Master's level of education. What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree - how many years to study, how to get a diploma

What is a master's degree and why is it needed?

A master's degree is the second level of higher education in the Bologna system. After completing a bachelor's degree, graduates make a choice: look for a job or continue their studies in a master's program in order to qualify for higher positions.

A master's degree is a systematic approach to training for work in the chosen field of activity. Students master the educational program, undergo theoretical and practical preparation for research or professional activities, which allows them to gain deep systematic knowledge and skills.

Three arguments “FOR” a master’s degree:
A. Without it, you will not be able to enroll in graduate school and receive an advanced degree (if you are a bachelor's degree).
B. You will be able to remain a student for two more years. Moreover, it’s free.
C. You can obtain another profession or qualification, or improve your training in a profession you have already acquired.

RKhTU offers 39 master's programs in 14 areas of training. These are: “Chemistry”, “Ecology and environmental management”, “Information systems and technologies”, “Chemical technology”, “Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology”, “Biotechnology”, “Technosphere safety”, “Materials science” and materials technologies”, “Standardization and metrology”, “Organization and management of high-tech industries”, “Nanomaterials”, “Management”, “State and municipal administration”, “Linguistics”.

A complete list of areas for master's degree training at RKhTU can be viewed.

3. Admission to a master's program

You may choose a major that is different from that indicated on your bachelor's degree. The choice of direction is not limited in any way.
To enter the master's program, you must pass an entrance test. You must confirm that your knowledge acquired in a bachelor's degree is suitable for studying in a master's degree.
For example, to enroll in the “Information Systems and Technologies” training program, you will need to pass an oral exam in the programs: “Information Systems and Technologies” or “Information Systems in the Digital Economy,” depending on the program. And for the direction “Biotechnology” - “Industrial biotechnology and bioengineering”.

Information about entrance tests and minimum scores can be obtained.
Documents for admission to a master's program, along with examples of completion, can be viewed.
The procedure for recording individual achievements (for master’s programs it also exists)

4. Targeted training in master's programs

What is targeted learning? This is when a company sends you to study at a university, and you do not have to pay for the training, but in return you work for this company for some time after graduation.

Pros of targeted training:
A. You are guaranteed employment after receiving your diploma,
B. You are doing an internship with an employer,
C. Additional social support measures are available to you during your university studies.
List of companies with which RHTU cooperates in sending students for targeted training.

The reform of the previous five-year higher education system still misleads many people. Every future student should find out the answer to the question - bachelor's and master's degrees - what they are, regardless of whether this will be their first study or not.

What do master's and bachelor's degrees mean?

What these two terms have in common is that they mean mastering a certain level of the state educational program. The first step towards a new scheme was taken in 1997, when amendments to the Bologna Convention were adopted, introducing a two-level education system. They came from the USA, where they are called undergraduate education and graduate education. Using the example of America, we can talk about the advantages of such education:

  1. It gives the right to change specialization if the previous one is boring.
  2. Understanding what a bachelor is, a potential employer will prefer him to a person with a specialty, because it is easier to train him from scratch.
  3. Studentship, scholarships, dormitory accommodation and other guarantees are extended for several more years.

Who is a Master?

A master's degree is the second stage of higher education, available to anyone who has completed the first. An academic master's degree is acquired after completing the full educational process. An important characteristic of the degree is that not only certified specialists who graduated from the university before the introduction of the Bologna system can apply for free education. The following nuances fully reveal the master's degree:

  1. A person who has completed the second stage of education has the right to occupy leadership positions in the civil service.
  2. To prevent employees from having to think whether a master's degree or a bachelor's degree is superior, legislators divide all qualified professions into those that require one degree or require both.
  3. The course of subjects is selected in such a way that the student is completely immersed in scientific and practical activities.

Who is a Bachelor?

Bachelor's degrees are available to yesterday's schoolchildren and those who have completed secondary vocational education. Contrary to popular prejudice, it is not useless without further admission to a master's program. A bachelor's degree is considered a higher education: upon completion, the student writes a final certification thesis and passes qualifying exams. It has several aspects that everyone should know about:

  1. It assumes a basic set of subjects for specialties, which in the magistracy will be divided into branches (for example, jurisprudence allows for civil, criminal and constitutional orientation).
  2. The degree gives you a chance to write and defend a scientific dissertation in the future.
  3. Prestige under the Bologna system does not depend on the great name of the institution in which the student studied: it is equivalent to a degree confirmed by a diploma.

