Plasticineography in the spring preparatory group. Plasticineography "Bullfinches" (preparatory group)

Suchkova Svetlana Mikhailovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 43 "Rodnichok"
Locality: Chuvashia, Novocheboksarsk city
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Lesson notes on plasticineography "Flower Fantasy"
Publication date: 22.04.2016
Chapter: secondary education

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 43 "Rodnichok", the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic.
educational field - artistic - aesthetic development, type of lesson - integrated.
"Flower fantasy" (using platinography technique).
: 25 minutes.
senior preschool age.
laptop, multimedia installation, projector, screen, mini-speaker with flash drive, camera.
I offer a summary of GCD for drawing using an unconventional drawing technique - plasticineography. It involves drawing with plasticine on cardboard or any other dense base. This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers. The summary is aimed at developing interest in visual arts and the development of manual motor skills in preschool children. LESSON SUMMARY "Flower Fantasy" (using plasticineography technique)
development of manual motor skills in preschool children through plasticineography.

- learn to create images of plants (flowers) using non-traditional execution techniques - plasti lography.
consolidate sculpting techniques: rolling plasticine between palms; - practice using the technique of rolling, rolling, pinching; - consolidate the ability to connect parts, pressing them tightly against each other, and in smoothing seams, the ability to work with a stack; - continue to introduce children to the properties of plasticine (soft, able to take any shape);
- develop auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills and hand coordination, eye control.

- cultivate responsiveness, kindness, the ability to sympathize with the characters, the desire to help them; - cultivate accuracy in working with plasticine.
improve speech skills.

a set of plasticine, a set of colored cardboard, a stack, a modeling board, cards - diagrams, a napkin for hands. Folder - screen for the exhibition of paintings "Floral Fantasy". Leaflet - message.
Progress of the lesson:
Children are included in the group.
Hello guys. Guys, me. today I want to invite you to my creative workshop. Do you know what a creative workshop is?
(children's answers).
Guys, you said it right, what are we going to do in our workshop today? Oh, what is this? (Bee buzzing, audio recording in a mini speaker). Guys, what's going on?
: (children's answers) A bee is buzzing. A bee is brought in.
Guys, what was the bee buzzing about? How do you think?
Guys, now I suggest you look at the screen (interactive equipment) and we will find out what the bee was buzzing about. Show and view slides "Such different flowers." After viewing the slides, the teacher’s question: what does our little bee dream about?
: answers.
The little bee dreams of flowers. Do you want to help our little bee? (children's answers). Let's help our little bee collect a clearing of flowers. Shall we draw flowers for her? (Children's answers). Guys, look here there are small bags, take them and guess what we will use to create flowers for the bee? (Answers from children).
correctly from plasticine. A small exhibition of karinas is organized in the workshop. Let's take a look at it. (Looking at paintings). Draw the children's attention to the fact that all the pictures are created from plasticine flagella on a cardboard base.
: Do you want to depict the same flowers? (children's answers). I suggest you choose cardboard for the base and sit down at the tables. .Now let’s remember together how flagella are molded. You can use diagrams in your work. I think you will draw beautiful flowers for our little bee, and she will sit next to us. Children begin the practical part. While the children are working, the music plays softly ("Waltz of the Flowers", Evgeniy Doga). As the children depict flowers, the teacher “assembles” a clearing for the bee (together with the children). The clearing has been collected.
(looking at the "clearing") guys, you did a very nice job. Beautiful flowers, beautiful meadow. Our bee's dream has come true. I suggest you play the game.
(Children hold a flower in their hands) Flowers of unprecedented beauty grow in the meadow. Flowers are reaching out to the sun - reach out to them too. The wind blows sometimes, But it doesn’t matter. The flowers bend down, Drop their petals, and then get up again. And they still bloom.
guys, did you like our workshop? What are we today
did you do? How did we draw flowers? What did you like most? (children's answers). And the little bee wants to leave us a farewell message (a sheet with a message is printed). Let's read it. If I pick a flower If you pick a flower If Everything: both I and YOU - If We pick Flowers, All the meadows will be empty and there will be no beauty.
: Guys, let’s not pick flowers in vain? (children's answers).
: Thank you guys for a good job. You tried very hard. Photo for memory.

