Why do you dream about mown grass? Why dream of walking on green grass: interpretation of dream books

As the dream book explains, grass in a dream can mean both pleasant events in life and a warning about possible danger.

If you dreamed of green grass, remember under what circumstances you saw it. This way you will be able to more accurately determine what this dream means.

Lying on the grass

The question most often arises is why you dream about grass when you lie on it. If it is green and juicy, then a well-deserved rest awaits you soon.

When you lie on your back, this means a long trip, on your stomach - for relaxation within the city, and on your side - for a fun time at home.

If in a dream you fell on the grass, in real life you will face betrayal from a loved one. And when you try to get up from it, but cannot, it means you are filled with resentment towards your friends, which should have been let go a long time ago.

Walk along a clearing or lawn

Bright green grass under your feet means imminent disappointment in ideals. And if you see your clear marks, you will soon have a chance to improve your abilities.

  • Walking on soft grass and picking flowers is a sign of a wedding.
  • To meet your loved one halfway means separation.
  • If you see a well-trodden path - to solving complex problems.

When you see in a dream that the grass you are walking on is very tall, in reality you will be offered a new job. And if it is low, you will be forced to take on other people's obligations.

If green grass tickles your feet, then you will soon go on a business trip. If there are scratches on your legs, expect guests from a distant city.

Animals in a dream

A dog in the meadow portends gossip behind your back. And if she barks, it means someone is very jealous of you. A dog running on the grass is a sign of joy, a dog sitting is a sign of success on the love front, a dog lying down is a sign of the arrival of an old friend.

A green meadow in a dream, where many cats walk, warns of possible quarrels with colleagues. And one cat means brilliant thoughts that will soon come to your head.

If the clearing is sunny, then you can bring your plans to life. But if a cat walks in the rain, it will be very difficult to achieve what he wants.

If you dreamed that domestic animals were grazing on a green meadow, expect good news from your loved one. A lot of juicy grass in this case speaks of your friend’s hidden feelings. And sparse, low green growth portends quarrels or separation from a partner.

Where does grass grow?

A large clearing in the forest dreams of traveling to an unfamiliar place. If you see berries on it, the trip will be very exciting. Grass under a large spruce - for a romantic evening, under an oak - for illness, under an acacia - for success in love.

If you dreamed of weeds in your garden, get ready for a reprimand at work. In the flower bed between the flowers it means your uncertainty in real life. And the greenery growing through the asphalt speaks of the serious intentions of your young man.

Green vegetation near the house is a harbinger of monetary profit. And if it grows near the threshold, then the money will come to you in the near future.

Joy, fun and carefreeness - this is what grass on the balcony represents in dreams. And the higher it is, the more positive emotions you can expect in life.

A dream in which you saw greenery in a flower pot means your indifference to the person who loves you. And watering it means gradually smoothing out the conflict with a loved one.

If in a dream greens grow in an unexpected place (on the walls, on the roof, on the table, etc.), then you will soon be able to get a profitable, interesting job.

A dream in which you mow fresh grass promises prosperity and wealth in the future. If at the same time it lies in even layers, then you will get rich very soon. If it squints badly and flies to the sides, you will have to wait a long time for prosperity.

When you dreamed of green grass, pay close attention to the details of the dream. And to make it easier to unravel the dream, think about the events that are happening now in your life.

This will make it easier for you to understand what your dream means. Author: Vera Drobnaya

If a person dreams of green grass, this dream almost always foreshadows success in all new endeavors, is a symbol of good health and well-being, and promises a calm and serene life. It is considered a good sign not only to see green vegetation in a dream, but also to smell its aroma.

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But such a dream can also warn about unpleasant things. A more accurate interpretation of a dream is possible only by analyzing all the smallest details. You should try to remember them before looking into the dream book. Of great importance, in particular, is how the vegetation looked, where it grew, and what actions were performed with it.

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      Key values

      A person who sees green grass in a dream will, in most cases, expect success in his professional activities, financial affairs and personal life. But there may be exceptions.

      • A more accurate interpretation of night dreams must be carried out taking into account all the details of the dream.

        First of all, you need to pay attention to the state of the green meadow. If overgrown and neglected, the dreamer will have to work hard to improve his financial situation.

        Seeing in a dream how flowers grow along with the grass - to acquaintances and meetings with new interesting people . New connections will be quite useful, so you should not refuse an invitation from friends to attend a gala event or other social event.

        If you dreamed of a lot of insects in the grass, this is an unfavorable sign. Such a dream promises the dreamer big troubles. A jumping grasshopper symbolizes health problems. The dream of large hills covered with lush green vegetation has the same meaning.

