Fun competitions for adults for children's birthdays with balloons. Sports event “Relay with balloons Competitions for adults with balloons

Games with balls for children:

· “Merry dancing”, the minimum number of children is two, each child has a balloon tied to his left ankle. With your right foot you need to step on and burst the enemy's balloon. The child whose ball remains intact wins. A funny spectacle for all guests, it looks like a funny dance. The game develops dexterity and understanding of where left and right are.

· "Air football", you need 4 bouquets of balloons (or something else suitable) which are placed in pairs, forming a goal and a balloon to act as a ball. Children are divided into two teams, the goal of the game is to hit the ball into the opponents' goal, in general, everything is like in real football.

· "Play like Beckham"», Each child is given a ball, the goal of the game is to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible by tossing it with your foot. You can also arrange something like beach volleyball, children stand in a circle and try to collectively keep the ball in the air by tossing the ball with their hands or feet.

· "Rocket", each participant in the competition is given an uninflated balloon. Children stand in one line and inflate balloons. At the leader’s signal, the children release the balls, and they fly, releasing air and rattling. The winner is the one whose ball flies the farthest. A very fun game, children love to play it.

· "Fun Starts", children are divided into two teams, each team is given a balloon. The ball is clamped between the legs of the starting participant and the child should jump with it to the conditional line and back, passing the baton to the next one. The team whose members finish the competition first wins.

· "Choose a color"- a game for children using balls under the ceiling. Participants in the game are tasked with collecting balls of a certain color, for example by drawing lots. The goal of the game is to collect balls of your color into a bundle the fastest. You can also use another version of the game - inflate balloons on the floor with air and collect them in pre-prepared large boxes.

· "Surprise "— put a small surprise in one of the balls in advance - a movie ticket, a sweet or a coupon for a prize. At the height of the holiday, invite children to burst the balloons (for example, using toothpicks) and find a prize. It's a lot of fun. You can arrange a win-win lottery in the same way so that no one is left without a gift.

· "Sculptor"- invite children to divide into two teams and, using balloons, modeling balls, double-sided tape and improvised objects, build a sculpture on a given topic (love, for example). The winners are chosen by the birthday boy or the parent council.

· Advice: If you have balloons inflated with helium, you can tie small postcards or cards to their ribbons and invite the children to write on them (themselves or with the help of their parents) a wish for the birthday boy or their own wish and go out together onto the street or balcony and let the balloons fly free.

Balloon games for adults:

· "Aerial shooting gallery": balloons with small prizes or coupons for prizes are inflated, the balloons are tied in a row or in circles in the form of a target. Participants of the attraction are given darts from darts, the goal of the game is to hit more balloons and win more prizes.

· "Competition for the most beautiful breasts" among men. Men are given a pair of uninflated balloons and are invited to build themselves a beautiful female body part by inflating and placing the balloons under their clothes. Having completed the preparations, the men arrange a fashion show and the winner is determined by a general vote of the guests. A very funny competition.

· "Burst the Ball": couples participate. Men sit on several chairs placed in a row, with balloons placed on their laps, and the woman’s task is to sit on the balloon and burst it. The couple that shows the best result in 3 rounds wins.

· "Guess the Hero" Participants are divided into two teams and, after consulting with each other, think of a character from a literary work or movie character. At the second stage of the competition, the hidden character is constructed from balloons, double-sided tape and items from the participants’ wardrobe. Then the teams must guess each other's heroes.

· "Air Battle": thick balloons are inflated for modeling - the sword and round balloons are a shield of two different colors. Participants are divided into two teams and take armor of their own color. You need to use a sword to knock the shield out of the enemy’s hands - he is defeated. The team with the most players left alive wins.

These are the games that Charlotte invites you to play. Play for fun and come up with your own games with balloons!

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Hello, friends!
When organizing a children's birthday or any other children's holiday is on the agenda, parents have questions in their minds:

  • How to entertain children?
  • What games and competitions can you come up with?
  • What props do you need to buy for this?

