“Mom, dad, I’m a friendly family!” Sports festival together with parents. Family holiday "Dad, Mom, Me - a friendly family"

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"Kurgan main comprehensive school»

Perm region Cherdynsky district

Scenario of a sports and entertainment program for parents and children

"Dad, Mom, I - Friendly family

Physical education teacher

Kurgan village, 2014

Explanatory note

The specificity of our school’s work is the development of the educational system; it involves the participation of parents in all collective creative affairs of the school and a particular class, in particular, as well as cooperation with the school’s teachers.

There is no doubt that a teacher must know his students. The task of the school today is to ensure the development of each student by creating the necessary conditions for this. In order to educate a person, you need to know him in all respects - this is an axiom of pedagogy.

Parents and teachers are two of the most powerful forces in the process of developing the personality of each person, whose role cannot be exaggerated. Both sides have their own advantages, their own merits, their own specifics, and they should not be opposed. But modern parents- these are pupils of our domestic school, they bear its birthmarks, its advantages and disadvantages. How I want to make my parents real and sincere helpers! After all, how parents feel about school determines how their children feel about it!

Target: creating conditions for uniting the parent-child team;

training in collective interaction between children and parents, propaganda healthy image life.


    Form positive emotions that unite adults and children with common goals;

    Organize active joint recreation for schoolchildren and their parents;

    Improve the level of physical fitness of children;

    Bring up strong-willed qualities: determination, endurance, strength, agility, desire to win and empathy.

Location: gym

Decor: an inscription on the wall made of letters “Mom, Dad, I am a friendly family”, balloons.

Time spending: 15.00

Participants : 7th grade students and their parents

Scenario of a sports and entertainment festival

“Dad, mom, I am a friendly family”

Leading. Host: Good afternoon, dear friends!

Students and parents.True sports lovers, connoisseurs of beauty and health! Weinvited you today to sports and entertainment holiday “Dad, Mom, I – a friendly family!”

Let's welcome our participants. The first I would like to introduce are the heads of families. Here they are, all in front of us - slightly cheerful, in some places fit and even invincible in some ways, and in what exactly we will find out later. I want to wish our men to maintain the same combat readiness to participate in school activities that benefit from their participation!Greetings dads.

Leading. Here come the moms! They are always in shape. Constant training in women's triathlon makes itself felt: the stove, running to the shops, doing the laundry. And even the annual respite on March 8 does not unsettle them. We are sure that today they will set the tone for their teams in competitions, because it is known that a family rests on 3 pillars - a woman, a woman and again a woman!

Greetings moms.

Leading. And finally, your children! This is them from the cradle long years constant training and united their parents into a friendly team, setting new tasks for it.

Children are welcomed.

Leading. The performance will be assessed by a strict but fair jury(jury presentation)

Leading. Attention! Attention! Dear fans! Now our athletes will demonstrate their ability to run and jump. We sincerely welcome and congratulate everyone who came to the starting line today. We wish our teams success and victories.

Attention, read the rules of the game. For 1st place in each competition the team receives 5 points, for 2nd place - 4 points, for 3rd place - 3 points. If someone on the team performs the task incorrectly, a penalty is awarded - minus 1 point. Be careful and considerate of each other. Good luck!

Leading. 4 teams take part in the sports festival.Greetings from the teams. Each team names a name and motto.


Equipment: cereal boxes, a bag of spices, a bag of soup, cereals, a bag of coffee, a box of matches, a pack of soap, shampoo, a shopping bag (bag).

Conditions of the competition: Participants line up in columns behind the starting line. At the signal, the first participant runs with the bag to the bench on which there are various objects, takes the item and puts it in the bag, returns to his team, passes the bag with the contents to the next participant. The next participant, without putting the contents out of the bag, runs and takes the next item, the relay continues until all the items are in the captain’s bag Music plays during the relay.


The word “physical education” is given. You need to make as many words from it as possible. The winner will be the team with the last word. Time to think 1 minute.

Message from the jury about the results of the first two competitions


Equipment: skittles, broom, medium ball.

