Scenario for celebrating a golden wedding at home. Scenarios for a golden wedding with family and competitions at the table

Golden wedding... It is very rare nowadays when spouses managed to walk side by side for a whole 50 years. And it is no coincidence that this anniversary bears this name. The noble metal symbolizes the perseverance of feelings.

By the time of the celebration, not only children, but also grandchildren and even great-grandchildren usually have time to grow up.
Oddly enough, such an anniversary is celebrated infrequently. And it’s absolutely in vain, because such events help the family get together and unite once again.

The golden wedding is a kind of repetition of the first wedding, when the union was just being concluded. At this celebration there will be something to reflect on and take stock of, since a long way has already been traveled.

In order for the event to be successful and fun, you should not leave it to chance, you should prepare. If a golden wedding is celebrated, then it is also full of traditional rituals, like a wedding. But there are differences in the event itself.

First of all, the 50th anniversary of marriage is, first and foremost, a purely family holiday. The main part of the invitees are invariably relatives, children with their families, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and close friends.

Celebrating half a century of marriage opens a new period in the life of the spouses. Therefore, many rituals are repeated. For example, a couple is showered with sweets, coins and confetti. But everything should be “golden”. There is also a often beautiful ritual when the children of a couple give their mother a gold scarf.

The new stage in the life of the spouses is also emphasized by the acquisition of new rings. And again, like many years ago, the spouses exchange rings. And old, already worn-out rings are kept in the family as an amulet.

In general, there is a lot of symbolism in the numerous rituals that are performed during the celebration of the golden wedding. Thus, the rings passed on to children and grandchildren symbolize the wisdom that the old people have accumulated over all the years of their lives together.

Another beautiful ritual that complements the exchange of rings is the lighting of candles. This is another symbol of the beginning of a new married life, which replaces the old one.

Very often, the celebration of such an anniversary encourages spouses to get married in church.

As has traditionally happened, the celebration of an anniversary, as well as a traditional wedding, begins with breaking a large loaf.

It is difficult to list in one short article all the possible customs and rituals that are carried out during the celebration of the golden wedding. However, if you use your imagination and prepare for the holiday in advance, you will be able to make a truly memorable day in your large family, which your family and friends will remember for a long time.

The portal offers its own version of the Golden Wedding scenario

But first, we invite the newlyweds to confess their love to each other.

Congratulations on your wedding on your phone

The Golden Wedding is exactly 50 years old. This magnificent event will not be complete without celebration. All relatives and friends are invited to the holiday. You can celebrate at home, but if your financial situation allows, you can also celebrate in a restaurant. Of course, the children themselves should take charge of organizing everything. Give your beloved parent an unforgettable holiday! As for gifts, you can give gold, and all objects are golden in color.

The theme of the script is “Eternal Love”. The room in which the celebration will take place can be decorated with balloons and fresh flowers. You can also hang posters with photographs of spouses on the walls. You can also come up with something like a wall newspaper, in which all visiting guests will write their wishes.

Good evening dear guests,
I greet you on this glorious day,
Happy, great years passed,
And today we are among friends!
There's a huge reason for this
And I'll tell it to you now,
There is one woman, and there is one man,
They want to celebrate their wedding!
And this wedding will not be easy,
This wedding will be expensive
This wedding will be golden
50th wedding anniversary!

And now, I ask you to call them here in unison!
(the spouses are called, they enter)

I ask you to remember the very first day,
When did you celebrate your wedding?
And how wonderfully you danced on it,
It's like lilacs are blooming!
(the couple dances a slow dance, small children sprinkle rose petals on them)

Thank you very much for the dance,
You looked so fine, so beautiful
That we could admire you forever,
And you should acknowledge these praises!
In the meantime, I ask you to come to the table,
To appetizers and delicious wine!
(spouses take their seats)

And immediately a toast in honor of our couple,
Let's tell them that they are not old,
They are as beautiful as they were then
They always have spring in their souls!
(musical break, meal)

Dear spouses, dear guests, and now I ask you to have a little fun and listen to congratulatory ditties:
(ditties are prepared in advance and performed by the children of the spouses)

Ditty No. 1
The Russian wedding is taking place,
The Russian wedding is underway,
And she doesn’t know the aisle
At 50, a great honor!

Ditty No. 2
Mom, dad, look
After all, today everything is for you,
Just calm us down a little,
And then we'll start dancing!

Ditty No. 3
50 years flew by in an instant,
And it came solemnly,
The wedding knows its business,
Look how many guests have come!

Ditty No. 4
Let's sing and have fun,
Let's dance brightly
Try for parents
Raise your spirits!

The children tried their best, applause for them,
And these are still the best joyful moments!

And again we will raise our glasses,
After all, there is nowhere more beautiful than a couple,
So that their health becomes stronger,
And may heaven crown them!
(musical break, meal)

And now, I want to give the floor to you, dear guests. After all, each of you has probably prepared touching, kind congratulations. Please, congratulate our golden, our precious couple on this wonderful anniversary!
(guests congratulate the spouses one by one)

And now I'm announcing a competition,
And I call the bravest ones to come to me!

Competition "Samodelkin"

Everyone is welcome to participate. We split into two groups. Each group is given: paper, gold paint, balloons, etc. Task: draw a congratulation and, in the best and most original way possible, congratulate the spouses on their anniversary. The winners receive a prize: each a small wall painting.

Well, we played a competition,
But they just didn’t dance,
So I ask dear couples,
So that there is a fire in the soul!

Competition "Dancing in couples"

Everyone is welcome to participate. We break into pairs. The task of each couple is to dance, but not just, but in accordance with the music (tango, Russian folk, samba, etc.). The melodies change every 20 seconds. Whoever fails is eliminated. The best couple gets a prize: tickets to the theater or cinema.

And now, I would ask the dear bride and groom to come to me.
(the presenter opens the nearest window and takes out a cage with white doves)

I would ask you to take these magical doves in your hands, make your deepest wish and release them to the sky!
(the spouses will find such a moment very pleasant)

Now let's raise our glasses,
For great-grandchildren and for all children,
We wish them great happiness,
To make their life more fun!
(musical break, meal)

And now a congratulatory song-remake to the tune of “Polar Bears”.
(prepared in advance, performer to choose from)

Verse No. 1
You have lived for five decades,
Big wedding anniversary,
You deserve it
How many children are there!
Everyone salutes you
Smiles and praise
Everyone here loves you very much.
This is what I sing about!

Golden wedding
Congratulations, “Hurray”!
Let it be like this forever,
Family, you are real!

And the holiday continues
And how everyone likes him,
The wedding is golden, bright, radiant!

(the holiday continues, dancing, eating, singing)

Are your friends or relatives who have lived together for half a century celebrating their golden wedding? This anniversary is a good reason to have a big celebration. The holiday program may include various numbers: reading poetry, singing songs, ditties, etc. The celebrants of the day will also be pleased with comic scenes for the golden wedding.

On this day, you need to get together with the whole family, warmly and sincerely congratulate the heroes of the day, thank you for everything they did for their loved ones. Traditionally, spouses are showered with gold coins, gold confetti or any yellow grain. This tradition expresses wishes for happiness, health, love and prosperity.

Scene for a 50th wedding anniversary with the participation of guests

- To the sounds of the wedding march,
Among children, family, friends
Our young people meet
Anniversary of life together!

The anniversaries pass under the “arch” past the guests, who shower them with “gold”. Then the couple is given a loaf of bread on an embroidered towel. First the heroes of the occasion, and then the guests, try the bread. It is believed that this ritual emphasizes family unity.

– Spouses are waiting for guests
Golden gifts
And solemn speeches -
Beautiful, bright words!
And in return they give you
Golden rules
Without which we are today
There wouldn't be a wedding.

In this scene for the golden wedding anniversary, guests will congratulate the spouses, and everyone who says warm words will give them a gold-colored balloon, inside of which there is a piece of paper with the golden rule. These are proverbs and sayings about family - folk wisdom that the spouses adhered to in their lives.

A sketch of congratulations for a golden wedding from grandchildren

In this comic scene for the 50th wedding anniversary, one of the grandchildren will give needles to their grandparents:
“Here are some needles for you, and to the applause of the guests you will take turns popping the balls.” And we’ll see what comes first for you, and what means less!

Golden rules could be:

  • If you take a good wife, you won’t experience either boredom or grief.
  • A wife is not a mitten, you can’t throw it off your hand.
  • In your own family the porridge is thicker.
  • They are friends in the family - they live without any trouble.
  • The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
  • Every husband has a sweet wife.
  • To a family where there is harmony, happiness does not forget the way.
  • In the family there is love and advice, and there is no need.
  • The family agrees that things are going great.

Other scenes for the golden wedding anniversary

At the celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary, you can act out scenes based on famous fairy tales. For example, you can stage the fairy tale “Turnip”.

The presenter will read the text of a famous fairy tale:
- Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew very, very big. The grandfather began to pull the turnip out of the ground: he pulled and pulled, but could not pull it out. Grandfather called grandma. Grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip - they pull and pull, but they cannot pull it out. The grandmother called her granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. The granddaughter called to Zhuchka. (Etc.).

At the same time, each of the characters will utter a short phrase. For example. when in this cool scene for a golden wedding the host mentions a turnip, the participant who plays this role will say: “That’s what I am!”

The rest of the characters say their lines in a similar way:

  • grandfather - “Well, Christmas trees!”
  • grandma - “Oh, where are my seventeen years?”
  • granddaughter - “It’s not my fault!”
  • Bug - “Well, that’s a dog’s job,”
  • cat - “I can’t work without valerian”
  • mouse - “What kind of zoo is this?”

To make this scene even funnier, the roles of small characters (cats, mice) can be played by large actors and vice versa. Even small children can take part in the performance. For each of the characters, you can make appropriate costumes or at least masks by printing the images on a color printer and gluing them onto cardboard.

This comic skit will end with the words of the presenter:
– Do you think our wonderful grandparents could pull out the turnip without help? Of course we could! They are still very strong and strong. We just decided to help them so that they wouldn't be bored that day. And at the same time, congratulations on a wonderful holiday!

Then, at your 50th wedding anniversary party, you can perform a skit with guests representing different anniversaries since your marriage.

– We met one day on our wedding anniversary and started arguing with each other about which of them was better.

Green wedding:
- I am the best. Although the young spouses still have many everyday problems, they love each other dearly. (She gives the celebrants a green branch.)

Then, in this comic scene, the Wooden Wedding takes the floor:
– Having lived for five years, the husband and wife are celebrating their first anniversary – a wooden wedding. Wood is one of the most durable materials. Houses are built from it, furniture and kitchen utensils are made, and it is used as fuel for heating homes. It is not for nothing that this material is considered a symbol of the hearth. That's why I'm the best. (She gives the couple a wooden souvenir.)

The Tin Wedding continues the Golden Jubilee scene:
– The tenth anniversary is called the tin anniversary, and its symbol – tin – represents flexibility and strength. Over the years, the husband and wife have become accustomed to each other and their marriage has become strong, at the same time they continue to love each other passionately, because another name for this wedding anniversary is pink, and its symbol is the rose, which represents love and passion.

After this, the Porcelain Wedding (20 years from the date of marriage), Silver Wedding (25 years), Pearl (30 years) and Ruby (40 years) perform in this congratulation sketch. Each one talks about when it is celebrated, and what is the advantage of this period in the spouses’ relationship.

Finally, in this scene the Golden Wedding appears, holding two crowns in its hands:
“You’re arguing here, but I’m silent.” And all because you don’t have to account for half a century of marriage! Such love deserves a coronation!

