Exercises on a treadmill with dumbbells. Treadmill for weight loss

Running for weight loss is almost the most optimal workout.

Of course, it would be absurd to talk about the absence of fat runners, but pay attention to another detail.

Among those who prefer weight training, there are those who have fat, but among those involved in aerobic exercise (running, swimming or cycling), even at the semi-amateur level, there are no noticeably obese people.

The bottom line is the optimal fat burning during aerobic exercise. Running is just one of those, and the treadmill allows you to make cardio workouts more effective.

General rules for classes

To start losing weight normally, you need to stick to the system. In addition, it is very useful to be able to use the treadmill normally, that is, not only turn it on and off, but also create various programs, vary the load. To do this, you need to know - and own the necessary functions.

To all of the above you will need to add normal equipment, which at least consists of (it's not about running only in sneakers, other clothes are also needed, but sneakers are the most important element) and a normal track.

For example, if you have any problems with the joints, then you will need to depreciate the track. In general, you should first study the theory of running a little and pick up equipment. Do not forget,

It’s better to take a closer look at exactly the rules of how to lose weight: in short, they consist of adherence to two methods:

  1. nutrition;
  2. workouts.

Besides need to recover normally and experience less stress.

Attention! If you want to lose weight, you need not only jogging on the track, but also a diet, a competent and rational menu.

Briefly about the most important facts

We will tell you more about nutrition and training in separate paragraphs, now in the table we note the most significant facts.

A carbohydrate holds 4 grams of water in the body. Accordingly, if you want to reduce body weight, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and remove water.
First, in training (particularly aerobic), water and toxins are burned. Therefore, it is not particularly rational to weigh yourself before and after training. Especially if you have an untrained body. At first, you will lose mass, but only by reducing the amount of toxins and water in the body.
A kilogram of fat = 8000 calories. Thus, even for an intense workout, you will burn at most 100 grams of fat. It is necessary to proceed from this and build a gradual and phased weight loss program.
4 weeks = - 4 kilograms of excessive weight. It is on such a result that it is better to focus. In the beginning, there may be results of 6-7 kilograms, but they are achieved by cleansing the body of excessive water and toxins.
220 - your age * 0.7 = your training heart rate. It is this pulse (+- 5-10) that you need to keep during the active phase of the lesson, that is, run so that the pulse remains in this target zone. Then fats are actively burned if you do it monotonously and for a long time. The body oxidizes fats.
Carbohydrates before training. If you ate and got on the track within an hour, the body will spend exactly these calories received. Carbohydrates are needed before strength training. To burn fat, it is better in general (if there are no restrictions) to run on an empty stomach or 1-2 after a meal, we will talk about this in more detail separately.
Protein before workout. It is quite acceptable, they do not allow you to get fat, but in addition they will not allow you to burn muscle mass. Intense jogging can burn not only fat, but also your muscles. Therefore, you need to add protein to your diet.
Don't rely on weight. It is better to focus on the volume of your body. Watch the effect when you look at yourself in the mirror.

Learn this information and you will be able to navigate better. Next, we will consider the topic in more detail and provide the necessary clarifications.

2 running programs to burn fat

To begin with, we will repeat about the essential detail that is related to nutrition. Running is an intense exercise that the body tries to adapt to in the best possible way, and you cannot (unless you have reached the deep stages of self-discovery) just tell the body to burn fat. The body will spend energy in the most convenient way.

Therefore, if you ate carbohydrates before training, then these carbohydrates will be processed during the run. From here important conclusions to be drawn.:

  • don't run on a full stomach- for weight loss, this is practically not effective, you will develop only muscles and endurance;
  • exercise on an empty stomach- an intense warm-up will give you the opportunity to spend part of the energy and further burn fat.

The best option is to practice in the morning when you only drank water after waking up. You can also do a workout in the afternoon after work: when you had lunch, but have not yet had dinner. Another option is combination of strength and aerobic training.

Of course, not everyone can afford two-hour classes, but if you do not want to become attached to food, then for weight loss, you should first do an hour session on the simulators and then an hour session on the track. By the second hour, the body will just switch to scooping up resources from the fat layer.

We will not move into the exotic and provide a couple that are considered a classic option for weight loss: with proper use, they give a high effect.

Option 1

The basis of this training program is stage 2, when you are in the target heart rate zone. Exist . Some treadmills allow you to automatically control the load: as a rule, this option is called target, where you select target heart rates for a specified period of training.

Attention! In the process, try to really give your best in the active phase.

Option 2

The second option is an intensive training scheme.

In this workout, steps 2 and 3 should be repeated at least six times. You can set a more intense load for the active phase and additionally use an incline. In addition, if your abilities allow it, you can do a more active and longer hitch.

The essence of this workout is to start fat burning in the active phase, which continues into the rest phase., thanks to which you achieve better results in a shorter period and periodically recover. Increasing the cooldown phase will allow you to continue to actively burn fat, but at the same time run at a very measured pace.

