The candle leaked during meditation. Meditation on a candle flame to calm the mind

After a difficult day, with obsessive thoughts, with negative emotions, it is recommended to meditate on a candle flame in order to cleanse yourself of the negativity that has accumulated in the soul, heart, and thoughts. It is necessary to choose a place and a candle of such length that the fire is opposite the eyes. And your eyes looked at him not from above, but from the side.

The initial option is meditation on a candle flame

Sit in a meditation pose. Light a candle and position it so that it is approximately 50 cm away from you at eye level. Look at the flame. Watch him, admire him. Ask the fire to cleanse you of worries and grievances. Everyone knows about the ability of fire to attract attention, so it is much easier to concentrate on a candle flame than on other objects.

Now close your eyes, even out your breathing and relax. Clear your thoughts of extraneous worries. Open your eyes and fix your gaze on the candle flame. Concentrate, imagine that you are in the very center of the fire.

Feel that you are being consumed by fire, it fills you completely, cleanses and calms you. Leave all your worries and worries, problems and failures on fire. Feel how all troubles and sorrows melt in it.

If your eyes are watering, close them for a while and then open them and continue your meditation. After 20 minutes, close your eyes and feel the flame penetrate directly into your heart. Your whole body is filled with the light cleansing power of fire.

Then slowly open your eyes and exhale deeply. Also, take a slow and deep breath and return to the present time, to your normal state.

Fire burns excess negative energy. That’s why it’s so easy around a fire or lit candles. Contemplation of the flame has a beneficial harmonizing effect. Therefore, it is good to light candles when the situation in the house is tense, when there is excess negative energy.

During meditation, you can play calm music. It is better to warn your family in advance so as not to be distracted. Sit like this for about 10 minutes. If you don’t want to think about anything, you can just watch the flame. It will do everything itself. It is believed that flame is a manifestation of the Divine. But it’s true, fire always sees what needs to be destroyed in the subtle world.

By performing meditation every other day or every day for 1.5 - 2 weeks, you can notice good results in health and in relationships with other people. And even look younger. You can check it yourself. The main thing is to let the light into your soul.

Relaxation techniques often involve using objects to enhance concentration.

Today, meditation on a candle is very popular, the flame of which produces a healing effect and also helps to gain confidence and calm.

Just one session is enough to recharge your energy and get rid of the burden of negative emotions, and constant meditation helps to improve the health of the whole body.

Meditation on a candle flame: features of the technique

Meditation with a candle is considered quite effective and beneficial for mental balance. There are different techniques and the essence of most meditations with fire is to use a candle as an object for maximum focusing of the mind. The flame attracts attention, and in return gives its warmth, beauty and light.

Thus, relaxation techniques with a candle develop concentration, eliminate fears and uncontrollable thoughts, and also give a feeling of security.

Time and rules of meditation with a candle

It is best to meditate on fire at night or in the evening. In this case, it is preferable to be located in a dark room, where nothing will distract attention. Experts advise using regular wax candles without additional scents. There is also a separate opinion that you should use church candles, not paraffin candles. However, ancient meditative traditions do not have such prejudices.

It is suggested that for complete relaxation the candle should be placed at eye level. It should be located approximately 30-60 cm from a person, and as far as possible from flammable objects. Placing candles too close to you will strain your eyes, and being far away from the object will not help you concentrate due to the extra space in your gaze.

Candle Meditation for Beginners

When meditating on fire is performed for the first time, there are no special requirements to be fulfilled. Choose a candle of cream or white color and try to get rid of extraneous sounds in the room. Silence as part of relaxation is the best helper. It is also worth checking that there are no drafts.

How to Meditate

  1. Find a comfortable position. This could be the lotus position, sitting on a chair or pillow, or sitting cross-legged.
  2. Place a burning candle opposite.
  3. Quiet your mind and close your eyes. Even out your breathing.
  4. Fix your gaze on the flame and focus all your attention on it. Look exactly at the center of the fire, where it is brightest and strongest. Relax and open your heart to the candle.
  5. When your eyes get tired from tension, close them slowly and come to a state of rest. Then repeat the previous step.
  6. Feel how the flame clears your mind and calms your body. Give all negative feelings and unhappiness to fire.
  7. After 20-30 minutes, close your eyes and try to feel the flame of the candle in your heart, in your chest chakra. Feel how the glow filled your entire body.
  8. Stretch slowly, taking a leisurely deep breath. As you exhale, open your eyes and gradually end the meditation.

