Sample report of the audit commission. About the HOA Audit Commission Reports of the HOA Audit Commission

Audit Commission Report

HOA "Happy Home"

Members of the Audit Commission:

Grounds and circumstances for the audit

In accordance with clause 16.4. of the HOA Charter, the Audit Commission is obliged to:

Conduct a scheduled audit of the financial and economic activities of the partnership

Provide the general meeting with a conclusion on the estimate of income and expenses for the past year and a report on the financial activities of the partnership for the past period.

The Audit Commission of the Happy Home Homeowners Association (hereinafter referred to as the HOA), guided by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the HOA Charter, conducted an audit of the financial and economic activities of the HOA for the period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. (hereinafter referred to as the reporting period), for the purpose of objective independent verification of this activity and its assessment, issuing a conclusion on the implementation of the estimate of income and expenses of the HOA for 2015. and the amount of mandatory payments.

The audit was carried out by: the Chairman of the Audit Commission and a member of the Audit Commission. (hereinafter referred to as auditors, inspectors).

This report of the Audit Commission was compiled on March 30, 2016 at the place of residence of the auditors.

Materials used

The following materials and documents were used during the audit:

    Constituent and registration documents of the HOA, including the HOA Charter; Minutes of the general meeting of HOA members in 2015; Agreements with contractors, resource suppliers and other organizations;
    job descriptions; personnel records documents; accounting and tax reporting; documents on the acquisition of inventory items; primary accounting documentation: acts of completed work; bank statements and payment documents for the current account of the HOA and other materials on legal claims; other necessary documents.

The audit included checking, on a sample basis, confirmations of the numerical data and explanations contained in the accounting report of financial and economic activities.

Objects of audit Activities of the HOA board. Accounting . Maintaining personnel records. Conducting financial and economic activities.

1.3. Management bodies of the Partnership in the reporting period

In accordance with Article 147 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the management of the activities of a homeowners' association is carried out by the board of the association, which makes decisions on all issues of the association's activities, with the exception of issues falling within the exclusive competence of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building

During the audited period, the duties of the chairman of the board were performed by Nesterova of the board, elected by the general meeting:

Audit results
HOA Board

In accordance with clause 14.5 of the HOA Charter, a meeting of the board is convened by its chairman at least once a quarter. During the audit, the audit commission discovered that the board meetings held during the year were not recorded. There are no minutes of meetings of HOA board members for 2015, which makes it impossible to evaluate the work of board members.

2.2. Implementation by the Management Board of decisions of the general meeting of HOA members

In 2015, 2 meetings of HOA members were held in absentia.

Protocol No. 1 of 01/01/2001

The voting was attended by the owners of the premises in the house, whose total share in the right of common shared ownership of the common property of the house is 72.4% of the votes of the total number of votes of the owners of the premises of the house. The minutes of the general meeting are duly drawn up.

The General Meeting: approved the estimate of income and expenses of the HOA for 2015, approved the tariff for the maintenance and repair of common property in the amount of 18.27 rubles. for 1 sq. m., a tariff for “sewerage maintenance” was approved in the amount of 300 rubles. from the apartment, the abolition of “targeted contributions”

Protocol No. 2 of 01/01/2001

The voting was attended by the owners of the premises in the house, whose total share in the right of common shared ownership of the common property of the house is 50.2% of the votes of the total number of votes of the owners of the premises of the house. The minutes of the general meeting are duly drawn up.

The General Meeting approved amendments to the Charter of the Happy Home HOA on the composition of houses in the Happy Home HOA by merging apartment building No. 23 A with the Happy Home HOA.

Recommendations: The preparation of issues that will be submitted for discussion at the general meeting of HOA members should be carried out at a board meeting with the participation of members of the audit commission to include a complete list of all issues of interest to HOA members on the agenda of the general meeting.


The HOA maintains accounting records using a simplified taxation system. The movement of non-cash funds is carried out using a single current account in the Yekaterinburg branch of the Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Bank of Moscow".

The HOA “Happy Home” is provided with accounting services.”

It was not possible for the audit commission to evaluate the results of the accountant’s activities and carry out a full audit of the annual economic and financial report, since the accounting and reporting documents are kept by the accounting services agency and are not provided for verification in full. Due to the absence of a full-time accountant, methodological assistance is not provided to members of the board of the partnership on issues of accounting, control, reporting and economic analysis.

Recommendations: At a board meeting, decide on the advisability of including an accountant in the staffing table. If this issue is resolved positively, organize a full-fledged workplace for an accountant (purchase a computer, software).