Conditions of the competition: At the signal, each participant needs to roll the ball with a broom between the pins and return back, rolling the ball with a broom in a straight line. The next participant performs the task in the same way. The team that completes the task first and scores the fewest penalty points wins.(The presenter demonstrates to the participants)

Music is playing


    Relay race “Bring it and don’t drop it.”

Conditions of the competition : Dad and mom, on a signal, do a “chair” (holding hands crosswise). The child sits on the “chair” and grabs them by the neck, the parents run around the counter and back.

    Relay race “Strongman competition”

Conditions of the competition : Dads and boys do push-ups for 30 seconds per number of times. Mothers and girls jump rope for 30 seconds per number of times.

    Relay race "Running in a hoop"

Conditions of the competition : Dad runs in a hoop to the counter and back, then dad and mom run in a hoop together, and finally the child joins them, and the three of them run.

Music is playing

Message from the jury on the results of four competitions


Equipment: 3 jump ropes, stopwatch.

Conditions of the competition: At the mother's signal, jump rope for 1 minute. The one with the most jumps wins(The presenter shows the participants the conditions of the competition).


Equipment: basketballs according to the number of dads, skittles

Figure No. 1

Conditions of the competition: Similar to the game "Bowling". Pins are placed at a distance of 5-7 meters from the participants (see Figure No. 1). You need to hit the pins with the ball. You are given 3 attempts. The one who knocks down the most pins wins.(The presenter shows the participants the conditions of the competition)


Equipment: big balls

Conditions of the competition: Participants line up in a column one at a time in front of the starting line, hold the ball between their legs and jump to the counter. They come back running. The team that completes the tasks the fastest wins.(The presenter demonstrates the conditions of the relay to the participants) Music is played during the competition.


Is it true or not that

Is horse racing a purely Russian sport?

The most prestigious horse race, the Derby, was first organized in 1780 by the English Earl of Derby? (+)

Conditions of the competition: Now, first numbers, saddle up your horses and go to the start! Don't forget to overcome barriers(The presenter demonstrates the relay conditions to the participants)

Music plays during the competition.

The jury sums up the results of the competitions


Equipment: task card

List of items:


    Subject starting with the letter "S"



    Anything red

    Banknote (coin)

    Item of women's clothing

    Subject ending with the letter "H"

    A person whose name contains the letter "b"


Conditions of the competition: Each team is given a card with tasks, while the music plays (2-3 minutes), the participants collect the items that are on the list. The team that is the first to complete the task or collect the largest number of items wins.

Music is playing


Equipment: 3 A3 sheets, 3 markers, 3 sports bars, 3 benches.

Conditions of the competition: Benches and sports arcs are placed at a distance. Sheets of whatman paper are attached to the wall. At a signal, each participant overcomes obstacles: jumps over a bench, climbs through an arc, runs up to a piece of whatman paper that is on the wall, depicts his face (muzzle), expresses his attitude to the holiday by writing down a word or phrase.(The presenter demonstrates to the participants the conditions of the competition - relay race)

Attention, get ready, start!

Leading: We have reached the finale. The competitions and relay races are over, we are summing up the results.

Leading: The floor for summing up and awarding is given to the esteemed jury.

Team awards. The teams are awarded certificates, parents are thanked, and children are given sweets for their participation.

Leading: I would like to express my deep gratitude to the parents for their courage, for their activity, creativity, to the children for their love of sports and dexterity, to thank the jury for their attentiveness and fairness, and to our fans for their support.

Let it all be just a game

But I wanted to say this:

A great miracle is family!

Keep it, take care of it!

There is no more important goal in life!!!

Leading : Thank you to everyone for participating and helping with the celebration! Health, vigor and new sports victories to you! Keep it up!

(Teams take a lap of honor to the music of the “Sports March”)

See you again!LITERATURE:

1. “Health of a preschooler” – journal No. 1 (2009), No. 5 (2011)

Nina Baranova

Target: promote the unification of children and parents based on general interest To family and its history, development of family hobbies that contribute to its strengthening.

Integration of educational regions:



Artistic creativity (design, application).

Physical training

Artistic and aesthetic development (singing)

The hall is decorated with posters with proverbs and sayings about family. There are tables and chairs for participants competition and family council(jury)


My family is my wealth

Love, protection, tenderness, brotherhood.