She puts crowns on the heads of the spouses celebrating the anniversary and reads poetry:
– Who has a holiday today?
Whose eyes shine with fire?
These are our young
Congratulations are accepted!

This holiday is the most important
For yourself and for your loved ones.
Congratulations on the glorious date!
Well done! Low bow to you.

You've been together for half a century -
This is a miracle, and nothing more!
You live another two hundred years!
Happy golden wedding! Bitterly!

The scene congratulating the celebrants on their 50th wedding anniversary ends with the guests wishing the “newlyweds” to live to see the crown wedding, which is celebrated on the anniversary of 75 years of marriage.

“Grandmother next to grandfather, bride and groom again,” is sung in a famous children’s song.

Half a century together! Preparation for this date should be as responsible as possible. It's great to celebrate an event in a restaurant, but it's not always possible. Often the celebration is held at home. So, a golden wedding, a scenario at home - this is the topic of today's discussion.

The golden anniversary is the 50th anniversary of marriage. And for good reason! Not every married couple is capable of passing the test of such endurance. That’s why it is compared to one of the most expensive metals – gold. It is a symbol of significance, maturity, greatness and strength of relationships.

By this time, the couple had already acquired children, grandchildren and, quite possibly, great-grandchildren. And the task of preparing a celebration for the heroes of the day falls on the shoulders of the entire family: everyone must take part!

Since the main theme of the evening is gold, the gold color should dominate the interior design. Of course, you shouldn’t dazzle the eyes of those around you with an abundance of decorations and decorations in the style of the Egyptian pharaohs; gold embroidery on the tablecloth, decorated dishes, and cutlery will be enough.

The goal is to give the room the appearance of a wedding banquet as much as possible. In addition to table setting, you can decorate windows and walls. Balloons, photographs of a couple from different periods of life, as well as additional accessories to style the interior will be used. The table for the “young people” can be set separately from the common table, as it was for their wedding 50 years ago.

The chairs on which the couple will sit can be designed in the form of a throne for the king and queen. To do this, take chairs with a high back and attach signs to them with the inscription “king” and “queen”. This is easy to do by cutting out signs from cardboard and coloring them.

For fun, you can order T-shirts with similar inscriptions for both husband and wife.

The comic scenario of the royal banquet will be appreciated by both the heroes of the occasion and the guests.

On the golden anniversary of the parents' wedding, the responsibility of emcee goes to one of the children. He is responsible for maintaining the appropriate atmosphere of the event, for which it is necessary to think through all the subtleties of the scenario in advance and distribute responsibilities between the participants. The celebration repeats the marriage process, adjusted for age. There must be registration, and exchange of vows, and symbols of marriage - wedding rings.

Since the roles of the king and queen are not discussed, we need to think about who will be “in service.” The host is the royal herald; he announces all stages of the celebration and conducts various competitions. The party begins with congratulations to the “ambassadors” - the guests. Each Ambassador must present a "Golden Pass" to the party. This can be a decorative item of clothing, or an adornment. Toasts and congratulations are made in honor of the couple. It is advisable to create a sound background from melodies and songs that were popular in the youth of the bride and groom.

The registrar makes a speech in honor of the “newlyweds”, telling a touching story of the couple’s acquaintance and love, then lists their joint merits to each other over half a century of marriage. It is appropriate to accompany the speech with visual aids in the form of a wall newspaper or video.

To do this, select photographs that capture various moments in the life of the bride and groom: acquaintance, wedding, birth of children, grandchildren, etc., add poems dedicated to this significant date:

Golden jubilee in your life today -

Congratulations on your special day!

Let me sincerely wish you good health,

Many joyful days and good luck in everything!

You have lived for half a century in harmony, understanding,

They took care of their union day after day,

Sparing no care, love, understanding,

We were able to support each other in everything!

We wish you to live in prosperity always

And many more bright holidays to celebrate

May the days and years be filled with happiness,

To celebrate another wedding date together!

Now it’s time to hold cool competitions in which everyone present will take part.

The newlyweds set the tone.

The first will be a dance competition.

The couple is given the task of showing fashionable dances from different eras, from the moment they met to the present day.

A medley of songs from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and zeros sounds.

The husband and wife dance, and everyone present must repeat.

This is followed by a song competition.

Here you can split into 2 teams.

The presenter recites the first line of a famous song, and the participating team must guess what kind of song it is and perform it.

Then the second team enters the game.

The one who recognizes and performs the most songs wins.

Another entertainment for guests will be a competition for knowledge of the masterpieces of Soviet cinema.

The host quotes a phrase from a movie, and the guests must guess its name.

Congratulations for the best married couple can also be styled as a royal reception for ambassadors.

The guests are ambassadors, and the couple receives them.

Gifts are presented, depending on size, either in small chests or in decorated cardboard boxes.

The easiest option is to cover the box with wrapping paper or self-adhesive film.

But you can also make a beautiful chest yourself. It's not difficult at all. See how to make it in the video tutorial:

For 50 years of marriage, spouses exchange wedding rings to replace the previous ones. The ceremonial removal of the rings can be entrusted to the “pages”, whose role can be played by grandchildren or great-grandchildren. Pages need appropriate accessories: robes and pads. Below is a video on how to sew a robe.

The numbers “50” can be fixed on the canvas, symbolizing the number of years the heroes of the occasion have lived in marriage. The pads should not be too large so that they are comfortable to carry. A size of 20x20 cm is sufficient. To make it you will need 50 cm of beautiful fabric, preferably velvet, cotton wool, or padding polyester for filling. How to make such pads can be found in the video master class:

The lights in the room go out, candles are lit (this makes the atmosphere more romantic and mysterious), and Mendelssohn's march sounds. The guests line up on both sides of the “young people”, joining their hands above their heads, as if to play trickle. “Pages” enter the hall through an improvised arch, carrying wedding rings on their pillows. The king and queen are again declared husband and wife, exchange rings to universal rejoicing and swear love and fidelity to each other for the next half century, cries of “bitter!”

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Scenario for a golden wedding at home “Here Comes the Gold”

You don’t always want to take a home holiday outside of your comfort, so many people decide to celebrate even such a significant occasion without leaving their own walls. And if you decide to hold your Golden Wedding at home, then it is important to take care not only of the food and music, but also of the design and script. Let's start with decorating the room. This option is suitable for both an apartment and a private house. It's important to start with the color scheme. Since the theme is gold, the shades should be appropriate. You can hang golden ribbons, balloons, draw several posters, after decorating them with gold sparkles. As an original design element, you can create a collage with photographs of celebrants. But if you do something like this, it’s better to cut out two large numbers 5 and 0 and stick on them the photographs that have accumulated over all the years together. You can also take into account the seasonality of marriage or dating. Surely many have heard this amazing story. Next is the menu. It is important to take care not only of the originality of the dishes, but also of their freshness and appropriateness. Some invited guests, like the heroes of the occasion, will be aged, so it is better to prepare something dietary. As for the musical accompaniment, here you can successfully combine modernity with the motifs of past years.

Presenter, guests, young people.

a diploma for the newlyweds and two gold medals, several certificates for guests, gifts for competitions, album sheets, pens, forks, blindfolds, objects, a couple of pens and sheets of paper, nuts.

Today we have gathered with you,

To congratulate the young,

Happy anniversary,

They lived for half a century!

There will be toasts, congratulations,

And I have prepared competitions,

I wish everyone good mood,

It's time for us to celebrate!

I want to convey my word,

I am your parents,

As if everything happened yesterday

Bow down to them again!

Just think, 50 years of marriage! Not everyone can boast of this. Tell me, Young people, do you remember in detail that special day on which you exchanged rings?

Children will voice their congratulations,

And there’s nowhere without them,

The most beloved on the whole planet,

It's time for them to congratulate you!

Dear guests, I ask for your attention! Now there will be a small award ceremony for our wonderful Young People! You know, as I already said, it’s so rare to find people who managed to live to see the Golden Wedding, and so that you never forget about this joyful event, I hasten to award you with this diploma and medals appropriate for the anniversary.

You will need: a diploma and gold medals.

I'm wondering how well you know each other. Having been together for so many years, you should probably know your soul mate thoroughly. Although, we will check this now!

The host gives the heroes of the occasion 3 album sheets and pens. In turn, she asks each spouse questions to which he must answer. The second spouse writes the correct answer on a piece of paper, and then shows the guests the result).

You will need: album sheets, pens.

1. How many spoons of sugar does your husband put in his tea?

2. Which side does he usually fall asleep on?

3. How old was his first kiss?

4. His main hobby?

5. Favorite clothes?

7. Favorite drinking song?

1. Favorite flowers?

2. Favorite movie?

3. How does she usually fall asleep?

4. What are your hobbies?

5. How do you usually spend your free time?

7. Favorite drinking song?

I convey my word

Grandson, beautiful granddaughter,

I'll give up my place immediately!

Somehow the guests got bored

Certificates, prizes, awards,

It's time for me to give it away!

3-4 participants are selected. During the competition, their plates are taken away, they are given two forks, and they are blindfolded. An object is placed in place of the plate. The task of the participants is to guess what is in front of them using forks. The winner will receive a prize.

You will need: forks, blindfolds, objects.

3. A pack of cigarettes;

4. Raw potatoes;

5. Candy (without wrapper);

And now, it's time for friends,

Say a few words

I wish you many years to come,

And a shared journey!

I suggest to young people now,

Repeat your first dance

There's music for you,

It's been so long since we danced!

You guys have stayed too long,

It's time to dance

I'll turn on the music for you,

I'll dance with you!

Now, let's go with you,

Let's play the game now

We'll dance a little

I'll bring you a chair!

Several participants are selected. The contestants sit on chairs. The task is to dance without leaving your place to rhythmic music. Whoever copes with the task better wins.

It is with great pleasure that I convey my word to the hosts of the event.

I wonder how well the invited guests know our golden couple? Now we will find out!

Guests are asked questions about spouses, for each correct answer - candy. Whoever collects the most candies wins. It’s better to ask questions with someone from your family so that the presenter has the answers. After this competition, you can toast your friends.

I have prepared a competition for you,

Let's laugh now

Happy Anniversary!

2 people are selected. One is given a sheet and a pen, the other is given whole nuts. The task is to read the wish with nuts in your mouth. At this time, the second participant must write down what he can hear. Then they change places. Whoever reproduces it better will receive a prize. Alternatively, you can hold this competition with a helium balloon. One of the participants inhales with the balloon and reads the wish very quickly, the second must write down what he hears and then read.

You will need: a couple of pens and sheets of paper, nuts.

Scenario for a golden wedding with family. The best ideas at home

Photo from website:

For many people, the most solemn and significant event in life can be called a wedding, when two loving hearts finally unite to beat together for many years. In our homeland, it is customary to celebrate not only the wedding day itself, but also its anniversaries, counting the time the couple spent together. If the spouses are already celebrating their fiftieth year of marriage, then this date is called the golden wedding. This is a very long period of time, so it makes sense to celebrate it in an extraordinary way, specially studying the golden wedding scenario so that the celebration does not turn into a boring and dull ordinary feast.

Realize the scenario of holding a golden wedding at home

Photo from the site:

If the couple really managed to carry their feelings through the years, if all this time they walked hand in hand, then it is worth celebrating such an event in a royal way.

