Why does a bride need a garter, on which leg and when is it thrown? Bride's Garter Which leg is the wedding garter worn on?

It is known that ladies take the issue of choosing each set of underwear seriously. The perfect bra and panties will highlight the advantages of a sexy figure. They can have an original design, embroidery or rhinestones applied on them.

I am glad that fashion designers are constantly offering new opportunities to update the image. They create special accessories that make the look perfect. Ladies are happy to choose:

  • stockings;
  • lace garter belt;
  • belt-skirt;
  • garters;
  • gloves.

On what occasion can you wear a garter?

A garter is an elegant product that is worn on the leg slightly above the knee. It is a piece of lace fabric, which is decorated with a satin ribbon. Beads or satin flowers can also be sewn onto it. An exquisite diamond brooch or bow will look great on a garter. To ensure that the accessory stays tightly on the body, a special silicone elastic band is sewn into it.

Ladies who understand the nuances of creating a sexy image know perfectly well why a garter is needed. This decoration is worn by brides at their wedding. While the future wife throws the wedding bouquet to the girls, the groom must throw the garter to the guys. It is believed that the young man who catches it will definitely meet his soul mate. A soft blue, pink, or virgin white garter will go well with a wedding dress.

Also, the product will look harmonious in tandem with an elegant evening dress. After all, there are accessories: blue, decorated with diamonds or bright red, which symbolize passion and undying emotions. A black garter is ideal for a classic outfit. In any case, every girl can choose a sophisticated and sexy option.

website: we offer beautiful ladies garters for any occasion

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The catalog contains not only classic sets, but also quite extravagant ones. We offer modern seductive accessories.

Women know what garters are for. Our goal: to provide the greatest possible choice. For example, in the Intimo store you can purchase a product to match an evening or wedding dress. Manufacturers of accessories: Rosme, Lormar, Jolidon. Store managers are ready to answer related questions. We will be glad if every beautiful client can choose from us the perfect set of lingerie paired with an incredible accessory.

See garters in Intimo:

This piquant wardrobe element these days is most often found on the bride’s leg. But before, without a good garter, you could literally be left without stockings. But one thing is constant about bandages - they excite the imagination of men in all ages.

Why do you really need a garter?

The inventors of the garter were the French, who were ardent fans of stockings of all possible lengths; they were not as elastic as their modern counterparts and required support with a belt or special garters, the first of which were made of leather.

The word garter (English garter, French Jarretiere) comes from jarret - popliteal cavity. Initially, stockings reached only to the knee, this is understandable; floor-length dresses did not require hiding the entire legs - the maximum that men could see was the girl’s ankle or ankle. And if someone was lucky enough to see a garter under the knee, it was classified as erotic and intimate.

The first garters were in the form of silk ribbons or expensive satin strips, on which piquant phrases were also embroidered. But lace headbands came into fashion already in the 18th century. By the end of the century, garters with copper wire were invented, analogues of modern silicone elastic bands, which more securely held elegant women's stockings.

It turns out that not only women, but also men used garters. Muscular, elastic calves covered with stockings were a man's asset, and even today pumped-up male legs are considered one of the sexiest parts of the body.

Why do modern girls need garters?

Of course, to ignite the passion and desire of men. This small elegant accessory can be useful not only as a ritual choice for the future groom at a wedding.

5 Ways to Use a Feminine Bandage

№1 - We drive you crazy

The “going out” bandage should be minimalistic, but it is better to wear a dress with a wide and tight hem or a flared skirt so that the contours of the garter are reliably hidden. Imagine your partner’s explosive reaction when he finds an unexpected spicy object under your skirt, and the evening will definitely go in the right direction. In addition, the garter can be easily and quickly removed, leaving it as a souvenir for your lover, so that he remembers your meeting and looks forward to a new one with trepidation.

№2 - Aesthetic diversity

Most men can no longer be surprised by stockings, besides, traditionally there are not so many models, and the pattern of silicone-based elastic is not very diverse. It’s another matter if, on top of the standard elastic band, he sees a charming garter made of thin lace. Men appreciate being pampered, and a girl’s excessive attention to detail will make him think that today is a special evening and he also needs to try hard.