There is also a second option for meditation with flame. You need to contemplate the flame without tension, slightly opening your eyelids. After 5 minutes, close the eyes and observe the projection of the candle on the retina.

Repeat the procedure 3-5 times. The exit from the state is carried out in the same way as described in the previous version.

Meditation on a candle combined with proper breathing

Breathing exercises have always been a vital part of any meditation. In order for the candle to have a positive effect on the body, it is recommended to enhance its effect with relaxed breathing.

How to Meditate

  • Calm down completely and imagine your body as transparent, empty.
  • First, breathe only through your left nostril, closing the rest of your nose with your right index finger. As you inhale, think that your body is filled with the purest light. As you exhale, try to get rid of obsessive thoughts. Repeat inhalation and exhalation three times.
  • Close your left nostril with the same finger and again imagine a bright white light. Try to expel negative emotions from yourself, i.e. anger or hatred that will come out of you in the form of dark smoke. Repeat also three times.
  • Now inhale streams of light through your entire nose. Breathe out confusion, ignorance, all negative energy. They will leave the body not through the nostrils, but through the third eye point between the eyebrows. Do this part of the meditation three times.
  • Turn your attention to the candle flame. You need to focus as much as possible on the object and free yourself from all thoughts. Visualize how each breath will mark the release of fears and worries thanks to the warmth of the candle. Sweep away all extraneous thoughts.

Meditate like this for about 10-15 minutes.

The healing effect of meditation on a candle flame

Even ordinary meditation with a wax candle, performed before bed, can get rid of many ailments.

  • The flame heals insomnia and migraines.
  • Reduces eye and nervous system diseases.
  • A candle helps open the heart center and fill it with energy.

Purification by fire

If you want to cleanse all organ systems with fire, try to mentally direct the flame to the entire body. If you plan to treat a specific organ, you need to concentrate on them. You should imagine how the body or specific area is imbued with health and cleansed with luminescence.

You can also visually simulate how the body is completely immersed in a candle flame. In this case, only the black energy of diseases will burn out, but not the person.

Features of healing meditation

This meditation on a candle flame is carried out for at least 10 minutes.

  • You can turn on calm, quiet music for complete relaxation.
  • Candles can be rubbed with essential oil as part of the procedure. It is only recommended to do this from the middle to the top, and then from the bottom to the top.
  • Please note that extinguishing a candle with your fingers or your breath is not considered a good sign. It's better to use some kind of cap.

The first serious results from such meditation can be observed after 1.5-2 weeks of daily sessions.

Activating the chakras with a candle flame

In the human body there are 7 basic chakras - human energy centers. All of them help to improve physical health, as well as fill yourself with strength, if you influence them correctly. Meditation with a candle allows you to increase energy tone and cleanse the chakra channels of the hands.

How to Meditate

  • Place a red candle at arm's length. Relax and calm your thoughts.
  • Light the fire. Sit comfortably, but be sure to straighten your back.
  • Bring your right thumb to the highest point of the fire. The flame should not burn the skin, but it should be clearly felt, so choose a comfortable distance.
  • The thumb is connected to the first chakra. Therefore, as you inhale, imagine how the fire rises along the channel along the arm to the shoulder. As you exhale, direct the flame to a specific chakra.
  • After repeating the procedure 12 times, you can move to another finger with the next chakra. Then you need to bring your entire palm to the candle. Inhale and exhale fire into all chakras in turn the same number of times.
  • After the right hand, you can move on to the left in the same order of all stages.

For meditation to be effective, you must first thoroughly study the location of all the main chakras. At first it can be difficult to imagine a flame in the body, but after several sessions the burning of the energy channel is felt more and more clearly. The chakras will pulsate, gradually filling with the warmth of the candle.

Restoring vision with fire meditation

One form of maintaining attention on an object in meditative practice is called trataka. Its essence is a gradual transition from external concentration to internal concentration. This yoga practice not only relaxes and enhances intuition, but also quickly relieves eye fatigue.

Trataka has two levels.

  1. At the basic stage, a person should simply look at the flame without closing his eyes.
  2. For more advanced meditation users there is an internal trataka. The flame in this case exists only in the human mind, in the form of a candle.