To begin with, decide on the invitees; their number should be known in advance, and not calculated according to the principle of whoever comes will be there. It makes sense to quietly and unobtrusively ask the celebrants about what kind of guests they had at their wedding fifty years ago; it is quite possible that they will be happy to see familiar faces, especially if their paths have long diverged.

Children can organize the holiday, then parents will only have to enjoy the fun and joy, and not run around with plates. Even close friends and relatives can do this. It is most advisable to rent a whole room in a restaurant or cafe, invite all relatives and friends of the family, then the question of a table and treats disappears altogether, but this is a rather expensive undertaking, which not everyone can afford in the current conditions. A golden wedding scenario at home can also turn out to be fun and solemn, but at the same time touching and romantic, and financially quite lucrative.

Photo from the site:

Be prepared for the fact that there is a lot of work to be done, and a home celebration can exhaust all your strength, as it requires a serious approach, even if you choose cool scenarios for a golden wedding at home. There are many prepared and already fully developed options for roles and competitions, among which you should pay attention to the most suitable ones. Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, if any, should not get bored either, therefore the youth program must definitely be considered when preparing the holiday.

Wonderful script: “Golden wedding – 50 years of marriage”

Photo from the site:

First, you need to accurately calculate the number of invitees, as this can directly influence the preparation of the original script, in which everyone will want to take part. Perhaps for everyone you will have to make mini-cards, table numbers, memorable cards, invitations, and for those who decide to take part in the productions, also additional props, which will be discussed below.

Preparation, invitations and hall decoration: scenario for a golden wedding with family

When planning to celebrate a date such as a golden wedding at home, we must not forget that in addition to refreshments, as well as congratulations, gifts and inviting guests, you have to decorate the hall and prepare an approximate scenario so that everyone has fun and interesting.

Photo from website:

  • For all the invitees, and there should be quite a lot of them, you will definitely have to make or purchase invitation cards. Such postcards can be purchased according to the number of guests, but if made with your own hands, they will become an invaluable gift for everyone.
  • It makes sense to reproduce the wedding photo of the celebrants and make invitations using it, or even better, repeat the cards that were once at the wedding itself.
  • Don’t forget that the wedding is golden, so the cards should be decorated with a rich variety of ornaments, patterns, ribbons and golden-colored brooches. You can hand over invitations personally to everyone, or you can simply send them by mail.
  • You need to decorate the room with golden decorations and decorative elements. These can be balloons, ribbons, artificial and fresh flowers, garlands, fabric ribbons and curtains.
  • In order to emphasize the humorous scenario of a golden wedding, you can make a special issue of a home wall newspaper, including family chronicles, photographs, achievements, etc.
  • You need to beautifully set aside a place for the newlyweds and make it special. You can decorate the wall with wedding symbols, or you can indicate the date, for example, “50 years together.”

It won’t be a fun and joyful holiday if you don’t choose a host or presenter in advance who will entertain the guests, guessing all their desires, and also guide them in the right direction if the guests are sad. This task is best handled by a professional, but his services will have to be paid for, but the scenario of holding a golden wedding without a toastmaster can be completely implemented independently by choosing someone who will play this role, especially since there will definitely not be anything complicated here.

Scenario for parents' golden wedding: introduction and beginning of the celebration

Photo from the site:

You can seat your guests correctly by handing out special postcards with numbers at the entrance. Then no one will rush around looking for their seat, and as a bonus, you will get the opportunity not to sit next to two people who cannot stand each other. For the exit of the bride and groom, it would not hurt to prepare a Mendelssohn march, as well as a bowl with mixed rose petals, rice and small coins. Guests should carefully shower the heroes of the occasion in the same way as they do at a wedding. You can add golden confetti and tinsel to the “mixture,” but you should only take yellow coins.

The reason that brought us all together today cannot be called ordinary, banal or boring. It is truly special, because it is on this day that our dear ones (here are the names of the “newlyweds”) celebrate the anniversary of their marriage. Moreover, this anniversary is not at all simple, this is not ten or even twenty years of marriage, but as much as fifty! Let's greet these heroic people with thunderous applause, and at the same time see how strong their love is today! Bitter for the young!

Photo from website:

After this, the newlyweds should stand up and kiss while the guests count, as is the old wedding tradition. When the noise, din and violent manifestations of emotions subside, you can move on to the next part, the presentation of gifts according to the scenario of the Golden Wedding holiday. This stage of the celebration should be opened by the children of the heroes of the occasion, who will definitely prepare something special for their parents. For example, you can sing a touching song or learn beautiful poems.

If the heroes of the occasion have several children, they should not jabber, interrupting each other. It makes sense to arrange their congratulations in order from the oldest to the youngest, and so that the guests do not get bored, intersperse them with a comic golden wedding scenario, turn on music, organize competitions, and so on. The scenario presented to you as a sample for a golden wedding without a toastmaster is not a standard at all; you can change anything in it at your own discretion. You definitely need to find a sociable, open and cheerful person who will take on the responsibilities of the presenter.

Making a movie: a touching scenario for the parents' golden wedding at home

Photo from website:

The golden wedding anniversary scenario should be opened by watching a film about the newlyweds, as well as identifying the main milestones in their lives, as well as their family and friends. It is better to entrust the work on editing such a movie to a professional, but you can do it yourself, even if you have the most minimal understanding of video editors.

Having a sufficient amount of resources, that is, original photographs and stories of the heroes of the day, you can easily shoot a full-length film, with all the details. However, watching for too long can quickly tire everyone, so ten to fifteen minutes is more than enough to diversify the scenario for a golden wedding.

  • Ask the heroes of the occasion in advance for their photo albums, and if you are not familiar with the history of the photographs, ask the owners about it.
  • You can prepare photos, from childhood to the present day, telling how the future spouses grew up, met, got married, and then walked along the path of life for many years, holding hands.
  • The film needs to reflect the most significant moments of life, for example, a wedding, completion of studies, the birth of children and grandchildren. The most memorable milestones will be suggested by the “newlyweds” themselves; the main thing is to ask them.

Each picture included in your slide show or video can be captioned with a funny or humorous saying. This will diversify the viewing and will allow guests not to be sad from the feeling that time is flying by unnoticed, especially since most of the guests are also expected to be aged, except for children and grandchildren.

Cool competitions: golden wedding scenario for holding at home

Photo from the site:

After watching the film, everyone will definitely be touched, and their eyes will inevitably be on the “wet spot”, so it makes sense to immediately move on to the banquet and competitions, so that everyone will forget about sadness and start enjoying life. You will also need the appropriate props. You will need a straw hat, sunglasses, a pareo, and you will also have to make two hats out of paper, with leaves sticking out of them, like a palm tree.

The presenter or presenter should ask the newlyweds if there is a place in their lives where they went on vacation in their youth, and which they remember most of all. For example, the city of Sochi will be named, which means that all the action will now be transferred there. A large chair is installed in the center of the hall, and ideally a chair at all, but it will represent a chaise lounge on the beach, you should tell the guests about this.

Now we will check whether our newlywed is young at heart, and for this, we will go into the distant past, fifty years ago to the glorious city of Sochi, where the warm and gentle waves of the Black Sea beat on the golden sand.

Photo from the site:

Next, the host asks six guests for help, gives the groom props in the form of a straw hat and glasses, hands the bride a pareo and seats her in a chair in the middle. The remaining participants need to be assigned to roles, this is not at all difficult. Two people should pretend to be palm trees, putting hats on their heads and “rustling” in the wind as much as they can. Two more depict the sea with waves, they should imitate the sound of the surf. The remaining two will play seagulls, they should flap their wings and coo, as these birds should.

For such a scenario for a golden wedding, parents will also need to find out what their favorite song of youth was, since this is what the groom will have to perform, kneeling on one knee in front of an unfamiliar and dazzlingly beautiful girl on the beach. Don’t forget to prepare a backing track and also print out the words, since it’s unlikely that, after so many years, the groom remembers them by heart. After such an excursion into the past, having a drink and a snack, you can move on to fun tasks for everyone.

“Tsar Father and Queen Mother”: script for a golden wedding at home

This competition is quite simple, the king and queen will be chosen in it, it is clear that the struggle will be for who is the most important in the family. For this competition you will need to prepare gold crowns, which can be made from cardboard and decorated with foil, one larger and the other smaller, as well as a gold medal from the same materials.

Photo from the site:

You will also need comic ballots, which will contain the names of the heroes of the day and a special place to put a tick. They are done according to the number of guests so that everyone can express their opinion. After holding a kind of referendum, a king is elected, accompanied by jokes and jokes from the presenter, sits in a throne-chair, and then is solemnly crowned. As a consolation prize, the loser is given a second, smaller crown.

Competition "Red Sheet of the Calendar": a wonderful scenario for a golden wedding

After the king or queen is chosen, everyone returns to their places, and the crowns can be removed or left on. It’s funny when the one on whose head the crown can make any wishes, and the guests unquestioningly fulfill them, make such a rule for yourself. When everyone is seated, you can hold a competition for children to check how well they know the recent history of their own family. Questions should be prepared in advance:

Photo from the site:

  • At what age did mom and dad meet?
  • How old were each person when they decided to get married?
  • What movie does mom like?
  • Dad's favorite board game?
  • How did your parents spend their honeymoon?
  • When is mom and dad's birthday?
  • Where did your father serve?
  • What did your mother do before her first maternity leave?
  • When was the house or apartment purchased?

You can come up with a colossal number of your own questions, and the cunning presenter must constantly complicate the task, trying to ask more and more tricky and unexpected riddles.

Competition “On the Waves of Memory”: script for a golden wedding for parents

Photo from the site:

This competition is for the heroes of the occasion themselves, who must show how well they have gotten to know each other over fifty years of marriage. Here it makes sense to choose the most tricky questions that will make the guests laugh, amuse them, but will not confuse the newlyweds, although some confusion will not harm them at all.

  • What dress was your lover wearing when you first saw her?
  • The first flowers given to your beloved?
  • Where did you meet your chosen one?
  • What active recreational activities does your spouse prefer now, and which ones did you like before (fishing, hunting, dominoes with friends in the yard)?
  • What is your most memorable gift from your spouse?

There are thousands of questions like this, and other competitions as well. We offer you just an example of holding a golden wedding celebration at home, but only you can decide how, what and when to do. The main thing is that the holiday should be romantic and slightly flavored with light and bright sadness over the past years, but always cheerful and joyful.

I’m laying out everything I have, so to speak in a heap. From everywhere, a little, you’ll put together a script.

Decorating a meeting room is easy. On the back wall hangs a poster with the number “50” written in some “golden” paint, bordered by laurel wreaths of the corresponding color.
Two chairs are placed in the middle of the room for the “golden” anniversaries. A table is placed in the foreground, behind which the leader - the performer of the ritual - is located. Relatives and meeting participants are located a little further away.

The celebration script must be drawn up taking into account the specific situation, the nature of the people to whom the celebration is dedicated, their desires and the characteristics of family relationships. “Golden” anniversaries send invitations to their loved ones and relatives in advance.

On the appointed day, 10-15 minutes before the start of the celebration, when the meeting participants, relatives and invitees take their places, the celebrants are located in another room.

When the music starts, the celebrants enter, accompanied by children. The song stops, and against the background of the melody the following verses are heard in the recording:
Welded together by earthly love,
United for years
Generations meet here:
An alloy of wisdom and gold.

The leader of the meeting addresses those present.

Welcome, dear guests! Today we congratulate the “golden” anniversaries. Let today become one of the most important days and joyful events for each of us. Dear guests! At this hour we greet the “golden” anniversaries-spouses _____ (surname, name, patronymic of the spouses).

