The importance of family. Mini essay on the meaning of family for a person.

Family is the most important thing in a person’s life. First, a person is born into a family already created by his parents, and becomes an integral part of it. Parents carefully nurture their child, investing their soul and love into him. Then they cultivate in their child all those qualities thanks to which one day he himself will be able to create his own family. Family relationships are extremely important for each of us. It is in the family that character and upbringing are laid. It is blood relatives who will always support and understand. Therefore, respect and respect in the family plays a very important role.

Fathers use a much larger share of their time to participate in various activities than mothers, who often also include their children. This is logical, because the father is a man - a player. It must be said that the more the father plays games, the less time he can spend on other activities, such as homework. Dad plays differently - surprisingly, more unpredictable, more complex and decisive, this affects the child. They even showed that the father would have very strong emotional attachments to the child immediately after birth, just like the mother, and would be equally naturally endowed with the child.

The importance of family in a person's life

No matter how a person’s fate turns out, no matter what happens in his life, parents, brothers, sisters and other family members will always come to the rescue. The birth of a child is a major event and a great joy for all family members, since this is how a person prolongs his life.

People living alone suffer greatly due to the absence of family. After all, the most important thing is missing in their lives - the love and warmth of their family.

Only their children smile less often than their mothers, but women generally laugh more often than men throughout their lives. Children crying fathers as well as mothers increase heart rate, blood pressure and skin temperature, while those who smile in the emoji remain unchanged.

The role of father and mother in the family

"Access to a man's household and child-rearing always depends on the willingness of women to accept the family and the educational competence of the man as her equal." Women who are divorced or women who have not yet looked for a man to charm usually answer as follows: So go with him!

Home is an island of happiness where you are always welcome no matter what, where you are always welcome. But we should not forget that supporting a family is a fairly big responsibility that falls on each of us. This should be especially remembered by those who are just planning to start a family. After all, very often young families break up for trivial reasons. You should learn to find a compromise and strive to ensure that over time, marital and family relationships only strengthened.

To everyone's surprise, it was found that the degree of men's involvement in the home or child care was directly proportional to women's willingness to accept a man as an equal. The decisive factor for a successful family is the woman’s maturity and her ability to accept men as part of the family and the father of a common child. If a woman experiences a matriarchal upbringing and does not accept the standard distribution of roles in the family, it is often the man who is responsible for the activity.

If you're wondering why we had an empty refrigerator. With these words, the man makes it clear to the woman that the kitchen is the “master” of her; he probably does not have a refrigerator for the products that she wanted to be there, but is unable to tell her partner directly, by way of reproach. A person, however, does not very often understand this hidden speech, goes into solitude and does nothing. Even if he is completely convinced of his skill - if he is not accepted by his wife, he will not even be able to prove it. She gives away the role, not her partner.

The most important thing is peace of mind, mutual understanding and a sense of security in relationships between family members. Without all this, comfort in the house is impossible. Every wife should be wise and be able to smooth out conflicts if her husband Bad mood, problems at work, and your daughter or son has a D in the diary. It is important to remain calm and respect each other.

Park closes this chapter by saying, “Fathers participate as much as women allow.” An example of the Snowdrop Festival. We can conclude that fathers and mothers naturally have innate prerequisites for raising children. Every parent uses their educational abilities in a way that comes naturally to them. Fathers and mothers influence different aspects of a child's development, each of them is used for different abilities, and that is why how to live in an imaginary "children's universe" and in different galaxies.

The different educational approaches of mothers and fathers cannot be called unacceptable speech in the family, since we are looking for some "experts" and, in particular, "experts" under the auspices of various government and semi-government agencies, slide into educational reports, expert opinions, or worse, into the basis of his decisions. But they are two sides of the same coin.

Many people make a mistake when they put career, money and fame first, neglecting family, considering it something secondary. And only some time later they realize how much they were mistaken.

The role of family happiness in a person’s life

Anyone who considers family useless is an unhappy person. After all, he deprives himself of the most important thing. The first steps of your baby, the attention of your wife and other family members and many other happiest moments of your life. The absence of all these joys often turns a person into a cruel and embittered individual towards the whole world.

