Lena Lenina about her once best friend Lyudmila Bratash, the deceased millionaire mistress of Nikita Dzhigurda. “The Secret of the Will” by Lyudmila Bratash Bratash biography

“KP” continues to deal with the detective story concerning. Let us remind you: the artist presented a will, according to which the lonely rich businesswoman, former owner of the VIP air transportation company El Air, Lyudmila Bratash, leaves all her property to him and his wife, figure skater Marina Anisina.

According to Anisina’s lawyer, the amount of the inheritance is one billion rubles. But Bratash’s acquaintances assure us: we are talking about an amount 3-4 times less. Be that as it may, the will of the deceased Svetlana.

There really are a lot of questions about the document.

“There wasn’t even a visa”

“I worked in Lyudmila’s company from 1996 to 2010 inclusive,” ex-El Air employee Irina Egorova told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - The will that Dzhigurda shows was drawn up in the USA in 2010. But I can declare with full responsibility: Lyudmila Bratash did not fly to America in 2010. At that time she did not have a visa.

- Why are you so sure of this?

Because I was organizing all her flights - booking hotels, buying tickets, and so on. Lyudmila did not do this work herself - the office did it. And for the last couple of years of the company’s existence (until 2010 - Ed.), only me and the accountant remained in the office.

Until 2003, she flew to America only on state visits, together with Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev. At first, she organized flights for him on a Boeing, which she took from the Swiss. Then Aliyev flew several times a year to treat his heart condition at a clinic in Cleveland. Lyudmila organized flights for him and often accompanied him - she was friends with him. But I never flew to America on my own. After Aliyev's death in 2003, she stopped visiting the United States. Therefore, I couldn’t be there with Dzhigurda either.

Lyudmila Bratash's sister Svetlana asked me to speak in court regarding the will - I agreed.

“I signed blank forms”

Irina Egorova also questioned Lyudmila’s notes, in which she calls her sister a thief and asks to protect her from the driver.

This is not her handwriting, assures Irina Egorova. - Because I worked with her for many years, I know how she wrote. The signature on the will that Dzhigurda shows is similar to Lyudina. But it's not difficult to fake it. And we forged it in the office - on some minor papers. She allowed us to do this because she often went on a drinking binge, but she understood: the company must work uninterruptedly.

Sometimes she signed blank forms - on the sheet with her company's header. We had such sheets in our office and at her home. By the way, Dzhigurda presented the will on the company’s letterhead. I believe the will is a forgery.

Business cards in shoe boxes

“I don’t like that now the name of Lyudmila Bratash is put on a par with the name of Dzhigurda,” continues Irina Egorova. - She really was the founder of VIP air transportation in Russia. Her company's clients included Alisher Usmanov, Roman Abramovich, Boris Berezovsky, large banks, and oil workers. Lyudmila personally communicated with them. The entire top twenty Russian billionaires at Forbes are her former clients.

- Did you see Dzhigurda near Bratash?

Lyudmila talked a lot in the office about Dzhigurda as a regular participant in her parties. But she said that he was a clown, a fool. Lyudmila was a lonely woman, bored, rich. She often threw parties. Dzhigurda attended them to amuse the audience. She put up with him for Anisina's sake. I know that they asked Lyudmila for money and she gave it to them. But sometimes she refused. I remember Lyuda saying: “Dzhigurda is completely stunned - he’s asking me for money for the Maidan.”

- How did Bratash meet Anisina?

They met at some parties. And actress Elena Kondulainen introduced Luda to Dzhigurda. Lyudmila had very serious connections at different levels. She often asked me: sort out the business cards. She had so many business cards from people that I just put them in shoe boxes! People have something to do with aviation, this is something... You can’t imagine how many people she knew - those in power, the security forces, and the stars. Some think that she had a personal connection with the driver or with Dzhigurda. This couldn't happen. These men are simply not on her level.


There was no murder

The prosecutor's office completed the pre-investigation investigation into the death of Lyudmila Bratash and came to the conclusion that death occurred naturally (injury due to a fall). The initiation of a criminal case based on Dzhigurda’s application was refused. However, the artist did not agree with the conclusion that it was a natural death and wrote statements to the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Investigative Committee. A re-inspection has been scheduled.


