Is it possible to give a tank from a hangar as a gift? Is it possible to gift a tank in WoT from a hangar? Premium store and gift selection

Multiplayer games on the modern market have gained a wide scope in terms of development, this is especially true for shooters of various levels. And after the project begins to actively develop, various services for participants appear. In some games you can help someone else financially, invite him into your family, swear protection, etc. As for shooters, recently there has been a tendency to create conditions for users to give each other gifts in the form of necessary items. For example, the founder of this trend, the game World of Tanks, has the opportunity to give premium tanks. Previously, this could not be done, but now the project has reached such a level that developers can introduce the most daring ideas into its development. And in this article we will find out how to gift a tank in World of Tanks and get acquainted with the nuances of this procedure.

Gift tanks

This is the main game element, thanks to which users achieve a variety of goals. The game is based on the use of this military equipment, so it is key. Before you understand how to give a tank as a gift in World of Tanks, it is worth considering what the transport is distributed for. The equipment has several qualifications: premium and simple tanks. Simple ones can be obtained in the game through experience and silver. Premium combat units can only be obtained for real money invested in the project. And only they can be given to other users if you have such a desire. As for the rest of the equipment, unfortunately, it will not be possible to donate it.

How to donate equipment?

How to give a tank in World of Tanks? Answering the question and performing this operation is quite simple. All you have to do is go to the game’s premium store, select a suitable combat unit, indicate who you want to give it to, pay for the purchase - and after a while the gift will arrive on the user’s profile. You can choose and give absolutely any tank from the available range. Any user can do the same to you. So if it's your birthday, then you know what you can ask for as a gift. Or keep in mind how to please your friends if they participate in this project.

Cost of gifts

Is it possible to give a tank as a gift in World of Tanks? We have already answered this question, it remains to see what the cost of these gifts is. At the moment it varies if you are in the ruble zone. The price of equipment depends on the level, for example, level 2 of development is not that expensive, but for level 8 you will have to pay a decent amount. All equipment has completely different prices, so you can choose a gift in accordance not only with your interests, but also with its monetary equivalent. The main thing is not to make mistakes during the process. You must carefully enter the nickname of the user to whom you will send the tank. It is worth remembering that in case of an error the gift will not be compensated or returned. Therefore, it is better to spend more time, but be sure that your gift will arrive.

Gift restrictions

But how to give a tank from a hangar to a friend in World of Tanks? You shouldn’t even think about this, since this service is not provided and is unlikely to be introduced. There are quite a few reasons for this policy; it’s not worth even starting to list them. You can only give away those tanks that are available in the premium store’s assortment, and no more. As for the number of items, there are no restrictions; you can even give it to another user, the main thing is that you are able to pay for it all.

So we looked at the question of how to give a tank as a gift in World of Tanks. Now you know how to carry out this procedure and what restrictions should be taken into account. This project is truly unique, since it has so many different possibilities in terms of gifts. Play, give tanks to your friends and receive equally valuable gifts in return.

The World of Tanks game has gained such popularity among players that many of them are starting to give each other gifts in the form of premium tanks, gold and souvenir equipment. The World of Tanks gift shop allows you to choose a gift for even the most sophisticated gamer. A huge selection of vehicles of various nations and classes, special sets and gold - all this will be useful to any tanker. You don't know how to give a tank as a gift in World of Tanks? Then you should use the information below.

The WoT Gift Shop is available at Wargaming has no other stores. If somewhere you are offered to buy a tank for pennies, be sure that they are simply trying to scam you out of money.

True, before donating a tank, you need to decide on the method of payment for it. If you don’t have an electronic wallet, we recommend getting Qiwi or Webmoney. These payment systems make it much easier to pay for gold and tanks in the World of Tanks gift store.

As for choosing a gift, the first thing to do is ask if your future gift is in the user’s hangar. You just need to click on the player’s nickname in the game and go to his statistics. If you present a premium tank that is already in the hangar, the player will be compensated in the form of gold.

If you are going to give a tank as a gift, you must know the tastes of the recipient. The WoT store has a huge selection, both in price and type of equipment. The cheapest tank in the game is T2 lt with a price tag of around 160-170 rubles. Need a more expensive gift? Pay attention to the top premium heavy tanks Level 8 – German Lowe, American T34, Chinese 112. Does your friend not like heavy tanks? Give him a medium tank (T34-3, T26E4) or a tank destroyer (JgdTiger 8.8, AT-15a, SU-122-44, E-25).

Don't know what "nationality" to choose a tank? Look at your friend's statistics. If the recipient does not play Chinese or British tanks, then they should not be given as a gift. And most importantly: if you don’t want to lose a friend, don’t give him TOG2. This is perhaps the most terrible premium tank in the game.