The educational roles of both parents do not represent, but complement each other. Only the interaction of mother and father can create a complete and high-quality education system. In contrast, a single educational approach is offered by parents only, and that one parent either does not fulfill their educational role properly or is wasted on raising the child - "What are two when you only need one."

It is important for parents to be patient, respectful, and mutually supportive of their educational approaches. Mutual respect for the parent's educational role indicates maturity and ability to raise the child, and also recognizes the fact that both parents were involved in the child. The opposite approach signifies the parent's problematic personality, immaturity and immaturity.

Everyone has different reasons for having or not having children. Some people simply cannot have children, while others do not want to. Be that as it may, each of us in our souls dreams of having our own nest, so that we can return home from work, where our beloved wife and children meet you on the threshold, and a cat purrs next to them.

As the famous M. Tyson once said: “The most important and important thing in life is family.

Complementarity of the parent characters prof. The first section, on the issue of the family as an institution, opened a discussion about what the term “family” means today and how it should be understood for the purposes of the program. Some of the listeners objected that we live in a time that has already overcome such a “conservative” definition. What kind of man and woman live unmarried, have or have children, and live in a common house?

  • What about, for example, spouses who vainly desire a child?
  • Two homosexuals in a registered partnership?
  • Two older women?
  • Don't these families form a family?
What kind of questions do you think exist and how much do you need to respect the original meaning and definition of family despite having free time?

“Let's talk about family”

I I believe that everything has its beginning in the family. In my opinion, the family is the emotional center of a person’s life, the transmitter of culture, traditions, moral values ​​and is the place where children are raised. It is a place where you feel supported and understood, where you learn how to behave, communicate and interact with other people. My family means to me that I always want to do something good for them, and they all, in turn, fully support me. I cannot live without their help and respect, and I always know that they also need my support, so I try to be there. When I am discouraged, I come to my family and tell them about my feelings, and they always support me in any situation.

What is the line between family, home and society? Once we start using them lazily or in nonsense, they will no longer be our support. When a word indicates something pleasant, more and more scarce and therefore less accessible, it pushes so many other meanings under its wings when it threatens to lose its meaning in the end. With every lost word we lose everything.

The word family has, thanks to God, a high status and a very, very positive connotation. The fact that the proportion of people currently living in a family has been decreasing in recent times will not be corrected by expanding its content. A family is not the same household. A childless couple has a house, a house, an apartment. In professional language, it makes sense to maintain the difference between home and family. Spouses who are looking for a child can have a happy and contented household, they can create a beautiful home and can, of course, have their own home, mark the family as family if it gives them comfort.

We create a strong family, but we start with ourselves

In order for the family to be strong and friendly, you yourself need to become the epicenter of support and help. For example, for good relations with your parents, brothers, wife, grandmothers or children, you must always remember that they love you, which means they are the best people in your life. You should appreciate what they do for you, show respect, and always try to understand them.

As we say, we are free, but we won't change that. However, a single parent with a child is a family - single-parent families make up about a tenth of all families in our country. In sociology we find different opinions about everything, but the consensus that families make up family trees is quite universal.

When defining the concept of family, the multiple roles of the family play a key role in the role of the couple. It projects into all other functions, that is, economic, educational and emotional. From this point of view, the family is the only cohabitation of two opposite sexes and their children. All the rest are called family alternatives, but they do not accomplish something very important from the point of view of society and individuals and therefore are not a real family.

Be polite and never use rude words. Remember all birthdays and other significant dates. A great way to show your gratitude is to give a modest bouquet of flowers or just a hug. loved one. Send your family a sign that you care about them. If you go out in the evening, remember that they are worried about you, and do not forget to call them and tell them where you are. In addition, help around the house will never be superfluous, because your loved ones are also tired at work.

The emergence of family alternatives is strongly conditioned by the current situation in society or social basis life of society. The fact that there are so many speaks from a historical point of view of a stage of social decadence. In community-based development stages, such alternatives are always fewer or non-existent.

The couple, wishing in vain for a child, get married, but they are not a family. The child is present in fantasy and desire, but it is not real. A man and woman living together in a shared home are partners, but they are not family members. Two homosexuals in a registered partnership form the analogy of a marriage, but they are not family members. Even two living elderly women do not make a family like two new tractors or several electrons - protons.

