Prayer to your guardian angel on your angel's day. Prayer of gratitude to the guardian angel

Each of us has a special angel with us throughout our entire lives from the time of our baptism; he protects our soul from sins, and our body from earthly misfortunes, and helps us live holy, which is why in prayer he is called the patron saint of soul and body. We ask the Guardian Angel to forgive our sins, deliver us from the tricks of the devil and pray to the Lord for us.

Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angel

O holy Angel, my good guardian and patron! With a contrite heart and painful soul I stand before you, praying: hear me, your sinful servant (name), with a strong cry and a bitter cry; Forsake my iniquities and untruths, show yourself merciful to me and be less filthy than me even until my death; awaken me from the sleep of sin and help with your prayers to pass the rest of my life without blemish and create fruits worthy of repentance, and moreover, keep me from the mortal falls of sin, I truly confess this with my lips, as no one is a friend and intercessor, protector and champion like you , holy Angel: standing before the Throne of the Lord, pray for me, indecent and most sinful of all, that the Most Good One of my soul may arrive on the day of my hopelessness and on the day of the creation of evil. Appeasing my most merciful Lord and God, may he forgive me the sins I have committed throughout my entire life, in deed, in word and with all my feelings, and may the message of destinies save me; May He punish me here by His mercy, may He vouchsafe me to bring repentance, and with repentance may I be worthy of receiving Divine Communion, for this I pray more than anything, and I earnestly desire such a gift. In the terrible hour of death, be near me, my good guardian, driving away the dark demons that have the power to frighten my trembling soul: protect me from those traps, when the imam passes through the airy ordeal, may we protect you, I will safely reach the desired paradise, where the faces of the saints and heavenly ones forces continually praise the all-honorable and magnificent name in the Trinity of the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to whom honor and worship are due forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer

Holy Angel of Christ, falling to you I pray, my holy guardian, given to me for the protection of my sinful soul and body from Holy Baptism, but with my laziness and my evil custom I angered your most pure lordship and drove you away from me with all the cold deeds: lies, slander , envy, condemnation, contempt, disobedience, brotherly hatred, and resentment, love of money, adultery, rage, stinginess, gluttony without satiety and drunkenness, verbosity, evil thoughts and crafty ones, proud custom and lustful indignation, driven by self-lust for all carnal lust. How can you look at me, or approach me like a stinking dog? Whose eyes, Angel of Christ, look upon me, entangled in evil in vile deeds? How can I already ask for forgiveness with my bitter and evil and crafty deed, I fall into misery all day and night and at every hour? But I pray to you, falling down, my holy guardian, have mercy on me, your sinful and unworthy servant (name), be me a helper and intercessor against the evil of my opponent, with your holy prayers, and make me a partaker of the Kingdom of God with all the saints, always, and now and ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer three

To the Angel of God, my holy Guardian, given to me by God from heaven, I diligently pray to Thee: Enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me on the path of salvation. Amen.

Prayer four

To the Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and patron of my soul and body, forgive me all who have sinned this day, and deliver me from all the wickedness of the enemy who opposes me, so that in no sin I will anger my God; but pray for me, a sinful and unworthy servant, that you may show me worthy of the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

Other prayers to the Guardian Angel

Holy Angel, Guardian of my child (name), cover him with your protection from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer, and keep his heart pure. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel (general)

This prayer is read in the morning

Oh, holy angel (name), interceding before our Lord for my soul, my body and my life! Please! Prevent the evil demon from taking possession of my soul and my body. Strengthen my weak and pliable soul and direct it to the true path. I ask you, angel of God and guardian of my soul! Forgive me all the sins with which I have offended you throughout my unrighteous life. Forgive all my sins that I committed on the past day, and protect me on the new day. Save my soul from various temptations, and so that I glorify our Lord. I ask you, pray for me before our Lord, so that His mercy and peace of mind may come to me. Amen

Prayer to the Guardian Angel to atone for sins before God

This prayer is read in the evening, before going to bed.

Holy Angel of Christ, my benefactor and protector, I appeal to you, my thoughts are about you, as through you and about the Lord God. I sincerely repent of my sins, forgive me, the accursed one, for I did not commit them out of thoughtlessness. Those who have forgotten the word of the Lord and sinned against faith, against the Lord. I pray to you, bright angel, heed my prayers, forgive my soul! Having forgiven me, pray for the salvation of my soul before our Heavenly Father. I appeal to you with this, and through you to the Lord God for forgiveness and mercy. I am ready to bear atonement for my sin in order to escape the snares of the evil one. Pray for me, holy angel. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for protection from injury due to an accident.

E This prayer is read before leaving the house.

It is advisable to print or rewrite it and carry it with you.