Having decided on a wallet and a gift, it’s time to move on to the question of how to give a tank as a gift in WoT. We go to the store website: If you are not authorized, then you need to click on the “Login” button at the top.

Enter the username and password for your WoT account, enter the code from the picture in the appropriate window, put a checkmark next to “Remember me” and click “Login”.

We select a gift from the proposed list of equipment.

Click on the selected gift and in the window that opens, after the description of the gift, put a checkmark next to “Give to a friend.” If the recipient is in your contacts list, you can select him from the drop-down list.

If your friend is not in your contact list, then click on the “To another player” link and enter the player’s nickname.

Then we select a currency, click on the big “Pay” button and pay for the purchase.

You still can’t decide which tank to give to your friend?.. Or maybe it’s better to give him gold? After all, they say that money is the best gift.

Everyone loves receiving gifts, but choosing and giving them is no less enjoyable! Finding the perfect gift that will delight a person every day is a difficult task. However, it’s easy to delight a World of Tanks fan if you know where to look for “that ideal.” To arrange a surprise and make a nice gift, you can give your tank to a friend using the premium store.

The premium store on the official website will delight you with a rich selection of exclusive equipment and special offers. Here you can replenish your gold reserves for yourself and your friends, activate premium packages for one day or a year, buy special packages with bonuses and gift premium tanks to another account. A premium tank will please both inexperienced players and seasoned tankers. It will decorate your collection in the hangar, speed up your account leveling, and bring a lot of fun during battles.

Equipment from a premium store is valued due to a number of advantages:

  • Elite status and eye-catching appearance;
  • Additional credits for each battle;
  • Bonus up to 70% to experience in battles;
  • Accelerated crew upgrades and no penalties for transfers;
  • Converting experience earned in battles into free experience.

To give a tank to a friend in World of Tanks, go to the premium store and select the appropriate equipment. IN official store seven nations of every class and rank. The assortment is constantly changing and is updated monthly with new collectible models. When you make your choice, you can make a gift to a friend using the special “Buy as a gift” button. Enter the player's nickname, add a personal message of congratulations and click "Buy". Soon your friend will receive a notification with instructions on how to activate premium equipment and try it out in the first battle!

About how to transfer tanks between accounts in World of Tanks.

In general, this is my situation. When I just started playing World of Tanks and was still a noob, I created an account in 2017 on November 2, played only 262 battles and I didn’t like this game, because they killed me all the time, I was a noob then. So I abandoned it. And at the end of 2013, a friend told me: “let’s play with me,” so we started. I remembered that I had an account in this game for a long time, but I also forgot the soap for which I registered the acc and password for this account. In general, I created a new one. Then, either in a dream or something, such a meditative trance mood came over me and I remembered the password and soap from an old account. I went to it (just to check what was there) on January 10, 2014, and saw that it was boring and there was nothing interesting.

Transferring tanks to WOT

But today, I decided to go through all my accounts and came across this old account. Well, I think I’ll go to it and see what’s there, otherwise I don’t remember. When I come in, that means I’m like this and what do I see? Just a bunch of cool tanks that you can’t get anymore... LTP, T1E6, T7 Combat Car, Light VIC

So I'm wondering where did I get these tanks from?? After all, I didn’t play on this account, I didn’t participate in any promotions. And the main thing is that! When I came in on January 10, 2014, not one of these tanks was in the hangar. Where are they from?

How to transfer tanks to another player?

And another question: Tanks can somehow transfer to my current account Or will I have to ditch my current account and donate 2500 gold to replace my nickname in order to restore it? Because I want those tanks too much!

We answer

Merging game accounts or transferring tanks between them is strictly prohibited. It is also prohibited to add tanks to a player who has lost equipment for one reason or another. This is the official position of World of Tanks. When playing tanks, players have to reckon with her.

The WoT multiplayer game is famous not only for its good engine, but also for various additional functions that allow direct contact between players.

More than once on the game forums you can come across the question: Is it possible to donate a tank to World of Tanks from a hangar? And the answer is no, but you can donate tanks through a special store, but more on that in order.

What equipment can be donated?

There are two types of tanks in the game: some can be purchased with in-game money, others only with real money. Tanks purchased for real money are called premium, and only they can be gifted to your friends. There are no restrictions on the number of gifts, the main thing is that you must understand that tanks from the hangar cannot be given as gifts, and it is unlikely that this function will ever be available.

How to give a premium tank?

To give a tank open the game's premium store, select the equipment you need and send it to a specific nickname. The cost of equipment depends on the level, prices start from about 10 euros, in ruble equivalent prices often vary.


Now you know whether you can donate a tank to world of tanks from a hangar. Be careful when filling out the recipient's details, otherwise you will send a premium tank to the wrong person. You can also give not only premium tanks, but also gold, so the recipient can choose their own equipment or something else.