Five of Wands Tarot: meaning in relationships. Five of Wands Tarot Meaning

The 5 of Wands card is a representative of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. This card can also be found under the name Lord of Struggle or Five of Staves. You can learn about the sacred meaning of the lasso, as well as the interpretation of its various combinations, by reading this article.

  • With the “Chariot” lasso there are many conflict situations.
  • With the lasso “Strength” - do not go beyond certain limits.
  • With the “Hermit” lasso - the combination speaks of an internal struggle.
  • With the “Wheel of Fortune” lasso, fate challenges.
  • With the “Justice” lasso, you use the imperfections of the system to your advantage.
  • With the Hanged Man lasso - the desire to find a way out.
  • With the lasso “Death” - changing your position.
  • With the lasso “Moderation” - moderation of views.
  • With the lasso “Devil” - a bad joke of fate.
  • With the Tower lasso, you will lose the rivalry.
  • With the “Star” lasso, the natal chart is incorrect.
  • With the “Moon” lasso, you will deceive your competitor.
  • With the “Sun” lasso, you will become the winner of the battle.
  • With the lasso “Judgment” - the truth will be born in disputes.
  • With the lasso “Peace” - win the battle.
  • With the Ace of Wands lasso - take advantage of the lucky chance.
  • With the lasso “Two of Wands” - lost opportunities.
  • With the Three of Wands lasso, a person asserts himself and copes with difficulties.
  • With the Four of Wands lasso, a compromise will be found.
  • With the Six of Wands lasso - victory over competitors.
  • With the Seven of Wands lasso - long-term conflict situations, struggle for one’s interests.
  • With the Eight of Wands lasso, the conflict situation will be resolved very soon.
  • With the Nine of Wands lasso - remain vigilant and gain the necessary experience.
  • With the Ten of Wands lasso, you are being poisoned and it deprives you of strength. The combination speaks of loss, loss of a good position.
  • With the “Page of Wands” lasso, a compromise solution is brewing.
  • With the lasso “Knight of Wands” passions are inflamed even more.
  • With the lasso “Queen of Wands”, relationships move to a more conscious level, order in affairs.
  • With the lasso “King of Wands” - constructive conflict situations, the fight against disagreements. You take responsibility.
  • The Five of Wands Tarot is a very conflicting card. She advises you to defend your position and seek harmony within yourself (in the forward position), and also ignore conflicts (in the reverse position).

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The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

Indicates that the fortuneteller will have to compete with someone, and also speaks of ambition. Conflicts are possible.


The lovers have to find out who is the leader in their couple. The card also predicts quarrels, conflicts and even separation or divorce.


Arcanum portends health problems. Possible increase in body temperature, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, and injury.


Arkan speaks of possible conflicts in a team or between partners. At the same time, none of the “warring” parties wants to concede.

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✚ For the future

The meaning of this Tarot card is not positive, so you need to treat it with the utmost seriousness and thoughtfulness. This way you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences and difficulties. The map indicates conflicts from which you will have to fight back as much as possible. There may be an unpleasant situation at work that will require decisive action from you. Personal relationships will not bring joy due to long and tiring quarrels. A quarrel is a release of negative feelings and emotions, and therefore causes unpleasant feelings that remain in the memory for many years.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

The Five of Wands is a symbol of struggle. The one who received this tarot card will be forced to fight for his love. A person planning to meet destiny will have to make certain efforts to achieve this goal. If a person is already in a relationship, then the card explains to this couple that quarrels and scandals are a necessary ingredient in a relationship; without them, most likely, the partners will become bored with each other. It is in heated discussions that the truth is born, which is the basis for relationships.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Inherent in going beyond what is permitted, conflict situations with others, and a willingness to stand up for oneself. At work: a tense situation that requires immediate resolution; competition with colleagues and the desire to change established rules. In health: diseases that test the body's strength (inflammation, fever, diseases of the immune system, infections, etc.). There is some competition in the relationship for the role of leader, constant disputes and scandals. You are an arrogant and proud person, always fighting with the world.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A map of big troubles, conspiracies and rivalries, going beyond what is permitted by society. Physical force may be used.

Tomorrow brings rivalry on the brink of conflict, an ambitious desire to defend one’s point of view by any means necessary, and a reluctance to negotiate and compromise.