        If you happen to see a couple of yellow stems among the green grass, this foreshadows the correction of the mistakes of the past. The same interpretation has a dream in which bald patches of bare earth were visible through the grass.

        Walking the beaten path means making a responsible decision in a difficult situation.

        Feeling tickling while walking is a sign of an imminent business trip. If the dreamer scratches his leg in the process, guests should be expected from afar.

        Why do you dream about a goldfish - interpretation of the dream

        What does a dream about animals on the grass promise?

        The interpretation of dreams in which animals are seen on the grass may depend on the following details:

        • what kind of animals were present in the dream;
        • how many there were, what they did;
        • what was the weather like;
        • what condition the grass itself was in.

        If the dreamer saw a dog walking in a green meadow, this is a warning sign. Such a dream suggests that behind a person’s back someone is spreading untrue information and false rumors about him. Hearing an animal bark means the presence of envious people in your immediate environment. To see a dog running - to good news from afar, sitting - to a romantic acquaintance, lying - to a meeting with an old friend.

        Cats walking in the meadow foreshadow scandals with colleagues. If there was only one animal, the dreamer may not be afraid to implement his idea, as it will turn out to be surprisingly profitable. If the weather in a dream with animals was rainy, then you will have to work hard to implement your plans.

        Other pets dreaming on the grass promise news from your other half. If the grass was thick, the loved one experiences strong feelings for the dreamer. Rare growth symbolizes a possible break in the relationship. Watching an animal graze in a meadow means finding a valuable thing for which a person will be given a large material reward.

        Appearance of grass

        Of great importance for the correct interpretation of a dream about a green meadow is the appearance of the vegetation: sparse or dense, lush or dry, high or low.

        What did the grass look like? Dream interpretation
        JuicyThe dream promises a person excellent health and success in solving material issues, career advancement
        ThickLooking at beautiful, dense greenery means unexpected profits.

        Another meaning of the dream is strong and mutual love

        RareTo parting with a loved one
        HighThe dream foreshadows a bright streak in the dreamer's life. Success awaits him in all areas
        shortThe dream speaks of possible health problems for the dreamer
        Dry, brownWarns a person that he will not be able to achieve his plans due to illness or poor health. Particular attention should be paid to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For a couple in love, a dream indicates that their marriage will not take place. For people involved in trade, the dream foreshadows large material losses
        BeveledTo a large influx of work
        SluggishTo poverty, bad luck in business
        TrampledThe dream characterizes the dreamer as a conceited and arrogant person
        With drops of dewThe dream indicates unrequited love

        The place where you saw green vegetation

        In order to correctly interpret the meaning of night dreams, one should also take into account where exactly the grass grew in the dream: in the forest, in a field, in a cemetery, in water, etc.

        The place where the grass grew Interpretation of sleep
        In the forestIn the near future, a person will travel to an unfamiliar, but quite interesting place. If you managed to see the berries, then the trip will be very successful and memorable
        In waterThe dream promises smoothing out the conflict with relatives.

        Another interpretation of the dream is moving to a new place of work, where the dreamer will enjoy great authority among colleagues

        On the fieldTo great material profit
        Under the snow in winterGrass seen in a dream under the snow symbolizes positive changes in life regarding work and personal relationships. If there was a lot of snow, you should expect big profits. If it immediately melts, you will have to work hard to make your cherished desire come true
        At the cemeteryThe dream has a favorable meaning and tells the dreamer that he needs to believe in himself, and then he will be able to realize everything he has planned.
        At the graveNight vision portends problems with parents
        Sprouted through the asphaltThe second half has serious intentions

        Greenery indoors

        Of particular interest are dreams in which the dreamer happened to see green vegetation right in the room. And here's how they can be interpreted.

        Grass grew near the house

        The interpretation of a dream can change significantly if the dreamer saw grass near his own house.

        Grass growth area Interpretation of sleep
        In the gardenTo big troubles at work, perhaps to a reprimand from superiors
        In the flowerbedSeeing grass among the flowers in a flowerbed means doubting the fidelity of your other half.
        Near the houseTo unexpected profits, receiving a bonus, a large inheritance. Grass at the doorstep - money will come very soon
        In the courtyardTo disappointment in a loved one. Another meaning of sleep is gaining new knowledge, which will turn out to be quite useful and necessary.
        Under the treesIf trees rise above the grass, this promises great profit.

