Intracellular evolution of DNA. Evolution Hopes You Don't Know Chemistry: The Problem with Chirality Pathogens or Helpers of Evolution

Dr. Charles McComb

When the newspaper headline “Life in a Test Tube” appeared in 1953, the evolutionary community was delighted. Miller's work was viewed by them as scientific evidence that life could have formed from chemicals as a result of a random natural process. In that classic experiment, the researcher combined a mixture of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water vapor and passed it through an electrical discharge to simulate lightning. At the end of the experiment, several amino acids were found among the reaction products. Since amino acids are individual units of long polymers called proteins, and proteins play important roles in organisms, newspapers began reporting laboratory evidence that life arose naturally from chemical elements.

As a chemist with a PhD, I must admit that producing amino acids under these conditions is intriguing in itself. But here we face a serious problem. Life was not obtained from that experiment. The product of the reactions were amino acids - ordinary chemical compounds that “do not live.” To this day, no process is known that converts amino acids into a life form. But this fact does not prevent evolutionists from declaring that the experiment proves the accidental origin of life from chemicals. Evolutionists are well aware that amino acids “don’t live,” but, nevertheless, they call this experiment proof of the random natural origin of life, since in their opinion amino acids are the “building blocks” of life. Such a statement assumes that, given the right conditions and enough "material", life will form on its own. But this statement is really nothing more than an assumption that has never been demonstrated. Amino acids may be components of proteins, which in turn are important for life, but this does not mean that amino acids are the “building blocks” of life. I can go to an auto parts store and buy parts to build a car, but that still doesn't guarantee me a functional vehicle. Just as a car assembler is needed in this case, so there must be an assembler of amino acids to form proteins so that life can exist.

Two "chiral" forms

Since 1953, scientists have been asking the question: Does the production of amino acids in that experiment prove the origin of life from chemicals? There has been much debate about whether the experiment confirms evolution or evidence of an Almighty Creator. For 50 years, scientists have been debating this issue, and the discussions always end in controversy. As a scientist, I have always been interested in why people argue more than they discuss facts. Then I realized that discussing facts inevitably leads to the question of chirality. Chirality is one of the best scientific arguments against random evolution, and it completely destroys claims that life originated from chemicals. Chirality is a fact that evolutionists don't even want to discuss.

A geometric figure or group of points is called chiral if the image in an ideal plane mirror cannot be combined with it. The type of dissymmetry that causes the incompatibility of an object with its mirror image is called in chemistry chirality.

Two molecules may be identical in composition, but their structures in space are mirror images of each other. Such objects are related to each other like a right and left hand, or screws with a right-hand and left-hand thread. For this reason, chirality can exist in the form of right-handed R-molecules and left-handed L-molecules. Each individual molecule is called an optical isomer.

What is evolution's problem with chirality? In our bodies, proteins and DNA have a unique three-dimensional spatial shape and thanks to it, biochemical processes occur as they do. It is chirality that provides the unique shape of proteins and DNA, and without it, biochemical processes would not carry out their work.

In our body, all amino acids of all proteins are found in the form of “left-handed” isomers. And although Miller received amino acids at the end of the experiment, it was a mixture of “left-handed” and “right-handed” isomers. The amino acids lacked chirality. It is a well-known fact of organic chemistry: homochirality cannot be created in chemical molecules by a random process.

When a random chemical reaction is used to form molecules with chirality, there is an equal chance of producing both left-handed and right-handed isomers. It is a scientifically proven fact that the random process producing a chiral product results in a proportional (50%/50%) mixture of the two optical isomers. There are no exceptions. The fact that chirality was absent from the amino acids in Miller's experiment is not just a matter of debate. This fact indicates the catastrophic failure of the idea of ​​the origin of life from chemical elements and proves that life cannot and could not have occurred naturally.

If proteins and DNA were formed by chance, each individual component would be a mixture (50%/50%) of two different optical isomers. But this is not at all what we see in natural proteins or DNA. How can a random natural process create proteins with thousands of exclusively L-molecules, and then also create DNA with billions of exclusively R-molecules? Does this all look like an accident or a product of design? Even if there were a magical process that resulted in chirality, it would only create one isomer. If such a process existed, then we know nothing about it or how it worked. Even if it existed, how did structures with different chiralities form? If there were two magical processes, what determined when and which one was used? The idea of ​​two processes requires a control mechanism, but this kind of control is not possible under natural conditions.

