What does it mean to be brave arguments from literature. Arguments from the literature in the direction of "Courage and cowardice


This direction is based on a comparison of opposite manifestations of the human "I": readiness for decisive actions and the desire to hide from danger, to evade the resolution of complex, sometimes extreme life situations. On the pages of many literary works both heroes capable of bold actions and characters demonstrating weakness of spirit and lack of will are presented.

The topic "Courage and cowardice" can be considered in the following aspects:

Courage and cowardice in war

Courage and cowardice in expressing one's position, point of view, in defending one's principles, views

Courage and cowardice of a man in love

COURAGE - a positive moral-volitional personality trait, manifested as determination, fearlessness, courage when performing actions associated with risk and danger. Courage allows a person to overcome the fear of something unknown, complex, new by willpower and achieve success in achieving the goal. It is not for nothing that this quality is highly revered among the people: “God owns the brave”, “The courage of the city takes”. It is also honored as the ability to speak the truth (“Dare to have your own judgment”). Courage allows you to face the truth and objectively assess your capabilities, not be afraid of the dark, loneliness, water, heights and other difficulties and obstacles. Courage provides a person with a sense of dignity, a sense of responsibility, security, and reliability of life.

Synonyms: courage, determination, courage, heroism, enterprise, arrogance, self-confidence, energy; presence, uplifting of spirit; spirit, courage, desire (to tell the truth), audacity, boldness; fearlessness, fearlessness, fearlessness, fearlessness; fearlessness, decisiveness, daring, heroism, courage, riskiness, desperation, audacity, innovation, daring, audacity, audacity, daring, trouble, valor, novelty, courage, masculinity.


Courage is the ability of a person, overcoming fear, to do desperate things, sometimes risking his own life.

Courage is shown by a person in war, when he courageously, bravely fights the enemy, does not allow fear to overcome him, thinks about his comrades, relatives, people, country. Courage helps him overcome all the hardships of the war, emerging victorious or dying for his homeland.

Courage is a quality of a person, expressed in the fact that he always upholds his views, principles to the end, he can openly express his position in the eyes of people if he does not agree with them. Courageous people are able to defend their ideals, move forward, leading others, transforming society.

Professional courage pushes people to take risks, people strive to realize their projects, dreams, sometimes overcoming obstacles that authorities can put up for them.

Courage may not manifest itself in a person for a long time. On the contrary, he is sometimes outwardly very modest and quiet. However, in a difficult moment, it is the brave people who take responsibility for themselves, saving others, helping them. And often these are not only adults, but children who amaze with their determination and courage, for example, saving a drowning friend.

Courageous people can do great things. And if there are a lot of these people or the whole people, then such a state is invincible.

Courage is also manifested in the fact that a person is irreconcilable to any injustice, both in relation to himself and in relation to other people. A brave person will not look indifferently or indifferently at the way they humiliate and insult others, for example, colleagues. He will always stand up for them, as he does not accept any manifestation of injustice and evil.

Courage is one of the highest moral qualities of a person. It is necessary to strive to be truly courageous in everything in life: deeds, deeds, relationships, while thinking about others.

COWARDICE - one of the expressions of cowardice; a negative, moral quality that characterizes the behavior of a person who is unable to perform actions that meet moral requirements (or, conversely, refrain from immoral actions), due to the inability to overcome fear of natural or social forces. T. can be a manifestation of prudent self-love, when it is based on fears of incurring adverse consequences, someone's anger, fear of losing existing benefits or social position. It can also be subconscious, a manifestation of spontaneous fear of unknown phenomena, unknown and uncontrolled social and natural laws. In both cases, T., is not just an individual property of the psyche of a particular person, but social phenomenon. It is associated either with egoism, which has taken root in the psychology of people over the centuries-old history of private property, or with the impotence and depressed position of a person, generated by a state of alienation (even fear of natural phenomena develops into T. only under certain conditions of social life and the corresponding upbringing of a person). Communist morality condemns T. because it leads to immoral acts: to dishonesty, opportunism, unscrupulousness, deprives a person of the ability to be a fighter for a just cause, entails connivance with evil and injustice. Communist education of the individual and the masses, enlisting people to take an active part in the construction of the society of the future, man's awareness of his place in the world, his purpose and possibilities, and the subordination of natural and social laws to him contribute to the gradual eradication of technology from the life of individuals and society as a whole.

Synonyms : timidity, timidity, cowardice, suspiciousness, indecision, hesitation, fear; fearfulness, fear, shyness, cowardice, timidity, fearfulness, capitulation, cowardice, cowardice. Cowardice

Cowardice is such a state of a person when he is afraid of literally everything: a new environment, changes in life, meeting new people. Fear fetters all his movements, preventing him from living with dignity, joyfully.