And now the good news! If you have balloons, then consider that all of the above issues have already been resolved. Games with balloons are suitable for any cheerful group of children. And for schoolchildren aged 7-10, and for preschoolers.

We present to you a selection of the most popular and interesting “air” entertainment that will help fill the holiday with laughter and joy and make it unforgettable.

Lesson plan:

Just don't fall!

We give each participant a balloon; it is advisable that they be of different colors, so the children will not get confused about whose balloon is whose. At the command of the presenter “Air!” children throw their balls up, and then, bouncing them from below with their hands, try to prevent them from falling to the floor. The winner is the one who keeps his ball in the air longer.

You can complicate the task by giving the children not one, but two balloons at once. We have personally tested the game more than once, and it always goes off with a bang.

And we are penguins!

Great for all kinds of relay races. The ball must be held between the ankles and in this uncomfortable position, try to reach a certain goal, for example, during a relay race, go around the chair and return to the team, passing the baton to another player. Children really look like little clumsy penguins.

Another variety of this fun is “kangaroo”. This is when the ball is located between the knees and you don’t need to reach the goal, but jump.

Big sharabah

A very loud game for very brave children) Inflated balls are scattered on the floor. The participants' task is to burst these balloons, but not with their feet, not with their hands, or even with their heads, but with their butts! Whoever destroys the most balls wins.


This entertainment is much calmer than the previous one. Use it if you need a little break from active movement. Give the children balloons and tell them that these are actually planets. And these planets need to be populated with inhabitants. Now hand out markers and ask them to draw lots and lots of little people on the planets. We start drawing on command and finish too.

The owner of the most populous planet wins.

I give!

Another active and noisy fun. We will give each other “gifts”. We divide the children present at the holiday into two teams, and use some kind of ribbon or jump rope to divide the room in half, simply placing it on the floor.

Balloons are used as gifts. We place the same number of balls in front of each team. The players’ task is to give their balls to the opposing team, and in fact, to transfer all the “gifts” from their side to the enemy’s side. At the same time, shouting the word “I give!”

“Gifts” that arrive from rivals must also be quickly sent back. When “this funny mess” ends (and this moment is determined by the presenter), you need to count how many balls are on each side. The team with the fewest “gifts” wins.

Air lambada

You can also dance with balloons. Before you start, learn the basic lambada movement with your children and practice. Then invite the children to line up like a snake, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Turn on the music and start moving around the house, while dancing the lambada.

Now introduce balls into this dance action. Place them between the players. One presses the ball with his back, and the one who follows him with his stomach, etc. The task is to walk like a snake, dance the lambada and at the same time try to hold the balls. There will be no winners here, but there will be more than enough fun and laughter)

Dance battle

Another musical, dance and entertainment fun. Children are divided into pairs. Each couple has their own ball. The children press the balls together with their foreheads. And at the command of the leader they begin to dance; do not forget to prepare the music in advance. You can dance in different styles, rock and roll, break, waltz, polka, folk dances. The main thing is to keep the ball in place.

The couple that lasts the longest wins.

My friend

For this competition, you need to prepare balls that are not very large, about the size of a human head. And also take out all kinds of hats, caps, panama hats, and scarves from the closets.

Each participant is given a ball and a felt-tip pen. Let's make ourselves air friends.

You need to draw a face on the ball and put some kind of hat on it. When the “friends” are ready, invite the children to introduce them and tell them about their friend’s name, how old he is, what his hobbies are and where they met.

By the way, with such aerial friends you get great photos.

Fat bellies

Prepare two large T-shirts. Divide the children into two teams and put on T-shirts for two kids. Scatter the balls on the floor. On command, participants begin to grab the balls and stuff them under their player’s T-shirt.

The team with the thickest belly wins; this can be determined by counting the number of balls hidden under their T-shirts.


Tie a ball to each child's leg using thread. On command, you must step on your opponents' balloons to burst them and at the same time not allow your own to burst. The game is very active and very noisy, but very fun.

The winner is the owner of at least one whole ball.