Not so long ago, decorative and applied art was enriched with another technique - plasticineography. A new type of drawing has become an integral part of classes with preschoolers in kindergarten, as well as in elementary school. What is it? Plasticineography, as you might guess from the name, is drawing with plasticine. The basis for the picture can be cardboard or another fairly hard horizontal surface. The objects created have a more or less pronounced relief, and other materials can be used as decoration: grains, beads, cereals, etc. As you can see, plasticineography combines the most favorite types of creativity among children: drawing and modeling..

Features of the technology:

From an early age, children are familiar with plasticine: they know how to roll it out in their hands, forming primitive shapes and connecting them together. Plasticineography expands possibilities: the child learns to smear, flatten, stretch and roll. A malleable material like plasticine is an ideal tool for a little creator. It is very important that the teacher carefully monitors the children’s fingers, teaching them the correct techniques. For example, when smearing plasticine, you should move in a certain direction: from left to right and from top to bottom. You only need to work with the pad of your tense finger, making sure that it does not bend. Getting acquainted with plasticineography for kids begins with simple and unpretentious plots. Little children love bright colors, and therefore the following themes are perfect for the first lessons: “Sunshine”, “Rainbow”, “Seven-flowered Flower”. Drawing with plasticine is useful! It is no exaggeration that working with plasticine plays a huge role in a child’s development! See how much benefit plasticineography classes bring to younger preschoolers: fine motor skills, eye and tactile senses develop; cognitive activity is realized; the child’s vocabulary is enriched; sensory abilities develop; there is an acquaintance with the outside world; aesthetic taste is formed; given the opportunity to express your emotions. All these positive aspects contribute to excellent preparation for school, because the child’s hands become more obedient, which makes it easier to master writing skills. Lesson plan and stages of training Plasticineography classes in kindergarten can be carried out already in the younger group - from the age of 3, starting with the basics and gradually complicating the tasks.

Types of plasticineography

P direct plasticineography- image of a stucco painting on a horizontal


1. Roll up the details of the depicted object one by one, first in a three-dimensional shape (in the form of a ball, sausage).

2. Place them on a horizontal surface.

3. Then flatten, connecting the parts.

Reverse plasticineography(stained glass) - image of a stucco painting with

The reverse side of a horizontal surface (with outline designation).

Features of the work:

1. Use a transparent plastic surface for work (transparent plastic lids, containers, etc.).

2. Draw the outline of the design on the back of the transparent surface with a marker.

3. Roll up the details of the depicted object one by one, first in a three-dimensional shape (in the form of a ball, sausage).

4. Place them on the surface, rubbing and filling in the details of the image.

Contour plasticineography- image of an object along the contour, with

Using "flagella".

Features of the work:

1. Draw a picture with a pencil or marker.

2. Roll sausages or thin flagella from plasticine.

3. Consistently lay out a long flagellum along the contour of the image.

4. You can fill the inner surface of the image with flagella of a different color.

Multilayer plasticineography- a three-dimensional image of a stucco painting on a horizontal surface, with sequential application of layers.

1. To begin with, we take different colors of plasticine.

2. We make records out of them. The blanks are placed one on top of the other. We we got the so-called “layer cake”, in the production of which it is advisable to go from dark colors to light ones. Just don’t press the layers too hard against each other, just put one layer on top of the other.

3. Now you can very carefully bend our workpiece along the middle line - it goes where the top, smallest layer ends.

Or roll the sausage and cut it.

M modular plasticineography- image of a stucco painting on a horizontal surface using rollers, balls, braids, multi-layer disks.

Each of these techniques is a small game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more spontaneous, develops imagination, and gives complete freedom for self-expression.

Thus, plasticineography is a universal method for developing aesthetic taste, fine motor skills of the fingers, and creative abilities of preschoolers of any age.

M osaic plasticineography- an image of a stucco painting on a horizontal surface using plasticine balls or ball plasticine.

Features of the work:

1. Roll into small balls of the desired color.

2. Place them on a horizontal surface, filling the surface of the depicted object with the corresponding color.

3. Press lightly.

F acting plasticineography -depicting large areas of the painting on a horizontal surface and giving them texture (bas-relief, high relief, counter-relief).

In senior group No. 3, teachers Pushchina A.V., Arkhipova G.V., a long-term project “Plasticine Fantasies” is taking place from September to May. We make various crafts both during organized educational activities and during independent artistic activities. While working with parents, we organized several master classes and consultations on organizing crafts with children at home. And here we have such an exhibition of joint creativity with the parents of the students.