The card gives the following advice in love and professional sphere - direct your burning energy, all excess strength to something productive, because tomorrow you will be determined to go to the end.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

The card says that your relationship with your partner is very unique. Many consider such love to be tyranny, which is rare nowadays. You love to constantly create scandals and you like it. You constantly spark experiments in your personal life and reinforce the emotional component of your love with quarrels. It is for this reason that you are never bored around each other. If you are mutually satisfied with this format of the relationship, then there is no need to change anything at the moment.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

Your desire is to some extent caused by the desire to go against fate. This is a kind of challenge both to yourself and to others. And you will be able to achieve what you want. But you should understand that this path will not be easy. You will definitely have to sacrifice something and fight against circumstances. But you also shouldn’t show passivity, otherwise it will kill all enthusiasm. Many problems will not be difficult to solve - try to take into account the opinions and advice of others. Don't try to take on everything at once, set the right priorities.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Lack of like-minded people and clear goals. Undirected application of effort. Everything is accompanied by a struggle with rivals and fuss. There may be an incorrect distribution of efforts and a conflict of interests.

However, there is a liberation from the unnecessary. Conflicts and problems cannot be avoided. You will have to fight for your goals, even if you don’t want to. Try to direct your energy in one direction and not waste it on unnecessary disputes and competitions.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The Five of Wands is interpreted as a card symbolizing a tense union of two people, which does not want to be dissolved. Such relationships are usually passive and unemotional, which shows stinginess in actions and feelings. As a rule, it is not worth waiting for an offer in such cases, but you can fix everything only by going through all the difficulties and correcting all the shortcomings in the relationship. Is the result worth it?

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

The ability to take care of one’s interests, defend one’s views, and have one’s own judgment.

You find yourself in a situation where the most correct thing to do is to protect your interests from any attacks. Discord, disputes, struggle - this is what the card portends. Don’t hesitate, you have something to fight for, the main thing is to think through a strategy.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

A difficult period begins in your relationship, accompanied by a showdown. You will need to use all your patience; you may have to enter into a fight with a rival for the heart of your chosen one. To avoid conflicts, try to throw out negativity by distracting yourself with sports or work. It's not bad to throw a bachelorette party. Advice: try to control yourself, have a conversation with your loved one, and don’t get tired of proving your fidelity and love. This period is short-lived and will end favorably.

If you received the 5 Wands Tarot card, the meaning promises troubles, participation in a fight or competition, as well as difficulties that you have to cope with. The meaning of this card in relationships describes a rather difficult period.

In the article:

5 of Wands of Tarot - meaning in a broad sense

The 5 of Wands Tarot is a card of pretend fight. It depicts five people playfully fighting each other. Perhaps they are trying to interfere with each other with their wands. The image is competitive in nature and conveys an atmosphere of fun and play. There is no specific goal for this game.

Regarding the meaning of the Five of Wands of the Tarot, the efforts of the people involved in the matter about which the fortuneteller is asking are directed in different directions, as are the efforts of the people depicted on the card. They lack clear action planning. If you direct the efforts of these people to something specific, the plan will be useful.

If only the fortuneteller is involved in resolving the issue, the card says that his efforts do not lead to the results that are necessary. Your goal should be clear and understandable to you. Support from other people doesn't hurt either.

The meaning of the 5 Wands of the Tarot can easily be summed up in the phrase “there is a lot of noise, but little sense.” There is a flurry of activity, troubles, promises, but the results are insignificant. If the alignment is made against enemies who threaten the fortuneteller, they will have empty troubles, and the threats are unlikely to be carried out.

The meaning of the Five of Wands Tarot is also about uncertainty. In addition, there is a possibility of being involved in some kind of struggle. Perhaps this means a trial, a quarrel with neighbors over domestic issues, and similar situations. The fortuneteller can expect many obstacles, but perseverance and willingness to stand up for his interests will help him. In this case, the card can mean sports or martial arts, as well as sports competitions.

Here the struggle has nothing to do with a battle for life and death. It's more like a call to compete. There is no need to fear defeat; you have everything you need to win. On the other hand, the card does not promise fabulous luck; everything will depend only on your actions. Don't miss the chance to show your abilities and achieve results that interest you. Avoid passivity, now it can only do harm.