№3 - Game of strip

Together or in a frivolous company, the garter is another element that can be removed in case of loss. It can save a girl from exposing more intimate parts of her body or add even more sparks to the overall excitement.

№4 - Full ammunition

If you want a man to enjoy your undressing, slowly removing every detail from your excited body, making himself even more inflamed, make sure there are as many of these things as possible! Even the simplest sexy set will become brighter if you add details - a garter, a thin lace peignoir and stockings.

№5 - Successful striptease

Not everyone can do a striptease, especially when you need to remove such a fragile and uncomfortable item as stockings. Another thing is the garter on the leg. It can be used with or without stockings. With a little practice, you will learn how to remove your garter as erotically as Dita Von Teese.

Men love to undress not only with their eyes. Let your partner thoroughly enjoy your body by gently removing the garter from your leg with your hands or teeth. It's nice and beautiful.

In the life of every lover, a wedding day is always a long-awaited and very exciting holiday. Many brides wear elegant garters on their legs on this day. The lace attribute is used to fulfill a well-known tradition - throwing this accessory, but does everyone know the meaning of this custom, and on which leg should the bride wear a garter to attract good luck?

To make the celebration bright and memorable, you need to take a responsible approach to organizing the event: make a list of guests, choose a place for the feast, think over an original program, decide on the menu and, of course, prepare outfits and decorations.

What are wedding traditions for?

Wedding ceremonies in Rus' were an integral part of any marriage. Each ritual had a special meaning and carried a secret meaning. Traditions were sacredly revered and observed strictly in a certain order. It was believed that young people, following the foundations, were on the right path. If customs were violated, then the marriage was considered imperfect. People were convinced that performing the rituals would bring success and prosperity to the bride and groom, while neglecting them would bring misfortune, illness and misfortune.

Over time, many rituals have changed, simplified and acquired a slightly different meaning. Increasingly, holiday traditions are entertaining and humorous. Despite this, most newlyweds continue to believe that following wedding principles is the key to strong love, a happy union and a successful life, so a rare celebration takes place without a bride price, exchange of rings, a festive feast and other well-known rituals.

Purpose of the accessory

Since ancient times, women used garters exclusively in everyday life to support stockings on their legs. They were worn just above the knees and hidden from prying eyes under long dresses and skirts. Gradually, the purpose of this item changed, and now a garter is, first of all, a stylish accessory for a bride’s wedding look. It is worn only on the day of marriage to fulfill an unusual tradition - throwing this attribute into a crowd of unmarried men.

The history of the tradition of throwing a garter goes back to the distant Middle Ages. In European countries there was a belief: if you touch a successful person, or better yet, get a piece of his attire, you can get lucky. The bride was considered a lucky person, so everyone tried to take possession of a piece of her outfit.

Interesting! In Russia, this ritual appeared relatively recently, but has already become a favorite of many newlyweds and is actively carried out at most wedding ceremonies.

The essence of the custom is as follows: at the end of the festive feast, when the bride has already parted with her bouquet, the groom removes the garter from her leg with both hands, while single men are called to the center of the hall.

When everyone has gathered, the groom turns his back to the unmarried young men and throws his beloved’s attribute over his shoulder. The guests' task is to catch the lucky accessory before others. It is believed that the man who received the attribute will soon get married.

In different countries, the garter ritual is performed and interpreted slightly differently. For example, in France, people are convinced that a guest who takes possession of an accessory is lucky and will be surrounded by the most beautiful girls throughout the holiday.

In the countries of America, according to custom, a lucky young man with an accessory must put it on the girl who caught the bouquet, and then invite him to dance.

What does it symbolize

On the wedding day, it is customary for the bride to wear two garters at once: one will be thrown by the groom to determine the lucky one who is expecting a quick wedding, the second will be removed by the lover during the first wedding night. It is then kept as a family treasure. Therefore, the girl has to decide whether she needs a bridal garter and on which leg to wear this accessory.

