A strong turn away from a rival at home. Black lapel in magic: ways to influence a rival Cooling feelings in a spouse

Turning away from your rival will help you get rid of your husband’s inappropriate hobby. Or eliminate competitors on the way to your lover’s heart. This is not about harming someone’s health - it’s just that your chosen one will stop noticing his rival.

A lapel or “squabble” is a magical rite that is performed on the waning moon. It is during this period of time that lunar energy is most aimed at destruction, so it will help remove the love affair between a man and your rival.

After the lapel ritual, a man may experience the following feelings towards your rival:

  • Strong anger - it will be so strong that he will not be able to control his emotions
  • Hatred - occurs if before the lapel ritual the man loved his rival
  • Indifference - occurs with a standard turn away from a rival in whom the man had ordinary interest, without any strong feelings
  • Hostility - manifests itself if the girl herself takes the initiative and tries to get closer to your chosen one

The more negative feelings you have towards your rival, the stronger the turn-off will be. And indifference, hostility and hatred in the soul of a man will begin to mature gradually, after performing a magical ritual.

The result will be the complete destruction of the relationship between a man and his current passion - their union will not withstand the pressure of quarrels and conflicts, the partners will begin to hate each other.

Lapels are divided into three types:

  • By photo
  • for food or drinks
  • a turn away from sex life

Types of lapels

There are three types of lapels in total that help get rid of your rival. Let's look at each briefly.

Lapel for returning a husband to the family

This magical ritual is performed by wives who want to return an unfaithful husband to the family and turn him away from his mistress. But you need to take into account this nuance - if the mistress has previously performed a love spell on her husband, the ritual will not work. First you need to neutralize the effect of the love spell.

If the husband fell in love “on his own initiative” and no magical manipulations were performed for this, the lapel will work immediately.

"Preventative" love spell

This ritual is used if you suspect that some girl intends to take your man away. He hasn't shown affection back yet, but you want to protect the relationship in advance.

With the help of a lapel from a supposed rival, you can ensure that your beloved man will not even look at the homewrecker.

Lapel of husband from wife

This is the most negative version of the lapel, which is used by mistresses who intend to take someone else’s husband away from the family and tie him to themselves.

Worth a word of caution: such a lapel has extremely negative consequences. Relationships built on someone else's misfortune are unlikely to be happy and harmonious. Both will suffer - both the former lover and the man who defected.

The only case when such a lapel will not bring negative consequences: if the man was unhappy in his marriage with his wife and he himself dreamed of getting rid of her.

Proven ways to turn a husband away from his mistresses

We will tell you about lapels that help avoid adultery or return an unfaithful husband to the family after quarreling with his mistress.

Lapel for food

The food you feed your husband is a powerful tool for influencing his emotional state and thoughts. It is not for nothing that many Vedic psychologists claim: there is a direct connection with the mood in which the wife prepares food - this directly affects the well-being and success of the husband.

Therefore, turning on food is very effective and powerful.

To charm food and turn your husband away from his mistress, cook his favorite, most delicious dishes for three days. When you salt and pepper delicacies, say the following text:

Important: more seasonings should be added than usual. Be sure to feed your husband prepared meals and wait for the lapel to take effect. Usually it comes into force on the fourth day after the husband tastes the last of the enchanted dishes.

Lapel with black thread

This lapel will help if the husband has not yet reached the point of physical infidelity, but he has already begun to look at another woman, care for her and show signs of attention.

You will need a needle, black thread and your husband's underwear.

Wait until midnight, insert the thread into the needle and sew your husband's underwear without him noticing the difference. While sewing, say the words of the lapel spell:

It is very important that a man wears charmed underwear. The more often he does this, the faster he will be turned away from his rival. You can secure the effect of the lapel by casting a love spell on yourself - then not a single homewrecker will be able to destroy your family.

Watch a video about lapels from a rival:

Cemetery lapel

Despite the creepy name of the ritual, it is quite simple to do. You need to collect a handful of earth in the cemetery.

Wait until midnight, take the prepared earth in your hands and say the magic words:

The soil must be scattered in a place where both your spouse and your potential homewrecker are sure to pass at least once. The ritual will take effect exactly when they step over the place where the earth is scattered.

