Professional standard of a teacher document analysis. Professional standard of a teacher: positive and negative aspects. Why does a modern teacher need a professional standard?

“Certification of qualifications” - Certification of qualifications of graduates of the Samara region. The qualifying exam consists of a theoretical test and a practical task. In the Samara region, the certification procedure has been carried out since 2001. Photos size 3x4 (2 pcs.). A copy of the document confirming payment for certification of graduates' qualifications.

“Second generation standards” - The personal part is the subject of analysis and assessment of mass sociological research. The second generation standard will regulate not only the content of education and planned educational results. Requirements for the structure of basic general educational programs(broader than the minimum content).

“Educational standard” - Goal: ensuring the security of the nation (individual, society and state). Realizable results. Curricula, assessment procedures, examples of plans and programs... The requirements of the standard can be supplemented. Value guidelines of the education system in the standard. Organization and content. Educational standard: features of the approach.

“Computer and its purpose” - Sound card(Sound card). Video adapter. Purpose of the computer. The type of drive determines the speed at which data can be transferred from a CD. The PC's RAM contains the operating system, device drivers, and executable programs. CD-ROM drive. Floppy disk drive (FDD).

“Purpose of computer networks” - Skill development independent work with information. Purpose of computer networks. Development of cognitive interest, creative activity, education of information culture. Large local networks are united into global networks. The simplest computer network. Computer networks. Promptly obtaining the necessary information from libraries and banks.

“New standards in history” - The collection consists of music programs for grades 5 - 7 and art programs for grades 8 - 9. These work programs cover the entire course general history for grades 5 - 9. The programs are implemented by the line of textbooks by A. A. Vigasin - A. O. Soroko-Tsyupa. We work according to new standards. The program is formed taking into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the development of children aged 11-15 years.

Professional standard for a teacher (Concept and content)


The teacher is a key figure in education reform. “In the matter of teaching and upbringing, in the entire school business, nothing can be improved without going past the head of the teacher” (K.D. Ushinsky). In a rapidly changing open world, the main thing professional quality What a teacher must constantly demonstrate to his students is the ability to learn.

Readiness for change, mobility, the ability to take non-standard work actions, responsibility and independence in decision-making - all these characteristics of the activities of a successful professional fully apply to a teacher. Acquiring these valuable qualities is impossible without expanding the space of pedagogical creativity. The work of a teacher should be freed from petty regulation and freed from total control.

The existing cumbersome qualification characteristics and job descriptions, which fetter the teacher’s initiative, burden him with formal requirements (for example, prescribing the preparation of educational programs) and additional functional responsibilities that distract from direct work with children, do not meet the spirit of the times.

The professional standard of a teacher, which should replace the obsolete documents that until now regulated his activities, is intended, first of all, to liberate the teacher and give a new impetus to his development. Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On education in Russian Federation "(hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) classifies preschool education as one of the general levels. In addition, the Federal Law, along with such functions as child care and supervision, assigns to preschool organizations the obligation to carry out educational activities .

allocated as a separate service. In accordance with the law, today any school has the right to implement preschool education programs. Hence the need arises for a unified approach to the professional competencies of preschool teachers and teachers According to the levels of education that determine the specifics, the following specialties are distinguished: preschool education teacher (educator), primary, secondary and high school teacher. In the future, it is planned to expand the scope of application of the professional standard of a teacher by introducing specialties: teacher of additional education and teacher of the vocational education system. Taking into account the need to work in educational organizations with children who have developmental problems and disabilities, it is planned to consider the introduction of additional specialties: educational psychologist, special teacher (defectologist) operating in a general preschool institution and a public school, tutor providing individual support and accompanying a disabled child, etc. Thus, the professional standard of a teacher is an open document that can be supplemented and expanded.

The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new requirements for the qualifications of a teacher. But one cannot demand from a teacher what no one has ever taught him. Hence, the introduction of a new professional standard for a teacher should inevitably entail a change in the standards of his training and retraining in higher school and in training centers.

Expanding the boundaries of a teacher’s freedom, the professional standard simultaneously increases his responsibility for the results of his work, placing demands on his qualifications and offering criteria for its evaluation.