Holy Angel of Christ, protector from all evil providence, patron and benefactor! Just as you take care of everyone who needs your help in a moment of accidental misfortune, take care of me, a sinner. Be with me and listen to my prayer and protect me from wounds, from ulcers, from any accident. I entrust my life to you, as I entrust my soul. And as you pray for my soul, the Lord our God, take care of my life, protect my body from any damage. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for protection from misconduct

Even though I am in deep grief, I call upon the holy angel of Christ. Help me, God’s servant (name), as you help everyone according to the will of the Lord God. Save me from serious troubles, for my soul has fallen into temptation. Protect from wrongdoing in order to avoid causing harm to anyone and sinning the commandments of God! Save, holy one, keep me from your weakness. Take care, save my soul and pray for me before the Lord. I pin my hopes on you, my guardian angel. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for protection from failure

Making the sign of the cross over myself, I turn in earnest prayer to you, angel of Christ, guardian of my soul and body. Even if you are in charge of my affairs, guide me, send me a happy occasion, come to me at the moment of my failures. Forgive my sins, since I have sinned against the faith. Protect, saint, from harm. Let passions and misfortunes bypass your ward, let the will of the Lord, the Lover of Mankind, be done in all my affairs. This is what I pray to you, benefactor. Amen.

Prayer of gratitude to the guardian angel

The prayer is read when praise is given to the Lord

Having thanked and glorified our Lord, the One God of the Orthodox Jesus Christ for His beneficence, I appeal to you, holy angel of Christ, Divine warrior. I appeal with a prayer of gratitude, I thank you for your mercy towards me and for your intercession for me before the face of the Lord. Be glorified in the Lord, angel!


Angel of God, / my holy guardian, / guard my life in the fear of Christ God, / confirm my mind in the true path, / and wound my soul to heavenly love / so that, guided by you, / I will receive great mercy from Christ God.


Show yourself merciful to me,/ holy Angel of the Lord, my guardian,/ but enlighten me with inviolable light/ and make me worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

A prayer for favorable circumstances to come...

I call upon the seven angels.

According to fate, many people have to face troubles, put up with injustice, endure grief and troubles. A prayer to the Guardian Angel for every day and for all occasions: for help, luck or health will help you in any case! And God forbid, if in these unpleasant, and sometimes truly terrible moments, a soul mate, a loved one, is nearby who can support and help in a difficult situation. But it also happens that there is simply no opportunity to lean on a “strong shoulder”; that’s when you can and should turn to your Guardian Angel for help. Such prayer can lift a person’s spirit, give him strength to accomplish worldly affairs, and even revive his desire to live.

A selection of prayers to the Guardian Angel for all occasions for help, good luck and health.

People have believed in the existence of higher powers since ancient times and, according to legend, everyone living on Earth is always, every minute, accompanied by a Guardian Angel, who follows a person on the right, as well as a Demon, his place, as is known, is on the left side. At the same time, there is a constant struggle for the soul between the Messenger of God and the Evil Spirit.

It is interesting and exciting to realize that the influence of each of these supernatural beings depends on the people themselves. If a person leads a righteous lifestyle, does good deeds and does good, the Guardian Angel becomes stronger and provides even greater protection to the bearer. In the opposite case, the Demon gains power, fueled by the person committing sins; it is then that the Black Spirit influences the thoughts and actions of people, gaining total control over the soul.

The worst thing is that at the same time, the Messenger of Heaven weakens, his influence gradually fades away and he is no longer able to help. Ultimately, the Guardian Angel may leave the person altogether.

Therefore, it is always important to believe with all your heart in your Light Protector, constantly turn to him mentally and be grateful to him!

Can prayer really help you?

There are a huge number of cases where an incomprehensible force saved people in different parts of the world from a terrible tragedy, fatal accident or wrong action. Millions of people attribute this to “serendipity,” “luck,” or “just luck.” And only those in whose soul Faith has settled are sure - this is nothing more than evidence of the intervention of Higher Powers in the fate of a person.

Interestingly, there are those who claim that they managed to capture the Angels on film or using a video camera. Whether this is so is, of course, difficult to judge. One thing is known - as long as a person believes that he is protected every minute by an invisible guard, he will feel this divine protection.

How to pray to your Angel correctly?

How should you pray to your guardian angel correctly?

In order to contact their Guardian Angel, many people wait for a “special occasion”, a certain time of day, or even at all; they believe that the Higher Powers are able to hear a person only in church. But believers are convinced that this is not so.

Here are some rules for contacting an angel:

  • Our Intercessors are “always on the alert,” so you can pray to your Angel any day of the week; morning, afternoon or evening; being in a temple or, for example, at home.
  • He is always ready to hear a request and come to the rescue.
  • It is worth noting that it is customary for Christians to pray in front of the icon of their guardian, that is, in front of the image of the saint after whom they were named.
  • But those lay people who, for one reason or another, have not yet come to God, but whose soul needs prayer, can turn to the Messengers of Heaven, using such common names as “Holy Angel” or “Guardian Angel”.
  • This is not prohibited for people of other faiths, who mentally or by saying the request out loud also turn to their Intercessor.
  • The main thing that must always be remembered during prayer is that it is not the appeal to the Higher Powers itself that is important, but its essence, its content.

What can and cannot be asked for?

