Why do two different people have the same appearance? Human doubles - who are they?

Nature is rational, but for some reason, for centuries, like an automaton, it stubbornly churns out doubles. Is this a program failure or is there some higher purpose hidden in the production of matrices? Scientists are looking for an answer to this question.

Who are called doubles

Alexander Zinin, professor of the Department of Forensic Expertise at Moscow State Law Academy, says that it is not at all those whose “similarity is explained only by racial, anthropological type or facial proportions.” As well as not those who are connected by direct blood ties.
Scientist, doctor, author of books on cloning and genetic engineering, Nikolai Degtyarev, considers “twins people with an identical genetic structure, whose DNA is the same, but whose biological parents are different.” In the scientific community they are called biogenic. An example is Emperor Nicholas II and King George V.

Genetic selection

Mathematicians have calculated that any of us, after 8 generations, may turn out to be the ancestors of 256 descendants and each will have similar genes. After 30 generations, this is almost a million links in one family chain. Based on the theory of probability, they also determined that “the chances of a random coincidence of DNA sets are not equal to zero - there are billions of people on the planet,” so the repetition of individual sections of the genome in different individuals is the norm.

The expression of genes in appearance also depends on the environment. There are enough zones on Earth with similar parameters, so the probability of the formation of a twin doubles.

Mystic hypothesis

Followers of some mystical teachings consider natural selection to be a "culling process." “That is why,” says parapsychologist Vasily Nayrobuv, “a person appears not in one copy, but as a cog in mass production. Nature tests it and, finding it defective, rejects it.”

Nikolai Degtyarev also considers doubles to be “spare players,” believing that “history is partly similar to the wheel of Samsara, where the endless cycle of reincarnations, like an evolutionary round, is partly predetermined.” And according to Nairobuv, “if two copies collide, something akin to annihilation can occur - they will disintegrate.”

This is what probably happened to the Italian king Umberto I and the innkeeper from the city of Monza. When they met, it was like looking into a mirror. Their names were Umberto. They were born in Turin. Their spouses were Margheritas and their sons Vittorio. Both were fond of athletics, fought in the same battles, and received medals for bravery. In one year, the king became a monarch, and the innkeeper became a restaurateur. Both were born on the same day (March 14, 1844) and died the next after they met (July 29, 1900). The innkeeper was shot by a random robber. The king is an anarchist.

Academic science hypothesis

Representatives of fundamental science, far from the mysticism of coincidences, see the replication of individuality as a special program. What guarantees the survival of a copy of a particular gene, which, perhaps, has a special “mission”? Nature, according to biologists, as a zealous housewife duplicates genetic material “in reserve” - taking into account the mortality and infertility of individual carriers of an important gene.

Parallels with twins

Researchers of the phenomenon of twinning exclude the possibility of absolute DNA identity in people who are not identical twins, who have the same genome. But in polyzygotic (dizygotic-heterozygous) - like ordinary brothers and sisters - only half of the genome is identical. Something similar is observed in doubles. The genomes of human versions may contain the same genes and (like monozygotic ones) the antigenic composition of the blood will be the same. That is, the group and the Rh factor.

Bricks of duality

Each organism is a set of genes that determine both morphology: the color and shape of the eyes, the shape of the nose, eyebrows, chin, hair shade, height, cranial structure, and a predisposition to certain mental and physiological ailments.

All information is encoded in chromosomes. Normally, a person has 46 of them. All DNA molecules in one cell contain approximately 3.2 billion nucleotide pairs (the building material of DNA and RNA, responsible for protein synthesis and genetic memory). This is about 30-40 thousand genes. What do 6400,000,000,000 bits of information store? But only 1.5% of all genomic material is “active.” 98.5% is DNA trash. This discovery forced scientists to come to the conclusion that there may be many carriers of a similar combination of “active” genes. They are responsible for duality.

Matrix people

They develop dimples on their chins and baldness, and moles and warts appear in the same places. So, not only facial features, but also a birthmark on the chest in the shape of the sun, allowed the impostor to seize the throne of the founder of the 1st ancient Egyptian dynasty, Pharaoh Menes, when he inspected his possessions. And he regained power only by showing the dignitaries the scar from an injury on his thigh, which he received at the age of 15.

Doubles are similar in character and type of temperament. If they find themselves in similar social conditions, then their fates develop similarly. Almost like identical twins, who, even being separated, build their lives as if they were carbon copies.

In the old days there was a belief that people who are absolutely similar to each other appear due to the tricks of the devil, who, in spite of God, creates an exact copy of His creation.

Therefore, villains and tyrants tried to find their double in order to avert heavenly punishment for their sins. Few people believe this today, but mystery of doppelgängers still not solved.


