What fun things can you tell a girl? Traveling around Russia or other countries. How to tell the story correctly: basic rules

Yuri Okunev School

Good day, friends! I have already published a whole series of articles on the topics of finding a second half and interpersonal relationships between young ladies and guys. And if you are now thinking about what interesting things to tell a girl, it means that your previous efforts on the romantic front have already begun to bear their first fruits.

After all, firstly, you met the girl who you liked, and secondly, you decided to communicate with her. And this is wonderful, I’m happy for you from the bottom of my heart! Let's talk about... talk today then. With the opposite sex, of course. What to talk about on first dates, and what to keep quiet about.

First, about HOW to tell

Girls, of course, love men who don’t mince words. But what matters much more is not what you chat with her about, but how you feel.

You know, you can be just a genius, but at the same time remain so constrained when communicating with a lady that pleasant communication, no matter how you look at it, still won’t work out.

Therefore, to begin with, I would advise every guy to improve his sense of self-confidence, in his abilities, his intelligence and attractiveness. And only after that you can work on the catchphrase!

The main thing you need to learn is ease of communication. Be sincere, cheerful, simple. The same way you would be with your girlfriend, with whom you shared a potty as a child.

Now about what to say

Let's think of a few potentially interesting topics for your lady of the heart.

  • About her.

If you don’t know where to start a conversation, then simply ask your interlocutor to tell about herself. Here's a clever trick. Yes, also useful.

Firstly, you won’t have to worry about choosing a topic for communication. Secondly, it’s always interesting to talk about yourself, so the girl will probably respond positively to your request. Thirdly, you will be able to get to know her better.

But that's not all! As she shares facts about herself with you, you will be able to find something in common between you. For example, you may find out that you studied at the same school or that she is also interested in swimming.

In this case, you will get an excellent chance for an interesting continuation of the conversation. And at the same time you can hint to her that your meeting was not accidental, because you have so much in common.

If no connecting threads are found, then you will again have the opportunity to develop this or that topic, based on its story.

She set a personal record for holding her breath underwater? Cool! But as a child, you were saved by the entire village where your grandmother lived, because... you, completely unable to swim, went out on a boat into the middle of the lake and got stuck there.

  • About you.

The next simple way to fill empty spaces in communication is to talk about yourself. True, it is important to remember the limits of decency and not reveal all the details of your life to a girl whom you are seeing only for the 1st, 5th or even 10th time. Especially if they are not too cute.

Well, and of course, it’s better to share interesting facts, rather than just everything in a row. Well, for example, she is unlikely to be interested in hearing about what subjects you studied at the university. But the story of how you entered into an unequal discussion battle with a teacher and masterfully emerged victorious will certainly impress the lady.

Plus, it is important to build a conversation with the young lady so that it remains a dialogue. After telling something about yourself, don't forget to ask about her. For example, did she have any funny experiences at university?

  • About some interesting facts.

Girls usually like men who know and can do more than them. And encyclopedic information has absolutely nothing to do with it. It is enough to know a few general facts about things from different areas life.

For example, about how a sensational film was made or about the biography of a couple famous writers. Or about the most ridiculous world records. About unusual events related to legendary sights of different countries.

Small encyclopedias (yes, children's encyclopedias are also suitable) will provide you with excellent help, which contain brief information about everything in the world.

By the way, you can use the same Wikipedia. On its home page there is a column “Did you know?” - pay attention to her. Read an article a day, trying to remember what you read, and you will soon significantly expand your horizons.

If your memory or desire to learn the unknown is difficult, then you can, in principle, make several home preparations. Take several of the most discussed topics (cinema, literature, music, etc.) and memorize them in pairs interesting facts on them.

In the process of communication, it will be possible to casually move on to discussing, for example, the last series she watched, and then suddenly remember a cool story about how the second part of “Pirates of the Caribbean” was filmed.

  • About something that is widely heard.

In principle, nothing prevents you from discussing with the lady the events that recently occurred in your city or somewhere abroad. It can be anything, but I would recommend focusing on something good.

Maybe some theater premieres, exhibitions, shows, concerts, a park alley that recently opened after restoration. According to the principle: “Listen, have you seen that cool fountain? Well done, right? How about we go there next Saturday?

True, if your chosen one is a student or graduate of the Faculty of Political Science, then I think discussions on the topic of terrorism that has become more active today will also be quite useful. Only in this case will you really have to show off your erudition, otherwise she, as a specialist in this field, will immediately guess that your knowledge is superficial.

That's all, it was nice to chat. Don't miss out on new publications. See you again! Yuri Okunev was with you.