Tenderness and comfort are valued here,

Here they never give

Everyone celebrates the holidays together

And they don’t miss everyday life either.

And I know for sure, friends

What is the most important thing in life? family.

We are glad to welcome all guests and participants competition"Our family» .

So, we present our family teams:(represents 3 families)

There is a proverb “Happiness is not a bird, it won’t fly by itself”. What does family happiness consist of? Today we will talk about the possible components of family happiness. And he will appreciate the truthfulness of our words and judge us - dear Family advice: (represents the jury members)

Leading: We called the first component of happiness « Family is the 7th me» . Which

she's ours family? We ask our participants to tell us about their family. 1. So, the first one is ours contest"Business card".

We invite you to introduce your teams - families, in any form (number of members families What do adult members do? families, about hobbies families, about travel, recreation families, etc. d.)

Sounds "Song about Dad"

Leading: A good term for family happiness is the one when dad can do anything, anything. We offer dads boast of his brave prowess and dexterity. Repairing a chair, putting together furniture, building a house is nonsense. How about designing a plane and landing it on the Family Council table? Weak?

2. Music plays, dads do the task "Constructors"

(make a paper airplane)

Leading: The bird of happiness is easy to catch, but it is much more difficult to keep it. If you collect a huge number of objects in 1 minute, then we can say with confidence that you will hold any mother with a tight grip.

3. Dads get things done. "In a tight grip" (put mittens on your hands and collect small objects as much as possible)

Leading: It's no secret that in friendly family everyone understands each other without words.

4. This is confirmed by our next contest"Pantomime". Now we will ask our dads to go to our basket and pull out an envelope with a task.

Dads with children, not showing or telling anything beautiful mothers, trying to explain with the help of hands, feet, facial expressions, etc. what they are doing.

I can only suggest one: all this happens in each of you’s homes.


1. Vacuum the carpet in the bathroom.

2. Iron the laundry.

3. Wash a mountain of dishes.

Sounds "Song about Mom"

Leading: The main component of family happiness is our mothers. Statisticians have calculated that mothers caring for children and husbands wash 18 thousand spoons, 13 thousand plates, 8 thousand cups during the year. The total weight of dishes transferred from the kitchen cabinet to the table and back in a year reaches 5 tons. Dads and sons, this is a subtle hint to you, put at least a couple of tons of dishes on your mighty shoulders. Our mothers can do everything and even more. Now you can see for yourself

5. Task for moms “Determine by touch” what is the item inside the bag? (bags with items are taken out)

1. Sponge for washing dishes.

2. Handkerchief

3. Baby cream

Leading: Our mothers are great intellectuals. Their knowledge about everything is limitless. Now they will prove it to you.

6. Task: give as many correct answers to the questions as possible

Fish eggs (caviar)

Black man (black person)

Fairy house (tower)

The most populous country (China)

Dance on the fingers (ballet)

The famous guslar who visited the bottom of the sea (Sadko)

Place for a circus performance (arena)

Flowers in the sky (firework)

What comes after the hanger (theater)

A Tale of Teamwork (turnip)

The biggest puddle (ocean)

Promotion through the ranks (career)

Mayor (mayor)

What does a baby say? (true)

Potato tops (tops)

How not to spoil porridge (oil)

Villain in Russians folk tales (Kashchei)

Little fairy tale heroine 2.5 cm high (Thumbelina)

Who left grandpa (gingerbread man)

The sound of a change (call)

Who does Moska bark at? (per bishop)

What did the crocodile from the fairy tale eat? "Moidodyr" (washcloth)

Brothers-storytellers (Grimm)

Ancient Russian musical instrument (harp)

Leading: And now, so that the audience doesn’t get bored, you too exercise: continue the proverb.

– Don’t be born beautiful, but be born (happy).

– Love is a ring, and the ring has... (no beginning and no end).

- Seven nannies have a child in... (without eye).

- Darlings only scold (amuse themselves).

– A guest on the doorstep means happiness in... (at home).

- A house without a mistress... (orphan).

- Lead the house... (don't shake your beard).

- An apple from an apple tree... (doesn't fall far).

-What are they rich in... (that's why we're happy).

- It’s good to visit... (and home is better).