From the Egyptian Pharaoh Menes, distinguished by cruelty, there was a double, similar to him as two peas in a pod. By bribery and cunning, this man took the throne of Menes, who was on a long journey. For a whole month, while the double ruled the country, he managed to soften the laws, which saved many people from death.

Having heard about him, Less hastened to return. But here an unexpected difficulty arose - the courtiers could not distinguish the impostor from the pharaoh. They even had the same birthmarks on their chests, reminiscent of the sun with rays. And only the scar Menes received at a young age helped figure out which of the two was the true ruler.

The ending of this story is unusual. Struck by the kindness and responsiveness shown by his double on the throne, Less left him at his court, and he himself became more humane. And dying, he even appointed a double as his successor, who went down in history under the name Menes-Abordobel, which means Menes the Continuator.

Throughout human history, rulers have always tried to keep secret the existence of their doubles, which many of them had.

During the era of Napoleon Bonaparte, an order was given to search for his doubles throughout Europe. We found four Frenchmen. Their fates turned out differently. A misfortune soon befell one, and he became a good-for-nothing cripple. The second one turned out to be weak-minded. The third secretly accompanied the emperor for a long time, even stayed with him during his exile on the island of Elba and was killed under unclear circumstances shortly before the Battle of Waterloo.

The fate of the fourth, Francois Eugene Robot, remains a mystery. After his defeat at Waterloo on June 18, 1815, Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena. His double, François Robo, was not among the prisoners and returned to his peasant house in Baleikur.

The official history states that Napoleon lived on a tiny island in the Atlantic Ocean until his death in 1821. However, a number of mysterious events suggest that the ex-emperor could have fled from St. Helena, leaving a double in his place.

In 1818, something very unusual happened in Baleikur: a luxurious carriage drove up to Robo’s house and stood there for at least two hours. He later told his neighbors that the man who had arrived wanted to buy hares from him and spent a long time trying to persuade him to hunt, but he allegedly did not agree. However, soon after this, Francois disappeared along with his sister.

Later, the authorities came to their senses and began looking for the double. In the end, they found only his sister, who lived in the city of Tours, and in luxury that came from nowhere. She stated that the money was given to her by her brother, who went on a long trip, but she did not know where exactly. Subsequently, François Robo never showed up anywhere else.

After Robo disappeared, a certain Revar, a Frenchman, appeared in the Italian city of Verona, who, together with his partner, opened a small store. The behavior of the visiting Frenchman was very strange: he rarely showed up in his shop, and never went outside at all. And yet the neighbors noticed that he looked very much like Napoleon, and gave him the nickname "Emperor".

Around this time, the prisoner on St. Helena suddenly became very forgetful. His handwriting changed a lot, and he himself became very clumsy. The French authorities attributed this to the influence of not very comfortable conditions of confinement on a lonely island. And on May 5, 1821, Napoleon dies.

Two years pass, and the owner of the store, Revar, so similar to the emperor, unexpectedly leaves his store and leaves Verona forever. 12 days after his disappearance, on September 4, 1823, in the Vienna suburb of Schönbrunn, a man was killed who was allegedly in a hurry to the castle where Napoleon’s son was dying of scarlet fever!

When authorities examined the body, the police immediately cordoned off the castle. For what? There were no explanations. Meanwhile, Napoleon's wife demanded that the murdered man be buried on the castle grounds.

Since the authorities found no reason for refusal, the mysterious stranger was buried directly next to the place for the future graves of Napoleon's wife and son!

Thirty years later, the former business partner of Napoleon’s mysterious double in Verona named Revard, the Italian Petrucci, admitted that he was paid 100 thousand gold crowns for his silence. He himself had no doubt that this Frenchman was Napoleon Bonaparte.


There is one mysterious moment in the phenomenon of doubles, which can be called “one fate for two.” Among the examples of striking external similarities and coincidences life destinies historian Alexander Portnov brings the emperor of the Roman Empire Maximian the Thracian, who ruled at the turn of the 2nd-3rd centuries.

He was a rude and ignorant soldier who dreamed of great conquests and cared only about the army. But as soon as he was late in paying his salary, the ungrateful soldiers killed him.

If bangs and mustache were glued onto the bust of Maximian, the ancient Roman would be impossible to distinguish from Hitler. Moreover, the Fuhrer, who intended to conquer the whole world, was wanted to be killed by his own generals, and only an accident saved him.

A Emperor Volucian, who lived in the 3rd century, according to historical chronicles, was always sad, anticipating his early death. He really died young during a palace coup. His busts are very similar to our actor Oleg Dal, whose face is marked with the stamp of habitual sadness. He also passed away in the prime of his life and talent.

Nowadays, when it is possible to trace in detail the lives of specific people, cases of absolute identity of the destinies of doubles have been recorded.

