You can't live with a witch! What to do when you live with a witch: precautions Egregoric protection from a witch.

2 years ago

Okay, but the statement “eating the corpses of plants..” is an inappropriate joke. Comparing the eating of animals, birds and fish with plants, putting this on the same line “seems” rude to me. This is a direct call for meat-eating. Eating meat in itself makes a person a customer of murder, but what aggravates the situation is that no one even raises the question that if society has decided not to deny itself the pleasure of eating meat, it will at least make death less painful. In childhood, when I was 4 years old I was already thinking about the fact that animals are in pain, but the taste of meat attracted me, it was difficult even in my thoughts to give up all this pleasure, but my conscience... Even in kindergarten, I consciously refused fish. And by the 2nd grade of school, I gave up meat. The final decision to become a vegetarian arose after a serious conversation with my mother about how animals are killed to make meat out of them. I posed the question bluntly, “Are they trying to do something so that when KILLED the animal does not suffer.” The answer was “NO.” Well, since NO, so What can I think - my answer to meat is “NO”. I’ll be honest that if people really thought about it, perhaps I could then succumb to temptation and remain a meat eater. More on this topic. Cenicism also lies in the fact that despite the fact that at this time There have become a lot of conscious and not so conscious vegetarians, but IT IS NOT A CAUSALITY that almost a small part of the videos are circulating on the Internet with the fact that another degenerate posing as an experienced vegan tells how harmful it was to be a vegan and how useful it is to eat meat by the two cheeks and everything that could move before the murder. I even admit that these people are real (and not paid acting), but who is inflating isolated cases into imaginary mass ones? After all, it is known that veganism can be used to treat those diseases that cannot be cured with pills or a scalpel. Moreover, this can be called conditionally a dietary restriction. And that's why. A meat eater generally eats less than 10 foods. Let's say: meat, fish, potatoes, pasta (wheat), flour (wheat again, which can be considered 1 together with pasta), scrambled eggs, 1 or 2 cereals (from your favorite cereals), and 2-5 fruits (for example, apple, apricot, watermelon, pear), 2-3 vegetables (tomato, cucumber, cabbage). And that’s all! The rest of the meat-eaters eat according to the principle that they haven’t eaten for a long time (1-3 years ago), which cannot even be taken into account statistically. What does a real vegetarian eat? There is a complete list of 5-10 cereals, all legumes including not only banal beans and legumes, but also lentils (in big cities they can afford to buy exotics like Chickpeas). All the fruits! Just everything! (well, of course, a vegan living in a provincial town receiving 10-15 thousand rubles is limited by finances, but according to the measure...), all the vegetables! Nuts...And after this how can we even talk about the limited nutrition of vegetarians. Meat eaters, engaged in gluttony and following the lead of their worms, eat monotonous food and therefore cannot even theoretically obtain all the necessary microelements.