Abstract of GCD on modeling using plasticineography technique in the preparatory group.

Topic: “Fairy-tale animals”

Goals: strengthen children’s skills to use non-traditional fine art techniques in their work - plasticineography (hattaching the technique of flattening a ball on a horizontal surface to obtain a flat image of the original shape, pressing and smearing),to achieve the realization of an expressive, bright image, to expand children’s knowledge about the concept of “friendship”.Develop associative thinking and composition ability. To develop artistic taste, accuracy in working with plasticine, and moral qualities.


- ½ thick cardboard with the silhouette of Cheburashka and Winnie the Pooh, plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, napkins for hands;

Illustrations for cartoons (“Crocodile Gena”, “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything”), music from cartoons.

Preliminary work:

Watching cartoons(“Crocodile Gena”, “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything”).

Progress of the lesson:

Educator : Today we have an unusual activity. We have guests. Cartoon characters came to us. Tell me, what are their names?

Children : This is Cheburashka, Winnie the Pooh

Educator: What cartoon are these characters from?

Children : “Crocodile Gena”, “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything.”

Educator : We will play with them.

Game “Guess the cartoon by the song”:

1) Umka (boy friend)

2) Lion cub and turtle (friend turtle)

3) Leopold (What did Leopold ask the mice for? “Guys, let’s live together!”).

Educator : Do Cheburashka and Winnie the Pooh have friends? Let's name them. (According to the illustration)

Children: crocodile Gena, heel, hare, donkey Eeyore.

Educator: How many friends are there in total?

Children: 4

Educator: The heroes are not alike; each has their own character, their own skills, view of the world and hobbies, oddly enough. They are very friendly, they love to visit each other, they celebrate all holidays together, and if one of the heroes gets into trouble, everyone tries to help him. Each episode of the cartoon teaches something useful, for example, that you need to be friends, you need to help friends in trouble. But in the cartoon about Cheburashka, Shapoklyak doesn’t know anything about friendship.

Let us tell you?

Game "Rules of Friendship"

What hinders friendship? (rudeness, name-calling, fighting, insults, greed)

What helps friendship? (kindness, politeness, responsiveness,mutual assistance, trust).

And most importantly, guys, if you want to teach others to be friends, show them an example of strong friendship.

Physical education minute:

We worked hard, let's rest,

Let's stand up and take a deep breath.

Hands to the sides, forward,

Left, right turn.

Three bends, stand up straight

Raise your arms up and down.

Hands slowly lowered,

They brought smiles to everyone.

Educator: The guys, Cheburashka and Winnie the Pooh, like all children, love gifts very much. Let's draw their portraits. We will draw with plasticine.

Let's remember the safety rules: we work on a board, when using a stack, do not wave your arms, do not straighten your hair, do not stand up or turn around with a stack in your hands.

There is cardboard with a picture on your table.For coloring you will need brown plasticine.

Finger gymnastics

They are friends in our group (fingers joinedto the castle several times)Girls and boys.We'll make friends with youLittle fingers.One, two, three, four, five (fingers from the little finger alternatelyWe begin to count. connect to each other)One two three four fiveWe've finished counting (Hands down, shake hands)

Educator: Guys, what needs to be done to make the plasticine soft?

Children's answers.

We tear off a small piece, roll it between our fingers, and place the resulting ball on the figure and smear it. We do this carefully, without going beyond the contour.

Educator : Cheburashka and Winnie the Pooh like your works, they all turned out different and very beautiful. Now let's set up an exhibition of your works so that everyone can admire them.

One of the favorite arts and crafts techniques for preschoolers is plasticineography. Most kids generally love to draw, and drawing with plasticine attracts them doubly. After all, it is very simple, and, in addition, such images are easy to correct. Kindergarten teachers also appreciate plasticineography: such activities do not require special preliminary preparation and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of children.

The essence of plasticineography as a type of children's creativity. Goals, methods, techniques

Plasticineography refers to an unconventional modeling technique; it involves drawing with plasticine on some kind of dense base. In this case, objects and items appear in relief to a greater or lesser extent. In addition, plasticineography allows the inclusion of auxiliary parts into the composition - beads, beads, natural and waste materials.