Taking into account the different levels of qualifications of the country's teachers, a procedure for the gradual, stage-by-stage introduction of a professional teacher standard is envisaged.

Not only the qualification levels of teachers differ, but also the conditions in which they carry out their professional activities. Therefore, within the framework of the professional standard of a teacher, the introduction of regional and school components, taking into account both regional characteristics (the predominance of rural schools, the work of a teacher in a metropolis, mono-ethnic or multi-ethnic composition of students, etc.) and the specifics of the educational programs implemented at the school (mathematics lyceum, inclusive school, etc.). Filling out the regional and school components of the teacher’s professional standard will require the combined creative efforts of teachers, administrators, the parent community, and the expert community and must be accepted and approved by consensus.

The desire to achieve consensus in society on the issue of introducing a professional teacher standard is embedded in the process of its development, testing and implementation, starting with a broad discussion of the draft document, ending with determining the final dates for its introduction.

To ensure effective public control at all stages of work on a professional standard, it is proposed to fully use the mechanisms of state and public management. For this purpose, it is planned to create an independent public association “Professional Standard of Teacher - 2013”, endowing it with the necessary rights and powers.

Why do we need a professional teacher standard?

· The standard is a tool for implementing education strategies in a changing world.

· The standard is a tool for improving the quality of education and bringing domestic education to the international level.

· Standard is an objective measure of a teacher’s qualifications.

· Standard - selection tool teaching staff to educational institutions.

· The standard is the basis for the formation of an employment contract that fixes the relationship between the employee and the employer.

The need to fill the teacher’s professional standard with new competencies:

· Working with gifted students.

· Work in the context of implementing inclusive education programs.

· Teaching Russian to students for whom it is not their native language.

· Working with students with developmental problems.

· Work with deviant, dependent, socially neglected and socially vulnerable students with serious behavioral problems.

Requirements for the professional standard of a teacher

The standard should:

· Comply with the structure professional activity teacher

· Do not turn into an instrument of strict regulation of the teacher’s activities.

· Free the teacher from performing unusual functions that distract him from performing his direct duties.

· Encourage the teacher to search for non-standard solutions.

· Comply with international standards and regulations.

· Comply with the requirements of relevant ministries and departments, on which the calculation of length of service, calculation of pensions, etc. depend.

Characteristics of the standard

· The professional standard of a teacher is a framework document that defines basic requirements for his qualifications.

· The nationwide framework of the standard can be supplemented by regional requirements that take into account the sociocultural, demographic and other characteristics of a given territory (megacities, areas with a predominant rural population, monoethnic and multiethnic regions impose their own specifics on the work of a teacher).

· The professional standard of a teacher can also be supplemented by the internal standard of an educational institution (by analogy with the standard of an enterprise), in accordance with the specifics of the educational programs implemented in this institution (school for the gifted, inclusive school, etc.).

· The professional standard of a teacher is level, taking into account the specifics of the work of teachers in preschool institutions, primary, secondary and high schools.

· Taking into account the special place and role in general secondary education of such subjects as mathematics and the Russian language, the mandatory requirement of passing them in the form of the Unified State Exam for all school graduates without exception, the appendices to the document separately highlight the professional standards of teachers in these specialties.

· The professional standard of a teacher reflects the structure of his professional activity: teaching, upbringing and development of the child. According to strategy modern education in a changing world, it is significantly filled with psychological and pedagogical competencies designed to help the teacher solve new problems facing him.

· The standard puts forward requirements for the personal qualities of a teacher, inseparable from his professional competencies, such as: readiness to teach all children without exception, regardless of their inclinations, abilities, developmental characteristics, or disabilities.

The professional standard of a teacher performs functions designed to:

· Overcome the technocratic approach in assessing the work of a teacher.

· Ensure a coordinated increase in the teacher’s freedom and responsibility for the results of his work.

· Motivate teachers to continually improve their skills.

Professional standard of a teacher

1 area of ​​use. The sphere of preschool, primary and general secondary education. The professional standard of a teacher can be applied:

a) when applying for a job in a general education institution for the position of “teacher”;

c) during the certification of teachers of educational institutions by regional executive authorities exercising management in the field of education ;

d) during the certification of teachers by educational organizations themselves, if they are given the appropriate powers.