Inheritance - at least a billion rubles

After listening to the story of a former employee of the Bratash company, Irina Egorova, we decided to give the floor to the other side.

Lyudmila flew to America in 2010 and made a will there, says Marina Anisina. - And the will is genuine, certified by a US notary. I have no doubt that we will win the trial.

For a detailed comment, Anisina sent us to her lawyer Andrey Knyazev.

An employee of the Bratash company claims that Lyudmila did not fly to America in 2010. And he believes that the will is a fake.

We do not agree with this statement. There is evidence - both witness testimony and documents - that Lyudmila Bratash traveled to the United States and that she drew up a will there. We will submit all papers to the court.

By the way, Lyudmila Bratash’s company “El Air” was registered in New York. As far as I know, the deceased still has an apartment in New York. Lyudmila Bratash's sister is trying to challenge the will for obvious reasons - because she wants to receive an inheritance. But so far I have not seen evidence from the other side that the will is invalid.

- How much is the inherited property valued at?

At least a billion rubles. But the issue, in general, is not about money. Lyudmila Bratash, when she made her will, left everything to the children of Nikita and Marina (one of them is her godson). And Nikita has already stated that he wants to use this money for charity - to help children. That is, the goals are good.


The showman was suspected of theft

As former Bratash driver Dmitry Kuronov told Komsomolskaya Pravda, he provided the police with information indicating that Dzhigurda withdrew money through an ATM from Lyudmila’s bank cards.

On New Year's holidays, the safe in Bratash's apartment was robbed: 250 thousand euros and jewelry worth 600 thousand euros were missing, says Dmitry Kuronov. - On January 1, Dzhigurda took Lyudmila with him from her house. Later we found her in a clinic near Moscow: Lyudmila was being treated for alcohol abuse.

When she came to her senses after the binge, she began to conduct her own investigation. She requested bank statements and found out that on January 2, almost 500 thousand rubles were withdrawn from three of her cards. Video surveillance cameras near ATMs recorded that Dzhigurda and his driver were withdrawing money.

Lyudmila called Dzhigurda and asked why he withdrew money without her knowledge. He replied that he paid for her treatment at the clinic. But the treatment at the clinic did not cost 500 thousand, continues Dmitry Kuronov. - PIN codes for bank cards were kept in a safe. So, Dzhigurda opened the safe once he learned the codes? But in addition to the codes, money and jewelry were missing! Lyudmila gave me the data from her investigation shortly before her death. And I provided information to the police. An investigation is currently underway.

The police confirmed to us in an informal conversation that the check was indeed being carried out.

A criminal case will be opened in the near future regarding the theft, a police source told KP. - The first suspect in this case will be Nikita Dzhigurda. During the pre-investigation check, we called him for an explanation, but he did not come.

- Dzhigurda left for America.

If he does not appear to testify of his own free will, a decision will be made to arrest him in absentia. And if there is evidence, he will be subject to criminal liability. And if a person is found guilty of theft, he will not see an inheritance. Moreover, the assumption arises: was the will made after the fact to hide the theft? Like, if he’s an heir, he wouldn’t steal from himself? This is probably the question the investigation will ask.


Handwriting samples were given to the police

We reached out to the businesswoman’s sister, Svetlana.

“I’m going to file an application against Dzhigurda regarding the will,” she said. - There is a trial going on, I don’t recognize the will.

- There is an opinion that Bratash’s notes were not written by her...

I can’t comment on this, let the investigative authorities do that. Now everything is in the hands of the police. We gave them handwriting samples.

1. The will is executed on the letterhead of the airline, which was owned by the businesswoman. According to colleagues, Lyudmila often signed blank forms so that work would not be delayed if she was not there.

2. Cliché imprinting is a common practice for notaries in the United States.

3. The signature of Lyudmila Bratash does not convince Dzhigurda’s opponents. They say that an autograph can be easily forged.