7. Contest"Ambulance" Dear participants, imagine that you decide to relax family outdoors and your child accidentally twists his ankle. Fortunately, the nearest medical center is not far away (at a distance of 10 m there is an improvised first aid station). The goal of our parents is on clasped hands on three legs (dad's right leg and mom's left leg are tied) bring the child to the first aid station, where he will definitely be treated. After which the parents need to untie themselves, and the three of you return safely. Of course, let's not forget about time. So, get ready, let's go!

Musical number – "Song about grandmothers and mothers"

Leading: The favorite component of family happiness is children. Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t cry. The imagination of our parents is inexhaustible in the selection of games and entertainment for children.

8. "Play together"- Task for children and dad: arrange the cubes one by one in a row. Dad blindfolded, collects them after the child has laid out all the cubes.

9. "Sweet contest» - Task for children and mom: eat "Twix"-

2 sweet couples (Who is faster).

Leading: - Dear participants of our competition, you have passed all the tests we have proposed, and you have passed them. Yours families are the strongest, and judging by your children, they are the happiest.

While our esteemed Family Council is summing up and conferring, I suggest that at the end of our meeting you formalize "family tree". To do this, draw your « family-palm» . (For families Sheets of paper, markers, scissors, and glue are distributed. Each family traces the child’s palm, draws their house on it, and a member above each finger. families. Cut out the finished « family-palm» and glue it onto the drawn tree).

Leading: While the jury is deliberating, and the parents are drawing family - palm, I invite everyone to sing a song about a warm hearth called « Parents' house» . All participants and guests perform a song "Parent's House"

Leading: Word to the Great Family Council

Family Council announces the winners competition, gives memorable prizes to winners and runners-up.

Leading: Thank you very much everyone for the smiles, good wishes, useful tips. And the children have prepared gifts for you - this chamomile, a symbol of love, family and fidelity.

Leading: I wish you all happiness, peace and goodness! May joy reign in you families always!

Progress of the event

Presenter 1

Walls, roof, windows in it.
Before us is a solid HOUSE.
Who in the house gets up so early?
Are you worried about everyone? - MOTHER.
Who else lives in the house?
Dad, daughter and son.
Answer me, friends,
Who are they together? - FAMILY.

Presenter 2

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.
IN family circle all your roots
And you leave your family in life.
In the family circle we create life,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Presenter 3

It all starts with family:
The calling cry of a child in the cradle,
And to wise old age the annoying arrows:
It all starts with family:
Sound louder than the trumpet,
Ring the bells louder,
At our meeting today

Presenter 1


First competition- motto competition (home task).

Second competition - COMPETITION FOR DADS.


  • boiling kettle;
  • ringing alarm clock;
  • ringing telephone;

Presenter 2

Presenter 3

Presenter 1

Without songs, the world is (small).

- A tree is held together by its roots (and a person is held together by a family).

The song will help in work and (in battle).

A friendly family does not know (sadness).

The whole family is together, and the soul (is in place).

What is treasure for when it’s in the family (lady).

In a friendly family and in the cold (warmth).

In a good family, good people (children grow up).

Presenter 2

Adults and children know -
There is a lot of music in the world!
From seven ordinary notes
The composer creates:
Plays, operas, sonnets,
Arioso and cantatas,
Symphonic tales,
Minuets or dances.
But one favorite genre is
We have been dear to everyone since the cradle:
Life is more wonderful, more interesting,
When there are songs near us!

Presenter 1


- Now I ask you to show me homework- a song.

Presenter 3

Because you are a grandson,
Because you are a son
Because baby
Because you are growing,
Because he looks like mom and dad:
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.

1 student

Five is hardly enough!
We will definitely tell you:
This is our third class!
Our class is the noisiest
What a headache!
We will tell you honestly, honestly:
This is our third class!

2 student

And he is always at work!
We will tell you frankly:
This is our third class!
Our class is the friendliest in school,
Just don't spill the water!
We will tell you without a doubt:
This is our third class!

3 student

Which one is the funniest?
The smile won't leave your face!
We will all exclaim to you loudly:
This is our third class!
Our class is the best in school,
Because we are family!
We will tell you together:
This is our third class!