Few people know that this element of the outfit should be worn in accordance with certain rules. The garter intended for guests should be on the bride's right leg, slightly above the knee. The attribute, which will be reset after the end of the feast, must be put on the left leg, moving a couple of palms away from the knee. Each garter on the bride's leg has its own special meaning.

A beautiful accessory on the right leg is a symbol of success for a young couple and the man who will become its owner. The garter adorning the left leg represents the sacrament of the first night and is associated with the purity and innocence of the girl, which she is deprived of after removing this item.

Modern traditions allow for the use of only one accessory to be thrown to guests at the end of the evening. Therefore, it is better to decide in advance on which leg the bride’s garter is worn. It’s good if it is put on the girl’s right leg. Only in this way will the wedding attribute be charged with positive energy and become a talisman of good luck for its future owner.

Additional Information

A little more information at the end.

A wedding garter is a stylish detail of a bride's festive outfit. The lace element of clothing is used to perform a popular ritual - throwing the garter. It is believed that a man who receives this accessory will soon create a strong marriage with his beloved. The garter that the bride wore on her right leg will bring happiness not only to the single guest, but also to the young couple in their future married life.

Many brides stock up on a garter well before the wedding, which they will put on their leg under their wedding dress. However, not everyone knows where this tradition came from and why the bride needs a garter. This intimate piece of clothing has a rich history that began, like many other elegant customs, in Europe.

Gradually they began to focus on Western ones, so the question of why a bride needs a garter accompanies almost every girl into married life.

Superstition or fashion

In different cultures, ideas associated with weddings have been developed over centuries. This was done in order to make the marriage ideal both for themselves and for higher powers. Each stage of the wedding was thought out to the smallest detail, and in the end it resembled a well-rehearsed performance.

Now some wedding traditions, which have nevertheless been preserved at least in a modified form, are observed because it is so customary. This is a kind of support for their own culture, so some couples don’t even think that something can be changed in the usual wedding scenario.

Many traditions are borrowed from other peoples. The resulting symbiosis of customs is needed not to appease the spirits and gods, as before, but to make the wedding the way the newlyweds themselves want. Since there are no longer strict frameworks for holding a wedding ceremony, the bride and groom are free to organize their celebration in any format.

Is an accessory needed?

Before explaining why a bride needs a garter at a wedding, let’s look at the history of this item.

There was no word for “garter” in the Russian language until the French talked about this piece of clothing.

The accessory itself is a wide or narrow strip of fabric with an elastic band. Nowadays, garters have begun to be richly decorated with ruffles, ribbons, lace, rhinestones and other decor, but previously the design was simple.

This detail had only a practical function - to support the lower part of the pantaloons of men and women during balls.

Let us list the reasons why the bride wears a garter on her leg.

  • The girl will be able to feel more confident knowing that her image is impeccable, and all the details, including the hidden garter, emphasize her attractiveness and are in harmony with each other.
  • This detail can be kept in the family as a keepsake along with the wedding dress and veil. Some girls even pass on their own garters to their daughters when they get married.
  • Another important reason why a bride needs a garter on her leg is that there is a tradition of throwing this bridal accessory to unmarried men. It is believed that the one who catches the seductive thing will marry next.

Entertainment or ritual

The custom of throwing a garter originated in the USA in the 90s of the last century. Until that time, this item of clothing, and especially why a wedding garter was needed, was almost not remembered, since with the invention of tights and trousers, people no longer needed to support stockings and pantaloons. Gradually, the tradition of throwing this thing spread to other countries, including outside Europe.

It is believed that, together with the bride's bouquet, a garter helps single guests at a wedding find their happiness.

The groom removes this detail from the leg of the hero of the occasion, and this is done in public. In order not to embarrass herself and others, the bride can lower the garter in advance or immediately put it on about 15 cm above the knee. After she is in the hands of the groom, he throws her to unmarried men who decided to try their luck.

Over time, the Americans added some rules to this custom.

  • The optimal time for the ceremony is after. Nothing will stop guests from participating in this unique competition.
  • First, the groom throws the garter, and only then. At Russian weddings the opposite usually happens.
  • The groom takes the bride in his arms, places her on a chair, “dives” under the dress and removes the seductive thing with his teeth, and then, again without using his hands, throws her into the crowd of bachelors. In our country, a girl usually sits and her lover works with his hands.