In 1900 Italian King Umberto I accidentally stopped in the small town of Monza near Milan. There he decided to have lunch with his retinue in the only restaurant. Imagine their surprise when they saw his owner: he turned out to be an exact copy of the king! From the conversation with him, other striking coincidences emerged.

His name was also Umberto, he was born on the same day as the king - March 14, 1844, and both of them married on April 2, 1866 to women with the same names - Malgazhata - and named their sons the same - Vittorio. Both the king and the innkeeper fought in the same battles and received medals for their bravery. Finally, on January 8, 1878, one Umberto was crowned and the other opened his own restaurant.

The next day, the king wanted to meet his double again, but it turned out that he died due to careless handling of weapons. “Still, our biographies are not entirely similar...” the king said thoughtfully. “He’s already in heaven, and I...” At that moment, Umberto I was killed with two bullets right in the heart by an anarchist terrorist

But another one, no less amazing story. No one who knew seventeen-year-old schoolgirl Lisa Mankett from
the Australian city of Ballarat and a young Frenchwoman Alexandra Fernandez from Metz did not suspect that they were doubles. This was discovered completely by accident.

A certain Jacques Rochefort began to watch a football match on TV when loud screams were heard in a neighboring apartment. He thought that his neighbor Alexandra Fernandez had a group of young people who did not know how to behave at all. Jacques walked up to the wall, banged his fist several times and shouted: “Shut up immediately! Otherwise I'll call the police!" But the heart-rending screams did not stop.

Then he went out onto the stairs and began banging on the neighbor’s door. The screams stopped. Jacques returned to his room, but could not concentrate on football. He was suddenly overcome with anxiety. He returned to the stairs and knocked loudly on the next apartment. No one answered him, so Rochefort called the police

Fifteen minutes later the police arrived, opened the apartment and found Alexandra lying in a pool of blood. The medical examiner counted seventeen stab wounds on her body. In addition, the killer also slit his victim's throat. Moreover, the wound was unusually deep - right down to the spine.

Detectives began searching for the criminals because prints of two pairs of shoes were found on the sill of an open window. There were no signs of forced entry on the lock of her apartment door. Therefore, the girl knew at least one of them and saw him through the peephole before opening the door.

Checking Alexandra's acquaintances, the detectives reached Lauren Trottin, who at one time met with the murdered woman. According to her friends, they parted with a scandal: the girl told him not to come again, and he promised to take cruel revenge on her.

During the interrogation, Lauren was clearly worried; stated that he had not seen Alexandra for more than two months, and explained the threat by resentment at that moment, but in fact he did not intend to take revenge. However, he did not have an alibi. After a DNA test showed that there were pieces of his skin under the nails of the murdered woman, Trottin confessed. True, he blamed his friend Pierre Navelot for everything. He had a girlfriend who treated him with disdain, considering him a rag.

To prove how tough he is, Pierre decided to send her someone's head. Then Lauren offered to kill Alexandra, who mortally offended him. Taking knives, the friends went to her. Lauren said he came to apologize, and the girl opened the door. The guys attacked the hostess with knives, she began to scream. As the killers began to cut off her head, a neighbor knocked on the door. They got scared and ran away through the window

The court sentenced Pierre Navelo to thirty, and Laurent Trottin to twenty-eight years in prison.

Some time later, Inspector Jacques Monin, who was investigating this murder, came across an Australian police magazine in which he saw a photo of Alexandra Fernandez. How and why did she get to the Australians?” He found out that the girl in the photograph really looked strikingly similar to Alexandra, but her name was Lisa Mankett and she lived in Australia.

Lisa dated her classmate Cliff Fertland. But then, like the French woman Alexandra, she broke up with him. Then Clif and his friend Dylan Gorbeck decided to take revenge on her. They waylaid Lisa in a deserted alley of the city park, tied her up and took her to Clif, who lived on the outskirts of the city. His parents went on vacation and left the house at their son’s disposal.

Her sadistic friends tortured the girl for two days and then stabbed her to death on the evening of October 23. On this day, Alexandra Fernandez, the Australian's double, was also killed. The next day, in the senior class where Lisa studied, there was a biology lesson on the schedule. The teacher gave the students the task of making some visual aids at home. The craft show was boring until it was Cliff and Dylan's turn. They went to the board with a large backpack and took out of it... a woman's head with long hair.

At first, everyone naturally thought that she was not real. But Clif quite calmly said, “After Lisa Mankett left me, we decided to make it a teaching tool.”

The killers were arrested and the court sentenced them to life imprisonment

The Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper once spoke about an almost incredible case of doubles: “American actress Linda Blair is known throughout the world for the film “The Exorcist” (“The Exorcist”), in which she played the main role when she was 13 years old.