Because of my neighbor Svetlana, I became a participant in a mysterious story, which I want to tell you. Actually, we've known her for a long time. 10 years ago, when I had just moved into this house, Svetka was the first to come to me for salt. Well, you know, one of the neighbors is always looking for a reason to make friends: either the salt in the house has run out, or the bread... I didn’t mind, even when Svetka immediately sat down to drink tea: she’s not a bad woman. This was immediately obvious. Although at first glance she is rude, she is truly responsive. There is no need to turn your soul inside out in front of her. If something happens, she will help in every way she can without any oohs and ahs. My neighbor raised two sons alone - I found out this a little later. Her husband worked as a shift worker somewhere in the North and one day, after the end of his contract, he did not return - he sent a letter that he had met “the love of his life” and from now on he would live with her. I’m surprised at the men - they didn’t even come to talk in person! However, I didn’t notice that Svetlana was somehow killed. Maybe time has already healed her, of course. Or maybe it’s his character that can’t be broken by anything! She even found kind words for him: they say, he doesn’t forget his children, he sends him money, and as for betrayal, it’s not for me, they say, to judge him: anything can happen in life, let the higher authorities (here Svetka invariably pointed her finger at the ceiling) deal with him . Of course, when sons grow up, they need a father, not his money, but here, as they say, it’s a tuft of wool. Many don't even have that. My sister lifted her daughter without any help at all: the devils carried away my dad immediately when he first found out about the pregnancy of his “beloved and only one.” And so he disappeared into the vast expanses of Russia - he never showed his nose, and I’m not even talking about money. And at first he wrote poems for his sister, and carried her in his arms - the whole yard, all her friends were jealous of her, but that’s how it turned out. Okay, I’ve moved away from the topic... Svetlana told the growing boys the whole truth: they say, your dad fell in love with someone else, now he has a new family. At the same time, she forbade her sons to speak badly about their father, although the boys, of course, were offended. “It is still unknown how your life will turn out,” she used to tell them, “maybe you will do something that your father never dreamed of!” Fortunately, Svetka’s sons didn’t do anything - they grew up to be excellent kids. They became huge, handsome guys. We hung out with the girls, had a fair amount of mischief with friends, sometimes even fought, but we always loved and respected our mother, tried to help with everything... In general, everything was fine. The youngest entered a technical school in Lipetsk, then went to college as an evening student. .. And the eldest, Slava, after serving in the army, got married. That’s when it all started... Svetlana somehow didn’t like her daughter-in-law right away, I tried to persuade her that no mother-in-law liked her daughter-in-law. But you need to be friends with her for the sake of your son. However, Svetka did not listen painfully, she kept snorting. Although her daughter-in-law was beautiful, she graduated from college and was already working as a pharmacist in a pharmacy. In general, it seemed to me that Slava was lucky, but the newly-minted mother-in-law did not let up... “My soul does not lie,” Svetlana muttered under her breath, looking from behind the curtain at her son and wife, happily walking around the yard. - Come on! Consider yourself lucky to have a doctor in the house! God forbid you get sick, you will always be under supervision and with medications,” I laughed. But Marika (that was the name of Svetlana’s daughter-in-law) did not intend to live with her mother-in-law. She immediately set a condition for Slava: only separately! And they began to rent housing, despite the fact that my friend’s apartment was spacious - three rooms. Svetka sighed, but did not contradict the newlyweds. I decided to let them live with their own heads, and I was right, of course. No matter how you try to resist - scandal, persuade, beg - it is useless: they will do it in their own way. Trying to stick to your line will only ruin your relationship with young people. A couple of months later, Slavik and his wife announced that they were expecting a new baby. How happy Svetlana was! Here she immediately fell in love with her daughter-in-law, she wanted grandchildren so much! I was surprised: I had only just thrown off the yoke of caring for my sons - what a real woman! I remember we were sitting at Svetka’s birthday party, well, of course, we drank a glass, and she told me the good news: “Soon I’ll be a grandmother!” I said something about the diapers being potties again, I need to think about myself. So she even got offended: they say, only bastards think about themselves. And it’s supposed to be about family, about children... By the way, on that birthday they gave Svetka an icon, which became the beginning of this story... An old friend of the birthday girl brought her the work of her son, a