How to meet a girl on VKontakte example. How to meet a girl on VKontakte: looking for real love in virtual reality

Every day the Internet is becoming more and more popular. Now you no longer need to go to the store to buy a phone or some other trinket, you don’t need to ask people how to find a pizzeria in a city unfamiliar to you, you don’t need to stand at the ticket office to buy a bus or train ticket - all this is possible done without leaving home using the Internet.

And thanks to the rapid development of dating sites and social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Google+, LiveJournal), you can now not only meet people, but also start relationships on the Internet. Today’s article will be devoted to how to meet a girl on the Internet and, in particular, on the VKontakte social network.

How to meet a girl on VKontakte or other social networks?

In fact, I am a supporter of offline dating, in real life. Firstly: you simply see who you are meeting. In front of you is a real person, and not some model from a picture. Secondly: from the first minutes of communication you can understand what this girl is like. On the Internet, everything is limited to text. Thirdly: in real life, you can immediately attract a girl with your charm. Online, all this is replaced by standard emoticons 😉 😉 and :D.

But, despite all the disadvantages of dating on the Internet, we should not forget about its advantages. After all, only with the help of the Internet can you meet a girl from another city, region, whom you would never meet in real life.

Only with the help of the Internet can you start a conversation with a seemingly unapproachable girl whom you would never dare approach in life. When you meet a beautiful girl on the Internet, it is not necessary to have a neat appearance, be shaved and combed. You can meet people on the Internet while sitting at the computer in your underpants!

To be honest, I met my girlfriend on VKontakte. Even though we lived in the same dorm (though on different floors), even though she and I had one mutual friend, we had never crossed paths with her in our lives before. Thanks to Contact, I didn’t have to find out the name of this girl, her age, the city in which she lives, her interests.

Thanks to the social network, I also didn't have to ask the awkward question: does she have a boyfriend. Everything has already been written on her page! All I had to do was click on the “Add as a friend” button and be the first to start a conversation. And already, after this one conversation on VKontakte, I met my future girlfriend in real life. A couple of weeks later we started dating :).

So, if you don’t know how to meet a girl online, I’ll give you some simple tips:

  1. The most important thing is appearance your personal page. Put a high-quality photo on your avatar. It is very important that this photo is adequate (outdoors, in the gym, some cool situation, professional photo shoot). You should not post photos in which you are drunk or stoned for public viewing. Also, if you want to meet a girl on the Internet, you should not post photos in which you are photographed with some beautiful girls– Nobody likes unnecessary competition.
  2. Fill out the information about yourself without errors or typos. Remember: it’s better not to write anything than to write some nonsense or an obscene joke. If you have a sense of humor, show it!
  3. Don't post snotty statuses.

If you decide to meet an unfamiliar girl on the Internet, first of all, make sure that her photo is realistic. Very often on VKontakte and other social networks you can find seemingly promoted, “live” pages whose avatars contain photographs of girls with abs and size 4 breasts. There is a very high probability that this is a “fake” page.

Look at this girl's photo albums and how she responds to comments from other users. If template statuses and posts appear on her wall, if most of her friends are obviously fake accounts, then this girl is not real.

If you are sure that this girl is real, add her as a friend. If you don’t know each other, then write to her that you liked the way she talks, or you liked her photo, you are more for one football club, etc. If she added you as a friend, start commenting on her photos, statuses, and gradually start a friendly conversation.

Try to show your sense of humor (I hope you have it :)), find out if you have common interests. If your communication has grown into something more than friendly, if you can no longer spend a day without talking to each other, ask the girl for her phone number. Well, already over the phone you can offer to meet somewhere in real life.

One friend of mine met a girl on VKontakte who lived on the other side of the country. They had the same interests, they listened to the same music, they even had the same last name! After several months of communicating on the Internet and by phone, he decided to go visit her. Then she comes to him. This is how a relationship began between two people, the probability of meeting in real life was 99.99%. Isn't this a miracle?)

