Dream interpretation of riding an elephant. Why does a woman dream about an elephant? Why do you dream about a herd of elephants?

Why do you dream about a real living elephant? The dream book considers him in a dream a symbol of eternity, moderation and compassion. And also power, stable position, achievements at work. A more accurate interpretation will be provided by the details of the dream. But first you need to check with popular interpreters.

Interpretation from the Enigma dream book

Did you dream about an elephant? Be patient, peaceful and be sure to get a profitable position. The dancing elephant warns: you will get into debt. The majestic and leisurely giant symbolizes experience, recognition, and prudence. At the same time, it is a sign of thick skin and insensitivity.

The presence of an elephant in a dream is a sign of improving life circumstances, but the Enigma dream book advises people who are prone to obesity to get rid of excess weight. You should definitely think about it if the hero had an unusual color:

  • Pink – spiritual search, development.
  • Red – uncontrollable emotions, power.
  • Golden – harmony, happiness, wealth.
  • Blue – understanding, humility.
  • Blue – fulfillment of plans.
  • Green – profit, long trip.

Meaning according to Miller, Freud, Wang

Lucky to walk next to an elephant? Miller believes that you will be able to take a strong position at work and in your family. Seeing a baby elephant means that determination will help establish justice.

According to the Muslim dream book, a tame elephant guarantees a promotion in the service in a dream. But if an animal rushes at you, then misfortune will happen, big troubles. A herd of elephants marks the acquisition of long-awaited prosperity.

Dr. Freud is sure: in women’s dreams the elephant is associated with a man and intimate contact, and in men’s dreams it is associated with success in bed and dreams of power and stability. Anyone who sees an elephant in the night, according to the seer Vanga, will benefit from communicating with a person in power.

Why do you dream about an elephant's butt? Fate will present you with an extremely unusual, but rather pleasant surprise. If you see a huge leg, you need to forget something or forgive someone. In a dream, did the beast lift you up with its trunk? In the real world, you will reach unprecedented heights in your business.

Why see a lot of elephants

Why do you dream about many elephants? You have worked hard, a well-deserved reward and good prospects await you. An entire herd of elephants is identified with true friends who will help in difficult times.

If you see two elephants, then the dream book prophesies: luck will double. A pair of elephants is a particularly good sign for businessmen. Today the profit will be twice as much. White individuals portend an imminent appointment to a leadership or profitable position.

Did you dream about an unprecedented elephant seal? After hearing enough flattering compliments, you will imagine too much about yourself and do stupid things. Sometimes seeing many individuals means obstacles that you can overcome thanks to incredible fortitude.

Where did you dream about the elephant: decoding by location

It is very important to note where exactly the character appeared in the dream. If you are in your own apartment, you will encounter unpleasant experiences, obstacles, and inconveniences. However, for a girl this is an omen of a profitable groom.

Did you find yourself at a circus performance? Have a nice time. Why dream that the “artists” were jumping and frolicking in the arena? You will find yourself in a secular society or become a participant in an abstruse dispute. An African giant wandered into the garden? The dream book is convinced: your work will be highly appreciated.

If you encounter him in the middle of the jungle, your business trip will be unsuccessful. Watching animals in a zoo means being tormented by complexes, suspicions, and fears. An elephant in a store symbolizes enterprise or one's own clumsiness.

Why do you dream about a little elephant?

Why is the little elephant coming? A friend will do a noble deed, which will greatly surprise you. If an elephant calf appears, then it is urgent to pay attention to loved ones.

In your dream, did you give birth and a little elephant was born? The dream book predicts: dramatic changes are coming in your personal life. The same plot can be interpreted as a gradual but confident increase in well-being.

For creative people, a little elephant signifies a surge of inspiration. What does it mean if an ordinary person suddenly turns into an elephant? This transformation hints that a very influential person will take part in your destiny.

What does it mean to feed and water an elephant?

Feeding and watering an elephant in a dream is very good. In the real world, you will provide an invaluable service to a high-ranking person and will be adequately rewarded. If another character did the same thing, then they will make you a tempting offer, but you refuse, and another person will take your place.