The chairman and accountant must prepare documents for the annual audit in a timely manner and in full.

2.4. Maintaining personnel records

The maintenance of personnel records and related documentation was checked.

Job descriptions for employees have been developed and are available. The staffing schedule of the HOA was not approved by the decision of the HOA board. Employment contracts with HOA employees, orders for the hiring and dismissal of employees were not submitted for inspection.

Judicial proceedings

When checking materials on lawsuits, it was found that all documents of court cases are not distributed among the participants in the proceedings and are not stored in separate folders, which made verification difficult and makes it impossible to assess the amount of work to defend the interests of the owners.

Recommendations: to justify the attraction of legal support, prepare an annual report on legal proceedings, and form documents on legal claims in a separate folder.

Analysis of financial and economic activities Information on tariffs and charges

Charges correspond to the tariffs for the provision of utility services to owners and users of HOA premises, established and put into effect by the Administration of the Pervouralsk urban district.

When errors were identified in the calculations made by the SRC, information for recalculation was sent to the HOA in a timely manner.

The readings of individual metering devices are recorded electronically.

KNS service

Living spaces



Water disposal

Total accrued:

Payment by the population:

Amount of overdue debt of HOA owners:

    as of 01/01/2015 amounted to 559,767.34 rubles. as of 12/31/2015 amounted to 604,543.99 rubles.

The amount of total overdue debt of HOA owners for 2015 increased by 44,776.65 rubles.

The amount of debt of the HOA to service providers amounted to 693,801.36 rubles.

Contract activities. The legality of concluded agreements and transactions made by the board on behalf of the Partnership.

During the audit, minor violations were identified in the execution of certain types of contracts, which generally did not affect the legality and validity of concluded transactions.

An analysis of the provided contracts with contractors and resource supply organizations showed that the contractual and legal work by the board on behalf of the HOA in 2015 was carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and within the competence of the Partnership.

Information on payment for services under concluded contracts


Paid by the HOA (RUB)

Limited Liability Company "Sverdlovsk Heat Supply Company"

LLC "Pervouralsklift"

PPMUP "Vodokanal"

CJSC "Gorelektroset"/Sverdlovsk branch of OJSC "Energosbyt Plus"


LLC "Chancellor"

Ural branch of OJSC "MegaFon"

Manufacturing company "Ural-M"

NIGHT DPO TC "Captain"


LLC "Accounting Services Agency"

LLC "Torgovo Construction Company"

LLC "Planet-Telecom"

LLC "Studio ART-Ural"

Limited Liability Company "Certification Center"

State budgetary institution of the Sverdlovsk region "Ural base of aviation forest protection"

branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" in the Sverdlovsk region

Pervouralsk Branch of the FBUZ "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Sverdlovsk Region"

Limited Liability Company "Energograd"


2.6.3. Condition of the HOA property.

As of December 31, 2015, no property was listed on the organization’s balance sheet.

Working with debtors.

In 2015, the HOA Board carried out work to collect debts. Debtors were notified by posting a list of debtors in the entrances and on the website. Personal meetings were held with debtors to find out the main reasons for the debt and offer possible repayment options. The provision of utility services to debtors has been limited or suspended with prior written notice. In addition, debt collection was carried out in court.

Recommendations: Continue active work to collect debts from debtors (defaulters). Work with debtors should be recorded in the Minutes of HOA board meetings. Consider at a meeting of the Management Board the possibility of the debtor performing work and services to repay the debt.

Salary and tax reporting.

During the audit of the calculation and payment of wages, no violations were identified. Salaries for 2015 were accrued and paid in full.

The HOA staff consists of: chairman of the board, lawyer, cleaner, mechanic. The wage fund for 2015 amounted to 512,619.73 rubles.

The HOA paid for sick leave and maternity leave, which led to an increase in the wage fund. The documents required to return these funds will be submitted to the Social Insurance Fund in 2016.

The accrual and deduction to state (and tax) authorities amounted to 289,311.42 rubles.

Recommendations: payment of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, at the birth of a child, for caring for a child until he reaches the age of one and a half years, etc. is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund.

Analysis of income and expenses according to estimates

In accordance with current legislation, drawing up estimates of income and expenses is the responsibility of the HOA board. The estimate is approved by the general meeting of the HOA and serves as the basis for financing during the calendar year.

The estimate of income and expenses of the Happy Home HOA for 2015 was approved by the general meeting (Minutes No. dated 01/01/2001).

When analyzing income and expenses, discrepancies with the estimate were identified.