Some believe that you can ask the Angel for both physical and material gifts. Maybe it is so. But, first of all, of course, the Guardian should be prayed for spiritual mentoring, including such requests as “teach...”, “let me understand...” and “help...”.

So, we have already figured out that you can contact the Angel at any time. For example, in the morning, before leaving home for work or other errands, it is worth saying a general prayer. It is better to read a prayer with a specific, special request to achieve any result just before the start of the implementation of the plan. Well, evening is the best time to thank your Angel. After this, you need to give your Guardian the opportunity to rest and gain strength for service.

Strong prayers to the Guardian Angel for all occasions

In different life situations, people have a need for special prayers, of which, as we know, there are a great many and it is impossible to foresee all situations in life. There are many such believers who ask their Angel to help them in their affairs, to maintain well-being and success. Some pray to the Guardians to grant them health, protect them from insanity and other serious illnesses, and even avoid death. And there are those whose soul literally “screams” for salvation! There are prayers “for children” and “for parents”, “for husband” and “for wife”.

Of course, people turn to God even when they feel the evil eye or damage; in Christianity there are strong prayers that protect the believer from the influence of evil forces. Requests are raised to heaven not only “for oneself” and “for the well-being of relatives and friends,” there are special prayers “for our little brothers,” from time immemorial people prayed so that livestock would not die, so that domestic animals would be healthy. That is, as long as a person can remember, he needs the intercession of the Higher Powers. And, of course, receiving protection from their Guardian Angels, people sang their kindness and desire to help in a prayer of gratitude.

Universal prayer for any occasion

Many life situations for which you want to pray do not fall into any gradation. In this case, a prayer to the Guardian Angel for all occasions will suit you, which you can read below:

“Oh, holy angel (name), interceding before our Lord for my soul,

My body and my sinful life!

Do not leave me, a sinner, and do not depart from me for all my sins. Please!

Do not let the evil demon take possession of my soul and my body.

Strengthen my weak and pliable soul and direct it to the true path.

I ask you, angel of God and guardian of my soul!

Forgive me all the sins with which I have offended you throughout my unrighteous life.

Forgive all my sins that I committed on the past day,

And protect me in a new day.

Save my soul from various temptations, so that I do not anger our Lord.

I ask you to pray for me before our Lord,

So that his mercy and peace of mind may descend upon me. Amen

Prayer of thanksgiving

One should turn to the Lord and his Angels not only in days of grief and sadness, but also in days of joy. Here is a strong prayer of gratitude to the guardian angel, which should be read on holidays or simply in moments of success in life.

“Having given thanks and glorified your Lord,

The One God of the Orthodox, Jesus Christ, for His beneficence,

I appeal to you, holy angel of Christ, Divine warrior.

I call with a prayer of gratitude,

Thank you for your mercy towards me

And for your intercession for me before the face of the Lord.

Be glorified in the Lord, angel!

Prayer for children

But the most common and most frequently read is the prayer of the Guardian Angel for a child. The mother can ask him to give health to the baby even when he is in the womb. Well, after the birth of a new person, parents with all reverence pray to the Heavenly Messengers to protect him from accidents.

“I pray to you, my good guardian angel, who has blessed me,

He overshadowed me with his light and protected me from all kinds of misfortune.

And neither the fierce beast nor the enemy is stronger than me.

And neither the elements nor a dashing person will destroy me.

And thanks to your efforts, nothing will harm me.

I remain under your holy protection, under your protection,

I receive the love of our Lord. So protect my unthinking and sinless children,

Whom I loved, as Jesus commanded, protected from everything from which I was protected.

Let no fierce beast, no enemy, no element, no dashing person cause them harm.

For this I pray to you, holy angel, warrior of Christ. And everything will be God’s will. Amen."

And if, God forbid, a child gets sick, the mother and father also seek help and salvation for their “little little one” from the Higher Powers. Parents do not stop praying to the Angels for their sons and daughters even when they cease to be children, wishing them well-being, a long and pious life.

Birthday prayer

Below is a strong prayer to the Guardian Angel on your birthday, which should be read directly on the holiday and thus express gratitude for all the good and positive things that have happened to you in life.

Heavenly Angel, my faithful guardian.Follow me through this miserable life.

Don’t give up on failures, save from torment,And on my birthday we started studying again.

Love and forgive, do not sin and do not be angry,Pray to God as hard as possible.

My angel, don’t leave me on a long journey,Let your legs not break in weakness.

Let your hands hold and your heart knock,I will pray again on my birthday. Amen.

Prayer for help

If you need support in a difficult life situation, for example in case of illness, a prayer to your guardian angel for help from troubles and illnesses will certainly help you.

Angel of Christ, holy guardian of my mortal body and my soul, who takes care of me, unworthy.

I pray to you for help and salvation of my weak and infirm body,

Also about the salvation of my Christian soul. Protect me, saint, from numerous troubles,

Koi are waiting for me around. Don't let the fierce beast get stronger than me,

Don’t let the thief deprive me of my belly. Don't let the elements destroy me

Don't let wicked people do me any harm.