A fanfare sounds, then the music plays quietly. Accompanied by two girls with a basket of flowers in their hands, the “golden” jubilees head to their places. During their procession, the presenter briefly talks about them: when and where their marriage was registered, what their main labor achievements are, how many children they raised, etc. The meeting participants took their places, the music fades out. The performer of the ceremony addresses those present.


The celebration of the “golden” anniversaries should take place in the most solemn, sincere and touching manner. Before the presenter addresses the “golden” anniversaries, the words are heard in a tape recording accompanied by music:
All golden weddings, no simple ones,
When love, like a heart, beats in them.
This couple has silver in their curls,
It's like a crane's feather
Their union is lofty and poetic,
And the burden of years of such love is not a burden,
blessed is life that is so bright.
You can’t say about her, they say, she was,
She exists forever, forever!

Presenter (addresses the “golden” anniversaries).

Dear ___________ (names, patronymics of the heroes of the day)! Today marks your 50th marriage anniversary. Half a century ago, young, happy you entered family life. copyright - It’s not in vain that the years have flown by. There are many bright, memorable days behind us. Your life experience has matured into golden wisdom.

The presenter briefly talks about the life path of the heroes of the day.

There have been difficulties and trials in your life. But you were always together, sharing grief and joy in half. You managed to maintain a strong and friendly family. Through all my life

They showed loyalty to each other, loyalty to their cause. Dear anniversaries! Let the baton of your wonderful family life and love be passed on from generation to generation.

Music is playing.


Let me once again congratulate our dear heroes of the day on this significant event in their lives, and wish them the best, the brightest. Let the baton of your wonderful life and love be passed on from generation to generation. Good luck!

Only a select few get to live to see the golden wedding, and it was not for nothing that the great Providence chose the heroes of the occasion for this role,
golden jubilees.
Let's ask ourselves: when do people live to see their golden wedding? In the case when they have a heart of gold and a golden mind. These qualities and
determined their chosenness.
We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary.
May God grant you health for many years and a happy life surrounded by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Let our glasses clink cheerfully and amicably, and we exclaim: Long live our dear “golden newlyweds”!

For half a century we always walked together,
And love helped you in everything,
Like a guiding star
Home in the big
And in the smallest way.
Congratulations on your day
So happy
With such a wonderful date,
With rare and doubly beautiful
Divom -
A real golden wedding!

Golden wedding! This is class!
Hooray for grandparents!
Young, slim, and near you
The children grow up squealing.
The knot of affairs, as before, remains unfinished,
And from restlessness - grace:
Feed all the granddaughters and grandsons,
Give them a great start in life!
Grandma, teach me to read, play;
Master, walk, sing with us, grandfather...
If you went to heaven during your lifetime,
There is no end to love and happiness!!!
Comic congratulations on your golden wedding
You live without crawling - flying
We've been together for decades.
It’s not for nothing that they call that wedding “golden”:
She is the golden dawn over the world!
Illuminating your children and grandchildren
With warmth and light, having drunk life to the dregs,
You don’t need a different fate at all:
Let it be repeated three times again - one!
Live without knowing troubles, without getting sick,
Love yourself and everyone dearly
Until the centenary wedding anniversary...
And there: more-more-more-more!!!
Congratulations on your golden wedding
Yes... the years don't even run - they fly...
How long has it been since the groom gave flowers to the bride?..
And now it’s not twenty - fifty
Godkov live together as one family!
We wish you no fancy ideas:
Share salt, honey and bed for another hundred years,
And so that grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children
Love and life united too!!!

A golden wedding is coming,
And, carefully leafing through the years,
Do you remember what happened
What illuminated and attracted.
And it doesn't bother you at all
Snow of gray hair and a flock of grandchildren,
And the old feeling caresses,
And again my soul is light.
God bless you!
Keep, cherish.
Golden wedding congratulations script
Many different days have been lived,
Days of bitter, joyful, happy.
And now your anniversary has come -
One of the most beautiful days.
And congratulating you, we ask:
Years have no reason to give up,
After all, fifty is not autumn yet,
But only the velvet season.
Cool congratulations on your golden wedding
Golden wedding (50 years)
Golden wedding day
Hearty congratulations
And we wish you together
Health and love!
May happiness and peace
They don't leave your home!
Now the grandchildren are growing up -
You are alive in your descendants!
And the years passed
Take a good look:
After all, in joy and sorrow -
You were always there!
Walking so boldly into the distance,
Beyond the millennium
With hope and perseverance
Live to be a century old!
Flying with joy
We can't take our eyes off the two:
After all, a wedding is “golden”
Beloved, here you are!
You, son-in-law, are to blame for this -
I was able to charm my heart...
Once again under the aisle with my wife
You are young again!
There is no simpler wish for a son-in-law:
Don't forget about your mother-in-law!!!
Golden wedding congratulations script
You have walked together for half a century,
Giving people work and thought,
The best impulses of man
Intertwined with your destiny.

Scenario of the golden wedding “Golden Young People”. Scenario of a golden wedding in a close circle
When organizing a golden wedding celebration, you should take into account that the heroes of the occasion are already quite old, so there is no need to organize a noisy youth evening with active competitions.
When decorating a room, you can recreate the details of the moment when the couple met. For example, if it was a front-line acquaintance, then toy machine guns and pistols, “letters” folded into triangles, like at the front, newspaper clippings, red stars and paper airplanes, photographs of that time (they can be retaken with a digital camera and printed enlarged) will be useful.

Another option is to decorate the room like a wedding hall, with large wedding rings, paper doves, hearts, flowers and ribbons cut out of foil. You can frame an enlarged photocopy of your marriage certificate.
If there are witnesses present at the celebration (and they must be called, if possible), then they will need red ribbons with the inscription “witness”.
For the feast, it would be nice to prepare some of the couple’s favorite dishes from past years - this will also bring back pleasant memories. But you must also take into account the fact that older people cannot eat everything, and take care of dietary dishes.
It's a family holiday, but there still needs to be a host to give it some organization. One of the relatives can conduct it.
The presenter welcomes the audience.
Are the bride and groom available?
(Guests answer “Yes!”)
Is everyone cheerful to the point of indecency?
(Guests answer “Cheerful!”)
All that's left is to fill the glasses
And the holiday can begin!
Who is the most beautiful couple today? Who is the most in love? Who are the most valued and respected among us? And the youngest, despite their advanced years? These are the real “young” ones, and not simple ones, but golden ones! These are our dear mother and father, grandmother and grandfather, moreover, great-grandmother and great-grandfather (if there are great-grandchildren), who are fifty years old today!
Years fly by in dozens,
The family is growing with grandchildren,
And before us again
Not Grandma, not Grandfather,
And the boy and the girl
And eternal love!
The first toast is raised to the spouses.
Host: Over these half a century, so much has been experienced: meetings and farewells, quarrels and reconciliations! There were ups and downs, joys and difficulties along the way. The golden couple raised children who gave them grandchildren, who gave them great-grandchildren! And today we honor this couple as a symbol of all the most precious things a person has: love and family!
For their joint feat - and this is precisely a feat - our beautiful newlyweds are awarded the Order of the Golden Ring of the first degree and certificates of honor! (Comic orders and certificates should be made from paper or cardboard)
What to give for a golden wedding. Gifts for the “young”
According to custom, gold or gilded items are considered the best gifts for a golden wedding. You can give other Shiny items, as well as yellow items.
Children often give their parents new wedding rings on this day, and they, in turn, give the old ones to their children as souvenirs.
Some useful things can also be good gifts for elderly spouses:
If the cold is on the doorstep,
Don't let your feet get cold!
There is nothing more pleasant
How to hide in a warm blanket!
(gift - blanket)
If the immune system has dropped,
There is no need to be discouraged:
There are no better vitamins
Accept together!
(gift - vitamins, for the elderly)
You won't have to deal with snow and cold
Temper like steel:
A warm scarf is for my husband,
And my wife’s shawl is made of down!
(gifts - scarf and handkerchief)
Many years have flown by,
Many years have flown by
But as beautiful as in the beginning
Young family portrait!
(gift - portrait of a couple in a gilded frame)
There is an old Russian tradition of honoring the young. You can perform a similar ritual for the fiftieth anniversary of marriage.
A couple is sitting at the table. The loaf is brought out, then the right hand of the wife and the left hand of the husband are tied with a towel and a great song is sung for the couple.
Great song (to the tune of the folk song “Berezonka stood in the field”)
Berezonka stood in the field,
The girl met the boy!
Lyuli-lyuli, I met you,
Lyuli-lyuli, I met you.

The boy had three treasures,
the boy had three treasures,
Lyuli-lyuli, three treasures,
Lyuli-lyuli, three treasures.

The first treasure is a blush on all cheeks,
Lyuli-lyuli, all over the cheeks,
Lyuli-lyuli, all over the cheeks.

The second treasure is a cheerful accordion,
Lyuli-lyuli, accordion,
Lyuli-lyuli, accordion.

The third treasure is a golden heart,
Lyuli-lyuli, golden,
Lyuli-lyuli, golden!
Text: A boy offered his first treasure to a girl, but the girl did not accept it. He offered a second one - again she didn’t accept. And then the boy offered his third, most expensive treasure. And the girl’s heart melted from his golden heart!
In the field Berezonki swayed,

Lyuli-lyuli, we met,
Lyuli-lyuli, we met!

The boy and the girl met
We got married in front of honest people,
Lyuli-lyuli, got married,
Lyuli-lyuli, we got married!
Text: And this was no less than half a century ago!
Host: You need a truly rare mutual understanding to live in harmony for fifty years! During this time, technology has gone far ahead, and fashion has changed dozens of times, even people have become different, but our golden spouses still love each other! Isn't this an example for all of us?
A toast is raised to a long life together.

The host says that no wedding is complete without flowers. And especially on such a wedding anniversary...
Presenter: For the first ten years - here is a white rose for you; white color is a symbol of purity and youth (gives a white rose).
For the second ten - pink, like the dawn, like the beginning of life (gives a pink rose).
For the third - a scarlet rose: scarlet is the color of love (gives a scarlet rose).
In your fourth decade, a burgundy rose is a symbol of maturity of feelings (gives a burgundy rose).
And for the fifth decade - a tea rose, golden. You have gilded your love, so may God grant you health for many more years together!
"Total Recall" task
The couple must answer several questions about their early life.
To my husband:
1. What color dress was your future wife wearing when you first met?
2. What affectionate nickname did your beloved call you?
3. What name did you dream of calling your first-born?
4. What perfume did your wife love in her youth?
5. And finally, the most difficult question: what were the first words of your future mother-in-law when you came to meet her?
To my wife:
1. where did your future spouse first confess his love to you?
2. What did he treat you to on your first dates?
3. What is the nicest gift you received from him?
4. How did your husband surprise you the most?
5. And you him?
The presenter says that now some of the secrets of the longevity of this family are known, and young people need to take note of them. If there are friends and girlfriends of the “young” among the guests, let them tell how they remember them in those distant years and what the first meetings of the lovers looked like from the outside.
Quest “Grandma’s Ring”
For this task, all women present, including the “bride,” are asked for a ring and placed in a wide vase. The husband must find among all the rings the one that belongs to his wife.

Ditties from grandchildren
The youth are all “ooh” and “ah”
Aching legs are tormenting,
And grandpa started dancing,
Surpassed everyone in the world!

I curled my own curls,
Curls are developing.
Suitors for grandma
They're twisting again!