You need to contemplate the fire until tears appear in your eyes. In this case, you must calm your breathing and take a position with a straight back. Meditation on a candle flame lasts about 15 minutes, without the need to move, blink or even move your eyeballs. The essence of the procedure is that you should not strain your eyes at all. If you still feel tired, you need to take a break for 15-20 seconds, closing your eyelids.

Performing trataka involves letting go of all thoughts. Just admire the flame, but do not perceive it taking into account your existing knowledge of chemistry and physics. At the end, you need to close your eyes for 2-3 minutes to keep the display of fire on the retina as long as possible.

Night meditation with a candle Osho

Night meditation by Osho Gurishankar allows you to develop sensuality and let your consciousness float freely. The technique consists of 4 stages, each of which lasts 15 minutes.

How to Meditate

  • Sit with your eyelids closed and breathe deeply through your nose, filling your lungs. Try to hold your breath as long as possible and maintain the established rhythm.
  • Return to normal breathing and look at the candle flame without looking too closely. Keep your posture straight.
  • Stand up with your eyes closed. Allow your body to completely relax. Do not make targeted movements, but allow the body to respond to the world on its own. Feel the movement of subtle energies within the body.
  • Take a lying position with your eyes closed. Don't move.

This fire meditation should be combined with soothing music to help achieve a rhythmic pulsation.

Meditation on a candle flame combined with aromatherapy

To activate different energies, you should select candles by color, and also accompany meditation with pleasant aromas.

  • Pink wax is used for love meditations.
  • Red – to stimulate passion.
  • Green candles restore balance in the soul and help create harmony around.
  • Peaceful meditations can be accompanied by blue candles.

A scented candle helps create the appropriate mood that will awaken the necessary energy during meditation. It is believed that essential oils, which give the wax a pleasant smell, act as follows:

  • Sandalwood helps to achieve enlightenment of the spirit.
  • Lemongrass and rosemary help you solve problems and clear your thoughts.
  • Jasmine or rose oil adds passion, a feeling of infatuation, and relieves tension.
  • Heather, vanilla, patchouli direct energy towards real goals and well-being in life, and develop sensuality.

When combining meditation with aromatherapy, it is important to choose a place free from noise, clutter, and light. The candle should be placed at eye level and then wiped with a cloth soaked in a suitable ether. Then you need to focus on the main feeling and light the flame.

How to Meditate

  1. Having taken a comfortable position, you should take 3 deep breaths.
  2. You need to look at the candle continuously, feeling complete peace.
  3. Follow the flame and you will notice that it responds to your energy, to your attention.
  4. Then try to visualize your deepest desires.

Look at the fire and imagine the hidden result. The meditation on the candle also ends with 3 deep breaths.

We sit down comfortably and concentrate our gaze on the candle. While with open eyes we try to come to the point, to see this flame, the light. At the same time, the surroundings gradually become less clear, less distinct, for us only the light of a candle is the focus of attention.

With our eyes closed, we continue to concentrate on the candle flame and take the first deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. We watch how the candle and its light change, we remember how the sensations change. We watch how the glow expands and becomes brighter.

Take a second deep breath, pause, exhale. We note how much deeper the pause is than the first time, we simply record this, and then we breathe calmly. Inside, from the fire that we breathed into ourselves, we feel a slight warmth. We understand the power of this element - the element of fire, or try to understand it, feel it. We take the next breath, imagining how we inhale through the fire and exhale through it. We feel inner peace, harmony, an even state, we sincerely thank the fire, the candle, for carrying out this cleansing and restoring ourselves. We take a simple deep breath, and as we exhale, from the very depths of the heart center we send in the direction of the candle the highest aspect of Love that we are capable of at the moment. Inhale, pause, exhale through the heart center.

Gradually we begin to breathe just like that, take a simple natural breath and with an exhalation we transmit Love to the entire space around us. With each exhalation, the waves harmoniously spread away from us and go further and further. Another deep breath, pause, exhale. We gradually begin to feel how the world responds to our message of unconditional love, which we are only capable of at this stage of our development, and responds to us with the same love. And as we inhale, we accept what comes to us from the outside. Inhale, pause, exhale. Let's breathe easy. We receive the waves; as we exhale, we receive them through the heart center, radiating them outward. We understand how united we all are, with nature, with this world and with these vibrations.