Recommendations: Carefully analyze the items of income and expenses based on the actual state of the house and its needs, approach the development of estimates for the next year taking into account the real situation in all expenditure parts of the budget. In its activities, the HOA board is based on the principle of optimizing costs and controlling them.

The requested documents were not submitted in full, for insufficient time, and not all at the same time, which significantly complicated the verification. By general decision of the audit commission, it was decided to recognize the audit of the financial and economic activities of the HOA as passed with reservations. The Audit Commission insists on eliminating identified violations and implementing recommendations as soon as possible. The Audit Commission reserves the right to additionally monitor the work of the HOA Board in terms of the implementation of these recommendations throughout the current financial and economic year.

This report (on sheets) is drawn up and signed in two copies, one of which is transferred to the HOA board (for review by HOA members), and the other remains with the audit commission.

Members of the commission:




An apartment building is not only a place where people live, but also a place where they enter into a lot of relationships with each other. These legal relations are related to providing housing with the necessary resources, managing entrances and courtyards, cleaning the territory, etc. For the normal implementation of these tasks, residents have the right to unite in partnerships, more popularly known as HOAs. This organization has its own structure: a board and a chairman. But so that their activities are not uncontrolled, the legislator has provided for the possibility of creating an audit commission to check the activities of the HOA.

The Audit Commission and its legal status

The institute of inspections of the activities of HOA managers represents a guarantee of the rights of homeowners in the corresponding apartment building, as well as its residents. According to the law, no partnership has the right to operate, or rather exist, without the establishment of the specified commission.

The HOA Audit Commission is not recognized as a government body and is subordinate only to the general meeting of members of the partnership. It consists of members of the HOA - home owners and residents of the house.

The responsible auditor is elected by the general meeting of residents.

Who can be an auditor in an HOA? The main requirements for members are adulthood and legal capacity. In addition, persons who already perform other duties in the HOA, as well as its chairman, cannot be elected members of this commission.

The main goals of the organization and activities of this commission are:

The charter may include other items in the list of commission responsibilities that do not contradict the law.

Thus, the work of the audit organization is important in the life of the partnership. Therefore, as auditors, it is best to choose active members of the partnership who can show responsibility and will not hesitate to put pressure on the chairman on an ongoing basis.

Powers of the Audit Commission

To implement the goals and objectives of the commission, enshrined in the law and the partnership’s legal acts, it is granted a wide range of powers.

So, the competence of auditors includes:

  • regular, regular and extraordinary audits of the activities of the managing persons of the partnership;
  • development of a draft periodic budget of the partnership;
  • maintaining reports.

As already mentioned, residents themselves have the right to determine the competencies of auditors. The most important thing is that members of the inspection organization cannot abuse the opportunities provided. The expanded powers of the audit commission must be established in consultation with a lawyer.

The frequency and grounds for extraordinary inspections are determined by the general meeting and are drawn up as a separate document or part of the charter of the partnership.

Also, the decision taken to approve the composition of the commission must also contain the minutes of the meeting. The budget is determined and set in the same way.

Based on the results of the reporting period or according to the results of an extraordinary audit, members of the audit organization are required to provide residents and other participants in the partnership with a report that reflects all the main points relating to the budget and quality of work of the HOA.

Regulations on the Audit Commission

When the list of powers and the procedure for conducting work is not reflected in the charter, they are drawn up as a separate regulation on the audit commission. It is very important to compose it correctly, because in the presence or absence of this or that information, members of the inspection structure may have the opportunity to abuse their position.

Thus, the provision should contain:

  1. The procedure for electing the commission, its term of office, composition.
  2. Functions and main tasks.
  3. Powers and Responsibilities.
  4. Procedure for conducting activities.
  5. Reasons for conducting audits.
  6. Procedure for maintaining documentation.
  7. Procedure for submitting reports.
  8. Rules for ensuring the safety of documents.
  9. Conditions and procedure for the dissolution of the commission.

The final part of this provision must include the rules, grounds and procedure for making certain changes.

Commission members

Who can be a member of the audit committee? As already mentioned, a resident of the building and apartment owners can be a member of the inspection body. However, in addition to them, it is possible to attract outside specialists as members. This opportunity is presented to provide a professional assessment of the work of the HOA.

Involved specialists have the right to receive remuneration for their work. Payment for their labor is carried out at the expense of the partnership, which must be indicated in the budget. The remuneration of the HOA audit commission must be documented in separate estimate documentation.