Choosing the right one is especially important. About that, we told in a separate article.

Intensive walking pattern

In fact, these programs are no different from running. The main difference here is in the restrictions:

  • according to the age;
  • for health;
  • by body weight.

Jogging is not available to someone due to ailments (for example, or), but it is available; someone is forbidden to run until the weight is reduced to more acceptable parameters.

Anyway, jogging may well have an identical effect. You can achieve the desired heart rate parameters, and often not too much difference.

For training, take running programs in which you should reduce the speed to the optimal walking speed and the load to your current condition. The technique is otherwise identical: interval walking or target heart rate zone.

Carefully! If you have health restrictions, consult your doctor first about losing weight on a treadmill.

How to eat during training?

Two main products The ones you need to pay attention to are water and vegetables.

  1. Water promotes metabolism and allows you to get rid of toxins. Of course, water adds mass to the body, but with active training it is better to drink more.
  2. Vegetables saturated with fiber, which is not absorbed by the body, but promotes digestion and gives satiety. Fiber thus provides a "negative" calorie content, that is, the body spends energy on digestion, but does not receive calories. And in general, vegetables are more than a useful option for weight loss.

Nevertheless, protein should not be neglected. If you eat little protein, then in the process of exercising you will burn muscle, and not just fat. It doesn't hurt to know -

Quick basic tips:

  1. consume more, spend less- simple arithmetic, which is the ABC of weight loss: you need to spend more calories than you consume;
  2. reduce the amount of carbohydrates- focus on proteins and do not neglect fats, but slightly reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet;
  3. fractional nutrition- fractional nutrition consists in small (we repeat, small) portions that are better absorbed by the body, they activate metabolism, allow you to be more active and more actively reduce weight; stick to a specific eating schedule;
  4. water- water really means a lot for weight loss, it's best to change all your daily drinks to just water or water with small additives (for example, with lemon);
  5. not only diet- if you just eat little, the body begins to store fat, so you should not reduce calories excessively, but evenly spend excess of your body weight on training.

The rules for fractional nutrition are shown in the figure.

If you want to achieve results, for intensive weight loss, create a clear weekly menu for yourself, count calories and choose the optimal composition of products. Try to eat more carbohydrates in the morning, more proteins in the evening.

Some helpful videos

Finally, be sure to watch the video below:

When you correctly combine nutrition and training and stick to a schedule, losing weight becomes a rational and beneficial process. These tips will help you normalize body weight and improve your own health.

Running on the treadmill completely replaces outdoor training. On this machine, you can exercise in walking, light or high-speed running, with full control over the intensity and speed of the exercises, while being in the target heart rate zone. The purchase of this sports equipment allows you to fully enjoy all the benefits of regular workouts right at home, maintain overall tone, improve health, and get rid of extra pounds.

Modern treadmills are significantly different from their predecessors. The technologies built into many models of the latest generation of iFit make it possible to engage in "virtual" running - to compete with athletes, to choose any coach, including a famous person, as an instructor.

The popularity of the running machine among those who want to lose weight is incredibly high. This, above all, is facilitated by the incredible ease of handling and ease of management, which do not require any special skills from the athlete. Home models have more limited functionality than professional ones installed in gyms.

The equipment of the former implies the presence of a timer, counting the “traveled” distance displayed on the display, and the latter, as a rule, includes special sensors for monitoring heart rate. With the ability to track heart rate, the athlete can coordinate the goal of the activity, which can be aimed at training the cardiovascular system or burning body fat.

Options for some models include:

  • personal trainer;
  • strength training;
  • burning fat.

Expected results

Depends on the speed of running and the person's own weight. Running at an average speed burns 100 calories every mile. Half an hour training at a speed of 5.5 km per hour allows you to get rid of 121 calories. The higher the speed, the faster calories are burned. Weight has the same effect. The more the runner weighs, the more intense the kilograms go.

Tempo is important. It should be such that a person is a little out of breath, but is able to talk to someone around him. Once the correct tempo is set, it must be maintained. This applies to training and weight loss, and the cardiovascular system.

The effectiveness of the treadmill in the fight against excess weight is beyond doubt. The only obstacle to achieving results can be your own laziness. Hardy and persistent people who have a clear intention to lose weight achieve high results with this simulator.

The simulator, regardless of model and functionality, supports several types of workouts. It allows you to exercise both for weight loss and for maintaining good physical shape.

It would be a mistake to concentrate on one type. The desired effect gives a combination of different methods. This is due not only to the correct distribution of loads, but also to the preservation of motivation. A variety of workouts will never get bored.

Training program

Walking should be alternated with jogging. This can be done cyclically, for example, run for 3-4 days, and devote the rest of the time to walking or change modes every time.


