Drawing a ship with children 5-6 years old. Master classes with detailed instructions: how to draw a ship

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How to draw a sailboat with a simple pencil step by step

Video: how to draw a sailboat with a pencil on paper

How to draw a large sailing ship with a pen

  • Step 1

    To begin, draw the basic outline of the ship. For the future hull, draw such a simple marking of squares and draw the outline of the ship's hull.

  • Step 2

    Now you need to draw the base of the masts of an old wooden sailing ship. To do this, first draw two long vertical lines. The first one on the right will be the largest and the one on the far right the smallest. In some places on the masts you need to draw crossbars for the sails. Next we will draw a long keel in front of the stern of the ship.

  • Step 3

    At this stage you need to draw the outlines of the sails for the ship. Draw them in an almost rectangular shape. On the far right mast there will be three of them (triangular in shape). On the middle one there are five and on the last mast of the ship there are also five, only smaller.

  • Step 4

    Now we will need to draw the stern of our ship in detail. To do this, we will round the side line of the stern, and also keep in mind that the front part of the stern should be located higher than the back and middle. After that, draw another corrugated strip on it, it will trim the upper part of the stern. Next we will make a railing at the top of the stern. In the next step, add several round windows to the ship drawing.

  • Step 5

    At this stage we draw the masts of our sailboat. Use an eraser to erase the previous contours of the base of the ship and draw the final lines of the masts. Shade them with a simple pencil. The same will need to be done with the keel.

  • Step 6

    Now let's take care of the ship's sails. Let's start with the first tilting mast first. The sails will be in the form of triangles. Let's give these sails a slight bend. Let's draw the rest of the ship's sails with an inward bend.

  • Step 7

    If you draw the ship only with a simple pencil, then use a soft pencil to apply shadows. First, shade the lower part of the stern, making it as dark as possible. Darken the top part just a little. Darker, you will only have to make a horizontal strip in the middle of the sailboat's hull. Let's also give the sails a little tint. Let's paint over the windows and add flags to the top of each mast.

Video: how to draw the Cutty Sark ship with a pencil

In this video you will see how to draw a sailboat with a pencil on paper.

How to draw the sailing ship Brigantine with a pencil step by step

  • Step 1

    We draw the base of the ship, its deck and three masts.

  • Step 2

    We depict the water level, which reaches approximately half the side of the brigantine. On the left side of the ship we draw a bowsprit - an element that protrudes from the bow of the ship. On the masts we draw yards, four perpendicular on the first two and two inclined on the third.

  • Step 3

    We depict the rigging of the brigantine, the cables that hold the masts, four on the first two and one on the last. At the rear of the side we draw a rise in the form of a rectangle.

  • Step 4

    On the first mast we depict a sail.

  • Step 5

    Now we are finalizing its shape, emphasizing each of the four canvases with an arc from below. We also depict the outlines of the sail on the second and third masts.

  • Step 6

    From the bowsprit on the bow of the brigantine we draw three cables holding the front mast of the ship. On the central mast we emphasize the shape of the sails, as in the fifth

  • Step 7

    We finish drawing the three sails on the cables in the front of the ship shown in the last step. And another one at the rear of the ship, which is attached with one end to the mast and two to the deck of the brigantine.

  • Step 8

    A more detailed drawing of the sails, showing the folds on them. Adding a pair of cables to emphasize the shape of the ship, drawing rope ladders, the sides of the ship, emphasizing its texture and the waves on which the ship floats.

  • Step 9

    At this stage the lesson is completed. You can leave a pencil sketch or add color to the drawing. We wish you creative success!


The most primitive version of the boat available to babies visual arts- a straight horizontal line, a triangle is drawn in the center of it at the top. These can be used to depict an endless horizon, behind which the sailboat has almost disappeared from sight.

A more complicated version - the boat sailed a little closer so that the stern became visible. Instead of a straight line, draw a trapezoid with the wide side facing up. Upgrade the sail by adding a mast.

At the next stage, you can try to depict not one, but two sails. At the top of the mast, draw a flag - triangular or rectangular. You can depict some kind of sign on the flag - three petals, for example, or a cross.