Did an animal try to eat you? The dream book is sure: you have to submit to a powerful and even despotic person. Did you try to give the giant water to drink? A rich relative will help you in an important matter. Another interpretation promises a highly paid job.

Interpretation of other actions in a dream

Additionally, the dream book offers the meaning of other actions. For example, if you managed to buy a strange animal in the night, you will receive an inheritance or acquire long-awaited real estate. Besides:

  • Stroke an elephant - to the kindness of others.
  • To tame means successful but slow progress.
  • Kissing is a great joy.
  • Walking means the pursuit of money and pleasure.
  • To drive away means missed opportunities.
  • Hitting is a stupid act with consequences.
  • Chasing is a useless acquisition.

Why ride an elephant and fall off it?

Why do you dream that you are lucky enough to ride an elephant? You will experience an unusual adventure that you will remember for the rest of your life.

Were you riding a huge beast? Earn honors and noble fortune. Another interpretation of the dream book: you will get involved in a business that will become a source of huge income. For this reason, falling down is always bad. This is a sign of loss of position, money, authority.

Did you wash an animal in a dream? You will be involved in a long-term project. It's good to swim with him. The troubles you fear will pass by. Swim next to a giant? Meet a person who will become a devoted friend. The same episode hints at the location of an influential person.

What does a giant attack mean in the night?

Why do you dream about a very angry elephant? You will hear accusations against you. If he was going to attack, then the dream book states: by your behavior you have created a dangerous situation.

If a madman attacks, you risk losing control over your own emotions. In a dream, were you chased by a raging elephant? To restore justice, you will have to make a lot of effort and even make sacrifices.

At the same time, an attack without any consequences marks the rapid achievement of the goal. And an elephant that has gone mad hints that you have deviated from the right path. In these cases, it is necessary to analyze your actions and choose a different direction for applying forces.

Did you have to run from an angry elephant in a dream? The dream book suspects that those around you are putting pressure on you, constantly telling you what to do, how to behave and even what to wear. Dreamed escape reflects resistance against established boundaries.

Why see a wounded, dead animal?

Why do you dream of a wounded giant? You have to do difficult work with low pay. Did a dead elephant appear? This is an omen of loss of authority, termination of the engagement. Moreover, the dream book is sure: you will be to blame for this.

If the creature died before your eyes, you got involved in a hopeless cause and will burn out. Hearing the cry of a dying animal can be bad news. Did you see how the elephant died? You will repent of your recent misdeed.

Hunting elephants is good in a dream. A task awaits you, after solving which you will improve your financial condition. But killing at least one is bad. This is a signal of major troubles.

When you see an elephant in a dream, it means that in reality you are about to have an important event, or a meeting with a high-ranking and generous person. At the same time, the nuances of a dream vision have a great influence on the explanation of what such an animal is seen as. So, when you tell him where to go, it means you will keep the situation under control. The dream book explains a horseback expedition as a sign of upcoming good luck.

Universal dream book

An elephant seen in a dream is a signal that a large monetary reward awaits you from an influential person. When you dreamed of different ornaments being put on an elephant, it means that you will be respected and revered. For young ladies, the Universal Dream Book prophesies the acceptance of an offer from a wealthy representative of the stronger sex.

Buying an elephant for money means, in reality, becoming the owner of a huge property based on the results of a lucrative contract.

This dream interpreter also provides an explanation of why a dead elephant dreams. When you dream about something similar, be careful! A threat emanating from a risky enterprise looms over you.

Seeing a full herd in a dream is a symbol of danger to life. You should be wary of risky matters and incidents in which you may let down high-ranking individuals.

As the dream book says, an elephant in the house means you will be in an agitated and uncomfortable state.

Riding an elephant is a sign of joy in life and accompanying success. When you dream that you are giving food or drink to an elephant, you will get a good position.

The universal dream book says that an elephant's trunk is considered a sign of good luck and conquest. An animal bone is seen as a sign of happiness and fortune.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Miller also provides an explanation of why an elephant dreams. When you are lucky enough to ride an elephant, it means that you will have wealth and the respect of others, which you truly deserve. Miller's dream book indicates with confidence that you will be able to control all areas of your work activity. You will be able to deservedly earn authority in your family.