Opportunities for the development and training of preschoolers

  • In the process of work, mental processes such as attention and memory, logical thinking and imagination develop.
  • Plasticineography reveals the creative potential of children, from a very young age.
  • Doing such crafts develops spatial orientation and sensorimotor coordination - these are precisely the functions that ensure successful learning at school.
  • Plasticineography is a rather painstaking process that stimulates perseverance, patience, and the desire to complete the work begun.
  • This type of modeling improves fine motor skills - the child’s hand is prepared for writing.
  • Plasticineography classes can relieve muscle and nervous tension in children.
  • With this type of creativity, integration of educational areas occurs (cognition of the surrounding world, speech development, music).
  • With successful mastery of this technique, children can make exclusive gifts to their family and friends, create paintings that will decorate their home interior.

Let us highlight the main goals of plasticineography as a type of productive activity for preschoolers:

  • Improving skills in working with plasticine, stimulating interest in visual arts.
  • Mastering new sculpting techniques (pressing, smearing, rolling).
  • Development of the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.
  • Improving fine motor skills, eye, hand coordination.
  • Fostering qualities such as accuracy, perseverance, and independence.
  • Development of fantasy and aesthetic feelings.

Mastering the technique of plasticineography involves the use of various techniques in the process of work. The children have already become acquainted with some of them in traditional modeling classes.

This rolling out a piece of plasticine between the palms, during which it lengthens and takes the shape of a cylinder.

At rolling down Circular movements of the palms form a ball.

Pulling back- obtaining a pointed tip of an object using movements with the tips of the fingers.

Flattening– squeezing the ball into a flat cake shape. Using a stack or finger pressure, such a part can be given bends and indentations.

The following techniques are typical specifically for plasticineography. This smoothing, pressing and smearing, which are necessary to create a flat and smooth surface. They are performed using the fingertips. As for smearing, it can be done from top to bottom or from left to right.

In addition, when creating paintings using the plasticine technique, children learn to mix different colors of plasticine to obtain unusual shades. Such a labor-intensive but interesting process is carried out in different ways. Pieces of plasticine can be kneaded and then mixed into one piece. Another option is to mix plasticine directly onto the base, apply strokes one at a time and smear them on the surface.

Types of plasticineography used in kindergarten

Various types of plasticineography are used in kindergarten classes. The most common is direct plasticineography, in which a molded image is formed on a horizontal surface. Kids are able to master this technique from an early age - for this, the teacher offers them a simple drawing without small details. At the senior level, children create more complex compositions. A similar design is filled with plasticine (preferably wax) on a thick sheet of cardboard (it is better to first cover it with tape - this makes it easier to correct the image). Smeared plasticine produces the effect of brushstrokes with oil paint.

Direct plasticineography

With reverse plasticineography, drawing is done on the back of glass or other transparent surface. In a preschool institution, plastic or plexiglass is usually used for these purposes (since the use of ordinary glass is unsafe for preschoolers). The design is outlined on the surface with a marker and then filled with plasticine (smeared with a thin layer). Along the contour, the finished composition can be marked with stripes - it will look like a frame.

Reverse plasticineography (on glass)

Modular plasticineography – a picture made of plasticine rollers, balls, disks and other elements. This is a more complex technique that requires children to master all sculpting techniques.

Modular plasticineography

Mosaic plasticineography – an image composed exclusively of plasticine balls. This is the simplest technique, the main thing here is to beautifully select colors and carefully fill the space without going beyond the contour.

Mosaic plasticineography

At contour plasticineography thin plasticine flagella are always used, which indicate the silhouette of the object.

Contour plasticineography

Multilayer plasticineography involves the sequential application of several layers to the surface. This technique is most suitable for landscape compositions - images of the sky, forest, mountains, when the layers are superimposed on each other. Elements are sometimes attached to the base using thin rollers - a kind of 3-D effect is obtained. Note that such work is quite difficult for preschoolers and is appropriate only in the preparatory group.

Multilayer plasticineography

Textured plasticineography is distinguished by a convex image and, in turn, is divided into bas-relief (the figure protrudes above the background by less than half), high relief (more than half) and counter-relief (in-depth design).