In reality, the problem with chirality is much more serious and deeper. When nucleotides combine to form DNA, they form a bend that gives the DNA a double helix shape. DNA exhibits bending in the chain because each of its components has chirality. It is chirality that gives DNA its helical structure. If even one molecule in DNA had incorrect chirality, DNA would not exist in a double helix form and would not function correctly. The entire replication process would derail like a train running off bad damaged tracks. In order for DNA evolution to work, billions of molecules with the R configuration must be formed without error in our body at the same time. The probability that billions of nucleotides will “converge” at the same time, and all with the same chirality, is infinitesimal. If evolution cannot provide a mechanism that creates one product with chirality, how can it explain the formation of two products with two opposite chiralities?

Chirality is not just a problem - it is a dilemma. According to the theory of evolution, everything must be explained through the laws of nature and time. However, the process that formed chirality in biomolecules cannot be explained by the laws of nature over any period of time. This is the dilemma: either a natural process can explain everything, or chirality does not exist.

If you doubt it, then look at yourself. After all, you are a living example of the reality of chirality. Without it, proteins and enzymes would not be able to do their work; DNA would not function at all. Without functional DNA and proteins there would be no life on earth. The existence of chirality, more than any other evidence, convinced me of the reality of an Almighty Creator. I hope this convinces you too.

When creationists start talking about God's supernatural creation, evolutionists counter by arguing that everything must be explained by natural processes and that Divine intervention is not science. I find this remark particularly funny. When we show them the inability of the laws of nature to explain the existence of chirality, and that in fact the very laws of nature stand in the way of its formation, evolutionists claim that the process happened a long time ago in an unknown way about which they know nothing. So who relies on a supernatural explanation? While they would never call it Divine intervention, they certainly rely on faith rather than scientific fact. Evolution just hopes you don't know chemistry.

There is another problem with the DNA molecule and how it works in the human body. As part of the normal process of DNA replication (copying), the enzyme moves down the molecular chain to make a copy of the DNA strand and reads out the sequence of molecules. If an incorrect nucleotide is detected, the “repair mechanism” takes over, using another enzyme to “cut out” the erroneous nucleotide and insert the correct one, thus correcting the DNA.

Let's look at DNA and this "repair mechanism". Were they truly formed by random natural processes? If a “repair mechanism” appeared first, then what use is it if DNA has not yet been formed? If she appeared at first, how did she know that she would need a “repair mechanism”? Can molecules think? DNA is an unstable molecule, and without a system of constant "repair" it will quickly decay through chemical oxidation and other processes. There is no explanation for how DNA could survive for millions of years while the "repair mechanism" evolved. The DNA would simply disintegrate back into "pond foam" before the supposed billions of random mutations could ever create a "repair mechanism."

Once we realize that design does not appear by chance, we then understand that the universe and life in it did not arise through a random random process; it is the creation of the Almighty Creator, who created everything through His Word. I hope you are starting to see the problem. Evolution may give you a theory that on the surface may seem possible, but when true science gets down to business and scientists start asking questions, the problems and false logic of the theory of evolution become apparent. So evolution just hopes that you don't know chemistry.

Let's talk about DNA. But not about biological DNA, which scientists study, but about DNA as a multi-layered information program that determines the genomes of species, including humans.

The biological layer of DNA is a concentrated expression of information components that have developed under the influence of certain conditions on Earth. But the biological layer cannot reflect the entire volume of information that underlies the creation of species.

You as cosmic entities have access to the entire DNA information program in your galaxy and in your universe. It is customary to conventionally distinguish 12 paired layers of DNA (24). This is a very simplified diagram of the structure of DNA as a Divine information program.

In other universes there are up to 36 or more layers of DNA, and many of you came from these worlds (Lydia is one of these entities). This means that along with the DNA layers accepted in your galaxy, there are additional DNA layers that you can activate as needed.