If among the residents there are professional accountants, tax specialists and lawyers, it is worth involving them. If there are none, then it is best to contact an audit company when conducting audits. This is, of course, an expense for the partnership. But this is an objective necessity that allows us to avoid domestic disputes between managers and members of the homeowners’ association.

Rights and obligations

The Audit Commission has the right:

  • require documentation of the activities of the HOA;
  • accept explanatory notes from management persons;
  • attract specialists;
  • convene a meeting of residents in emergency situations;
  • contact supervisory authorities;
  • demand supervisory authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice.

At the same time, members of the commission may at any time demand the provision of the necessary accounting documentation and current contracts. Refusal to provide information will be legal in cases where it is necessary to conceal state secrets.

The responsibilities of auditors include:

  • carry out inspections at certain times and at the request of residents;
  • provide timely reports on the results of your work.

An audit of the activities of the HOA must be carried out within 30 days from the moment the corresponding decision is made, as well as from the expiration of the time at the end of which the next inspection should be carried out.

In general, the rights and responsibilities of the inspection body are subject to expansion at the discretion of the general meeting of residents. However, attributing issues that are part of the competence of the HOA to the powers of auditors is not permissible.

Audit procedure

So how do you check your HOA? This is established in the regulations on the activities of the commission.

However, the legislator puts forward certain requirements regarding the subject of the auditor’s work, which include:

  1. Checking the execution of the HOA budget.
  2. Correct execution and maintenance of estimate documentation.
  3. Checking the openness of HOA activities.
  4. The fact that estimates and other documentation correspond to reality.

The general meeting of residents has the right to entrust the inspection organization with monitoring other areas of the HOA’s work.

The verification procedure is as follows:

  1. Requesting the necessary documents on the work of the HOA.
  2. Analysis of the specified documentation with the involvement of specialists.
  3. Studying the issue of utilities, their accuracy.
  4. Checking the partnership's bank account.

The check must be carried out in this order in order to obtain the most correct analysis of the activities of the HOA. At the end, a meeting is held, for which minutes must be taken. It is not necessary to have a basis to conduct an inspection.

Based on the results of the audit, an act is drawn up. The results of checking the feasibility of the HOA's expenses cannot be approved without presenting them to the general meeting.

Checking act

The inspection report can be of two types:

  • current inspection report;
  • annual inspection report.

The current inspection report may indicate violations identified during a regular or extraordinary audit. In this case, more attention should be paid to the description of specific violations.

But the report based on the results of the annual inspection should be more voluminous and contain the following:

  1. The full composition of the commission, including attracted specialists.
  2. Dates of inspections carried out during the year, as well as the date of the annual inspection.
  3. Details of the current chairman and members of the board.
  4. A complete list of inspections carried out during the year and their subject focus.
  5. A complete list of violations detected during the year and following its results.
  6. List of measures taken in response to each violation.
  7. A complete report on the expenditure of the partnership's funds for the entire year.
  8. Signatures of the commission members.

A sample act can be downloaded for free. ↵

In addition to the year-end report, the HOA inspection body must provide residents with a detailed report (download from the link), which should contain the following information:

  1. Reporting period.
  2. Responsible persons.
  3. Meetings held.
  4. Expense estimates for residents.
  5. Sources of funds.
  6. Purposes for spending funds.
  7. Detected violations.
  8. Final findings and conclusion.

In general, everything is approximately the same as demonstrated in the example.

Both inspection reports and reporting documentation on the activities of the audit commission must be provided to them for review at any time upon the request of residents. Residents also have the right to demand minutes of the meeting for each case.

The activities of auditors in HOAs are of great importance and help to prematurely identify and eliminate violations and those responsible for them. Allows you to prevent a crisis in the HOA, both in terms of financial and in terms of ensuring the normal functioning of this organization.

For this purpose, an audit commission (RC) is created in the organization.

Existence of the partnership without her impossible. Its presence is a mandatory requirement of the law.

Responsibilities(functions) of the Republic of Kazakhstan include:

  1. Revisions. Financial activities are checked both scheduled and unscheduled. Their frequency is determined by the partnership itself (annually, quarterly, monthly).
  2. Preparation, in particular, of expenses for a period of time (usually a year). The project is approved by the owners and only by their general meeting.
  3. Preparation of a report on the activities of the organization, on mandatory payments (their amounts for the current period).
  4. Report to the meeting of the partnership on the results of its activities.

Who could it be member of the commission?

The RK is elected at the general meeting. Any (individual) person can be its member (auditor). However, neither are included in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is prohibited by law. The RK is elected for a term of two years.