Textured plasticineography (bas-relief)

Plasticineography in children of different ages. Difficulty level of crafts

Junior group

You can introduce children to plasticineography at a very early age - starting from the nursery group. Children 2–3 years old are quite capable of mastering the simplest techniques - rolling balls, rolling out flagella, flattening them into cakes. Of course, children's fingers are still quite clumsy, so the teacher should offer a picture with a small number of large details. Themes such as “Sun”, “Flower”, “Rainbow” are great for initial lessons. The teacher draws the silhouette of the object with a pencil, and the child completes it with plasticine dots. For example, it could be a tree that the baby will complement with red or yellow apples. Another option is a vase in which the child will depict a bouquet of flowers.

Second junior group second junior group plasticineography in the nursery group (the trunk is drawn up by the teacher)

Middle group

By the middle group, children's hands become more dexterous, and the teacher can move on to a more complex plasticineography technique. Preschoolers 4–5 years old can already create a picture of thin flagella twisted in the shape of a snail. The teacher can draw a magic bird, and the child will paint its feathers with plasticine of different colors. At this age, children learn not to go beyond the outline of the image, and also use additional materials in their work (cereals, beads), which will make the picture more

Middle group

Middle group


At the senior preschool level, children are already able to create complex compositions (images of landscapes of different seasons, animals, humans, etc.) and fantasy works. The teacher can offer children 5–7 years old softened plasticine, which is applied to the base using a syringe in thin strips. This technique will undoubtedly delight the kids. A wonderful solution for senior and preparatory groups is collective compositions.

preparatory group

preparatory group

Plasticineography classes in kindergarten can cover a variety of topics. It is best to coincide with activities to familiarize yourself with the outside world. So, in the fall it would be advisable to propose such themes as “Leaf Fall”, “Basket with Mushrooms”, “Gifts of Autumn” (fruits and vegetables), “Asters”. After getting acquainted with the topic “Birds”, the children will be happy to depict an owl, swan or peacock, and after the topic “Sea Life” - a goldfish, dolphin, octopus. Crafts using the plasticine technique will consolidate knowledge of wild and domestic animals (“Hedgehog”, “Cat”, etc.)

In winter, the following themes will be appropriate: “Snowman”, “New Year’s balls”, “Decorated Christmas tree”, “Snowflake”, “Bullfinch”, “Penguin on an ice floe”. In the senior preschool level, these can be landscape winter compositions, including collective ones (such works, in principle, can affect all seasons).

In spring it will be important to depict the first flowers (“Snowdrops”, “Dandelions”), insects (“Butterfly”, “Ladybug”).

Wonderful gifts are made using the plasticine printing technique. For example, by March 8 it could be a “Bouquet for Mom” or a composition for Dad (“Tank”, “Flying Planes”, “Boat”, etc.). To make this work more effective, it is recommended to cover the surface of the finished composition with colorless varnish.

Khokhloma patterns Mosaic technique Modular technique with a volume effect Plasticineography using additional materials (foil) Collaboration Bas-relief Gift for mom (modular technique) Bas-relief Bas-relief Bas-relief Landscape composition Still life Portrait Plasticineography using natural materials Modular technique Modular technique Mosaic technique Gift for dad plasticineography Gift for dad

Templates for plasticineography in kindergarten

Before starting to work with plasticine, the child needs a base picture, or template. Older preschoolers usually draw them on their own. For younger children, the teacher offers ready-made silhouettes. Templates can be simple (an object image) or represent complex plot compositions with many small details. The last option is acceptable, of course, for senior and preparatory groups.

Template Template Template Template Template Template

Videos on the topic “Plasticineography”

Video lesson for preschoolers - plasticine painting “Bullfinch”

Master class in kindergarten on plasticine painting “Fish in an aquarium”