Very important: keep your intention to make a lapel in strict confidence. No one should know that you want to return your beloved to the family using magic. Otherwise, the magic ritual may not work, and you will receive a lot of criticism and condemnation, which will prevent you from getting into the right mood.

It is better to memorize the words of lapel spells so that at the right moment you can pronounce them clearly, confidently and without the slightest hesitation.

You should not be afraid when you are asked to make a “black lapel”. Many people, with a certain degree of naivety, divide lapels into “white” and “black”.

It should be said: such a division simply does not exist.

Love magic is quite multifaceted. It is “in all fields” at once. In such a matter it is difficult to separate white from black.

And in life, is there holiness without sin? Judge for yourself. You will probably come to the conclusion that one without the other will not keep us on this planet.

A similar ritual is performed using elements of black magic. But the essence lies not in attributes, but in intentions.

The lapel can be very sinful, even if done by a believer in the Temple. This is when such a magician interferes in other people's relationships.

At the same time, if an unhappy wife wants to save her marriage and her father for her children, but carries out the ritual in a cemetery, what’s sinful about that?

We will talk not about intentions, but about the technique of rituals. Let's look at the black love spell from different angles.

Black love spell: principle of operation

These rituals are not suitable for those who are determined to achieve quick results. They are for people who are patient, thorough, and thoughtful.

The black lapel acts slowly.

Magical powers “invade” the very heart of the victim. There they begin to gradually change his sensations and feelings.

Gradually he begins to realize that the object of his former passion is moving away. By the way, some people perceive it this way. They see their lover (mistress) as if from afar.

A loved one no longer evokes stormy and exciting emotions. Complete cooling follows. Thoughts that previously stirred the blood no longer come to mind.

At the same time, the black lapel does not affect other aspects of life. The world shines with colors, new hobbies and activities appear. A person simply moves away from his former passion.

Everything feels natural.

You may ask whether a black lapel has any negative aspects. The answer is not original.

All such rituals are harmful if they are carried out for selfish reasons, without love and compassion for the victim.

A black lapel can also bring a lot of trouble, if its customer desired something he was not supposed to, and imagined himself to be the arbiter of destinies.

Payment in such a case will not provide much protection. You should remember the inevitability of an answer for your desires, even if they do not come true.

The magic of performing a black ritual

Now let's talk about the technique of performing rituals, of which, in fact, there are quite a lot.

Firstly, black lapels are available in all schools. They can be used regardless of religion.

Here you need to trust the forces you are turning to.

Additionally, it is (absolutely) unacceptable to feel fear towards them.

Advice for those who want to practice black lapel.

Before you begin, read the description of the ritual thoroughly. Then imagine his move. Imagine everything down to the subtleties.

At some point you will come into contact with those forces that will fulfill your desire.

If you feel uncomfortable, then abandon this particular ritual. Look for a different ritual.

Don't ignore this advice.

The black lapel may be followed by misfortunes, because with fear you open the way into your life for ruthless forces.

All rituals using blood belong to black magic, so it is not recommended to perform them yourself. A love spell on blood is carried out only if it is necessary to remove the effect of a love spell on blood. In this case, it will refer to rituals that are carried out for good and have minimal negative consequences.

Description of the ritual

If you notice that something is wrong with your loved one and suspect that he is under the influence of a love spell, then you should first consult with a professional magician. Only he can correctly determine what type of magical effect was used, and whether the love spell was performed on blood.

If this is so, then to remove the love spell, it is necessary to perform a lapel on the blood. For the ritual you will need a new sewing needle. You need to purchase it at the store against payment or not take change.

The ritual is performed late at night during the waning moon in a separate room without witnesses. A fresh photograph of a loved one who is under the influence of a strong love spell should be placed on the table and a church candle placed next to it, as well as a purchased needle and a small mirror.

Focusing on the desire to save your loved one from foreign harmful influences, you should light a candle, take a needle and prick your own finger.