The worst thing on a first date is when the topics for conversation are exhausted and awkward silence sets in and you don’t know what else you can tell her to make her interested. If you haven’t been blessed with the gift of quickly choosing a topic for conversation since childhood, then our 5 ideas for conversation will definitely come in handy. interesting story. They are universal, they can be used at any time to communicate with any girl.

Funny stories from childhood

Stories about how a man who was attractive to a girl climbed fences, wore tights and brought home stray cats will melt the heart of any young lady.

Talking about kindergarten and school, you don’t have to hide anything, and even serious failures and mistakes will not put a man in an unfavorable light. Childhood is treated like another life, so the funnier the incident to tell, the better.

The only exceptions are attempts to torture animals or mock weaker children. For the rest, the man has complete freedom of action, and a treasure trove of memories is on his side.

Wikipedia is a source of useful information

“Do you like Wikipedia?” - this phrase can be an excellent continuation of a conversation if all the popular topics have already been raised and there is an awkward silence.

All you need to do is look at home page– it contains selected interesting facts about everything in the world. Women I like men who are superior to others in something. Can't boast of ideal physical data? Why not show that you are smarter than others? You can, on occasion, amaze her by telling her a few interesting facts about Peter the Great, Australian platypuses or the moons of Jupiter.

Ideal for communicating on the Internet, for example on VK. It’s enough to just end the conversation and Google any topic of interest.

The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the girl may think that you are a nerd.

Does the girl ask you to tell her something interesting? Why not tell us about your travels? Funny or shocking travel incidents always attract attention. People like to learn about other people's experiences, build future routes, and learn useful nuances.

Tell us how your luggage was lost at the airport and you had to spend a week relaxing at sea wearing only shorts and a bathrobe from your room.

Try to scare a girl with the fact that at one Asian market her friends persuaded her to try dried or fried insects.

Certainly, if all this really happened. If not, then you can tell stories from the lives of your friends and tell them that this is only in the plans. In any case, each experience becomes a source of valuable information and allows you to be prepared for any troubles.

Selection useful tips about: where to start, how to avoid mistakes, where you can learn this.

Don't know what to talk about with a girl? How to find common ground? we did in a separate article.

It is impossible for a conversation to turn into a monologue of one person. You constantly talk, but she is silent? Why not throw the ball into her field? Ideal for this open questions. You will learn about what they are and how to use them in a conversation with a girl with examples of real conversations from.

If you don’t know what to talk about, another win-win option is.

Don’t know how to give a compliment correctly so that the girl doesn’t think that you’re just flattering her? About, .

Want to learn how to flirt? Everything plays its role: words, intonation, gestures, facial expressions, body position. A detailed overview with examples can be found in the article on our website.

Features of different countries and cultures

This topic is more encyclopedic character, unless your work involves constant business travel.

Surely you know about something unusual that is completely normal for other nations, but strange in Russia. Do you have a favorite country that you have always dreamed of going to? Read more about it, find out local traditions and customs, and share this information with your girl.

Favorite literature and facts about writers

Another way to show your superiority over others is to show her that you love to read. Men rarely like to read, and even if they do, they read typically masculine books: science fiction, detective stories, and instructions for household appliances.

What not to tell a girl

There are several topics that should not be discussed in conversations with a girl:

Your global plans for life. This topic, even if you have long ago planned everything in detail from the name of the dog to the license plate of your car, is not suitable for the early stages of dating.

Relationships with exes. If she was not 6, and you were 7, when love happened (you brought her candy from home, and she allowed her to hold her hand), then it is better not to tell anything. Tell us about a good relationship experience - the girl will be nervous that you still have feelings and will begin to doubt. Tell about a bad experience - the girl will be nervous that you will then talk about her in the same way;

Diseases. There are almost no healthy people left, but it’s worth talking about your illnesses when it’s already time for the wedding. You can tell how at the age of 7 you got chickenpox and out of boredom you painted your cat green, but it’s better to remain silent about the rest;

Failures and defeats. The question, of course, is how to present the information, but at the beginning of a relationship this is really not the best time.

If you still cannot avoid the conversation, then you need to talk about the situation briefly and with humor.

You can find many more interesting topics for conversation with a girl in the video:

And the last piece of advice on the topic is to think not only about what a girl would be interested in hearing, but also about what you would really like to talk about. If a person is very passionate about something and is passionate about the business he is talking about, even a story about engine volumes can interest a girl so much that she will be ready to listen about it for hours.

But if you don’t have such a hobby, and you have no idea what to tell this particular young lady, then it wouldn’t hurt to ask her what she would like you to talk about. There is nothing wrong with this, and it will be worse if she spends the whole evening listening about foreign travel, and she herself only recognizes domestic holidays with tents...

