A story about your favorite pastime in Russian. Essays on Russian language and literature

An essay on the topic “My Hobby” will not be difficult to write for primary or secondary school students. Those who are really passionate about something will be especially good at completing this task. The task of parents is to help their son or daughter complete this task.


In order for the essay on the topic “My Hobby” to be written correctly and thoughts to be presented in the correct order, you should tell the child how to make a plan. This can be done in different ways. The standard plan for writing an essay on the topic “My hobby” is as follows:

  • Introduction. In this part of the work you should write a few sentences about what a hobby is and what they are like. Why is passion for something so important for a person?
  • Main part. Here you should talk about your hobby. Describe in detail how it appeared, why this hobby was chosen. Also tell briefly what else, in addition to the main hobby, fascinates and interests you.
  • Conclusions. In the final part, you need to write what impact your hobby has on your life. Tell us what plans you would like to implement and why.

Essay on the topic “My Hobby” for elementary grades

In the first grades, students may be asked to write their thoughts about a hobby. It is important to understand that elementary schools will not be required to produce professional works. The most important thing is to fully and fully express your thoughts and transfer them to a piece of paper. For students in the first three grades, it is quite possible to write the following essays on the topic “My Hobby”:

People who are not interested in anything live boring lives. Therefore, I believe that you definitely need to come up with some kind of activity that will delight you and give you good emotions.

My hobby is drawing. I really like to transfer what I think about onto a sheet of paper in bright colors. Mom and Dad noticed that I had talent and sent me to art school. Now I have been taught even things that I had no idea about before. My parents save all my drawings to show me when I grow up.

I dream of becoming a real artist, so that not only my close people, but also everyone who appreciates this type of creativity will admire my paintings.

I can't imagine my life without hobbies. When I get bored, I always cheer myself up with the help of my collection.

My hobby is collecting teddy bears. It's hard to find other soft toys in my room. Once my mother and I counted my bears, there were more than fifty of them.

I am proud of my collection, and my dream is to collect more than a hundred pieces of teddy bears. I think that I will succeed.

Such statements of thoughts are quite suitable for elementary school children.

Essay on the topic “My favorite hobby” for high school students

Middle school students should write in detail about their hobby. An essay on the topic “Hobby” in English is no different from a Russian-language presentation of thoughts. The most important thing is to convey your ideas clearly and correctly grammatically. Middle school students can write an essay with the following content:

I believe that if a person does not have a hobby, then his life is banal and boring. I have several hobbies, the main one being knitting.

I really like to see how interesting things are created with my own hands. A couple of times I knitted soft toys, which really fired me up. Now my plans are to knit a whole collection of soft animals, as well as clothes for them. And most importantly, I am confident that everything will work out.

I think that you shouldn’t give up your hobby halfway. And if something is exciting or interesting for you, then be sure to go along with this hobby.

How to get a good grade on an essay?

Of course, every child wants to receive a decent grade for his efforts. In order for the teacher to appreciate the work, you should:

  • Write the essay sincerely and truthfully. Only such works deserve the highest score.
  • You also need to pay attention to the order in which thoughts are presented. This also determines how complete and complete the text will be.
  • And most importantly, write not according to a template, but sincerely, so the essay will turn out to be real, revealing the main goal of the assignment.

No matter how the child writes the essay, in any case he needs to be praised so that the zeal for creative tasks does not weaken.

Topic: My Hobbies

Topic: My hobbies

Usually when people ask me about my hobbies, I don’t know what to answer. And this is not because I don’t like doing anything. Just on the contrary, I am fond of many things, but as I am easily carried away, my hobbies can change very quickly. Everything depends on my mood and state of mind. At different times I used to be devoted to dancing, volleyball, drawing, bead weaving, cooking and so on.

Usually, when people ask me about my hobbies, I don't know what to answer. And it's not because I don't like to do anything. Quite the contrary, I am interested in many things, but since I get carried away easily, my hobbies can change very quickly. It all depends on my mood and state of mind. At different times I was interested in dancing, volleyball, drawing, beadwork, cooking and so on.

When I was twelve, my biggest hobby was bead weaving. I made colorful bracelets of beads or embroidery floss and gave them to my friends. We called these nice bracelets friendship bracelets, and exchanged them with each other. A lot of bracelets meant that you had a lot of friends. I still keep a full box of these bright stings in my cabinet.