After this, you need to drop a drop of blood onto the photo and say a lapel spell:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), will place three clear dawns on the needle, one of them ascends to the sky, and the others leave it, freeing up the place. As soon as the first dawn goes out, the light of day, the bright sun will hear my call. And as soon as the other dawns disappear, so will your love, the Servant of God (the name of your loved one) disappear along with them. You will get rid of what was imposed by evil intent and stop yearning for the Servant of God (the name of your rival), you will no longer remember her and you will not grieve from separation. Love alien to nature will never flare up again. The needle, through my righteous blood, will pierce the heart of the Servant of God (name of the beloved). With my strength I will extinguish someone else’s love. My word is true, and my thoughts are pure. Amen".

You need to drop a drop on the photo of your loved one three times and repeat the lapel spell three times. After this, you need to cover the picture with a mirror, placing it with the mirror side down, and wait until the candle burns out. At this time, you cannot be distracted by extraneous thoughts, but you need to concentrate as much as possible and imagine how the connections between people are severed.

After the ritual, the candle stub and needle should be buried as close as possible to the rival’s house, preferably under the threshold of her house. The mirror and photograph should be wrapped in a new silk rag after coming home. The package must be hidden in a secret place so that no one will ever find it.

Effective lapel

A lapel is a magical action that is the opposite of a love spell. This technique is aimed at destroying the emotional and physical connection in a couple. In addition, magical actions aimed at ridding a person of a bad habit are also called lapels. Most often, lapels are made about a rival, wife, smoking and alcohol. In addition, there are situations when a lapel is needed from friends, parents, etc. Lapels change a person’s attitude towards the chosen one in such a way that from strong sympathy his feelings turn into complete antipathy. Often turning away from a rival is combined with the ritual of casting a love spell on a sorceress.

The most powerful lapels are those performed by black magic rituals. They are also called “cooling off”: when the object of influence completely loses interest in the chosen one and no longer wants to be near him.

The most popular are the rituals of turning on a rival; magical rituals are often used that make it possible to ward off a man from all female representatives, except the sorceress herself.

It is worth remembering that any magical effect, especially dark, has a number of negative consequences for the magician. Negative energy can partially affect the person who applies the lapel. This happens because interference in the world of energies cannot pass without leaving a trace. Moreover, you can harm both yourself and your children and relatives. Therefore, in order to carry out the lapel ritual, you need to install protection on yourself.

Why do you need the ritual of turning away from your rival?

Although the lapel is a dark ritual, it can still serve good purposes. Lapel divination saves many lives and families, and prevents a person from ruining his fate because of an incorrectly chosen companion.

Lapels are most in demand among representatives of the fair sex who have a rival. The ritual is especially important if a mistress has her eye on a married man. Then the legal wife can carry out the lapel and return the legal spouse to the family. But remember that the lapel is the last chance to correct the situation when other, non-magical methods did not work. Magic should not be a method of first aid; it is saved for last, because interactions with subtle matters do not pass without a trace for anyone.

If parents are against their child’s choice, then the turning away ritual can help here too. In this way, you can remove an unwanted chosen one from the life of your offspring. After all, life is a complicated thing - a child can fall in love with a criminal, a drug addict, an alcoholic, and in a fit of feelings not see what their beloved really is.

You can also perform the lapel ritual for an unrequited lover. This situation occurs quite often: a person falls in love with someone who does not reciprocate his feelings at all. Instead of suffering for a long time, trying to forget the chosen one of the heart, it is better to carry out a magical ritual so that the unwanted feelings will stop as soon as possible, and the lover can calmly continue to live and meet a worthy contender who reciprocates his feelings.

If a love spell was cast on your chosen one, then the lapel ritual will remove its effect. Of course, such rituals are the most complex, requiring experience and maximum concentration, but in the fight for your soulmate, all means are good.

Love, family, children are real treasures that you need to fight for with all your might. And, if a rival or rival appears who wants to take away the legal spouse and father of children, or wife and mother, from the family, then in such a situation the use of black magic is completely justified.

If the spouses’ feelings have cooled down and they have begun to look for new love on the side, then a combination of rituals of turning away from other applicants and a love spell to renew feelings for a spouse would be appropriate here.

