Shakes on his back. Hand trembling as a symptom of serious illness

Hand tremor and sweating are not independent pathologies, but define a symptomatic complex. It can be caused by various reasons. There are medical, physical, psychological provoking factors. If, in addition to trembling hands and sweating for no reason, other symptoms are observed, for example, general weakness, fever, nausea, you should think about qualified help.

Trembling and sweating may indicate the presence of a pathology of a psychosomatic nature.

When excited

If you suddenly feel like you are shaking and sweating, perhaps the problem lies in simple anxiety. Then this is the norm. Nature of the problem:

  • Physiological, i.e. normal. The condition passes quickly, without intervention. Occurs in natural situations, for example, during public speaking, before an upcoming grandiose event.
  • Hysterical, i.e. caused by excessive tension in the nervous system. Trembling with sweating, periodic or constant. Manifestations intensify against the background of insignificant influence of psychogenic conditions. Clinical picture of hysterical tremor: trembling of the limbs with an inconsistent rhythm and high amplitude; signs of hysteria, for example, demonstrative reactions and seizures in the form of tears, laughter, screaming, which disappear when carried away by an abstract topic; paralysis, spasms, confusion.

  • Depressive, occurring during severe shocks and grief, in the postoperative period. As a result, nervous and physical exhaustion of the body, hypertension, insomnia, and loss of appetite develop. Trembling and excessive sweating occur with minor experiences or physical activity. Clinical picture: tearfulness over small things; craving for solitude; lack of desire to communicate; feeling of melancholy and anxiety for no reason, especially before lunch; weakness; inadequacy of emotional response.

The problem can be alleviated with comprehensive treatment for depression.

Side effects of drugs

Some medications can cause severe intoxication if the required dose is exceeded, abused, self-medicated, or self-extended the therapeutic course. When the body is intoxicated with active substances of drugs, small-scale trembling appears with an irregular character and low-frequency amplitude. Additionally, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, and weakness occur. Treatment consists of discontinuing the drug. If this measure does not help, rinsing followed by symptomatic therapy is required.


Due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, manifested by excessive synthesis of specific hormones, hyperthyroidism develops. The danger of the disease is its negative impact on other internal organs. The first symptom of this pathology is trembling. The limbs shake weakly, with a small amplitude. In this state it is difficult to achieve peace. Associated symptoms are:

  • dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, pancreas;
  • constant chills;
  • weakness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • instability of psycho-emotional state;
  • protruding, finely trembling tongue.

At the same time they sweat a lot.


The disease develops when there is a strong drop in blood sugar. As a result, the brain and the body as a whole experience oxygen starvation due to lack of glucose. The condition is characteristic of diabetes mellitus. But hypoglycemia may occur in a healthy person in the form of a single attack.

Typically, the limbs shake with severe fatigue in any state - rest or movement. Increased sweating and severe weakness develop. Symptoms disappear abruptly when blood sugar normalizes.

Traumatic brain injury

When the cerebellum of the brain is injured, the functioning of the musculoskeletal system is certainly disrupted, since this center is responsible for coordination of movements and muscle tone. The cause is traumatic brain injury.

Injuries to the cerebellum can affect the balance in thermoregulation.


  • rapid fatigue;
  • inability to touch the tip of the nose with a finger when eyes are closed.

Trembling - mild or strong, and occurs when straining or trying to hold your hands. At rest, the limbs do not shake. Additional signs:

  • decreased muscle tone;
  • sweating;
  • lethargy, disobedience of the body;
  • disorientation with eyes closed, manifested by the inability to point a finger at a certain part of the body;
  • fatigue from simple exercises, especially in the evening.

Another cause of brain center muscle activity is multiple sclerosis.


There are many ways to get poisoned. There are poisonings:

  • food problems arising from the consumption of low-quality products;
  • chemical, manifested by accidental or intentional ingestion of aggressive chemicals or inhalation of polluted air;
  • medicinal.

Severe intoxication of the body provokes neuroparalytic shock. When the brain is exposed to toxins, motor activity disturbances occur, which is manifested by fine hand tremors. The condition is accompanied by nausea, excessive sweating, migraine, pale skin, vomiting, leg tremors, and disorientation in space. The limbs shake finely, as if vibrating, but the strength varies depending on the toxin involved:

  • in case of barbiturate poisoning - obvious tremor;
  • in case of food intoxication - barely noticeable.