At the heart of cowardice is often a person's low self-esteem, fear of seeming ridiculous, of being in an awkward position. A person is better to keep silent, try to be invisible.

A cowardly person will never take responsibility for himself, he will hide behind other people's backs so that, in which case, he will not be guilty.

Cowardice interferes with promotion, in the realization of one's dreams, in the realization of goals. The indecision inherent in such a person will not allow him to reach the end along the intended path, since there will always be reasons that do not allow this to be done.

A cowardly person makes his life bleak. He always seems to envy from someone and something, he lives with an eye.

However, a coward is terrible during difficult trials for the people, the country. It is cowardly people who become traitors, because they think first of all about themselves, about their lives. Fear pushes them to crime.

Cowardice is one of the most negative traits human nature, you must try to get rid of it in yourself.

The composition in the context of this aspect can be based on a comparison of opposite manifestations of personality - from determination and courage, manifestations of willpower and fortitude of some heroes to the desire to evade responsibility, hide from danger, show weakness, which can even lead to betrayal.

1. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

Ostap and Andriy are two sons of Taras Bulba, the protagonist of N.V. Gogol's story. Both were brought up in the same family, studied in the same seminary. Both from childhood were inspired by the same high moral principles. Why did one become a traitor and the other a hero? What pushed Andriy to a low deed - to go against his comrades, his father? In fact, he became a coward, because he could not stay true to what he was taught, showed a weakness of character. And what is this if not cowardice? Ostap heroically accepted martyrdom, boldly looking into the eyes of enemies. How hard it was for him in the last minutes, so he wanted to see in the crowd strangers loved one. So he shouted, overcoming the pain: “Father! Where are you? Do you hear? The father, risking his life, supported his son, shouting out from the crowd that he heard him, his Ostap. At the heart of people's actions are those moral foundations that make up the essence of his character. For Andriy, he was always in the first place. Since childhood, he tried to dodge punishment, hide behind other people's backs. And in the war, in the first place were not his comrades, not his homeland, but love for the young beauty - the Poles, for the sake of which he betrayed everyone, in battle he went to his own. How not to recall Taras's famous speech about comradeship, in which he put loyalty to his comrades, fighting comrades-in-arms in the first place. “Let them all know what partnership means in the Russian land! If it comes to that, to die, then none of them will ever die like that! .. No one, no one! .. Their mouse nature is not enough for that!” Andriy could not become like that, cowardly in the last minutes of his life looking into the eyes of his father, whom he had betrayed. Ostap was always a proud, independent person, he never hid behind the backs of others, he always boldly answered for his actions, in the war he turned out to be a real comrade, whom Taras could be proud of. To remain brave to the end, not to show cowardice in one's deeds and deeds - readers of N.V. Gogol's story, "Taras Bulba", come to this conclusion, realizing how important it is to do right, deliberate deeds and deeds in life.

2. M.A. Sholokhov " The fate of man»

War is a serious test for the country, the people, for each individual. She checks who is who. In war, everyone reveals himself in all his essence. Here you can not play the role of a traitor or a coward. Here they become. Andrey Sokolov. His fate is the fate of millions of Soviet people who survived the war, who survived the most terrible battle with fascism. He, like many others, remained a Man - devoted, courageous, loyal to the people, close, who did not lose the feeling of kindness, pity and mercy for others. At the heart of his actions is love. Love for loved ones, country, life in general. This feeling makes him bold, courageous, helps to survive all the severe trials that befell the hero: the death of his family, the terrible battles in which he participated, the horrors of captivity, the death of his comrades. How much you need to have this huge love to survive after all this!

Courage- this is an opportunity to overcome fear, which, of course, was characteristic of everyone in the war. However, not everyone could overcome this fear. Then cowardice crept into my heart - for myself, for my life. She literally took possession of a person, forcing him to commit betrayal. So one of the prisoners, soldier Kryzhnev, who, like Sokolov, fell into the hands of the Nazis, decided to extradite a communist platoon commander (“... I don’t intend to answer for you”) in order to save his life. He has not yet experienced the horrors of captivity, but fear has already made him a coward, and cowardice has led to the thought of betrayal. It's hard to kill your own, but Andrey did it because this "one's own" crossed the line beyond which - betrayal, spiritual death, death of other people. To remain a human being in inhuman conditions, to be able to overcome one's fear, showing courage, courage, not to become a coward and a traitor - this is a moral rule that a person simply must follow, no matter how hard it may be.

Courage and cowardice in love.

Georgy Zheltkov is a petty official whose life is devoted to unrequited love for Princess Vera. As you know, his love was born long before her marriage, but he preferred to write letters to her, pursued her. The reason for this behavior lay in his self-doubt and fear of being rejected. Perhaps if he were bolder, he could become happy with the woman he loves. Vera Sheina was also afraid to be happy and wanted a quiet marriage, without shocks, so she married a cheerful and handsome Vasily, with whom everything was very simple, but she did not experience great love. Only after the death of her admirer, looking at his dead body, Vera realized that the love that every woman dreams of had passed her by. The moral of this story is this: you need to be brave not only in household life, but also in love, you need to take risks, not being afraid of being rejected. Only courage can lead to happiness, cowardice and, as a result, conformity, leads to great disappointment, as happened with Vera Sheina.