It is also possible on a form

We asked our questions about the will to an independent specialist, lawyer of the Moscow Bar Association Igor Putilov.

Igor Anatolyevich, did an American notary have the right to certify a will executed on the letterhead of a private company? In this case, airlines.

Yes. Theoretically, you can make a will on anything. It is important that the testator personally comes to the notary. In America, notaries are qualified people. If the form seemed dubious, the notary would reject it.

- The date on the red rectangular seal is 2012. And the will itself says 2010...

In this case, the seal indicates the validity period of the notary's license. Specifically - until 2012.

- On the document at the top left there is some kind of transparent seal, barely visible - what is it?

This is most likely a notary cliché. US notary forms have additional protection: when you put a metal cliche on the paper, you hit it and a mark is pressed through.

Overall, the document looks convincing, but the issue with it is not the simplest. It is likely that the will was drawn up in accordance with US standards and will be recognized as valid in relation to property located in America. The same applies to property in other countries (we don’t take Russia), if these countries have signed agreements with the United States on legal assistance and the form of this will does not contradict the requirements of their legislation.

As for the application of this will in Russia, the issue is controversial. Overall, this case is quite interesting, and I'm curious what the court will decide.


Dzhigurda's wife leaves him because he refused to be treated by psychiatrists

It seems like déjà vu, but it’s really true. Nikita Dzhigurda is getting divorced. His wife Marina Anisina again filed documents for divorce in a Moscow court. In the winter of 2015, the 55-year-old showman and the 41-year-old figure skater did not complete the matter - after the artist promised to undergo treatment with a psychiatrist, the compassionate wife withdrew the application from the court. And now, a year and a half later, the situation repeated itself

Nikita Dzhigurda’s close friend Lyudmila Bratash passed away more than two years ago. On the ill-fated day, February 15, Lyudmila Bratash’s security guard and driver found her dead in her apartment. There were empty wine bottles around - Bratash had problems with alcohol in the last years of her life. Doctors named the official cause of death as a severed blood clot. At the time of her death, the businesswoman was 56 years old.

The businesswoman bequeathed the entire inheritance, consisting of luxury real estate in the capital and France and bank accounts, to the family of Nikita Dzhigurda. Dzhigurda, in turn, suspected that Lyudmila’s death was not accidental, and Bratash’s sister Svetlana Romanova was directly related to this. However, for a long time, the words of the outrageous actor remained his assumption. Now Nikita Borisovich has proof in his hands that Bratash became the victim of an attacker.

“The position of the victim and the attacker at the time of the blow could have been any convenient for their infliction. Bratash Lyudmila Jonathanovna, 56 years old. Death occurred from a traumatic brain injury, accompanied by fractures of the bones of the base of the skull,” the death report noted.

“Based on the nature of Lyudmila Bratash’s injuries, which consist of bruises on the face, hematomas on the temple, lacerations and bruises, hard bruises in the chest area and other parts of the body; this indicates that her death could only have been of a criminal, violent nature,” the lawyer added in Channel Five’s “Gossip Chronicle” program.

Despite this, a criminal case has not yet been opened, and Dzhigurda is extremely surprised why this happened. According to Nikita Borisovich, the day before the death of Lyudmila Bratash, her driver Oleg Kuronov came to her with his wife and other people. At the same time, Bratash was always afraid of Kuronov and even wrote a statement against him to the police several times. The man is protected by Svetlana Romanova, who, according to Dzhigurda, is also interested in receiving a multimillion-dollar inheritance from her relative.

Let us remind you that the outrageous actor has very little left to receive his inheritance. The actor already knows what he will do after this. He will not just organize a holiday, but will remarry his ex-wife Marina Anisina, whom he divorced two years ago after eight years of marriage. Apparently, the difficult situation has brought the couple together, and harmony and mutual understanding reign again in their personal lives.

“Our wedding with Marina will be the apotheosis of victory in this difficult matter. We plan to hold the celebration at the end of November, perhaps closer to the New Year. Everything will depend on how the courts end and when we receive the inheritance,” Nikita told StarHit about a month and a half ago.