2. Purpose of application

2.1. Determine the necessary qualifications of a teacher, which affects the results of a child’s education, upbringing and development.

2.2. Provide the necessary training for teachers to obtain high results from their work.

2.3. Ensure that the teacher is aware of the requirements placed on him.

2.4. Promote the involvement of teachers in solving the problem of improving the quality of education.

3. Terms and definitions in relation to a teacher

3.1 Teacher qualifications- reflects the level of professional training of the teacher and his readiness to work in the field of education. A teacher's qualifications consist of his professional competencies.

3.2 Professional competence- the ability to successfully act on the basis of practical experience, skills and knowledge in solving professional problems.

3.3 Professional standard of a teacher: document including

a list of professional and personal requirements for a teacher, valid throughout the Russian Federation.

3.4 Regional addition to the professional standard:

a document that includes additional requirements for the qualifications of a teacher, allowing him to fulfill his duties in a real socio-cultural context.

3.5 Internal standard of educational organization: a document defining qualification requirements for a teacher, corresponding to the educational programs implemented in a given organization.

3.6 Key areas of the teacher standard: sections of the standard, corresponding to the structure professional activities of a teacher: training, education and development of the child.

3.7 Professional ICT competence: qualified use of ICT tools commonly used in a given professional field in developed countries in solving professional problems where necessary.

3.8 Audit: the systematic, independent and documented process of obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which requirements have been met.

3.9 Internal audit: an audit carried out by an organization itself or by another organization on its behalf for internal purposes. For example, an internal audit may be carried out to confirm the effectiveness of the management system or to assess the qualifications of employees, as well as to assess compliance with the professional requirements imposed on them.

3.10 External audit: an audit conducted by a party independent of the educational organization. External audits can be carried out by regulatory authorities or organizations representing consumer interests.

4.1. Part One: Training

The teacher must:

1. Have higher education. Teachers who have specialized secondary education and are currently working in preschool organizations and primary schools should be given the conditions to receive it without interrupting their professional activities.

2. Demonstrate knowledge of the subject and curriculum.

3. Be able to plan, conduct lessons, analyze their effectiveness (lesson self-analysis).

4. Master forms and methods of teaching that go beyond lessons: laboratory experiments, field practice, etc.

5. Use special approaches to teaching in order to include all students in the educational process: with special educational needs; gifted students; students for whom Russian is not their native language; students from disabilities etc.

6. Be able to objectively assess students’ knowledge using different forms and methods of control.

7. Possess ICT competencies (detailed explanations regarding ICT competencies are given in Appendix 1).

4.2. Part two: educational work

The teacher must:

1. Master forms and methods educational work using them both in class and in extracurricular activities.

2. Know the methods of organizing excursions, hikes and expeditions.

3. Master the methods of museum pedagogy, using them to broaden the horizons of students.

4. Effectively manage student behavior to ensure a safe learning environment.

5. Effectively manage classes in order to involve students in the process of learning and education, motivating their educational and cognitive activities. Set educational goals that contribute to the development of students, regardless of their origin, abilities and character, and constantly look for pedagogical ways to achieve them.

6. Establish clear rules of conduct in the classroom in accordance with the school charter and rules of conduct in the educational organization.

7. Provide comprehensive assistance and support in organizing student self-government bodies.

8. Be able to communicate with children, recognizing their dignity, understanding and accepting them.

9. Know how to find (find) the value aspect of educational knowledge and information and ensure its understanding and experience by students.

10. Be able to design and create situations and events that develop the child’s emotional and value sphere (culture of experiences and value orientations of the child).

11. Be able to detect and implement (incarnate) educational opportunities various types the child’s activities (educational, play, work, sports, artistic, etc.).

12. Be able to build educational activities taking into account the cultural differences of children, gender, age and individual characteristics.

13. Be able to create child-adult communities of students, their parents and teachers in study groups (class, club, section, etc.).

14. Be able to support the constructive educational efforts of parents (persons replacing them) of students, involve the family in resolving issues of raising the child.

15. Be able to collaborate (interact constructively) with other teachers and specialists in solving educational problems (tasks of the child’s spiritual and moral development).

16. Be able to analyze the real state of affairs in the classroom, maintain a business-friendly atmosphere in the children's team.