In older people, there are many reasons for trembling hands, and sometimes legs. Tremor of the limbs is caused by a lack of blood circulation, with the appearance of age-related changes that cause diseases associated with changes in the state of the central nervous system. In younger people, the causes of trembling in the hands and, sometimes, legs - not counting chronic diseases - are fatigue or emotional distress.

If this condition is noticed quite often, and the tremor does not go away for a long time, you should contact a neurologist.

Causes of trembling hands

The medical designation for trembling is tremor - small in amplitude back-and-forth movements that are almost impossible to control. Factors causing tremors there are quite a lot of upper limbs, and sometimes lower ones.

Weakness and trembling in the arms and legs can be caused by an external irritant that provokes overexcitation of the central nervous system:

  • excitement;
  • hysterical;
  • stress;
  • physical overstrain.

All these actions cause a hormonal surge, and when the condition stabilizes, the limbs begin to unconsciously twitch convulsively.

What causes trembling?

It is impossible to cure tremors in the hands unless the causes of its occurrence are accurately determined. Each case must be considered individually.

How to get rid of trembling hands

If tremors in the hands are caused by a serious disease, it is impossible to get rid of it without eliminating the underlying cause. Treatment of serious illnesses should be left to qualified specialists, but you can try to overcome trembling hands caused by stress on your own.

When nervous or stressed, the normal physiological state is excitement, and in order to overcome trembling in the hands, you need to learn to calm down. To do this, you should switch your attention, “exhale”, take a walk fresh air, do auto training.

It’s good to drink some kind of sedative made from natural raw materials - tea with mint, chamomile or lemon balm.

There is another way - to imagine in advance the worst possible development of situations and figure out in advance what to do in this case. This will help “lay” the straws. Pharmacy tinctures based on valerian root, marina root, and motherwort help stabilize the nervous system.

It is possible to cure trembling hands on your own if you know for sure that it is caused by the abuse of bad habits. You can only get rid of alcoholism and drug addiction if you tune in to it yourself and realize that it is necessary. Medications will help cope with this problem, but you will have to mobilize your willpower.

To eliminate tremor caused by impaired blood flow during osteochondrosis, it is necessary to restore the peripheral blood supply. Medicines are prescribed by the doctor, but the patient needs to additionally engage in exercise therapy, including strength exercises for muscle training, including weights, and activities that help restore fine motor skills. The latter includes applied creativity - cutting out small parts from paper and fabrics, knitting, embroidery, working with beads or weaving.

Most often, the following medications are used to relieve tremor:

  • non-selective beta blockers - “Propranoline” or “Anaprilin”;
  • sedatives - “Hexamidine”;
  • antiepileptics - for example, Clonazepam or Nadolol;
  • anticonvulsants - "Primidon".

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are also prescribed - “Acetazolamide”, “Metazolamide” and the like.

Alternative treatments may be used:

  • starvation;
  • reflexology;
  • hypnosis;
  • fungotherapy - treatment with fly agarics;
  • hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches;
  • apitherapy - treatment with bees.

In some cases, surgical intervention is required. If the symptom of trembling is associated with a disruption of the endocrine system, then the patient must undergo a thorough examination, which will be based on an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and determination of blood parameters for the level of thyroid hormones.

It is almost impossible to get rid of trembling of the upper extremities caused by age-related changes, even if there are no diseases that cause this symptom. Muscle weakness occurs with age, and there is no escape from it.

But older people can also reduce such manifestations as much as possible if they begin to slowly train their muscles, restoring their elasticity.

Swinging in the gym, increasing strength loads, is possible for pensioners who have been training or doing physical labor all their lives. For those who have not spent time on physical education, there are some exercises. They can train with an expander, do "school gymnastics"- flexion and extension of fingers.

Massage of the collar area, rubbing of hands, water procedures - exercises in the pool help restore peripheral blood supply. You can partially stop the manifestations of tremor at any age if you don’t give up and try to healthy image life.