The ex-assistant of the late businesswoman Lyudmila Bratash told Komsomolskaya Pravda about the relationship between the lonely owner of a VIP air transportation company and the married showman

Photo: Mikhail FROLOV

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“KP” continues to deal with the detective story concerning the inheritance of Nikita Dzhigurda. Let us remind you: the artist presented a will, according to which the lonely rich businesswoman, former owner of the VIP air transportation company El Air, Lyudmila Bratash, leaves all her property to him and his wife, figure skater Marina Anisina.

According to Anisina’s lawyer, the amount of the inheritance is one billion rubles. But Bratash’s acquaintances assure us: we are talking about an amount 3-4 times less. Be that as it may, the will is being challenged in court by the deceased’s sister Svetlana.

There really are a lot of questions about the document.

“There wasn’t even a visa”

“I worked in Lyudmila’s company from 1996 to 2010 inclusive,” ex-El Air employee Irina Egorova told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - The will that Dzhigurda shows was drawn up in the USA in 2010. But I can declare with full responsibility: Lyudmila Bratash did not fly to America in 2010. At that time she did not have a visa.

- Why are you so sure of this?

Because I was organizing all her flights - booking hotels, buying tickets, and so on. Lyudmila did not do this work herself - the office did it. And for the last couple of years of the company’s existence (until 2010 - Ed.), only me and the accountant remained in the office.

Until 2003, she flew to America only on state visits, together with Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev. At first, she organized flights for him on a Boeing, which she took from the Swiss. Then Aliyev flew several times a year to treat his heart condition at a clinic in Cleveland. Lyudmila organized flights for him and often accompanied him - she was friends with him. But I never flew to America on my own. After Aliyev's death in 2003, she stopped visiting the United States. Therefore, I couldn’t be there with Dzhigurda either.

Lyudmila Bratash's sister Svetlana asked me to speak in court regarding the will - I agreed.

“I signed blank forms”

Irina Egorova also questioned Lyudmila’s notes, in which she calls her sister a thief and asks to protect her from the driver.

This is not her handwriting, assures Irina Egorova. - Because I worked with her for many years, I know how she wrote. The signature on the will that Dzhigurda shows is similar to Lyudina. But it's not difficult to fake it. And we forged it in the office - on some minor papers. She allowed us to do this because she often went on a drinking binge, but she understood: the company must work uninterruptedly.

Sometimes she signed blank forms - on the sheet with her company's header. We had such sheets in our office and at her home. By the way, Dzhigurda presented the will on the company’s letterhead. I believe the will is a forgery.

Business cards in shoe boxes

“I don’t like that now the name of Lyudmila Bratash is put on a par with the name of Dzhigurda,” continues Irina Egorova. - She really was the founder of VIP air transportation in Russia. Her company's clients included Alisher Usmanov, Roman Abramovich, Boris Berezovsky, large banks, and oil workers. Lyudmila personally communicated with them. The entire top twenty Russian billionaires at Forbes are her former clients.

- Did you see Dzhigurda near Bratash?

Lyudmila talked a lot in the office about Dzhigurda as a regular participant in her parties. But she said that he was a clown, a fool. Lyudmila was a lonely woman, bored, rich. She often threw parties. Dzhigurda attended them to amuse the audience. She put up with him for Anisina's sake. I know that they asked Lyudmila for money and she gave it to them. But sometimes she refused. I remember Lyuda saying: “Dzhigurda is completely stunned - he’s asking me for money for the Maidan.”

- How did Bratash meet Anisina?

They met at some parties. And actress Elena Kondulainen introduced Luda to Dzhigurda. Lyudmila had very serious connections at different levels. She often asked me: sort out the business cards. She had so many business cards from people that I just put them in shoe boxes! People have something to do with aviation, this is something... You can’t imagine how many people she knew - those in power, the security forces, and the stars. Some think that she had a personal connection with the driver or with Dzhigurda. This couldn't happen. These men are simply not on her level.