Seeing a herd in a dream is a sign of desired financial wealth. One individual prophesies a promotion among familiar personalities due to your good qualities and justice.

Opinion of Loff and Nostradamus

Loff's dream book indicates: such an animal in Zulu culture expresses prudence, traditionalism and truth in relationships. It is worth noting that in different cultures around the world, the main symbols represent local meaning, but they correctly reflect the images and dreams of all humanity, regardless of their location.

Many Western cultures give the elephant power and long-lasting memory. Therefore, a dreaming animal can express human memories. So, this may be a mention of something valuable in life, but in vain you forgot.

The dream book of Nostradamus says that the elephant embodies reason, and sometimes prejudice and fury. If you dreamed about a white mammal, in real life you will become the owner of an unnecessary thing.

Esoteric and Muslim interpreters

An explanation of why a similar plot is seen is also presented by the Esoteric Dream Interpreter. If you are attacked by an elephant in a dream, this means that you are in for a big trouble on your life’s path. If you dreamed that you were on the back of an elephant, expect happiness and career growth in the near future.

The Muslim dream book says that if you happen to become a victim of a mammal that attacks you, you will actually suffer misfortune. And when you ride an elephant, you foresee a high position.

Various predictions

A dream with an elephant expresses the dreamer's endurance, remarkable memory, intelligence and trustworthiness. It is especially favorable to look at yourself from above on an animal. If you dreamed that strangers were riding an animal, for you such a plot could mean receiving a lot of support from a rich person or old comrades.

Giving food to an elephant in a dream means you will meet an important person whose future will depend on him. When you see that you have to run from a herd of elephants, you should beware of enemies who are very dangerous. In some cases, such a dream may mean that deep in your soul there is a huge supply of possibilities that you do not want to use out of fear.

The Dream Interpretation of Wanderers informs that a herd running away from you means that in reality it is worth assessing your intuition, which brings confusion into life. If you don't try to control your emotions, your life could fall apart.

When you dream about elephants, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is: can you cope with the power hidden deep within you?

Some dream interpreters interpret the elephant's trunk as. The greater its length, the more sexual character the sleeping person enjoys.

Seeing an elephant in a dream means that you think too much of yourself, having heard a lot of standard compliments and taken them seriously and to heart. Riding an elephant - such a dream foretells that you will be embarrassed by blurting out nonsense in the wrong place, at the wrong time and in the wrong society where they would not pay attention to it.

A limping elephant portends a deterioration in business, a loud trumpet means a long journey, a dirty and tattered elephant means hard work with a meager salary, a sitting elephant means getting a profitable position, standing on its hind legs means you will get into debt.

Seeing an elephant eating in a zoo means that with your success you will cause envy and gossip around your name.

Seeing an elephant pouring water on itself means you will receive a letter not addressed to you. If you see elephants performing in a circus, this is a sign of a pleasant pastime.

An elephant with its tusks cut off is a sign of the loss of a valuable item. Elegant ivory crafts mean favorable changes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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according to Loff's dream book

In the culture of the Zulu people, the elephant is a symbol of wisdom, patriarchy and sacred relationships, compare with the symbols of the bear and eagle in the culture of the American Indians. Consider the fact that in cultures scattered around the world, their dominant symbols have local overtones, but at the same time reflect the vision and representation of all humanity, regardless of geographical location. In many Western cultures, the elephant is revered as an animal endowed with strength and excellent memory. And if this is so, the appearance of these animals in dreams is related to the process of memorization and memory - perhaps it is a reminder of something forgotten.