        Greenery growing under a spruce - for a romantic meeting, under an oak - for an exacerbation of a chronic illness, under an acacia - for success with the opposite sex

        In front of the fenceTo minor career growth
        In front of a wicket or gateTo a quick and unexpected career rise through the ranks

        The dreamer's actions

        In dreams of green grass, a person may see himself doing many different things on it or with the vegetation itself. Their correct interpretation can completely change the meaning of a dream.

        Actions with grass Meaning of sleep
        WalkWalking on soft grass means great and mutual love.

        If the grass interferes with walking, it means obstacles in business.

        Going to meet your loved one means parting with your other half.

        If you dreamed that a person was trampling grass, he needs to reconsider his views on life and actions.

        Getting your feet wet after a walk on the dewy grass means worrying about your relationship with your loved one.

        EatThe dream portends poverty and illness
        Mow with a scytheTo increase the dreamer's well-being
        Mow with a lawnmowerTo sadness and depression
        LieThe dream promises a romantic acquaintance, which can develop into a serious relationship. Lying on your back means a long journey, on your stomach means visiting a special event with friends, on your side means relaxing at home with your family.
        ChewLoneliness, longing for lost opportunities
        GatherThe dream foreshadows great material losses and poverty. But collecting flowers in the grass is a sign of an imminent wedding, medicinal herbs are a solution to a long-term problem.
        Interpreters Meaning of sleep
        MillerGustav Miller claims that lush green vegetation seen in a dream symbolizes a prosperous and calm life. Single people should expect a fateful meeting with their soulmate
        NostradamusCollecting poisonous grass means learning some secret.

        Making clothes from grass for yourself is an event that will amaze with its originality.

        Dream Interpretation of the 21st CenturyIf the dreamer happened to see very tall grass, this warns the person that he needs to take a more responsible approach to his responsibilities
        Family dream interpreterThe family dream book warns that if a person dreams of a green carpet at the foot of a mountain, then there is a danger to his health and life.

        Another meaning of the dream: if you dreamed of a medicinal or unfamiliar herb, then you must try to remember what it looked like. Perhaps the human body is weakened and to restore strength it needs a decoction of this particular medicinal plant

Images in dreams come to us from the subconscious and try to warn us about something or tell us about something in symbolic language. For example, why do you dream about grass? As the dream book explains, we see green grass in our night dreams as a sign of something pleasant and promising.

I dreamed of walking on the grass

Green consists of yellow and blue, its meaning can be interpreted in two ways. Fresh young greenery symbolizes growth and development, while bright, juicy greenery symbolizes harmony in the soul and nature.

Walking on green grass represents the beginning of quests, mental anguish, and doubts. If you have to walk for a long time, then this promises a quarrel with a friend, loved one. Running along the grass-ant - to a quick promotion in your career, to achieving goals in creativity and business.

If you dream of a mountain covered with greenery, it is a sign of future changes. You will reach the heights you dreamed of.

Why do you dream about tearing green grass?

If in a dream you had to pick green grass, then remember the details of your dream:

  • for feeding livestock - the dream marks the successful completion of business;
  • in someone else's garden - you are borrowing something that is not yours, for example, borrowing money;
  • forced to tear for food - to financial problems;
  • ripped everything off - a difficult choice awaits.

A good omen is to see a meadow covered with young sprouts. This means that unprecedented prospects will open up before you; you just need to seize the moment and rely on luck. Tall vegetation portends enrichment. A treasure will be found, an accidental valuable find is possible. The Motley Valley is a sure sign of specie in the near future.

Seeing sprouts on the floor in a dream

If you dream of abundant evening dew, expect profit; morning dew means good news. The present does not have to be material. This could be something you've been waiting for: a long-awaited pregnancy or a new appointment.

If you dream that sprouts are sprouting right on the floor, you should be careful in your affairs, you may be deceived. The symbol has another interpretation - grief can enter the house. Therefore, be especially careful. Do not trust strangers who decide to visit you supposedly on important matters.

Grass according to the dream book of Miller and others

Miller's dream book interprets green grass as a promising beginning of something new and joyful. First of all, this is a life without financial difficulties, in prosperity and abundance. For single people, Miller's dream book promises a meeting with a long-awaited soul mate. If in a dream you walked on a living grass carpet, this marks a new love, reciprocity.

In the Enigma and Islamic dream books, seeing young grass symbolizes true piety, evidence of deep faith. If you hold it in your hands, it means a generous harvest. Forbs speak of inconstancy.

Many people are sure that dreams are not just pretty pictures. They believe that these are some kind of messages that can predict the future. That is why in this article I would like to talk about what green grass means in dreams.