Intense and short workouts break down body fat and slow down the formation of new ones more effectively than long ones.

The body does not have time to adapt to the loads if the training is varied. When classes start to get boring, two simple tricks help maintain motivation:

  1. Watching TV

The option is present in all modern models of treadmills. You can watch your favorite shows and programs not only at home, but also in the gym. In order not to disturb others, connect headphones to the simulator and select the desired channel.

  1. Listening to music

You can choose your favorite song or a dynamic melody. An excellent solution would be to create a selection of songs specifically for doing exercises on the track.

Effective Fat Burning Exercises

The best treadmill in the fight against excess weight is made by properly selected exercises that fully open up the possibilities and potential of this simulator.

Interval training

They showed consistently high results in the fight against extra pounds and mean combining periods of performing various exercises with breaks. The most effective are workouts with alternating exercises.

Workout plan

Interval miles traveled Speed
Warm up 00,0 – 1,0 6,50-7,00
First 1,0-1,25 8,00
respite 1,25-1,30 3,50
Second 1,30-1,55 8,00
respite 1,55-1,60 3,50
Third 1,60-1,85 8,00
respite 1,85-1,90 3,50
Fourth 1,90-2,15 8,00
respite 2,15-2,20 3,50
Fifth 2,20-2,45 8,00
respite 2,15-2,50 3,50
Sixth 2,50-2,75 8,00
respite 2,75-2,80 3,50

All intervals are divided into separate segments. They involve first performing simpler, and then complex exercises. The former should have a duration of ten to forty seconds, while the latter should be shorter and last no more than half a minute. This approach allows you to exhaust yourself to such an extent that after the end of the workout, a person simply cannot do even the easiest exercise.

Intensive training should be carried out at least three to four times every week. It is necessary to clearly ensure that it is really difficult, that is, it does not come easily. Otherwise, no effect will be achieved.

It is best to start training with walking. No need to immediately take on high loads. The next task after that is to choose a pace for jogging and maintain it for half a minute, further slowing down with the transition to walking for forty seconds.

In other words, interval training is a combination of running and walking. Each mode is done after a certain time interval. This leads to an increase in metabolic rate and an increase in the rate of burning excess calories by half.

A great exercise for weight loss, which is great for those who do not really like just running in one place. The speed during the first lessons can be kept on the order of five miles per hour.

You need to start with a three-minute warm-up at the same pace. Then turn left and run for another thirty seconds, repeat the same action to the right. The main thing is to rearrange, but do not cross your legs.

As soon as the run to the left and right is completed, they return to their original position, that is, turn their body and face forward, jog for another three minutes.

The whole procedure is repeated until the total duration of the training is half an hour. It should end with a three-minute "jog" jogging.

"Running" plus "Walking"

Ideal for trained people who play sports on a regular basis. Training involves, as the name implies, a constant alternation of "running" and "walking" modes.

A great alternative between regular walking, jogging and slow running. Thanks to a more intense approach, this type of training allows you to burn about three hundred calories.

Doesn't require a huge amount of time. Enough to do about forty minutes. The secret to success lies in doing an intense interval workout, which should be done four to five times every seven days.

Of course, you need to try to find time for classes. The result is worth it. For seven days of training, the practitioner will lose almost half a pound, that is, approximately 200-225 grams. This allows you to give your silhouette the desired harmony in a short time.

Workout for all muscle groups

The versatility of training is the main secret of success for those who have seriously decided to take up their weight. Daily training according to this technique gives a stunning result. Giving classes for 35 minutes, after 10-14 days, the arrows of the scales will show a change in weight downward by 3-5 pounds (1.36-2.27 kg).

Jogging has always been and remains the best solution for those who want to lose weight. However, running on a simulator is much more comfortable than running on asphalt and concrete surfaces. If there is such an opportunity, then it is impossible to imagine a better solution than buying a treadmill.

Due to the well-thought-out design and ease of use, the risks of injury on this simulator are practically reduced to zero. Classes on it are useful not only for those who are losing weight, but also for those who want to get back in shape after a long break, who previously had a sad experience of joint damage.

It is necessary to accustom the body and muscles to loads gradually. It is recommended to start with a half-hour workout.

If there is no physical preparation, the first lesson can last about ten minutes. Increase the speed by three points should be each subsequent workout.

When the training ceases to cause difficulties and discomfort, you can increase its duration to a quarter of an hour. In this case, it is better to set the speed to the fifth (5.0).

During training, the speed can be increased to 3.5 units and gradually reduced. As soon as these loads become comfortable, the total duration of the training is adjusted to twenty minutes and so on.

Increasing loads

You can change the type of training after a month of training on the treadmill. The best option is walking. It perfectly stabilizes the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, contributes to a good study of the muscles on the legs.