How not to meet a girl on the Internet

  1. No need to look for acquaintances in chat rooms and forums. There is a very high probability of being disappointed later when you see a real photo of a girl.
  2. If you want to meet a girl via the Internet, you don’t need to do this using ASEC and Skype. Again, you initially don’t see who you are communicating with.
  3. If you meet a girl on dating sites, you don’t need to choose promoted pages. Girls who have a lot of friends online will most likely not be able to give you time to communicate, since they communicate with several guys at the same time.
  4. If you decide to meet a girl on the Internet, do not do it in a formulaic way. "Hi, how are you?" - what could be worse than this hackneyed phrase? Or “Your breasts are cool.” The girl will be pleased with this, but she most likely will not consider you seriously. Unless you're both looking for a one-night stand.
  5. When you meet people on the Internet, you don’t need to constantly talk about yourself!
  6. It’s better not to meet people on dating sites at all. After all, she has dozens more applicants like you on her list of friends. It’s better to look for a girl with similar interests on regular social networks.

I hope that my positive experience of dating on the Internet will help you, and you will be able to meet a girl on VKontakte or any other social network without any problems. The main thing is to remain yourself!

Despite the fact that the easiest and most common way to meet someone is in real life, we will tell you how to meet a girl on VK, since this is one of the most popular social networks where you can meet more than one sultry beauty, but with several at once, so as not to waste time and money on just one, which may not work out.

Moreover, if the weather is bad outside, it is much better to sit at home with a cup of tea or coffee and just chat, and maybe make interesting new acquaintances.

How to meet a girl on VK - preparation

Before you start writing to a girl, you need to understand how to properly meet a girl in contact, just write “Hello, how are you?” not worth it, first you need:

  • Design your page correctly;
  • Figure out what to write when meeting a girl on VK;
  • Understand what is worth talking about and what is worth asking.

We design the wanderer correctly

Before you start communicating, you need to make sure that your page stands out, without this, your question “How to meet a girl on VK?” You won’t be able to find an answer, because girls love with their eyes first.

Bad photos on the page - your chances are close to zero. If you want to attract, look for a photographer, your high-quality photos will serve you fully. However, don't limit yourself to a photo portrait, as it won't tell you anything about you. Try to attract the girl's attention with your energy, activity, show that you do not sit at home and your life is full of excitement, adventure, drive, and adrenaline. Also use a little trick in the photo - these are GIRLS. Let it be your girlfriends, or your friends, or just a stranger with whom you have a photo as a keepsake. This will give an advantage, since on the other side of the screen the girl will realize that you are not a complex guy, intrigue and dominate.

After the photos are ready, you can begin further processing of information about yourself. Write about where you studied, about your hobbies, about what kind of music you prefer. You shouldn’t overdo it and tell everything there is to a minimum, because if a girl finds out everything, she won’t be interested.

What to write to meet a girl on VK?

If the preparatory stage has been completed, it’s time to think about how to meet a girl on VKontakte, beautiful template your page is not enough. You need to prove in practice that you are a successful and confident guy.

VKontakte is one of the best people search engines. Finding that same girl will not be difficult, since you can indicate both age and place of study, the most important thing is to find out whether the girl is currently available. You need to set two parameters: “Single”, “Actively searching”, if you don’t set any parameters, you may make a mistake with your choice.

And now to the main thing, how to meet a girl on VK by correspondence? To do this, you need to understand where to start the conversation.

Every person, not just a girl, asks himself the following series of questions:

  1. Who are you anyway?
  2. Why are you writing to her?
  3. And why did you choose her?

Therefore, after your greeting, tell her:

“Who are you anyway?”

So that the girl has no doubts that you are not another acquaintance of her friend who wants to make fun of her, you are not trying to sell her anything, tell her that you are just a cheerful guy who wants to meet such a charming girl.

“Why are you writing to her?”

We answered this question in the first sentence. No need to make a girl wait. State your goal right away.

“Why did you choose her?”

At this point, you should write what really attracted you to her, what hooked you on her, maybe her appearance, or maybe in the description of her hobbies, you have something in common. Don’t forget that you don’t need to lie to her, because sooner or later it will be revealed.

What can you talk about and what questions can you ask?

To understand how to meet a VK girl, you also need to learn about what to say, what questions you can ask and what not.