This game is the fastest one offered, but also one of the funniest. Children line up in a line and each is given an inflated, but not tied, balloon in their hand. We will launch rockets. On command, the kids must release their “rockets” from their hands.

Shot throw

Let's imagine that we are at the Olympics and taking part in the shot throw competition. The cores, of course, will be balloons. From the starting line you need to throw your shot as far as possible, and this is not so easy.

The winner is determined by the distance of the throw.

Air forfeits

If you have balls, then you can play a game of forfeits in an unusual way. Notes with tasks are hidden in inflated balloons. The child chooses a ball, pops it, reads the note and completes the task. In order to burst the ball, you can use a toothpick, or do the same as in the game “Big Sharabakh”.


For this task, you need to build some kind of track that the children will need to walk along with the ball. For example, place chairs that need to be walked around, or gates that need to be entered.

Only to move the ball, moving with it from the start line to the finish line, you need to wave a fan at it. A fan can be made from a landscape sheet. The winner can be determined by timing the time it takes to complete the course using a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand.

Air hockey

And if you have not only round balls, but also long ones, then you can organize hockey competitions. Instead of a puck there is a regular ball, instead of long sticks. Don't forget to build a goal for each team.

With such fun activities, you can even hold a stylized “air” party or arrange a birthday in “air style”. Well, you can supplement it with experiments with balloons, which we talked about.

Have a great summer!

And unforgettable holidays!

This competition requires at least a couple of players. Everyone holds a long ball, and a round one is used as a shuttlecock. The rules are exactly the same as the game of badminton - you need to hit the shuttlecock and not let it fall to the ground. You can play until the first fall, but nothing prevents you from counting points. For example, for each fall the opponent gets a point. The first one to score 5-10-15 points wins. Instead of long balls, you can also use regular badminton rackets.


This relay race is very fun if there are many participants. Divide them into two teams. Draw a starting line and a place where each participant must reach and then turn back. You can put 2 small hoops at the turning point, and in the middle of each hoop, a flag, etc. The participant must jump to the turn with the ball clamped between his legs. The first athlete gets to the hoop, takes the flag, returns to the team and passes the flag to the next one. He must jump to the hoop and put the flag. The team that completes the task first wins. Penalty points can be awarded for a dropped ball or for someone not picking up or replacing a flag.

"Billiards on the carpet"

For this game you will need long and round balls according to the number of participants. Place goals on the court or in the hall (these can be just pairs of cubes). Arrange the participants in one line and ask each to choose a hoop for themselves. The task is to drive a round ball into them using a long one.


For this relay you need a lot of identical balls. Divide the participants into 2 teams and distribute balloons to them. Each ball is clamped by 2 participants - one with his back, the second with his stomach. The team must reach the turn and return. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and does not lose the balls.


For this game you will also need multi-colored tape and scissors. Tie 2 identical round balls to the backs of the chairs. The task for the participants is to cut out the eyes, nose, mouth from tape and stick them on the ball to make a face. Two participants can compete, but nothing prevents this competition from being held in the form of a relay race - one participant cuts out the eyes, the second sticks them on, the third cuts out the nose, etc. The task can be complicated by instructing the children to put a scarf on their “head”.

"Hands, legs, cucumber"

You can make little people out of balloons. You need 2 large balls, 2 smaller round balls and 8 long ones, as well as tape. If there are only two participants, each one collects his own person - a smaller ball and 4 long ones are glued to the large ball. You can also arrange a relay race, when one participant attaches the head, the second – the arm, the third – the leg. The team that collects the figure faster and more accurately wins.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Today we’ll talk about what kind of balloon competitions you can organize for the holidays.

If you are preparing for a children's party, be sure to look at the article "", "". You will find many interesting ideas in it. And if you are preparing for the New Year, then this one is “.

What competitions with balloons can be used?

Let's take a closer look:

1. Fanta

You need to prepare for this competition in the following way: inflate balloons and put notes with tasks inside.

Children from a pile of balls must take one ball at a time and burst it. Next, complete the task written on a piece of paper. For each task well completed, you can give a small prize.