If a person dreams of green grass, he needs to remember under what circumstances it appeared. So, even the most insignificant details at first glance are important for clarification: where she grew up, what color she was, who else was nearby. Depending on this, the interpretation of sleep will also differ. However, in general, green grass is a symbol of hope and good health.

Lying on the grass

So, why do you dream of green grass if you dreamed that you were lying on it? So, it is very important to remember exactly what position it was in:

  1. Lying on the grass on your back means a long trip.
  2. Lying on your stomach means relaxation within the boundaries of your native place - city, village.
  3. If in a dream the sleeping person lay on either side, he will have to rest at home.

In a dream you had to fall on the grass - in reality, you may expect a setup or betrayal from a loved one. If the sleeping person tried to get up from the grass, but failed, in this case one should be wary of the meanness of friends and comrades. You also need to be extremely careful as employees may set you up.

Appearance of grass

What else does green grass mean in dreams? To answer this question, we need to consider the vegetation itself.

  1. If the grass is high, then the sleeper may soon be offered a new job or a better position.
  2. If the grass is very low, then most likely you will have to take on other people's functions and obligations.
  3. Why do you dream of green grass with flowers? In this case, we are talking about the personal relationships of lovers. Flowers are picked - there will be a wedding. If they just wriggle their feet, then it’s possible
  4. Why do you dream of green grass with dew? Such a vision indicates that soon the illness that torments the sleeping person or his close relatives will recede. Also, such a dream suggests that in the near future the person will be absolutely healthy.


I wonder why you dream of green grass on which certain animals are found?

  1. A dog on the grass means gossip. If she barks, then someone is slandering the dreamer and at the same time is very jealous. The dog simply runs along the grass - to joy, sits - to a love adventure, lies - to arrival
  2. A cat on the grass means problems at work. If there are a lot of cats, this means that disputes and friction will arise with colleagues.
  3. If livestock is grazing on a green meadow, the sleeper will receive news from a loved one. If the grass in this case is bright and beautiful, then success awaits in love affairs, while withered vegetation promises separation or quarrels.

Actions regarding grass

If in a dream a person is looking for something in beautiful green grass, in reality it is better for him not to poke his nose into other people's affairs. Otherwise, everything may end badly. This dream also recommends that the sleeper sort out his affairs and put things in order in his personal life.

A herb that a person admires indicates that in reality something needs to be changed in life. Otherwise, depression cannot be avoided.

Why do you dream about green grass? Tearing it out in pieces, tearing it off indiscriminately means that in reality the sleeper has so many desires and needs that it is very difficult to cope with them. Therefore, you need to moderate your appetites, otherwise there will be trouble.

Why do you dream of green mown grass that still smells? Such a vision indicates that your well-being will improve. It is important who exactly mowed the grass. If you yourself are sleeping, then you will have to make an effort for this. If someone else mowed it down, then material wealth will flow like a river as a result of a successful coincidence of circumstances.


Why do you dream of green grass? Walking along it, taking a walk, means various changes in life. So, here again it is important to remember the details:

  1. Seeing a clear trace of your steps means that you will soon have a chance to improve your abilities and improve in what you love.
  2. When a clearly trodden path is visible on the grass, complex problems that arise along the way can be solved quickly and without any problems or disappointments.
  3. If a sleeping person walks along the grass to meet his beloved, this promises separation. However, it will be short-lived. Perhaps your loved one will have to leave for some time, for example on a business trip.
  4. If there are islands of withered or yellowed grass, you should fear for your health. Some kind of illness may arise.

Opinions of ancient dream books

Various ancient collections of interpretations can tell you what green grass means in dreams. It is there that a wealth of information about the meaning of dreams that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers accumulated was collected.