She was chosen from thousands of applicants and was not mistaken: the film brought in a profit of 50 million. However, the portrayed character had such a strong influence on the girl’s psyche that at the age of 14 she became a drug addict and went through life. At the age of 19, Linda was involved in some kind of drug scam, for which she received three years.

Muscovite Anna F. at the age of 13 was like two peas in a pod like the American actress. She spent her childhood in Maryina Roshcha: dance floors, boys, brass knuckles. In 1979, she was convicted of participating in currency transactions. One day, a friend came running to Anna’s mother, who saw a photograph of a girl in a Polish magazine - “Listen, was it really about Anka that was published in the magazine there? Probably they also wrote about her currency affairs. She’s about to be freed..."

But the note was about Linda Blair. Anna F. was released from prison in 1984. Then Linda was also released, who immediately began to be invited to films to play the roles of prostitutes and drug addicts. She also played the role of a policeman's wife. Anna F. was not invited to act anywhere, but she married... a policeman.


There are many hypotheses for the appearance of twins. According to the most common one, the reason lies in the coincidence of DNA between people. In this case, its molecule forms similar bodies in different children. As a result, so-called biogenic twins are born, that is, doubles.

To assess the reliability of this hypothesis, you need to approach it from a genetic point of view. Initially, scientists believed that a gene was a tiny particle in the nucleus of a cell. But then it was established that there were in fact no microscopic grains. Genes are individual sections of a giant DNA molecule arranged in a linear sequence.

Science does not yet know exactly how many such sections there are. Presumably from 50 to 100 thousand. But it is known that each gene is responsible for something, starting from the appearance of all organs in the body at its inception and ending with the work of all organs and systems throughout life. Together they make up the human genome, a kind of genetic passport, which indicates in the language of biochemistry characteristics owner.

According to the director of the Institute of Molecular Genetics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgeniy Sverdlov, so far the specialization of only 10 percent of the total number of genes has been established (data for 2001), but each of them will soon be identified.

Then, as scientists believe, we will find out which genes influence the shape of the nose, eyebrows, nails, the length of arms and legs, and in general - the similarity and dissimilarity of people. Consequently, the mystery of biogenic twins - doppelgängers - will be solved.

Moreover, much also depends on which of them, at what time and in what sequence were involved in the work at the origin of life, namely at the moment of fertilization of the germ cell, and how they performed their command functions as the organism developed.

Even for two people of different nationalities who are not related to have, for example, long noses or big ears, quite a lot of random coincidences at the gene level are needed. That's why they don't occur too often. Even more rarely - both lop-eared and long-nosed. And since our genome consists of tens of thousands of genes, the probability of coincidence of many factors that determine appearance is generally negligible. In any case, it is many times less than the actual number of doubles.

It is also believed that all the information necessary for the formation and development of the human body is encrypted in the DNA molecule. Its volume was even calculated - about 10 billion bits of information. But then mathematics presented a surprise. It turned out that the memory capacity of this molecule is catastrophically insufficient.

To accommodate the development and functioning program of the human body, it must be a quadrillion times larger. This is 10 to the 15th power. If you imagine the information that can be put into a DNA molecule in the form of a grain of sand, then the entire program would require a whole beach of sand

As a result, a hypothesis has now emerged that the programming of the human body occurs due to information coming from outside into DNA molecules and regulating the functioning of genes.

In other words, it is she who directs the body, and it only tries to carry out the commands it receives. “Where this external information comes from, no one knows for sure yet,” says the President of the Institute of Quantum Genetics, Doctor of Biological Sciences Pyotr Garyaev. “Let’s put it this way” from a higher mind.”

This is confirmed by such experience. Researchers took embryos of various organisms and placed them in a chamber that significantly weakened and distorted the external wave influence. And although all conditions were created for the normal development of the embryo, freaks were still born and quickly died. Control embryos in an ordinary glass chamber developed normally.

It can be assumed that external influence is implemented in two stages. First, an independent energy-informational entity is created in the subtle world, and then it forms a material body “for itself” in the womb of the earthly mother.

Based on this, the mystery of the doubles seems quite understandable. Let's take ordinary identical twins. They appear either as a result of fertilization by a sperm of one binucleate egg, or by fertilization of an ordinary cell by a binucleate sperm. Now let’s imagine that something similar happened in the subtle astral world with the appearance of an energy-informational entity. That is, at first, for a reason unknown to us, astral twins arose.

Due to their complete similarity, they will form identical earthly bodies in different mothers, and doubles will be born. They can be born at the same time or with a significant time difference. For now, one can only guess about the reasons for the delays and the similarity of the fates of the twins. The main thing is that this does not change the essence of the matter.

“In any case, this hypothesis does not contradict either the esoteric tradition or science, which has accepted the version of “subtle” genetics,” says Vitaly Pravdivtsev, a researcher of mysterious phenomena. “But it explains many mysterious facts from the life of twins and doubles, before with which classical science throws up its hands in impotence.”