The cheerful grandfather is not sick,
Apparently he knows the secret.
And he doesn't drink and doesn't smoke,
There are no other secrets!

Don't give me rings
Don't give Brooches
I want it like grandma's
Polka dot dress!

I'll melt the bathhouse hotter
Let me go take a steam bath!
Like grandpa and grandma
I will never grow old!

I don't want to study
And I want to get married
So that at the wedding it’s golden
Also have fun!
Host: For you, golden anniversaries, today there is absolutely everything: songs, poems, gifts, flowers, heartfelt wishes! You have managed to reach such an important milestone in life. So live a long, long time, in good health, to the joy of your whole friendly family!
Everyone knows that love is
Stormy abyss,
But lovebirds
Life has not separated!
As people say,
We lived honorably
And we got used to everything
Do only together:
Speak together
Listen to them together
Cook your lunch together
Eat it together
Sing and dance together
For people's amusement,
And laugh and cry
(Including from laughter)
Waking up in the morning
Go to bed in the evening...
Half of everything in the world
Share day and night!
At home, guests love to sing drinking songs. you need to remember the favorite songs of the “newlyweds” in advance, they will be pleased and they will also take part in it. A good addition would be a player with your old favorite records, if you still have them all.
The guests ask the “groom” to invite the “bride” to dance.
Host: There is a saying: the word is silver, silence is gold. Our golden newlyweds are proof of this. They can speak to each other without words and understand!
Toast. Today everything around seemed to shine. It’s as if the house had its own sun! And there are several reasons for this... Let's raise a glass to the golden hands of these people (spouses' first and patronymic names): with their own hands they created so much in life!
Let's raise a glass to the golden characters of these people: they helped them remain inseparable all the years!
And let’s raise our glasses to the golden anniversary of their legal marriage: after all, no gold can compare with the most important value in life - family!
Every year you live
It means so much in life...
If we walk together,
Have fun on the road!
Rivers and cities
People, meetings and songs...
And trouble is not trouble,
If close and together!
So they walked
Towards golden horizons
Veterans of Love
And the family front!
The grandchildren sing the song “Grandma Next to Grandfather” (from the repertoire of the children’s ensemble “Kukushechka”).

Surely you have already thought about how to organize a celebration of the golden wedding of your parents or relatives. After all, they themselves can no longer handle such troubles with choosing a restaurant, preparing a menu and developing a plan for special events. Still, no matter how cheerfully they behave, age makes itself felt.

Congratulations for spouses
Your Wealth is years,
That we lived together in love and care,
Let there be no trace of sadness today,
You've been walking hand in hand for half a century!
Let fireworks go off in your honor today,
May your children and grandchildren always be close.
Thank you, dear ones, for being you.
After all, this is a huge reward for all of us!
Let the married couple take pride of place at the festive table today. And you should make sure that the golden wedding, the script for which you developed yourself, goes according to a pre-prepared plan. Don’t forget to include in the event scenario the presentation of gifts (have you already decided what to give for the wedding?), as well as the ceremonial reading of congratulatory poems. Even the smallest of those present at the festival can perform the reading of the latter (you just need to rehearse an expressive performance in advance and warn the kids not to worry when they go “on stage”).

Poems in honor of the golden wedding
Fate gives golden awards,
For those who met their golden marriage.
Well, we wish you well today,
And love, as before, great!
Do not bore the heroes of the occasion with loud music; it is better to choose for them compositions from their youth. And it is quite possible that they will decide to give you a dance and spin in a waltz as easily and naturally as they did fifty years ago on their wedding day or twenty-five years ago on the day of their silver wedding.


Scenario for the anniversary “Golden” wedding.

Good afternoon, dear heroes of the day and distinguished guests!

You can’t escape anniversaries in life -

They will overtake everyone like a bird.

But the main thing is to carry through life

Warmth of the soul and a particle of joy.

It gives me great joy to be here today * Ouch * who carried their love and respect for each other through so many years. And on this wonderful day, the day of the golden wedding, we see adorned with gray hair, wise with life experience, but all with the same perky and youthful sparkle in the eyes of _______ (names of the heroes of the day).

How wonderful it is when the holiday begins exactly like this: with a bouquet of flowers, music, kind smiles of the guests who came to congratulate and greet our dear “newlyweds”.

It is known that “The Book of Newlyweds” consists of two parts: poetry - the honeymoon, and prose - all further everyday life. As you understand, the first part is very thin, the second is thick. But our heroes of the day acted very wisely, dividing the second thick part of life, and making three thin ones out of it - honey.

Only a select few get to live to see the golden wedding, and it was not for nothing that the great Providence chose the heroes of the occasion, the golden anniversaries, for this role.

Let's ask ourselves: when do people maintain love and respect until their golden wedding? In our case, when they have a golden heart and a golden mind. These qualities determined their chosenness.

Gold and silver by themselves mean nothing. the master needs to have golden hands. So let’s raise our glasses to the golden hands and bright heads of our “golden newlyweds”!

Dostoevsky said: “Every person must make at least one person happy.” But I am sure, and I think the distinguished guests will agree with me, that our heroes of the day made a lot of people happy.

________ (names of the heroes of the day) congratulations on an amazing event in your life - a golden wedding and wish you the greatest happiness, the longest years of life, the best health, the brightest stars in the sky!

People's lives are similar to the lives of stars. Some flicker dimly, others burn evenly, others shine brightly, illuminating the path of life not only for themselves, but also for family and friends. And this star’s shine corresponds to the brightness of the personality. Today we are all illuminated with a bright, fiery light by two megastars.

As you know, if stars light up in the sky, it means someone needs it. The star ______ (name of the hero of the day) lit up in the year 19__, and _______ (name of the wife) in the year 19__. These stars rose and met in the mid-50s. And it was like that.

Biographical facts are presented. For example:

A young beautiful mathematics teacher working in the village of ___, Korelichi district, __ (wife’s name) studied in absentia at the Baranovichi Teachers’ Institute. While studying at the institute ____ (wife's name), etc.

And how it all began, I think, they know this better than anyone and now they will tell us ____.

The story of the heroes of the day themselves.

Signed ___ (names of the celebrants) on June 4, 19____. There was no wedding, just an evening. 50 years have passed since this day.

They say that every person has his own “finest hour”. That most magnificent moment in life when fate says: “You have been given a chance to prove what you are capable of!” How did you use it? I think, and I hope everyone will agree with me, that our “golden newlyweds” proved to themselves and to people that the chance to leave love in their home forever was not missed.

There are a lot of ringing words about her

Said the wise poets.

For forever young love -

Source of joy and light!

Another star was born and lit up in the sky. A planet called “Family______” And, as you know, every planet has satellites that circle in orbit around it. And the first such companion was the first-born son _____ (name), born (the year, day and month of birth are called). Then _____ everything follows the law of life: childhood, school, college, work. And now he____. Let's give the floor to the eldest son for congratulations.

Congratulations to my son.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary,

We wish you happiness, joy, smiles,

Never get sick

And they grew younger over the years!

Life goes on as usual. And on May 1, 19____ the second son ______ (name) is born. Everything is like everyone else...

Present biographical facts. For example:

He received a higher education at the Minsk Institute of National Economy and arrived on assignment at ____ (enterprise). Accountant, economist, head of financial services, and now... etc. Now we will hear wishes addressed to parents.

I ask you to raise your glasses

For the happiness of mother, father,

And I offer all guests

Drink to this until the end!

These are 50 years that shook the world... We wish you to shake it. At least another 50 years, or even more! And for this you only need Health, good spirits and excellent mood, which we all wish for you!

The third satellite of the planet “Family_____” can rightfully be called ___ (the name of a friend).

The story of acquaintance and long-term friendship. For example:

Since the early 60s she lived in the family as a niece. worked as a librarian. And when the time came, I went to get higher education in Minsk. ______ lives there now, but does not forget to congratulate him on the holidays to this day.

I think ______ (name) will not refuse to tell us the story of her friendship with this family.

Story _ (name).

You have walked together for half a century.

Giving people work and thought,

The best impulses of man

Intertwined with your destiny.

Let the sun splash even brighter

On this day, on a happy anniversary.

Have a good, long, joyful life

Surrounded by family and friends.

Continuation of the story of family and friendship. For example:

While the children were growing up, life in the country went on as usual. The consolidation of collective farms began. __ (name of the hero of the day) was offered a job in the city of __, and in 19 ____ the family of _____ people moved. First a private apartment, then a separate two-room apartment. He is the boss of ____, she is a mathematics and physics teacher at school.

While working at school __ (wife's name) met and then became strong friends with the head teacher of the school ____ (name) and the primary school teacher____ (name). Currently _ is conquering Sweden and sending news from there. Here is one of them:

On this day from Sweden

Hello arrived.

Happiness, joy, health

And good luck for many years to come!

But ___ (name) is present here. Your word is a memory.

Incidents from life... Individual moments... Memories....

(You can make memories in the form of an interview. Sample questions:

If guests come unexpectedly, what Dish helps you out?
A character quality for which you are grateful to your spouse?
What is your spouse's strongest character trait?
Has there been such a phenomenon as a solar eclipse in your family?
Tell us a secret: how did it happen that you got the best bride?
How long did you think about the offer?
Do you remember your first joint purchase?

The main goal in the life of parents is to educate their children. Give them a start in life. And it worked. After graduating from college, the youngest son _____ (name) marries _____ (name) a student at the same institute. The first daughter-in-law appears in the family. Over to her...

Congratulations to the daughter-in-law.

The marriage of a son is a mandatory, surprisingly pleasant family relationship with matchmakers from the city of _ __ (names). I give them the floor.

Congratulations to the matchmakers.

In one 19 ___ year, as many as two people are added to the family. The eldest son marries an amazing girl ______ (name). Please accept warm wishes from __.

Wishes from the second daughter-in-law.

In the same month, the first grandson ______ (name), son, youngest son (name of the hero of the day), etc. are born.

The history of the family and its grandchildren.

Congratulations from grandchildren.

The world of stars _ (surname of the heroes of the day) begins to expand into the universe. A huge constellation appears in human space. Satellites appear from a completely unexpected direction.

Having retired, people understand that there is enough free time to do what they love. And the family of _ (surname of the celebrants) has a dacha. And there are wonderful neighbors in the country.

For some, wealth is joy,

For others, honor is a joy.

But any stones are more expensive,

A faithful friend is with you.

Let's drink to our faithful, selfless friends!

______ (surname of family of friends in the country) will tell us about the history of acquaintance and relationships.

Today we wish with love:

May your health not fail you all.

The health of people of elegant age is the efforts of the people themselves and the children, grandchildren, and relatives around them. It is, of course, given by nature, but it also needs to be supported with the help of honey, and sometimes “chemistry”, the delivery of which is handled by young Close relatives __ (last name and first names). Over to them...


We wish you great happiness,

Many, many bright days,

We wish you to smile often,

Don't be upset over trifles,

Don't be nervous and don't get sick.

And, in general, to live and not grow old.

Now I propose to give the celebrants another bouquet. Bouquet of wishes. In order to collect it, we don’t need to run for flowers. We will create it from words - wishes. From each of the guests you only need one word - a wish spoken into the microphone and from the bottom of your heart. So, let's start with _____'s sister (name of the hero of the day).


The “finest hour” has come for our “golden newlyweds.” And the winners are celebrated

Standing and applauding.

May it always be sweet for you,

Well, today – “Bitter”!

For the young!

Games and competitions can be held as a block or wedged into the script at the request of the organizers.