Seeing an elephant in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

The elephant is a symbol of moderation, compassion, eternity, and supreme power. In India, the white elephant is considered the incarnation of Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of wisdom, happiness and literature, and symbolizes the taming of passions, as Ganesha holds his own trunk in his hand. In addition, the elephant symbolizes strength, insight and longevity. The elephant is the mount of Indian rulers and the Hindu god of thunder and rain, Indra. The elephant symbolized the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, prudence, intelligence and peacefulness. In Thailand, Cambodia and Burma, the white elephant has become a symbol of fertility and rainfall. For Buddhists, the elephant is a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability. Queen Maya learned of the imminent birth of her son, the future Buddha, in a prophetic dream in which a charming little white elephant entered her. As a symbol of wisdom, the elephant was an attribute of the ancient Roman god Mercury. An elephant trampling a snake is a symbol of Christ’s victory over death and evil. It was believed that the elephant abstains from sex during the female's long pregnancy, so in Europe it was made a symbol of chastity and devotion in love. Hindu legend says that elephants once flew, but were cursed and lost this gift. Another legend described by R. Kipling says that the elephant used to have a short trunk. Once a crocodile grabbed an elephant by the trunk, the elephant managed to escape, but the trunk stretched and remained that way forever.

Elephant in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The elephant is a symbol of wisdom, strength, and in some cases, vindictiveness and cruelty. An elephant with stars on its back is a symbol of the Republican Party coming to power in America. If you saw a white elephant in a dream, it means that in reality you will make a useless acquisition.

I dreamed about an elephant

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are riding an elephant means that you will acquire a highly secure fortune and deserve honors, which you will accept with dignity. All areas of activity of your enterprise will be subordinate to you, and your position in the house will become equally authoritative. Seeing a herd of elephants means long-awaited, true prosperity. A lone elephant portends you a small business, but very reliable. Seeing an elephant grazing means that you will rise in your society due to your kindness and justice.

The elephant has long been considered a symbol of wisdom, longevity and prosperity. The gates of heaven in the paintings are decorated with images of elephants, and the Indian god Ganesha, a symbol of success, has the head of an elephant. An exceptionally positive symbol carries a good omen. But not all dream books interpret elephants for a woman in a dream as a positive sign.

Prediction of the great Vanga

An elephant dreamed by a woman, may indicate that you have an analytical mind. You have critical thinking, and this helps you find a way out of any situation.

The elephant is at your home- this is a reason to rejoice; the happiness that will visit your home will be just as great. Vanga interprets in his dream book: an elephant with a mother elephant in a dream - children, husband and parents need your attention. Spend more time with your family. If in a dream you took a walk on an elephant, then you should stop abusing manipulative actions towards other people. This may not turn out in the most pleasant way for you.

A dream in which the herd is running in an unknown direction - a meeting with an important person will happen soon. He will help you solve a very important issue. If a herd of elephants is just standing there, this is a call to be careful and watch your words and actions. A random phrase can bring you a series of troubles. A herd of elephants was in a pond - expect a series of increased worries. Don't be afraid to ask your friends for advice and don't forget to thank them for their help.

White elephant in a dream- success at work: salary increases or moving up the career ladder. Black - your goals and dreams will soon come true, and without much effort. The animal was dead - unfortunately in the family, be careful and warn your relatives.

Sigmund Freud's opinion

Freud, in his dream book, interprets a large elephant in a dream as an imminent meeting with a man who will charm you with his courtship and upbringing. The little elephant you played with - expect good news. Soon you will get what you have been waiting for in your intimate life. Perhaps the discovery of new caresses, erogenous zones, or reaching a new level of sexual relations with a partner. Also, such a dream can be interpreted as a warning: sexual harassment from superiors at work is possible.

Psychologist Loff about elephants in dreams

Loff, in his dream book, interprets a large elephant as a positive sign: all unresolved problems and issues will soon be resolved by themselves. Don't rush fate, everything will fall into place.

A night image in the form of an elephant may indicate that the ambitions that are inherent in you require implementation. Your potential is great and you need to start achieving the goals that you have been putting off for months.

Interpretation by Gustav Miller

Congregation of elephants, which you observed in a dream, success awaits you in a financial matter. Luck will be unexpected and may come in the form of a bonus at work, a lottery win, or an inheritance. If there was only one elephant, expect a profitable offer. Your close friend or relative will offer you an interesting business that will improve your financial situation.