Three young Britons - Nim Gini, Harry English and Terence Manzanga - launched an online project called Twin Strangers, which helps people find their doubles. The authors proceed from the theory that every person in the world has at least seven doubles who are not his relatives... It is enough to send your photo so that it can be checked against the database.

Meet me, I am your copy!

The first person to be found through the project was one of its founders, Nim Gini. It turned out that a girl who looked exactly like Nim lived just an hour away from her. It was definitely established that they were not related to each other and had not previously suspected each other’s existence.

“We had a great time together all day,” says Jeanie. “For a long time I couldn’t even communicate with her, I just looked at my copy and couldn’t believe my eyes. Be that as it may, we had a lot in common.”

But Kate Middleton's double, 26-year-old Jodie Bredo, was not at all delighted with her “original.” The girl believes that the Duchess of Cambridge “dresses boringly.” In an interview with Mail Online, Jodie said that Prince William's wife should wear tighter clothes and change her bob hairstyle. William himself matches his wife, “correct and boring,” says Bredo. She likes his brother Prince Harry much more, the girl admitted.

The tradition of looking for doubles famous people has existed for a long time. In particular, many political figures of the past had them. Specially selected people similar to them replaced the “originals” on trips, at public events, diverted attention to themselves, and “covered up” the owner in case of danger.

Nowadays, “twins” of former Soviet general secretaries and presidents live in many Russian cities. And on Red Square in Moscow, for a certain fee, you can take pictures with doubles of Lenin, Stalin, Gorbachev, Putin...

Soul kinship

Researcher Alexander Portnov discovered that there are significant external similarities between some famous figures from different eras. Thus, the Chinese dictator Mao Zedong was very similar to the ruler of the ancient city of Thebes, Montuemhet, who lived in the 19th century BC. And Lenin, with his appearance, was very reminiscent of the ancient Greek materialist philosopher Anaxarchus (IV century BC). The poetess Anna Akhmatova, it turns out, is outwardly similar to the Roman Empress Helena (3rd century AD).

According to A. Portnov, every person is born with a double at a certain periodicity, and the chances that the similarity will be not only external are quite high. And genetic engineering specialist Nikolai Degtyarev claims that people with identical appearance share 70 percent of their intelligence and 50 percent of their character traits...

Singer Sveta Svetikova once met a fan on tour in Gomel, who turned out to be an exact copy of herself! The musicians even confused her with Sveta. After talking with the girl, the singer found out that they were the same age, they common hobbies, and her new friend also loves to sing and dreams of a career on stage... She even took part in one of the concerts, sang along with Svetlana, and none of the spectators could distinguish them.

Saying goodbye, Svetikova gave her “twin” a keychain as a souvenir, and imagine her surprise when she handed back exactly the same one!

One Muscovite, a geologist by profession, met a colleague from Omsk on an expedition, with whom they turned out to be like two peas in a pod! They had the same characters, the main events in their lives also coincided. So, in the same year, both husbands died in a car accident... Children and grandchildren were the same age, illnesses came at the same time, even professional successes and achievements coincided...

Why do we need doubles?

Meanwhile, not all people want to see their exact one next to them. Why? After all, in our hearts we all consider ourselves one and only. And a person who is like us like two peas in a pod will take away part of this uniqueness from us...

Of course, there are no completely identical people, even among identical twins - at least some character traits will always differ... But even purely external similarity can be annoying. Yes, it is interesting to get to know your copy, but too close communication can bring negative emotions.

Twins are a completely different matter; they, as a rule, grow up together and feel like halves of one whole. What if it’s a complete stranger? It is possible that the similarity will sooner or later begin to irritate us...

Already at the beginning of this, 21st century, a very strange incident occurred in Prague, about which many European newspapers wrote. A man, whose identity could not be established, died under the wheels of tram number 22. The mystery was that the deceased looked exactly like the driver himself, 47-year-old Jiri Globek. Post-mortem tests showed that the victim had the same blood type and body structure. It turned out that Mr. Globek ran over his own double at a stop near Petrin Hill! Since then, the poor driver had no other goal than to find the relatives of this man, find out who he is and where he comes from. And, most importantly, why are they so similar? However, the tragic mystery was not resolved: the deceased did not have any documents with him or tags on his clothes to somehow identify him. No one was looking for him, not a single embassy had information about the lost tourist. The deceased appeared out of nowhere under the wheels of a tram. And yet he was not a ghost or a phantom, but a living person of flesh and blood, albeit without a name. According to Czech law, he was buried six months later as an unidentified person. Only one person was present at the funeral - poor Globek. Unable to bear the burden of his experiences, he himself suddenly died of a heart attack exactly a year after this event. Shortly before his death, as if anticipating it, he mentioned in a conversation with his wife that he would like to be buried “next to himself.” The file included a verbal description of the deceased, his post-mortem photographs and photographs of the driver, blood and DNA tests. Not only were they both the same age, but they also had the same illnesses! Most likely, we are not dealing with a person in the full sense of the word, but with his double.