On any ship there are items that you cannot do without. Place the steering wheel in the bow of the boat. First, it will be a circle that needs to be turned into a steering wheel by drawing an additional one around. On the steering wheel draw something like petals, and inside the circle there are rays - like the spokes of a bicycle wheel.

Another important thing is the anchor. At the bottom of the back of the ship on the side, draw a cross, at its top a small circle, and under the base a concave arc. Make the ends of the arc in the form of arrows, adding checkmarks. From the circle up to the very stern you need to draw a chain on which the anchor hangs - several even smaller circles close to each other.

By polishing your skills as a novice artist, you can improve the boat by decorating it (if there is free space on the deck) with a second mast and adding a few more sails - large and small triangles. Sails can also be depicted as curved rectangles - as if they were inflated by a gust of wind.

In addition to the anchor, any reputable ship must be equipped with life preservers. Draw at least one rescue “steering wheel” in the bow of the ship. In the middle of the side add three circles - portholes.

Draw several wavy lines at the bottom of the ship, symbolizing the sea. Color the picture. The sails can be made yellow or blue, or left white, just outlined with a bold outline. The flag is suitable in any color - red or green, with or without a pattern. The side of the ship can be decorated with a bright wide strip along its entire length. Make the anchor stand out by coloring it black or any dark color. The lifebuoy can be left white, adding only a few red stripes across the steering wheel. Shade or paint the portholes with blue or yellow paint, depending on the color of the ship itself.

Nowadays it is rare to see wooden sailing ships. But, nevertheless, sailboats are the favorite subject of drawings of many boys. However, pictures of sailboats are not so easy to draw. They have many masts, various ship rigging, very complex sails and sterns. Almost all ancient sailing ships were equipped with cannons, the muzzles of which stuck out at the ready from the loopholes. Without cannons it was impossible to defend against pirates. In this lesson we will be able to step by step draw a ship frigate cutting through the sea waves.

1. Outline of the hull of a sailing ship

To begin, draw the basic outline of the ship. For the future hull, draw such a simple outline, from which we will “build” the ship.

2. Add masts to the sailboat drawing

Now you need to draw the base of the masts of an old wooden sailing ship. To do this, first draw two long vertical lines. The first one on the right will be the largest and the one on the left will be slightly shorter. Mark the ship's masts with dashes in the places where the crossbars for the sails will be.

3. Draw the outlines of the frigate’s sails

At this stage you need to draw the outlines of the frigate's sails. Draw them in an almost rectangular shape. On the rightmost mast there will be three of them (triangular in shape). There will be five sails on the middle mast, and there will also be five on the last mast of the ship, but only smaller.

4. Stern and deck of a sailing ship

Now we will need to draw the stern of the sailing ship in detail. Draw the side line of the stern with a smooth line, and also note that the rear of the stern should be located slightly lower in relation to the bow of the ship. Outline the bow with another vertical line and draw longitudinal sections along the body.

5. Draw the masts of a sailboat

At this stage, we draw the masts and sails of our sailboat in more detail. First of all, use an eraser to remove the previous unnecessary contours of the base of the ship and masts, and then draw the final shape of all the sails and masts. To make it easier for you to do this, refer to my drawing.

6. The drawing of the sailing ship is almost complete

Now let’s take a “thorough” look at the ship’s sails and stretch their fabric with the wind. Let's start with the first inclined mast. These sails will be in the form of triangles. Let's give these sails a slight bend from the side wind. Draw in detail the main sails of the ship. To do this, vertical straight lines need to be replaced with slightly curved ones. This will create the impression of wind blowing into the sails, and at the same time the movement of the ship.

7. How to draw a ship. Applying shadows

If you draw the ship only with a simple pencil, then use a soft pencil to apply shadows. Shade hormonal areas of the poop. With the help of shadows, the masts and sails in the drawing will become voluminous.

In this video, the drawing of the ship is also made in stages, in the last step it is colored with colored pencils.

8. Drawing a ship on a graphics tablet

I made this drawing of a sailboat on a graphics tablet. To draw such a sailboat you need not only a tablet and experience, but also spend a lot of time, so I advise you to use regular colored pencils for coloring. It is better to use this picture of a ship only as an example of how to color a sailboat.
To make your ship drawing look complete, watch the lesson "How to Draw the Sea" and make small additions to the surrounding landscape of your drawing. You can draw another ship in the distance or draw storm waves crashing against the side of the ship.