Since I have angered you and our Lord, the Most High is my judge,

But not the servants of the unclean. Save my body and my soul, holy guardian angel. Amen.

Prayer for good luck in business

If you need the support of higher powers and a bit of luck in work or business, a prayer to the Guardian Angel for good luck in business and work will certainly help you.

Holy Angel of Christ, my benefactor and patron, I pray to you, a sinner.

Help me, an Orthodox Christian who lives according to the commandments of God.

I ask you to help me on my journey through life, I ask you to support me in difficult times,

I ask for honest luck; and everything else will come on its own, if it is the will of the Lord.

Therefore, I don’t think about anything more than success in my life’s journey and in all sorts of affairs.

Forgive me if I have sinned before you and God, pray for me to the Heavenly Father

And send your blessings down upon me. Amen.

Prayer for material well-being

If you have difficulties with money and material resources, try this prayer:

I appeal to you, angel of Christ. He also protected me and protected me, and kept me,

For I have not sinned before and will not sin in the future against faith.

So respond now, come down from me and help me.

I worked very hard, and now you see my honest hands with which I worked.

So let it be, as Scripture teaches, that labor will be rewarded.

Reward me according to my labors, O holy one, so that my weary hand may be filled,

And I could live comfortably and serve God.

Fulfill the will of the Almighty and bless me with earthly bounties according to my labors.


Prayers to the Guardian Angel for every day of the week

Prayers to the Guardian Angel for every day from Monday to Sunday

In addition, there is a prayer to the Guardian Angel for every day of the week. They represent an appeal to the archangels, as is known, in Christianity this is what the elder angels are called.

On Monday

Prayer on Monday. On this day, believers pray to the angel Michael; this happens when people endure sorrows, temptations, ask to be delivered from the evil one, and seek protection from evil forces. In addition, it is customary to read such a prayer for healing from illnesses.

“Holy Archangel of God Michael, drive away from me the evil spirit with your lightning sword,

Tempting me. Oh, great Archangel of God Michael, conqueror of demons!

Defeat and destroy all my enemies, visible and invisible, and pray to the Lord Almighty,

May the Lord save and preserve me from sorrows and from all illnesses,

From deadly plagues and vain deaths, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

On Tuesday

Prayer on Tuesday. On this day, in prayer, believers turn to Archangel Gabriel with a request to save them from sorrows even if they have overcome a serious illness. In addition, on Tuesday they pray for deliverance from despondency, which, as you know, is considered a mortal sin.

“Holy Archangel Gabriel, who brought inexpressible joy from Heaven to the Most Pure Virgin,

Fill my heart, overflowing with pride, with joy and gladness.

Oh, great Archangel of God Gabriel, you announced to the Most Pure Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God.

To proclaim to me, a sinner, the day of the terrible death of the Lord God for my sinful soul,

May the Lord forgive my sins. Oh, great Archangel Gabriel!

Save me from all troubles and from serious illness, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

On Wednesday

Prayer on Wednesday. Archangel Raphael can be considered their patron by everyone who prays for healing of mental illnesses and physical ailments. And this is no coincidence, because translated from Hebrew the name of this archangel means “He who heals.”

“Oh, great Archangel of God Raphael, received a gift from God to heal ailments,

Heal the incurable ulcers of my heart and the many diseases of my body.

Oh, great Archangel of God Raphael, you are a guide, a doctor and a healer,

Guide me to salvation and heal all my illnesses, mental and physical,

And lead me to the Throne of God, and implore His mercy for my sinful soul,

May the Lord forgive me and save me from all my enemies and from evil people,

And now and forever. Amen."

On Thursday

Prayer on Thursday. They pray to Archangel Uriel in order to guide a lost soul on the true path; it is believed that thanks to this Holy Sinner the thought of repentance may come. Such prayers help to gain Faith.

“Holy Archangel of God Uriel, illuminated by the Divine Light and abundantly filled with the fire of fiery hot love,

Throw a spark of this fiery fire into my cold heart, and illuminate my dark soul with your light.

Oh, great Archangel of God Uriel, you are the radiance of the Divine fire and the enlightener of those darkened by sins,

Enlighten my mind, my heart, my will with the power of the Holy Spirit, and guide me on the path of repentance,

And pray to the Lord God, may the Lord deliver me from the underworld and from all enemies,

Visible and invisible, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

On Friday

Friday prayer. On this day, believers ask the Archangel Selaphiel for humility, hoping that prayer will help them gain humility and also protect them from grief.

“Holy Archangel of God Selafiel, give prayer to the one praying,

Teach me to pray a prayer that is humble, contrite, focused and tender.

Oh, great Archangel of God Selafiel, you pray to God for the people of faith,

Pray to His Mercy for me, a sinner, that the Lord will deliver me from all troubles and sorrows,

And illnesses, and from vain death, and from eternal torment,

And the Lord will vouchsafe me the Kingdom of Heaven with all the Saints forever. Amen."

On Saturday

Prayer to the Guardian Angel on Saturday. Anyone who believes that they have lost heart or succumbed to laziness should pray to the Archangel Jehudiel on this day.