Walking through a time loop

Where did this double come from? From thin air? There are many theories about duality - from the materialization of astral bodies to the formation of so-called time loops, when a person can meet himself from the past or from the future on the street. Most theorists try to describe this phenomenon as a form mental disorder. Fans of anomalous phenomena, on the contrary, focus on the materialization of spirits, write about intersecting worlds and the like. Science knows at least four documented facts when a person met not with a phantom, not with a ghost, but with a living human being - his physically existing double.

Several years ago, a certain person, a homeless person, was brought to a mental hospital in Minsk. The police found him at the station, tried to identify him and conduct an interrogation. However, he stared around senselessly, did not answer questions and generally gave the impression of being mentally ill, which is why he was taken for examination. And so, when the homeless man was shaved, cut his hair, and washed of dirt, it turned out that he was an absolute double of the head of the psychiatric examination department! Imagine the reaction of a fifty-year-old respected psychiatrist, materialist and atheist, to whom an exact copy of himself was brought in for examination, as if he were a twin brother suffering from amnesia. The doctor and the patient looked at each other as if in a mirror, only the homeless man’s face did not reflect any emotions, and the doctor suffered a hypertensive crisis, he was so shocked. The meetings between the doctor and the double lasted about a week. During this time, the doctor began his own investigation and even looked up the archives of the Leningrad maternity hospital, where he was born in 1949. I thought: what if traces of my twin brother were discovered?

A week later, two repeat criminals escaped from the hospital at night, and the doctor’s double disappeared with them. The fugitives were soon caught, but the double was never found. Six months later, without finding a solution to the mystery, Doctor N. died of a stroke.

"...And he has no documents!"

How, you ask, and he too?! It turns out that doubles are harbingers of death? Not always. According to the card files collected by specialists and simply collectors - lovers of curious cases, it happened that people met doppelgängers on the eve of big changes in life, serious illnesses or, conversely, career ups. An interesting case was recorded and documented in France. At the end of the 20th century there was a major train accident here. One of the victims was notified at the hospital that his twin brother, who was traveling in another carriage, had died. The passenger tried to explain that he did not have a brother, but the doctors still persuaded him to come for identification. How should a person feel when he recognizes himself in a dead stranger?! (The identity of the deceased, by the way, could not be established, which is not surprising). But, fortunately, the “authentic” person did not die, but, on the contrary, even went up the hill and is now one of the directors of the largest French bank.

But it’s time to understand the terms: a “person” is a person with a name and a passport (pension and health insurance cards, etc.), and a “double” is a creature absolutely similar to a “person”, whose identity and origin are unknown to anyone . How many of these exist in the world is a question to which there is no answer. There are many stories about encounters with doubles. In chat rooms you can find thousands of stories about how people saw their double, tried to catch up with him, and get to know him. Some managed to talk, but the acquaintance never continued. The main mystery of doubles is not only where they come from, but also where they disappear.

A big intrigue is connected with the human genetic code, “written” in DNA molecules, and it is called the “twin phenomenon”. The scientific press published a striking report about the similarity of two male twins, discovered in 1930 in the United States in the city of Piqua, Oregon. They were given up for adoption to different families as infants and only met each other 40 years later. Naturally, they had a similarity in appearance, and there would be nothing special about it. But other coincidences in their destinies were almost mystical in nature. So, the adoptive parents, unfamiliar with each other, gave both boys the name Jimmy. Each of the brothers first married a woman named Linda, then divorced and remarried Betty. Both named their first children Jame Alan. When they were children, the twins had dogs named Toy. In addition, the brothers loved the same type of beer, smoked the same brand of cigarettes, drove a Chevrolet, and preferred to vacation at the same resort in Florida! And here's another thing: identical twins not only have almost the same appearance, but also almost identical fingerprints and the same habits. However, these are not doubles.

Paradoxes of history

If identical sets of genes play a decisive role in the external similarity of identical twins, then the mystery remains of how genes influence fate in such a way that it becomes literally identical in two people who are not even distantly related to each other. But in the history of earthly civilization there are many mysterious repetitions. Russian scientists husband and wife Chudakovs drew attention to the fact that the fate of some historical figures who lived in completely different eras and in different countries, surprisingly converge.