Examples of the manifestation of these qualities of a person can be found in almost any work of classical literature.


§ VC. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"

§ M.A. Bulgakov: The Master and Margarita white guard»

§ J. Rowling "Harry Potter"

§ B.L. Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"

§ A.S. Pushkin: "The Captain's Daughter", "Eugene Onegin"

§ V.V. Bykov "Sotnikov

§ S. Collins "The Hunger Games"

§ A.I. Kuprin " Garnet bracelet"," Olesya "

§ V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician"

§ J. Orwell "1984"

§ V. Roth "Divergent"

§ M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"

§ M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time", "Song of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov"

§ N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba", "Overcoat"

§ M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"

§ A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin"

Sample topics:

What does it mean to be brave?

Why does a person need courage?

What does cowardice lead to?

What actions does cowardice push a person to?

In what situations in life is courage best manifested?

Do you need courage in love?

Does it take courage to admit your mistakes?

How do you understand the expression “fear has big eyes”?

Is the saying "courage is half the battle" true?

What actions can be called courageous?

What is the difference between arrogance and courage?

Who can be called a coward?

Can you cultivate courage?

A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

In the story of A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", the writer showed us a man of noble origin, but dishonorable in essence, a friend of the protagonist - a nobleman Shvabrin, who was able not only to take revenge on the girl who refused him, but also to inflict a vile stab in the back Grinev during the duel.

Forgetting about the oath given to the sovereign, having lost the concept of honor and dignity, Shvabrin even commits treason, betrayal, violates his duty as an officer.

During the capture of the Belogorsk fortress by Pugachev, Shvabrin violated the oath of a nobleman (to defend power) and went over to the side of the rebel Pugachev. Grinev was ready to sacrifice his life.

M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

The hero of the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" Grushnitsky was a coward. He showed a weak will, the scene of his duel shows his weakness. He challenged Pechorin to a duel and shot him with a loaded pistol, although he knew that he did not have a bullet in his pistol. This false romantic pathos is denounced by the protagonist, giving Grushnitsky a chance to repent, but he refuses.

L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

In Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", adjutant Zherkov was also a coward, evading battles and hiding behind the search for his battery. When he was sent to the Tushin battery, he, afraid to be on the front line, looked for her elsewhere. Tolstoy sees this as the majority of staff officers. Behind the external sleekness and noble origin hides the cowardly soul of stupid, narrow-minded people.

They are opposed by the brave Andrei Bolkonsky, who went to the front line and inspired everyone around with his courage. Although he experienced feelings of fear, he convinced himself: "I cannot be afraid." Prince Andrei gave the order to retreat, and also helped the soldiers retreat to the rear. Before the battery, Zherkov replaces courage with simple bravado, a desire to show himself. He was afraid to get to Tushin's battery, but at the officer's dinner he laughed at the timid captain, whom Bagration scolded for leaving the gun. None of the officers found the courage to report that Tushin's battery was completely uncovered. Only Prince Andrei called the captain and his soldiers heroes, to whom everyone owes success.

A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

Chatsky is not afraid to express his opinion. He rises against the crowd. However, the rebel and the rebel is alone.

In the monologue "Who are the judges?" Chatsky boldly and resolutely affirms the right to engage in science and art: “The mind, hungry for knowledge, will push into science / Or in his soul God himself will stir up a fever for creative, lofty and beautiful arts ...”, reveals his attitude to Moscow society. His feelings are exposed, his pain for the people, for the country. Conflict with society reveals it true essence. He does not agree to live according to the precepts of the hypocritical fathers, to serve small, unworthy people, to lose his dignity for the sake of blessings and conveniences. Famusov acts as a person protecting this society. As a loving father, as a major official, he cannot allow the spread of ideas that would undermine his foundation. Mind scares him young man he seems strange to him.

Famusov wants to paternally "reason" him, "instruct him to be true." But Chatsky does not agree, he resists. He defends his truth and proves that the world is richer than it seems to the father of his beloved, it is multifaceted, there are so many things in it that need to be explored and studied.

However, people who do not understand the ardor of his nature find it difficult to unravel his complex thoughts. They are not ready for such difficulties, it is easier for them to recognize this person, who is so unlike them, as crazy.

Chatsky nevertheless defended his right to think the way he wants it, the right to be himself. The purposefulness of the hero preserves in him a craving for science, for development and self-improvement. Mankind will always strive for knowledge, despite the resistance of inertia, narrow-mindedness and stupidity.