Master class on making panels with lilies using plasticine printing technique

Class notes

Author's full name Title of the abstract
Bekhtereva L.N., Surovikova A.G. "Apple Tree"
(middle group)
Educational objectives: learn to create an image of a tree using plasticine, include additional natural material (peas) in the composition,
Developmental tasks: consolidate knowledge about the structure of wood, develop fine motor skills, hone skills in working with plasticine.
Educational tasks: cultivate interest and respect for plants.
Integration of educational areas: “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”.
Handout: sheets of colored cardboard, plasticine, peas, napkins, boards for modeling.
Preliminary work: looking at trees while walking, reading fairy tales in which an apple tree or apples appear (“Geese-swans”, “Little Khavroshechka”, “Apple”), an appliqué lesson on the theme “Apple Tree”, didactic games on a similar topic.
Progress of the lesson
Riddle about an apple.
A surprise moment is the appearance of the crow Karkusha, who sits on a painted apple tree. She talks to the children about the structure of a tree.
The teacher offers the didactic game “Find the same” (sort paper apples by size).
The motivation is to show Karkusha that an apple tree can be drawn with plasticine.
The teacher demonstrates the stages of completing the craft. The trunk is formed from a brown plasticine flagellum. The crown is a flattened green ball that needs to be smeared with your fingers on the cardboard in different directions. The grass at the bottom of the composition is small pieces of green plasticine. Peas are used as apples, which are pressed into the crown of the tree.
Before productive activities, children independently massage their hands using a bump.
At the end of the lesson, the guys show their work to Karkusha, and she treats them to real apples.
Drynkova A.
(junior group)
During a walk on the eve of class, a teacher and children look at the sun.
The lesson begins with reading V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”, the kids share their impressions.
Motivation - the poor animals from the fairy tale lack the sun, you need to draw it for them. An interesting point: the teacher tells the children that they have run out of paints and only plasticine remains.
Demonstration of image techniques: the contour of the sun is filled with small circles (mosaic method), rays of the sun are formed from sausages.
Before children’s productive activities, an outdoor game “The sun came out from behind the clouds...” is played.
Thriller R.N. "Gifts for Flower Fairies"
(drawing with plasticine on glass, preparatory group)
At the beginning of the lesson, a mini-conversation is held about what children used to make from plasticine. The teacher consolidates knowledge of colors and asks what will happen if you mix certain colors of plasticine.
Unusual motivation: a teacher tells preschoolers a fairy tale. In a magical forest, the most beautiful flowers in the world grew in a clearing, and flower fairies looked after them. But one day an evil witch appeared and bewitched the fairies - the flowers began to die because they needed care. The children's task is to make magic flowers for the fairies in order to disenchant them.
The work is done on glass; children mix plasticine of different colors to obtain interesting shades.

Plasticineography project: goals, objectives, planning, reporting. “Gifts of Autumn” as an example of a project - themes and photos of works

Plasticineography, one of children's favorite activities, provides great opportunities for project activities.

The project must have a detailed theoretical basis. First of all, the teacher must come up with a catchy name for it, for example, “Let's create magic!” or "Plasticine Fairy Tale".

The teacher should briefly formulate the main idea of ​​the work, for example “Let’s create magic together with a child - plasticine will help us with this!”

Sirotkina Tatyana Vladimirovna

The relevance of the project (the benefits of plasticineography for the comprehensive development of children) is substantiated in detail. The main goal of the activity and its constituent tasks are outlined. The teacher clearly indicates the age category of the children involved in the project, as well as its duration (short-term or long-term). In the documentation, the teacher clearly describes the paths and stages of the project (preparatory, main and final), as well as the expected results of the activity.

At the end of the project, the teacher must compile a report: indicates whether the assigned tasks were achieved. A photo exhibition on the subject of the project is being organized.

If we look at specific examples, a very interesting topic for the project is “Gifts of Autumn” (can be carried out in any age group, only the complexity of the tasks changes). Within the framework of this topic, the teacher can offer preschoolers the following works: “Autumn Birches”, “Battle of Mushrooms”, “Maple Leaves”, “Miracle Fruits” (vegetables and fruits), “Asters”.

Project "Gifts of Autumn" Project "Gifts of Autumn" Project "Gifts of Autumn" Project "Gifts of Autumn" Project "Gifts of Autumn"

Plasticineography circle

resources for teacher self-education

Plasticineography may well become an area for separate group work. Such activities are usually carried out with children starting from the middle group.

Of course, the teacher himself must be passionate about this technique of artistic creativity, study the necessary methodological literature, the topic of his self-education must correspond to this direction. It is advisable to attend seminars specifically on plasticineography.

To create a circle, you need to take care of the necessary materials and tools (in this case it will not require any special expenses). The teacher thinks in advance what toys and visual aids will be needed for classes.

During the work of the circle, the teacher shares his knowledge with parents, offers them consultations, conducts conversations, and gives recommendations on home activities with children.