So, the meeting took place, or rather, began. Your task is to appear before her interesting conversationalist– sociability is a plus according to women. If you want something nice, then you have to prepare in advance.

The situation from the fairer sex is perceived as follows: she sees another guy who, like all her previous gentlemen and admirers, is trying to pretend to be a superman, talking about his accomplished feats.

What to tell a girl on a date?

That is why the main question is not the topic of conversation with a brunette or brown-haired woman, but how to do it. Your task is to make the meeting and communication comfortable for the girl - she should feel at ease and at ease.

All this is only possible if your internal state is also comfortable. Both of you will be able to relax and communicate with pleasure. Think about it, because this approach is the only correct one.

How to attract a girl on a date?

Imagine this situation: you have known each other for only a few minutes () and during this time you had to imagine yourself with the best side. These minutes are enough for a girl to appreciate you and your potential in communication.

It is clear that if a guy’s tongue is clearly slurred, his arms and legs are shaking, his eyes are darting nervously, and pleading intonations slip into his voice, then there will be no chance of meeting again. Moreover, in such a state a person simply cannot not only tell an interesting story, he cannot speak coherently.

In such situations, even pre-thought-out templates will not help - they simply won’t be in your thoughts. Only if you are not worried, the conversation will be relaxed and interesting for both parties. So when talking, you must be confident in yourself, then you can smile and entertain your interlocutor.

So, comfort is the key factor for a confident guy who can behave correctly during a telephone conversation and on a date. With such a guy, the girl will laugh at any jokes, flirt and even agree to go to his house.

What to talk about at the meeting?

About what is interesting to a lady

There are many topics for conversation with a girl, the main thing is not to forget about the main principle of comfortable communication. It doesn’t matter where the first meeting with a representative of the fair sex took place - it could be a disco, a park or a restaurant, the topic of conversation is always the same - the girl herself.

Everyone loves himself more than anything in the world and is interested in himself, and therefore you just have to initiate a conversation with your new friend about her. She herself will tell you about her weaknesses and hobbies - all you have to do is remember the keys, so listen carefully.

Instead of platitudes about study, work, place of residence, it is worth asking questions in a playful way. Examples:

“Are you late for the exam, where are you in such a hurry?” is a great alternative to the question “Where do you study?”

Instead of the standard “Where do you work?” you can ask “Well, tell me, why aren’t you on the beach - the weather is amazing today.”

Instead of the standard “Where do you live?” you can ask the question “You probably live outside the city, did it take you so long to get there? »

Such questions allow the girl to tell about herself in detail. As for your story, you should please her with an interesting story.

Let's look for common ground

U All people have something in common, and therefore your task will be to find these common themes. Here is a list of universal topics for such a search:

  • Films and film actors
  • Habits
  • Zodiac signs and dates of birth
  • Place of residence
  • School/University
  • Hobbies
  • People you may know
  • Places both of them have been to

The list goes on, the main thing is to give the girl the opportunity to speak and listen carefully. Women value listening skills in men.

Don't make the mistake most guys make, asking a girl a couple of polite questions and then giving a monologue describing their life from birth to now. This will in no way bring you closer to your goal, rather the opposite. Your task is to make the conversation interesting for the girl.

The best option is if you study with a new friend at the same university. There will always be several common teachers and acquaintances, and therefore a story about them will be interesting to the girl.

Moreover, this will give her the opportunity to tell her share of institute tales and incidents. Then you can find out that you participated in one tourist rally, KVN, conference, etc.

Even if there were no particularly interesting moments in your life, a girl will not be interested in listening to a story about her dull everyday life, so entertain her even with fiction. This, of course, is an extreme option; it is better to live in such a way that there is something to talk about.

Don't sit at home, have fun, be active, bungee jump off a bridge or fly hot-air balloon– it’s interesting to tell, and the sparkle in the eyes when telling the story will be real.

What to tell if there are no common points

It also happens that you cannot find any common ground - this can also be discussed with the girl. This theme is a classic fallback option that can be used in any case - just note that communication with such a representative of the fair sex is valuable to you.

You can do this like this: “ Listen, it's just wonderful that we met like this. Now everyone would go home, but instead we sit and talk, smile at each other.”

Alternatively, when looking for topics to talk about, you can simply turn around - you will probably see something interesting that can be discussed. It can be anything, for example, a newlyweds' cortege - this is a good reason to exchange opinions about the weddings of your friends.

Even when you see a guy on a bicycle, you can ask a girl about her attitude to sports and cycling on country routes. If a girl likes to ride, then an invitation to a bike ride is a great reason to invite her on the next date.