monk-artist. On it is the Monk Niphon, the persecutor of demons. Well, that’s what they told us, we don’t understand much - they both grew up in atheistic times... A wonderful icon! The house just became brighter because of her. And suddenly, after that evening (well, after, say, a week) Svetka calls me and says: “You know, my daughter-in-law has completely stopped coming to see me. As soon as I saw that icon, everything disappeared. And he doesn’t even let his son in...” I asked about the details, and it turned out that Svetkina’s daughter-in-law, when she saw the Monk Nifont, hissed, went berserk, and demanded to throw out “this bad taste”! And when Svetka refused, she slammed the door and left. And she didn't show up again. “What should I do? - Sveta asked. - Is it true, should I give it to someone? It’s such a pity... I feel calm and joyful with this image. I would never have thought that the face of a saint could inspire so much.” I advised my friend not to part with the icon under any circumstances, but simply put it in her bedroom - why tease the geese. And I thought about something myself... And for the approaching New Year, I decided to give Marina a gift. We decided to meet together anyway - at Svetka’s, she and her daughter-in-law had just made peace... I bought an amazingly beautiful handmade silver cross, blessed it and after the chimes I gave it to Marina. Oh, what started here! Marina barely glanced at the gift, sharply recoiled and, hysterical, disappeared into the kitchen. There she fell unconscious, her husband cast a spell on her, and Sveta ran from her to me in confusion and kept asking what happened. - The witch is your daughter-in-law, that's what! - I snapped. - Now I know for sure. Do you remember how the icon shook her? Now I fainted from the cross. - Oh, what are you saying?! - Svetlana waved it off. - She has ordinary toxicosis. - Yeah, okay, I'll go home... There's no time for a holiday here! I left. And I didn’t visit my neighbor for quite a long time. And then she found out that her grandson, Nikita, was born. Happy parents arrived at grandma's house to help for the first time. Well, of course, she happily washed diapers and walked with the baby. When they had celebrated six months, she asked: “When are you thinking about baptizing the boy?” It's time... Let the angels protect the child. It is impossible without heavenly intercessors. - Baptize?! Why else? - the young mother choked. - Well, how about it? I baptized my sons, I think I should also baptize my grandson,” Svetlana was surprised. - No, I myself will decide what my son needs. This is all nonsense! Obscurantism! The 21st century is here, and you all worship painted plywood and break your foreheads. It's sickening to watch. I don’t want my son to be a slave to your inventions! That same evening, Marina complained to her husband, and he reprimanded her mother for her tactlessness. “And yet the child must be baptized!” - Svetlana was convinced. And she told me that she was going to take Nikita to the temple secretly from Marina, and asked me to become his godmother. I resisted, but then I thought: “Okay. It's the right thing. The right thing." We baptized the baby, however, we removed the cross from him after the ceremony, for fear of angering Svetka’s daughter-in-law. Svetka called me a couple of days later. - It’s terrible what’s happening in the house! Marina completely stopped approaching Nikita. I don’t even know anymore who is the mother in our house - me or her? ! Nikita is constantly on me, even if you quit your job. I heard tears in my neighbor’s voice. - Maybe she should see a psychologist? - I advised. - It happens that young mothers have some kind of hysterical state... And they feel disgust, or something... - But what psychologist! - the neighbor interrupted me. - Why are you pretending?! You were the first to say that she was a witch! We need her to the butt! Drive out the demons! You know! At this point I refused to help my friend... Well, should I tie Marinka with ropes, or what? How to drag it to church? Svetka, in hysterics, shared her thoughts with her son, and he, of course, got angry and caused a scandal to his mother. Like, you always didn’t love my wife! She said all sorts of nasty things! It has already reached the point of insanity - she is a witch now! In a word, the children moved away from Svetka. My neighbor was crying, crying - she felt sorry for her grandson. And the relationship with my son deteriorated. But Svetlana was convinced: her daughter-in-law was a witch. And, to be honest, I supported her. I just didn’t know how to help. We heard from mutual friends that Slavka and Marina live so-so - they argue. And she’s a bad mother: she doesn’t really look after her son, he’s always kind of unkempt. And most importantly, everyone says that she is not kind to the child. Neither hugs nor kisses - like someone else's aunt. Slavka has already begun to secretly visit his mother and complain to her about his wife. He brings his son to see his grandmother. She will wash him, change him into everything new, and feed him pancakes... The baby doesn’t even want to leave his grandmother. And Slavka is already thinking about divorce. Well, that’s right - you can’t live with a witch!