Presenter 1

Presenter 2

  1. The animal is a mushroom. (Fox).
  2. Animal - river. (Tiger).
  3. An animal is a home. (Mink).

(music sounds.)

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"Competition "Dad, Mom and I - a friendly family""

Competition “Dad, Mom and Me – a Friendly Family”


    team building between children and parents;

    development of family creativity, cooperation between family and school;

    organization of family leisure;

    fostering a culture of family recreation;

Hall decoration:

    Posters with proverbs and sayings about family.

    Images of flowers, decoration with balloons.

Progress of the event

Presenter 1

Walls, roof, windows in it.
Before us is a solid HOUSE.
Who in the house gets up so early?
Are you worried about everyone? - MOTHER.
Who else lives in the house?
Dad, daughter and son.
Answer me, friends,
Who are they together? - FAMILY.

Hello, dear participants of our holiday, guests. We are happy to greet you.

Waiting for us interesting meeting, jokes, competitions, smiles and loud laughter. I wish everyone Have a good mood and success.

Presenter 2

You and I are growing up in a family circle,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.
All your roots are in the family circle,
And you leave your family in life.
In the family circle we create life,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

Hello family! Which beautiful word! FAMILY. How this word warms the soul! It reminds us of a mother’s gentle voice and a father’s caring sternness. You are a welcome child in the family. Here you are given a name.

Presenter 3

And how many mysteries and instructive discoveries are in the word “FAMILY”! For example, the word “family” is formed from two words “seven” and “I”. It seems to tell us: “A family is seven people like me.” Indeed, everyone in the family is somewhat similar to each other: face, voice, look, disposition and character. Can be common hobbies and classes. And when was Her Majesty’s family born?

It all starts with family:
The calling cry of a child in the cradle,
And to wise old age the annoying arrows:
It all starts with family:
Sound louder than the trumpet,
Ring the bells louder,
At our meeting today

Presenter 1

- There are 4 families present at our holiday and now we will ask them to introduce themselves.

Our celebration will be held in the form of a competition, and the jury will evaluate the performances.

First competition – motto competition (home task).

(Families say hello, recite mottos).

Second competition - COMPETITION FOR DADS.


    boiling kettle;

    ringing alarm clock;

    ringing telephone;

    a man whose new shoes are too tight;

    a man who got lost in the forest;

    a person who has just had a hearty lunch.


Presenter 2

Close your eyes, listen. And you will hear your mother's voice. He lives within you, so familiar, dear. It cannot be confused with any other voice. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother’s voice, mother’s eyes, mother’s hands.

Presenter 3

You couldn’t speak yet, but your mother understood you without words. I guessed what you wanted, what hurt you. You didn’t know how to walk yet, your mother carried you in her arms. And then your mother taught you to talk and walk: Mom read you the first book.

From your mother you learned the names of birds - sparrow, swallow, tit. I learned that every flower has a name - chamomile, cornflower, Ivan da Marya.

Presenter 1

1 competition “Say the proverb”.

Dear mothers, listen carefully. I will read the beginning of the proverbs, and you must finish it. Each mother has 2 proverbs. The mother who can handle it will receive 4 b, in descending order.

- Without songs, the world is (small).

- A tree is held together by its roots (and a person is held together by a family).

- The song will help in work and (in battle).

- A friendly family does not know (sadness).

- The whole family is together, and the soul (is in place).

- What is the treasure for when it’s in the family (lady).

-In a friendly family and in the cold (warmth).

- In a good family, good people (children grow up).

Presenter 2

Adults and children know -
There is a lot of music in the world!
From seven ordinary notes
The composer creates:
Plays, operas, sonnets,
Arioso and cantatas,
Symphonic tales,
Minuets or dances.
But one favorite genre is
We have been dear to everyone since the cradle:
Life is more wonderful, more interesting,
When there are songs near us!

Presenter 1

Contest. "Guess the song based on the plot."

- Now the competition is for the whole family.

You need to guess the song based on the plot, each family has one song. For the correct answer 1 point.

One boy loved to draw. I drew a sun and wrote about my cherished desire: (“Circle of the Sun”).