The crowd is not ready and unable to hear the cry and despair of Chatsky. They do not want to listen to reason, the truth, they are afraid to hear it, they are insensitive.

N. M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa»

The sentimental story of N. M. Karamzin “Poor Liza” shows us an example of a betrayal committed in relation to oneself. Erast - endowed with intelligence and quite wealthy young nobleman, who fell in love with a poor girl not of his circle, betrays his feelings by choosing material well-being and marrying another, which leads to tragedy for both Lisa and the hero himself.

The fate of a nobleman leading a windy social life who thinks only about his own pleasure, proves that weakness of character, wrong choice of values, cowardice make a person unhappy, lead to mistakes, tragedy and meanness.

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Wise Gudgeon"

The problem of philistine, empty and worthless life is reflected in the fairy tale by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Wise Gudgeon”. The personification of this vulgar philistine became Shchedrin's wise gudgeon, the meaning of life of which is self-preservation, avoiding clashes, struggle.

Yes, this coward lived to a ripe old age, remained unharmed, but his life was insignificant, worthless and humiliating. It all consisted of constant, continuous trembling for its own skin. The writer not in vain succinctly, but very clearly described his life: "He lived and trembled - that's all."

A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

Katerina's nature is complex and contradictory. She has self-esteem, courage, strength of character and a natural sense of beauty. Her character is unique. N. A. Dobrolyubov saw the greatness of the image of Katerina in the integrity of her character, in the ability to always be herself, never change herself in anything.

Katerina is forever separated from her beloved. She has no peace in her soul, as she realizes that she has committed a mortal sin and is lost in the eyes of God. Suicide is the only way out. She got rid of suffering in the only possible way, in her opinion.

Katerina did not want to put up with the reality that kills her dignity, she could not live without love and harmony. This is not a defeat, but an affirmation of the strength of a free man, a protest against dark kingdom, "a terrible challenge to self-foolish power." Katerina could not live without moral purity, love and harmony. She showed courage and determination, did not give in and went to the end.

B. N. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man"

The hero of the work was a real person who selflessly and heroically fought the enemy at the controls of the aircraft. He showed us how we can win over ourselves. Fighter pilot Alexei Meresyev, shot down in battle over the occupied territory, made his way through the snow-covered forests for several weeks until he got out to the partisans. A continuation of the feat in the war for him was the desire to win at all costs and continue to fight the enemy.

And he accomplished this feat. Having lost both legs, the hero shows the will to win, strength of character and courage, forcing himself to rise, stand on crutches and again sit at the helm of the aircraft.

This man, even after the defeat, returns to the ranks. He, as before, again increases the number of his air victories over the enemy.

M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

In the novel, the writer raises the problem of cowardice and betrayal as a spiritual defeat of a person. The great Caesar of Judea, Pontius Pilate, orders the execution of Yeshua, although he does not consider him guilty. In the soul of Pilate, two opposite principles are fighting - good and evil. Evil wins. The executioner betrays Yeshua to a terrible execution.

Pilate, being cowardly, commits a betrayal, dooming Yeshua to a painful death. Thus, he betrayed his beliefs and the person who became close to him. Pilate admits: "Betrayal is the most terrible sin of man." He experiences unbearable torment from what he has done. He will be tormented and tormented until the end of his days, because betrayal is never forgotten, it lives as long as the person who committed it is alive.

A. A. Fadeev "Young Guard"

Mass heroism during the war was shown not in the name of personal glory, but in the name of victory. The main thing was to prevent the conquest of the country - young boys and girls in the territory occupied by the Germans, without fear of death, carried out subversive activities. The heroes of the novel created an underground anti-fascist organization. Oleg Koshevoy and Sergey Tyulenin, Ulyana Gromova and Lyubov Shevtsova, as well as Ivan Zemnukhov are real young men and women who called on the population to fight the enemy, instilled in those around them faith in invincibility with the help of leaflets and hoisting flags on the territory occupied by the Germans, and also saved many of their peers from deportation to forced labor in Germany. They destroyed the documentation by setting fire to the building where the lists were kept.

The courageous, heroic deeds of these people were due to the feeling of great love for the motherland, the desire to win at all costs.

B. L. Vasiliev “I was not on the lists”

The hero of the novel boldly gives his life in the name of victory. The feat of Nikolai Pluzhnikov, shown in the novel, is an example of an integral character.

War requires focusing on the main thing - on defeating the enemy. It was for this reason that until the very spring, without food, without water, without weapons, he waged “his war” with the Germans, keeping the banner of the Brest Fortress. Pluzhnikov agrees to leave the dungeon only after he learns about the situation of the Soviet army. Having gone upstairs, he behaves with dignity in front of the enemy. Gray-haired, blind, with frostbitten fingers, Pluzhnikov appeared before the Germans as a proud man, proudly saying: "I am a Russian soldier."