How does the lapel work?

The lapel causes a number of reactions that can be generally characterized as a sharp cooling of feelings. Here are the main types of consequences from the ritual:

– Just yesterday a person was very dear to the heart, but today he does not evoke any emotions, indifference develops.

– Sexual attraction has disappeared, although until recently passion burned in the couple.

– Partners begin to quarrel and argue over trifles that are not worth a damn. Mutual accusations and grievances quickly destroy the couple, although until recently everything seemed cloudless.

– Unrequited love suddenly “let go.”

– Intimacy no longer brings such joy, moreover, painful sensations may appear.

Negative consequences of lapel

You cannot carry out a ritual of turning away from a rival, rival or unrequited love, without taking into account the possible negative consequences. Black magic requires a very careful attitude, so each ritual should not be a momentary whim, but a serious, deliberate step. The lapel, like any magical action, must be trusted to professionals, or you must prepare very carefully and follow all the nuances of the ritual specified in the recommendation. And most importantly, the ritual will only work when you sincerely believe in it. It is faith that is the driving force that sets energies in motion.

If there is insufficient concentration on the magical action, the ritual can turn against the magician himself. This affects one’s well-being, psychological state, luck, and can even be a curse on one’s offspring.

Most often, the lapel ritual affects the magician himself if a strong protective spell is cast on the victim. Then the negative energy of destroying the unwanted connection literally bounces off the victim and returns to the author of the lapel.

Rituals that use menstrual blood have especially negative consequences. A fortuneteller can become ill with female diseases, oncology, become infertile, and lose her beauty.

Anyone exposed to the lapel may experience the following negative effects:

– A person feels lethargic and apathetic. Loses interest in everything. Moreover, the performed ritual does not at all guarantee that, for example, the husband will immediately return to his wife, who performed the ritual. He can get involved in bad company, start drinking, and look for adventures to his own misfortune.

– Suddenly missing feelings can cause depression, binge drinking, and drug addiction.

– If they cast a spell on the challenge of a rival, the man may become aggressive and engage in assault.

– Money begins to flow out of your wallet like a river. In a latent desire to close that black hole in the soul that has formed in place of a recently blazing feeling, a person begins to spend without looking, goes on a spree, takes out loans, and gets addicted to gambling.

– A lapel can act as a detriment to health, causing serious illnesses, including oncology.

– A lapel on the entire female sex except the sorceress can cause impotence in a man who has been put under cold spell.

How are lapels carried out?

To make a strong lapel at home, without turning to specialists, you need to comply with a number of requirements of magical science.

First of all, never talk about the fact that you are going to or have already performed a ritual. Magical actions must remain the strictest secret.

The ritual is carried out alone, the artifacts used in the ritual cannot be shown to anyone, especially to the object of the lapel.

It is important to perform the dark ritual at the time indicated in the recipe you choose. The wrong time can distort the essence of the ritual or make it completely useless.

You must believe in the power of your actions. Without faith, the ritual simply will not work.

It is very important how you pronounce the words of the spells. Learn them by heart and speak clearly, without hesitation or pauses.

Lapel from a rival at home

To carry out a ritual for your rival’s lapel at home, you do not need to stock up on special magical artifacts. It is enough to prepare a meal for your spouse or lover.

When preparing soup, borscht, or other liquid food, concentrate on how much you hate your rival. While cooking, say:

“Just as this hot soup can burn your mouth, so (husband’s name)’s feelings for (rival’s name) burn out. Let her appearance become disgusting to my husband. I kill all your feelings, I return your love to yourself. The soul of (the name of the loved one) is filled with peace, our family is filled with love.”

Throw a little salt into the soup and add:

“With others there is misfortune in bed, but with me there is delight and happiness.”

The food must be served to the betrothed and be fully prepared: a preliminary trip to the beauty salon will not hurt. And during the meal, be as affectionate as possible with your chosen one. The result of the turnaround will not be long in coming.

How to make a strong lapel in a cemetery?