17. Be able to protect the dignity and interests of students, help children who find themselves in a conflict situation and/or unfavorable conditions.

18. Maintain the way of life, atmosphere and traditions of school life, making a positive contribution to them.

4.3. Part three: development ( Personal qualities and professional competencies necessary for a teacher to carry out developmental activities)

1. Willingness to accept different children, regardless of their actual educational capabilities, behavioral characteristics, state of mental and physical health. Professional attitude towards helping any child.

2. The ability, during observation, to identify various problems of children associated with the characteristics of their development.

3. The ability to provide targeted assistance to the child with one’s pedagogical techniques.

4. Willingness to interact with other specialists within the framework of a psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation.

6. The ability to draw up, together with other specialists, a program for the individual development of a child.

7. Possession of special techniques that allow carrying out correctional and developmental work.

8. The ability to monitor the dynamics of a child’s development.

9. The ability to protect those who are not accepted in the children's group.

10. Knowledge of the general patterns of personality development and the manifestation of personal properties, psychological laws of periodization and developmental crises, age characteristics of students.

11. The ability to use psychological approaches in the practice of their work: cultural-historical, activity-based and developmental.

12. The ability to design a psychologically safe and comfortable educational environment, to know and be able to prevent various forms of violence in school.

13. The ability (together with a psychologist and other specialists) to provide psychological and pedagogical support for educational programs of primary and secondary general education, including additional education programs.

14. Knowledge of basic methods of psychodiagnostics of personal characteristics and age characteristics of students, monitoring of the child’s personal characteristics together with a psychologist.

15. The ability (together with a psychologist and other specialists) to draw up a psychological and pedagogical characteristics (portrait) of the student’s personality.

16. The ability to develop and implement individual development programs taking into account the personal and age characteristics of students.

17. The ability to form and develop universal educational activities, patterns and values ​​of social behavior, skills of behavior in the world virtual reality And in social networks, multicultural communication skills and tolerance, key competencies (according to international standards), etc.

18. Proficiency in psychological and pedagogical technologies (including inclusive ones) necessary for working with various students: gifted children, socially vulnerable children in difficult situations life situations, migrant children, orphans, children with special educational needs (autism, ADHD, etc.), children with disabilities, children with behavioral deviations, children with addiction.

19. The ability to form child-adult communities, knowledge of their socio-psychological characteristics and patterns of development.

20. Knowledge of basic patterns family relations that allow you to work effectively with the parent community.

4.4. Part four: professional competencies of a teacher, reflecting the specifics of work in an elementary school

Teacher primary school must

1. Take into account originality social situation development of a first-grader in connection with the transition of leading activities from play to learning, purposefully form the social position of the student in children.

2. Ensure the development of learning skills (universal educational activities) to the level required for training in basic school.

3. Provide during organization educational activities achievement of meta-subject educational results as the most important new formations of junior school age.

4. Be prepared, as the most significant adult in the social situation of the development of a primary school student, to communicate in conditions of an increased degree of children’s trust in the teacher.

5. Be able to respond to children’s direct appeals to the teacher, recognizing serious personal problems behind them. Be responsible for the personal educational results of your students.

6. When assessing the successes and capabilities of students, take into account the unevenness of the individual mental development of children of primary school age, as well as the unique dynamics of the development of educational activities of boys and girls.

5. Methods for assessing compliance with the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher

5.1. General approaches

The final assessment of a teacher’s professional activity is made based on the results of training, education and development of students. When making such a comprehensive assessment, it is necessary to take into account the levels of education, inclinations and abilities of children, the characteristics of their development and real educational opportunities.

Thus, in assessing the work of a teacher with intact, capable students, high academic achievements and victories in Olympiads at various levels.

In relation to students with special needs and disabilities, teachers together with psychologists can consider integrative indicators that indicate the positive dynamics of the child’s development as criteria for successful work. (Was - became.) Or, in particularly difficult cases (for example, a child with Down syndrome), about maintaining his psycho-emotional status.

The professional activity of a preschool teacher is assessed only comprehensively. A high score includes a combination of indicators of the dynamics of development of the child’s integrative qualities, positive attitude child to kindergarten and a high degree of activity and involvement of parents in solving educational problems and the life of the kindergarten.