Many embodied cosmic entities are now experiencing activation of the entire divine genome. This is necessary so that the cosmic entity is aware of itself as a single whole, including the manifested aspect in the physical body. This is how Tatyana began the process of building intergalactic DNA, which contains a set of 144 pairs of DNA strands (typical of our Universe).

Many cosmic entities, thanks to this activation, will be able to move into very high vibrational spaces and go to their home, which lies outside of your galaxy.

This is very important, because previously many cosmic entities, having disembodied, were forced to remain in the circumplanetary space of the Earth, and it took a long time for them to activate all their DNA layers while in a disembodied state.

Now these processes are accelerating, and the entities embodied on Earth with activated 12-24 layers of DNA represent continuous portals through which information and light codes of the Great Central Sun enter the Earth and the Solar System. This helps accelerate the evolution of the entire solar system, including the Earth.

We talked about the fact that on Earth there are now entities embodied that hundreds of thousands of years (and more) ago were engaged in the selection of DNA to create planetary species. And now these entities are again engaged on the subtle planes in creating new/modifying existing genomes and, being in the physical body, can test the modifications that occur with DNA on the subtle plane.

To do this, they must have established and activated connections between the biological layer and all other layers of DNA.

Now new viral programs are appearing on the planet that cause DNA mutations and can lead to the emergence of new diseases. Thus, the biological layer is faced with a cosmic challenge - how biological DNA is capable of reacting and resisting these viruses.

The human genome is very stable, but it must become more flexible to form new qualities of the physical body.

Planet Earth will continue to be under unprecedented cosmic influences of high-frequency energies. These factors also include the increased influence of the Sun in the range that was not active until the current time.

The atomic composition of the solar wind and solar coronal ejections is also changing. The Earth's magnetic field is becoming increasingly unstable.

Man must learn to assimilate these energies at the cellular level in order to survive. And its survival is ensured by adequate changes in DNA.

The faster a person activates all 24 layers of DNA, the better he will adapt to new conditions on Earth and in the solar system. On Earth today people still predominate with 1 or 2 layers of DNA activated. From an information point of view, any person is capable of activating the 3rd layer of DNA under the influence of the energies entering the planet. It's all about recognizing this need.

People with activated 6 layers of DNA have stability and increased vitality in a changing environment. Those who have activated 12-24 layers of DNA determine the vector of human evolution. Unfortunately, there are only 2 percent of such people on the planet.

Members of the Metasynthesis group worked on July 6 to obtain additional information about the evolution of DNA in our Universe. This was due to the fact that some group members discovered not only Pleiadian, but also Sirian DNA in their cellular structures.

Indeed, a full-scale experiment was taking place in our Universe with the DNA of all species, including humans. The DNA of the anthropomorphic species here developed on the basis of a single matrix of Adam Kadmon (Perfect Divine Man), which was also used in other galaxies and universes. The Adam Kadmon matrix was implemented in many star systems to test its stability and at the same time variability. Experiments were carried out on different planets, their results were used on the next planets and so on. For the Homo sapiens species to develop, special conditions were needed, and such conditions were often created experimentally.

Initially, evolution on Earth should have developed according to a different scenario. DNA was initially tuned with the help of a basic divine sound, which, as worlds and dimensions developed, was enriched with many overtones. This natural process took a long period of time.

Since the Solar System is located “on the periphery” of our Galaxy, as the Galaxy rotates, it moves quite far away from its center, and the energy of the central sun of the Galaxy weakens. In order to fit into the natural cycle (yug cycle), the evolution of species had to occur at an accelerated pace, otherwise many species could not develop to the necessary level of consciousness. That is why an experiment was carried out in which it was decided to accelerate the evolution of species, including humans.

The DNA program is the divine program for the evolution of the entire universe. Initially, we were all connected to the ideal DNA matrix; all matrices (Adam Kadmon, planetary and stellar DNA) are part of a single system, and depending on specific conditions can be modified, but they always have a connection with the general program. However, due to the weakening of the divine energies from the center during the experiment, this connection became almost insignificant.