The German general saluted this man with his hand on the visor of his cap, while his soldiers saluted. He died free, won the battle with the German invaders.

A man in the war thought first of all about victory, for him the honor of the Motherland was above all. And in the name of this, he went into an unequal battle, remained true to his principles, his duty.

V. V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

The writer touches upon the problem of cowardice and betrayal as a spiritual fall of a person in the story. Having been captured by the Nazis and trying to save his own life, the partisan Rybak betrays his detachment, those who helped him survive. He betrays his friend Sotnikov, agrees to take part in his execution. Having transgressed through the truly human, having begged for his life at the cost of betrayal, Rybak is worthy of contempt.

The writer raises the question: what is better - to save one's life by betraying one's neighbor, or to die with dignity? Sotnikov makes his moral choice. He perishes, retaining his human appearance, having won a moral victory.

A.P. Chekhov "Revenge"

The author tells about the cowardly and petty revenge of an ordinary actor on a young actress only because she did not want to give him a beautiful dressing gown to participate in the play. The writer showed the meanness and insignificance of people who are able to cowardly "hide in the bushes", take revenge and secretly rejoice. However, the conceived revenge of the unsuccessful comedian did not achieve its goal.

Even realizing that the found and posted announcement “All tickets for today's performance are sold out” will disrupt the performance, the comedian enjoyed the fact that he was able to take revenge on the impudent girl. Destroying the human essence of revenge gradually turned the corrupted soul of the hero into something even more disgusting.

A. T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin"

A. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" raises the problems of self-sacrifice, heroism, courage, patience, deep pain for the motherland engulfed in fire.

Describing the pictures of hunger and cold, the poet says that in war "you can live without food for a day, you can do more", but every day you need to have the courage to be ready for death. And the soldiers endure all these hardships patiently and with dignity.

Despite the optimistic mood of the poem, which was necessary at that time to raise the soldier’s spirit, its tragedy breaks through in a typical picture described in the chapter “About the Orphan Soldier”, in which the hero, passing by his native places, did not recognize his native village, did not find his home :

There is no window, no hut,

No hostess, even married,

No son, but there was, guys ...

Realizing that his relatives were no longer alive, the soldier, himself an orphan, wept bitterly; and these tears are perceived as crying for a life burned in the fire of war. The poem is full of patriotism, pain, but also faith in the people who stood up to defend their land. The poet confidently says:

Today we are responsible

For Russia, for the people

And for everything in the world.

Even A. Tvardovsky speaks of death as something not so important, because this is death in the name of the Motherland: “a terrible battle is going on, a bloody, mortal battle is not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of life on earth.”

It seems incredible that one could write about the most difficult and cruel war in the history of mankind so optimistically, life-affirmingly, with such a bright life philosophy, as A. Tvardovsky did in the poem "Vasily Terkin".

Yu. V. Drunina "Margin of safety"

The problem of war is particularly acute in the poetic works of Yu. Drunina, a well-known poetess who herself went through the entire war, selflessly saving the wounded on the battlefields.

It is generally very difficult to imagine a woman in war, because she is the keeper of the hearth and mother. Therefore, the role of women in war is perceived ambiguously: it is contrary to all human nature.

Perhaps, precisely because woman and war are incompatible concepts, they boldly fought all together - both men and women - for the tranquility of motherhood, the well-being of children, in order to preserve peace for the new person.

In the poem "Margin of Safety", the poetess says with pride and pain that the strength and courage of the Russian people do not dry out if they are needed to protect the fatherland:

And where did so much strength come from

Even in the weakest of us?

What to guess! - Was and is in Russia

Eternal strength eternal supply.

B. L. Vasilyev “And the dawns here are quiet…”

The role of a woman in the war, her participation in battles and the stamina she showed are reflected in many works about the war. But the contrast of the combination of femininity and carnage is an irreconcilable contradiction between the forces of good and evil. It is this idea that can be traced in B. Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet...".

In B. Vasiliev's story, young girlish purity faces the inhuman and cruel forces of fascism. And in this clash, five girls who opposed the hardened German saboteurs die, showing courage, courage and courage inherent in real fighters.

Yes, the enemy is detained, but this small victory comes at the cost of five young lives. The short story has become a hymn to femininity, a symbol of the eternity of charm, spiritual wealth and beauty of five girls, the strength of their spirit. B. Vasiliev bitterly describes how the harsh and cruel reality of war comes into conflict with everything beautiful that is in the heroines.

V. L. Kondratiev "Sasha"

The hardships of war, the courage and daily feat of people at the front, in the rear, in hospitals and in the field are reflected in the story of V. Kondratiev "Sasha". Through the perception of the protagonist, the reader sees the soldiers, watches their harsh everyday life, walks the path of character development with him, and together with him is proud of the courage and bravery shown during the arrest of the German and Sashka's well-deserved award.