Integrative indicators for assessing a teacher’s performance also prevail in primary schools.

5.2. When assessing the professional qualities of a teacher, it is necessary to provide feedback to the consumers of his activities. Such consumers are the students themselves and their parents. It follows that the assessment of a teacher’s performance goes beyond the narrow departmental framework and requires the consolidation of organizational forms and the corresponding procedure, ensuring public participation in this procedure.

5.3. Possible ways for a teacher to achieve and demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this professional standard are given in Appendices No. 1-2.

5.4. Assessment of compliance with the requirements for a teacher can be carried out through an internal audit, including analysis of plans and reports, attendance of lessons taught by him, or in another form. Gathering data for assessment can be done through productive questioning, listening, observation and analysis of documents, records and data.

5.5. Internal auditors of an educational institution should be appointed from among the most respected and respected teachers of the institution and should be trained in the principles, procedures and techniques of auditing (see GOST R ISO 19011 for guidance on auditing). The scope and frequency of internal audits in relation to a particular teacher are established by the educational organization itself, based on its policy in the field of improving the quality of educational services.

5.6. The results of internal audits must be taken into account when conducting state certification of a teacher and assigning him the appropriate category.

In the spring of 2012, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin instructed the Ministry of Education to develop a professional standard for mathematics teachers. Now there is talk about creating a middle option, regardless of the academic discipline taught.

Expert work

The working group, which was created in order to develop a professional teacher standard, was headed by E. A. Yamburg, director of the Moscow Education Center. Honored teachers of the country, known for their original methods, were involved in the work. All proposals developed by them were published on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science. Any teacher, parent, or representative of the interested public could study the professional standard of a modern teacher and leave their comments.

Honored teachers of Russia took the task assigned to them seriously, drew up a certain general professional standard for teachers, filling it with new competencies, including:

  • working with talented and gifted children;
  • implementation of inclusive education programs;
  • working with children with developmental disabilities;
  • teaching academic discipline to students with deviant behavior, socially vulnerable and dependent children.

Objectives of the standard

The professional standard of a teacher must:

  • correspond to the characteristics of the teacher’s professional activity;
  • not to become some kind of instrument for regulating the work of a teacher;
  • encourage teachers to search for new pedagogical ideas and solutions;
  • relieve the teacher from performing those functions that are unusual for him and distract him from efficiently performing his immediate duties;
  • comply with international regulations and standards;
  • meet the requirements of departments and ministries involved in calculating pensions and calculating teaching experience.

Main characteristics of the standard

The teacher's professional standard is a framework document. It defines the basic requirements for teacher qualifications. Its national framework is complemented by regional requirements, taking into account the demographic and sociocultural characteristics of the region.

In addition, the professional standards of teachers in the Russian Federation are supplemented (optional) within the educational institution, taking into account the direction of work implemented in educational institutions: inclusive education, work with gifted children.

The professional standard of a literature teacher takes into account the specifics of the subject being taught. It has several modifications designed for elementary, basic, and senior levels of education. Taking into account the strategy of modern education, it is filled with psychological and pedagogical competencies that should help the teacher solve the problems of training, education, and development of the younger generation in Russia.

Personal qualities

Particular attention is paid to the personality of the teacher himself. The professional standard of a teacher presupposes a willingness to teach all children, regardless of their abilities, inclinations, and level of development. The teacher himself is obliged to constantly improve himself, study psychological characteristics childhood and adolescence, to prevent conflict situations with pupils and their parents.

Application options

Why do we need a professional standard? to the modern teacher? First of all, it will be required when applying for a job as a teacher. This “standard” will help experts evaluate the work of the certified teacher.

Purpose of use

Using the standard, it is possible to identify the teacher qualifications necessary for the quality education and training of schoolchildren.

Taking into account the criteria contained in this document, it is possible to provide the necessary professional training of teachers for high productivity. The standard will help the teacher have an idea of ​​the requirements that the employer places on him.

1 part. Education.

Part 3. Development (contains professional and personal competencies that a teacher needs to implement developmental activities).

Part 4 for primary school teachers.

Part 5 Teacher competencies that reflect the specifics of work in preschool educational institutions.