There was no murder

The prosecutor's office completed the pre-investigation investigation into the death of Lyudmila Bratash and came to the conclusion that death occurred naturally (injury due to a fall). The initiation of a criminal case based on Dzhigurda’s application was refused. However, the artist did not agree with the conclusion that it was a natural death and wrote statements to the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Investigative Committee. A re-inspection has been scheduled.


Inheritance - at least a billion rubles

After listening to the story of a former employee of the Bratash company, Irina Egorova, we decided to give the floor to the other side.

Lyudmila flew to America in 2010 and made a will there, says Marina Anisina. - And the will is genuine, certified by a US notary. I have no doubt that we will win the trial.

For a detailed comment, Anisina sent us to her lawyer Andrei Knyazev.

An employee of the Bratash company claims that Lyudmila did not fly to America in 2010. And he believes that the will is a fake.

We do not agree with this statement. There is evidence - both witness testimony and documents - that Lyudmila Bratash traveled to the United States and that she drew up a will there. We will submit all papers to the court.

By the way, Lyudmila Bratash’s company “El Air” was registered in New York. As far as I know, the deceased still has an apartment in New York. Lyudmila Bratash's sister is trying to challenge the will for obvious reasons - because she wants to receive an inheritance. But so far I have not seen evidence from the other side that the will is invalid.

- How much is the inherited property valued at?

At least a billion rubles. But the issue, in general, is not about money. Lyudmila Bratash, when she made her will, left everything to the children of Nikita and Marina (one of them is her godson). And Nikita has already stated that he wants to use this money for charity - to help children. That is, the goals are good.


The showman was suspected of theft

As former Bratash driver Dmitry Kuronov told Komsomolskaya Pravda, he provided the police with information indicating that Dzhigurda withdrew money through an ATM from Lyudmila’s bank cards.

On New Year's holidays, the safe in Bratash's apartment was robbed: 250 thousand euros and jewelry worth 600 thousand euros were missing, says Dmitry Kuronov. - On January 1, Dzhigurda took Lyudmila with him from her house. Later we found her in a clinic near Moscow: Lyudmila was being treated for alcohol abuse.

When she came to her senses after the binge, she began to conduct her own investigation. She requested bank statements and found out that on January 2, almost 500 thousand rubles were withdrawn from three of her cards. Video surveillance cameras near ATMs recorded that Dzhigurda and his driver were withdrawing money.

Lyudmila called Dzhigurda and asked why he withdrew money without her knowledge. He replied that he paid for her treatment at the clinic. But the treatment at the clinic did not cost 500 thousand, continues Dmitry Kuronov. - PIN codes for bank cards were kept in a safe. So, Dzhigurda opened the safe once he learned the codes? But in addition to the codes, money and jewelry were missing! Lyudmila gave me the data from her investigation shortly before her death. And I provided information to the police. An investigation is currently underway.

The police confirmed to us in an informal conversation that the check was indeed being carried out.

A criminal case will be opened in the near future regarding the theft, a police source told KP. - The first suspect in this case will be Nikita Dzhigurda. During the pre-investigation check, we called him for an explanation, but he did not come.

- Dzhigurda left for America.

If he does not appear to testify of his own free will, a decision will be made to arrest him in absentia. And if there is evidence, he will be subject to criminal liability. And if a person is found guilty of theft, he will not see an inheritance. Moreover, the assumption arises: was the will made after the fact to hide the theft? Like, if he’s an heir, he wouldn’t steal from himself? This is probably the question the investigation will ask.


Handwriting samples were given to the police

We reached out to the businesswoman’s sister, Svetlana.

“I’m going to file an application against Dzhigurda regarding the will,” she said. - There is a trial going on, I don’t recognize the will.

- There is an opinion that Bratash’s notes were not written by her...

1. The will is executed on the letterhead of the airline, which was owned by the businesswoman. According to colleagues, Lyudmila often signed blank forms so that work would not be delayed if she was not there.

2. Cliché imprinting is a common practice for notaries in the United States.

3. The signature of Lyudmila Bratash does not convince Dzhigurda’s opponents. They say that an autograph can be easily forged.


It is also possible on a form

We asked our questions about the will to an independent specialist, lawyer of the Moscow Bar Association Igor Putilov.