K. M. Simonov "Wait for me ...", "Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region ..."

The name of the poet Konstantin Simonov was already well known during the Great Patriotic War.

Having gone through the entire war, knowing its heroes well, he simply and sincerely wrote poems that give hope, inspire faith in victory, and heal pain. His poems "Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region ...", "Wait for me ..." and others called on the soldiers for courage and stamina, loyalty and readiness to do their duty.

With his poems, the poet claims that none of the soldiers who fought for the happiness of future generations will be forgotten, that their memory will live forever in the hearts, and their feat will forever remain in the memory of posterity.

M. A. Sholokhov "The fate of man"

The story of M. A. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man” raises the problem of not only the courage and heroism of a simple Soviet soldier in the war, but also the problem of preserving human feelings, readiness to help people, sensitivity and mercy to the weak and defenseless. Andrey Sokolov, the main character of the story, went through the whole war, endured the most difficult trials at the front, lost relatives and friends. However, he found in himself the strength, the will to make moral feat by adopting an orphan boy. In the monstrous conditions of the war, under the onslaught of enemy forces, Sokolov remained a man, unbroken, sincere, and reliable.

This is his real post-war feat. Probably, thanks to such people, their inner strength and stamina, courage, our country won a victory in a difficult struggle against the Nazis.

E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea"

The hero of the story is the fisherman Santiago, a lonely old man living in a hut, thinking of the sea as a living being capable of anything. People are waging an eternal struggle with the elements, and this struggle makes the hero a strong and strong-willed person. The sea element has prepared a test for the fisherman. The old man bravely and selflessly struggles with a huge fish for a long time. The old man “won” the three-day duel with her. The story evokes pride in a man who cannot be defeated. A person can do a lot in this life, even be stronger than nature itself, but he must always feel a connection with her and be aware of his guilt before her.

  • Self-sacrifice is not always associated with a risk to life.
  • To commit heroic deeds of a person is motivated by love for the Motherland.
  • A person is ready to sacrifice himself for the one he really loves.
  • To save a child, it is sometimes not a pity to sacrifice the most valuable thing that a person has - his own life.
  • Only moral person able to perform heroic deeds
  • Readiness for self-sacrifice does not depend on the level of income and social status
  • Heroism is expressed not only in deeds, but also in the ability to be true to one's word even in the most difficult life situations.
  • People are ready for self-sacrifice even in the name of saving a stranger


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Sometimes we do not suspect that this or that person can commit a heroic deed. This confirms the example from this work: Pierre Bezukhov, being a rich man, decides to stay in Moscow besieged by the enemy, although he has every opportunity to leave. He is a real person who does not put his financial situation in the first place. Not sparing himself, the hero saves a little girl from the fire, performing a heroic deed. You can also refer to the image of Captain Tushin. At first, he does not make a good impression on us: Tushin appears before the command without boots. But the battle proves that this man can be called a real hero: the battery under the command of Captain Tushin selflessly repels enemy attacks, having no cover, sparing no effort. And it doesn’t matter at all what impression these people make on us when we first meet them.

I.A. Bunin "Lapti". In an impenetrable blizzard, Nefed went to Novoselki, located six miles from home. He was prompted to do this by the requests of a sick child to bring red bast shoes. The hero decided that "it is necessary to mine" because "the soul desires." He wanted to buy bast shoes and paint them magenta. By nightfall, Nefed had not returned, and in the morning the peasants brought his dead body. In his bosom they found a vial of fuchsin and brand new bast shoes. Nefed was ready for self-sacrifice: knowing that he was putting himself in danger, he decided to act for the good of the child.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Love for Marya Mironova, captain's daughter, more than once prompted Peter Grinev to endanger his life. He went to the Belogorsk fortress captured by Pugachev to snatch the girl from the hands of Shvabrin. Pyotr Grinev understood what he was doing: at any moment Pugachev's people could catch him, he could be killed by enemies. But nothing stopped the hero, he was ready to save Marya Ivanovna even at the cost of his own life. Readiness for self-sacrifice also manifested itself when Grinev was under investigation. He did not talk about Marya Mironova, whose love led him to Pugachev. The hero did not want to make the girl involved in the investigation, although this would allow him to justify himself. Pyotr Grinev, by his actions, showed that he was ready to endure anything for the happiness of a person dear to him.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The fact that Sonya Marmeladova went on a “yellow ticket” is also a kind of self-sacrifice. The girl decided on this herself, consciously, in order to feed her family: her father, a drunkard, her stepmother and her little children. No matter how dirty her “profession” is, Sonya Marmeladova is worthy of respect. Throughout the work, she proved her spiritual beauty.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". If Andriy, the youngest son of Taras Bulba, turned out to be a traitor, then Ostap, the eldest son, showed himself as strong personality, a real warrior. He did not betray his father and Motherland, he fought to the last. Ostap was executed in front of his father. But no matter how hard, painful and scary he was, during the execution he did not make a sound. Ostap - real hero who gave his life for his country.