2. “Balloon Popping” Relay Race

Children are divided into two teams and stand next to each other. We place balls a few meters away from them. Their number must correspond to the number of children in each team. The essence of the competition is that the child must run to the pile, take one ball and sit on it. And then jump on it until the ball bursts. As soon as the ball bursts, the player returns to his team and the next one enters the game. The team that pops all the balloons the fastest wins.

3. Tennis relay

Children are divided into two teams. Each team receives a tennis racket and a balloon. The first participants must take rackets, put balls on them, and, knocking them out, run to the indicated place. Turn around and return to the team, passing the baton to the next player. If the ball falls, the participant starts moving again. The team that completes the relay the fastest wins.

4. Pioneerball with balls

The space needs to be divided into 2 parts using a grid or screen. Place a certain number of balls in each part, at the rate of 2-4 balls per person. The essence of the game is that, upon a signal, both teams must throw all the balls from their territory to the opponent’s side. The team with the fewest balls on its side wins.

5. Driving the ball

To play, children must also be divided into 2 teams. Each team receives a ball and a stick. We place two chairs on the opposite side of the room. The essence of the game is that each player must circle the ball around a chair using a stick. You cannot touch the balloon with your hands. The team that brings the ball to the finish line first wins.

6. Poke the balloon

We tie a ball to the right leg of all players, with a thread length of 30 cm. We give a signal, after which the children try to break through the ball of other participants in any way, while keeping their own intact. Children whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. The kid who remains with the whole ball is the winner.

What other balloon contests can be used at the holidays?

7. Game “Mosquitoes on a Balloon”

We give all children a ball and a marker. They must draw a large number of mosquitoes on the ball within a certain time. The one who drew the most insects wins.

8. Game "Caterpillar"

Children are divided into two teams and stand behind each other. They must squeeze the balls between themselves in this way: between the back of the previous one and the belly of the next baby. That is, their task is to form a caterpillar. All children's hands should be down. We place two chairs at the opposite end of the room. The essence of the game comes down to the fact that each caterpillar must reach a chair, go around it and return without losing the balls. The caterpillar that does not “crumble” will win.

9. Game “Sister Alyonushka”

Here is a task for all children. And this is a competition with calmer balls. Each child must tie a scarf to the ball and draw a beautiful face. The one who drew Alyonushka more beautiful wins.

10. Balloon relay

Children are divided into 2 teams. The first player must hold a balloon between his knees and jump the entire distance. Returning, he passes the ball to the next participant.

11. Penguin Relay

The competition conditions are the same. But, you need to hold the ball between your ankles from below, about 10 cm from the floor, and not jump, but just walk slowly so as not to lose the ball.

12. Competition with balloons “Greedy”

Scatter a large number of balls without threads on the floor. The essence of the competition is to collect as many balls as possible and keep them. You can hide it under clothes, hold it in your hands, between your teeth, between your legs, whatever you like. The kid who collects the most balls wins.

13. Game "Snoop"

Children stand in a circle, and in the center of it we place a box with gifts. Each baby receives an inflated, but not tied, balloon of a certain color. At the command “Search!” children release the balls, directing them to the center, that is, the box with gifts. It is difficult to guess the trajectory of the balls. Those players whose balls land closest to the gift box win.

14. Game with balloons “Harvest”

Children are divided into 2 teams. We scatter a lot of balls on the floor. These are our watermelons. After the words: “They are already ripe, it’s time to collect!” Each team begins to collect the balls into a large garbage bag. The team that collects the most balls wins.

15. “Pass the ball” relay

Children are divided into two teams and stand behind each other. In front of the first player we place 4 balls: yellow, red, blue and purple. The essence of the game is to pass these balls over your head from the first player to the last as quickly as possible.

16. Competition with balloons “Competition of the Winds”

The details you need are a table and one ball. Two players stand opposite each other and simultaneously blow on the ball in the direction of the opponent. He must either touch it or fall from its side.