The fate of the current first-grader is difficult. They solve complex problems, and write essays almost like Leo Tolstoy: (“For some reason they began to put more and more burden on us”).

This carriage has been running on the rails for many years. And its passengers still regret that the day is ending: (“Blue Car”).

Forest evergreen plant. A bunny jumps past him, and sometimes a wolf runs by: (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”).

- Now I ask you to show me your homework - a song.

Presenter 3

To honor your parents means: in childhood - to listen to them, in youth - to consult with them, in mature age- take care of them. It happens that the whole family is judged by one person. You need to cherish good word of mouth about your family.

Loved you for no particular reason:
Because you are a grandson,
Because you are a son
Because baby
Because you are growing,
Because he looks like mom and dad:
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.

Yes, peace in the family is more valuable than anything else. But we have another family. This is our class. But now we will find out what our family is like.

1 student

Our class is the smartest in school,
Five is hardly enough!
We will definitely tell you:
This is our third class!
Our class is the noisiest
What a headache!
We will tell you honestly, honestly:
This is our third class!

2 student

Our class is the most active at school,
And he is always at work!
We will tell you frankly:
This is our third class!
Our class is the friendliest in school,
Just don't spill the water!
We will tell you without a doubt:
This is our third class!

3 student

Which one is the funniest?
The smile won't leave your face!
We will all exclaim to you loudly:
This is our third class!
Our class is the best in school,
Because we are family!
We will tell you together:
This is our third class!

Presenter 1

This is our school family. She is already in her third year. And year after year she will become more and more friendly, stronger! Both for me and for your parents, guys, the main concern is that you grow up good people. And for this we make every effort. With the love and patience of your parents, family harmony is achieved, and with constant work, prosperity and well-being are achieved. Remember the wise commandment: “Honor your father and mother, and it will be good for you, and you will live long!”

Presenter 2

And now delicious competition. Your homework was to prepare a dish. Each family presents its own dish. The jury will evaluate the design and complexity of preparation.

(The family demonstrates the dish, tells the method of preparation).

-Competition - quiz "In the world of animals."

    The animal is a mushroom. (Fox).

    The animal is a slacker. (Sloth).

    The animal is a minibus taxi. (Gazelle).

    The animal is a warship. (Armadillo).

    The animal is a car. (Jaguar).

    Animal - river. (Tiger).

    An animal is a home. (Mink).

    The animal is a pedestrian crossing. (Zebra).

    Animal is a sports brand. (Puma).

    The animal is a stowaway. (Hare).

    The animal is a computer manipulator. (Mouse).

    An animal is a manifestation of affection and love. (Weasel).

Dear guests! -We are announcing a competition for fathers and mothers, we will check how well you know your children.

Now there are toys and drawings in front of you. Try to guess your child's toy and drawing.

Competition “Who gets the child ready for school faster”

Dear parents, imagine that you woke up late and are very late for school, and you still need to get your child ready: pack his bag, dress him, walk him to school. Now you will quickly get your child ready for school. First, collect the briefcase, then dress the child. The first family will receive 4b. descending

(music sounds.)

And now I offer a creative task outside the competition. Draw your family together, and for now our jury will sum up the results.

Announcement of the winner, presentation of certificates.

Family, home - a woman’s world, a mother’s world. And let this one always be in your home main man- MOTHER! The kindest, most beautiful, most patient and affectionate in the world! And next to her, her father is the smartest and strongest, the most honest and fair, the most courageous and generous. And such affectionate, patient, understanding grandparents. May everyone in life have such a home and a warm, unquenchable hearth.

I wish you all, dear guests of today's holiday, goodness, joy and peace! Cherish the love. And may she protect you all! Be happy!

I have a small but very friendly family. For me, family starts with mom. Mother's affection, tenderness, and warmth surround us from the first days of life. My mother is the most beloved and dear person in the family. She is a very good housewife.

There are five of us in the family: mom, dad, older sister, brother and me. We are very close-knit family. My older sister's name is Katya, she is twenty-four years old. And brother Stas, he is twenty-one years old. Katya studies and works in Moscow. She teaches chemistry and biology. Stas is only in his third year of study. We can't help but say something about the parents. Mom works as a nurse, and dad is a veterinarian.