Judge for yourself! Julius Caesar was the first Roman commander to bear the permanent title of "emperor". And the Senate awarded this title to Peter I. In 46 BC. e. Caesar carried out a reform of the solar calendar, which he called "Julian" and according to which New Year began to be calculated from January 1. Peter I also carried out calendar reform in Russia. Other similarities can be found in the lives of these two great figures. The Chudakovs found among the people who lived during the Roman Empire those whose destinies in many ways anticipated the life paths of Pushkin, Jules Verne, Christopher Columbus, Lenin, Nicholas II and many other historical figures. Speaking about the first pair of doubles, it can be assumed that the Russian Tsar was familiar with Roman history and learned from the practice of Caesar what could contribute to the progress of the Russian state. However, it is difficult to imagine that such historical information could have been used by, say, Pushkin or Nicholas II, especially since their prototypes were people about whom they could not even know anything, since they did not leave any noticeable trace in history.

There are similar cases in modern history. For example, English schoolboy Leonard Gibbs looked like Paul McCartney. In 1965, he was nearly torn to pieces and beaten to death by a crowd of fans who confused him with the real Beatle. And one London resident, who had the misfortune of being like Elizabeth Taylor, was constantly approached by autograph lovers and paparazzi.

Strange Wanderers

According to many, there is nothing worse than noticing how your shadow rose from the floor, took on flesh and, with a short nod, went about its business. Spanish Gnostics write about a warlock kingdom, where shadows pass a sorcerer's exam to transform into humans. Ghost researcher Thomas Biskup, based on the myths of the ancient Germans, calls doubles that arise in addition to a person’s desire, dopplegangers. (Doppelganger - literally translated from German - “double wanderers”). Doppelgangers have existed in this world for a little over three thousand years, but have only been active for the last hundred years. All previous observations of dopplegangers refer to isolated cases of visualization and due to some magical practices. This phenomenon has been studied for centuries, but not by specialists, but, so to speak, by interested parties, amateurs. And this is what can be said about the substances they studied. The doppelganger has creamy, translucent skin; in the dark you can only see its outlines. There are grayish and light blue, like sparkling silhouettes. During the day they can appear in two forms - transparent haze or shadow. We often see a doppelganger in the form of a second shadow on a wall or ceiling, especially when we think that there is an additional light source behind us that is causing it. Doppelgangers live not only on the periphery of our vision, but also in dark corners, on dusty stairs, without, however, leaving traces on the steps. They extremely rarely come into physical contact, rather out of disgust: after all, they are ethereal in their essence and extremely rarely acquire real strength, weight, shape and filling, and therefore they despise the hardness of the body (like a person), which takes away their freedom of movement.

Don't hurt me, gentlemen!

They are afraid of pain. The best way to hurt him - to touch him. The no-touch policy has given rise to some completely baseless myths. One of them is that a doppelganger appears to a person before death. The legend says: when Empress Anna Ioannovna lay dying, her ghost in a crown and robe walked around the rooms of the palace and even sat on the throne. In fact, dopplegangers are true friends. They meet people in deep forests and lead them onto the road; in war, they divert enemy fire and appear in ambush sites, so that the attackers do not know who to hit. The most famous case of meeting with a doppleganger is described by Yesenin in the poem “The Black Man”:

"...Black man
He sits on my bed,
Black man
Keeps me up all night..."

Although Yesenin writes that he communicated with the doppleganger, most likely he only swayed in front of the poet and in the end did his favorite trick: he stood in front of the mirror and disappeared on the other side of the amalgam. Doppelganger is our personal double. It doesn't always reflect us the way a mirror does. Most often he appears to us in the form of a figure with a face hidden by a hood. They say that if you take off the hood, a person will see his face as it will actually be at the moment of death...


Supporters explain everything with mysticism - their own theory. A person appears in the world not in one copy, but in a series. Sometimes it's two people, and sometimes it's twenty. And everyone is similar to each other. Each “copy” is given the same task, as a result of which a “rejection” occurs. At the first stage, copies with gross violations - hereditary diseases or negative traits character. The rest are growing up, gaining experience, preparing for their mission. If at this stage two copies meet each other, something like annihilation can occur: the copies will disintegrate. This is the second stage of "culling". One of the copies must go away (usually by accident or murder). These “departures” are very strange. In the normal course of things they should not have happened. People who escaped these “planned deaths” later say that they felt a strong desire to enter a house or simply cross the street in the wrong place. But they were able to overcome this desire. Fortunately for themselves, because a maniac was waiting for them at the entrance, and a drunk driver was driving onto the road.


Geneticist S. Zaslonkin believes: genes are shuffled like cards in a deck. The reason for the similarity between different people is “secret kinship.” Mathematical analysis proves: any person after 8 generations will become a descendant of 256 relatives related by blood. And after 30 generations there will be almost a million relatives! And these family ties are formed on the basis of gene transmission. They are mixed with each other, but - due to the theory of probability - identical cards also fall out. This is a rule of genetics. Cosmologist A. Zelmanov calculated: when comparing the family trees of two randomly taken people in the distant past, they will certainly intersect. So any pair of people randomly selected on the globe once had close relatives.