You can draw a shark next to the pirate sailboat. This predatory and dangerous sea animal will only emphasize the sinister character of a pirate frigate or brigantine.

A drawing of a ship or sailboat looks unfinished without the surrounding landscape, namely the sea. If you draw a stormy sea, try to convey the movement of the waves in the drawing.

Maps of the area have been known since ancient times, but for us they are primarily an attribute of pirate times, sailing ships with skulls on the flag, treasures hidden on islands that can only be found on a map. Wandering the seas on their sailing ships, the pirates made many hiding places, many of which were never found.

Dolphins love to chase ships at sea. Perhaps due to ordinary curiosity, or perhaps in anticipation of food, but they can sometimes accompany the ship for hours.

If in our time whaling is prohibited, then in the days of sailing ships, whales were hunted on special whaling ships. Such ships were called whaling schooners and the fishing gear was arrows (harpoons) tied to the deck with a strong cable.

A figurine of a mermaid carved from wood adorned the stern of almost every sailboat. It was believed that she brought good luck to the ship.

Teaching a child to draw is not at all as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. For example, you can explain and show your child how to draw a boat. Of course, before this you should show your child pictures of ships or photographs of them, and also explain to him what the purpose of the sails, deck, mast and other important parts is.
After the conversation, it is worth preparing those items that will inevitably be needed in the drawing process:
1). Paper;
2). Multi-colored pencils;
3). Pencil;
4). Eraser;
5). Black pen (gel pen is best).

To make it easier for your child to draw a boat, you should help him at some stages. Then the result will definitely please him and, perhaps, next time he will be able to depict a magnificent ship completely on his own. The most convenient way to draw a ship is step by step:
1. Draw the contours of the ship, making its rear part slightly raised, since the upper deck will be located there;
2. Draw a mast, and in its upper part draw a small observation deck;
3. Draw a sail;
4. At the top of the mast, draw a flying flag. Then draw the bow of the ship;
5. Draw the back of the ship. Draw a small flashlight there;
6. To draw a boat beautifully step by step, do not forget about small details. Therefore, draw windows, as well as an anchor. Use light lines to indicate the location of the boards from which the vessel is made;
7. Draw a rope ladder leading to the observation deck. Then draw two sailors, because someone must control the ship. You can draw a boat with a pencil and make it, for example, a pirate. Then it’s worth depicting the symbol of pirates on the flag - a skull and crossbones, and instead of sailors, draw a couple of these desperate sea wolves;
8. The ship cannot sail through the air, so draw waves and two fish that jump out of the water;
9. To make the drawing even more interesting, it is worth depicting clouds in the sky and birds soaring in it;
10. Having learned how to draw a boat with a pencil step by step for children, you can move on to the next stage of working on the drawing - coloring it. To do this, first trace the sketch with a pen, and then remove all excess pencil lines with an eraser;
11. Color the sky with a light blue pencil, and the sea with blue;
12. Color the windows and anchor yellow, and the frames and some other small details dark green;
13. Color the boat different shades brown, fish - yellow, birds - gray, and clouds - blue;
14. Now color the flag, sail and sailors. Lightly shade the clouds with pink in places.
The drawing is ready! Knowing how to draw a boat, you can definitely teach this to your baby!

Fresh wind in your face, measured rocking of the deck, the taste of salt on your lips. Who hasn’t at least once dreamed of becoming the captain of a ship sailing towards adventure? By drawing a ship, you automatically become its commander-in-chief and send it on a mysterious voyage. It depends only on you what awaits him over the horizon.

How to draw a ship for a child

Draw a horizontal line on a piece of paper to mark the boundary of the water. Draw an irregular tetragon over the line, rounding one of the smaller sides (body).

Draw a rectangle on top of it (the cabin), outline the shape of the stern.

Mark the location of the window and cabin door.

Above the deckhouse, draw an elongated rectangle (pipe) and draw several horizontal stripes on it. Draw a porthole on the door to the control room. Mark the location of the waterline on the hull.