The recommended initial duration of a workout is about twenty minutes. Next, produce an increase in the angle of inclination, that is, the position of the track. By changing the angle of inclination, the loads change. If it is increased, the load increases, and when it is reduced, then, on the contrary, it decreases.

The main thing is to comply with the following requirements:

  1. stick to the usual duration of classes of 20 minutes;
  2. increase the speed within 1.5-3.5 units for 5-7 minutes;
  3. change the angle of inclination within 2.0-3.0.

Such popular ways of walking as "path to endurance" and "ladder" help both in the fight against extra pounds and in the development of muscles. Performing the "ladder" allows you to train the calves, hamstrings, affecting all the large muscles of the legs.

The “path to endurance” also contributes to the strengthening of the muscles, but is not limited solely to this effect. This exercise develops endurance, adds variety to training, and activates the fat burning process.

It is important to know:

This type of workout is not only effective, but also a great option for breaking up a long session into several separate segments. This is an indisputable advantage of both ways of walking.

You can do a wide variety of workouts on the treadmill. It is not a boring and monotonous simulator, as many beginners mistakenly believe. And these are not the only advantages of sports equipment.

The main advantages that all modern models of treadmills have include:

  1. easier training for the joints than when running on roads and sidewalks;
  2. the ability to play sports in any weather, and if the simulator is also installed at home, then in the most comfortable conditions without the need to visit Gym;
  3. no need for a large free space, complete safety and security from different kind injuries that can occur while running outdoors;
  4. a completely relaxed environment for classes, during which you can listen to music or watch TV.

These simulators, of course, have their negative sides. However, given the many positive aspects, they are great to help maintain physical form, fight with excess weight.

The treadmill is a powerful and effective weight loss machine. It allows you to burn calories without any special efforts, skills, and, most importantly, quickly enough.

To achieve maximum performance, you need to choose the right exercises, not concentrate on only one type of training, follow all the recommendations and advice.

Buying a treadmill or exercising on this sports equipment in the gym to your favorite song or watching a program is not just an opportunity to lose weight, but also to do it with pleasure and comfort.

Treadmill and bench press — Video

The treadmill is best friend those who want to lose weight, tighten up, become stronger and more resilient. Advanced runners return to it from street tracks in the autumn-winter season, bodybuilders get up on it before a workout for a warm-up, it is from it that those who first came to the gym begin their journey into great fitness.

At the same time, the majority of those involved have the same running program on the treadmill: first, 5 minutes of walking, then running at the most familiar, usually not too fast pace, at the end - rapid acceleration, and then another five minutes of a hitch with light running or walking.

This mode of exercise will certainly make you more resilient and eventually lead to the fact that you will lose weight - but this will not happen soon. The training program on the treadmill for weight loss should be special. There are several different treadmill programs. Most likely, they are already built into your machine: select the option on the display when you start your workout. We will try to describe the most popular and effective programs so that you can train more efficiently and achieve your goals faster.

A little about the rules of training on a treadmill:

Exercises on the treadmill should begin with a warm-up. Before getting on the simulator, do a light joint warm-up: twist your legs, arms, bend down several times, stretch to feel how blood rushes to the muscles. Never start a workout without warming up - this is fraught with injury.

Then move on to the warm-up on the track. Spend the first five to ten minutes of training preparing the body and especially the leg muscles for further exercises on the treadmill. Start with easy walking, gradually increasing the speed of movement and the angle of inclination of the moving belt.

Running on the treadmill should make you stronger and healthier, not make your health problems worse. Therefore, be sure to monitor your well-being and do not try to continue the lesson if you feel bad. Sharp pain, breathing problems, joint pain - these are the reasons to immediately stop the simulator.

Exercising on the treadmill makes us sweat and lose a lot of fluids. So don't forget to drink during your workout. Keep a water bottle next to you so you don't have to stop your activity when you want to take a sip of water.

Don't neglect safety precautions. Do not immediately stand on the track canvas: first, stand with your feet on the edges of the simulator and turn it on, and when the tape begins to move, carefully move to the center of the simulator. Your treadmill is equipped with an emergency stop system, which is usually a red clip - attach it to your clothing.

Try to avoid a sudden stop of movement - this is harmful to the cardiovascular system. At the end of your workout, gradually slow down your running speed, switch to walking, and only then press the stop button. Do not forget to do a little stretching after class to relax tired muscles.

The main programs for exercising and losing weight on a treadmill:

A treadmill running program can be put together by your personal trainer if you come to the gym for a specific purpose. Work according to an individually constructed program always becomes more effective.

However, if you do not want to spend money on working with a personal trainer, a standard treadmill training program is fine for you. Explore the options that are distributed by other runners on the Internet, or use one of the programs that we offer in this article. Carefully consider the choice of the program - the speed of achieving the goal depends on it.