Some of us are faced with the fact that our hands begin to tremble for no reason - at work, at home when preparing dinner, or in transport. But this is not a reason to immediately contact a neurologist, suspecting the worst. About 6% of the population of our planet have such a problem as trembling in their hands. The cause can be both severe pathologies and “normal” tremor.

Causes of trembling hands

Trembling is a small back-and-forth movement of the hands (it can also be other parts of the body), which is called tremor in medical parlance. The term “normal tremor” refers to twitching in the hands provoked by an external factor.

The nervous system can send signals to the hands under stress:

  • excessive excitement
  • excitement
  • hysteria

When a person’s emotions are raging, the hormonal levels change, their amount in the plasma increases significantly, which is why hand tremors appear. Among the reasons are physical exercise, including heavy training in gym. If your professional activity associated with constant voltage upper limbs and/or heavy loads on them, you may also be concerned about the diagnosis in question. Fatigue will provoke trembling.

Medical professionals can, after taking a history and certain tests, pinpoint the exact cause of the trembling. The causes include depression, which should only be treated by a doctor due to the severity of the condition. This may include nervous disorders caused by various reasons.

Other treatments

For severely drug-resistant tremor that seriously disrupts the patient’s life (when a person cannot eat without assistance), surgical therapeutic methods are used, namely stereotactic thalamotomy. For severe tremors, you can resort to the fasting method. Not everyone trusts therapeutic fasting, and it should be supervised by specialists in this field. It is believed that during fasting, cells are renewed, therefore organ function is restored, muscle spasm is eliminated. Among the researchers of this issue are the following: Paul Bragg, Nikolaev, Malakhov, etc.

Fungotherapy is also a controversial method. It is proposed to use fly agaric (Agaricus muscaricus) for therapeutic purposes. Cases of treatment of practically incurable diseases with fly agaric have been recorded. Remember that in many cases the consumption of this mushroom has been fatal.

Among folk remedies Treatments for hand tremor include hirudotherapy and apitherapy. The first is treatment with leeches, the second is treatment with bees. Relaxation practices are useful not only for eliminating tremors, but also other psychological/mental symptoms. An integrated approach is important in treating limb tremors.

Since we have already said that the cause of tremors may be a problem with the thyroid gland, your doctor may order a hormone test and/or an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. If it is determined that there is iodine deficiency in the body, it is taken in the form of pharmaceutical preparations or eaten 5-6 apple seeds (if you prefer traditional methods treatment).

Trembling is an involuntary, oscillatory (rocking) and rhythmic movement associated with rapid alternation of contractions and relaxations of the muscles of the body. Typically these movements are observed in the extremities: in the arms or legs, in addition, there is trembling of the jaw, tongue or head. Most often, such movements occur under various circumstances. They can be the result of strong emotions, fear, nervous excitement or anxiety, from fatigue, after drinking a lot of tea, coffee or alcohol, in all cases when the body produces a large amount of the hormone adrenaline.

If we are not talking about any disease, then mild but constant trembling is more often observed in older people. Trembling, called "substantial" shaking, with a frequency of 6 to 10 movements per second, may occur in some individuals and is not associated with any medical condition but is common in families.

Other known forms of tremors are associated with pathological conditions. Trembling is one of the signs of Parkinson's disease. In this case, the frequency of movements at rest is 4-5 vibrations per second, and decreases when moving. Tremors are observed in individuals with cerebellar lesions and multiple sclerosis. It may occur in patients with healthy nervous system, for example, in patients with hyperthyroidism (excessive secretion of thyroid hormones) or in patients with hepatic encephalopathy (impaired brain function due to malignant liver disease).

Trembling may occur in individuals who have been treated with amphetamines, antidepressants, or psychotropic drugs (medicines that affect the mental sphere, such as tranquilizers). Trembling can occur in alcoholics and drug addicts as a manifestation of addiction.

Treatment for tremors

Treatment for trembling is determined by the cause of the trembling. Stopping stimulants such as coffee, treating Parkinson's disease or hyperthyroidism. Some medications that have a calming effect may help.

Translation by A. Gorchitsyna, M. Gangardt

“Trembling in the arms, legs, body, head, causes of trembling” - article from the section