When communicating with a girl, you need to use all your intuition. Don't turn a date into a story about your biography. This is especially true when it comes to...

On any date, and especially on the first, the girl should feel ease in communicating with you - this is your intermediate goal, which will ultimately lead you to sex with this representative of the fair sex. Now you know what to say to a girl to attract her during a date.

What to tell and write to a girl .

A very important component in the relationship between a guy and a girl is communication. Some young people, when meeting a girl, do not know what is possible tell. The same situation occurs when communicating online. How to communicate with girls correctly.

What can you tell a girl when you meet?

I can, for starters, advise what tell no need. There is no need to talk about the fact that you have problems at work, at school, or with your family. Also, don't say you don't have enough money. It's not her problem. And she doesn't need it. By telling you what's wrong with you, the girl may think that you are a loser.

So, what should you tell the girl?

First, speak confidently and make eye contact. Tell me with interest. Tell only the truth. Try not to fantasize, you might get confused later. And a girl will notice a lie right away.

You can tell how you spend your time. It’s very good if you remember a few interesting or funny incidents from your life. Maybe something funny happened to someone you know. Make her happy.

What to write to a girl?

All the young ladies love themselves very much. You can talk about her. About its advantages, studies, activities. Tell her something new that she is interested in. Perhaps she likes dogs. Before the date, arm yourself with knowledge and tell the girl something new about her favorites. Tell us how great she looks, dresses stylishly and fashionably. Compliment her personal qualities.

What else can you tell or write to a girl?

If you have traveled a lot, you can tell us about the places you have visited. What interesting things did you see? You can also post photos on your page. Later, when communicating online, you can describe each trip separately.

You can talk about music. This is especially interesting if you have common favorite artists. Discuss films, at the same time you can invite a girl to the cinema.

If there's nothing more to say, look around. There will always be someone or something to discuss.

Don't be nervous, be confident in yourself, then the conversation will go on its own.

Make jokes and smile!

Many men complain that they cannot find common ground in conversation with the opposite sex. The guys are sincerely surprised that their stormy story about the car they bought yesterday, generously seasoned with complete and maximum detailed description his technical characteristics and in the professional terms of an amateur racer, does not produce the desired effect on the girl. Instead of throwing up her manicured hands in delight, the lady is most likely already yawning desperately and counting flies on the sidelines. Do you want to learn with girls their language? Then read on. We hope that this information will help you establish close contact with the opposite sex.

Let's say you met a charming companion and want to entertain her with interesting small talk. What to tell a girl in such a situation so that she completely switches her attention to the man? We must immediately warn you that the range of interests of all women is far from the same, as it may seem at first. Among the delicate and fragile long-legged creatures, sometimes there are also specimens that can compile a kernel in a computer in five minutes, know by heart all the players of their favorite football team, or understand a car engine no worse than a real master. If this is not the first time you have met this person, then you probably already know what to tell. A new girl may not be so interested in the topic that gives you goosebumps.

Do not rush to bombard the lady with questions. When meeting, suspicious women are in no hurry to reveal all their trump cards to their companion. And what girl doesn’t want to remain at least somewhat of a mystery to her boyfriend? She definitely won’t appreciate such zeal. Still, women prefer to listen.

Choose a win-win and universal option. Remember some interesting story from your life. As a last resort, a story that a friend once told you will do. Just don’t get carried away with obscene and greasy jokes. Not every lady will appreciate them. It’s better to save this for a purely male, trusted company. Interesting stories for girls, these are necessarily narratives filled with emotional colors, as well as active interaction between characters. So, just in case, put aside all the stories about the “iron” initiative.

What to tell the girl? Whatever. If only your words contained an atmosphere of live dialogue between actors. Turn on your fantasy and imagination. Even if nothing comes to mind except yesterday’s visit to the car workshop, you can completely beat this. Tell your charming companion how wonderful and funny the specialist was, how you furiously discussed the problem, how you tried to bring down the price of the repair. More emotions, less routine descriptions and technical terms. Otherwise, you risk completely losing the girl.

Don't think too long or hard about what to tell a girl during a date. In such a situation, she may think that you are bored with her. And regular awkward pauses clearly will not do a man any credit. A silent date is unlikely to provoke your companion into a second meeting. Don't expect any initiative on her part either. First you need to captivate the lady yourself. Only then will she be able to fully relax in communication and will easily offer new ideas.

Don't be afraid to say something too frivolous and trivial. After all, you have to start somewhere. And if a girl also likes you, she will definitely forgive small mistakes in communication. Over time, you will get to know each other better, and this problem will disappear by itself.