The first communication should be relaxed, easy, pleasant. To achieve this result you need:

  • Don't constantly tell a girl how beautiful she is, how much you really want to meet her. This may alert her, scare her away, and she may also decide that you are flattering her;
  • You shouldn’t ask her something negative or uninteresting, as this will become a huge disadvantage when you start dating;
  • Just forget about frankness. There is no need to rush things, especially when you have just started communicating;
  • Conversations on the topics of fishermen, hunting, cars will lead nowhere, unless of course the girl starts them herself.

The most suitable topics for first communication are:

  • Hobby;
  • Movies, music, paintings;
  • Trips;
  • Pets;
  • What do you dream about and what do you want from life?

In this article you learned how to meet people on VK, but for a more visual example, we have prepared a correspondence for you:

  1. An example of simple dating;
  2. An example of dating with intrigue;
  3. Example of a quick meeting.

Example of simple dating

After you have chosen a potential girl, write to her after a short period of time:

You: “Hello! You know, it seems like we don’t know each other.”

She: “Hello! Oh really? But it seems to me that you are right)"

You: “It’s time to correct such an oversight”

She: “Ok. I'm Karina, 4th year economist, I want to get a kitten"

You: “Eugene. Tall, handsome and sexy. Doctor of Science... Nice to meet you)"

You: “What breed of kitten do you want?”

She: “Seriously, doctor?”

She: “I want a cute little white fluffy, I’ve always dreamed about it. But my parents were against it, and since I now live alone, I can buy a kitten.

You: “And I have a Bombay cat named Ugolek. Doctor of Philological Sciences"

She: “mmm, blackie, you and I are just like yin and yang”

You: “Opposites are drawing closer together)”

The next day:

You: “Hello, pussy)”

She: “Hello”

You: “It’s late, what’s not in pastels?”

She: “I’m working, how did you spend your day?”

You: “Remembered the old days, met with classmates”

She: “Yes, you can have fun on Instagram”

You: “What were you doing?”

She: “I was in class, then I visited the rocking chair, and now I’m writing an article to order.”

You: “Journalist?”

She: “I hope, a future journalist”

You: “You’re studying economics, right?)”

She: “I like journalism better, but my parents persuaded me to go into economics.”

You: “I think everything will work out for you. How about calling me tomorrow, write your phone number)”

She: “*********** call no earlier than 6)”

An example of dating with intrigue

You: “I know your deepest secret!”

She: “Really? And where?"

You: “To be honest, I didn’t believe it until the very end.”

She: “Actually, we don’t know each other!!!”

She: “And what is this?”

You: “Write your phone number and I’ll share your secret with you)”

She: “*********** Just out of curiosity, I will meet you”

You: “Ok, see you tomorrow”

Example of a quick meeting

You: “It’s too cold outside. Let's hang out in a warmer place and eat. I'll pick you up."

She: "Graevka"

You: “What’s your number, I’ll call you when I get there”

She: "***********"

Which communication you choose is definitely up to you. But we suggest trying all communication options, since in practice it will be clear how to meet a girl online is preferable and more effective for you.

Discussion: 10 comments left.

    I once also asked many people how to meet a girl on VK, like unobtrusively, but also to show that you liked her. Many people told me to write to her and confess, then call her for a walk. I didn't do it. Then I came across this article, sat and read, and realized that I had made some mistakes. Now I’m sitting and thinking about what to do next))

    I always thought that meeting people on VK was very easy. I found a girl, wrote and that’s it. I've never been so wrong before. How much I had to do to get her attention. Back then I didn’t think that you didn’t need to talk about everything you thought))) I read some phrases from the article, apparently I was wrong. You need to plan your VK conversation very well, it just turns out to be some kind of game.

    I talked to a girl on VKontakte. I really liked her. It was so easy to talk to her there that I didn’t even think much about what, how and when to write to her. We sat for half the night and talked. Then we agreed to meet. In general, we did not find a common language in real life. We don't communicate anymore. But the advice might come in handy for guys, well written.

    One friend advised me how to meet a girl on VKontakte. He said that you shouldn’t rush her and ask her some very personal questions that could confuse her. And now, out of curiosity, I read the article and realized that my friend’s advice was very helpful!)