When I was twelve, my biggest hobby was beading. I made multi-colored bracelets from beads or floss threads and gave them to my friends. We called these cute bracelets friendship bracelets and exchanged them with each other. A large number of bracelets meant that you had many friends. I still have a box full of these colorful ribbons in my closet.

My second biggest hobby has always been dancing. For the first time my Mum brought me to a dancing workshop when I was five. Then I learned my first dance. When I studied at school, I toured several cities with our dancing group. I was fortunate to have a wonderful dance teacher, who taught me to love the expression of movements, the body language, and of course music. Unfortunately, when I entered the university, I had to drop my dancing classes. My studies took much time, and I had to choose between good marks at the university and dancing. And I have chosen studies. Sometimes I regret about it, though I understand that dancing itself is not a profession.

My second global hobby has always been dancing. The first time my mother took me to a dance studio was when I was five years old. Then I learned my first dance. While I was at school, I went on tour in several cities with our dance group. I was lucky enough to have a wonderful dance teacher who taught me to love expressive movements, body language and, of course, music. Unfortunately, when I entered university, I had to give up dancing. Studying took a lot of time, and I had to choose between getting good grades at university and dancing. And I chose study. Sometimes I regret this, although I understand that dancing itself is not a profession.

Not long ago I discovered the world of photography. My friend persuaded me to enroll photography courses, where we learned many interesting facts about this art and mastered several photography techniques. Of course, now my photos are amateur rather than professional. To make really good pictures I need a professional camera and high-quality lens. This is not a cheap hobby, I must confess. Now I am trying to save money for a good DSLR.

I recently discovered the world of photography. My friend persuaded me to enroll in photography courses, where I learned many interesting facts about this art and mastered several photography techniques. Of course, now my photographs are more amateur than professional. To create truly high-quality photographs, I need a professional camera and a high-quality lens. I must admit that this is not a cheap hobby. Now I'm trying to save up money for a good SLR camera.

The essay “My Hobbies” is usually assigned to elementary school students to write. The topic is easy and ideal for the development of oral and written speech. In addition, this is a great opportunity for the student to talk about himself.


Like any written work, an essay has its own structure. It must be followed. And everyone knows that this structure is three-part. That is, the work consists of an introduction, content and conclusion. For primary school students, this knowledge is quite enough. It is only later, in middle and high school, that they learn about the epigraph, theme, author's thoughts, quotes. All this later also appears in essays, which would be more correctly called essays. But for now the three-part form is enough.


How to start an essay “My Hobbies”? There can be many options - this is at the discretion of the student. But the most important thing is that the topic is indicated in the introduction. You can write something like this: “Every person has something that he loves to do. This could be painting, cooking, music, choreography. Some people read, others walk and admire nature. Everyone has a hobby. Me too". In this way, the student will bring his thought to the beginning of its disclosure. After reading such lines, it will immediately become clear what will be discussed next. So, when working on the introduction, it’s worth taking this into account.

By the way, the volume of this part should not be large. The introduction of a work such as the essay “My Hobbies” is usually short. Just a few phrases should be enough.

Main part

So, what should you write about in the content of a work such as the essay “My Hobbies”? It is best to talk about why the student began to engage in this or that activity. It might look like this, for example: “I also have a favorite hobby. And this is making music. My dad is a musician, and since childhood I loved looking at his clarinet and always asked him to play it. And when I grew up, I realized that I would like to learn this myself. Yes, it’s difficult, and sometimes I even regret that I went to study at a music school - things don’t always work out. But then, when I manage to achieve a result, I understand that I made the right choice.”

This paragraph has it all - a definition of your hobby, an explanation of why it was decided to become interested in this particular hobby, as well as a reasoning. The content, in principle, can be different - it is individual. Someone will write about their passion for dancing: “I always liked watching feminine ballerinas. Seeing what beautiful movements they performed, I firmly decided that I wanted to take up dancing. This determined my choice,” while others talk about classes at an art school. In general, you can write about anything. That’s why it’s an essay on the topic “My Hobbies.”