We gradually move our gaze to the heart, to the center of the soul and begin to see how the candle light begins to burn there, but only as our inner fire. With every breath, our inner glow intensifies and grows. We continue to watch. This condition was recorded. We slowly open our eyes and come to the “here and now.”

It's no secret that most modern people often experience devastation, loss of strength, depression, and dissatisfaction. In connection with this, the condition of the physical body, including the organs of vision, deteriorates. Simple and effective yoga practices will help balance your inner state, achieve inner harmony and balance, and restore and maintain vision throughout your life. Let's talk about "trataka" - meditation for beginners and at the same time a cleansing technique for the eyes.

Trataka is an attempt to take control of your attention and reduce the level of uncontrollable mental noise (one of the “side” effects of trataka is improved vision).

A typical problem for a modern city dweller is eye fatigue. It can also be caused by working on a computer for long periods of time, poor air quality, not drinking enough water, stress, strenuous driving, and improper lighting in the workplace.

To get rid of eye fatigue and prevent future vision deterioration, it is useful to do yoga practice Trataka.

This is a special meditation for the eyes, in which you need to concentrate your gaze on the brightest part of the candle flame.

It is enough to do this practice once a day in the evening before bed. Trataka works with the Ajna chakra “Third Eye”, therefore it not only prevents eye diseases, but also increases intuition (seeing “through” people and the dynamics of situations), promotes optimal decision making, and improves the quality of dreams.

Trataka: technique of execution

  1. Contemplation of a candle is performed while sitting with a straight back.
  2. The candle is positioned so that the flame is at eye level and at arm's length.
  3. Before contemplating a candle, be sure to close your eyes for a few minutes and calm your breathing.
  4. We open our eyes and look at the candle. We don't move, we don't blink. We try, if possible, not to even move our eyeballs. The secret is not to strain your eyes initially - then the tears won’t come so quickly. If your eyes are still tired, calmly close them, rest for 15-20 seconds, then begin contemplation again.
  5. We monitor our mind’s attempts to immerse itself in thought. If we realize that some kind of thought is spinning in our head, we calmly state this fact, and then release the thought from our head “to freedom.” Instead of fighting thoughts, we simply “don’t think” them.
  6. Looking at a candle flame, we see it as it is. Yes, we know that flames are the result of the oxidation of hydrocarbons. We know that it is hot and you can get burned on it. We know that it has a name - “flame”. But during trataka, all this knowledge must be forgotten. Too often in life we ​​look at something through the prism of our knowledge, and this prism distorts what we see beyond recognition. We just look at the fire, forgetting that it is called by this word. We look at how a wild animal that does not know words looks at a forest fire.
  7. At the end of the practice, we close our eyes for 2-3 minutes and contemplate the “imprint” of the candle flame on the retina of the eyes. We try to keep this imprint before our inner gaze for as long as possible. A sign that everything is being done correctly: at some point from our field all surrounding objects and their outlines disappear from vision, and only the candle flame remains.
After a difficult day, with obsessive thoughts, with negative emotions, it is recommended to meditate on a candle flame in order to cleanse yourself of the negativity that has accumulated in the soul, heart, and thoughts. It is necessary to choose a place and a candle of such length that the fire is opposite the eyes. And your eyes looked at him not from above, but from the side.

Initial version of meditation on a candle flame

Sit in a meditation pose. Light a candle and position it so that it is approximately 50 cm away from you at eye level. Look at the flame. Watch him, admire him. Ask the fire to cleanse you of worries and grievances. Everyone knows about the ability of fire to attract attention, so it is much easier to concentrate on a candle flame than on other objects.
Now close your eyes, even out your breathing and relax. Clear your thoughts of extraneous worries. Open your eyes and fix your gaze on the candle flame. Concentrate, imagine that you are in the very center of the fire.
Feel that you are being consumed by fire, it fills you completely, cleanses and calms you. Leave all your worries and worries, problems and failures on fire. Feel how all troubles and sorrows melt in it.
If your eyes are watering, close them for a while and then open them and continue your meditation. After 20 minutes, close your eyes and feel the flame penetrate directly into your heart. Your whole body is filled with the light cleansing power of fire.
Then slowly open your eyes and exhale deeply. Also, take a slow and deep breath and return to the present time, to your normal state.