Exercises on the treadmill can become your main type of fitness training, or alternate with other activities. But if you decide to take up treadmill running in accordance with our programs, you will need to train four to six times a week. Regular running sessions will help you reach your goal quickly. And irregular classes will not lead to anything: as elsewhere in fitness, the rule applies here that it is better to do a little bit, but every day, than for a long time, but once a week.

During running training, fluid is primarily lost. Therefore, you should not weigh yourself before and after a workout and compare the result - most likely it will be significant, but this will not mean that you have lost fat. A kilogram of fat equals 8,000 calories. You won't be able to burn that much in one workout, most likely, even during an intense workout, you will lose a maximum of 100 grams of fat. Therefore, do not rush and do not expect quick results, but tune in to long-term work.

There is a heart rate zone during which the body burns fat most actively. Calculate it like this: 220 - your age * 0.7. This value plus or minus 10% is the pulse that you need to keep during long monotonous work. Maximum heart rate while running is calculated as 220 - your age. Never exceed this value - it can be dangerous.

Do not eat carbohydrate foods before running. If you ate, for example, a banana, then during the session you will spend the energy received from it, and not from your own fat reserves. Yes, it will be easier to run after a carbohydrate meal, but you will not reach your goal. Try not to eat 1-2 hours before your workout.

Training program 1

The most effective treadmill weight loss program is the interval program. Its essence lies in the fact that you alternate intervals of the most intense work with intervals of easier running or rest. The effect of fat burning is achieved due to the fact that you start the process in the active phase, and the body continues to expend energy in the rest phase, while you quickly recover. Interval training allows you to achieve results in more than a short time classes.

The first stage of the lesson is a warm-up. Start with 5-10 minutes of easy walking at a slight incline. Then go to the running warm-up: set the speed of the track at 7-9 km / h. (it should be easy for you, but you don't have to go). This step will last 5-7 minutes.

Now let's move on to the main part of the workout. Alternate two minutes of running as fast as you can (12-15 km/h) with one minute of easy running at warm-up speed. This step must be repeated six to 10 times during one session. You can change the duration of the intervals: for example, by halving them

The good thing about this treadmill running program is that you can adjust the intervals to suit your fitness. Beginners can make the active intervals shorter and the rest phase longer. For those who have been training for a long time and keep a high pace well, you may need to increase the incline of the track to achieve the required intensity of the session. The workout can last from 30 to 60 minutes and is considered a necessary part of both weight loss programs and training programs for long races.

Training program 2

The second training program on the treadmill for weight loss is simpler, monotonous and lengthy. It is based on the fact that the main process of fat burning begins thirty to forty minutes after the start of aerobic exercise. The first twenty to thirty minutes of training, you burn the glycogen accumulated in the liver and muscles. If you ate a carbohydrate meal shortly before a workout, then the duration of this interval increases: you need to burn all the available energy so that the body begins to extract it from your fat reserves.

This program also begins with a warm-up phase. Spend 5-10 minutes walking lightly, remembering to work with your arms as you do so. Then proceed to the running warm-up - light running at a speed of 7-9 km / h. within 5-7 minutes.

Then move on to the main step of the weight loss treadmill running program. This stage has a long duration - at least 30-40 minutes or even more if you are hardy enough. At this stage, it is important to monitor the heart rate zone: your heart rate should be 65-70% of the maximum. We calculated this target zone a little higher.

The workout ends with a light run for 5-7 minutes, and then a few minutes of walking to restore breathing.

The heart rate zone can be measured using a heart rate monitor in the handles of the simulator, fitness trackers and smart watches that transmit data to special running applications. If you do not have such a device, you can roughly estimate your heart rate value. You don't have to stop and measure it for this: in the target zone of this program, while running, you do not lose the ability to speak and do not suffocate when you try to keep up a conversation. So periodically while jogging, try to sing or say something: in this simple way, you can check if you are meeting the required indicators.

The program for losing weight on the treadmill should be varied: you do not need to repeat the same workout day after day. Alternate between different running programs on the treadmill. Include other aerobic activities in your weekly plan - cycling, swimming, dancing. A treadmill training program may also include treadmill exercises. Exercise will help diversify your workout, as well as improve your coordination and allow you to have some fun.

One of these exercises is running sideways or side steps. Start as always with a light warm-up, then move on to a running warm-up and run for 5-7 minutes at the same pace. Now turn left: face the left handrail of the machine. If necessary, hold on to the handrails to avoid falling. Run like this for thirty seconds or a minute. Then turn your face in the direction of travel and repeat the exercise on the right side.

The most important thing is to follow the technique: move your legs at the same pace, but do not cross them. Repeat this exercise so many times that the workout takes at least thirty minutes. End the session with a light running cool-down and walking to restore breathing.

A treadmill program for those who want to not only lose weight, but also become more enduring and learn to run long distances, should contain four types of training. The first type is interval running, the program of which we proposed above. This workout helps burn fat and increase your endurance. The second type is a long run, which is the longest run at a slow pace that you can master. It corresponds to the second program proposed by us.