Decoration: the main wall above the anniversaries is decorated with an image of two wedding hearts that shine and shimmer with lights. The tablecloths on the tables are bright yellow, the napkins are pure white with the image of gold rings.

Ved.: Dear guests!
We are glad to see you at this golden celebration!

Twenty five and twenty five
Golden miracle.
How nice it is to congratulate
Two happy people.
How nice it is to update
Gold rings,
And, of course, repeat:
Peace to you, dear ones?
And, of course, the warmth,
And all the best,
So that life will always be
Full of love!

Ved.: I ask the guests to fill their glasses and drink to our heroes of the day! (The guests drink).
Ved.: The married years lived together are real Wealth, which is calculated not by money, but by good deeds. Therefore, looking at the heroes of the occasion, we can safely say that before us are truly golden people whom we love and respect. And we would really like the heroes of the day to feel like a royal couple today. Therefore, we are happy to present them with these golden crowns. (Solemn music sounds. Guests dressed in pageboy costumes bring out two “golden” crowns on red pillows and put them on the heroes of the day. Guests applaud. A third page appears, carrying golden wedding rings).
Ved.: On this day, according to tradition, old wedding rings are replaced with new ones: after all, over 50 years, the hands that wore them have changed significantly, and the gold has changed. worn out and faded. We invite those celebrating the anniversary to exchange rings. (Exchange of rings).
Ved.: Our dear (Names)!
May the gold be preserved for all the subsequent years of your life, which means that your house will be a full golden cup, success in your work will be the largest nuggets, your health will be as strong as a gold bar!
Ved.: Let's raise a glass to this couple!
(The guests drink).
Ved.: Today's holiday is truly God's gift to rejoice in the love and affection that relatives and friends have for this married couple.
Therefore, with my hand on my heart, I offer my kindest words to our heroes of the day.
(The phonogram of the song “Golden Heart” from the repertoire of S. Rotaru sounds. The host hands the guests a “golden” heart made of brocade, which passes from hand to hand and is accompanied by short wishes).

Ved.: Friends! It seems to me that the heroes of the occasion are very touched by your words and compliments. I think that their hearts are always open to each of you. And so that you can be sure of this, I suggest that the celebrants of the day present real “golden keys” to everyone present.
(Music. The grandchildren of the heroes of the day in golden capes bring out a “golden” bowl with “Golden Key” toffees and treat the guests).
Ved.: I propose a toast to the hearts of the heroes of the day, which consist of pure gold of the highest standard!
(The guests drink).
Ved.: Dear newlyweds!
The time has come now
Give gifts to everyone for you.
They are packaged very brightly.
They bear a seal and a gold stamp.
1. May your health be preserved for years to come. Drink “Golden Cup” tea in the morning. (They hand over tea).
2. To make you have a happy face, get this golden egg as a gift! (They present a kinder surprise).
3. To avoid troubles in your home, accept gold coins from us. (Chocolate coins in gold foil are presented).
4. In order not to put an end to your congratulations, print out the “Golden Barrel” today. (The “Golden Barrel” beer (barrel) is presented. The celebrants treat their guests to it.)

Ved.: We will, I hope, continue to congratulate you.
I think everyone is ready to make a toast.
(The host gives the guests the floor to congratulate and present gifts).
Ved.: Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren congratulate our dear and beloved people on their golden anniversary. (Congratulations from the family).
Ved.: I offer it to everyone; pour.
To wash the gifts. (The guests drink).
(Musical pause).
Ved.: Dear heroes of the day!
You have carried 50 springs through the years. You are middle-aged and wise, but your hearts are still faithful and loving. It was love that helped you keep them that way and carry them through years of joys, worries, anxieties, respect, trust in each other... Your wonderful anniversary is a pure source; who nourishes loving hearts. So congratulate each other on this golden day! (The anniversaries congratulate each other.)

Ved.: You are joy and sorrow
Everyone stood firm.
Now all we have to do is
Shout out loud to you: “Bitter!”
Guests: Bitter! Bitterly! Bitterly!
(The celebrants exchange a marital kiss.)

Ved.: Friends! Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of catching a goldfish so that it would fulfill three cherished wishes. And now I offer you this unique opportunity. (The presenter goes around the guests with a bag containing fish cut out of cardboard. One of them is gold, and offers to choose any one without looking into the bag. The owner of the “golden fish” has the right to voice his three wishes, choosing them from among the cards proposed by the presenter But before that, he names any “performer” among the guests).
1. I want a toast to be made in honor of the anniversaries, in which the word “anniversary” would appear three times.
2. I want any item on the table to be presented to the heroes of the occasion as a memorable gift with meaning.
3. I want your neighbors on the right and left to loudly shout “Bitter!” to the heroes of the day.
4. I want you to shake hands with the hero of the day and kiss the hero of the day.
5. I want you to sing the tune of a familiar song to the guests, and everyone will pick it up.
(Rewarding the “fulfillers” of wishes).

Ved.: Golden bride and groom!
May for all the remaining years
Your cozy home will be warm.
Good luck to you,
Love of high shoots,
Long life, sunny in everything!
(Music. Continuation of the feast).


1. Red pads, two gold crowns.
2. Gold rings.
3. Golden heart made of brocade.
4. Golden bowl with toffee “Golden Key”.
5. “Golden Bowl” tea, kinder surprise, chocolate coins in gold foil, “Golden Barrel” beer.
6. A bag of fish, one of which is gold.
7. Cards with wishes.

Song "Golden Wedding"

Holiday, holiday we celebrate with family.
Holiday, golden wedding holiday!
Bitterly! Bitterly! - they shout cheerfully
Forty great-grandchildren and twenty-five grandchildren.

Grandmother next to grandfather
So many years, so many years together!
Grandma next to grandpa
They sing this song together.
Grandmother next to grandfather
They sing this song together.
Grandmother next to grandfather
Again - the bride and groom!

We have been in love with this couple since childhood,
Moms, dads and, of course, us!
A very strong grandfather dancer.
Well, grandma sings like a combined choir.

Chorus. (same)

On a holiday, on a golden wedding day
We wish them a young life!
Raising the mugs high
And for them we drink... fresh milk!

Chorus (same)

(poems by I. Reznik, music by R. Pauls)
*********Guests line up on both sides of the door, each has a rose in their hands, they make an alley of flowers from roses,
and the “golden couple” passes along this corridor. Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" is played during the appearance of the celebrants.


On this day, 50 years ago, Alexey and Elena Ivanov got married!
Your glances said to each other at that moment:
“We love, and the feeling knows no barriers!”
Then your souls said to each other:
“And nothing will destroy this loyalty!”
When you touched each other's hand,
All your dreams, like birds, woke up.
“Consent forever! Love to the end!" -
Your hearts responded with an oath!

Birthday celebrants and guests are invited to the festive table.


On this day, the day of the golden wedding, we look back a little. The Ivanov family path was not easy,
but you have always strived to work and live honestly, and your love has always been an example to follow.
And looking back at the path you have traveled together, one cannot help but admit that your love and your destiny are worthy of admiration.

Toast: for love! For the bride and groom! Here's to the golden anniversary!

The presenter introduces people who were witnesses at the wedding of the heroes of the day 50 years ago.

Toast from the witnesses:

In our callous age, corrupt age,
When a person is for money
Ready to love, ready to suffer
And kiss the punishing scourge,
It's good for me to see then
Under the shadow of marriage
Holy, unshakable union!
It's good to see how love
Shining, joyful again.
And, having defeated the enemy in battle,
Celebrating his victory!
And let, as a shining example
Union of Burning Hearts
With your happy joy
Serves as an example for people!
It's time for everyone to raise their glasses
For the anniversaries...
Triple...Loud...Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

Congratulations from my husband:

We crossed the field of life with you,
It's not in vain that we've lived together for so many years.
We worked and argued with fate,
Giving each other the warmth of our souls.
It was both very easy and difficult for us,
Life was full of misfortune and happiness.
But today you, my friend,
Like a young tree, slender.
Your face breathes the spring wind.
And the fact that there are wrinkles on it is not a problem.
After all, this is the book of our lives being written
Confident years ahead.
And if youth came back again
And I would go out into the round dance circle,
Of all the girls - I'm ready to give my word -
I would choose you alone, my friend.

Husband gives his wife a gift and invites her to dance
The Golden Couple dances the waltz
Guests and relatives congratulate the anniversaries and give gifts.

The presenter conducts the “Auction of Family Values”

This auction is good for “gold” or “silver” weddings.
Family values ​​of the celebrants, their favorite things are put up for auction, if the celebrant is an avid fisherman,
then it could be a fishing rod, if the hero of the day is a famous cook, then a book of her recipes and many other things.

And now, for the first time in the history of the Ivanov family, an auction will take place!
Auction of family treasures! There is a good sign - whoever managed to purchase any item at the golden wedding,
A great future and many riches await him.

Today there are 3 lots up for auction.

1st lot - a thing necessary for every person, with the help of this thing unique works are created and
vital documents, this thing belongs to a person whom you all know and love well
...original price... - lot is drawn (personal pen of the head of the family)

2nd lot – it is impossible to live without this thing, when this thing is heavy and big, the heart rejoices,
and when this thing becomes light and subtle, then a person begins to work with redoubled energy...
original price...- (wife's wallet)

3rd lot - this item is unique and very loved by its owner, the most pleasant memories are associated with this item
about rest and peace...original price...(husband’s favorite fishing rod)

The presenter, describing all the advantages of each lot, asks questions to the owner of the item:

What memories is this thing associated with?
- What made you give it up?
- Your wishes to the future owner

Toast: from the new owners of “family values”

Dance break “Retro” - 15-30 minutes


50 years of life together with your loved one is a great success.
It all started exactly 50 years ago, when two people realized that they could not live without each other.
These people were able to make their lives and the lives of everyone present here happy.
We congratulate you, we congratulate you and we congratulate ourselves even more!!!
Your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren have prepared a creative gift for you.

Concert for the golden couple with the participation of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren


Our dear heroes of the day have told fairy tales many times - first to their children, then to their grandchildren, and now to their great-grandchildren.
Let us tell them a fairy tale, and not just tell them, but also show them.
Dear heroes of the day, name who you would like to see as actors in our fairy tale

The presenter distributes roles to the actors, a fairy tale is acted out - an experimental theater. The role of the Queen, of course, goes to the hero of the day,
and the role of the beloved man is for the hero of the day. The presenter reads the text, the actors act out what the presenter says

"The Queen's Dream" - a fairy tale

There is one kingdom on earth in which love and joy reign, where beautiful and kind people, beautiful animals and birds live.
And the most important thing there is the Queen, she lives in a palace of indescribable beauty and sits on a golden throne.
And the courtiers entertain and amuse Her Majesty.
So, the Queen reclined, as usual, in the afternoon, on her bed.
Behind her stood a handsome black man with a ring in his nose and slightly moved his fan, creating the illusion of wind.
A Hindu boy massaged the queen's heels...
The blond girl was polishing the elegant nail on the little finger of her left hand...
A slender Scandinavian was holding a tray with food...
The hunchbacked shaman beat a tambourine, driving away evil spirits.
At the foot of the bed, with his tongue hanging out and breathing loudly, lay his beloved Great Dane. The Queen lightly ruffled his fur..
A fluffy Persian cat purred at the Queen's knees.
Having straightened his tail, the Peacock strode importantly. In the cage, the Parrot was cursing in Spanish. Here a passionate Caucasian danced the lezginka...
A curvaceous Turkish woman demonstrated belly dancing...
But then the Queen got tired. She asked everyone to leave.
The beloved man entered the hall. The queen kissed him, and only the breeze that rushed into the hall gently caressed the hair of the lovers

The holiday continues with drinking songs and dancing.