Assessment Methodology

In order to identify the positive and negative aspects of the teacher’s professional standard, experts developed special methods. The final assessment of the teacher’s professionalism is given taking into account the existing results of education, training, and development of students. Understanding that, depending on the level of development of children, their abilities, inclinations, the final results of education and upbringing can differ significantly, the “standard” of a modern teacher provides clear parameters relating to different students. When assessing a teacher’s work with talented students, one of the criteria is high educational achievements, the presence of winners and prize-winners of subject Olympiads at various levels.

To work with children who have limited capabilities, integrative indicators are determined as effective work, which indicate the stable dynamics of the student’s development. Such indicators prevail in primary school.

When assessing a modern teacher, feedback should be provided to the direct consumers of services, which are parents and students.

Compliance with the requirements for a teacher can be assessed by conducting an internal audit. It involves analyzing reports and work plans, attending classes and events. According to the authors of the standard, the internal auditors of an educational institution should include the most authoritative and respected teachers of the school. Before experts begin to directly perform their duties, they undergo special training in the methods and principles of conducting the audit procedure.

Nuances of introducing the standard

Teachers are wary of the innovations developed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The theory of professional standards for teachers was created by V. D. Shadrikova.

The author proposes that such a standard is understood as a certain system of requirements for the competencies of the subject of activity, which together determine the reality of occupying a certain position and are associated with the success of teaching activities. What are teachers afraid of? If they do not comply with one of the components of the developed assessment system, they may be deprived of the right to carry out teaching activities.

Immediately after the first appearance of the standard, this project was subjected to detailed study and criticism by experienced teachers of educational institutions. Upon careful consideration of all points this project It can be noted that no new requirements for the teacher appeared, but the very attempt to “drive the teacher into a framework” caused a negative reaction from the teaching community.

The working group, faced with this reaction from teachers, invited them to express their comments. For example, such a criterion as the obligatory nature of higher education was discussed. Teachers with extensive work experience who were unable to obtain higher education in a timely manner will be disadvantaged.

Not in the proposed document, and at the same time the verb “should” is repeated many times. We are talking about the responsibility of a modern teacher to develop, educate, and teach. But all this is a logical result of the teacher’s work, and therefore should be assessed not individually, but cumulatively. Teachers say that such a document was written by people who are absolutely far from Russian education. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, subject, meta-subject, and personal skills have been developed. Will there be any contradictions between the Federal State Educational Standard and the professional standard? The teachers' union is also concerned about the contradictions between the reforms and the introduced standard. They remind the authors of this draft document that the position “teacher” is not intended at this time. The pedagogical community also notes the fact that inclusive activities require special education, and not all teachers have the opportunity to receive it. Will this be a reason for dismissal with the wording “failure to meet the requirements of a professional standard”? In addition, teachers also say that the project presents an insufficient conceptual apparatus and that the demands on teachers are clearly too high. The regulation of numerous responsibilities demonstrates a certain mistrust of the teaching elite on the part of experts.

The contrast is the document adopted in England to evaluate the performance of teachers. The teacher is obliged to set goals that will inspire students. The teacher’s responsibilities include helping children achieve good educational results. There are other requirements that are presented in accessible and understandable language that does not require the use of an additional dictionary of terms.


The pedagogical community continues to actively discuss the professional standard. Concerned teachers make their proposals to change the content of the PS. In order for a teacher, a representative of the creative profession, not to turn into a typical “knowledge sales manager” to please officials, significant changes are needed in the proposed document. Otherwise, there is a high risk of losing teachers who are masters of their craft, replacing them with those personnel who will formally fulfill the requirements of the PS, while forgetting about the development of the child’s personality. But it is precisely on professionals that the Russian education system currently rests.

FPKiPP, professional retraining, installation session ,

Khairullina Guzel Robertovna , Pedagogy and methods of primary education

Essay on the topic

“The image of a modern teacher from the position of a professional

teacher standard"

The teacher is a key figure in education reform. “In the matter of teaching and upbringing, in the entire school business, nothing can be improved without going past the head of the teacher” (K.D. Ushinsky). In a rapidly changing open world, the main professional quality that a teacher must constantly demonstrate to his students is the ability to learn. Readiness for change, mobility, the ability to take non-standard work actions, responsibility and independence in decision-making - all these characteristics of the activities of a successful professional fully apply to a teacher. Acquiring these valuable qualities is impossible without expanding the space of pedagogical creativity. The work of a teacher should be freed from petty regulation and freed from total control.