The third type of training is speed running. The short runs at your fastest possible speed that you include in your weekly program will help to ultimately increase the overall speed of long runs. Your cardiovascular system will be better prepared for intense exercise.

The fourth type is hill running: Alternate high incline intervals with flat intervals. The muscles in your legs work differently during climbs and descents, and for those who want to participate in races and even marathons, it is important to be prepared for these features of the work.

The treadmill is a powerful and convenient exercise machine that will allow you to achieve your goals, including getting a beautiful slim figure. It helps you burn calories quickly. To make the classes interesting for you, and the effect was achieved quickly, choose a variety of workouts for yourself, do not concentrate on any one type of activity. Chat with runners and trainers to create a personalized exercise plan for you. Follow the recommendations and advice of doctors so as not to get injured and hate running forever. The most important thing when training on a treadmill is to enjoy the process. If you can fall in love with this simulator, then all goals will submit to you very quickly!

The treadmill is a universal invention. Being engaged on it, you can correctly change the intensity of the load and adjust the training program to your individual capabilities.

Many often ask the question - is it possible to lose weight by exercising on this simulator? Reducing body weight, strengthening the heart and blood vessels and the muscular system is within the power of those who make friends with the treadmill.

In order for training to be more effective, it is necessary to use certain running rules, which we will discuss in more detail in this article.

5 effective types of classes

There are several key types of treadmill exercises. They have minor differences and affect the body in different ways: for example, one type of running is more and, while the other is aimed at overall strengthening and improving the cardiovascular system.

We will look at five basic treadmill activities that you can even use at home.

1. Normal running (with a constant load)

It is carried out at a constant average speed equal to seven to ten kilometers per hour.

This type of exercise is great for weight loss, as well as for maintaining good physical shape.

Consists of the following steps:

  1. Warm up. The first stage: running at a calm pace for seven to ten minutes.
  2. Main stage. Lasts twenty minutes: a gradual increase in tempo.
  3. Hitch. Final stage: lasts about five minutes. Slow decrease in intensity, restoration of normal heart rate.

2. Intense walking

It is carried out at a constant speed equal to five to seven kilometers per hour. Suitable for almost everyone, and has no age restrictions. Tightens and strengthens muscles trains the cardiovascular system y.

It is an ideal type of load for overweight. Promotes balanced weight loss in those who are obese.

Consists of the following steps:

  1. Warm up. The first stage: calm and measured walking. Preparing the body to increase the intensity of the load. Lasts for seven minutes.
  2. main stage. Twenty - thirty minutes we go at a fast pace. Burn fat, build muscle.
  3. Hitch. We complete the workout for five minutes at a speed of four kilometers per hour. Slowly reduce the intensity, restore breathing, relieve muscle tension.

It is this type of work perfect for the following groups of people:

  • walking is the safest way to keep fit.
  • walking on the track will avoid unnecessary stress on the joints that they would receive when running.
  • this is also the best option.

3. Incline walking and running

Suitable for those who actively reduce weight and strengthen the muscular system. Is an active species physical activity on muscles, blood vessels and the heart. Excellent, conducive, suitable for the gynoid body type. For the entire duration of the workout, the canvas of the track is raised, which creates constant resistance and forces.

Consists of the following steps:

  1. Warm up. Its duration is five minutes at an average speed of three kilometers per hour. The working surface of the simulator is located horizontally.
  2. The main part of the workout. Its duration is thirty minutes at an average speed of five kilometers per hour. The working canvas of the track rises to a predetermined height, which helps to significantly increase the intensity of the load.
  3. The final part of the workout (cool down) can vary from five to ten minutes at a slow pace. It is carried out with a horizontally located working canvas. It is not recommended to neglect this part of the workout, as it helps to stabilize the activity of the cardiovascular system, normalize breathing and relieve muscle tension.

It is training with a bias that allows.

4. Interval training

It is a good option for those who actively fights overweight and strives to maintain good physical shape. During the lesson, there is a constant increase and decrease in the load by changing the angle of the track. This type of training can be done in a variety of ways. Uniting for each of them is a constant change of intensity.

Consists of the following steps:

  1. Warm up. It is the initial stage and takes place in the time interval from five to ten minutes. Running speed should be low - its average is three kilometers per hour. The working canvas is installed in a horizontal position.
  2. Main stage - lasts up to thirty minutes. Every five minutes the inclination angle increases by the set value. Modern simulators are equipped with a program that supports all the specified stages independently. The speed is equal to five kilometers.
  3. Hitch- completes the lesson, the angle of inclination gradually decreases. The hitch is approximately ten minutes. This part allows you to normalize breathing, pulse, and relieve muscle tension.