There are periods in history when witches were treated differently: at one time they were feared, and at another, on the contrary, they were persecuted and killed. Women who know magic are more viewed as assistants to people who solve various problems.

Is it possible for an ordinary person to become a witch?

In most cases, a witch receives it at birth, so they do not have to perform initiation rituals. For those who are not on their list, there is an alternative option - to develop their abilities. For this purpose, there are various conspiracies and rituals that you can learn on your own, but it is better to do everything together with an experienced magician teacher. Raising a witch is a long process that requires intensive training and regular training.

What does a witch look like?

You can identify a woman who has magical abilities externally, since she literally attracts the eye with her powerful energy. A real witch has eyes of different colors and in most cases they are green and brown. Her gaze is piercing and you can feel it even when you are in a crowd. The witch will definitely have a large mole or birthmark on her body, which is called the mark of Satan. Women with magical abilities retain their youth for many years.

There are signs of a witch in their behavior, so they are characterized by a slight, seasoned look. The sorceress feels superior to others, so she is always confident and calm. She is an introvert, so she acts aloof. The sorceress often pronounces prophetic words and a special energy is felt next to her, which is often repulsive.

Witch Power

The abilities of sorceresses can be limitless. Powers depend on age, and the older the witch, the stronger she is. Since ancient times, people have believed that they fly on broomsticks, but modern witches do not do this. It is believed that a woman with magical powers can turn into animals. Witches can control the weather, send curses and help get rid of them. They communicate with the other world and perform various rituals to attract love, wealth, and so on.

How do you become a witch?

The most powerful are witches who received a gift from birth. Abilities are passed down through the female line, so if a mother or grandmother has magical powers, then the probability that her daughter will have it is almost 100%. A hereditary witch will have powers accumulated over a generation. At first, magic will manifest itself rarely, but every year the powers will grow. Older relatives will talk about magic and pass on their knowledge to the younger generation.

Another option for becoming a witch is to receive a gift by inheritance from another witch at the time of her death. This can happen by mutual consent, for which a “confession” is held, or the sorceress can dump her own power on a random person. You can gain magical powers through a ritual - initiation into a witch. Self-learning witchcraft is a long process.

How to become a witch - training

To learn the witchcraft, it is recommended to find a teacher who can pass on the knowledge. It is necessary to start reading the relevant literature and study the properties of numerous herbs. The path of every witch includes the development of their own abilities; it is so important to learn self-control, since without feelings you will not be able to achieve results. It is equally important to work on improving your intuition.

The instructions, which concern how to become a witch in real life, include the need to learn how to correctly interpret dreams, carry out fortune telling in different ways, and a prerequisite is an understanding of the Tarot. It is recommended to spend a lot of time in nature, since both white and black magicians can draw strength from it. Those who practice magic are advised to get themselves a pet who will be an assistant.

How to become a white witch?

There are many rituals that help to unlock powers and attract magical energy. It is important to take them absolutely seriously and constantly work on developing your capabilities. There are rituals for becoming a good witch that relate to Wiccan magic tied to nature. They help to recharge with energy, which will help develop abilities. You need to take a bath to cleanse yourself of negativity.

Prepare four wax candles, incense and salt. Before starting the action, you need to completely undress, which will symbolize purity and readiness to accept power. In the ritual regarding how to become a witch, it is important to protect yourself from dark forces, for which, using salt, draw a circle around yourself. Light a candle on each side of the world. Stand in the center of the circle, placing your palms on your chest, and ask the Goddess for permission to begin the ritual. After this, raise your hands up and say conspiracy No. 1 loudly.

During this, you should imagine how a ball of energy has formed in the chest area, which must be driven throughout the body through the legs, arms, head, spine, returning to the chest area. After this, say plot number 2. Then bow to all four sides, whispering conspiracy No. 3 three times. Conclude the ritual with a bow in honor of gratitude to the Goddess for the opportunity to cling to her retinue.

How to become a black witch?

For those who are closer to dark forces, a ritual that attracts black magic is suitable. They spend it on the full moon, since the energy of the satellite will contribute to the implementation of the plan. For those who are interested in how to become a real witch, there is a powerful cemetery ritual. A lot of negative energy is concentrated in such places. It is believed that if a sorceress performed an initiation in a cemetery, her powers will be doubled.

A woman who wants to understand how to become a black witch should come to a cemetery, stand under the moonlight, light a candle in front of her and spread her arms to the sides. Feeling a surge of energy, it is necessary to say a conspiracy to attract the spirit, which will indicate that the initiation has been completed. From this day on, he will become an assistant who can be contacted during various rituals.

How to become a witch without rituals at home?

People who know magic say that a witch can pass on her gift to another person before her death, therefore, if you want to become a witch at home, you need to find an experienced mentor who will pass on not only knowledge, but also the gift. First, there will be a study of theory, knowledge of magical paraphernalia, various rituals and spells. The mentor will teach you how to discover your strengths and manage them correctly. At the moment of the death of the old witch, the student must take her hand and then her powers will pass to her.