The beauty of such traditions is that you don’t have to carry them out as written - you can make your own changes if they fit better into the overall concept of the wedding. For example, if a girl is shy, then she can remove the garter herself and hand it to the groom, or you can do without this detail altogether, replacing it with a boutonniere or a flower from the bride’s bouquet.

History of the tradition

There are several versions of the origin of the tradition of throwing a garter. One of them tells that a certain English king at one of the balls saw his beloved drop the ribbon from her leg.

To earn the girl's favor, he did not fail to take the opportunity and lifted the garter to return it to its owner, but saw grins on the faces of his subjects.

Then the king publicly declared that his lady’s ribbon was intended to bring him good luck in love, so he tied the accessory on his own leg. Later, this monarch even established the Order of the Garter, which still exists in England.

Europeans have long believed that newlyweds simply radiate good luck and happiness on their wedding day, and therefore, after the ceremony was over, guests tried to take a piece of the bride’s dress or the groom’s suit as a souvenir. In order not to turn the holiday into a farce and undressing, a garter was invented - the only attribute that the hero of the occasion could give to someone present for good luck.

Wedding planner

Some weddings combine the bouquet and garter tossing into one ritual. The man who caught this accessory of the bride puts it on the leg of the girl who got the flowers. After this, the couple dances a slow dance, and many believe that fate brought them together to get married.

Elena Sokolova


The bride will be able to pleasantly surprise her groom on her wedding night with a beautifully designed piquant garter.

Tamara Solntseva

According to another version, the tradition also originated in England, but under different circumstances. In some counties it was the custom for wedding guests to prevent the bride from leaving the altar after the ceremony, trying to remove the garter from her leg. Since there was terrible confusion, and sometimes even a real crush, the brides began to take off the little thing themselves and throw it into the crowd of thirsty guests.

It is now known why the bride wears a garter, but earlier, in England, after the end of the wedding ceremony, unmarried young men organized a kind of race from the church to the bride’s house. The one who arrived first received the right to remove the garter from the leg of the hero of the occasion and keep it for himself for good luck.

If this young man had a beloved, then he gave the item to her as a symbol of love and fidelity. The bride can wear two garters on one leg or on different ones - it doesn't matter.

Options and ideas

Since traditions can be changed, some newlyweds do just that, looking for interesting ideas, some of which then take root among the rest.

For example, Many brides wear two garters at once, one of which is the “lucky” one., the groom throws to the bachelors, and the second is intended for himself.

This detail is called honey and is removed during the first wedding night.

Some believe that the hero of the occasion should definitely sew this detail of her image with her own hands. This way she will be able to put her soul into the process and charge the little thing with her own positive energy, which will attract the same happiness into the life of a successful bachelor.

We found out why a bride needs a garter on her leg. And whether or not to apply a particular tradition to your own wedding is a personal matter for each couple who decides to get married.

If the bride and groom decide to forgo the garter toss ritual, so be it.

You shouldn't follow fashion if it doesn't give you pleasure.

When removing the accessory from his beloved’s leg, the groom needs to concentrate so that the bride has no reason to be embarrassed because of the excessively raised skirt.

If a girl puts on two garters at once, without informing her betrothed, then the lower one needs to be removed, since the upper one is considered honey. If the young man still can’t find the accessory because of the numerous petticoats, then he should just ask the bride to help with this.

So, why does a bride need a garter on her leg? It is both a romantic and piquant accessory, which is why many girls strive to use it in their look. In addition to providing an attractive appearance, this detail will also diversify the celebration and give positive emotions to all guests, and bachelors in particular.

Every detail is important in a bride's image: from the wedding dress and shoes to the veil and garter. The latter, by the way, performs not only an aesthetic role, but also takes part in a beautiful action that helps determine which of the groom’s friends will marry next.

The garter often appears in the wedding frame, both during the shooting of the newlyweds and the bride's morning, and at the banquet itself. Therefore, if you want everything in your wedding look to be perfect down to the smallest detail, the Svadebka.ws portal advises you to pay sufficient attention to the choice of this important accessory.

