Lesson fiction literature preparatory group. Summary of a lesson on fiction in the preparatory group: "Journey through Russian folk tales"

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction in preparatory group.

Reading E. Permyak’s story “The Worst Thing.”


1. Educational: introduce children to E. Permyak’s work “The Worst”; learn to characterize the hero; enrich speech.

2. Developmental: develop the ability to recognize and evaluate moral standards of behavior, motivate your assessment; the ability to understand and follow the rules of behavior (in a game situation, exercise “Think of the end of this story”).

3. Educating: to cultivate awareness of the need to care for others and provide mutual assistance.

Preliminary work: study of proverbs and sayings “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends”, “A man without a friend is like a tree without roots”, “A bird is strong with its wings, but a man is strong with friendship”, “A strong friendship cannot be cut with an ax”, etc.;

conversations with children “Moral Lessons”; reading the stories of V. Oseeva “What is easier?”, “Bad”, “In the same house”, “Who is the boss”.

Material: photograph by E. Permyak; illustration for the story; flowers and paper for assessing situations for each child; “clearing” made of paper, a disc with Mozart’s work “Concerto for Piano and Orchestra”.

Progress of the lesson:

    Game "Compliments".

Sitting in a circle, everyone joins hands. Looking into your neighbor's eyes, you need to tell him a few kind words, to praise for something. The recipient of the compliment nods his head and says: “Thank you, I’m very pleased!”

Today, guys, we are reading a story about one boy - Vova. The story was written by Evgeny Permyak (photo by the author) and it is called “The Worst Thing.”

Listen carefully, today we will find out WHAT terrible thing happened to Vova.

"The worst thing"

Beginning of the form

End of form

Vova grew up as a strong and strong boy. Everyone was afraid of him. And how can you not be afraid of this! He beat his comrades. He shot at the girls with a slingshot. He made faces at the adults. He stepped on the dog's tail, Cannon. He pulled out the whiskers of Murzey the cat. I drove the prickly hedgehog under the closet. He was even rude to his grandmother.

Vova was not afraid of anyone. He was not afraid of anything. And he was very proud of this. I was proud, but not for long.

The day came when the boys did not want to play with him. They left him and that was it. He ran to the girls. But the girls, even the kindest ones, also turned away from him.

Then Vova rushed to Pushka, and he ran away into the street. Vova wanted to play with the cat Murzey, but the cat climbed onto the closet and looked at the boy with unkind green eyes. Angry.

Vova decided to lure the hedgehog out from under the closet. Where there! The hedgehog moved to another house to live a long time ago.

Vova approached his grandmother. The offended grandmother did not even look up at her grandson. The old woman is sitting in the corner, knitting a stocking and wiping away tears.

The worst of the worst that ever happened in the world came: Vova was left alone.



1. Tell me, guys, what turned out to be the most terrible thing in the world?

2. Why was Vova left alone in the world?

3.What was Vova like?

4.What would you advise Vova to do so that the guys would play with him and his grandmother would talk to him?

The story ends sadly. Let's think about what the end of the story could be so that Vova would not be so lonely. Come up with a continuation of the story (2-3 children).

Fizminutka: Girls and boys

Girls and boys

/hands on the belt

They bounce like balls

/rhythmic jumping

They stomp their feet,

/stomping feet

Hands clap

/claps hands

They blink their eyes,

/hands on the belt and rhythmic closing of the eyes

Afterwards they rest.

/hands down

Game situation:

And now, guys, we will play! I will name actions, and you will evaluate them. If the deed is good, we glue a flower to our “clearing”; if it’s bad, we crumple it and throw a sheet of paper, like this.

The teacher names the situations, alternating them:

Beat your comrades;

Say hello to adults;

Shoot girls with a slingshot;

Help your little sister get dressed;

Make faces at adults;

To water flowers;

Step on a dog's tail;

Prepare tea for grandma;

Pulling a cat's whiskers;

Help the teacher remove leaves;

Drive the prickly hedgehog under the closet;

Talk affectionately to your mother;

Being rude to grandma;

Give up your seat to a senior person on the bus;

Be greedy;

Help grandpa carry his bag;

Tease the guys;

Feed the fish in the aquarium;

The music of Mozart “Concerto for Piano and Orchestra” is played.