How to become a witch in real life - ritual

There is an opinion that all people have magical powers that are given from birth. To open them, you can perform a ritual for which you prepare a sharp knife, a black scarf, 13 green and red candles, a white poultry feather, a tuft of black cat fur, a tooth of any animal and 13 yellow coins. Choose a place for the ritual, focusing on your own feelings, for example, it could be an abandoned house or an attic. It is important that there are no people or animals larger than a mouse nearby.

To become a powerful witch, arrange your candles with green ones on the left side and red ones on the right. Light them, let your hair down, wrap your head in a scarf, and undress. After this, say conspiracy No. 1, which you need to learn. After this, remove the scarf and lay it in front of you. Using a knife, cut a section of hair from the left side of your head. Place the hair on a scarf, add a feather, a tuft of wool and a tooth. For each coin, say plot No. 2 and put them in a scarf. Make a bag out of it and bury it under a birch or aspen tree. This will be a place of power in the future.

How to become a witch - spell

There is an ancient ritual that helps to attract magical powers. For it to work, it is recommended to adhere to strict fasting for three days. You need to start the ritual in clean clothes and a room where no one will disturb you. In the selected room you need to light a lamp and leave it for 40 days. When the allotted time has passed, go into the room at midnight and cast a spell to become a witch. Immediately after this you should go to bed without talking to anyone.

Sometimes a person is faced with inexplicable events. For example, failures or illnesses begin to haunt him, needles, burnt matches, etc. appear under the front doors. There is only one conclusion - the neighbor is a witch, what should I do?

First of all, you should not panic, but think about what is the cause of the conflict? Maybe a person accidentally or deliberately insulted a witch neighbor, or the history of the conflict began long before his birth between his parents and a conflicting neighbor. The best option in this case is to try to have a heart-to-heart talk with the woman and ask for forgiveness for past offenses. The ideal solution is to make friends with a witch.

What to do if a witch neighbor diligently harms nearby families and does not want to establish good relations with them? You need to buy a gypsy needle and stick it above the front door, reading the “Our Father” or prayers to the holy saints. According to popular belief, after this not a single witch will be able to cross the threshold of a protected apartment, and all her damage and curses will lose their power.

Often, mother-in-law or mother-in-law are accused of witchcraft. People also provide ways to deal with a witch who wants to ruin the family life of her own child because her son-in-law or daughter-in-law does not suit her in some way. It is necessary to minimize all contacts so as not to once again expose yourself to negative energy. After visiting the witch, you need to cleanse the apartment with a church candle. They light a candle at the threshold and walk around all the rooms counterclockwise, reciting the “Our Father.” In places where the candle begins to smoke or crackle strongly, you need to clean it with holy water.

You can sprinkle blessed salt around the house or along the threshold of the apartment. Then the witch will not be able to come often, since the salt will “turn her away.” Another good remedy is to draw a cross with holy oil on the outside and inside of the front door.

What to do when you live with a witch in a legal marriage? It is not always the case that a man knows who his chosen one is before the wedding. However, a witch wife is a rarity. In all centuries, a woman with witch abilities was reluctant to start a family. For a real witch, freedom is usually more valuable than all the men in the world. Therefore, a husband who suspects that his wife is a witch should first of all feel proud and understand that this marriage is truly based on deep love.

With a wife who is a witch, you can be completely calm about the well-being of your family, an excellent career, and the health of yourself and your children. Such a woman will do everything possible to make the people close to her happy. True, a man can destroy a marriage through careless behavior. Therefore, you should adhere to certain rules that will help make your alliance with a witch reliable.

You should not try to impose your conditions of living together on your witch wife. This type of woman adheres to her own rules. Pressure can destroy a marriage. You should not interfere in her professional affairs. The witch leaves and comes when she needs it. It’s better not to interrogate the “Holy Inquisition” about where you were and what you did. A witch wife will not tolerate a weakling next to her. Possessing strength, she seeks strength in a man. It is especially important for her in her chosen one to have such qualities as the desire for self-development and knowledge of the world around her. A witch easily sees lies and cannot stand lies. But you don’t have to be afraid of your beautiful neighbors, since a real witch will avert the eyes of any rival.

It happens that a person needs to improve relations with his unloved mother-in-law or protect himself from a witch neighbor. What to do, not such incidents happen in life. If you firmly believe in your own abilities, you can easily find a solution to any problem.