“Holy Archangel of God Jehudiel, the companion of all who labor on the path of Christ, rouse me from grave laziness and strengthen me with a good deed.

Oh, great Archangel of God Jehudiel, you are a zealous defender of the glory of God, you excite to glorify the Holy Trinity, awaken me, too, lazy,

Glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and pray to the Lord Almighty to create in me a pure heart and renew a right spirit in my womb,

And by the Sovereign Spirit he will strengthen me with the truth to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

On Sunday

Prayer to the Guardian Angel on Sunday. This is a special day for all Christians; on this day all those who seek intercession and blessings in business pray to the Archangel Barachiel

“Holy Archangel Barachiel, who brings us blessings from the Lord,

Bless me to make a good start, to correct my careless life,

May I please the Lord my Savior in everything forever and ever. Amen."

It is believed that it is necessary to create a special, favorable atmosphere for communication with Angels. To do this, it is important to get rid of bad thoughts, clear your mind of negativity, and forget about the irritants that invariably surround and will surround us in everyday life. Moreover, aggression is unacceptable. To contact your Guardian Angel, find a calm, secluded, relaxing place in your apartment, house, or, for example, your favorite corner of nature.

Talk to your spiritual companion: you can talk about problems and joys, worries and achievements. And he will definitely hear you, because the Angel is always next to you. But remember, it is impossible to do during conversion without absolute, unshakable, all-encompassing faith in the Angel, which gives the Guardian strength to protect and protect his confidant.

For many centuries there have been canonical prayers to the guardian angel. These are verbal codes that have been tested many times and have come down to us from our ancestors - powerful protective information that has not lost its power to this day, and even more so - from repeated repetitions by many people prayers are getting stronger! You and I can also use canonical prayers for our protection and for help. They work, check it out! Here are a few of the strongest protective prayers.

Morning prayer to the guardian angel

Oh, holy angel, interceding before our Creator for my soul, my body and my life!
Do not leave me and do not depart from me for all my sins. I ask you, do not let the evil demon take possession of my soul and my body. Strengthen my soul and direct it to the true path. I ask you, angel of God and guardian of my soul, forgive me all the sins with which I have offended you throughout my unrighteous life. Forgive all my sins that I committed on the past day, and protect me on the new day. Save my soul from various temptations, so that I do not anger our Creator. I ask you, pray for me before our Creator, so that His mercy and peace of mind may come to me. Amen.

If you start with this prayer every morning, then help and guardian angel support will always be with you every minute of the coming day.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for protection from troubles

Angel of Christ, holy guardian of my mortal body and my soul, who takes care of me, I pray to you for help and salvation of my body and my soul. Protect me, saint, from numerous troubles, do not let the fierce beast overthrow me, do not let the enemy deprive me of my belly, do not let the elements destroy me, do not let dashing people harm me. If I have angered you and our Creator in any way, then the Almighty is my judge, but not the servants of the unclean. Save my body and my soul, holy guardian angel. Amen.

Read this prayer on the first of every month or every Monday.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for a happy life

Benefactor, holy angel, my guardian forever and ever, as long as I live! Your ward is calling to you, hear me and come down to me, just as you have benefited me many times, do so again. I am pure before God, I have not done anything wrong before people. I lived by faith before, and I will continue to live by faith, and therefore the Lord has endowed me with His mercy, and by His will you protect me from all adversity. So let the will of the Creator come true, and you, saint, will fulfill it. I ask you for a happy life for yourself and your family, and this will be the highest reward for me from the Creator. Hear me, heavenly angel, and help me, fulfill the will of God. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel to guide you on the right path

Heavenly angel, save my sinful soul, pray to the Creator for me, and descend on me. Show me a sign of God, show me the will of God. I am ready to listen sensitively to the will of God, for I have repented of my earthly deeds. Forgive my sins, pray to the Lord our God Jesus Christ for me! Guide me on the right path. Bring me the word of the Creator again. Let our heavenly Father tell me his will through you. Just as a student at school listens to the words of knowledge pleasing to God, so I am ready to listen to the word of God from the lips of His messenger, the holy angel. This is what I pray to you, holy angel. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for success in everything

Holy angel of Christ, my benefactor and patron, I pray to you, sinner, help the Orthodox who lives according to the commandments of God. I ask you for little; I don’t ask for gold, I don’t ask for surplus, I don’t ask for satiety, but I ask for help on my journey through life, I ask for support in difficult times, I ask for honest luck; and everything else will come on its own, if it is the will of the Creator. Therefore, I don’t think about anything more than success in my life’s journey and in all sorts of affairs. Forgive me if I have sinned before you and God, pray for me to the Heavenly Father and send your blessings upon me. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for protection from misconduct

Being in deep grief, but not for the sake of excess and not for the sake of satiety, I appeal to you, holy angel of Christ. Help me, God’s servant (name), as you help everyone according to the will of the Creator. Save me from serious troubles, for my soul has fallen into temptation. Protect from wrongdoing, so that you don’t cause harm to anyone and thus don’t break God’s commandments. Save, saint, keep us from causing suffering to others through our thoughtlessness and weakness. Protect, save my soul and pray for me before the Creator. I pin my hopes on you, my guardian angel. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for protection from accidents

Holy angel of Christ, protector from every evil providence, patron and benefactor! Just as you take care of everyone who needs your help in a moment of accidental misfortune, take care of me, a sinner. Do not leave me, listen to my prayer and protect me from wounds, from ulcers, from any accident. I entrust my life to you, as I entrust my soul. And as you pray to our Creator for my soul, take care of my life, protect my body from any damage. Amen.