V. Rasputin "French Lessons". Lydia Mikhailovna, an ordinary French teacher, was capable of self-sacrifice. When her student, the hero of the work, came to school beaten, and Tishkin said that he was playing for money, Lidia Mikhailovna was in no hurry to tell the director about this. She found out that the boy was playing because he did not have enough money for food. Lidia Mikhailovna began to study French with a student, which was not given to him, at home, and then offered to play “small games” with her for money. The teacher knew that this should not be done, but the desire to help the child was more important to her. When the director found out about everything, Lidia Mikhailovna was fired. Her seemingly wrong act turned out to be noble. The teacher sacrificed her reputation to help the boy.

N.D. Teleshov "Home". Semka, so eager to return to his native land, met an unfamiliar grandfather along the way. They walked together. On the way, the boy fell ill. The unknown person took him to the city, although he knew that he was not allowed to appear there: the grandfather had escaped from hard labor for the third time. Grandpa was caught in the city. He understood the danger, but the child's life was more important to him. Grandfather sacrificed his quiet life for the sake of a future stranger.

A. Platonov "Sand teacher". From the village of Khoshutovo, located in the desert, Maria Naryshkina helped to make a real green oasis. She devoted herself to work. But the nomads passed - not a trace remained of the green spaces. Maria Nikiforovna left for the district with a report, where she was offered to transfer to work in Safuta in order to teach the culture of the sands to the nomads who were moving to settled life. She agreed, which showed her readiness for self-sacrifice. Maria Naryshkina decided to devote herself to a good cause, not thinking about her family or the future, but helping people in their difficult struggle with the sands.

M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". For the sake of the Master, Margarita was ready for anything. She made a deal with the devil, was the queen at the ball with Satan. And all in order to see the Master. True love forced the heroine to make self-sacrifice, to pass all the trials prepared for her by fate.

A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". Main character works - a simple Russian guy, honestly and selflessly fulfilling his soldier's duty. His crossing the river was a real heroic deed. Vasily Terkin was not afraid of the cold: he knew that he needed to convey the lieutenant's request. What the hero has done seems impossible, unbelievable. This is a feat of a simple Russian soldier.

Topics of the final essay 2017 - 2018

"Courage and cowardice". This direction is based on a comparison of opposite manifestations of the human "I": readiness for decisive actions and the desire to hide from danger, to evade the resolution of complex, sometimes extreme life situations.
On the pages of many literary works are presented both heroes capable of bold actions and characters demonstrating weakness of spirit and lack of will.

The problem of courage worries every person. For some, courage is a vital necessity; without this character trait, a person will not be able to work where he wants. For some, it's an opportunity to show off. But we all equally need not to lose ourselves in the face of difficulties, of which there are so many in modern world. A mother should have remarkable courage, letting her child go to school alone for the first time, thereby accustoming him to independence. There can be no talk of any cowardice when an alarm was sounded in the fire department and the team needed to advance to cope with the elements. Courage, self-discipline are also necessary for our reader, who prepares himself or prepares children for such close examinations.

In the literature, the theme of willpower, spirit, is covered especially widely. In some works, someone's life depends on courage. Basically, the authors endow courage goodies, and cowardice - negative, which hints at what is considered bad and what is good. But cowardice is not an indicator of what kind of person he is. The authors, endowing negative characters with such a feature, only emphasize their meanness, meanness of soul, unwillingness to be better. We are all afraid, just not each of us can overcome this fear in ourselves.

Friends! This is an approximate list of topics for the final essay of 2017. Read it carefully and try to find an argument and a thesis for each topic. Here the direction "Courage and cowardice" is revealed from all possible sides. You will probably come across other quotes in your essay, but they will still carry the same meaning. And if you work with this list, you will not have any difficulty in writing the final essay.