Bachelor's and Master's degrees - pros and cons

Every degree has its disadvantages and advantages. The only disadvantage of a bachelor's degree is different hiring standards. They can tip the scales in the opposite direction when answering the question of whether a bachelor's or master's degree is better. The salary depends entirely on the diploma, so a bachelor’s degree without a master’s degree sometimes blocks the career development of the smartest and most talented employee. In specializations that do not require a second stage of education to achieve heights, those who want to devote themselves to research and teaching go to master's programs.

Master's and bachelor's degrees - how are they different?

The two levels of education, even when they imply equal rights when applying for a job, are dissimilar in essence. The difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree is that:

  1. An applicant with a certificate of complete school education can apply for a bachelor's degree, and he will be accepted into a master's program only after completing a bachelor's degree.
  2. The average duration of study for a bachelor's degree is 4 years, and a master's degree takes 2 years.
  3. Knowing the answer to the question, bachelor's and master's degrees - what they are, it is not difficult to guess that at the first stage you can get one specialization, and at the second stage you can change it to another if you wish.
  4. Only a student who has an academic master's degree can get into graduate school.

Why do you need a master's degree after a bachelor's degree?

Among skeptical students, there are widespread doubts about whether a master's degree is really necessary after a bachelor's degree. The need for it does not always arise, but only under the condition that the student expects to receive from the master’s program:

  • a large amount of knowledge that cannot be included in the basic program;
  • rapid professional growth in a highly competitive corporation;
  • weight in the country's scientific community, publications in specialized journals;
  • transitional stage on the way to graduate school and work as a teacher.

Is it worth studying a master's program after a bachelor's degree?

It would be dishonest to say that a master's degree is synonymous with a full-fledged higher education. Not all professions require a person to study for 7 years at a university with its time and material costs. Everyone must decide for themselves whether to go to a master’s program after a bachelor’s degree, based on the bonuses from receiving it:

  • international mobility and diploma recognition;
  • equivalence of a master's degree with a foreign scientific qualification PhD;
  • experience of working with foreign teachers, conducting research and development for candidate work.

How to choose a master's program after a bachelor's degree?

In order to make the most correct choice for studying at the second stage of higher education, you need to clearly define. A master's degree after a bachelor's degree in another specialty opens up the possibility of a double advantage in employment. The best universities with recognized experience and a big name have the right to confirm an academic degree. When choosing a master's degree specialization, factors such as:

  • communication of the educational institution with foreign educational institutions and companies;
  • demand for the profession in the labor market;
  • the potential employer’s readiness to take leave due to passing the exam.

Is master's degree after bachelor's degree paid by the employer?

Guarantees and compensation for employees combining training with professional activities are prescribed in the country’s labor legislation. Finding an answer to the question of whether a master’s degree is paid after a bachelor’s degree can develop according to one of the scenarios:

  1. A master's degree in some specialties (usually highly scientific ones) is equivalent to a specialty. Employers of students who find themselves in this situation are supported by the state in paying wages.
  2. The master's degree has become the employee's personal initiative, so management has the right to give him leave, but will not pay for it.
  3. If the answer to the question “is a master’s degree needed after a bachelor’s degree?” depends on the career development of a specialist who has completed the first stage of education once, the employer cannot fire him. The company is required to pay for any leave associated with preparatory courses, lectures or exams.

Since 2013, as part of the implementation of Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" in the Russian Federation A multi-level system of higher professional education is being built.

Accordingly, bachelor's, specialist and master's degrees are the levels of the new system of higher professional education being formed.

Each of these levels is different:

    educational programs approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in accordance with the federal state educational standards of higher professional education (FSES HPE) in the most popular and promising professions and specialties;

    educational qualification for admission to an educational institution of higher professional education;

    duration of full-time study;

    the received document on higher professional education;

    acquired qualification (degree);

    form of final state certification and

    opportunity for further training.

Article 10 “Structure of the education system” of Federal Law No. 273-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2017) “On education in the Russian Federation”

For ease of comparison, the table shows a generalized description of bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s degrees:

Level of higher professional education

Bachelor's degree


Master's degree

Educational programs

Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education in areas of undergraduate training

Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Professional Education in areas of specialty training

Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Professional Education in areas of master's training

Educational qualification for admission

General secondary education or its equivalent

Bachelor's or specialist's degree

Duration of full-time study

At least 5 years

Received document on higher education

Bachelor's degree

Specialist Diploma

Master's degree

Qualification acquired (degree)

Academic Bachelor, Applied Bachelor


Nature of education received

General fundamental training in a specific area without narrow specialization

Focused on practical work in the industry in the chosen area

Deep mastery of theoretical aspects, oriented towards research activities

Final state certification form

Passing state exams, preparing and defending bachelor's graduation papers

qualifying work

Passing state exams and defending a thesis (project)