5. Walking with dumbbells in hand

Experienced athletes often use weighting agents in the process of training on a treadmill. Dumbbells, which must be held in hands when walking on the track, develop coordination, train muscles, almost double the effectiveness of training.

It must be remembered that this method can only be used after sufficient experience in training, and first you need to master a simple classic version walk. Instructors recommend that you start using a small weight, gradually increasing it by a small amount.

Consists of the following steps:

  1. Warm up. It is the initial stage and takes place in the time interval from five to ten minutes. The treadmill is in a horizontal position. The speed is three kilometers per hour.
  2. main stage lasts up to thirty minutes. The pace gradually increases, and closer to the final stage, it decreases. The speed is five to seven kilometers per hour.
  3. Hitch. The speed is reduced to three kilometers. The average cooldown time is ten minutes. The final stage allows you to smoothly normalize breathing and relieve muscle tension.

8 universal rules of training for weight loss

At classes for weight loss there are nuances, instructions and small features knowing which, you can achieve positive results fairly quickly. Here are the main ones:

1. How often can I run?

Instructors consider the most the best daily exercise. It is allowed to practice five times a week, if this mode is comfortable and convenient for you.

you can choose any time convenient for you. Many prefer morning classes when the body is full of strength and energy. If you are a "night owl", then it is better to transfer classes to the evening.

2. Duration of training

Exercising for about an hour, you can burn about five hundred calories in one session at an average intensity of training. Choose your own time forty minutes to one hour. After a workout, you should feel a little tired, not overwhelmed.

Classes can be adjusted both in the direction of decrease and in the direction of increase, focusing on your well-being. The main thing is that you get satisfaction from the workout.

3. How fast?

running speed in five to seven kilometers per hour is optimal. An increase in speed to ten kilometers can only be short-lived. Prolonged training at this speed leads to rapid fatigue and breathlessness, although experienced athletes like to use this speed mode.

4. What pulse?

Sports doctors recommend maintaining a pulse, equal to one hundred and thirty beats per minute. This is an average figure. More precisely, you can determine the maximum heart rate (HR) using the formula: 220 minus your age.

Important! By setting different speeds, you can keep your heart rate at the desired level.

5. Mandatory warm-up

This stage of the lesson starts with a moderate run at a calm pace. Time varies from three to ten minutes. Its purpose is to include in the work of the muscles, their warming up for the subsequent intense load.

A warm-up is carried out on a horizontally located working canvas.

6. How to cool down after class?

Hitch is concluding part workout. In time, it can vary from five to ten minutes at a slow and measured pace. It is always carried out with a horizontally located worker.

Sports instructors do not recommend neglecting the hitch, as it helps to properly complete the workout - to stabilize the activity of the cardiac and vascular system, calm breathing and relax muscles.

7. Stretching after running

If your muscles are tense and spasmodic after a workout, then you have not chosen the right training program for yourself.

Certain exercises will help to cope with these unpleasant phenomena.

It relaxes muscles and relieves fatigue. It should be done slowly with even and calm breathing.

8. What is the best way to drink water?

Water should be consumed throughout the day, always keeping a bottle with you, and taking small sips. This is the best option.

On a note! All the parameters of the lesson on the treadmill are advisory in nature, because each person is individual. Experts recommend tailor your classes. It is necessary to take into account your height, weight, health status and level of physical fitness. There is no universal technique that would be suitable for everyone!

A few words about diet

By applying the principles of a healthy and balanced diet, it is much easier to cope with excess weight and keep yourself in excellent physical shape.

Desirable completely eliminated from your daily diet high-calorie foods high in fat and sugar:

  • pancakes;
  • pies, pizza;
  • all fried foods;
  • sweet pastries;
  • sweet juices;
  • sweet carbonated drinks

Cakes can be pampered only occasionally, on holidays and in moderation.

During weight loss and treadmill workouts, include in your daily menu:

  • Boiled chicken and fish. They are sources of easily digestible protein, which is necessary for the construction of muscle tissue;
  • Fresh vegetables. They are sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals;
  • Leafy greens, all kinds of salads. They provide the body with the necessary vitamins, diversify the diet, have a low calorie content;
  • Spices- dill, cilantro, tarragon, basil, thyme. They activate the metabolism and are effective for burning fat.

What can you eat before and after training?

  • You can have a light snack an hour before running on the treadmill. It can be any fermented milk products, cottage cheese, vegetable salad.
  • After training, you can eat everything, but in small quantities. This will depend on your taste preferences.

Time of day plays a big role. If you work out in the evening, then after a good load, you should give preference to protein foods. It can be fish, chicken or vegetable salad. After a morning workout, you can eat any cereals, fruits, coffee or tea with milk. The main meal should take place at lunchtime.

Running shoes and clothing

For classes, it is desirable to purchase special running shoes. They have shock-absorbing properties, keep the ankle in the correct position, and reduce the risk of injury during awkward movements. The outsole has a good grip on the running track.