Every Christian, during the rite of baptism, finds not only godparents, but the Lord also gives him a Guardian Angel. He watches our every action and protects us from all sorts of problems throughout our lives. The main function of an Angel is considered to be the protection of our soul and body.

It is advisable to say a prayer to the Guardian Angel for help every day, preferably in the morning and evening. If you cannot remember the words, then it is advisable to write them down on a piece of paper or in a notepad. And then after a certain number of repetitions, they themselves will fall into your memory.

Prayers to the Guardian Angel are sent with various requests. Often we turn to the Intercessor, asking for:


They ask the Guardian to protect them from an accident before the upcoming journey and for help before the operation.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for health

Many people refute the belief that there is really something higher above us that protects us from everything bad. But we cannot deny the fact that sometimes there are moments when something takes us away from some problems. It happens that a person is faced with a difficult choice and does not know what to do, and then, out of nowhere, an insight comes to him.

It happens that such tips look strange, but they carry a positive result.

The Guardian Angel only observes the life of his ward and sometimes directs his energetic protection. But he is strictly forbidden to make global adjustments to life, much less make decisions for him.

There are times when we get sick or our loved ones suffer from illness. What to do then? It is best to turn to the Guardian Angel in prayer, because it is he who is constantly next to us and is ready to help us.

A prayer to the guardian angel in illness is read in these words:

Holy angel, warrior of Christ, I appeal to you for help, for my body is in serious illness. Drive away illnesses from me, fill my body, my arms, my legs with strength. Clear my head. I pray to you, my benefactor and protector, about this, for I have become extremely weak, infirm. And I experience great suffering from my illness.
And I know that because of my lack of faith and because of my grave sins, illness was sent to me as punishment from our Lord. And this is a test for me. Help me, God's angel, help me, protecting my body, so that I can endure the test and not shake my faith in the least.
And above all, my holy guardian, pray for my soul to our Teacher, so that the Almighty will see my repentance and take away the illness from me. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for eternal health:

Heed the prayers of your ward (name), holy angel of Christ. As he did me good, interceded for me before God, looked after and protected me in a moment of danger, kept me, according to the will of the Lord, from bad people, from misfortunes, from fierce animals and from the evil one, so help me again, send health to my bodies , my hands, my feet, my head.
May I forever and ever, as long as I live, be strong in my body, so that I can endure trials from God and serve for the glory of the Most High, until He calls me. I pray to you, wretched one, for this. If I have been guilty, I have sins behind me and am not worthy to ask, then I pray for forgiveness, for, God sees, I did not think anything bad and did not do anything bad. Eliko was guilty, not out of malice, but out of thoughtlessness.
I pray for forgiveness and mercy, I ask for health for life. I trust in you, angel of Christ. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for help in love

Every person dreams of creating a strong family and a loving person nearby. Some accomplish their plans quite quickly and without much effort. But what about those who just can’t find the one or the one?

Many are ready to do and give everything they have, just not to be lonely. Many people advise first turning to the Guardian Angel asking for help in love affairs. To do this, it is recommended to read the following prayer:

Making the sign of the cross over myself, I turn in earnest prayer to you, angel of Christ, guardian of my soul and body. Even if you are in charge of my affairs, guide me, send me a happy occasion, do not leave me even in the moment of my failures. Forgive my sins, since I have sinned against the faith.
Protect, saint, from bad luck. Let failures and passions-misfortunes pass by your ward, let the will of the Lord, the Lover of Mankind, be done in all my affairs, and I will never suffer from bad luck. This is what I pray to you, benefactor. Amen.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for help in business

Each of us experiences both white and black streaks in life. Every morning we begin with the fact that we begin to feel a certain discomfort. Sometimes we try to resolve certain issues and fail. So, in order for things to go smoothly, I recommend turning to the Guardian Angel daily with prayer for help in your work:

Holy Angel, standing before my damned soul and my passionate life, do not leave me a sinner; step aside from me for my intemperance. Do not give room to the wicked demon to dominate me through the violence of this mortal body: strengthen my poor and thin hand and guide me on the path of salvation.
O holy Angel of God, guardian and patron of my repentant soul and body, forgive me everything, I have offended you with great sorrow all the days of my life, and if I sinned in this past night, cover me on this day, and wound me from every opposing temptation, Let me not anger God in any sin, and pray for me to the Lord, that He may strengthen me in His passion, and show me worthiness as a servant of His goodness. Αmin.

