment, followed by the fulfillment of desires.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a stream?

  • Moving up the social ladder. A rapid flow of water means mistakes and gossip are possible. See also River.

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

Dream Interpretation Stream

  • Seeing a clean stream in a dream is a very happy dream that promises you a lot of good things. If the stream is muddy, fate will take care of you, taking away from your enemies what is dear to them.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream Interpretation Stream

  • The stream is big, wide - to do big things, move on to the next stage of life. A stream overflowing its banks - trouble and evil times, obstacles in business and personal

Dream Interpretation: Ancient Persian Dream Book of Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Stream

  • Stream, mudflow (mountain stream) - to a meeting with the enemy. Not getting your feet wet in a stream or saving yourself from a mudflow in a dream means getting rid of the enemy’s machinations.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a stream?

  • If you see a stream in a dream, this promises you new vivid impressions and travel.
  • If the stream is full-flowing, a short period of acute experiences and anxieties awaits you.
  • If you see that it has dried up, then this means that you will experience disappointment, but fate will give you another opportunity to get what you passionately desired.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

See a stream in a dream

  • change of place and life;
  • meeting with something long lost; joy;
  • flowing through the room, light (same with the river) - the guest is very important;
  • to the birth of a child.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Stream

  • Seeing means good weather, a bucket.
  • Drinking from a stream, washing your face means a successful vacation, outdoor recreation.

Dream Interpretation: Italian Dream Book by Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Stream

  • Indicates a life instinct in the making.

Dream Interpretation: Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a stream?

  • Big, wide - to accomplish big things; roaring - a poorly organized business; standing in it or swimming means recovery from illness. Cross the ford - you will reach your goal; with clean water - a pleasant future; teeming with fish - a profitable enterprise; deep - false friends; muddy - incur losses and damages; floating towards home - respect; overflowing its banks - trouble and evil times; floating with blood - a sensitive loss awaits.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why do you dream about a stream?

  • Ford a stream in a dream - you will reach your goal.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Health

Dream Interpretation Stream

  • Seeing a large, wide, clean stream means health, vigor, well-being and positive emotions; Standing in it or swimming means recovery; Roaring, cloudy - to an acute illness or injury; Cloudy with a slow course - to exacerbation of chronic diseases.

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