The existing cumbersome qualification characteristics and job descriptions, which fetter the teacher’s initiative, burden him with formal requirements (for example, prescribing the preparation of educational programs) and additional functional responsibilities that distract from direct work with children, do not meet the spirit of the times.

The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new requirements for the qualifications of a teacher. But one cannot demand from a teacher what no one has ever taught him. Hence, the introduction of a new professional standard for a teacher should inevitably entail a change in the standards of his training and retraining in higher education and in advanced training centers.

To ensure effective public control at all stages of work on a professional standard, it is proposed to fully use the mechanisms of state and public management. For this purpose, it is planned to create an independent public association “Professional Standard of Teacher - 2013”, endowing it with the necessary rights and powers.

The teacher must:

1. Have a higher education. Teachers who have specialized secondary education and are currently working in preschool organizations and primary schools should be given the conditions to receive it without interrupting their professional activities.

2. Demonstrate knowledge of the subject and curriculum.

3. Be able to plan, conduct lessons, analyze their effectiveness (lesson self-analysis).

4. Master forms and methods of teaching that go beyond lessons: laboratory experiments, field practice, etc.

5. Use special approaches to teaching in order to include all students in the educational process: with special educational needs; gifted students; students for whom Russian is not their native language; students with disabilities, etc.

6. Be able to objectively assess students’ knowledge using different forms and methods of control.

7. Possess ICT competencies (detailed explanations regarding ICT competencies are given in Appendix 1).

The teacher must:

1. Master the forms and methods of educational work, using them both in class and in extracurricular activities.

2. Know the methods of organizing excursions, hikes and expeditions.

3. Master the methods of museum pedagogy, using them to broaden the horizons of students.

4. Effectively manage student behavior to ensure a safe learning environment.

5. Effectively manage classes in order to involve students in the process of learning and education, motivating their educational and cognitive activities. Set educational goals that contribute to the development of students, regardless of their origin, abilities and character, and constantly look for pedagogical ways to achieve them.

6. Establish clear rules of conduct in the classroom in accordance with the school charter and rules of conduct in the educational organization.

7. Provide comprehensive assistance and support in organizing student self-government bodies.

8. Be able to communicate with children, recognizing their dignity, understanding and accepting them.

9. Know how to find (find) the value aspect of educational knowledge and information and ensure its understanding and experience by students.

10. Be able to design and create situations and events that develop the child’s emotional and value sphere (culture of experiences and value orientations of the child).

11. Be able to detect and implement (incarnate) educational opportunities for various types of child activities (educational, play, work, sports, artistic, etc.).

12. Be able to build educational activities taking into account the cultural differences of children, gender, age and individual characteristics.

13. Be able to create child-adult communities of students, their parents and teachers in study groups (class, club, section, etc.).

14. Be able to support the constructive educational efforts of parents (persons replacing them) of students, involve the family in resolving issues of raising the child.

15. Be able to collaborate (interact constructively) with other teachers and specialists in solving educational problems (tasks of the child’s spiritual and moral development).

16. Be able to analyze the real state of affairs in the classroom, maintain a business-friendly atmosphere in the children's team.

17. Be able to protect the dignity and interests of students, help children who find themselves in a conflict situation and/or unfavorable conditions.

18. Maintain the way of life, atmosphere and traditions of school life, making a positive contribution to them.

Personal qualities and professional competencies necessary for a teacher to carry out developmental activities:

1. Willingness to accept different children, regardless of their actual educational capabilities, behavioral characteristics, state of mental and physical health. Professional attitude towards helping any child.

2. The ability, during observation, to identify various problems of children associated with the characteristics of their development.

3. The ability to provide targeted assistance to the child with one’s pedagogical techniques.

4. Willingness to interact with other specialists within the framework of a psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation.