If the question concerns a trip, most likely it will be postponed due to some problems. Channel your energy into exercise or throw a loud party. You have an abundance of energy, and taking active steps now will benefit you.

5 Tarot Staffs upside down symbolizes peace and harmony in all areas of life. New opportunities can be perceived as a challenge from fate, but overall the situation will be stable. This card can also foretell the end of a conflict, reconciliation, or a favorable resolution of an issue.

Interpretation of the 5 Tarot Wands for self-development

The meaning of the Tarot card 5 of Wands speaks of the stress to which the fortuneteller is now greatly exposed. He should restore clarity of thinking and turn to internal reserves to cope with stress. You should pay attention to new opportunities, even if they are more like a challenge, and look for the positive aspects in the difficulties that arise. Every problem you have is a source of new opportunities or valuable experience.

The 5 of Wands also signifies a riddle or some problem that needs to be solved. You will have to rack your brains, but the solution to the riddle found will bring you closer to your goal on the path of knowledge. There is no need to be afraid of the steadily approaching situation; it will not bring any problems.

An example of a similar situation is a heated argument between representatives of different generations. In this case, we are not talking about a conflict, but about an attempt to find out the truth. The discussion promises to be constructive. All participants are given the opportunity to gain new ideas and get rid of the norms imposed by society and other people.

Five of Wands Tarot - meaning in the reading for work

The Five of Wands means that you need to solve some problem. The decision will require tension, but stress, overexertion and other negative consequences do not threaten the fortuneteller.

The task in question will most likely be unusual. Most likely, you have never encountered this before, but you have everything you need to cope with the matter. However, the unusualness of the task can also be expressed in its volume; you may have never attempted such a scale of work before.

The task will require dexterity and intelligence, but you cannot take it too seriously. Treat this as a competition, a chance to try your hand. It is likely that it will be a quiz or competition.

5 of Tarot Wands - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the 5 of Wands of the Tarot often means a family who likes to argue or compete in something. Despite such heated competitions, these people love each other, their relationship is not threatened by real scandals or betrayal. However, this relationship is like a struggle.

Without these disputes, the couple's relationship will quickly wither and turn into a boring swamp. Arguments and competitions keep them on their toes. Partners find some inspiration in them and in this way fuel interest in each other. A good example would be the mythological union of Hera and Zeus.

It is likely that the meaning in relationships of the Five of Wands Tarot relates only to a specific period for the couple in question. The struggle may also turn out to be joint against someone else or circumstances. In addition, this card may mean that you will have to win the favor of a loved one or fight a rival.

What kind of people does the Five of Wands Tarot represent?

It is known that Tarot cards can mean not only situations or emotions of the fortuneteller, but also specific people from his environment. Knowing this part of the meaning, you can always find out who caused your difficulties or who you can ask for help.

Five of Wands in a straight position means lovers of competition and debate. This could be a judge at a sports competition, a sports team, or a person who is seriously interested in sports, especially martial arts. This card also indicates an enemy or rival who is acting openly.

Inverted The Five of Wands represents a secret enemy or rival who prefers to fight your competitor indirectly. Anger is one of the character traits inherent in this person.

5 of Wands in Tarot combinations

Combinations of the 5 Tarot Wands with other cards can make the forecast more detailed and accurate, and sometimes nearby cards completely change the meaning of the main one. So, for example, the combination of the 5 of Wands with speaks of leaving the fight. Perhaps this meaning can also be taken as advice not to get involved with the troubles that have arisen, but to try to avoid them, which almost always turns out to be easier.

The combination of the Five of Wands promises quarrels within the family. If the Queen of Cups is near this card, the quarrel will be with her. The situation is the same with the King. Knowing the meanings of these cards, you can understand who exactly you will have to quarrel with.

If the Five of Wands falls near , the meaning of this combination can be described in one word - duel. The cards imply a fair competition or struggle between opponents who do not hide their intentions. The combination with the Three of Swords promises a verbal altercation, but it will be quite stormy and can have serious consequences.

