What does a person’s vital energy depend on?

First. We usually perceive an energetic person as active, active and even positive. Translated from Greek, energy means “activity.” Although general energy does not guarantee either excellent performance results or a positive attitude: a stupid and unkind person may turn out to be energetic.

Second. A person’s energy levels largely depend on his temperament. It, in turn, is given to us by nature and practically does not change under the influence of upbringing or external circumstances. Temperament in most classifications is various combinations of emotionality and energy (high or low), resulting in the well-known four types - sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic.

Third. In physics, energy, simply put, is the ability of a body to do work. It’s funny that most HR specialists interpret energy in exactly the same way: “young and energetic” has already become a standard cliche in recruitment advertisements.

The management of the British recruiting agency Robert Walters considered this stamp to be age discrimination. The company issued an order banning the use of the word “energetic” in hiring advertisements, along with two dozen other adjectives such as “ambitious,” “dynamic,” “initiative,” etc.

Fourth. In Russia there is an ambivalent attitude towards energetic people. On the one hand, energy is a positive characteristic, implying health and the ability to act. On the other hand, energy can become a negative quality associated with sneakiness, cheating, or the desire to meddle in someone else's business.

Indicative in this regard is a survey conducted by the “ Public opinion"on the topic of the attitude of Russians towards Muscovites. The majority of respondents (residents of large Russian cities) said that Muscovites are very different from Russians. Moreover, among positive qualities Muscovites were described as having energy and determination. And among the negative qualities of Muscovites were fussiness, nervousness, excessive activity - that is, the same energy, but with a minus sign. In other words, in the perception of Russians, energy may be good at work, but it is not always acceptable in private life or in relationships with others.

In Russian reality (from fairy tales and cartoons to real story) an energetic person is rarely the bearer of a good beginning. Neither the active old woman Shapoklyak nor the Komsomol leaders, overflowing with enthusiasm, evoke sympathy. But to a good person it is permissible to be lethargic and passive - lie on the stove, dream - and then (maybe) get up and defeat all ill-wishers in one fell swoop.

Fifth. Physical energy is often considered an indicator of physical and mental health. If you close your eyes to a number of exceptions, such as manic-depressive psychosis, then most often this is indeed the case. Most of those whose strength is running low try to maintain their physical energy. The most common way is through stimulants like coffee or energy drinks.

Not the fastest-acting, but strategically the most reliable ways to spur your physical activity are: sports, contrast showers, daily short walks, proper nutrition.

Sixth. Physical energy often directly depends on a person’s emotional state and his ability to control his feelings. Among the emotions that affect our physical condition and energy are interest in the results of our work, curiosity, excitement and mild stress, which provoke the release of adrenaline.

Seventh. Since ancient times, many attempts to explain the structure of the world and man were based on the search for the energy that moves everything in the world. For example, the ancient Chinese attached great importance to the energy of “qi” - the mental energy of a person, the possibilities of which are extensive - from increasing immunity to understanding one’s place in the world. In Hinduism, similar functions are performed by energy called “prana”.

In Buddhism, the world was seen as an endless flurry of bursts of vital energy. A classical school psychoanalysis with Freud at its head proposed libido as the driving force - the energy of sexual attraction present in all people with infancy. This energy is transformed by the psyche into various actions - from elementary physiological to creative.

Alexandra Izotova

Each of us would like to become an energizer, that is, a person who can easily fight fatigue, be always active and show energy.

This article will tell you what ways there are to always be “charged”.

The basis of the energy charge

For a long time, everyone knows one truth - the best person is able to restore our strength. good sleep. However, most people neglect this factor. Of course, initially this will have virtually no effect on your health, but after a while you will pay a lot for it.

Remember: no matter what happens, you should always devote time to sleep, and this minimum time should be at least 8 hours a day.

It is important to know that each person has an individual energy level. It develops, first of all, from a person’s temperament, as well as from the direction of his character. For example, for extroverts the best vacation is with a cheerful group of friends, but for introverts it’s the same as work, so they prefer to relax at home in peace and quiet.

  • Drink more water. Dehydration causes drowsiness, inattention, and headaches. In order to maintain normal balance, you need to drink about two liters of water per day.
  • Eat in moderation. A good guarantee of your activity will be a well-designed nutrition menu, the portions of which will be small, but the frequency of meals, on the contrary, will be large.
  • Try to give up sweets. After you eat sweets, the body releases a large dose of insulin, resulting in fatigue.
  • Don't forget about physical exercise and training. The same law applies here as with money: if you spend more, you get more. Remember that physical training helps produce the hormone of happiness, which is called endorphin. All energetic people play sports or at least run in the morning.
  • You need to remember and not forget about yourself. The work must bring results that you could later be proud of: spend part of the money on a gift for yourself. Shopping is always a good option to lift your spirits.
  • Required proper rest, that is, try to combine both physical and moral relaxation.
  • Strengthen your relationships with the people you truly care about. A good relationship, built on trust, will always be able to help with many problems.

There are ten areas that will help you constantly be “charged”:

  1. Target. Direct your energy towards your goals. Think about what you need to achieve.
  2. "Rainbow". Make seven cards yourself that match the colors of the rainbow. As soon as you start to feel tired, lay them out in front of you and look at them for a few minutes.
  3. "Transformation". Turn negative energy into a positive direction. In another way, this is called the transition of negative to positive.
  4. . This activity is a real energy generator.
  5. Movement. The result of fatigue is laziness, the result of movement is energy. Start being active the moment you open your eyes. Remember how energetic people behave, how constantly fresh, active and active they are.
  6. Friends. Try to make new acquaintances, as they can bring with them a lot of good emotions.
  7. Calm. Energy goes well with a calm state of mind.
  8. Kindness. Try not to grumble, do not find fault over trifles, it is better to take all difficulties for granted.
  9. Nice speech. Eliminate swear words from your vocabulary, do not become a gossip.
  10. Joy. Energetic people do not hide it.