  1. In battle, those are most exposed to danger who are most obsessed with fear; courage is like a wall. (Sallust)
  2. Courage replaces the fortress walls. (Sallust)
  3. To be courageous means to regard as distant everything terrible and near everything that inspires courage. (Aristotle)
  4. Heroism is an artificial concept, because courage is relative. (F. Bacon)
  5. Some show courage without having it, but there is no person who would demonstrate wit if he were not witty by nature. (J. Halifax)
  6. True courage rarely comes without stupidity. (F. Bacon)
  7. Ignorance makes people bold, and thinking makes them indecisive. (Thucydides)
  8. Knowing in advance what you want to do gives you courage and ease. (D. Diderot)
  9. Courage is not in vain considered the highest virtue - after all, courage is the guarantee of the rest. positive qualities. (W. Churchill)
  10. Courage is resistance to fear, not the absence of it. (M. Twain)
  11. Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves. (Ovid)
  12. Creativity takes courage. (A. Matisse)
  13. It takes a lot of courage to bring bad news to people. (R. Branson)
  14. The success of science is a matter of time and courage of the mind. (Voltaire)
  15. It takes a lot of courage to use your own mind. (E. Burke)
  16. Fear can make a daredevil timid, but it gives courage to an indecisive one. (O. Balzac)
  17. Courage is the beginning of victory. (Plutarch)
  18. Courage, bordering on recklessness, contains more madness than resilience. (M. Cervantes)
  19. When you are afraid, act boldly, and you will avoid the worst troubles. (G. Sachs)
  20. To be utterly devoid of courage, one must be utterly devoid of desire. (Helvetius K.)
  21. It is easier to find such people who voluntarily go to death than those who patiently endure pain. (J. Caesar)
  22. Who is courageous, he is brave. (Cicero)
  23. Courage should not be confused with arrogance and rudeness: there is nothing more dissimilar both in its source and in its result. (J.J. Rousseau)
  24. Excessive courage is the same vice as excessive timidity. (B. Johnson)
  25. Courage based on prudence is not called recklessness, and the exploits of the reckless should rather be attributed to mere luck than to his courage. (M. Cervantes)
  26. The difference between the brave and the coward is that the former, conscious of the danger, does not feel fear, while the latter feels fear, unaware of the danger. (V. O. Klyuchevsky)
  27. Cowardice is knowing what to do and not doing it. (Confucius)
  28. Fear makes the smart stupid and the strong weak. (F. Cooper)
  29. A fearful dog barks more than bites. (Curtius)
  30. When fleeing, more soldiers always die than in battle. (S. Lagerlöf)
  31. Fear is a bad teacher. (Pliny the Younger)
  32. Fear arises as a result of impotence of the spirit. (B. Spinoza)
  33. Frightened - half defeated. (A.V. Suvorov)
  34. Cowards speak most of all about courage, and scoundrels talk about nobility. (A.N. Tolstoy)
  35. Cowardice is inertia that prevents us from asserting our freedom and independence in relations with others. (I. Fichte)
  36. Cowards die many times before death, the brave die only once. (W. Shakespeare)
  37. To be afraid of love is to be afraid of life, and to be afraid of life is to be two-thirds dead. (Bertrand Russell)
  38. Love doesn't mix well with fear. (N. Machiavelli)
  39. You can't love someone you're afraid of, or someone who's afraid of you. (Cicero)
  40. Courage is like love: it needs to feed on hope. (N. Bonaparte)
  41. Perfect love casts out fear, because there is torment in fear; He who fears is not perfect in love. (Apostle John)
  42. Man fears only that which he does not know; knowledge conquers all fear. (V. G. Belinsky)
  43. A coward is more dangerous than any other person, he should be feared more than anything. (L. Berne)
  44. There is nothing worse than fear itself. (F. Bacon)
  45. Cowardice can never be moral. (M. Gandhi) A coward sends threats only when he is sure of safety. (I. Goethe)
  46. You can never live happily when you are trembling with fear all the time. (P. Holbach)
  47. Cowardice is very harmful because it keeps the will from useful actions. (R. Descartes)
  48. We consider a coward who allows his friend to be insulted in his presence. (D. Diderot)
  49. Cowardice in its prime turns into cruelty. (G. Ibsen)
  50. Who fearfully cares about how not to lose life will never rejoice in it. (I. Kant)
  51. With courage everything can be done, but not everything can be done. (N. Bonaparte)
  52. It takes great courage to stand up to enemies, but much more to go against friends. (J. Rowling, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone")

Pontius Pilate is a cowardly man. And it was for cowardice that he was punished. The procurator could have saved Yeshua Ha-Notsri from execution, but he signed the death warrant. Pontius Pilate feared for the inviolability of his power. He did not go against the Sanhedrin, ensuring his peace at the cost of the life of another person. And all this despite the fact that Yeshua was sympathetic to the procurator. Cowardice prevented saving a man. Cowardice is one of the most serious sins (based on the novel The Master and Margarita).

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Vladimir Lensky challenged Eugene Onegin to a duel. He could cancel the fight, but he chickened out. Cowardice manifested itself in the fact that the hero reckoned with the opinion of society. Eugene Onegin thought only about what people would say about him. The result was sad: Vladimir Lensky died. If his friend had not been afraid, but preferred moral principles public opinion tragic consequences could have been avoided.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

The siege of the Belogorsk fortress by the troops of the impostor Pugachev showed who was considered a hero, who was a coward. Aleksey Ivanovich Shvabrin, saving his life, betrayed his homeland at the first opportunity and went over to the side of the enemy. In this case, cowardice is a synonym