Description of the Tarot card FIVE OF WANDS

The Tarot card Five of Wands shows people fighting. Moreover, there are no clearly expressed warring parties, here everyone is for himself. The card symbolizes unexpressed desires, the absence of a specific goal. Efforts are directed in different directions, just like the efforts of the people depicted on the map.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card FIVE OF WANDS in fortune telling and layouts

Direct position of the FIVE OF WANDS card

The Five of Wands signifies a task to be solved; a struggle with a person, circumstances, or perhaps with oneself. This is a map of difficulties, however, in most cases, quite surmountable. The main meanings of the card are ambition, the spirit of competition, the desire to go beyond established limits. In essence, such a card symbolizes changes and transformations, but the path to them is not always easy and simple. This, in addition, is the onset of a tense, but promising period in life, requiring you to show all your abilities and endurance, a test of strength. The chances that this card offers should not be missed, because they provide an opportunity to be convinced of your abilities and realize them. The map can also serve as an indicator that you are paying too much attention to one or another area of ​​your activity.

Reversed position of the FIVE OF WANDS card

Inverted, this Arcanum speaks of aggression and struggle in its worst forms. The card indicates violation of the boundaries of what is permitted, bile, intrigue and attempts to extract personal benefit from other people's conflicts. In some cases, the Five of Staves symbolizes bitterness and quite big problems with the law.

The meaning and interpretation of the FIVE OF WANDS card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

Conflict with colleagues, companions. Disagreements on fundamental issues, violent conflicts with showdowns, when no one wants to make concessions. A crisis in business is like an impetus for a new cycle. Competition and an attempt to tighten rules to reduce competition. In addition, the Five of Wands can also indicate difficult production tasks, which, nevertheless, can help the fortuneteller climb the career ladder.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the card is interpreted as not particularly successful negotiations, as haste, which can carry fatal consequences for a given business or project, as well as unhealthy or unfair competition.

The meaning and interpretation of the FIVE OF WANDS card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Exacerbation of the disease, minor injuries, inflammatory processes.

Reversed card position

A long and persistent struggle for recovery.

The meaning and interpretation of the FIVE OF WANDS card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Five of Wands card means turmoil, confusion, squabbles. Often the cause of these events lies in too many people interfering in the relationship - family, friends or rivals.

Reversed card position

In an inverted form, the Five of Scepters indicates incessant skirmishes, the source of which lies, perhaps, in the irritability of the partner towards the fortuneteller and in provoking him to quarrels.

The meaning and interpretation of the FIVE OF WANDS card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

Most often points to competitors.

Reversed card position

Describes an angry, cruel person. May indicate secret enemies and ill-wishers.

Meaning and interpretation of the FIVE OF WANDS card as a card of the day

Today you must be in shape because you will have to prove your skills. This is a normal exam situation, a test that should not be avoided. If you fight honestly and, moreover, with full dedication, then victory is guaranteed to you. However, if you get second place, you will be glad that you took part in this fight.

Advice from the FIVE OF WANDS card in fortune telling and readings

You are unlikely to be able to avoid emotions and worries. However, you should try not to harm you. Don't forget common sense. But don’t give in to the first difficulty, and if you feel that truth and power are behind you, then don’t miss the opportunity to take the “bull by the horns.”

If you received the 5 Wands Tarot card, the meaning promises troubles, participation in a fight or competition, as well as difficulties that you have to cope with. The meaning of this card in relationships describes a rather difficult period.

In the article:

5 of Wands of Tarot - meaning in a broad sense

The 5 of Wands Tarot is a card of pretend fight. It depicts five people playfully fighting each other. Perhaps they are trying to interfere with each other with their wands. The image is competitive in nature and conveys an atmosphere of fun and play. There is no specific goal for this game.

Regarding the meaning of the Five of Wands of the Tarot, the efforts of the people involved in the matter about which the fortuneteller is asking are directed in different directions, as are the efforts of the people depicted on the card. They lack clear action planning. If you direct the efforts of these people to something specific, the plan will be useful.

If only the fortuneteller is involved in resolving the issue, the card says that his efforts do not lead to the results that are necessary. Your goal should be clear and understandable to you. Support from other people doesn't hurt either.

The meaning of the 5 Wands of the Tarot can easily be summed up in the phrase “there is a lot of noise, but little sense.” There is a flurry of activity, troubles, promises, but the results are insignificant. If the alignment is made against enemies who threaten the fortuneteller, they will have empty troubles, and the threats are unlikely to be carried out.