TO main goals checks include:

  1. Control over the activities of the organization.
  2. Control over how the partnership’s money is spent, whether the expenses are justified, how financial discipline is observed, and how labor is paid.
  3. How estimates are calculated, how they are executed, whether they are justified, and whether their rules are followed.
  4. Do the activities of the partnership comply with the charter, how are valuables and funds preserved?

Audits can be carried out either on our own or with the help of attracted specialists.

Separate funds are included in the budget for third-party services.

The most important! The Republic of Kazakhstan is responsible only to and is accountable only to him.

In the course of its work, the Republic of Kazakhstan must comply with the requirements:

  • legislation;
  • regulations on the audit commission.

In the last document should be reflected:

  1. General provisions. The term for which this composition is elected, the number of members, how it is elected (general meeting).
  2. Her competence. That is, the functions and tasks of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  3. Rights and obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  4. How the activity is carried out, its order.
  5. The basis for inspections, their order.
  6. Maintaining document flow in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  7. Procedure for reporting before the meeting.
  8. Document storage.
  9. Termination of powers (upon expiration and early).

At the end of the Regulations there is a clause on amendments to it and compliance with the law.

Regulations on the HOA Audit Commission.


Members of the Republic of Kazakhstan in carrying out their activities are endowed with certain rights. They can:

  1. Demand that they provide economic and financial documents. The requirement can be either written or oral.
  2. Access to documentation is not limited by time. Information constituting a state secret is provided in accordance with the requirements of the law.
  3. If the deadlines for providing materials related to the inspection were violated, access to them was denied, or the documents turned out to be unreliable, then the Republic of Kazakhstan has the right to contact the relevant government agencies to bring the perpetrators to justice.
  4. Inspectors have the right to demand written explanations from the board and officials of the partnership on certain business issues. Duration - one day. Explanations are attached to the inspection report.
  5. External specialists may be brought in to conduct the audit.
  6. The Republic of Kazakhstan may require the board or other management body to hold accountable the person who committed the violation.
  7. The Republic of Kazakhstan has the right to demand the convening of both the board and the general meeting if the actions of officials threaten the interests of the partnership association or there are other grounds for an extraordinary meeting.

Read about HOA information disclosure standards to owners.

It must be borne in mind that the Republic of Kazakhstan can use its rights only when fulfilling its statutory tasks defined by law and the current Regulations.


Inspectors must:

  1. Conduct inspections and audits within established time frames. They are determined by current legislation and the charter of the partnership.
  2. The results of the audit and the conclusions of the inspectors are presented to the general meeting.
  3. An unscheduled audit is carried out no later than thirty days from the moment the decision to conduct it is made. A scheduled inspection is carried out based on the results of the past period.

Members of the RK of the homeowners' association are responsible for their actions. If duties are performed improperly, then it is possible to be held accountable in accordance with the law.

You can sample the minutes of the general meeting.

Check progress

During the inspection, it must be checked:

  1. Income, expenses of the organization.
  2. Estimates of them. Are they correctly compiled and justified, both in general and for individual works?
  3. How estimates are brought to the owners for their consideration and approval, in a timely manner or not.
  4. Reliability of reporting on estimates.

Before conducting a documentary check, you must request all documentation and access to it.

At the same time, if a planned audit is carried out, then it will be necessary all financial and business documentation. In the event of an unscheduled inspection, documents indicating a possible or detected violation are sufficient.

Then the materials are studied. Outside specialists can also be involved in document analysis. In complex issues, when the competence of the members of the Republic of Kazakhstan is lacking, this is the best option.

Next are checked income of the organization.

They can consist of membership fees, mandatory payments, as well as other income, for example, rent, subsidies (benefits for certain categories of citizens, etc.).

The tariffs applied for . Municipal tariffs are not mandatory for the partnership.

Then they check expenses, both in statutory activities and in commercial activities. If there is one. All profits received must be spent only on fulfilling statutory tasks.

If there are savings after receiving payment for utilities, then it is checked how they are distributed.

At the next stage, cash register audit. Incoming funds, deposited in cash and received from the current account are checked.

The cash book, cash reports, general ledger, forms for settlements with the population, etc. are provided for verification.

They check the current account:

  1. Reliability, legality of transactions.
  2. How the transactions performed are reflected on the account and their expediency.

For the analysis, bank statements and documents attached to them, the general ledger, and “51 accounts” are used.