From ancient times to the present day, rulers have created doubles in the hope of diverting attention to them in the event of a possible assassination attempt. For example, they looked for doubles of Napoleon Bonaparte all over Europe. The fate of one of them - Francois Eugene Robot - remains a mystery. After his defeat at Waterloo on June 18, 1815, Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena. And Robo returned to his peasant house in the village of Baleikur. History claims that Napoleon lived on a tiny island in the Atlantic Ocean until his death in 1821. However, a number of mysterious events indicate that the ex-emperor could have fled from St. Helena, leaving a double in his place. In 1818, something very unusual happened in the village of Baleikur: a luxurious carriage drove up to Robo’s house. Soon Robo disappeared. Later, the authorities began to look for the former double, but Francois Robo never showed up anywhere else. But a certain Revar appeared in Verona and opened a small store. The behavior of the visiting Frenchman was very strange: he rarely showed up in his shop, and never went outside at all. At the same time, all the neighbors noticed that he was very similar to Napoleon, and gave him the nickname Emperor. Around the same time, the famous captive on the island of St. Helena suddenly became very forgetful, lost his memory, confusing the obvious facts of his former life in his stories. His handwriting suddenly changed greatly, and he himself became very clumsy. The French authorities attributed this to the influence of not very comfortable conditions on the lonely island.

Each of the nearly seven billion people living on our planet today is completely unique. This uniqueness is especially noticeable from a chemical and biological point of view - everyone has their own hair color and eye color, fingerprints... But if you do not go into details of the chemical structure of the body, and take only a superficial look at the appearance, it turns out that people are extremely similar friends actually a lot for a friend...

Historical doubles of modern celebrities

Different celebrities lived in different eras, and many of them are very similar to each other, despite the fact that they never had anything in common...

Millard Fillmore and Alec Baldwin.

King Philip IV of Spain and Mark Zuckerberg.

John Drown and Charlie Sheen.

Socrates and Anthony Hopkins.

Maggie Gyllenhaal and Rose Wilder Lunt.

Paul Revere and Jack Black.

Louis XII and Vladimir Putin.

Bill Bailey and Thomas Hobbes.

Joseph Pulitzer and Dustin Diamond.

Monet and Keanu Reeves.

Everyone has their own double

Canadian photographer Francois Brunel has been searching for such “doubles” for several years. This photo project is called “I'm Different,” and it already features 140 pairs of “twins” who are not even members of the same family.

At first, François Brunel found “material” for his project through the recommendations of his acquaintances, but soon the work captured him so much that he began to undertake special trips, during which he looked for similar people. And when the project gained sufficient popularity, many letters began to arrive on the photographer’s website. Many even turned to him with a request to find a double for them.

Brunel's doubles are not actually exact copies of each other. After all, the project is called “I’m not look-alike”. Black and white photographs amazingly emphasize both the incredible similarity of people and the individuality of their personalities.

The photographer believes that it is the technique of black and white photography that allows one to most accurately concentrate attention on the essence of a person, and not be distracted by analyzing the exact match of shades of hair, eye skin, etc.

Francois Brunel says that it is very interesting to watch the reaction of a person who meets his double for the first time. However, external similarity most often attracts people to each other - many of his “models” became friends, barely looking at each other, and continue to maintain constant communication.

Two friends of one of the photographer's daughters. Canadians Nina Sai and Anna Rubin are both artists and celebrate their birthdays on the same day. Their resemblance is so striking that they even thought they were separated twins, and their parents had to convince them otherwise.

Marcel Stepanov and Ludovic Mellard met each other even before participating in the project. They work as executive producers on one of the Parisian TV channels, and are constantly at the center of amusing confusion. True, when Marcel’s girlfriend kissed Louis by mistake, it turned out awkward.

Another pair of “twins” also took part in the project, who dated the same man, albeit at different times.

Edith Prefontaine and Stephanie Tremblay, having invited Francois over, even dressed the same to further enhance their resemblance to each other.

Victoria Stusyak's double was found in Poland. It was the artist Alexandra Bartosik. True, they themselves believe that they are completely different from each other. Francois did not select this couple himself - the idea to shoot Victoria and Alexandra was given to him by one of his friends, who personally knew both of them.

Francois also believes that the similarity between them is very conditional, and is limited to the fact that they are both beautiful women of Polish origin. But the couple was still included in the project. Victoria Stusyak says that she really liked the idea of ​​​​searching for a “double”, clearly showing that each of us is simply physically not the only one in the world. This helps to curb your own selfishness well.