The meaning of the Five of Wands Tarot is also about uncertainty. In addition, there is a possibility of being involved in some kind of struggle. Perhaps this means a trial, a quarrel with neighbors over domestic issues, and similar situations. The fortuneteller can expect many obstacles, but perseverance and willingness to stand up for his interests will help him. In this case, the card can mean sports or martial arts, as well as sports competitions.

Here the struggle has nothing to do with a battle for life and death. It's more like a call to compete. There is no need to fear defeat; you have everything you need to win. On the other hand, the card does not promise fabulous luck; everything will depend only on your actions. Don't miss the chance to show your abilities and achieve results that interest you. Avoid passivity, now it can only do harm.

If the question concerns a trip, most likely it will be postponed due to some problems. Channel your energy into exercise or throw a loud party. You have an abundance of energy, and taking active steps now will benefit you.

5 Tarot Staffs upside down symbolizes peace and harmony in all areas of life. New opportunities can be perceived as a challenge from fate, but overall the situation will be stable. This card can also foretell the end of a conflict, reconciliation, or a favorable resolution of an issue.

Interpretation of the 5 Tarot Wands for self-development

The meaning of the Tarot card 5 of Wands speaks of the stress to which the fortuneteller is now greatly exposed. He should restore clarity of thinking and turn to internal reserves to cope with stress. You should pay attention to new opportunities, even if they are more like a challenge, and look for the positive aspects in the difficulties that arise. Every problem you have is a source of new opportunities or valuable experience.

The 5 of Wands also signifies a riddle or some problem that needs to be solved. You will have to rack your brains, but the solution to the riddle found will bring you closer to your goal on the path of knowledge. There is no need to be afraid of the steadily approaching situation; it will not bring any problems.

An example of a similar situation is a heated argument between representatives of different generations. In this case, we are not talking about a conflict, but about an attempt to find out the truth. The discussion promises to be constructive. All participants are given the opportunity to gain new ideas and get rid of the norms imposed by society and other people.

Five of Wands Tarot - meaning in the reading for work

The Five of Wands means that you need to solve some problem. The decision will require tension, but stress, overexertion and other negative consequences do not threaten the fortuneteller.

The task in question will most likely be unusual. Most likely, you have never encountered this before, but you have everything you need to cope with the matter. However, the unusualness of the task can also be expressed in its volume; you may have never attempted such a scale of work before.

The task will require dexterity and intelligence, but you cannot take it too seriously. Treat this as a competition, a chance to try your hand. It is likely that it will be a quiz or competition.

5 of Tarot Wands - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the 5 of Wands of the Tarot often means a family who likes to argue or compete in something. Despite such heated competitions, these people love each other, their relationship is not threatened by real scandals or betrayal. However, this relationship is like a struggle.

Without these disputes, the couple's relationship will quickly wither and turn into a boring swamp. Arguments and competitions keep them on their toes. Partners find some inspiration in them and in this way fuel interest in each other. A good example would be the mythological union of Hera and Zeus.

It is likely that the meaning in relationships of the Five of Wands Tarot relates only to a specific period for the couple in question. The struggle may also turn out to be joint against someone else or circumstances. In addition, this card may mean that you will have to win the favor of a loved one or fight a rival.

What kind of people does the Five of Wands Tarot represent?

It is known that Tarot cards can mean not only situations or emotions of the fortuneteller, but also specific people from his environment. Knowing this part of the meaning, you can always find out who caused your difficulties or who you can ask for help.

Five of Wands in a straight position means lovers of competition and debate. This could be a judge at a sports competition, a sports team, or a person who is seriously interested in sports, especially martial arts. This card also indicates an enemy or rival who is acting openly.

Inverted The Five of Wands represents a secret enemy or rival who prefers to fight your competitor indirectly. Anger is one of the character traits inherent in this person.

5 of Wands in Tarot combinations

Combinations of the 5 Tarot Wands with other cards can make the forecast more detailed and accurate, and sometimes nearby cards completely change the meaning of the main one. So, for example, the combination of the 5 of Wands with speaks of leaving the fight. Perhaps this meaning can also be taken as advice not to get involved with the troubles that have arisen, but to try to avoid them, which almost always turns out to be easier.

The combination of the Five of Wands promises quarrels within the family. If the Queen of Cups is near this card, the quarrel will be with her. The situation is the same with the King. Knowing the meanings of these cards, you can understand who exactly you will have to quarrel with.