Prayer for help with money

Material well-being is very important for every person. The only difference is how much money each person needs to meet their needs. But there are situations when material well-being does not come at all, and then you can turn to the Guardian Angel with a request for this:

To you, the angel of Christ, I appeal. He also protected me and protected me and kept me, for I have not sinned before and will not sin in the future against faith. So respond now, come down on me and help me. I worked very hard, and now you see my honest hands with which I worked. So let it be, as Scripture teaches, that labor will be rewarded. Reward me according to my labors, holy one, so that my hand, weary with labor, may be filled, and I may live comfortably and serve God. Fulfill the will of the Almighty and bless me with earthly bounties according to my labors. Amen.

Prayer to your Angel for help in studying

Each person is different in their mental abilities. For some, science comes easier, while others may put in a lot of effort and never master the granite of science. To help in this matter, you can use the prayer for help in studying:

Holy angel of Christ, faithful servant of God, warrior of His heavenly army, I appeal to you in prayer, crossing myself with the holy cross. Send me heavenly grace to my spiritual strength and grant me meaning and understanding, so that I may sensitively listen to the godly teaching that the teacher conveys to us, and my mind will grow enormously for the glory of the Lord, people and the Holy Orthodox Church for the benefit. I ask you this, angel of Christ. Amen.

Always remember that prayer is only part of the possible success of a business. The most important thing is the sincere faith with which all this is said.

Watch the video prayer to your Angel for help:

May the Lord protect you!

Everyone has their own conversation with God. Believe it or not, even an atheist! But in moments of troubles or misfortunes, people are similar to each other in terms of helplessness and search for support. Everyone needs support. It is sometimes found in spirituality or, in other words, faith. Let's look at when a person needs a prayer to a guardian angel for help. How to read it correctly? Is she helping?

Who will we ask for help?

Do you imagine an angel? What is he like? It is important. After all, talking about the secret with someone about whom you have no idea is difficult, even moreover, impossible! Will a prayer to a guardian angel for help addressed into emptiness work? Only an echo can return from it, and even that is empty. Surely you understand that we are not talking about getting to know the physical shell of a heavenly inhabitant, especially since no one has ever seen one. An angel lives in your soul. It must be felt. And if you need a visual image, then you are welcome to go to the church to see the icons. There, by the way, a prayer to the guardian angel for help is easier and simpler to pronounce. Try it yourself. But for now about icons. It is recommended to choose your angel by name. Even the unbaptized have a patron saint. Find out which of the faces is associated with your name. Some people have several saints. Then they choose the one whose day falls on the date of birth (or nearby). This is how you can determine your angel. Although some people feel it. They look at the icon and “hear” the answer from it. They talk to this image. It should be understood that there are no restrictions in this case. Maryams or Barbarians are quite allowed to ask for help from any saint they trust.

What can't a guardian angel do?

Now let's figure out what to contact your patron with. Prayer to the guardian angel for help still has some limitations. They are associated, as a rule, with the spiritual bonds of faith. You see, such questions have never arisen before. From childhood, people were raised not only to be believers, but also to be relatively literate in this regard.

Everyone knew the Lord's commandments by heart. Now you can meet citizens who are confident that their enemies must be destroyed by a guardian angel! Prayers to a guardian angel cannot contain aggression, like any appeal to the Lord. When you talk to your heavenly patron, it is like communicating directly with Christ! Is it really possible to demand evil from him for his other beloved children? This is unacceptable. If you want to ask your guardian angel for help, then cool down. You shouldn't talk to him in this state. You'll only be shaking the air in vain. There is still no need to be offended by your patron. And that’s how it happens. The person thinks, a prayer to the guardian angel has been read more than once, an ambulance will appear immediately. This doesn't always happen. The patron must be trusted. He knows best how to help you.

What is he doing?

Here it would be good to specify the “competence” of your personal angel. Sometimes people expect too much from him without feeling any gratitude for real support. If you treat this way, your patron will leave you alone. And this is very bad. How does a guardian angel protect you? It is advisable to formulate prayers to the guardian angel positively, but specifically. Believe me, he is always next to you. The patron protects a person, takes him away from unnecessary troubles, prompts and guides. Don't you feel it? So listen. For example, remember your dreams. How many times have they foreshadowed those troubles that later made you so sad and irritated? This is the work of an angel. He vigilantly watches his “master”. Doesn't sleep or get distracted. Its' his job. By the way, some people have several such patrons. An angel always responds to requests with events in life, a chance meeting with the right person, unexpected joy, or another, no less exotic way. We need to learn to understand this. Most often, this skill comes with experience. Now we can safely start practicing.