Then the accountable persons and mutual settlements with them are checked. This sets feasibility of these expenses:

  1. Does the issuance of funds correspond to the list of persons to whom it is authorized?
  2. Does this expense comply with regulations, is the documentation for the issuance of money correctly completed.
  3. The need for travel expenses, the correctness of travel expenses, and paperwork are checked.
  4. Advance reports and other documents related to the issuance of funds are checked.

Then they check salary documents:

  • accounting sheet;
  • payslips;
  • orders and other materials related to acceptance, dismissal, movement of personnel;
  • the movement of materials in the partnership, their acquisition and write-off are checked.

After completing the audit, a checking act.


After the audit, the Republic of Kazakhstan generates two documents. The first is the act in which the results of the check are recorded, the presence or absence of violations and which ones. The year-end report contains the following information:

  1. Composition of the inspection team.
  2. Time of the audit.
  3. Who was the chairman of the board at that time?
  4. What exactly was checked.
  5. Are there any violations, and what kind?
  6. How the money was spent.
  7. Signatures of the persons who conducted the audit.

Based on the report, the inspectors draw up a report. It is communicated to the owners at the general meeting.

The audit report contains all information on economic and financial activities partnerships, including:

As can be seen from our brief review, the audit of the HOA is not difficult, but labor-intensive. You will have to sift through a lot of documents that are difficult for a person ignorant of accounting to understand. Hence the conclusion: it is better to entrust the execution of such work auditor.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

The legislation does not strictly stipulate the procedure for conducting an audit. This depends on the charter of a particular partnership and on its approved provisions regarding the work of auditors.

If there is a planned audit, all financial and business documents are raised. If unscheduled, then those papers are those that are directly related to the incident, in honor of which the out-of-turn check was initiated.

ATTENTION! To obtain the necessary documents, a request is sent directly to the chairman of the partnership.

For that, to provide them, the head of the partnership has one working week.

After this, the verification begins within a maximum of thirty days. It can be carried out either by the auditors themselves or with the involvement of outside specialists.

Partnership income usually consists of:

  • membership fees;
  • income from tenants;
  • subsidies.

Expenses may be required both for general activities provided for by the provisions of the charter, and for commercial activities - partnerships are not prohibited from engaging in such activities. Of course, all profit, no matter what it is received from, can be spent only on the officially provided (according to the charter) needs of the company.

All this is also being studied for legality. The same applies to tariffs - how reasonable they are, how much they comply with legal requirements. This refers to tariffs for paying for utilities, including for major repairs - municipal tariffs do not fall into the category of mandatory ones for HOAs.

When auditing cash discipline, auditors request:

  1. general and cash books;
  2. forms for payments from the population;
  3. cash reporting documentation.

What is checked on the current account:

  • authenticity of the entered transaction data;
  • How is this reflected, are these expenses necessary.

At the same time, the inspectors check with “account 51”, extracts from financial institutions, the general ledger, and other documents as the need arises.

When checking accountable persons and settlements with them, the following is studied:

  1. whether the documents actually indicate those persons who have the right to do so;
  2. Are the documents completed correctly?
  3. travel expenses - how they are formatted, whether there are any errors, whether the specified data corresponds to the truth;
  4. advance reporting - what, to whom and how much was issued, is it legal, are there any violations.

Finally checks how employees are paid. For this you request:

  • staffing;
  • statements;
  • report card;
  • orders for the hiring and dismissal of staff;
  • what was purchased and what was written off.

What is included in the inspection by the HOA audit commission?

  1. income and expenses of the partnership;
  2. estimates (for validity and reliability, as well as how and whether they are fully presented to the owners);
  3. reporting documents on estimates.

Recording the results

All results of the auditors’ work are recorded and must be reflected in the report. The results must be presented to all members of the board.

How can this be done?

  • Through the information stand.
  • Directly at the owners meeting.
  • Through the website of a specific HOA.


The act includes the following information:

Download the HOA Audit Commission


Must be submitted no later than two weeks after the end of the audit. The document must contain:

  • date and place of compilation;
  • full name of the managing organization (partnership);
  • who is on the commission, who heads it;
  • period;
  • the circumstances of the audit, the reason, what materials were studied, what the conditions and goals were;
  • signatures.

Download the HOA Audit Commission

Now you know the answer to the question: what is the report of the HOA audit commission?

The Audit Commission, although it is not a managing element of the owners’ association, its presence is mandatory; without it, the HOA cannot exist.

Scheduled inspections are usually carried out twice a year, but unscheduled inspections can be initiated at any time - it is enough to provide a justified reason.