The guests line up, forming a corridor, the same as when meeting.
Everyone holds a small church candle in their hands. “The golden couple passes through the guests' corridor. Music is playing.

Presenter: (text speaks in the background of music)

May the atmosphere of today, this festive mood remain in your soul for a long time,
May the joy of this celebration warm you for a long time. The celebration doesn't end there.
It continues, just as the life path of the large Ivanov family will continue!
I wish you whom I appreciate, love
To save the soul given by God, -
Not everything is subject to the long ruble,
And true feelings will not destroy
Neither years, nor politics, nor system,
Not a trail of gossip behind my back,
Neither a king nor a mythical hero
The spring of love will never dry up.
May dignity and honor be with you!
May fate grant you a long life!
Your home will not lack true friends
And loving, warm eyes
Let your earthly path be illuminated...

Golden wedding scenario

To hold a golden wedding, you need to: rent a banquet hall in a cafe or restaurant, send out invitations to everyone, prepare as many unexpected surprises as possible for the heroes of the day, wall newspapers in honor of the “golden couple”, prepare songs of the youth of the heroes of the day, congratulations from grandchildren and witnesses of their wedding.
Before the start of the celebration, all invited guests come to the place of celebration indicated in the invitations. The host of the celebration arranges the guests in the form of a living corridor. Each person is given a bunch of red rose petals. before the celebrants enter the banquet hall (everything needs to be calculated for this), Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” sounds, the celebrants enter and walk along a living corridor. At this time, from both sides, the heroes of the day begin to be showered with scarlet rose petals.
After the heroes of the day take their places of honor (you can hang the numbers 50 from balloons in the background, see below), all invited guests and family members also take their places at the festive table.

Today we have gathered to congratulate our beloved and dear golden anniversaries on the wonderful day of their life together with the “Golden Wedding”. Let today become for them one of the most important days and joyful events of their married life.
On behalf of your family and friends, I want to present you with a symbolic marriage certificate (the certificate is prepared and printed in advance). The host says a toast.
Toast wish
Your strong family is not only your joy, the joy of your children and relatives. This is the joy of all your friends. Happy holiday, you, our beloved!
Next comes a melody that young people like.
Throughout the evening, beautiful melodies will periodically sound that are memorable for the celebrants, so you should ask in advance and make a list of songs that the celebrants like.

Now, let's remember how it all began...
The lights in the hall and on the canvas for watching films go out, a film or presentation in the form of slides is shown through the slide projector, which is accompanied by comments from the presenter. A film or presentation in the form of slides must be prepared in advance; it will include photographs: from the wedding of celebrants, the birth of children, with happy moments in life, about raising grandchildren, etc.
The duration of the film should be 20-25 minutes.
After the viewing is over, the lights come on.

Dear anniversaries, your children want to congratulate you!

Dear dad and mom, we are happy to congratulate you on this significant day, and we want to wish you: health, longevity, so that those feelings that you carried through the years are also strong and never fade away for each other, so that your happy family life , made us happy further.
Please accept this gift from all of us!
Children give a new pair of gold rings as the old gold rings have worn out over the years.
Toast from the children
You found support in each other,
Hope, faith and love!
Half a century you are together today
Let the blood boil in your veins!
Congratulations on your anniversary,
A golden flight for your wedding!
Love is another year wiser
Let it only move forward!

Unfortunately, not all relatives and friends were able to come to this holiday. But with all their hearts they are with us, thanks to modern technologies, we will be able to bring here everyone who wanted to congratulate our newlyweds!
The presenter reads out: letters, telegrams, greeting cards, SMS messages.
Break for food 15-20 minutes.

And now, heroes of the day, especially for you, the “Daisy Daisy” competition
The essence of the competition is as follows: a daisy is prepared in advance from paper, on each of the twelve petals, a date associated with the anniversary is signed. The task of the heroes of the day is to guess these dates.
See example below.

Well done to the heroes of the day, they coped with this competition. Now let's see how the children of the heroes of the day cope with another competition.
Competition “Who knows mom and dad better!”
This competition will be the best gift for parents on this gala evening, because the most precious thing they have is their children.
This competition allows you to test how well children know their parents! For this competition, questions regarding the heroes of the occasion are being prepared.
For example: How did dad do at school (good or bad)? What's mom's favorite movie? What troops did dad serve in? What Dish does mom like most? How or where did the parents meet? Favorite movie of the celebrants? How do parents like to spend their holidays together? etc.
During this competition, children answer questions asked by the presenter (preferably, they touch on a variety of life areas), and parents agree with their answers or refute them.
Break for food 10-15 minutes.

Also today, their grandchildren want to congratulate the dear heroes of the day on their golden wedding and not just congratulate them, but give them songs.
To do this, you need to prepare karaoke with suitable songs, and your grandchildren will perform them. Also, the spouses themselves can sing their favorite song in a duet (for this, they prepare the necessary song in advance).
Afterwards you can arrange a white dance, where the ladies invite the gentlemen.
The main “highlight” of the festive evening must necessarily be the wedding cake, on which, in the center, there will be the numbers fifty in golden color or a cake made from the numbers “50” (see below). This cake must be ordered in advance at the bakery.
Those celebrating the anniversary must independently blow out the festive candles on the cake and together cut the first piece from the cake, and then hand it to the children, and distribute the remaining parts of the cake to the invited guests.
At the end of the evening, you can complement the celebration with festive fireworks in honor of this event. ©

Scenario for a golden wedding
The first anniversaries of marriage are solemnly celebrated by the young couple. However, when the “experience” reaches eight, twelve, seventeen years, even women begin to forget about the anniversary. Only a few lucky ones manage to live to see a silver, and even more so a golden, wedding, so they need to be celebrated as magnificently as possible.

Fifty years is a long time; a husband and wife are reaching a respectable age, so when arranging a celebration for them, do not forget about their physical capabilities. A golden wedding is a family holiday; only relatives and closest friends who have been with the anniversary during these years should be present. The heroes of the occasion become newlyweds again, so many traditions performed during the wedding ceremony are repeated.

The first anniversary is called “calico”; guests give the spouses gifts made from this material. For a golden wedding, items made of gold or at least imitation gold are given as gifts. The venue for the celebration is decorated in gold, “thrones upholstered with ash brocade” are prepared for the heroes of the occasion; on the table, among other things, there are empty cups, tea in a samovar, and sweets.

(The newlyweds enter the hall. The guests have already gathered in the hall and are waiting at the entrance.)

Host: Hello, hello, dear friends! May the golden rain of grace, happiness, and mutual understanding fall on our “young ones,” as it did fifty years ago!

(The guests shower the celebrants with golden confetti, escort them to their seats and take their seats.)

The host asks the smallest participant in the celebration: Do you know why we have gathered here?

(the child answers simply and sincerely, which cannot but bring a smile to wrinkled faces.)

Host: But (baby’s name) is right! This event needs to be celebrated! I was only present at the golden wedding a few times, but I saw the same thing: love in the eyes, carried in hearts for half a century. (Wife's name), (Husband's name), look at your hands. They worked hard during those long and happy years. They held children, then nursed grandchildren.

(The presenter reads out a family chronicle; only happy events are mentioned. It is advisable not to mention career achievements.)

Host: And today you are sitting here, next to your loving and beloved children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and friends. Your relationship has been tested for strength more than once; now it is not calico, not cast iron (a hint at the names of wedding anniversaries), now it is golden. Gold is a noble metal; it does not oxidize or change when heated. Likewise, your relationship has not changed since your wedding day. The children decided to give you a small gift.

Children give gold rings. There may be several options for the ritual. If, during the celebration of a silver wedding, the spouses put a silver ring on the ring finger next to the gold one, then the silver ones are removed, and a second gold ring is put on in their place. Also, the first gold rings can be replaced with new ones, the old ones are given to the children.

Host: Fifty years ago you lit a fire at home, which has illuminated your path all these years. Now it's time to light a new one.

(The spouses light a candle, symbolizing home, and pass it to the children.)

Host: Our ancestors said: “Living life is not crossing a field.” And they were absolutely right. Many difficulties awaited our “young people,” but they overcame them with dignity. (Wife's name), (Husband's name), reveal the secret of a happy family life to the younger generation.

(Celebrants share their experiences.)

Host: Fifty years ago you danced for the first time as a bride and groom, then as husband and wife. Give us a dance today, the first for the next fifty years of marriage.

(Music sounds, the lights are dimmed, guests gather near the couple, light candles and dance in a circle. The dance ends, everyone takes their seats.)

Host: It's time to divide the loaf.

He gives the celebrants a loaf of bread, they divide it into parts between themselves and the guests. The presenter says goodbye. The holiday continues.

**********Scenario of the Golden Wedding 50 years
June 24, 2011 Author Natalia
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Scenario of the Golden Wedding 50 years
A golden wedding happens once in a lifetime, and not all couples do, so you need to celebrate such a wedding anniversary accordingly. We bring to your attention a wedding anniversary scenario in royal style.

It is best to spend such an anniversary in a restaurant decorated like a medieval castle or fortress. In addition, the theme of knights is quite popular now, and you will probably find a restaurant in your city that has at least some elements that speak of a royal setting: a red carpet, knights at the entrance, rich wooden furniture. Ask the restaurant staff to temporarily remove all modern interior details or hide them under fabric. The tables should be arranged in the shape of a horseshoe, in the middle of which the Golden Couple and their children will be located, and the rest of the guests will be seated along the edges of the “horseshoe”.

Warn guests that the royal dress code will be observed at the wedding anniversary; ladies should prefer long, fluffy skirts, and gentlemen will come in suits. Guests can make badges in the form of various orders of advisors, etc. For golden newlyweds, you need to make crowns; depending on your financial capabilities and desires, you can consider the option of a jewelry crown or one made yourself from foil.

The presenter will act as a so-called herald, who only announces the stages of the holiday, and does not strictly demand their implementation. Take care of the musical accompaniment; in addition to background sound, the musicians should provide dance tunes throughout the evening. It is better if the music corresponds to the style of the Middle Ages, but it all depends on the preferences of the heroes of the holiday.

In addition to organizing the above-mentioned points, you will have to prepare such little things as: rose petals, a tray for crowns, two pens, a thick sheet of paper and a frame to fit the sheet.

So, let's start planning the celebration, which will help with the wedding anniversary scenario.

Guests arrive at the appointed place in advance and line up in two lines to meet the newlyweds. The golden couple walk past the guests, greeting everyone. At this moment, the spouses are showered with rose petals and congratulations on their anniversary are loudly shouted. The couple goes inside the “castle”, after which they are accompanied by guests.

Only after the Golden newlyweds have taken their seats can guests enter the hall one by one. Those who come hand over invitations to the herald, and he loudly pronounces their names. This moment can be made very funny if you add a funny title to each name; for a work colleague, for example, the Count of the Stationery or the Knight of the Wrench is suitable. After the introduction of each couple, solemn music is played.

When all the guests have taken their seats, the herald announces the start of the coronation and asks those present whether this couple has truly deserved the title of king and queen. Everyone speaks 1-2 sentences, no more, if there are more than 50 guests at the celebration, then it is better to listen to the opinion of only those closest to you. Now the Golden Spouses are crowned and referred to only as “Your Majesty.”