17. Dance with balloons

If you have boys and girls at the party, let them break into pairs and face each other. You need to hold hands and hold a balloon between your foreheads. The winner is the couple who endured the dance and did not drop the ball.

Balloon competitions will make your holiday fun and unforgettable.

Air Cake Competition.

For this ball competition you will need two badminton rackets and two balls. The ball is placed on the racket, it must be carefully brought to the mark and returned back. Do not support the ball; if it falls, then pick it up and continue to carry it.


This is a team game. Each team is given a ball. The first player sits on the ball and jumps on it to the mark and back. Passes the ball to the next one. You need to try to jump so that the ball does not burst, but in such a case, it is better to have spare balls.


Team game. A ball is given to each team. The ball is clamped between the knees. On command, you need to walk to the mark and back with the ball between your legs, like a penguin. Pass the ball to the next one. The main thing is not to jump, but to walk.


The same as the Penguins competition, only now you have to jump with a ball between your legs.


Team game. The team lines up one after another. The ball is given to the first participant. On command, the ball is passed from the first player to the last above the heads, and from the last to the first, between the legs. Whose team will do it faster?


For this competition, in addition to balls, you will need two clubs, or two sticks. We give the team a stick and a ball. You need to use the stick to bring the ball to the mark and return back. Now let's complicate the task. For this you will also need skittles. In front of each team, we place four pins in a row, at a distance of about a meter from each other. Now the ball will also need to be circled between the pins.

Relay race. "Wind blower."

Team game. The ball is placed on the floor. The player squats down and blows on the ball so that it reaches the mark. Then he picks up the ball and runs back. The game is difficult. For this, you can choose the strongest player from each team.

Harvest the harvest.

For this game you need a lot of inflated balloons and two large bags. We scatter the balls around the room and announce that we need to harvest the watermelons in bags. Who will collect the most and faster? The game can be repeated three times. They collected the watermelons and rolled out the watermelons.


A very fun contest with balloons. All you need is as many balls as possible and a rope to divide the field for the teams. So, each team is on its own field, the balls are divided equally. When the whistle blows, the teams begin throwing balls at each other. The team with the fewest balls left wins. This game can also be repeated three times. The guys really like her.


Each participant is given a ball and a marker. Who will draw the biggest and most beautiful people on the ball within a certain time (while the music is playing). You can come up with any theme for drawing, for example, you can draw balls, carrots, faces, etc.


For this competition you need a marker and a headscarf or scarf. If these are teams, then we give each team a marker and a scarf. If there are few children, then give them to each one. In two minutes you need to draw the girl’s face and tie a scarf for her. It is better to evaluate the quality of work.


This competition is more suitable for teams. We give each team a marker, double-sided tape and round balls and modeling balls, or, more simply, sausages. More. The task is to model some figure, for example a clown.


Each participant in the competition is given an uninflated balloon. Everyone lines up in one line. At the first command, everyone begins to inflate the balloon, at the second, the balloon is released. All the balls fly rattling. Whoever flies farthest wins. It is best that everyone's balls are of different colors, so as not to get confused later.

Whose lungs are stronger?

Each person is also given three uninflated balloons. The task is to see who can inflate all three balloons the fastest. Only the size of the inflated balloons is agreed upon in advance. You can place a ready-made ball in front of the participants, by the size of which they will be guided.

A big hug.

Each pair is given a ball. Cheerful music is turned on. They press the ball together and, hugging each other tightly, burst it. Who will burst faster? At first glance, the game is simple, but it is not. Purely psychologically, it’s scary when the balloon bursts, and that’s why there’s a lot of laughter and squealing.


Children's favorite game. In addition to the balls, here you will need shoe thread. We tie a thread about a meter long to the ball. And now we tie the ball to the player’s leg. The main thing is that the ball lies on the floor. On command, children begin to run after each other and try to step on the ball with their feet so that it bursts. The winner is the one whose balloon remains unexploded.


Each participant is tied to the side of his belt with a ball, given a large thumbtack and a plastic plate. The goal is to pop the other player's balloon using a pushpin. Protect your ball with a plastic plate.