    The author advises talking to the girl from the very beginning about movies, wine and dominoes, such as hobbies, music, and discussing animals. When people ask me something like this, for example, it’s very annoying) I don’t know what they should ask me about during the first conversations, but I would never continue the conversation if they came to talk about nothing like that, and then bam - I like you .

    Oh, and my interlocutor really liked boyish topics for conversation. She is so knowledgeable about technology that it is something!!! We even managed to argue with her. After communicating, we met several times, it seemed like something was planned. Now I looked at the article, I myself adhered to many of the points))

    And I would also add that you shouldn’t immediately write to a girl and try to get her to talk. Many people really don't like this. For example, I liked her photos, she traveled a lot. I liked them, then asked where she was in these photos, how she was in that country, what was interesting. She answered willingly herself. That's how we met)

    The girl I tried to talk to asked in her first message who I was and what I wanted. I was a little confused, but then pulled myself together. Well, I posted my goal, as the author indicated here... He said that I like her, I want to communicate. Well, he flew safely into her emergency!

    I liked her so much that at first I lied a little about myself. Then we agreed to call her on Skype, everything was ok. Then we met. And then she found out what I had hidden from her. I felt terribly uncomfortable that I had lied to her, she was very upset, but somehow everything worked out. You shouldn’t lie to a girl from the very first minutes!(

    Hah. We actually met her on the forum. Well, how we met, she didn’t know who I was, I just liked communicating with her. I wrote on VK, but first came to this page and read the author’s recommendations)) Some tips helped a lot, now we communicate like kindred spirits)))

The social network “VKontakte” is one of the record holders in terms of the number of participants. People register there to keep up with the latest events in the lives of friends and acquaintances, to share their photos, watch movies and listen to songs. What is good about social networks is the freedom of communication and the absence of barriers. You can easily chat with a person living in another city. It is not necessary that he be the same age. The main thing is the desire to communicate, and there will be topics for conversation.

Dating a girl

Through the social network VKontakte, a relationship is established between a guy and a girl. It can all start with leaving a comment on a photo or liking it. This gesture will show that the guy is interested in the girl and follows all the events that happen in her life. Girls love to share their experiences or, conversely, joyful events on social network pages. You need to pay attention to this and, if something happens, offer the girl a friendly shoulder in time.

Getting acquainted with VKontakte is very easy. The first thing you should do is find the girl you like, look at her page, and be sure to check the column with information about marital status. If a girl doesn’t have photos of her hugging a guy, it means she’s actively searching, and you can start taking action. You should start a conversation with the girl. You need to start it off somehow unusual. Banal phrases with words of greeting will no longer interest anyone. You can come up with fascinating story with a dose of humor, jokes and jokes will also be appropriate. The girl will definitely appreciate such an original approach. The main thing is not to overdo it with invention. It is important to feel the girl’s disposition and mood. If she begins to respond willingly to messages, it means she is interested. Don't forget about the compliments addressed to her.

Information analysis

Before starting a conversation, you need to carefully analyze the information that the girl indicated on her page. You can view a list of audio and video recordings and view photos. This data will help in choosing a topic for communication. Probably, there are common musical preferences, there are common acquaintances, the same hobbies. Evaluating photographs will provide an opportunity to examine the girl’s appearance in detail, understand how she spends her free time, see her social circle, her hobbies and leisure activities. On the first day of meeting you should not ask a girl out on a date. It is necessary to maintain the intrigue, make sure that she expects a message or wishes from the guy good morning or good night. If a girl is reluctant to make contact, then you should not be disappointed, but it is better to postpone your attack to another day. The reason for this may be Bad mood ladies.