Now look how beautiful the “clearing” is good deeds“We succeeded, but the bad ones are a lot of rubbish! Let's collect all the trash and throw it in the basket (children collect trash together).

Along with the trash, we threw out all the bad deeds and words from our lives. Let only the good, kind and beautiful remain in our group - such as this clearing!

    Game "Friendship Relay".

Hold hands and pass a handshake like a baton. The teacher begins: “I will convey my friendship to you, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc., and finally returns to me again. I feel like there is more friendship as each of you added a piece of your friendship. Let it not leave you and warm you. Goodbye!"

Olga Moskina
Lesson notes on fiction and drawing in the preparatory school group “There on unknown paths...”


Evoke an emotional response to well-known and beloved fairy tales; maintain interest in Russian folk tales and author's fairy tales; develop interest in literary works , desire to listen and look at books, teach how to create artistic images using different artistic techniques.

To teach the ability to express one’s attitude towards the characters of a fairy tale. To develop such moral qualities as empathy, willingness to help, and the ability to forgive. Develop artistry.

Develop speech, logical and figurative thinking, memory, intonation expressiveness of speech, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Exercise skill draw with a stroke.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about favorite fairy tales, looking at illustrations for fairy tales, encouraging drawing favorite fairy tale characters in independent artistic activity, reading Russian folk and original fairy tales, conversation about types of fairy tales (author's and folk).

Demo material:

Exhibition of colorfully decorated fairy tale books, portraits of writers, audio recording musical accompaniment, illustrations for fairy tales.


Blank sheet of paper for drawing, colored pencils, simple pencils.

Progress of the lesson

An audio recording of the song is playing "Visiting a fairy tale". Children approach the book exhibition.

Educator: Children, look how beautiful and elegant the books are. In each of them live the heroes of your favorite fairy tales. A fairy tale is an amazing, magical world in which the most extraordinary miracles and transformations occur. Do you like fairy tales? ( "Yes!"). Then I suggest you play a game called "Ivan Tsarevich".

A game "Ivan Tsarevich"

The presenter calls a word that is part of the name fairy tale character or part of the name of a magic item. Players must say a name or title fully:

Ivan - (prince, Princess - (frog, hare - (boast, Gray - (neck, twelve - (months, silver - (hoof, doctor - (Aibolit, boy - (about the size of a finger, tiny - (Khavroshechka, flower) - (seven-flowered) , Red – (Cap, gray – (wolf, horse – (Humpbacked Little Humpback).

Educator: I see that you know fairy tales well and love them. The world of fairy tales is huge, almost like planet Earth on which we live, and each fairy tale can be compared to a country. The fairy-tale world is divided into two large ones mainland: folk tales live on one, and author’s tales live on the other. An author's fairy tale is invented and written down by one person - the author.

A folk tale is passed down orally from grandparents to mothers and fathers, and from them to children. This is how the fairy tale lives. Name the author's fairy tales that you are familiar with.

Children: "Gray Neck"- Mamin – Siberian,

"Twelve months"- S. Marshak,

"Silver Hoof"- Bazhov,

"Dr. Aibolit"- Chukovsky,

"Boy - with - finger"- C. Perrault,

"Flower - seven-flowered"- Kataev,

"Little Red Riding Hood"- C. Perrault,

"Thumbelina"- Andersen, etc.

Educator: Well done! Now name the folk tales.

Children: ,

"Bragging Hare",

"The Fox and the Jug",

"Princess Frog",

"Little Khavroshechka",

"Ayoga", "Cuckoo",

"Finist - clear falcon" etc.

A game "Art Gallery"

Invite children to look at the illustrations and determine which fairy tale they will fit into.

Educator: Very good, just wonderful! Quiet! Quiet. I hear something... (picks up a book, old, torn, shabby. He listens that it’s a book "whispers" in the ear).

Educator: The book told me that she lived with a boy who treated her very Badly: threw it on the floor, tore the pages, drew in it, folded the pages, Let's calm the book down. What do you want to tell her?

Children invite the book to live in their book corner.

Educator. Don't worry, dear book, our children know how to handle books properly.


You should not pick up a book with dirty hands - there will be stains on it.

You cannot bend the binding of a book - pages may fly out of it later.

The book must be protected from water.

It is forbidden draw in a book.

If you accidentally tear a book, you need to repair it.

We must take care of books.

Educator: We will definitely repair your book and always take care of it! (Put the book in the book corner).

And now we, guys, will go on a journey through a fairy tale, but this requires a lot of strength and therefore we will now do a little warm-up.

Physical education minute "There is a hut in the dark forest".

There is a hut in the dark forest (children are walking).

Standing backwards (turn around).

There is an old woman in this hut - (they shake the finger of one hand,

Grandmother Yaga lives (they shake the finger of the other hand,

The nose is hooked (show with a finger,

The eyes are big (show);

Like coals are burning (shakes head,

Wow, so angry (running in place).

Your hair stands on end (raise hands up).

Baba Yaga runs out. Wow, what bad children. They went on a journey through fairy tales. I'll arrange a trip for you. I’ll ask you questions about fairy tales, if you don’t guess, I’ll eat!

Quiz questions:

1. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale? "Flower - seven-flowered"? (Zhenya).

2. Who delivered Aibolit to Africa? (wolf, whale, eagle).

3. Who saved Thumbelina from the mole and the mouse? (martin).

4. In what fairy tale do Kokovanya and the girl Darenka live? ( "Silver Hoof").

5. Why didn’t Gray Neck fly away to warmer climes? (the fox broke her wing).

6. What flowers did the girl pick in the forest in winter for her stepmother and her daughter? (snowdrops).

7. Who did the Ugly Duckling turn into? (in swan).

8. Hare in a fairy tale "Bragging Hare" how did you boast? (I don’t have paws, but paws)

9. What fairy tale begins So: “On the edge of the forest, in a warm hut, lived three brothers...”? (“Winged, furry, and oily”).

10. Which boy could fit into a horse's ear. (Tom Thumb).

Baba Yaga: OK! We completed the task! You probably read a lot of fairy tales, I’m not interested in you! I'm leaving to look for the lazy and stupid. (Leaves).

Educator: What great fellows you are! They didn't let me down!

Now you remember the fairy tale "Seven-flowered flower". This is a fairy tale written by the author. It was written by Valentin Kataev. Now we will remember this fairy tale in more detail.

Ball game "Favorite Fairy Tale"

1. Who main character fairy tales?

2. How did Zhenya get a magic flower?

3. What was the Fairy like? (good)

4. What kind of girl was Zhenya? (kind, absent-minded, inattentive).

5. How many wishes did Zhenya make?

6. What was your most important desire?

7. What color were the petals of the seven-flowered flower?

8. Would you like to have such a flower? What would be the most important desire for you?

Educator: Now we will draw flowers - seven flowers and give them to our guests. May their wishes always come true.

Children draw flowers using a technique they already know drawing with pencils - stroke.

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Summary of the lesson on fiction “Travel through Russian folk tales»

(preparatory group)

Program content.

Training tasks:

1. Clarify and enrich children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales.

2. Learn to recognize a fairy tale by assignment.

3. Learn to convey the structure of a fairy tale using modeling.

Developmental tasks:

1. Remember the order in which heroes appear in fairy tales.

2. Develop the ability to act in concert.

3. Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking.

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate an interest in reading, a love of oral folk art.


Game, verbal-logical, partially search, problem-based, TRIZ technology, ICT, independent.


Viewing a quiz, artistic expression (proverbs, riddles, poems), explanations, encouragement, finger exercises, eye exercises, physical exercises, building a mnemonic track, independent activities for children.

Vocabulary work:

Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise.


Toys for riddles, the game “Fold a Fairy Tale” (cut-out pictures), the game “Turnip” and “Teremok” (card diagrams), a disk with Russian folk tales, a storyteller costume for the teacher.


An audio recording with melodies, a stand with books of Russian fairy tales, a laptop, a disk with the fairy tale “How Kolobok was looking for friends,” a disk with a quiz on Russian fairy tales, tables, chairs.

Progress of the lesson:Quiet music is playing.

Educator. Hello children. My name is Skaza Rasskazovna. I am very glad that you came to visit me. Do you like to read fairy tales?

Children. Yes. We love you. Like very much.

Educator. How can you say about a fairy tale, what is it like?

Children. Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise, etc.

Educator. Everything that is created by the mind

Everything the soul strives for

Like amber at the bottom of the sea,

Carefully stored in books.

Remember the proverbs about the book.

Children.A house without a book is a day without sun.

He who reads a lot knows a lot.

A book teaches you to live, a book should be treasured

The book is small and inspiring.

The book will help you in your work and help you out in trouble.

Educator.From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.

A good book shines brighter than a star.

Finger gymnastics “Favorite Tales”

(Children bend their fingers one by one and clap their hands for the last line.)

Let's call fairy tales

Mitten, Teremok,

Kolobok is a ruddy side.

There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,

Three bears, Wolf - Fox.

Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,

Our prophetic kaurka.

We know the fairy tale about the firebird,

We don't forget the turnip

We know the Wolf and the kids.

Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.

Educator. Why are they called folk?

Children: Because they were composed by the Russian people.

Educator. Right. I invite you on a journey through Russian folk tales.

Let's go friends

Into a miracle fairy tale - you and me

To the theater of puppets and animals,

For girls and boys!

There is a magic screen here,

There are countless fairy tales here!

(Quiz on the computer “Russian folk tales”)

Gymnastics for the eyes.

We open our eyes - once,

And we close our eyes - two.

One two three four,

Opening your eyes wider

And now they have closed again,

Our eyes were rested.

Educator. Now get up together

We need to play fairy tales!

Physical education minute “Fairy tales”

The seed was planted together (bend over)

And they poured water on him (simulation of movement)

The turnip grew good and strong (spread your arms to the sides)

Now let's pull it (simulation of movement)

And we’ll make porridge from turnips (imitation food)

And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip (show "strength")

Educator. Around us here and there

Different fairy tales live on.

There are riddles in the clearing

Guess without a hint

Call it, dare

These fabulous friends!

(makes riddles, and the children find the answer among the drawings and show it)

1. The beautiful maiden is sad,

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun,

The poor thing is shedding tears.

Snow Maiden

2. A woman rides on a broom in heaven and on earth,

Scary, evil, who is she? (Baba Yaga)

3. At Alyonushka's sister's

The birds took my brother away.

High they fly

They look far away

Swan geese

4. An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who said goodbye to green skin.

Have you become cute, beautiful, pretty?

Princess Frog

5. Who went to the ice hole and surprised everyone?

I scooped up water and caught a pike.

He was called a fool - did he ride on the stove? (Emelya)

6. Oh, Petya simplicity,

I messed up a little: I didn’t listen to the cat - I looked out the window. (Cat, fox and rooster)

Educator. All the riddles were solved and all the heroes were named.

Koschey was visiting yesterday

What have you done, just - Ah!

All the pictures are mixed up

He confused all my fairy tales

Puzzles you must collect

Call it a Russian fairy tale!

(Children collect a picture of a fairy tale from puzzles and name it.

In the meantime, the teams are completing the task, and I suggest “ Game with spectators».

Baba Yaga invited guests to her birthday, and you can tell me who these guests are.

Kashchei... Immortal Elena... Beautiful

Vasilisa... Wise Sister... Alyonushka

Boy... Thumb Snake... Gorynych

Tiny... Khavroshechka Tsarevna - frog

Educator. Well done! We managed to put it together!

Koshchei's tricks have been overcome!

Let's remember fairy tales

We'll play fairy tales.

This is the fairy tale "Teremok"

He is neither short nor tall.

And he’s waiting for his tenants,

Who will come here for whom?

(Children, using cards-schemes, sequence the chain of heroes of the fairy tales “Teremok”)

We managed to cope quickly,

And they sat quietly on the chairs.

Educator. With skillful hands,

For intelligence and ingenuity

I want to say thank you!

To those who worked

To those who tried

I’ll show everyone my gift now.

(Children watch a fairy tale with TRIZ elements “How Kolobok was looking for friends” on the computer)

Believing in a fairy tale is happiness.

And to those who believe

A fairy tale is a must

He will open all the doors.

(Children say goodbye and go to the group).

Lesson summary: children consolidated the diversity of Russian folk tales and remembered them storyline, got to know the main characters better, determined their moral level. Developed attention, auditory and visual memory. As well as thinking, imagination and speech. Developed attention to communication partners and the teacher. They aroused interest in the world around us and drew attention to the value of folklore.