The concept of “garter” comes from the French word “jarret”, which means the popliteal cavity, i.e. The garter was previously an elastic strip of fabric that held women's pantaloons in place. It was first used at weddings in the USA, and in the 90s of the last century such a sexual accessory appeared at Russian weddings.

Why was a garter worn on the bride’s leg needed at all? The history of the wedding garter is quite interesting and funny: it was believed that those guests who could take away some item from the wedding, preferably if it was part of the newlyweds’ clothing, would be happy. Therefore, all the guests tried to tear at least some piece from the bride’s dress. The brides felt sorry for their outfit, so they came up with garters, which they sewed from leftover fabric and threw to the guests. And the dress remained intact, and the guests were happy! Now, fortunately, there are no such barbaric traditions, and the groom carefully removes the garter from the bride’s leg and throws it to the unmarried guys at the end of the celebration. According to the sign, the one who catches this accessory will soon get married and be happy in his marriage.

As you know, one of these wedding signs for newlyweds is associated with the dress and accessories, including the garter: the bride should not see herself in full wedding attire before the celebration. When trying on, you should not wear any of the elements, and it could just be a garter.

Which leg should a bride wear a garter on?

A wedding garter is usually placed on the right leg slightly above the knee. But this is not a strict rule, so only you can decide based on your personal preferences and your comfort which leg you should choose for this accessory.

Usually the bride buys one garter for her wedding. However, sometimes you can find this accessory in the form of a set, for example, in America. Their first garter is called the “lucky” one; it is the one that the groom throws to his friends. The second - “honey” - remains as a souvenir for the bride and groom, who removes it from his chosen one during the first wedding night. It is attached above the “happy” one. Such interesting sets can be bought in Russia.

Advice: Ask the photographer during your morning preparations to take a couple of beautiful shots of you putting on the garter. You will get tender and sexy photos!

When and how to remove the garter?

In addition to its aesthetic function, the bride's garter also plays an important role at the end of the celebration. What is it for? To find out which guy will get married next. After the bride throws the bouquet to her unmarried friends, she sits on a chair in the center of the hall, the groom kneels in front of her, carefully finds the garter, slightly lifting the hem of the dress, and slowly removes it with his hands so that the photographer has time to take a couple of successful photos.

If the groom hesitates, the bride can help him. And when the garter is in the hands of the groom, you can throw it to your unmarried friends. The one who catches her will soon lead his chosen one down the aisle. After this, the guy who caught the garter and the girl who caught the bouquet perform a dance (if, of course, they came to the wedding alone). It is believed that they can make a great couple.

Want to make the garter tossing experience more fun and spicy? Play out this humorous scene: let the groom take off not your garter, but your huge panties, which he quietly pulls out of his pocket and shows to all the guests. An alternative option is that instead of a garter, the groom discreetly throws a thong to his friends. The deception will be revealed only when the guy catches the deception. Surprise and laughter are guaranteed!

Advice: Don't like the garter toss idea? Replace this intimate accessory with the groom's boutonniere!

When choosing a wedding garter, consider the following points:

Design options

Previously, the bride's garter was a lace ribbon sewn with her own hands. Now there are a huge number of options for this accessory. Most often, it is sewn from lace, silk or satin, decorated with a variety of decorative details: brooch, cameo, rhinestones, stones, feathers, buttons, embroidery, 3D appliqués, etc.

You can embroider or put rhinestones on the garter with the initials of the newlyweds or the wedding monogram, making it personalized.

The bride's garter can be either narrow or wide. It’s up to you to decide which accessory to buy for your wedding! Just keep in mind that a narrow garter will look better on a miniature leg, and vice versa.

A garter can both reflect the personality of the bride and emphasize the style of the celebration, for example, for a nautical wedding, the garter can be sewn from blue fabric and complemented with a brooch in the form of an anchor or a steering wheel; for a celebration in the style of Marie Antoinette, it can be decorated with a cameo and feathers; for a vintage wedding, it can be sewn made of fabric with a floral print and decorated with pearls.