(luckily taken from another site)
What to write to a girl on VKontakte
You are in Vkontakte. And the girl you like is also registered in VKontakte. She may even be your friend, but you don’t know how to start a conversation with her. Or vice versa, you bore her stupid questions, and she doesn’t want to correspond with you at all. In any case, communication does not go well, because you are either inactive or just ruin everything.
First of all, you must understand that you must take the first step. Don't wait until she decides to text you. Even if she herself added you as a friend, you should start communicating with her by getting her excited.
Secondly, you should know what to write to a girl on VKontakte. Many people ask what to write to make a girl pay attention to me?
I'm sure that writing to a girl is as easy as shelling pears. If you don't know what topics to talk about, practice. I'll give you some tips on what you can chat with a girl about.
Talking to girls is easy. You shouldn't be afraid of this. If you really don’t know what to communicate about and what to write to a girl on VKontakte, then
1) you have no imagination
2) you have no business or hobbies
Because if you are busy with something, passionate, you already have something to discuss with the girl. This is what you can talk about on VKontakte. For starters, don't ask her personal questions. Discuss common topics. Talk about pets, make jokes. See what unites you. You should not bring up topics of religion or politics. There is no need to argue with her, to prove that you are right. Communication should be pleasant and fun.
Be more positive than other guys who hit on her. If she smiles, that's a big plus. She will want to continue communicating.
Don't show that you like her. Don't let her think that you want sex from her. Make her interested in you. And as soon as she shows her interest, go offline. This is necessary in order to hook her. If everything is done correctly, the girl will simply die. Tested by experience by everyone who watched the course “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte.”
A lot of guys act stupid. As soon as they see that the girl is interested in them, they begin to go on the attack, thinking that she will agree to everything. Keep calm! Most correspond with a girl on VKontakte and wait for her to say goodbye first. But you shouldn't do this. In the midst of communication, you need to leave. Write that you are busy now and cannot communicate.
Now you can calmly wait for her to write to you. Now she is interested in you, and she will probably write to you.
What should you not write to a girl on VKontakte? No negativity. Remember that the girl has her own problems, and here you are also burdening her.

5 good topics what you can write to a girl on VKontakte
These are the basic topics. They are simple, but effective, as they help to hook a girl.
1) Music
For example, you saw her photos from the club, you can discuss club music.
2) Sports
You realized that she is interested in sports and she likes it.
3) Internet
You can discuss the place where you met - VKontakte, LiveJournal, ICQ.
4) Animals
I show you a photo of me with a cat. Animals always touch girls. Especially cats and dogs.
5) Events
This could be parties, concerts and other events you attend.
And here are 5 more questions you can ask after a simple conversation:
1) What in life gives you pleasure?
This question will make her relax and communication will become relaxed.
2) How do you feel when you dance with a new guy?
Dancing is subconscious. This question will make her attracted to you.
3) Where would you like to work? Where do you want to live?
A question that will give you an idea of ​​her plans and give her room to dream.
4) What would you do if you won $1,000,000?
You will understand what money means to her and what place it plays in her life.
5) How do you see your life in 5 years?
I really like asking this question because it confuses many people. But here you can show off your plans and prospects. Girls love confident guys who know what they want from life.
You see, it’s quite simple, communication on VKontakte is not such a problem. Use my recommendations and you will succeed, you'll see. Then you can meet her and take a walk, talk in person.

“I’m writing to you, what more…” we once taught at school. Tatyana Larina’s letter did not help her achieve the desired response in the heart of her chosen one.

How to avoid the mistakes of the heroes of the famous Pushkin novel, and get the desired result from correspondence with a person of the opposite sex, let's look at how to meet a girl on VK with examples.

In contact with

Advantages of proper dating on VKontakte

The easiest way to make a girl know your name, become interested and even not mind meeting you (even in the distant future) is on VKontakte:

  • This is a famous social network , it is easy to use, especially in terms of determining common interests and searching for possible candidates for communication according to given parameters (from age to region of residence).
  • Always a convenient time and place of communication. Gives you the opportunity to take your time to think through your answers and build a conversation. Removes barriers and complexes at the initial stage. Sending a message is easier than saying something in person. And if the fish fails, it is much easier to survive than in real life.
  • AND “You don’t need to give a girl dinner”(no restaurant bills, no expenses for candy bouquets, no need to even buy a movie ticket).
  • A careful study of the profile will provide rich information about the person, his environment and interests, and favorite vacation spots.
  • In correspondence-dialogue, they usually answer more honestly than in real life.


How to meet a girl on VKontakte: