Meanings for a guy's love. Four unique ways to tell a guy's love

So far we have talked about your feelings and how you need to communicate with a man. Today I propose to look at what is happening between a man and a woman from the perspective of the other side - it is no secret that the same things are perceived and assessed differently by men and women.

So how does he feel? What is going on in his soul? How does he react to what you do? Admit it, this really interests you. Today we will try to look into the male soul and learn the first lessons. We will use my experience in counseling men, the opinions expressed by them, observing their reactions in different situations and formulate conclusions that will help you both harmonize your relationships.

First lesson. He prefers to live for today.

That is why often in the process of establishing mutual understanding and developing relationships, the initiative comes mainly from the woman. Men treat these “laces” with disdain: “They always complicate everything. I feel good with her, but she is trying to make a husband out of me. Why rush things so much? Why doesn’t she like the way things are going now?”

Men, as a rule, are in no hurry to analyze their feelings, just as they are not always interested in assessing your feelings towards themselves. Very often they are guided by the principle “Everything is fine, and thank God,” that is, developing feelings and building relationships are clearly not among their main concerns.

At the same time, a man may strive to see you quite often, communicate with you, feel your closeness, and have sex. However, instead of asking “Is this true love? Is there something here on which you can build a long-term relationship? Am I wasting my time?” the man says to himself: “We feel good together, but whether it’s love or not is a secondary matter.” In other words, a man much more often lives for today and wants to have fun, and not bother himself with any useless “philosophy”.

Conclusion. This feature of life perception is really worth learning from a man! And to be honest, we often try to solve the problem of our entire life at once. And then at the reception I hear the following questions: “We’ve been dating for three weeks, but I don’t understand what’s between us!” Who cares if everything is fine today? And tomorrow will be tomorrow.

Lesson two. He doesn't have a burning need to see you every day.

And even when he is really in love with you - that’s just the way he’s designed.

And yet, in two cases, a man wants you to always be there every day. Firstly, when he is afraid of losing you. And then it doesn’t matter whether he’s offended by you, whether he’s angry, whether he considers you all to blame, he still thinks: “I don’t want to lose her. She may be wrong, but I will do as she wants. I’ll meet her again."

The second option is when you “don’t give yourself enough” to him. You don’t fly to him at the first call, sometimes you leave him earlier than he would like. You are busy and refuse to accept his invitation for this reason... In this sense, the words of my client are indicative: “I probably love Galya. Previously, I didn’t know how to send the girls away on Sunday evening, and when Galya leaves me on Sunday morning, I so want her to stay, I’m trying my best to keep her.”

Conclusion. Help him want to see you more often. Don't rush to him in the night at the first request. Agree, everything tastes much better on an empty stomach than when you've eaten too much.

Lesson three. What is love for him?

This is not about what a man thinks when he says “I love you.” It is quite possible that he uses these words for manipulation in order to achieve no matter what: desired sex, forgiveness for some mistake, or maybe so that you just don’t leave him now...

We are interested in what makes up a man’s true, sincere love. As a rule, its foundation is three senses.

The first is the fear of losing you. But here you need to understand that in itself, separately from other feelings, it is not love. For some, it may be caused by a fear of loneliness associated with self-doubt, or by materialistic considerations. To become love, it requires the support of the following two feelings.

The second component of love is pity and the desire to take care of you.
A man will never tell himself that he loves you if he does not feel sorry for you. For a man, love is closely connected with the desire to protect his beloved, worry about her, try in every possible way to make her life easier, and take care of her. If a man is simply glad that he did something good for a woman, and he doesn’t really need her thanks and praise, then he most likely loves her.

Here are the words of a man in love heard at the reception: “I am pleased to do a lot for her that I would never do for anyone. I feel so sad when she feels bad, and it makes me very happy when she is happy.” When a man perceives the situation this way, he is really ready to admit to himself that he loves you.

And finally, the third feeling underlying male love is admiration for you. However, it manifests itself most clearly at the initial stage of falling in love or in a situation of unrequited love. Sometimes a lack of admiration is not an indicator that love has passed: it can be associated with a bad mood, troubles, or depression. But in such cases, the man does not admire other women either. That is, either you (your devotion, your understanding, beauty, charm, etc.), or no one.

It must be admitted that it is difficult to maintain a feeling of admiration when you know each other “like peeling stones,” with all the advantages and disadvantages. But at this stage it gives way to tenderness and affection, and thus male love still rests on the “three pillars.”

Conclusion. Don't let a man feel like he has conquered you once and for all. Even if you are very strong and independent, sometimes pretend to be weak and helpless. Or don’t be afraid to show yourself like that - let him feel strong, realize his “protector complex.” Try to remain worthy of admiration, even if you have been together for a long time. Moreover, in this case, you should know better than others what exactly is capable of delighting your man.

How many different fortune-telling were invented by people who sought to find out about the feelings of a representative of the opposite sex. These are rituals on Epiphany evenings, rituals with books, mirrors, candles and many other objects. But still, at all times, the most popular was fortune telling with cards for a guy (or a girl), which are very simple to perform. In addition, even a person who has not previously encountered the topic of magic and divination will be able to overcome the technique of such fortune-telling. And today we will talk about fortune telling for love using ordinary playing cards.

As many years of practice have shown, fortune telling on cards is reliable and effective. By interpreting the layouts, you can get answers to many questions regarding the area of ​​love.

In order for fortune telling for the love of a particular person to provide the most truthful answer, during the rituals you should adhere to the basic recommendations. Rituals carried out in accordance with these rules will help the customer learn:

  • are the feelings mutual?
  • what will prevail in a romantic relationship;
  • whether the relationship between two people will be long-term;
  • what exactly does the guy feel for you, etc.

Basic rules that will provide a reliable answer as a result of fortune telling:

  • it is advisable to guess with playing cards at a late hour (from sunset to midnight);
  • it is allowed to cast a spell on any days except Sundays and days on which church holidays fall;
  • Before carrying out the ritual, it is worth preparing the room in advance (turn off appliances, close windows, doors, vents);
  • the implementation of rituals of fortune telling on cards for a guy and other magical rituals should always take place in conditions of complete confidentiality;
  • For prophecy of love, you should only use a new deck of cards or one that is intended for fortune telling and has not previously been used in games.

Types of fortune telling

Per man

This card reading can be done if you want to find out how a guy feels about you if you know his name. To perform the ritual, it is enough to take a new deck of playing cards and, having guessed the name of the victim, lay out the cards. There should be as many stacks as there are letters in the guy’s name. Then, the rightmost stack of cards should be picked up and placed alternately among other stacks, without shuffling the decks. The same will need to be done with each subsequent stack of cards until one is left.

Taking these cards face down, begin to turn them over in pairs. If a pair contains cards of the same value (queen-queen, seven-seven), put them aside. It is these layouts that will help interpret the message. At the end of the ritual, you can apply an interpretation to this fortune telling for love. So, if you get a pair:

  • sixes - you will soon laugh with this person; there are optimistic forecasts regarding a possible relationship with him;
  • sevens - one of you will show resourcefulness to find yourself alone;
  • eight - the guy likes your breasts;
  • nines - he misses you, your touches;
  • ten - complications in relationships are possible;
  • Jacks - the guy is passionate about you;
  • I will give you - you will conquer the victim with your femininity;
  • kings - the guy means a lot to you;
  • aces - he does not hide his feelings and wants to be with you.

This is how you can quite easily find out what a particular guy thinks about you, just by knowing his name.

For four guys

A classic deck of playing cards, previously not used for entertainment, will help to conduct not only fortune telling on cards for one guy, but also fortune telling sessions for several guys at once. To carry out such a magical ritual, it is enough to take four jacks from a 36-card deck. Each one should be given a name that would go with the specific guy you have in mind.

Having laid out the cards with jackets face up in a horizontal row, lay out the deck remaining in your hands under them so that you end up with 4 columns of 9 cards each. These cards are laid out face down so that the fortuneteller has the opportunity to extract paired cards. These cards are removed and placed on the corresponding valta, and the procedure is carried out three more times. After this, the dropped paired cards can be deciphered.

So, if you dropped:

  • two sixes - this jack wants to see you;
  • two sevens - this guy is eager for a date;
  • two eights - an important conversation is ahead;
  • two nines - he loves you;
  • two tens - the guy does not hide his feelings for you;
  • two ladies - there is a rival between you;
  • two kings - the guy is openly jealous of you;
  • two aces - mutual love.

A simple ritual

You can tell fortunes for the love of a specific guy without laying out the entire deck. It is enough to shuffle a deck of 36 cards and remove part of it with your left hand towards you.

Reconnect the pieces into one stack.

Make a wish for a king to match “your” guy:

  • clubs - a man in years;
  • spades - an unfamiliar person;
  • tambourines - a young guy;
  • worms – a married or coupled man.

Turning the deck over, lay out the cards one at a time, pronouncing the spell:

“My dear king! Do you love me as I love you? Tell me, show me or don’t come.”

If the hidden king appears on the first sentence, the object is still in thought. If it's the second one, he loves it. If on the third, the future with this person is unlikely.

Men fall in love with lightning speed. They (unlike girls) more oftenexactlythey know what kind of chosen one they need and focus mainly on herappearance.

Men “love with their eyes” and have no doubt whether they like a girl or not. They don't care about IQ or how much she earns.

He seeks embodiment in Herbeautiful: lightness, smoothness, harmony, optimism, kindness, beauty of body and soul.

It is difficult for a man in love to hide his emotions. But what is hidden behind them? What does it really mean for a man to fall in love?

An indispensable component of human happiness is mutual love.

Love– a moral feeling, this is the moral and ethical component of long-term trusting relationships. She cannot be born in an instant, like a flash. This is how love is born.

Love– either the first stage, the backstory of love or a short novel. It all depends on how the lovers build their relationship.

Depending on the quantity and quality of the joint investment invested in the relationship labor, the “candy-bouquet” period ends after a few months or develops into a long relationship, lasting the rest of your life, and maybe longer...

If a man is alreadyfirstconfesses his love on a date, don’t delude yourself - it’s probably justpassion.

And even after a dozen dates, there may still be no love, but there is a light, “crazy” and incredibly wonderful feelingfalling in love.

Falling in love is often confused with love.

Male love(like women's, but still to a greater extent) is not so much a consequence of a reasonable choice and deep feelings, but rather a natural unconscious desire to be with another person, based on emotions and the instinct of procreation.

Man may be the most intelligent creature on the planet, but he, like all other creatures, is governed by innate instincts and aspirations.

Instincts are difficult and sometimes simply impossible to control.

According to the results of a study by American psychologists conducted in 2010, men are much moreearlier and more oftenwomen declare their love.

When pronouncing the cherished words, the man undoubtedly understands their importance. But, if this phrase is heard at the first stage of a relationship, recognition is moreis determined by:

  1. Physiologically.Natural sexual attraction, hormonal surge, based on the instinct of procreation.
  2. Socially.Features of the socialization of boys. Men are more proactive, bolder, and more risk-averse than girls, due to differences in upbringing traditions.
  3. Psychologically.It is easier for a man to take a risk and confess his love also because for him, confession opens up new opportunities, gives rights and does not imply 100% responsibility.

The connection is direct: the more responsible a man is, theLaterhe will say “I love you.”

For a woman, love (and especially falling in love) poses a great danger. For her, intimate relationships with a man are always serious and responsible.

If the result of ardent passion is a child, a woman will have to bear and raise him. And doing this without a reliable and worthy man nearby is extremely difficult.

The significance and purpose of male love

Man falling in lovemeanshis desire to satisfy a number of personalneeds V:

  • sex,
  • stability, stability
  • communication,
  • attention,
  • care,
  • support,
  • significance, significance
  • need,
  • recognition,
  • self-respect.

IN lovethere is also a desire for these benefits, but there appears:

  1. The need to satisfyare commonneeds, achieve common goals, be happy together.
  2. Thirst to satisfycreative, aesthetic, spiritualneeds such as:
  • cognition,
  • self-knowledge,
  • opening,
  • creation,
  • creation,
  • harmony,
  • joy,
  • beauty,
  • personal development,
  • self-actualization.

Having mastered these basics of the psychology of men falling in love, every girl can do the appropriate things for herself.conclusions:

1.DefineIs the man really in love?

Based on whether he shows a desire to satisfy physiological and social needs, this is not difficult to understand.

And to make your task easier, you can also focus on the signs of falling in love that are common to men. All of them are listed in the corresponding section of the article “”.

2.Predictpossible options for further development of relations.

3. Feel itIs she herself in love?

4.Make a decisionabout the development or termination of a relationship with a man.

The most important thing in the process of analysis, weighing and decision-making isdon't give in to illusions.

Many young girls, unfortunately, fall into the trap of self-deception. An inexperienced lady can be deceived by her own ideas about men more than by the men themselves (although the latter, unfortunately, is not uncommon).

It’s not difficult to deceive someone who is happy to be deceived!

How to recognize a man's love and his love

No matter how sweet beautiful words, compliments, declarations of love are (and what girl doesn’t love them?), psychologists recommendnavigate:

  1. On actions, not words. Only worthy actions characterize a man as loving, appreciating and respecting a woman.
  2. On your own sensations, feelings, thoughtsin his presence, while spending time together.

With a man who is truly in love, it is easy, pleasant, interesting.

With a man who truly loves, it is also easy and interesting, but also very comfortable, reliable and calm.

A woman with a loving and beloved life partner does not “slide to the bottom,” does not degrade, and does not “get stuck in the swamp.” She “flies” higher and higher,It gets better herself and inspires be better than Him.

A man and woman who truly love each other are a tandem that createsperfectconditions for growth andpersonality developmenteach of them, as well as their children.

If you want to continue studying the topic of falling in love, we recommend reading “”, “”.

The most common type of fortune telling is fortune telling on regular playing cards for relationships and love. To perform a love ritual, you will need a new deck of 36 playing cards.

A simple way to tell fortunes with cards

This method of fortune telling with cards about love is ideal for an inexperienced, beginner person. At the very beginning, of course, you should decide which guy you want to perform the ritual on. Next, carefully shuffle the deck of 36 playing cards and remove some. Place the card that is at the top face down in front of you, and repeat the ritual 5 more times.

As a result, you will have six playing cards face down in front of you. Now you can turn them over and find out the meaning of each of the 36 cards individually.

The first card means what your chosen one is thinking about, the second - what is in the heart of your beloved guy, the third - what events will happen in the life of the chosen guy in the near future, the fourth - what is he dreaming about, the fifth - what is he afraid of, and the sixth - is there any The chosen guy is currently in a love relationship.

Decoding fortune telling

The meaning of the cards of the spades suit:

  • Ace is bad news;
  • The king is an influential person;
  • Lady - ill-wisher, enemy;
  • Jack - empty worries, wasted time;
  • Ten - unfulfilled dreams;
  • Nine - illness in the near future;
  • Eight – travel or visiting;
  • Seven - melancholy;
  • Six is ​​a long journey.
    • Ace – new home;
    • The king is a grown man;
    • Lady - native woman;
    • Jack - trouble;
    • Ten – plans for the future;
    • Nine – sincere feelings;
    • Eight – a quick meeting;
    • Seven - upcoming conversation;
    • Six is ​​the road.

  • Ace - excellent news;
  • The king is a young friend;
  • The lady is a faithful friend;
  • Jack - obstacles;
  • Ten - dreams will quickly come true;
  • Nine - strong love;
  • Eight – casual conversation;
  • Seven - a long-awaited and imminent meeting;
  • Six – travel in the near future.

This ritual of fortune telling for a guy using 36 playing cards is best done by the light of two candles.

Find out about the future of relationships using cards

In the case when a loved one is already nearby, any woman will still always be interested in the question of how their relationship will develop in the future. And the answer can also be obtained using playing cards. To do this, you will again need the already well-known deck of 36 cards.

You need to select a king and queen that will symbolize you and your boyfriend. Your card should be placed on the right, and the man's card on the left at a sufficient distance. After mixing the remaining ones, proceed to the layout.

Place two cards to the left of the king and to the right of your figure, which will symbolize what each of you keeps secret. Next, there are two cards under the main ones, and two above the main ones, which mean the near future for you and how you treat each other accordingly.

To the right and left of the first piles laid out, you should put two more cards, which symbolize possible obstacles in your life together. Two cards placed on top of the main ones will reveal your deepest secrets. Place one more card on the bottom of the king and queen, they will symbolize your true feelings for each other. And three times you need to lay out two cards between the figures that will describe your past, present and future relationships.

Decoding the layout

Spades suit value:

  • Ace - the relationship will end soon;
  • The King is a noble friend;
  • Lady - rival, mistrust;
  • Jack - unpleasant worries;
  • Ten – cooling;
  • Nine – illness;
  • Eight – distrust;
  • Seven - scandal;
  • Six is ​​a long journey together.
  • Ace - marriage;
  • The king is a secret lover;
  • Lady - you or his girlfriend;
  • Jack - serious problems of an intimate nature;
  • Ten – shared experiences;
  • Nine - your relationship is very strong;
  • Eight - recognition of the secret;
  • Seven – secret dates;
  • Six – honeymoon or mutual sympathy.
  • Ace - news;
  • The king is a young bachelor;
  • Lady - you or your friend;
  • Jack - experiences;
  • Ten – friendly interest;
  • Nine – light flirting;
  • Eight – joint plans;
  • Seven - fun;
  • Six - a short journey together.

Club suit meaning:

  • Ace – workload;
  • King - boss or colleague;
  • Lady - boss;
  • Jack – problems with finances;
  • Ten is a gorgeous present;
  • Nine – romance at work;
  • Eight – upcoming conversation about money;
  • Seven – meetings at work;
  • Six – business trip.

A few final words

If you do not have experience in conducting fortune-telling rituals using 36 cards, any, even the simplest layout, may seem confusing and incomprehensible to you. It will take time and patience to learn to hear the cards, understand them, and discern what they want to tell you.

Experienced oracles and mediums advise women to perform rituals on the so-called women's days - Wednesday and Friday, when the cards are more inclined to tell the truth. But on Sunday it is better to refrain from any fortune-telling.

Also, under no circumstances should you cross your arms or legs during the ritual, as this can disrupt the flow of information. During the session, you should completely relax and focus your attention on the issue that interests you.

Fortune telling about a man's love allows you to clarify the situation in the love sphere and understand how your chosen one treats you. You need to choose a suitable fortune telling depending on the circumstances and in accordance with your own preferences.

There are a huge number of fortune telling about your lover’s attitude and his feelings towards you, and additional attributes can also be very different: a deck of cards or a daisy, a pen with a sheet of paper or runes. To choose the most suitable ritual for fortune telling, trust your intuition and choose with your heart.

Men often guess their attitude using cards. And for this purpose it is absolutely necessary to use complex rituals. For example, you can use the following method. It is important to remember that only a new deck of cards should be used for fortune telling.

First, from a deck of cards consisting of 36 cards, you need to choose a king who will symbolize your lover.

So, when choosing:

  • The King of Diamonds is suitable for a young and unmarried guy.
  • The King of Hearts denotes a married man.
  • The King of Clubs is suitable for an older man who occupies a certain position in society.
  • The King of Spades should be chosen if you do not yet know your chosen one well enough.

After this, the selected cards should be returned to the deck, which must be thoroughly shuffled and moved with the left hand towards you. Next, the cards are laid out in rows of 9 pieces. Cards that have the same suit and are adjacent horizontally and vertically are removed. You cannot remove only the hidden queen and the king. The resulting gaps are filled by sliding cards from right to left.

It is very good if, in the process of the manipulations carried out, the queen and the king were nearby. This indicates that you and your chosen one will be together and it is unlikely that anything can separate you. In addition, if the cards are in the top row, then you can expect a wedding soon. But if there are other cards between the queen and the king, then this indicates that something is hindering the development of the relationship.


  • An Ace of the red suit indicates that a pleasant event will occur, while an Ace of the black suit foretells a negative event.
  • Other kings and ladies focus on the fact that other men and women interfere with relationships.
  • Jacks indicate the presence of insoluble problems and a lot of trouble.
  • Tens indicate strong interest and curiosity from others about your relationship.
  • Nine portends a meeting with another person who will cause the destruction of the relationship.
  • The Eight predicts some unpleasant meeting that will have serious consequences.
  • Seven foretells a difficult conversation that can lead to conflict.
  • The Six has a long journey ahead, which will provoke separation.

When interpreting, it should be taken into account that if the suit of the cards coincides with the suit of the king, then the threat to the relationship comes from the chosen one, and if with the suit of the queen, then from you. Other card suits warn of external dangers.

Fortune telling for a guy's love can be done using paper and pen. This way you can understand how compatible you are with your chosen one. The man’s feelings, which are described during such fortune-telling, make it possible to determine the prospects for the development of relationships.

You need to take a piece of paper and write on it the guy’s last name, first name, patronymic, and next to it your last name, first name and patronymic. After this, all repeating letters must be crossed out. The remaining letters are then counted. If you get a number with two digits, then the individual digits should be added to get a single number. When one non-repeating letter remains, this indicates that the partners are suitable for each other and can build a harmonious relationship. In fortune telling, this gives a high probability of marriage in the near future.

Another number of letters may indicate the following:

  • Two letters indicate that the partners are different people and you should not count on a long and stable relationship.
  • Three letters predict a passion that will end very quickly.
  • Four letters indicate that the guy has deep feelings for you, but, unfortunately, you are unlikely to be able to answer him in the same way.
  • Five letters indicate that one of the partners has a selfish interest. Such relationships will end sooner or later.
  • Six letters focus on the fact that partners simply feel good together, so it’s unlikely that you should force things.
  • Seven letters warn that only friendly relationships are possible.
  • Eight letters symbolize mutual love, which guarantees a calm future together.
  • Nine letters indicate excellent compatibility of characters, but despite this, disagreements may arise on everyday issues.

There is a very interesting fortune telling using pictures that you need to draw yourself on pieces of white paper. There should be 10 such images in total. To do this, in a secluded place you should symbolically depict a bird, a house, a cat, a fence, a woman, a man, a door, a flower, a tree, a river. There is no need to spend a lot of energy on drawing, as it will be useful directly during fortune telling.

After the drawings are ready, you need to fold them in half and lay them out on the table in any way. Then you need to mix it. Next, without much thought, you should pull out one of the leaves.

It is this that needs to be interpreted in order to understand how the relationship with the chosen one will develop:

  • A female silhouette indicates that your expectations may not be met. And in this case, the problem is most likely with you. Maybe you are too demanding of the guy, so disappointment will come very quickly.
  • The male silhouette symbolizes complete security on the part of your man, who is ready to fulfill any of your desires.
  • The bird symbolizes stability. In this case, you can safely plan a future together.
  • The house indicates that the development of relationships may depend on many external factors. For example, the opinion of relatives may be important. But on the other hand, if the partners manage to neutralize various external influences, then the union will be successful. Partners will be able to build a harmonious and very warm relationship in which there will be no place for jealousy or conflict. An atmosphere of comfort and complete idyll will reign in the house.
  • The tree warns that the couple will always experience problems in the financial sphere.
  • The fence predicts that after a period filled with scandals and disagreements, a prosperous time will come. Therefore, it is very important to be patient and wait.
  • The cat is a sign of willpower, which will help to survive the inevitable separation, due to the dissimilarity of characters.
  • The flower symbolizes the adventurous nature of the relationship. This may also indicate that ill-wishers are weaving intrigues around the relationship.
  • The river predicts a meeting after parting.
  • The door calls for prudence and warns that one should not draw hasty conclusions in any situation.

Reliable fortune telling

Using paper and pen, you can conduct another reliable fortune telling, which will indicate what feelings the young man has for you. For the ceremony you will need to use a checkered sheet. You need to draw a small heart on it. After this, all whole cells should be shaded.

  • One cell indicates the guy's hesitation; he still can't decide on his feelings for you.
  • Two cells indicate very strong feelings that make marriage possible soon.
  • Three cells indicate that the guy has warm feelings for you, but due to natural shyness he cannot admit it.
  • Four cells indicate that your chosen one does not trust you and is very jealous.
  • Five cells indicate that the guy constantly thinks about you and strives to be near you as often as possible.
  • Six cells predict no future in the relationship.
  • Seven cells focus attention on the fact that the guy sympathizes with another girl, and perhaps is dating her.
  • Eight cells emphasize that the relationship will be strong, but not simple.
  • Nine cells indicate a pure and harmonious relationship.

Fortune telling about an ex-boyfriend is very popular. And this is due to the fact that very often people break up due to a misunderstanding. Therefore, girls want to find out whether any feelings remain in the ex-boyfriend’s soul in order to restore the relationship.

There is a simple way to understand how your ex-boyfriend feels about you. To do this you need to use a sheet of paper and a pen. First, draw a chamomile on a piece of paper. Its peculiarity is that the flower must have the number of petals equal to the number of letters in the full name of the ex-boyfriend. One letter fits into each petal. The proper name fits in similarly. It doesn't matter if your name is longer or shorter.

The interpretation of this fortune-telling is carried out according to the number of petals in which a vowel and a consonant are found:

  • If there are no such petals, then, unfortunately, your ex-boyfriend has no sincere feelings left. Therefore, all hopes for recovery are in vain.
  • One petal indicates a weak attraction for the guy towards you. In this case, there is still a ghostly chance of restoring the relationship. You will need to start everything from scratch and strive to treat each other very carefully and loyally. The main thing is to try to awaken a passion that will allow you to stay together for a long time.
  • Two petals indicates that your ex-boyfriend still loves you passionately, and you are ready to reciprocate the same. Most likely, you will be able to restore the relationship very quickly. On the other hand, when the passion disappears, the relationship will quickly come to an end.
  • Three petals indicate mutual understanding between you and your ex-boyfriend, so breaking up can be considered a mistake. You both want to restore your relationship, and this will be quite easy, since you are united by common friends and interests.
  • Four or five petals indicate that partners are made for each other. Therefore, it is necessary to restore relations as soon as possible.