Clothing must be made from natural materials such as cotton. You can use special branded running clothes, which are made of synthetic materials.

For running on the track we reviewed here.

The treadmill will give you cheerfulness, a positive mood, help you lose weight, and strengthen your muscles. The only condition is regular classes and a positive mood!

The treadmill is a good calorie burner and is a great cardio machine to use at home. However, in order to get desired results, it is necessary to properly train and observe the technique of performing exercises. Only then will the exercises on the simulator be really effective.

In this article, we will tell you what kind of treadmill workouts are, how to perform them in order to achieve the desired results. Exercises are listed in order of increasing load. The first option is the easiest, it is quite suitable for beginners.

The treadmill for weight loss is ideal: it helps to burn calories. To improve the result, you can independently adjust the load at your own discretion: change the rest time, the speed of movement, the angle of inclination of the canvas. By adjusting the workouts below to the desired level, you will be able to achieve your goal much faster.

You can change the characteristics of the built-in programs offered by the manufacturer, or you can set the required load level manually. Before starting a workout, put a bottle of water next to you - during exercise, you will need to replenish fluid reserves in the body. Drink more, it's good for your health.

So, if you're ready, let's go!

Walking on a treadmill

Ideal workout for beginners. If you have never been on a treadmill before, start mastering it with this exercise. Firstly, it will allow you to quickly get used to the simulator, to get acquainted with its main features. Secondly, the load received during the performance of such an exercise is minimal, so it can in no way harm health. If you do not move much in your daily life, walking on a treadmill is the best exercise to start.


  • while doing a workout on a treadmill, monitor your heart rate, use special sensors;
  • do not rush, follow the execution technique.
  • warm-up 2-3 minutes - walk along the canvas with a rise of 3% and a standard speed of 5 km / h;
  • 3-6 minutes - continue to move at a speed of 5 km / h, increasing the lift of the canvas to 12%;
  • 7-10 minutes - increase the speed to 7 km / h, and, on the contrary, reduce the angle of inclination of the canvas to 5%;
  • 11-14 minutes - return to the initial speed of 5 km / h, and increase the slope to 15%;
  • 15-18 minutes - reduce the slope to 7% and increase the speed to 6.5-7 km / h;
  • 19-20 minutes - reduce the incline to 3%, leave the speed the same;
  • hitch 3-5 minutes - walking on a treadmill at a speed of 5 km / h, walk along the canvas without tilting.

Continuous treadmill workout

This is a low intensity, long duration workout. It is popular among athletes because it allows you to keep your body in good shape while taking a break from sporting activities. This treadmill exercise is also ideal for beginners. If necessary, you can increase the intensity and duration of classes.


  • monitor the heart rate, for this, use special sensors installed on the simulator;

The sequence of the exercise:

  • 5-minute warm-up - running on a treadmill at a speed of 3-6 km / h, while the canvas does not tilt;
  • 30-minute workout - at 2-3% incline, run at 6-12 km/h;
  • 5-minute hitch - without lifting the belt, run at a speed of 6-3 km / h.

Interval training on a treadmill

This is a workout for those who constantly play sports and keep their body in good shape. Monitor your heart rate while exercising, and don't forget to drink water.

Option 1


  • without lifting the running belt, run for 5 minutes at a speed of 3-6 km/h;
  • perform 3 sets of 2 km and breaks between them for 3 minutes each, from approach to approach, increase the speed and incline of the running belt;
  • run on the treadmill for 5 minutes, reduce speed from 6 to 3 km/h.

Option 2


  • warm-up - running on a treadmill for 5 minutes at a speed of 3-6 km / h, leave the canvas without tilt;
  • main workout - 12 sets of 500 m, 2-minute rest between sets, increase the load from set to set;
  • hitch - 5 minutes without lifting the canvas, run on a treadmill at a speed of 6-3 km / h.

Option 3. Pyramidal Interval Training

Great for experienced runners, may be challenging for a beginner. The essence of training is the alternation of loads: first you go through a distance with high intensity, then with low intensity. A good option for weight loss with a treadmill.


  • control your pulse;
  • drink enough liquid;
  • adjust the load according to your condition.

Workout progress:

  • 5 minutes warm-up (moving at a speed of 3-6 km / h without lifting the canvas);
  • 3 minutes of high intensity running (high speed and lifting the running belt), 3 minutes of low intensity running (low speed and no incline of the walking belt);
  • 5 minutes high intensity run, 5 minutes low intensity run;
  • 4 minutes high intensity run, 4 minutes low intensity run;
  • 3 minutes high intensity run, 3 minutes low intensity run;
  • 5 minutes hitch (run without tilting the belt, gradually reduce the speed from 6 to 3 km / h).

These treadmill workouts will help you achieve your goal. Do not forget to monitor your heart rate during classes, drink enough water and gradually increase the intensity.