Passing state exams and defending a master's thesis

Opportunity for further training

Master's degree

Master's or postgraduate studies

Postgraduate studies

From this comparative table it can be seen that:

    for mastering programs Bachelor's or Specialist's degree:

    • must have - secondary general education,

      and for master's programs - higher education at any level;

Part 2, 3 Article 69 “Higher Education” of Federal Law No. 273-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2017) “On Education in the Russian Federation”

    in contrast to bachelor's and specialty programs, teach according to programs master's degree Not only universities, but also scientific organizations can;

    Moreover, each of the bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs belongs to an independent type of the main professional educational program of higher education, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in accordance with the federal state educational standards of higher professional education (FSES HPE) for the most popular and promising professions and specialties;

    Admission to study at an educational institution of higher professional education is carried out separately for each of these programs.

pp. "b" clause 2, part 3 of Article 12 “Educational programs”, part 5 of Article 69 “Higher Education” of Federal Law No. 273-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2017) “On Education in the Russian Federation”

Specialty- this is the education system familiar to the Russian Federation:

    specialists are trained for practical activities in a particular industry;

    The period for obtaining this level of higher professional education is, as a rule, 5 years.

However, many universities in recent years have switched to the Bologna (two-level) system of higher professional education:

  • which involves the preparation and graduation of bachelors and masters;

section IX Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016 - 2020, approved. By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 No. 2765-r

    those who wish to obtain their first higher education at a university that has switched to the Bologna system of higher professional education enroll in a bachelor's degree;

    subject to successful completion of the final certification at this level of education, he is awarded the qualification “bachelor” and issued a diploma indicating that he has a higher education;

Clause 2 Part 5 Article 10 “Structure of the Education System” of Federal Law No. 273-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2017) “On Education in the Russian Federation”

Bachelors - can continue their studies and obtain a master's degree:

    however, it is not necessary to enroll in a master's program at the same university. Admission to master's programs is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations;

    Conventionally, a bachelor's degree can be characterized as basic higher education, and a master's degree as further specialization.

Parts 3, 5, 6 Article 69 “Higher Education” of Federal Law No. 273-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2017) “On Education in the Russian Federation”

Master's degree- in contrast to bachelor's and specialty programs, carry out training in master's programs:

  • Not only universities, but also scientific organizations can.

clause 4 of the Procedure, approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 04/05/2017 N 301 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs, master's programs"

The significant difference between bachelor's, specialist and master's degrees is also:

    in the duration of study, which is established by federal state educational standards (FSES);


    • To obtain a specialist diploma, they study for 5 years,

      Bachelor's degree - 4 years,

      master's degree - 2 years.

Part 4 of Article 11 “Federal state educational standards and federal state requirements. Educational standards" of Federal Law No. 273-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2017) "On Education in the Russian Federation";
clause 3.3 of the Standard, approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 12, 2016 No. 1173 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for higher education in specialty 01.05.01 Fundamental mathematics and mechanics (specialty level)”;
clause 3.3 of the Standard, approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 08/07/2014 No. 943 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of preparation 01.03.01 Mathematics (bachelor’s level)”;
clause 3.3 of the Standard, approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 17, 2015 No. 827 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of preparation 01.04.01 Mathematics (master’s level)”

The master's degree is the second part of the two-level higher education system, which produces professionals with more in-depth specialization who are capable of solving complex problems. The scope of their application will be research activities and independent analytical work. The duration of training at this stage is 2 years.

The main objective of the master's program is to prepare professionals for a successful career in international and Russian companies, as well as analytical, consulting and research activities. A master's degree is closer in level to a candidate's dissertation, so it has higher requirements.

A master's degree is awarded based on the results of defending a master's thesis at a meeting of the State Attestation Commission. According to the amendments made to the Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education” (Chapter II, Article 11), since 2011, “receiving higher professional education in shortened specialist training programs and master’s programs is not allowed.”


The right to participate in the competition for admission to a master's program is available to persons who have successfully completed their studies in bachelor's or specialist's programs. To do this, you must pass a special qualifying exam (interview) and go through a competition.

At the same time, only a part of bachelors will get into the master's program, because the number of specialists at this level will vary depending on staffing needs. Specialists who wish to continue their education in a master's program will be able to do this only on a paid basis, since for them a master's degree is considered a second higher education.


Master's graduates will be able to realize themselves in science, occupy positions requiring analytical and design skills and abilities, and conduct independent production or socio-economic activities.

Those who already have a bachelor's degree or a certified specialist cannot study for a master's degree on a budgetary basis, because this will be equivalent to receiving a second higher education.

A master's degree entitles you to further postgraduate studies. Those entering the master's program are given a two-year deferment from the army.