Use an eraser to erase unnecessary lines and let the ship float on the waves.

The ship is ready, you can paint it if desired.

How to draw a ship easily

Draw a free-form hull of the ship.

Place 2 mats in the middle of the body. On each mast, draw 2 horizontal lines (yards, sails are attached to them). “Stretch” a rope from the first mast to the bow of the ship, and place a triangular sail on it.

From the top of the second mast, stretch the rope to the stern of the ship. You also need to draw a sail on it. Under each yard, draw a quadrangle with curved bottom and sides (sails). The more curvature the lines are, the more the sail inflates. Add flags to the mast.

Erase the extra lines.

Color the sailboat as you wish.

Video on how to draw a ship

How to draw a ship step by step

Draw the hull of the ship, and there are 3 masts on it.

To the left of the edge of the hull, draw a straight line at a slight angle (bowsprit - protrudes on the bow of a sailing ship. It is used to move the center of sail forward, which improves the maneuverability of the ship). Draw 4 perpendicular yards to the first 2 masts, draw inclined yards to the third mast. Approximately in the middle of the body, mark the boundary of the water.

Draw the cables holding the masts. The third is secured with 1 rope, the rest are secured with 4 ropes.

Mark the shape of the sail on the first mast.

Give the sails volume by drawing an arc at the bottom. Mark the positions of the sails on the 2nd and 3rd masts.

Add volume to the sails. From the bowsprit to the front mast of the ship, draw 3 cables.

Add triangular sails to the cables. Add another one to the third mast, keep in mind that its lower corners are attached to the deck.

Add details to the sailboat by drawing folds in the sails, the texture of the ship, additional ropes, and waves.

How to draw a ship with sails. Drawing a frigate

A frigate is a fast warship with 3 masts. It was used both for long-range reconnaissance and for independent combat operations (the prototype of cruisers).

Draw an irregular polygon shaped like a trapezoid (body).

Mark the position of the masts, the middle one should be longer than the first, the one on the far left the shortest. Add a bowsprit to the bow of the sailboat. Mark the location of the yards.

Mark the location of the rectangular sails. There are 3 of them on the first 2 masts, and 2 on the last one. Draw a triangular sail for the bowsprit.

Shape the ship's hull. Round the side lines, the bow should be slightly higher than the stern. Add railings to the deck. You can add windows on the hull.

Draw the outlines of the bowsprit and masts.

Divide the triangular sail into 2 parts, give them a bend. Give the rest of the sails volume.

Darken the bottom of the body top part lightly shaded. Add shadows along the bottom of the sails, draw flags, rigging, and rope ladders on the masts.

How to draw a pirate ship

Draw a three-dimensional hull of the ship, and on it there are 3 masts (the middle one is the tallest).

Next to the 3rd mast draw a triangular sail. The sails of the 1st and 2nd masts have a trapezoidal shape. Add a bowsprit with a sail and the outline of the keel at the bottom of the ship's hull.

Add crow's nests and flags to the masts. Add details to the hull by drawing the stern deck and bow of the ship.

Draw the rigging and rope ladders. Add a pirate emblem to the flags. Draw the hull of the ship.

How to draw a sailing ship

Draw an oval (the hull of the ship), three masts with ropes, 2 auxiliary lines along the hull at a slight angle.

Using auxiliary lines, draw the elongated bow of the ship and the stern. Add yards and ropes to the masts.

Draw sails on the masts and windows on the hull. Emphasize the wooden structure of the sailboat by drawing a few lines on it.

Add the remaining sails and small parts of the ship.

Erase auxiliary and extra lines.

How to drawb ship in pencil. Drawing a Galleon

This is a large vessel with good maneuverability, designed for long passages on the open sea. As a rule, 3 or 4 masts. The first two masts have straight sails, the others have slanting sails.

Mark on the drawing the position of the ship's stern, masts and yards.

Outline the hull of the ship, marking the main guides of the sides. Feature sailfish - high, richly decorated stern. Draw the masts and sketch out the voluminous sails.

Work out the hull details, armament, decorate the stern and sides. Erase the auxiliary lines and lighten the drawing.

Hatch the sails and hull of the ship, having decided on the light source in advance.