Many galactic entities (including Lucifer) have chosen to continue evolution, despite the fact that calibration to the Divine source has become impossible. Subsequently, this decision began to be interpreted as an artificial/independent separation from God and his energies. However, otherwise, the evolution of many species, including humans, would have to be stopped. The experiment was to see how far we can, without divine attunement, continue evolution (that's what it sounded like), i.e. Lucifer and other entities began to work with “what was.” This represented a certain challenge to other types of development in conditions of continuous calibration with divine energies.

On Earth, all types of living beings (amphibians, insects, etc.) have evolved to a certain limit in order to test the compatibility of the physical form and the level of consciousness. Evolution has tested many species, many of which have quite high levels of consciousness. Then it was decided to develop the species of Adam Kadmon and superimpose the DNA of the “people” of the most ancient stellar civilizations - Orion, Arcturian, Sirian... on this matrix. In other words, the evolutionary experience of other civilizations began to take root on Earth, which significantly accelerated development. That is why many experimental civilizations of ancient people could develop literally from scratch and reach a fairly high level in a few thousand years.

These civilizations gave us not their DNA, but their achievements in the development and adaptation of the DNA of the earthly man. Development proceeded in two directions - through changes in DNA layers on subtle planes and through the process of training incarnate people. For these purposes, many cosmic entities were born on the planet as Teachers, transmitting and consolidating skills through the transfer of experience. It was they who created a training system that made it possible to transfer knowledge and experience in dense dimensions even to those whose DNA was not developed accordingly. The learning process allowed them to be developed and passed on genetically to subsequent generations.

When almost all layers of DNA became latent, and only 2 strands of biological DNA remained “working” in humans, then an even larger host of hierarchs and teachers began to work with humanity, many of whom went into incarnation to work with people side by side, transmitting spiritual knowledge. Access to subtle layers was carried out in dreams, meditations and altered states of consciousness. These embodied entities maintained alignment with the Divine axis due to powerful, developed subtle bodies extending to the center of the Galaxy. At the same time, they maintained a balance between different dimensions, not allowing entities of lower planes to completely take over human consciousness. It was they who protected man from the final fall into “matter” until the moment when our segment of the galaxy began to again receive the highest energies of the Source.

So, although we are all biologically the same species (although there are racial differences), on a subtle level our DNA is very different, since many of us incarnated with programs that were activated by Orions, Arcturians, Sirians, etc. In this sense, Pleiadian DNA is the “freshest”. But all the same, all these are variations, since there is a single DNA matrix.

The evolution of DNA is closely related to the evolution of the brain. When only the etheric body existed, the progenitor of the physical brain was a compacted etheric structure that allowed for all the necessary attunements with the unified information field of the planet, the Solar system, etc. With the advent of the physical body, the evolution of the brain went in a different direction - the physical body had to be protected from possible destruction and ensure its survival depending on external conditions (temperature, air composition, the presence of dangers, etc.). This is what the most ancient part of the brain, the reptilian part, was and is doing. It still controls the reactions of the physical body from a subconscious level. With the development of speech functions, the neocortex appeared...

Since modern man is faced with the task of uniting all three forms of consciousness - the subconscious, consciousness and superconsciousness - the harmonious development and attunement of all parts of the brain, including the most ancient ones, is necessary. This will make it possible to embrace all planetary dimensions with a single consciousness, and on the other hand, to control changes in the physical body towards its decompression through access to the unified information field of the Earth and the Solar system. The speed of information processing will increase many times over.

A “breakthrough” into a single information field and constant contact with it will ensure the revival of the telepathic function of communication, in which information will be received and transmitted “in batches”, in a compressed state, in the form of a concentrated light signal. The revival of telepathic abilities will lead to changes in social functions, including the functions of communication and learning. By processing certain parts of the brain with a concentrated flow of information (probably the use of laser technology), high-speed learning will become possible, which will significantly shorten the period of growing up. And children will come more prepared (with activated 12/24 layers of DNA/RNA and unblocked memory of past incarnations).

But this process will take more than one generation...

Why is DNA the basis of everything? After all, in the pre-protein era, the basis of life was its “relative” - RNA... This question has occupied scientists for a long time, and it seems that they have finally found an answer to it. The results of the latest study by American biologists were published in the journal Nature Structural and Molecular Biology.