Fire burns excess negative energy. That’s why it’s so easy around a fire or lit candles. Contemplation of the flame has a beneficial harmonizing effect. Therefore, it is good to light candles when the situation in the house is tense, when there is excess negative energy.
During meditation, you can play calm music. It is better to warn your family in advance so as not to be distracted. Sit like this for about 10 minutes. If you don’t want to think about anything, you can just watch the flame. It will do everything itself. It is believed that flame is a manifestation of the Divine. But it’s true, fire always sees what needs to be destroyed in the subtle world.
By performing meditation every other day or every day for 1.5 - 2 weeks, you can notice good results in health and in relationships with other people. And even look younger. You can check it yourself. The main thing is to let the light into your soul.

Advanced option - Trataka

Trataka is a meditation for treating vision. To get rid of eye fatigue and prevent future vision deterioration, it is useful to do the Tratak yoga practice. This is a special meditation for the eyes, in which you need to concentrate your gaze on the brightest part of the flame of a candle or oil lamp.
Look at the flame without blinking until tears appear in both eyes. After this, you need to close your eyes and wait until the tears dry; don't look at the flame anymore. It is enough to do this practice once a day in the evening before going to bed; it takes 1-3 minutes (with experience, the time is reduced).
After performing Tratak, meditation goes very well, and only good dreams occur. Tratak works with the Ajna chakra “Third Eye”, therefore it not only prevents eye diseases, but also increases intuition (seeing “through” people and the dynamics of situations), promotes optimal decision making, and improves the quality of dreams. Trataka is an attempt to take control of your attention and reduce the level of uncontrollable mental noise. One of the effects of trataka is improvement of vision.
1. Contemplation of a candle is performed while sitting with a straight back.
2. The candle is positioned so that the flame is at eye level and at arm's length.
3. Before contemplating a candle, be sure to close your eyes for a few minutes and calm your breathing.
4. Open your eyes and look at the candle (minimum execution time is 15 minutes, the more the better). We don't move, we don't blink. We try, if possible, not to even move our eyeballs. The secret is not to strain your eyes initially - then the tears won’t come so quickly. If your eyes are still tired, calmly close them, rest for 15-20 seconds, then continue the practice.
5. We monitor our brain’s attempts to immerse itself in thought. If we realize that some thought is spinning in our head, we calmly state this fact, and then let the thought go “free” from our head. Instead of fighting thoughts, we simply “don’t think” them.
6. Looking at the flame of a candle, we see it as it is. Yes, we know that flames are the result of the oxidation of hydrocarbons. We know that it is hot and you can get burned on it. We know that it has a name – “flame”. But during trataka all this knowledge must be forgotten. We just look at fire, forgetting that it is called by this word. We look at how a wild animal, who does not know words, looks at a forest fire.
7. At the end of the practice, close our eyes for 2-3 minutes and contemplate the “imprint” of the candle flame on the retina. We try to keep this imprint before our inner gaze for as long as possible. A sign that everything is being done correctly: at some point, all surrounding objects and their outlines disappear from our field of vision, and only the candle flame remains.

Jyoti Meditation

Place a lit candle in front of you, sit in front of it on the floor in the lotus position or some other comfortable position.
Look closely at the flame for some time. Then, closing your eyes, mentally imagine a flame and transfer it inside yourself to the area between your eyebrows.
Next, lower the flame into your spiritual heart, symbolically located in the center of the chest. When the flame reaches the lotus-shaped heart, slowly imagine how its petals begin to open slowly one by one under the influence of light, washing every thought, every feeling, emotion and desire, removing darkness and ignorance from there. Now there is no place in our heart for dark feelings and thoughts, the divine light has expelled them.
Imagine that the light begins to spread more and more. It becomes stronger and brighter. Now it penetrates into your hands and feet, and from now on they will no longer commit dark and evil actions. They will become instruments of light and love.
Then the light reaches your tongue, and as a result, lies, slander and malice leave it. Direct the light to the eyes and ears to destroy all dark desires there. Let your head now be filled with light and all evil thoughts leave it, because evil thoughts dwell only in darkness.
Constantly imagine that the light is becoming more intense and brighter, and it will become so. Now it is already extending beyond your body, spreading in expanding circles. You direct it at all your loved ones and loved ones, relatives and acquaintances, friends and colleagues, at your enemies and rivals, strangers, at all living beings, at the whole world, at the whole Universe.