The last part of any job. So, what should be the last words of such a work as an essay on the topic “My Hobbies”? Dancing, music, art, reading, hiking - whatever the student talks about, it is important to draw a good conclusion. There's really nothing difficult about it. It must be remembered that the conclusion is the point of the entire text. So you can write something like this: “I believe that every person should have a hobby and favorite thing. After all, this not only helps you relax and take your mind off your main activities. Many hobbies improve a person and help develop his abilities and talents. After all, how many cases are known when people began to engage in this or that activity in childhood, and as a result it grew into their profession! This is how great football players, hockey players, choreographers, musicians, artists, writers, and journalists appeared. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to everyday affairs. It’s worth devoting yourself to something else, perhaps even more promising.”

Every person's life must have a hobby. Despite the fact that man in general was created to work and improve the world around him, no one will ever be truly happy and successful if he does not have enough time to do what he loves. A hobby is what you love, because it is what you want to spend as much time doing as possible, doing exactly what you like most. Fortunately, I have hobbies in my life. Therefore, after a lot of work and serious effort, I can be sure

The fact is that there is always a time waiting for me when I can do what I love.

My hobby is traveling. In the not so long time of my life, I have already managed to travel quite a lot. Why do I like this particular type of activity? Well, this question is both simple and complex, because a hobby in every person’s life arises due to certain life circumstances. Traveling is my hobby for a number of reasons. Firstly, you can learn a lot of new things while traveling. When a person lives in one place and does the same things all the time, he becomes overly accustomed to his life,

To what surrounds him. He begins to think that it cannot be otherwise. During travel, this belief can be dispelled. When a person travels, he sees the lives of other people, their way of life, and begins to understand their philosophy. This expands the worldview of the person himself, makes him look at the world with different eyes and become spiritually richer. Secondly, traveling helps test one’s own strength; very often they are a kind of test for a person. For example, it’s no secret that it is during some travel that a person encounters some everyday problems, which can be difficult to overcome. But such overcoming is definitely necessary, because thanks to it a person gains extremely valuable life experience, becomes smarter, more skillful, and the like. Thirdly, after traveling I always feel that I have not lived in vain. It seems to me that the more places on the planet I visit, the more and more fully I live. However, I am aware that this is rather my personal and subjective.

I never chose a hobby for myself and did not strive to choose something popular or widespread as it. It so happens that traveling is a hobby for a large number of people. I take this absolutely calmly and with understanding. I know how to enjoy my hobby and enjoy life in general, and I am convinced that this is right.

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>Essays by topic

My hobbies

What can you say about my hobby? This is most likely what I do with great pleasure in my free time from classes and household chores. It is different for everyone, for example, my mother loves to embroider, my father loves to go fishing and hunting. This is their hobby. Today it has become very popular to play computer games. For some of my friends, this takes up all their free time. And I feel kind of sorry for losing him this way. Or maybe it has something to do with my passion for music. From early childhood I already wanted to learn to dance. Mom and dad sent me to a ballroom dancing class at a choreographic art school. Not everything worked out as quickly and well as I would have liked. Sometimes there was a desire to quit everything and do something else. But the music took over.

Today I already compete in competitions, my life has become much more interesting. Our school also teaches rhythmic dance lessons. It is much easier for me to master all the movements of various dances, both Russian folk and Latin. Now I can easily learn polka, mazurka, cha-cha-cha, waltz and samba.

Each dance has its own history and tradition. They originated in various countries, for example: Poland is the birthplace of the mazurka and polka, Austria - of course, the waltz. During the lessons we are not only taught rhythm, but also told about music, composers and the history of dance. Today Latin America is so famous for its dance parades and festivals.

Of all the variety of dances, I love tango and waltz. Now I know for sure that at the graduation party, when we graduate from school, I will be able to dance this dance - the school waltz. In my personal opinion, everyone without exception should be able to dance him, because he is so handsome.

Today I can say with complete confidence that dancing is not just a passion or hobby, it is my whole life. I can’t even imagine how I would live without them. Every time I go on stage, I am simply overwhelmed with excitement, but as soon as the music starts, it immediately goes away and I go out and show everything that I have been taught and what I have achieved. Everyone, including my parents and friends, comes to my performances, they cheer for me and are very excited. Stage and dancing are not just words, they are the meaning of my future life. I have very beautiful dresses for performances, my beloved mother sews them for me. She is very proud of me and my success in dancing. What could be better than this? What can I say to my peers? Dance, I am sure that you will get tremendous pleasure from this hobby. Even if it is not a professional scene, it will be satisfaction for yourself. Every person can dance, you just need to develop these qualities!