US scientists 'will feel like God'

"World "

Nucleic acids were discovered in 1868 by the Swiss scientist Johann Friedrich Miescher. The term "nuclein" was used because these substances were originally found in the nucleus of the cell (nucleus in Latin). But later it turned out that bacterial cells that do not have a nucleus contain the same acids.

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is one of the three main macromolecules, along with DNA and proteins, contained in the cells of living organisms. The formation of cellular RNA is caused by a process called transcription - the synthesis of RNA on a DNA matrix, carried out through special enzymes, RNA polymerase. Messenger RNA (mRNA), in turn, is involved in the process of translation - protein synthesis on an mRNA template using ribosomes. The remaining types of RNA are modified after transcription and perform various functions depending on their type, for example, the delivery of amino acids to the site of protein synthesis.

RNA molecules are part of some enzymes (such as telomerase), but certain types have their own activity. Thus, they can introduce breaks in other RNA molecules or, on the contrary, “glue” two RNA fragments together.

The genomes of some viruses are made of RNA. Since these molecules are capable of simultaneously performing the functions of both an information carrier and a catalyst for chemical reactions, it was hypothesized that they became the first complex polymers on Earth.

The so-called “RNA world hypothesis” states that at the beginning of evolution, RNA became a catalyst for the synthesis of other similar molecules, and then DNA. But gradually, in most structures, RNA replaced protein.

Hoogsteen couples

Huiqing Zhou from Duke University in Durham (USA) and her colleagues studied the formation of so-called “Hugsteen pairs.” The latter represent an alternative method of linking nucleotides to each other. This binding method is characteristic of only one percent of the elements in the DNA double helix.

A double helix can exist due to the fact that its two “halves” are attracted to each other through hydrogen bonds. The latter, in turn, arise as an attraction between partially positively and negatively charged atoms, for example, atoms of oxygen and hydrogen or oxygen and nitrogen. Thus, the structure of water molecules is a clear example of hydrogen bonds...

In the DNA molecule, such bonds exist between its two main fragments - nitrogenous bases. In the conventional “letters” A and T there are two such connections, in C and G there are three.

At first it was believed that this was the only existing way of bonds between molecules, but the American biologist Karst Hoogsteen discovered an alternative configuration in which the molecules of the nitrogenous base literally “turn over” and completely different atoms enter into bonds...

If practically nothing changes in the structure of the “A-T” pairs, then the “C-G” pairs, as a result of such “perturbations,” lose one of their three bonds. They become unstable, the helical structure of DNA is distorted, and various “non-standard” structures can form.

Stability test

Zhou's team found that Hoogsteen pairs, which appear and disappear in the DNA double helix, can protect the latter from damage, allowing the molecules of the genetic code to remain flexible even when broken. Scientists decided to test whether RNA had the same property. But it turned out that the appearance of Hoogsteen pairs in RNA quite quickly led to the molecules being destabilized and the double helix being destroyed.

“DNA can take a special shape, forming so-called Hoogsteen pairs, which help the molecule resist damage and remain intact,” said Huiqing Zhou. “On the other hand, the appearance of such structural modifications in the RNA molecule leads to the destruction of its double helix.”

According to experts, the double helix of RNA is “twisted” much more tightly than that of DNA. This prevents the “turning over” of nucleotides during the formation of Hoogsteen pairs and leads to the molecules “breaking”. This is why RNA molecules are more susceptible to damage. It is not surprising that they are based on much more stable DNA...

“...for by Him all things were created, that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible...”

(Col. 1:16)

William Thomson (Kelvin), English physicist: “Concerning the origin of life, science categorically affirms the reality of creation.”

Lev Semenovich Berg, academician: “A random new feature can very easily spoil a complex mechanism, but to expect it to improve it would be extremely unreasonable.”

The more we understand the secrets of a living cell, the more we are amazed at how incredibly complex it is. The world of the cell is "a world of the highest technology and unsurpassed complexity"(microbiologist Michael Denton), with which no work of the human mind can compare. And Darwinists invite us to believe in chemical evolution: about four billion years ago, the random emergence of biological molecules began, first less, then more complex, which again randomly united into a cell.