The beginning of the feast is traditionally announced by a herald. As toasts to the anniversary, you can use real stories from the life of a couple in which the newlyweds behaved truly nobly, or tell a parable without forgetting the style of the celebration. Remember that the celebrants of the day should be addressed as the king and queen, and the spouses, in turn, should call the guests according to their titles.

After some time, approximately in the middle of the feast, the herald asks the guests to stand up. The golden couple raises their glasses and expresses their gratitude and blessings to everyone present. After emptying the glasses, the herald presents the spouses with pens and a piece of paper on which they will write down advice to the young couples and describe how they were able to live in love until the golden wedding. Everything that the couple deems necessary can be written down on this list, from everyday trifles to solving complex psychological problems. The herald places the completed chronicle in a frame and reads it loudly to the guests.

Now you can begin the dance part of the holiday. The first dance of the evening is performed by the golden spouses or their children, if the former are unable to perform the dance for health reasons.

You can end your wedding anniversary by selling a wedding cake, just like 50 years ago.
************8 After all the guests have gathered, the presenter enters the hall.

Presenter: - Good evening, dear guests! I am glad to welcome you to this wonderful holiday! Our dear heroes of the day will enter this hall in a few minutes. I will ask you to shower them with rose petals and greet them with applause.

Music sounds, the heroes of the occasion appear on the threshold, the guests applaud and shower them with flower petals.

Presenter: - Exactly 50 years ago, on this very evening, you opened your holiday with a wedding waltz. Today I want to invite you to the “Golden Waltz”!

The music turns on, the celebrants dance around in a wedding dance. After one circle, the host invites everyone to go to the festive table.

Presenter: - As a sign of your love, mutual understanding and respect, accept this symbolic marriage certificate. Your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are very grateful to you for your patience and work, for the fact that you continue to love each other, carrying through the years that spark that lit in your hearts fifty years ago. And today we ask you to exchange new wedding rings.

If the spouses wore wedding rings, they take them off and give them to the children, putting new ones in their place.

Presenter: - before the start of our gala evening, I asked the guests who would like to be the first to congratulate the heroes of the day? As it turns out, everyone wants to have their say. Therefore, we decided to establish a priority - by seniority, and now we will see what comes of it.

Presenter: - Our dear heroes of the day! Just like 50 years ago, today we raise glasses of champagne to your wonderful holiday! It's just a little bitter. Isn't that right, guests?

The guests agree “Bitter!”, the heroes of the day kiss each other.

After a short feast with toasts and congratulations to the heroes of the day, a musical break is announced, during which cheerful dancing alternates with comic games and competitions. At the same time, it is better to choose melodies for decorating the evening according to the tastes of the heroes of the occasion.

At the end of the evening, heroes of the day and guests are invited to the festive table.

Presenter: - Let me once again congratulate you on this significant event in your life and wish you all the brightest and kindest. Let the baton of your love be passed on to your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren!
*********Golden wedding scenario for toastmaster.

About 10 minutes before the start of the celebration, when relatives and friends take their places at the banquet table, the heroes of the day are located in another room. The toastmaster turns on the music, and the heroes of the day enter the hall, accompanied by children.

The presenter addresses all present guests:

Welcome, dear guests! Today we have gathered here to congratulate the “golden” anniversaries. Let today become one of the most important days and joyful events for each of us. Dear guests, we welcome the “golden” anniversaries-spouses _____ (last name, first name, patronymic of the spouses).

Then fanfares sound. To the accompaniment of quiet music, the celebrants go to their dreams, at which time the toastmaster briefly talks about them: where they met, when and where the marriage was registered, their work achievements, how many children they raised, etc. When the participants take their seats, the music stops.


On behalf of your family and friends, I want to present you with a symbolic marriage certificate. Your strong family is not only your joy, the joy of your children and relatives. This is the joy of all your friends. Happy holiday to you, our beloved ones.

Presenter (addresses the “golden” anniversaries):

Dear ___________ (names of celebrants)! Today marks your 50th marriage anniversary. Half a century ago, young, happy you entered family life. No wonder the years have flown by. There are many bright, memorable days behind us. Your life experience has matured into golden wisdom.

The toastmaster briefly tells the most memorable moments in the lives of the heroes of the day.


There have been difficulties and trials along your life's path. However, you have always divided grief and joy in half. You managed to maintain a strong and friendly family, and remain faithful to each other after all these years. Dear heroes of the day, may the baton of your wonderful family life and love be passed on from generation to generation.


We ask relatives, friends and workmates to congratulate our meeting participants.

The meeting participants are congratulated in turn by relatives, workmates and friends. Music is playing.


Let me once again congratulate our dear heroes of the day on this significant event in their lives, and wish them the best, the brightest. Good luck!

The feast begins.

Walking through life hand in hand over a long journey of half a century is worth a lot. Golden wedding anniversary traditions date back to Ancient Greece. Since time immemorial, on the 50th anniversary of their marriage, the husband gave his beloved wife a golden laurel wreath as a sign of gratitude for loyalty, support, and love. Hundreds of years have passed, and we still honor newlyweds who have passed the half-century anniversary of their marriage. A festive feast and fun competitions will give a great mood and give strength and vigor to the heroes of the day.

Cool 50th anniversary competitions for parents

Do you want to organize an unforgettable holiday for your beloved parents? And it doesn’t really matter what format the heroes of the occasion prefer: a quiet family dinner at home or a small party in a cafe or restaurant. Wonderful music, competitions for anniversaries and guests, congratulations from family and friends will be a great gift for a golden wedding. How to organize an event, combining the interests of the older and younger generations?

Prepare a script for the holiday, discuss with the celebrants the issues of holding the celebration: where they prefer to celebrate the holiday, who they would like to see. A pleasant, unexpected surprise will be the appearance of “unexpected guests” - friends of youth who were present at the wedding 50 years ago. Competitions should be organized in such a way that the golden wedding will be remembered by the celebrants and guests.

Competition for “newlyweds” “Chamomile”

Offer the heroes of the occasion a fun “Chamomile” competition for the golden wedding. Pre-prepare a large paper flower, in the middle of which a wish for the winner will be hidden under the yellow core. Make the chamomile petals so that they are easily separated from the middle. On the back of each petal, write significant dates: the birthdays of each spouse, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Each person in turn must tear off a petal and say the name of the person whose birthday is indicated. Prepare symbolic gifts for everyone whose birthday is indicated on the daisy. By guessing the names of their relatives, the golden newlyweds will be awarded memorable prizes. To make the competition bring more emotions and joy, invite those whom the anniversaries have guessed to make a festive toast in honor of the heroes of the golden wedding.

For a family with a large number of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, it will be fun and amusing to watch how grandparents carefully sort through all the heirs. An interesting option is this: write the names of relatives on the petals, and the celebrants will have to tear off the corresponding petal and name the date of birth. The winner will definitely receive a prize hidden in the core of the chamomile.

"On the Waves of Memories"

The fun competition “Along the Waves of Memories” will help you give away vivid memories. The funny, curious moments of the wedding 50 years ago are certainly etched in the memory; important events and fleeting meetings - you have a lot to learn from your parents. Prepare a list of questions for the celebrants of the golden wedding, for example:

  • “Name the day when your beloved spouse proposed to you”
  • “What bouquet of flowers did you have in your hands on your wedding day?”
  • “Where did you go on your honeymoon?”

Entertainingly play out questions related to the wedding celebration and those invited. Especially if some are present at the golden wedding. Surely, memories of memorable events in the lives of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will be interesting. Themes related to the weddings of heirs, meeting parents, tricks of grandchildren - everything will be appropriate for the golden anniversary of the wedding.

"Elections of the head of the family state"

An unusual competition for the celebration of the golden wedding “Election of the head of the family state.” Help parents determine who is in charge in the house? To do this, prepare small pieces of paper. Invite those present to write the name of the spouse who is the head of the family. Ask for a brief indication of why they believe this. Then the presenter collects the leaves and reads what was written out loud. The heroes of the occasion are invited to guess who wrote what they read and why, and give the winning couple a “golden” prize.

Golden wedding competitions for guests

Fun entertainment for guests will create a relaxed atmosphere for celebrating a golden wedding, and the anniversary spouses will be reminded of the events of 50 years ago. Funny competitions, dances, wishes will give a good mood to both the younger and older generations. Dance and music competitions should not ignore either the heroes of the occasion or the invitees.

Competition "Search for a partner"

Announce the rules in advance: blindfolded, you need to detect your loved one by touching certain parts of the body, for example, hands or face. Couples who have mutually unmistakably identified each other receive memorable souvenirs and prizes from the hands of the celebrants of the golden wedding. Invite the winners to say a celebratory toast to the celebrants of the golden wedding.

Competition "Dancing in couples"

No wedding is complete without fun dancing, especially a golden one! A dance competition with balloons will be great entertainment for everyone present, and the golden couple will happily remember their own wedding entertainment. Invite those who want to dance to take part in the competition. There must be an equal number of men and women on teams.

To the background of cheerful music, hand out balloons to the stronger half of humanity and ask them to inflate them to see who can complete the task faster. Then explain to participants that the competition will take place in several stages:

  1. Choose a dance partner;
  2. Squeeze the inflated balloon between the body parts of the participants named by the presenter. For example, forehead, shoulders, hips.
  3. For each change in the ball's position, special music sounds. In honor of the golden anniversaries, stage a waltz, tango, lambada, etc. melodies that were popular 50 years ago.
  4. The couple that loses the ball while performing the dance is eliminated. The competition continues until there are no winners. They are the ones who receive the prize from the “young people”.

"Sumo Dance"

Preparations for the dance competition for sumo wrestlers will take additional time. You will need to sew huge trouser shorts with a shoulder strap. The more funny huge pants you sew, the more fun your golden wedding will be. The number of “dancing sumo wrestlers” must be at least five. For the competition you will need balloons - 10-15 for each team. The presenter invites those who want to dance to take part in the competition.

Teams are created with one dancing “sumo wrestler” in huge pants and several “serving” guests. At the command of the celebrants of the golden wedding, the competition begins. While the sumo wrestlers dance rhythmically, the rest of the team inflates balloons and throws them into the sumo wrestlers’ pants. The presenter at this time draws attention to how quickly the dancers increase in size. Suddenly the music stops, and the presenter counts how many balls each “wrestler” has gained. The team that best fattens the dancer wins.

Table entertainment options

Competitions for everyone present will help to amuse the guests of the golden wedding and entertain spouses with 50 years of experience. Fantasy, humor, and sincere, heartfelt words will pleasantly please the golden anniversaries, reminding them of the best moments of a long life together. Knowledge of family traditions and the habits of spouses will emphasize the respectful attitude of young people towards elders, love and genuine interest.

"Alphabet of Wishes"

Invite the guests of the golden wedding to come up with congratulations for the family reaching golden age, in alphabetical order. Give those present a balloon, inside of which is a small piece of paper with a letter of the alphabet written on it. Let the guests come up with a small toast starting with this letter. The options could be:

“Active in life, athletic (the names of the spouses) never cease to amaze us with their good health, joyful mood, and reverent attitude towards each other. They are role models, and their happy family life has delighted us for 50 years. We wish them to live as long as possible, attend their great-grandchildren’s wedding, passing on invaluable experience. Bitterly!"

“Crazy love once connected two hearts, beating in unison. A golden wedding is just a step on the way to the next anniversaries, which become brighter every year, making your eyes burn with overwhelming feelings. May fate favorably give you the joy of communicating with your family, may friends come to visit more often, and may laughter and joy be your companions for many, many years. Advice and love to you!”