Our house is always warm, cozy and comfortable, because our family is very friendly and cheerful. Each family should have its own traditions, its own family holidays. As a family, we often remember fun events that happened to us. These memories create a warm and cordial atmosphere in the house. We love to hold holidays at home. For us, these are, first of all, smiles, laughter, gifts, friends, loved ones with whom you want to meet and communicate. We all prepare for the most important family holidays together and look forward to them. All this unites us and brings us joy. Katya talks about her successes at the institute, about her favorite students, where she went on vacation, and so does Stas. Holidays are unforgettable events in our family. We celebrate family holidays at home or outdoors. Often friends, neighbors, and relatives join us. A family holiday is a holiday in which both adults and children take part.

Family is the most important thing that each of us has. It is based on mutual understanding, trust, caring for each other, and the joy of joint actions. Here we can hear about ourselves what people from the outside would never dare to tell us, and here they will never stop loving us. For me, family is a place where I will always look forward to returning. My family and friends always wait for me and love me. My family is my support.

When we all clean up the yard together, we come home in the evening tired but happy. We love each other and this is our strength. Family is the key to human happiness. Family is our home, parents, grandparents. These people are always there - on holidays and on weekdays, in sickness and in health.

The day comes when brother and sister leave for Moscow. The house is somehow empty, and I really miss it, I’m sad, but I know that it’s time will pass. When they arrive, it becomes easy for me, I have a lot of free time, and I can do some other things besides helping my parents. But, alas, we have to separate again, and I continue to help my parents. Dad always says: “We always need to be together, then we will overcome all the adversity and all the obstacles in our path, and everything will be fine for us! »

Every day we call each other and find out about problems. Mom and Dad help with money and morally support them when things get difficult. Thanks to the support of my parents, I study well.

On mom and dad's birthdays, we (their children) prepare a gift with our own hands, I draw well and knit napkins. Katya reads poetry. Stas sings songs. Our birthdays are so fun. I love my family very much and consider them my support. I consider myself very happy man because I am growing up in a large and friendly family. My family is my parents, who have been together for twenty-five years. Dad, mom, sister, brother and I – we are one!

I love my grandparents very much, who are already eighty-odd years old. They went very hard life when it was cold and hungry, but now we must help them in everything, console them, and delight them with our successes. My grandfather is a very hard worker, and my grandmother is a real housewife.

My family loves to observe the traditions of our people. In relations with the older generation, our parents are the most worthy example for us.

Each nation relies on its own national traditions. And the preservation and transmission of the sacred native language and traditions from generation to generation depends entirely on the family, on the mother.

Our family is very friendly. From childhood we were raised in family relations, taught to respect and understand each other. Relatives gather not only for festive table, but they help to get through difficult moments in life. You can be proud of such a strong family; such a family will always support you.

Fyavzia Azizova
“Mom, dad, I’m a friendly family!” Sports festival with parents

« Mother, dad, I - Friendly family

(Sports festival with parents)

Preliminary work: selection of participating families; acquaintance parents with competition stages; production of distinctive elements of participants; learning songs with children "Physical training!" sl. 3. Petrova, music. TO). Chichkov, poetry, outdoor games, competitions; preparation of musical numbers, children's performances modern dance; selection of character costumes, poems and riddles, musical accompaniment, soundtrack, sports and non-standard equipment, prizes.

Goals and objectives:

Develop healthy lifestyle skills in teenagers

generations and introduce them into families through children;

Include health-saving technologies;

Develop creative abilities;

Stimulate children's activity;

Ensure emotional well-being;

Instill interest and love in physical culture And sports.

Standard and non-standard equipment: costumes: hare, fox, bird, bear; hoops, hoops with strings, large balls, jump ropes, soccer balls, gift bags, large pyramids, balloons, small balls, rope, handkerchiefs; music center, recordings for musical accompaniment holiday, soundtrack of the song; sets of toys, photo album, certificates, sweet prizes.

Means of education: poems, songs, simulation exercises, competitions, competitions with elements sports games, riddles, dancing, outdoor games, musical accompaniment holiday, group work.

Celebration progress:

Leading: Hello, dear guests!