In the 19th century, the French scientist Louis Pasteur experimentally demonstrated the impossibility of spontaneous generation of life and established the principle “all living things come from living things.” Evolutionists, however, did not like this principle. They stated that billions of years ago the natural conditions on Earth were completely different. In addition, they put forward a new idea, according to which life arose from inorganic matter. Pasteur's experiments showed that life does not arise from “dead” organic matter (remember from school that Pasteur boiled broth in flasks with bent open tubes in order to prevent the entry of microorganisms). Numerous experiments followed in which they tried to simulate the emergence of a “primitive” broth with the preliminary synthesis of organic molecules in the atmosphere. The attempts were unsuccessful, and in fact they proved the opposite: no “building blocks” of life will arise on their own without the intervention of an intelligent Creator.

The most famous of these experiments is that of the American chemist Stanley Miller in 1953. Under conditions of simulating a primary atmosphere containing, according to Miller's assumption, ammonia, methane, hydrogen, water vapor, and exposure to electrical discharges, three types of amino acids and organic acids were formed in small quantities. Subsequently, the experience was recognized as incorrect and having nothing to do with reality, but it still appears in school textbooks.

Rice. 9. Structure of DNA and protein

The probability of random assembly of such complex biomolecules as DNA and protein in a strictly defined sequence of their monomers is zero.

Scientists now agree that the primordial atmosphere contained carbon dioxide, which was a source of oxygen, and nitrogen. Under experimental conditions simulating such an atmosphere, amino acids did not appear.

We will not dwell here on the fantasies of the Russian scientist A.I. Oparin, described in textbooks, about the so-called coacervate drops, which are clots of biopolymers in a “nutrient broth” and were considered by A.I. Oparin as the “precursors” of living cells.

Let's see where exactly the hypothesis of chemical evolution stumbled and what scientific data prove its complete failure.

Let us remember that proteins (or in other words proteins) are polymers, that is, chains consisting of units (monomers), which are amino acids. Of the approximately 200 known amino acids, only 20 are found in the proteins of living organisms. The simplest proteins contain about 50 amino acids, but there are those that contain thousands of monomers. In order for a protein to perform a specific function in a cell, the sequence of amino acids must be strictly defined. Replacing at least one amino acid with another, loss or, conversely, addition of amino acid units makes the protein unusable.

The probability that an average protein molecule, for example, of 500 amino acids in a certain sequence is randomly synthesized, is 1 chance in one with 950 zeros. For the functioning of a bacterial cell, at least 2000 different proteins with a strictly defined structure are required. The probability of their occurrence by chance is estimated as 1 chance out of one followed by 40,000 zeros. But besides proteins, there are many other biomolecules in the cell that make up complex structures. Let us note for comparison that in the human body there are many tens of thousands of different types of proteins. Attempts have been made to estimate the probability of all chemical bonds occurring by chance in a simple bacterial cell: it is one chance in one followed by a hundred billion zeros. This number defies comprehension. It is difficult to say how correct such calculations are, but remember that in mathematics an event that has 1 chance out of one with 50 zeros is considered absolutely incredible. Therefore, no matter how many zeros over 50 are counted, the conclusion is unique and unambiguous: neither biomolecules, nor cellular structures, nor the cells themselves can be formed by chance. Serious evolutionists understand this. And what is their answer? “We don’t know how life came into being, but not by divine creation.” Truly: “The fool said in his heart: “There is no God”(Ps. 13:1).

Let's return to the synthesis of the protein chain. The spontaneous assembly of amino acids into a protein molecule encounters a number of difficulties. First of all, we note that amino acid units should not be connected in any of many possible ways, but only with a special bond, the so-called peptide bond, and only linearly, without branches. In the “primitive broth” its formation is simply impossible. Firstly, the reaction shifts towards the breakdown of the polypeptide into amino acids, and secondly, the amino acids themselves are chemically highly active substances and will react preferentially with other compounds rather than with each other. In a chemical laboratory, to obtain a polypeptide, active groups in the amino acid that are not involved in the formation of the peptide bond are blocked. Who blocked them in the “primitive broth”?