You can turn away from another woman using a strong cemetery ritual, which leads to the death of the relationship between your chosen one and your rival. To do this, go to the cemetery at sunset, and take the following tools with you: pliers (or wire cutters), a hammer.

Walk through the cemetery and find the grave of a young man or woman who has long since died untimely. Next to such a grave there should be an old bench or an old table. Using tools, remove one nail from this furniture. It should not be too rusty. When the nail is removed, you should cross the grave, next to which you obtained a piece of metal, and say the following words:

“I, the living one, should live, and you, the deceased, should lie in the ground.”

Wrap the nail in thick cloth and leave the cemetery. Now your task is to hammer a nail as quickly as possible where your lover meets his mistress. While scoring, say the following spell:

“Let the love of the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) perish. Just as this nail does not return to where it was taken from, they will not be together. Key, mouth, lock."

How to turn away another woman and get your betrothed back?

If your spouse has already left the family, but you still decide to return him because you sincerely love him, you can perform such a ritual. Find a black cat or dog and cut off a small amount of its fur. Roll it into a small ball with your hands and tie it with black thread. Read the plot over the hairball twelve times:

“You, servant of God (husband’s name), should be unhappy with God’s servant (name of your rival), you should not be happy, you should not love each other. You will fight like a cat and a dog, you will bite. So you squabble, so that the fur flies around, so that later you don’t forgive each other and don’t forget the insults. You cannot live together, you cannot have children, you cannot sit at the same table, you cannot know joy. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

While pronouncing the text, imagine how your spouse quarrels with his mistress, then, in the end, breaks up. Throw the charmed wool under the door of the home where your husband lives with his mistress.

If your chosen one has a mistress, then the ritual of turning away from a rival can be done using candle wax. This method needs to be cooked at midnight. You will need natural wax. Church candles are usually made from it. Make a figurine of your rival from wax. If possible, glue the homewrecker's hair into the doll. While sculpting, say the following spell:

“Kastanami Abu KastanamiTakasaFami Abu RaviKastanami.”

Now light a black candle and write the woman’s name on it with a needle. Melt the wax figurine in the flame of a candle, saying:

“As I melt this wax, so the influence of (name of rival) on (name of loved one) melts.”

Pour the melted wax into the open window, saying:

“As I throw this wax away, I throw her out of his life.”

The candle should burn out completely. This completes the ritual, wait for the result.

A lapel on the water from unrequited love.

If you are suffering from unrequited feelings and there is no chance of getting the person you want, then in order not to torment yourself, you can make a strong turn to the water. To do this, you will need water from a clean natural spring. On the waning moon, fill a transparent jug with water. In the evening, leave the jug on the windowsill, the moonlight should fall on it. Before dawn, hide the jug in a place inaccessible to daylight. Charging the water with moon rays must be repeated three nights in a row. At the end of the third night, be sure to speak the words into the jug before dawn.

Lately I have noticed that cases have become more frequent when a man leaves his family for his mistress or, conversely, a girl leaves for another without objective reasons. Apparently, with the gradual onset of spring, constancy is replaced by a desire for something new, for some kind of change, growth, development. As a result, even strong, but familiar and ordinary relationships are seriously tested.

My advice is to try to always have both stability and something unusual in your relationship that can shake things up and bring in strong feelings, emotions, and attraction.

So, if you find out that your husband is seriously interested in another woman and, it is possible, that he may even file for divorce in order to propose to her, then carry out this magical work to protect your family. But provided that you still love your husband and want to save the marriage. Do not make a lapel just out of revenge or resentment, otherwise it will turn into a strong curse on loneliness for you.

A lapel will cool your husband's feelings and cause strong hostility towards his rival. If you are worried that you will not be able to perform the ritual correctly, that you do not have enough strength and patience to practice on your own, and there is no time to waste, then it is best to seek help from an experienced sorceress or sorcerer.

And when the turnaround works, make efforts to ensure that your relationship changes for the better.

Way to make a lapel

To carry out the turn yourself, you will need to know where your competitor lives and be able to throw charmed bones under her door.

On the day of the ritual, go to the market and buy a whole chicken, do not take change.