Protective prayers

Prayers to the guardian angel are most often directed against evil forces. You know that there is a lot of injustice in the world. A person can be jinxed or cursed. The angel tries to protect his “master” from such a misfortune. And it is recommended to ask him about this in the following words: “My omnipotent angel! Open up a happy path for me! Protect from passion, from evil spirits and misfortune, from slander and enemy judgment, from sudden grief and illness, from a thief in the night, from bad anger and bad words! Stay with me forever. And the hour of death will come, let the angel stand at the head of the bed! Amen!" These words are believed to give strength and confidence. Pray when you feel unwell or anxious. Words will not only rescue you from the clutches of fear or despondency, but will also help you feel heavenly protection. You know, it would be good to start praying in front of the icon of your saint. This way you will quickly understand what signs he is giving you, realize his reality, and learn to understand.

Prayer for Prosperity

They say that material affairs are accomplished only on earth. However, let's speculate. So you go to work, receive and spend wages. Is she big? If not, why not? Most likely, you got a job in the place you found. But it could have been different. Ask an angel for help. He will push you on the road leading to profit and prosperity. The described case is, of course, a simplification. But this does not mean that turning to a patron is useless. If you want a prayer to your guardian angel to help you with your material well-being, then read it on your birthday. It is believed that at this time the patron is very close. And the text is: “My guardian angel! Go ahead. Sweep away obstacles from my path! So that the enemy runs away with his tail between his legs. So that the family's income only grows. Send me a gift of prosperity. Let life become beautiful, protected by your omnipotent power! Amen!" It is appropriate to repeat such words every morning. Remind both yourself and your patron that you strive for a good, righteous life, filled with wonderful emotions and creative deeds.

On your birthday

Let us mention once again that at the moment of birth, an angel stands next to a person. This happens every year. For this day, the patron prepares his own gifts for his “master”. But you can ask him for something else. To do this, you just have to get up early. It is advisable to light a candle and thank the angel for everything he does for you. Go outside. Stand facing the rising sun. Say this: “My angel! Thank you for your strength and power, without which I cannot bear to be. You attract friends, you threateningly drive away enemies. When I lose heart, you won’t let me get into trouble! Please (describe your request briefly)! Let it come true in the way that is best for me and the people around me! Amen!" Now you can return to the house and accept congratulations. Be sure that one of them will be a response to your request or some kind of sign telling you in which direction to act. Of course, if you have faith in miracles in your soul. And then, as soon as childhood ends, people forget about wizards, which greatly offends their angel. Smile at him and tell him that you sincerely believe in his existence.

In moments of trouble and grief

There are special words. God forbid you get into a situation where they come in handy. This refers to a miraculous prayer to the guardian angel. She is remembered when there is no longer any hope. Ahead lies an abyss of despair. A person does not see any prospects, everything around looks gloomy and threatening. You understand, you wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Sometimes a person clearly realizes that there are only enemies nearby who are trying to harm and humiliate. He can only rely on an angel. Don't hesitate if trouble happens. Pray anywhere and any position. Say this: “My angel! Come with me always and everywhere! Don't leave me in dire trouble. Protect with the cover of your wings! Strengthen my faith and strength! Angel, share your wisdom! Help us get out of the abyss and up! Turn to the Lord! May He forgive me my sins and strengthen me in grief! Amen!"

For favorable circumstances to arise

You know, sometimes luck is the most important thing. When a student passes a session, for example. Or if you need to talk to a strict boss. Before such an event, you can also turn to an angel. He should sometimes explain the essence of his earthly problems. Understand that the heavenly dweller cares more about the soul. That is why prayers and conspiracies to the Guardian Angel are needed. To explain what the problems are here in our sinful abode. And you say these words: “I appeal to the seven angels! I remember the Lord's commandment! He said that whoever begins to pray, seven angels will descend from heaven. They will carry you away on wings and save you in trouble! God! Through this prayer, let your slave (name) know happiness, see luck and catch him by the tail! Amen!"

About the fulfillment of a wish

If you really want something, then you should consult an angel. The Lord created the world so that his children would be happy. If dreams do not come true, then this may be the highest meaning. Ask your patron. Just give him time to give him a sign. If it turns out to be positive, then tell us about your dream in front of the icon. Ask passionately and sincerely for help. If you don’t understand the signs yet, tell us about your dreams without them. The angel will definitely hear. Just don't expect the impossible. As the Eastern sages say, there is a time for everything. The angels seem to agree with this.

On trial

You know, some people are afraid of the public or the boss, heights or elevators. All sorts of worries come to mind. To strengthen confidence, say the following words: “Beautiful and wise angel! Instill love and kindness into my heart! Help me understand myself, find out my place in life! So that he can rise to the heights of mastery, so that his work progresses and his prosperity brings joy. For the enemy to turn out to be a friend, the one who swore before was faithful. Angel, show me the path to harmony of happiness, may all troubles and misfortunes pass me by! Amen!"

People often don't believe in angels because they don't understand how they work. We have become very realistic, give us logic, explain everything from the point of view of science. This is, understandably, a personal choice. But buy an icon of your angel and talk to him. Maybe after some time you will realize the wonderful truth. In our purely pragmatic world there is a place for miracles! And it's next to you! Believe me, sometimes the feeling of a miracle is much more effective than all the clever reasoning, cunning plans and high-precision calculations! Good luck!