And finally, one more thing. The evolutionary scenario of random spontaneous protein formation does not work for the reason that only L-amino acids are present in a living organism. The fact is that each of the 20 amino acids (except one) has two symmetrical, mirror L- and D-forms, like the right and left hands of a person. Outside a living organism, amino acids exist as a mixture of equal amounts of these two forms. Who selected L-amino acids in the “primitive broth” for spontaneous protein synthesis? "Wise" nature? It is completely absurd to think that only L-forms of amino acids could line up randomly in a protein. The inclusion of a single D-amino acid in a polypeptide chain makes it non-functional. A strict sequence of L-amino acids is a necessary condition for the formation of the secondary and tertiary structure of a protein, that is, in a special way of laying a long protein chain in space, without which the protein cannot be active.

It was noted above that the “ancient” atmosphere of the Earth contained oxygen (traces of it were found in all sedimentary layers). This alone makes it impossible to accumulate amino acids due to the chemical aggressiveness of oxygen: the amino acids would simply be destroyed. Atmospheric oxygen (more precisely, its ozone form) is absolutely necessary for protection from the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. But even if we assume that there was no oxygen in the atmosphere, then in the absence of the ozone shield, biological molecules would have been destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. Biomolecules would not “survive” in either atmosphere.

So, we see that already at the level of protein formation, evolutionary views collapse. But this is not all dead ends for Darwinists.

Deoxyribonucleic acids encode information about the structure of all protein molecules in the body. We have already said that information does not arise by chance, it is the result of intelligent design. It is believed that the genetic material of one human cell contains 3-4 times more information than all 30 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica. For this information to be meaningful, the DNA chain must contain a strict sequence of its monomers - nucleotides (remember that there are 4 types). The genetic code is as follows: each of the 20 amino acids corresponds to a sequence of three specific nucleotides. The probability of random DNA assembly is zero. Moreover, for living cells, the phenomenon of mirror forms can also be traced in the structure of nucleotides: the deoxyribose sugar present in nucleotides is found only in the D form.

In a living organism, protein biosynthesis occurs according to an extremely complex mechanism: genetic information recorded in DNA using a four-letter alphabet (nucleotides) is transferred through a transport structure - ribonucleic acid (RNA), to the site of amino acid assembly - on special cellular organelles called ribosomes. And at all stages, many complex protein molecules - enzymes (catalysts that repeatedly accelerate the course of reactions) are required.

Thus, protein synthesis cannot occur without a program written in DNA, and DNA synthesis cannot occur without enzyme proteins. These are the scientific facts. And evolutionists claim that these processes in their evolutionary development proceeded in parallel. This is absurd. It is also necessary to take into account that all reactions require energy, which the body stores through a complex biochemical mechanism that requires many enzymes, which are also encoded in DNA. Is it really possible to continue to believe in the random origin of life? American biologist Edwin Conklin: “The probability of life arising by chance is comparable to the probability that an encyclopedic dictionary is the result of an explosion in a printing house.” English mathematician and astronomer Fred Hoyle: “To conclude that life is the result of a random process is tantamount to concluding that a tornado rushing through a junkyard can assemble a Boeing 747 from airborne junk.”

Many knowledgeable and talented scientists, using the latest scientific achievements and high technologies, have been struggling with the problem of creating life in a laboratory test tube for years and have not yet succeeded in this (will they succeed?). If the human mind could not construct life, can we believe that irrational matter once accidentally managed to do this?

Let's now talk about the “driving force” of evolution - mutations. What are they?

These are changes in the genetic apparatus of a cell at the chromosome level (for example, addition, loss of individual chromosomes, increase in the number of the entire set of chromosomes), within a chromosome (for example, loss, addition of chromosome sections), at the gene level (for example, insertions, substitutions, loss of individual nucleotides ). Mutations can occur spontaneously when DNA is copied (duplicated) during cell division. Let us remember what information dynamics says: information deteriorates to one degree or another during transmission. Mutations can also occur under the influence of so-called mutagenic factors (radiation, ultraviolet light, some chemicals, high temperatures, and others). Spontaneous mutations are quite rare. For example, in the case of gene mutations, 1 error occurs per 10 to the 11th power of nucleotides when copying DNA. Such errors are controlled and eliminated by special cell mechanisms (these are again enzyme proteins). There are additional protection mechanisms. Who cares about such protection? Naturally, inherited mutations must occur in the germ cells of the parent organism. The vast majority (99%) of the mutations that the body has not been able to eliminate are harmful mutations that reduce viability to varying degrees, even to the point of lethality.