On your way home, stop by the church and buy two wax candles. Be sure to give generous alms to all those asking at the church gates. Do not ignore this moment, since this is your payoff; it will protect you from the negative consequences of carrying out a turnaround and turning to dark forces. When you get home, gut the chicken and remove the bones. Choose the two largest ones.

Clear the table and place a photo of your husband in the center. He should be alone in the picture, standing tall. On one candle, scratch the name of your rival with a needle, and on the other, the name of your husband. Now place the candles on both sides upside down and light them with one match. Take the dice and place them crosswise on the picture. Put on your wedding ring if you don't already have one on.

Place your right palm on the bones from the photo, close your eyes and say the following words to yourself for about ten minutes:

“I will take my beloved husband away from my rival, I will save my marriage.
I will bring death upon their feelings, I will turn love into hatred.
He will despise her, avoid her, never even remember her name.
Let it be so".

Blow out the candles and get rid of them in any way convenient for you. Collect the bones in a small bag and throw them under your rival’s threshold within two or three days.

The lapel will work within a week. But please note that the lapel will certainly save you from your current competitor. If your husband has long lost interest in you, then nothing can guarantee that he will not file for divorce anyway, since he does not love you. Therefore, it would be good to carry out a ritual of love magic in the near future in order to reawaken his love and respect for himself.

How to solve the problems of an unsuccessful marriage and relationships in which there is definitely nothing good left, and people’s connections with each other only bring suffering and torment? How to free your life from an unsuccessful past, learn from it and try to open the way to a new relationship in which everything will be different?

Answering these questions, I want to offer you one of the options for magical work that will help achieve such goals.

There are other ways, for example, in case of your unsuccessful love, you can use cooling magic, make it cool on yourself as I said in the article.

But now the conversation will go a little about something else. The magical work in question will be relevant if you have completely lost interest in your own wife, and maybe even fell in love with another woman. And, as a decent and honest person, they immediately confessed everything to their wife and offered to end the family relationship. But for some reason, your spouse began to interfere in every possible way with the divorce, for example, blackmailing you with a common child and your further communication with him, or begging you to save the marriage. But you understand that you will no longer be able to live with her and love her the way she deserves.

A lapel will help your wife to completely cool off on you in order to let you go without offense or pain, which will also give her the opportunity in the future to meet and build a relationship with another worthy man who will love her.

How to deal with divorce from your wife

To perform the lapel ritual, you need to discreetly take your wife's wedding ring. Also fill a small bowl of drinking water and freeze it. Go to church and buy three wax candles. When leaving the church, leave generous alms to the begging people at the gate. This will be your payoff, so that there are no negative consequences after the magical work, and no one gets hurt.

When you get home, place candles on the table in the form of a triangle and light them from one match in a clockwise direction. Take a bowl of ice out of the freezer and place your wife's wedding ring in the middle of the bowl. Now, for about ten minutes, leaning over the bowl, pronounce the following spell barely audibly so that your breath touches the ring:

“I’ll cool my wife down,
I will completely cool her heart.
As the ice melts
And so her love decays.
Let her be free
Let him go anywhere from me,
Let the door open to a new life,
Let our destinies be separated from each other.
Let it be so".

Put out the candles. Leave the bowl with the ring on the table so that the ice completely melts and the ring sinks to the bottom.

After this, carefully take three sips from the cup, remove the ring, wipe it thoroughly and put it back to your wife.

It is important that she puts it on her finger within three days. Then the ritual will begin its negative effect on her feelings and within a month she will agree to a divorce without any problems.

Get rid of the bowl and candles in any way convenient for you, but do not leave them at home. Keep in mind that a lapel will help if your wife is kept with you sincerely and by a strong feeling, and not by selfish interest or a desire to torment you, preventing you from proposing to become your wife to another woman.

In these cases, I would suggest turning to an experienced magician or sorcerer for help, conducting a fortune telling session, determining what motivates your wife, and, based on the results obtained, selecting suitable rituals.

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The purpose of this magical effect is to quarrel between two people in love. It is relevant to use if your chosen one is married, but cannot decide on a divorce or has a long-term stable relationship with a rival, and is not ready for drastic changes in his life.