  1. Gypsy dream book. If the grass is thick and beautiful, then there will be a wedding soon. If it is rare, then difficult times await the sleeper.
  2. Women's eastern dream book. If a girl sees beautiful bright greenery, this promises improved well-being. Withered vegetation - to the illness of the sleeping person or his
  3. Esoteric dream book. If the grass is beautiful, tall, bright, then a successful period awaits the sleeper, but if it is yellowed, then illness. You should be wary of mown grass. In this case, death may await a person in reality.
  4. Zedkiel's Dream Book (Old English). If in a dream a person admires grass, in reality he will experience success and improved well-being. If the grass is ugly and yellowed, this may mean that an unfavorable period lies ahead: illness, trouble.
  5. Dream Interpretation Maya. Positive meaning: if you dream of grass, the sleeper will soon be able to rest. Negative interpretation: one must be wary of making a mistake in reality. However, to prevent this from happening, the ancient Mayans recommended eating one blade of grass before going to bed for a couple of days.
  6. An ancient French dream book. The grass itself, according to this interpretation, acts as a warning. You need to be wary of imaginary friends and newly made comrades. They can betray and harm. Eating grass in a dream means poverty and loss. If it is yellow, it means that the person sleeping in reality will face losses and disappointments.
  7. An ancient Chinese dream book. If a sleeping person dreams of a meadow with green grass, then this is a sign of profit, prosperity, and material well-being. If grass grows in a house, the room will soon become empty and people will move out.
  8. According to the ancient Russian dream book, a dream in a dream foreshadows various troubles and obstacles in business.
  9. The lunar dream book foretells health for everyone who dreams of grass.
  10. Dream book of health. If the grass is green, beautiful, it means recovery, or if it is yellow, wrinkled, it means illness.

Interpretations of modern dream books

You also need to consider why green grass is dreamed of, according to modern dream books.

  1. Russian dream book. If you dream about grass, a person regrets the past and hopes for a better future.
  2. Ukrainian dream book. According to the interpretation of this source, the grass symbolizes people and the sleeping environment. The better the vegetation, the more positive and friendly the people around you are. If there are withered places in the meadow, it means that among your acquaintances there are ill-wishers. If in a dream you had to mow vegetation, in reality a person may face serious matters or great troubles.
  3. Ivanov's newest dream book. The grass is a kind of clue. To hear it, you need to engage in meditation or self-improvement.
  4. Traveler's Dream Book. Generally speaking, grass symbolizes hope and expectation. If it is beautiful, then the dreamer will experience prosperity and success; if it is too tall, difficulties will occur. Chewing it or mowing it is a disappointment.
  5. New family dream book. If you dreamed of beautiful, lush grass in a meadow, it means that prosperity and good luck await the sleeper in his life. For businessmen, replenishment of capital, for artists - fame, for lovers - wonderful feelings and enjoyment of each other. If you dreamed of dried or rumpled grass, you need to be wary of diseases.
  6. Modern dream book. Dreaming of green, beautiful grass promises a person a successful and prosperous life. If she has withered a little, you need to be wary of being set up in business by relatives or friends. If mountains rise above the grass, then this is a sign of approaching danger.

In any case, it is worth remembering that any dream is not something bad. A negative vision is just a warning that there is something to be wary of in real life.

Seeing tall grass in a dream, walking across a field, picking flowers means a prosperous period in life. It’s good if you dreamed that there were a lot of green and lush plants around. Such a dream means good health and the strength to carry out even large projects. Traditional dream books clearly describe why water meadows are dreamed of.

Explanations from Miller's dream book

Walking through green and tall grass is a sign of honor and respect in the family, at work, among friends. The psychologist recommends paying attention not only to surrounding objects, but also to your feelings and actions in a dream.

To understand why you dream of plants in a field, you should remember in more detail how exactly you interacted with them and only then look into dream books:

  • mowed - to profit, winnings, receiving gifts;
  • lay and enjoy - to complete recovery;
  • tore, saw yellowed leaves - to correct mistakes;
  • made your way with difficulty - your projects will require a lot of effort, but the return will be appropriate;

All endeavors will be crowned with success

Seeing huge greenery in a dream, making your way through it, going towards your goal is always good. The dream means that a person is not afraid of obstacles, is ready to overcome any difficulties, and solve assigned tasks at any cost. A favorable outcome awaits everyone who dreamed that tall grass grew not in a meadow, but in the middle of a city, for example, or even in an apartment.

Nostradamus’s dream book explains well why you dream of overcoming thickets. It turns out that seeing yourself among the reeds, bushes, and getting out of them is a direct path to fame, honor, respect not only from loved ones, neighbors, colleagues, but also from everyone who surrounds you at the moment.

Financial problems will be resolved

Mowing green and tall grass in a dream means major acquisitions. If for a long time you could not afford to buy something very expensive and necessary, know that the time has come when your financial capabilities will increase sharply.

The planned purchases will delight everyone who dreamed that they had the opportunity to work with a scythe, knit sheaves with their own hands, or create haylofts. In addition, dream books promise a number of successful transactions and the signing of new lucrative contracts.

Make peace with your loved ones

Seeing dry tall grass means making mistakes. Most likely, you have undeservedly offended a loved one or loved one. The dream warns that it is time to apologize and reconcile with loved ones. A disagreement can drag on for a long period if you dreamed that there were a lot of yellow leaves among the greenery.