Before starting a plasticineography circle, it would be appropriate to conduct a survey among parents to study the interests and needs of their children.

Club program. Fragment of the program for the senior group

Before the start of the circle, the teacher draws up a program in which he substantiates the theoretical aspects of the topic: its relevance, novelty, main goals and objectives. The teacher outlines the forms and methods of work. The age of the children who will attend the club and the implementation period are clearly indicated (as a rule, the program is drawn up for one year). A list of children is also attached to the program.

The main part of the program is thematic planning with a description of the purpose of each lesson. As an example, here is a fragment of the program for a plasticineography club for the senior group (author A.G. Babakekhyan):

Month Subject Goals
October Introducing children to plasticineography. Autumn leaves.Conversation about plasticineography. The teacher demonstrates finished works using this technique, with the reflection of convex volumetric images on a horizontal surface. Introduce children to the concept of a stencil, show and teach how to work with it. Develop fine motor skills of the hand, develop color perception, the ability to choose the right tone of plasticine, graphic skills (the ability to work with a stack like a pencil, using the scratching technique); to cultivate aesthetic feelings through the perception of paintings by great artists about autumn, to lay the prerequisites for love of nature and a careful attitude towards it.
Mushroom mushrooms grew in the forestImprove skills in working with plasticine using the “plasticine drawing” technique - cutting with scissors, rubbing into shape. To form in children a generalized concept of mushrooms, their varieties, and qualities. Learn to find correspondences between the shapes of real and depicted mushrooms, to convey their natural features and color. Develop creative imagination and thinking; muscle activity of the arms. Cultivate accuracy in work, the desire to complete the work started with high quality and completion; feelings of collectivism.
My garden and vegetable gardenContinue mastering the techniques of plasticineography - consolidate the technique of “rubbing” plasticine over the surface. Strengthen the ability to carefully use plasticine in your work. Learn to use contour drawing as the basis of an image. Strengthen the ability to classify fruits and vegetables. Develop hand motor skills, develop creative activity and independence; to evoke a desire to do a useful thing - a didactic game, to cultivate feelings of unity from the process of joint work.
Sovushka is an owl. Big headLearn to mix plasticine without allowing the colors to completely absorb each other. Teach how to use a “rolling pin” - a tube of glue stick for rolling plasticine over a surface. Develop creativity, independence and activity. Develop fine motor skills when performing techniques for working with plasticine. Develop color perception. Cultivate diligence and perseverance in work, the desire to complete the work correctly and to the end. Foster honesty and criticality when evaluating “drawings”, teach how to prepare the background of the work (branch, moon, balls).
November gold fishImprove technical skills in working with plasticine. Develop imaginative perception, logical and creative thinking. Develop children's creativity through exposure to various methods and materials. Cultivate dedication and passion for creative work. Find out the desires and aspirations of children (with the help of a Goldfish).
Worm in the appleCarrying out work as a teacher using different modeling techniques. Strengthen the ability to carefully use plasticine in your work. Learn to use contour drawing as the basis of an image.
Sperm whale - sperm whaleContinue mastering the techniques of plasticineography - consolidate the technique of “rubbing” plasticine over the surface. Strengthen the ability to carefully use plasticine in your work.
OctopusContinue mastering the techniques of plasticineography - consolidate the technique of “rubbing” plasticine over the surface. Strengthen the ability to carefully use plasticine in your work. Learn to use contour drawing as the basis of an image. Develop hand motor skills, develop creative activity and independence; evoke a desire to do something useful, cultivate feelings of unity from the process of one’s work

Monitoring using plasticineography, features

The plasticineography monitoring system does not include any special forms and types of organization of children's activities. Diagnosis is carried out through observation, which occurs during individual and collective sessions.

This issue is especially relevant for club activities - it helps to organize classes more effectively.

The teacher evaluates the following parameters.