6. The ability to draw up, together with other specialists, a program for the individual development of a child.

7. Possession of special techniques that allow carrying out correctional and developmental work.

8. The ability to monitor the dynamics of a child’s development.

9. The ability to protect those who are not accepted in the children's group.

10. Knowledge of the general patterns of personality development and the manifestation of personal properties, psychological laws of periodization and developmental crises, age characteristics of students.

11. The ability to use psychological approaches in the practice of their work: cultural-historical, activity-based and developmental.

12. The ability to design a psychologically safe and comfortable educational environment, to know and be able to prevent various forms of violence in school.

13. The ability (together with a psychologist and other specialists) to provide psychological and pedagogical support for educational programs of primary and secondary general education, including additional education programs.

14. Knowledge of basic methods of psychodiagnostics of personal characteristics and age characteristics of students, monitoring of the child’s personal characteristics together with a psychologist.

15. The ability (together with a psychologist and other specialists) to draw up a psychological and pedagogical characteristics (portrait) of the student’s personality.

16. The ability to develop and implement individual development programs taking into account the personal and age characteristics of students.

17. The ability to form and develop universal learning activities, patterns and values ​​of social behavior, behavioral skills in the world of virtual reality and social networks, multicultural communication skills and tolerance, key competencies (according to international standards), etc.

18. Proficiency in psychological and pedagogical technologies (including inclusive ones) necessary for working with various students: gifted children, socially vulnerable children in difficult life situations, migrant children, orphans, children with special educational needs (autists, ADHD, etc.), children with disabilities, children with behavioral deviations, children with addiction.

19. The ability to form child-adult communities, knowledge of their socio-psychological characteristics and patterns of development.

20. Knowledge of the basic patterns of family relationships that allow you to work effectively with the parent community.

Based on the above, a primary school teacher should:

1. Take into account the uniqueness of the social situation of a first-grader’s development in connection with the transition of the leading activity from play to learning, and purposefully form the student’s social position in children.

2. Ensure the development of the ability to learn (universal learning activities) to the level necessary for studying in basic school.

3. When organizing educational activities, ensure the achievement of meta-subject educational results as the most important new developments of primary school age.

4. Be prepared, as the most significant adult in the social situation of the development of a primary school student, to communicate in conditions of an increased degree of children’s trust in the teacher.

5. Be able to respond to children’s direct appeals to the teacher, recognizing serious personal problems behind them. Be responsible for the personal educational results of your students.

6. When assessing the successes and capabilities of students, take into account the unevenness of the individual mental development of children of primary school age, as well as the unique dynamics of the development of educational activities of boys and girls.

Teacher-student interaction is one of the most important ways educational influence adults. The teacher, in principle, is sufficiently prepared to organize and maintain relationships with students. However, in practice, the relationship between teacher and students is not always optimal. This largely depends on the teacher’s leadership style (i.e., on the characteristic manner and ways in which the teacher performs the functions that make up his interaction with students).

The teacher must: by being active, interact with the world (the nature of this activity is determined by the subjectively free attitude of the individual). The influence of the teacher should orient the student towards a certain attitude towards social values. The interaction of the teacher and the entire process of interaction with the child should be carried out at the level modern culture and in accordance with the purpose of education.

Pedagogical skill largely depends on the personal qualities of the teacher, as well as on his knowledge and skills. Each teacher is an individual. The personality of the teacher, its influence on the student is enormous, and it will never be replaced by pedagogical technology. New educational technologies accompany the results of significant scientific research. The level of mastery of pedagogical technology can be elementary and professional.

Particularly important are such teacher qualities as readiness to understand the mental states of students and empathy, i.e. empathy, and the need for social interaction. Great importance is also attached to “pedagogical tact,” the manifestation of which expresses the general culture of the teacher and the high professionalism of his pedagogical activities and orientation.

The teaching profession is one of the most important in modern world. The future of human civilization depends on his efforts. A professional teacher is the only person who spends most of his time raising and teaching children. If the process of teaching children by a teacher stops, a crisis will inevitably occur. New generations, due to the lack of specific knowledge, will not be able to maintain cultural, economic and social progress. Without a doubt, society will not receive morally and professionally prepared teachers.

The teaching profession is both transformative and managerial. And in order to manage the process of personal development, you need to be competent. The concept of a teacher’s professional competence expresses the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness in the holistic structure of his personality and characterizes his professionalism.