The animal was eating grass- moving up the social ladder. Your status will rise and this is all thanks to your character and personal qualities. Walking on an elephant means you are trusted. They listen to your words and advice; you are a professional in your field. Also, such a dream can be interpreted as the imminent acquisition of your own home.

Interpretation of a dream by Yuri Longo

If in a dream you We went to the zoo and saw an elephant there- it’s time for you to get rid of the complexes that poison your life. You miss too much because of your fears. If there was a whole cluster of elephants, this is a sign that there are a lot of people in your life who love you and help you from the bottom of their hearts. Don't forget to thank them for this.

Animal ride means that you are a leader by nature. You easily manage to subjugate people and be an authority for them.

If you took part in the hunt for giants- you should learn tolerance and be more loyal to other people. Your cruelty can hurt, people around you suffer from your evil words and actions. If you killed an animal, then think about your every action several times in advance.

An animal that is excited about something can be a signal that trouble is about to happen. The reason for which will be you, reconsider your behavior.

Dream book of the astrologer-soothsayer Nostradamus

Nostradamus also gives his answer to the question: why does a girl dream about an elephant? Seeing an animal means you are wise and educated enough. But if they cross your path, there will be no mercy.

Elephant with a star- a signal that you are a powerful person by nature. Thanks to your qualities, you can expect a significant promotion at work. A white animal means thoughtless and senseless purchases are coming. Your finances are not limitless, think several times before purchasing things.

Esoteric dream book

Taking a photograph of an elephant in a zoo or in a wild animal habitat means your life is developing quite dynamically. But even the most resilient person sometimes needs a rest. Take time for yourself and stay “in place” for now.

Feeding the giant - all problems and questions that interest you will soon be resolved, be patient. Beating an unfortunate animal means your life will be filled with new serious trials. If you just watched the elephant, this means stability, everything goes as usual.

The meaning of popular dream books

Today there are many dream books, the meaning of which depends on the experience and worldview of the writers. You can rely on anyone whose philosophy is closest to you.

What color was the elephant

The color of the animal also plays a significant role in the interpretation of the dream. So, if you saw an elephant:

Elephant size

An important detail of sleep is the size of the animal. Remember for the most accurate interpretation:

  • If you dreamed of an incredibly huge elephant, expect impulsive purchases that will not bring any practical benefit. Before each purchase, carefully compare the pros and cons of purchasing an item. Thoughtless spending of the budget can turn into a financial hole for you.
  • There was a gray little elephant in the dream - be careful in financial matters. A good deal may fall through.
  • Seeing only the trunk is a sign of a new love affair that will quickly develop into a close relationship.
  • An animal with incredibly large ears - get ready for productive work. There will be a large amount of information to study and assimilate.

Animal behavior and actions

Elephants have a measured and calm character. Remember what the animal was like in the dream, what it did and how it behaved:

Modern general dream book

There were a lot of elephants - the meaning of the dream is very positive: your life will sparkle with new colors.

If you had such a dream on the eve of an important meeting or before making a decision, you are guaranteed success.

A sick person had a dream - the disease will soon fade into the background, and over time it will stop bothering you altogether.

For a pregnant woman who dreams of an elephant, it promises an easy and trouble-free birth, and the child will be strong and healthy.

If you dreamed of an elephant when there were difficult life circumstances, then the person who is next to you can help you. He is smart, experienced and competent. Look around, don't be afraid to ask for help. If there is still no such person, then new acquaintances will definitely “bring” such a person to you.

If in a dream you imagined yourself as an elephant, then this indicates that inside you feel like a strong, brave and wise person.

Seeing Ganesh, the Indian god with the head of an elephant, in a dream is bad news. This can affect both work and the family sphere.

If a man saw a giant in a dream, this is a signal that your abilities and competencies are at a high level, but need constant development.

Seeing an elephant in a dream is a positive sign for a woman in most dream books. Do not panic if the interpretation predicts sad news. It is enough to remember that dreams are just information that we have received throughout the day and throughout our lives. It is likely that an elephant in a dream is just an elephant that does not threaten anything bad.

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