If the Five of Wands falls near , the meaning of this combination can be described in one word - duel. The cards imply a fair competition or struggle between opponents who do not hide their intentions. The combination with the Three of Swords promises a verbal altercation, but it will be quite stormy and can have serious consequences.

Tarot cards are a very powerful tool for connecting with higher powers. They live their own lives and can tell you a lot if they consider you worthy of such knowledge. The cards are very capricious and not every deck will want to help you. So purchasing a deck of Tarot cards is not the most important thing; the main thing is to be able to work with it and correctly interpret the information received.

Tarot cards are a very powerful tool for connecting with higher powers.

Reading cards is an entire art; if you want to superficially get answers to questions that interest you, you can do it with minimal knowledge. But for a more in-depth analysis of the situation and complex issues, experience and a fairly significant amount of knowledge will be required.

Short description

Tarot, like ordinary cards, is divided into four suits, but unlike well-known cards, the suits there have completely different names and meanings. Usually there are seventy-eight drawings: twenty-two major arcana and fifty-six minor ones. It is the younger arcana that are divided into suits:

  • swords;
  • cups;
  • staves;
  • pentacles (denarii).

All these colors represent the classes of the Middle Ages. Swords are a symbol of struggle and war. They show enemies, those who want to subjugate or control you. Cups are the clergy, these cards symbolize love, faith, fidelity. Cups indicate people who care about you, who are ready to help you, protect you or prevent unwanted events; these are your patrons.

Pentacles, or as they are also called, denarii, are the personification of Merchants; these cards speak only about money and possible benefits, financial situation and risks.

Staves or wands refer us to the peasant class. The dropped images symbolize the thorny path to success, despite everything you can achieve it.

The minor arcana cards carry a lot of complementary information. They are interesting and useful in their own way. In layouts, 5 wands quite often fall out and many would like to know the meaning of this card.

  • In the upright position, it means struggle or competition in the good sense of the word, good competition, overcoming small difficulties that promise a better life.
  • The map does not promise any serious threats; it does not depict bloodshed. If you go towards your goal, not paying attention to obstacles, show patience and wait in the wings, then everything will work out. But it’s also worth being flexible and thinking about how to solve the problem rather than going with the flow.

Traditionally, the card of 5 staves is interpreted as a struggle and heating up the situation. They will tell you about areas of life in which adversity awaits you. The reasons for this are competition and restriction of freedom. A person does not believe in his own strength, but if he works on himself, he will overcome all obstacles.

This card also speaks of addictions to material values, greed, and greed. The desire to acquire wealth and attract good luck. The staves represent the class of peasants and poor people, for whom it is important to break out of these shackles, gain recognition and status, and achieve success.

The inner meaning of the card may tell you that you are managing your finances incorrectly and greed is driving you, you want more and more money, but this makes no sense.

You will fight to preserve your wealth, otherwise you will simply become poorer. The card can also mean that you will get rich if other cards are positive and contribute to such a development of events.

The card of 5 staves is interpreted as a struggle and heating up the situation

What staves say about relationships

The card symbolizes the teenage crisis, the struggle for one's ideals and priorities. In a relationship, it means a surge of passion and awakening of libido. Serious intentions towards a partner, a whirlwind romance. The card can also mean a partner’s hot-tempered temperament. It suggests minor quarrels and disagreements, so do not lose your composure if you want to maintain a warm relationship.

You need to work on your relationship, if it is just developing, to build a favorable foundation. During this period, you will not be able to enjoy your life together, quarrels will lie in wait for you, and if you are patient, you will get a cohesive, strong and trusting relationship with your partner. New plans and all sorts of changes.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Five of Wands inverted is the antipode of the upright card; evil, intrigue, deception, slander, flattery and insincerity await you. You should expect betrayal from people close to you, and fighting them is not always in your favor. Your enemies are stronger than you, beware of them. Get ready for the fact that you will not achieve your goals, will not pass the tests prepared by fate, and will remain to entertain your vain hopes. But there is a way out; you need to radically change your goals and plans.

In relationships, you also shouldn’t expect changes for the better; on the contrary, quarrels and squabbles will be your everyday companions. You will lose mutual understanding and it will become increasingly difficult for you to restrain yourself.