By following these 10 directions, energy will gradually enter your life, and you will be able to radically change your lifestyle.

Have you ever thought about this question - how many branches of science have mankind created to study itself? That is, a unit - a person and an aggregate of people - a society. Starting from anatomy and physiology, and ending with socionics and social science. Each branch considers in detail what a cell, organ, organ system or unit of society consists of. How all these elements interact and relate to each other. All this is very complicated, but the laws are the same everywhere. They work the same throughout nature, in all organisms. AND common aspirations everywhere the same - ingenious simplification and absolute perfection.And the basis for everything is . There is no life without energy. And man is no exception.

Energy flows through channels

There’s just a catch - any energy, including life energy, flows through certain channels. And the channels must have good permeability. For example, if a river bed is blocked with forest, where will the water flow? It will begin to look for another way out. And this solution will not always be ideal. Because somewhere someone is waiting for water down the riverbed, but it’s not there and it’s not there. What will happen in this case when the flow of water energy stops? , supported by it, will gradually fade away and die.

The human body is built on the same principles. He has energy channels throughout his body - blood vessels, lymphatic, nerve, muscle, food. This is one of the visible ones, known to us from school. But there are many more that we did not know about before. And even now we don’t know everything and we don’t know everything. But, as they say, not knowing the laws does not exempt you from responsibility. Or in other words, if you do not recognize the existence of energy channels of subtle substance in your body, they will not disappear. They were, are and will be. But in what condition is the question.

The fact is that all our emotions, words, actions are also energy. And it does not appear out of nowhere, and does not disappear into nowhere. It either leaks or gets clogged. Like a traffic jam in a river. Clots form, grow and turn into clots. And if the situation is not corrected, then an incorrect exchange of energy occurs. And it manifests itself in the form, nervous breakdowns, depression, and even death. Everything is individual. And very seriously. And we, as a rule, treat ourselves very lightly. Especially when you're young. When vitality Enough enthusiasm - the sea and everything is seen in a rosy light. And the comments and advice of adults seem like boring moral teachings.

He who seeks finds

But, as they say, exactly what he needs at the moment always comes to a person. And I want to talk about my own experience. Because at first I just read about it, and then I began to notice that this was happening to me. And then at one fine moment I came across a course with an interesting, in my opinion, name - “ Working with chakras " By that time I was already slightly prepared. Because before that I had been engaged in self-development for several years. I had an idea about the energy channels in my body. She also knew about chakras - the main energy funnels. And of course I understood that the low level of energy, reluctance and lack of motivation for any action was the result of the clutter in my system. Frequent headaches caused a sensation of a “plug” in the head. When mental activity decreases, memory and concentration deteriorate. And, as a result, interest in life and in one’s appearance, including, disappears.

Of course, this state of affairs did not and does not suit me at all. And I’m not going to put up with the epic expression “this is age..”. Therefore, I was and am looking for ways to cleanse myself and my body. Well, whoever searches will definitely find it. And I found another way.

I was lucky, I got the “Working with Chakras” course at a discount. I just wasn’t confused and didn’t think for a long time. And having acquired it, I immediately began studying it. By the way, it is hosted by a very nice person – Svetlana Nagorodnaya. I immediately liked her melodic, sonorous voice, a little childish. In opening remarks she gave general statements about chakras, what they are and what they “eat” them with. For example, I was struck by the fact that Tibetan monks deliberately do not develop the two lower chakras associated with human sexuality, since they lead an ascetic lifestyle. And as they get older, their legs give out. They are well aware of this, but they do it on purpose. But they intensively cleanse and develop the upper chakras, thanks to which they can get closer to the Divine.

Choose exactly your path

And we, simple people Why do we often have a whole bunch of ailments before we even reach 40 years of age?! Simply due to my ignorance. And we consider this inevitable and normal. But that's not true! I believe that people are able to help themselves! Moreover, there are many ways. And many have been following these paths for a long time. Some people jog, some work out in gyms, others are raw foodists, and others are friends with nature. And mind you, all these people look and feel great. Or at least not bad.

Who prevents others from becoming like this? My answer is simple laziness and a disregard for oneself. A bottle of beer, a cigarette, strong words and cheeky behavior - this is what “spoils” people. Or rather, it creates a false reference image. And if not this, then all kinds of envy, hatred, resentment and all the negative rubbish that humanity could come up with.

Okay, it's all there. Along with bad news and an endless string of disasters and cataclysms. From which people often become stupid and try to escape with the help of the same poisons that I have already mentioned. But you can't run away from yourself. And driving yourself into a corner is stupid and ineffective. And that's exactly what we do.

People, come to your senses! Face the truth and accept it. It's not as scary as it seems.

I have already chosen the path for myself. She is mine, individual. Each of you also has your own, unlike any other. We can go to the same goal in different ways. The main thing is to arrive where you planned, and not stop or doubt for a second. Only forward!

Now listen to a short lesson on chakras and my favorite Mantra of Tenderness from Svetlana Nagorodnaya:


Believe it or not...