Please note that eliminating your rival in this way does not guarantee the fact that your lover will come to you and propose some kind of relationship. Therefore, if your ultimate goal is to be with this man, but you are not sure of his feelings and affection for you, then after this ritual of falling out, be sure to select and perform a love spell (you can view and select the love spell option on the page).

The timing of obtaining the final result after a falling out is purely individual and depends on the specific situation. After all, a married couple will be ready to endure quarrels and scandals for a long time if they are raising common children or are connected, for example, by work or common property.

Perhaps, in such difficult cases, it is more important to carry out not a quarrel, but targeted magical work aimed at quickly breaking off the relationship.

Please note that such influences in any case relate to rituals of black magic. Therefore, if you do something wrong, or someone interferes with you while performing the ritual, then there is a great risk of turning the power of the ritual against yourself and your life, that is, getting very sick or, for example, having a strong quarrel with loved ones. Therefore, be extremely careful and careful. Or entrust the ritual of discord to an experienced specialist.

Magical work of discord

The magical work of discord is performed during the waning moon (check the data on the Moon page online at). Also, do not perform this magical work on church holidays.

Get up in the morning, don’t eat anything, don’t drink, and if possible, don’t talk to anyone. Get ready and go to church. Take a new needle with you.

Buy two wax candles, don't take change. On one candle, scratch the full name of your lover with a needle, and on the second, the name of your rival. Place one candle with a woman's name for peace, another with a man's name for health.

Be sure to place and light candles upside down. Stand near each candle for a couple of minutes and say the following words to yourself:

“I destroy the relationship between you, I create evil and hatred in them. I will give you quarrels and scandals, I will separate your destinies forever.”

Leave the church, don't get baptized. Be sure to leave a donation for the needs of the church and give alms to those asking. Don’t be stingy, this is your payoff from carrying out the ritual of discord.

As practice shows, within two to three weeks the relationship between people will begin to deteriorate, and, as indicated earlier, the final break in the relationship occurs depending on the specific situation and circumstances that connect the given couple.

Please note that all your actions must be carried out with the utmost care and unnoticed. Do not arouse suspicion when visiting a temple.

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Continuing to talk about options for damaging relationships, I’ll move on to cooling off from a rival.

If your loved one is seriously attracted to another girl, there is a good way to cool things down that will help cool down his feelings for her.

Also, this will give you a basis for casting a love spell if you want to start a serious relationship with him. In this case, a love spell (for example, see link) will help direct emotions and feelings along the path you need.

A way to make it cool

To carry out the cooling ritual, prepare a new small white cup without drawings, a photograph of your loved one and rival, two white thin candles and a new piece of black fabric.

On a rainy day, place the cup outside to catch rainwater. The cup needs to be almost full. That is, if the rain has stopped and will not come again, then throw it out on the ground and try another day. But hide the cup, as it cannot be used in everyday life.

When you manage to fill the cup with water, bring it home. Clear the window sill completely. Spread a cloth, place a photo of your lover and your rival next to each other on it, light candles next to each other.

Dip your right hand into the cup and, while splashing the photo, say three times:

“Water will wash away all the feelings of “the name of your loved one” for “the name of your rival.”
Water will cool all the love between “the name of your loved one” and “the name of your rival.”
Water will destroy all passion between “the name of your loved one” and “the name of your rival.”
Against all odds.
Let it be so".

Now put out the candles and break each one in half and place it in the photographs. Now wrap everything in a rag.

Now your task is to go outside and bury it all in the ground. The greatest effect will be if you bury it under an old dry tree or bush.

Pour the remaining water on top and say:

"Forever. Against all odds. Let it be so".

The effect of the cooling ritual will occur in about two weeks. As a rule, the breakup of relationships does not occur immediately, but gradually. Therefore, do not rush things, but carefully monitor the situation.

But it happens that people are no longer connected by love and feelings, but by forces of habit, common children or property. In this case, this particular cooling ritual will not give an effect, since it affects a person’s feelings. Then it is better to ask some practicing magician or witch for a diagnosis in order to understand what would be best to do and choose another ritual.

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