Basically, the tarot card symbolizes problems with the law, litigation, and disputes.

  1. Struggle and rivalry goes beyond all conceivable and inconceivable boundaries; in war, all means are good.
  2. Your environment does not have sincere feelings for you, all this is feigned, they do not wish you well.
  3. Problems with the law and long legal proceedings are likely.

The enemy acts unprincipled, without fear of consequences. Unkind rumors, scandals, disputes - that's all that awaits you. But the card says that the courage and strength of the enemy is an empty phrase, it is just a demonstration that does not carry anything serious. Everything is aimed at intimidating you.

You will lose time, finances and opportunities - this is indicated precisely by the five tarot wands, the meaning of which is not difficult to decipher. If you don’t defend your interests and fight for your ideals, fear will control and move you. Expect changes not for the better:

  • job loss;
  • broken deal;
  • a break up;
  • betrayal;
  • collapse of hopes and expectations;
  • waste of funds and bankruptcy.

But final conclusions should be drawn based on combination with other cards.

The coming changes cannot be prevented, you will have to engage in struggle and compete with others to protect yourself. It is not a fact that you will be the winner; the battle is unfair and sometimes unfair. It may also not be possible to avoid litigation.

The feeling that everything is going worse than ever will not leave you, you are moving further and further away from your goal. You will feel internal contradictions, anxiety, you will not be able to find a place for yourself, your nerves and mental state will be unstable.

The Five of Wands reversed is the antipode of the upright card.

Speaking of health, the card foreshadows diseases accompanied by high fever and inflammatory processes.

Combination with other cards

The Five of Wands in combination with the major arcana carries information about changes in life; these arcana speak about the direction, conditions and difficulties on the path to success. What will the Five of Staves tell you in combination with:

  • magician - manipulation and intrigue within the team;
  • empress - compromise;
  • emperor - struggle for power;
  • the High Priestess - intrigue, confusion in papers and accounting;
  • hierophant - overcoming doubts;
  • lovers - difficulties in relationships, rivalry, competition;
  • chariot - get bogged down in disputes;
  • by force - do not cross the line;
  • a hermit - internal contradictions and conflicts.

When combined with the wheel of fortune, you will face trials and difficult decisions, and with justice, you will have the opportunity to deceive and win over the court. The Hanged Man is a very emotional and passionate search for a solution to a problem. Death is a change in perspective. Moderation is a reasonable view of the situation, cold and reasonable. The devil is the machinations of fate and the ruin of everything. Tower - defeat in battle. The star, your destined destiny, has no power over you. The moon is a deception of the enemy. Peace to victory in a fight with an opponent. Court - the truth is hidden in the dispute. The sun is a minor victory over an opponent. A buffoon is an unfair fight; you don’t listen to other people’s opinions.

All these combinations will allow you to best find the answer to your questions. The major arcana talk about a lot of things and you should listen to their opinion, they will warn you against mistakes.

Thoth Tarot

Tarot Five of Wands in the Thoth deck does not have any fundamental difference in comparison with other decks. It means liberation from everything that burdens: relatives, new acquaintances, old connections. Conquering new heights, gifts of fate and previously unavailable opportunities.

Possible meanings of the card in the upright position:

  • fierce competition at work or in other circumstances, all kinds of disagreements, you cannot make concessions - you, more than ever, strive to emerge victorious from the situation;
  • in terms of health, inflammatory processes, temperature, injuries;
  • a showdown, a possible divorce, a new stage in your personal life, a struggle for dominance in the family;
  • internal contradictions and conflicts that provoke temper, aggression, insolence and arrogance.

The Five of Wands of the Tarot advises you to actively defend your rights, but be careful - you may encounter a worthy opponent who will be difficult to break.

In a reversed position, the card speaks of adversity., disregard for other people's interests, cruelty and composure of mind. And also about complex relationships and uncertainty.

  1. Broken mutual understanding in the team because of this, downtime and conflicts.
  2. Disease
  3. Uncertainty, implicit conflicts that gradually get worse.
  4. Hidden hostility, dissatisfaction. Fear of open clashes, cowardice.

You should not get involved in a war with anyone, but maintain friendly relations. Give up your interests so as not to become a participant in the conflict. You may be a witness or participant in a fight. Be careful and beware of dubious people and events.