Evolutionists, contrary to all the facts, claim that beneficial mutations create new traits that increase the stability and adaptability of organisms to the environment. The appearance of more and more new characters leads to the emergence of species, genera, families, and so on to the highest ranks of taxonomy. Let's figure it out.

Mutations are always damage to genetic material or loss of part of it, but not the creation of new (additional) genetic information. It has already been said earlier that creationists do not deny microevolution, that is, the variability of any characteristics in organisms within a “genus”. According to the creation model, the Creator initially created groups of organisms “by kind,” that is, within their specific genetic framework. And each trait contained a significant potential for variability. This allowed organisms to adapt to different environmental conditions through the rearrangement of genetic material or the loss of some forms of a trait and the manifestation of other forms. Let's look at how this can happen using a simple example. To put it simply, two genes are responsible for a specific trait in the body: one received from the father, the other from the mother. Let's take blood groups: there are three different genes for this trait and they are designated 0, A, B. But, as stated above, the body can only carry two of them (any combination of the three). And, let’s say, one parent had the combination AB (blood type 4), and the other parent had 00 (blood type 1). What will a child inherit if he receives one gene from each parent? This will be a combination of either A0 or B0, there can be no other option. If a child receives blood type A0 (group 2), then gene B is lost. And vice versa, if combination B0 (group 3) is inherited, then gene A will be lost. Let us now see how, as a result of rearrangement of genetic material, a new manifestation of a trait can arise. Suppose one parent has a combination of genes AA (blood group 2), the other has BB (group 3). The only possible option for a child is AB, but this is a new manifestation of the trait - blood group 4.

We already know examples with Galapagos finches and birch moths. We can add examples of the emergence of resistance in bacteria to antibiotics, in insects to insecticides, and others. In principle, beneficial mutations themselves may be responsible for the individual variability of organisms based on some characteristics, but this is difficult to prove. Due to the fact that mutations are rare, and beneficial ones are an insignificant proportion, and they should not occur in any cell, but only in sexual ones, there is no doubt that the results of positive mutational changes are very, very limited. It should also be taken into account that mutated genes, for the most part, are recessive, that is, they are suppressed, overlapped in a pair with a “healthy” gene and do not appear outwardly. The mutation will appear in descendants if two such recessive genes occur in a pair. This may be more likely to happen in a small, isolated population. In a large population, recessive genes are “lost.” Problems for evolutionists also arise in the sense that the appearance of something new often requires a combination of two, three, four or more favorable mutations, which further reduces the likelihood of the emergence of a useful trait.

It is hardly reasonable to continue to consider mutations as the engine of evolution. They do not lead to the emergence of a new “genus”. Let us emphasize this again. The biblical term “according to their kinds” occurs 10 times in the book of Genesis and can mean, as already noted, modern systematic categories from species to family for different “kinds”. The genetic framework of the “genus” cannot be cracked. They are reliably protected by natural selection. According to the Darwinian hypothesis, the evolutionary formation of a new organ goes through many stages. But the fact is that a “partially formed” organ cannot function and not only will not provide advantages to the individual, but on the contrary, as an anomaly, as a burden and hindrance to the body, as a deformity, it will be rejected by natural selection. Individual variations of a trait within a “genus” are carried out mainly due to the “shuffling” of existing genetic material or its partial loss. Humans widely use artificial selection to create numerous breeds of animals and plant varieties. Artificial “intergeneric” hybrids turn out to be non-viable or infertile. The people themselves also vary greatly in racial and ethnic characteristics. But evolution “from amoeba to man” has nothing to do with it.

We see that scientific facts indicate the impossibility of chemical evolution and the driving, progressive selection of beneficial mutations for speciation. The human mind can only remain silent and bow in admiration and awe before the incomprehensible power of God's mind and God's omnipotence.