Relationships in the family between parents and children

In most cases, parents and children have difficulties in understanding each other due to the generation gap. What do you think about this problem? Generation gap, misunderstanding between parents and children, adults and teenagers. Adults and teenagers do not see many basic things in their relationship with each other. Teenagers have a constant struggle for independence to make their own decisions.

Family is not every group that has strong emotional ties. It could be a family of squirrels. When defining the term “family,” we are not talking about meanings, but about dates. Groups and emotional connections in them are important, but not everyone has a family-reproductive nature. In the family there is always a reproductive nature and, therefore, childbearing and education.

For a family, we can designate each group that has a long-term reproductive character, which is what prof. By shifting the meaning of the word family from the area of ​​reproduction, neither in life nor in science, we will get nothing. Examples of groups that are reproductive are Families.

What advice can you give to people who want to have a close and happy family?

If you want to have friendly family, then first of all you need to respect and support your partner. Treat all his hobbies with understanding, be patient, polite and responsive. Both partners must participate in the process of raising children, as well as interact in many household matters. If one of the spouses does not notice an emerging problem, then the other is simply obliged to talk about them in order to solve it together in the future. In addition, family members should share the joys and sorrows that have occurred, and also, as far as possible, share housework and be sure to involve children.

An unmarried couple with children a homosexual couple raising their child or a surrogate child by adoptive parents and children who are entrusted to them by the grandparents caring for the child or children rather than the parents, a man with billyams who has a child with two women and has become involved with him. Examples of non-reproductive groups - non-homelands.

Squat without children two friends unconscious couple or partner unmarried couple infertile husbands longing for children a man and his biological child that the man does not care or care for him and the child does not consider him a father. Neighbors temporarily care for a child's teacher and student when the teacher has delegated child care. Vaclav Klaus Jr. Director of the gymnasium.

What does an ideal family mean?

First of all, I would like to note that there are no ideal families. But this term is well suited for cases when married couple constantly and sincerely think about each other. And also when they are friendly, tolerant and attentive to each other. In addition, it is very important that family members constantly communicate with each other. For a closer partnership, each family member needs to send a clear signal that if anyone gets into trouble, they will certainly stay with him and will come to his aid in any case.

Family is the environment in which they are in contact, parents and their children together with grandparents and the wider family. For example, we use the sentence: “We had a sad event in the family, grandmother died, etc.” No amount of time can overcome such a natural definition.

Spouses who are looking for a child want to “start a family.” Homosexuals register at the office. Two elderly women are friends. This is not because many such relationships may be valuable. These people may have stronger emotional relationships than the family. But these are completely different relationships.

Is family or work central?

“No amount of success can compensate for failure at home.” Sociological research suggests that a person who has support at home has a serious advantage in his career. But it also happens that if one is overly enthusiastic about work, one of the members falls out of the family micro-society. This is especially hard on a growing child.

Petr Tichy, teacher primary school. We should not move, expand or change the meaning of this term anywhere. We owe it to this institution to be here! Of course, we often use a family of words in a conveyed sense that relativizes and modifies the boundaries sought.

And rather, he will always be the first! Isn't this really the way to find this definition? It depends on the angle we look at the family. From a narrower point of view, her father, mother and children constitute her, but a broader one may include other family relationships. The original purpose of the family is to reproduce children and provide or satisfy all their needs, both physical and psychological. In order for society to develop, a family must actually raise three children. Two to compensate for oneself and the third to make society too old.

If both spouses are active professionally, it is necessary to equally distribute the responsibilities of caring for the child and keeping the house clean. This way, the child can receive enough attention from both parents. This is of course an ideal option for such a situation, but, unfortunately, in practice this is not always the case. Typical situation can be described this way: she looks after the children, and he is constantly at work. In such a situation, it is difficult to convince a man and influence him, and it is a pity that the realization of the loss of his family comes to him when it is impossible or very, very difficult to return everything to the previous track. Sometimes a successful combination of conversations and actions aimed at changing the situation can bear fruit, and a man who is carried away by his professional activity, decides to reconsider his priorities.