Today we have gathered to participate in holiday, which called: « Mother, dad, I- Friendly family! will compete families our kindergarten. Our teams are very excited, let's greet them with applause.

Family teams enter the hall as they march.

Dear children, mothers, fathers! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday. And to calm down your excitement a little, we suggest you listen to the poems and song that our children have prepared.

1 child: Sport Guys, I really need it.

We with We are very friendly with sports. Sports assistant! Sports - health ! Sports game! Physical training! 2 children nok: Every day in the morning

Let's do exercises.

We really like it

Do it in order:

Have fun walking, raising your hands,

Squat and stand up

Run and jump!

Leading: Who are you guys with? friendly? Everyone should know about this!

Children: Sun, air and water are our best friends!

Song "Physical training!" Sl. Z. Petrova, music by Y. Chichkov

Leading: Before you start the competition, you need to do a warm-up. And the forest animals will help us with this.

1 child: One-squat, two-jump

And again squat

And then jump again

Bunny exercise! Show me how?

2child: And when the foxes wake up,

They love to stretch

Be sure to yawn

Wag your tail deftly! Well, how?

Zrebenok: The bird jumps as if dancing

The bird flaps its wings

And takes off without looking back

This is a bird exercise! Can you do that?

4child: Well, the bear is clubfooted,

Spreads its paws wide,

First one, then both together,

At home he is marking time

And when there is little charge

Starts all over again, Can you do this?

Leading: Thank you, little animals! Well, our participants have warmed up a little, shaken off their excitement, let's start the competition

Competition: "Tunnel"

Dad and mom are holding hoops, the son or daughter alternately runs through the hoop. Parents, as the child runs, move the freed hoop forward. The team that completes the distance the fastest wins. Leading: And now a riddle for the next one competition: He prepares nets like a fisherman, but never catches fish.


2 competition: "Spiders"

At the signal, participants run to the hoop, to the edges of which ropes are attached. Having tied the ropes together - "weaving a web", they run back. The team that weaves the web correctly and quickly wins. Leading: And now, while the jury is summing up the results of the two competitions, I propose to watch the performance of our guest.

Song "My fairy prince" Leading: Now the time has come for the most important competition.

3 competition "Family Relay Race"

1 - child- "Balls" (jumping on balls)

2- Mother-"Merry Rope"(jumping rope)

3- dad-"Footballer"(kick the ball)

4-together- "Caterpillar"(catch onto the rope and run to the object)

Leading:While the jury is summing up the results of the last competition, I suggest you look at our next guests. A dancing group "Hello".

Dance "Zimushka-winter"

Leading: The following competitions are separate for moms, dads and children.

4 competition: "Balloon"

(dads needs to be inflated quickly balloon and hit him with your head until he falls to the floor)

5 competition "Magic Hoop"

(mothers you need to twist the hoop around your waist as long as possible)

6 competition: "Collect snowballs"

(children must collect snowballs quickly and as many as possible)

Leading: The jury is summing up the results of the competition, and I have prepared a game for the audience

"Tug of War"

Leading: The last competition is the most decisive. It is necessary to hold hands and loudly shout: "We are the most Friendly family! Hooray!"

7 competition « Friendly family»

Leading: Dear participants and guests of our holiday. The competition is over. While the jury is summing up the general results, I propose to play the children’s favorite game.

A game "Traps with handkerchiefs"

The jury sums up the results and awards the winners.

According to the number of points scored in sports festival« Mother, dad, I - Friendly family! the winner was revealed. It became Khusyainov family, which scored more points (23 points).

Received the Audience Award Gafurov family.

The prize for the most resourceful team was given to Jabbarov family.

The prize itself The Tatlyev family received a sports team.

The teams do a lap of honor.

Publications on the topic:

IN kindergarten We often organize events together with parents. Such events take place in a very warm, friendly and fun atmosphere.

Joint holidays - as a form preschool work with family Family! What could be more important and necessary for a child? Family is a mother who is always there.

Joint sports festival with parents “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family” Joint sports festival with parents “Mom, Dad, I – a sports family” Objectives: To develop children’s cooperation skills.

“Mom, dad, I - together we are a friendly sports family!” Goal: formation of a healthy lifestyle based on the example of parents, education of feelings.