1.Creative activity
a) Increased interest, creative activity - high level
b) The child is active, has an interest in this type of activity, but does the work as directed by the teacher - average level
c) The child is not active, does work without much desire - low level
2. Sensory abilities
a) The form is conveyed accurately. Variety of colors, real color is conveyed, image expressiveness is high
b) There are minor distortions. Deviations from paint - medium level
B) The form failed. Indifference to color, monochromaticity - low level
3. Composition
a) Proportionality between objects is maintained throughout the entire plane of the sheet - high level
b) On a strip of sheet with minor elements - average level
c) Not thought out, random in nature - low level
4. General manual skill
a) Well-developed hand motor skills, accuracy - high level
b) Manual skill is developed - average level
c) Hand motor skills are poorly developed, assistance is required - low level
5. Independence
a) Completes tasks independently, without assistance. The child independently chooses a topic, an idea, knows how to plan his actions, chooses expressive means, brings the job he has started to the end - high level
b) Requires little help - average level
c) Performs a task with the help of a teacher, support and stimulation are needed - low level
6. Technical skills indicators
- rolling out

- flattening
a) Performs independently - high level
b) Needs a little help - average level
c) Performs actions with the help of a teacher - low level
- smudging
a) Performs independently - high level
b) Needs a little help - average level
c) Performs actions with the help of a teacher - low level

Higher philological education. Experience as a proofreader, rewriter, website maintenance, and teaching experience.

Program content:

Cognitive development: expand children's understanding of wintering birds.
Teach children to convey their observations of living nature in artistic and visual activities through plasticineography. Teach to depict bullfinches, convey the features of their external appearance (structure of the body, shape of the head, wings, tail, characteristic coloring). Develop cognitive and creative abilities, imagination.

Artistic and aesthetic development: develop artistic taste, teach children to see the expressiveness of forms.

Social and communicative development: cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and birds. Continue to teach children to work in a team, cultivate goodwill, and a sense of mutual assistance. Cultivate an emotional response to the results of creative activity. Cultivate an interest in plasticineography, the ability to complete a task, achieving a set goal.

Speech development: continue to expand children's vocabulary.
Activating the dictionary: wintering, bullfinch, body, beak, wings.
Physical development: develop gross motor skills, fine motor skills of the hands, continue to develop the ability to coordinate speech with movement, and develop the eye.
Demo material: painting of a tree.
Handout: plasticine black, red and white, boards, bird blanks made of cardboard.
Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation-dialogue, looking at an illustration, talking about it, a physical education moment, productive activity, result.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.
Educator: Children, today, when I was going to kindergarten, I saw a bullfinch on a rowan tree, he was all alone. And in his beak there was a letter. I’ll read it to you now: “Dear guys! I flew and flew and lost my friends. Could you help me make bullfinches friends so that we can fly back in a flock.”

IN. Well, guys, let's help, make bullfinches?
D. Yes.
IN. Children, what birds can we still see outside in winter?
D. Crow, sparrow, tit.
IN. How can you call the birds that stayed with us for the winter in one word?
D. Wintering.
IN. Here's a look at the picture. What is drawn here?
D. A bullfinch sits on a rowan branch.
IN. Red-breasted, black-winged, loves to peck grains. With the first snow on the mountain ash he will appear again.
Yes, children, he is bored alone without friends. Let's draw some birds and put them on our tree.

2. Main part.
IN. Guys, please go to the tables and take your seats.
Show a picture of a bullfinch.
Oh, kids, I forgot what this bird is called?
D. Bullfinch.
IN. Name what the bird has?
D. Head, body, wings, tail, eyes, beak.
IN. What color is the head, wings, tail?
D. Black.
IN. What color is the breast?
D. Red.
IN. On your tables you have blanks of bullfinches made of cardboard, which we will paint not with paints, but with plasticine. What color will we paint the head, wing and tail?
D. Black.
IN. That's right, take black plasticine, pinch off a small piece and rub it over the workpiece with your fingers, without going beyond the edges of the outline. What color will we paint the breast?
D. Red.
IN. That's right, take red plasticine and rub it over the workpiece with your fingers. What color are the eyes?
D. White.
IN. Take white plasticine, roll it into a ball and apply it.

3. Physical education minute “Bullfinches”
Look at the branches,
Bullfinches in red T-shirts.
The feathers spread out,
Basking in the sun.
They turn their heads, they turn them,
They want to fly away.

4. Teamwork.

5. Analysis of work.
IN. What did we draw?
D. Bullfinches.
IN. Did you like drawing with plasticine?
D. Yes.
IN. Why did we make them?
D. So that they become friends for our lonely bullfinch.
The teacher suggests planting bullfinches on a tree.
IN. And now our flock of bullfinches will fly to the tree. (Children attach their work to whatman paper with a depicted tree branch).