Igor Anatolyevich, did an American notary have the right to certify a will executed on the letterhead of a private company? In this case, airlines.

Yes. Theoretically, you can make a will on anything. It is important that the testator personally comes to the notary. In America, notaries are qualified people. If the form seemed dubious, the notary would reject it.

- The date on the red rectangular seal is 2012. And the will itself says 2010...

In this case, the seal indicates the validity period of the notary's license. Specifically - until 2012.

- On the document at the top left there is some kind of transparent seal, barely visible - what is it?

This is most likely a notary cliché. US notary forms have additional protection: when you put a metal cliche on the paper, you hit it and a mark is pressed through.

Overall, the document looks convincing, but the issue with it is not the simplest. It is likely that the will was drawn up in accordance with US standards and will be recognized as valid in relation to property located in America. The same applies to property in other countries (we don’t take Russia), if these countries have signed agreements with the United States on legal assistance and the form of this will does not contradict the requirements of their legislation.

As for the application of this will in Russia, the issue is controversial. Overall, this case is quite interesting, and I'm curious what the court will decide.


Dzhigurda's wife leaves him because he refused to be treated by psychiatrists

It seems like déjà vu, but it’s really true. Nikita Dzhigurda is getting divorced. His wife Marina Anisina again filed documents for divorce in a Moscow court. In the winter of 2015, the 55-year-old showman and the 41-year-old figure skater did not complete the matter - after the artist promised to undergo treatment with a psychiatrist, the compassionate wife withdrew the application from the court. And now, a year and a half later, the situation repeated itself

Photo: Boris KUDRYAVOV

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In the last issue of the weekly "KP" we talked about how Nikita Dzhigurda became the heir in the will of his rich, lonely friend Lyudmila Bratash. The millionaire died under mysterious circumstances on February 14 this year. Immediately after her death, Nikita Dzhigurda stated that Lyudmila was killed. And that she left her entire 800 million inheritance to the artist and his wife Marina Anisina. Bratash's sister is challenging this will in court. Komsomolskaya Pravda found out new details.

Got lucky in the dashing 90s

Many people wonder: how did Lyudmila Bratash become a millionaire? This question was clarified for us by her friend, former military test pilot Mikhail Markov.

In the 90s, Lyudmila made a lot of money for organizing flights for VIPs,” Markov told KP. - I worked with Bratash - I made flights, and she established a brokerage structure and was an intermediate link. Typically brokers earn two to three percent, but she earns 30 percent! She said that if I don’t receive 10 thousand dollars from the flight, I won’t even pick up the phone. And for some reason oligarchs of the rank of Boris Berezovsky ordered flights from us through her company. We earned, say, 700 dollars from the flight, while bearing all the main expenses, and her intermediary company - 10 - 12 thousand dollars each.

This is how it worked until the 2000s. Then the rich bought private jets and started flying themselves. Brokers are no longer needed. Lyudmila’s company collapsed (in 2010 - Ed.). During her work, Luda certainly became rich. But her inheritance is unlikely to amount to 800 million.

Scandal over an old refrigerator

Bratash's close friend Galina Zavyalova also doubts the size of the inheritance.

Luda has never had such huge money! - Galina thinks. - I’ve known her since she came from Minsk to Moscow as a young girl.

In the 90s, Luda invested money in a country house under construction. And then she successfully sold it, earning many times more - about 270 thousand dollars. With this money I bought an elite apartment in Ostrovny Proezd and a one-room apartment in Strogin. Of course, she still had some money left - then she bought another apartment in Moscow.

Luda lived very frugally. I was always looking for cheaper plane tickets on the Internet. I remember throwing a scandal at my nephew because he threw away the old refrigerator: she felt sorry. Dzhigurda claims that she has real estate all over the world and accounts. Where? I think he said this to give himself significance - the principles of show business worked.

Galina Zavyalova believes that there are many dark spots in the story of her friend’s death.

Luda told me that she wanted to be buried next to her parents in Minsk,” she says. - But she was buried in the grave of... relatives of Lyuda’s personal driver Dmitry Kuronov!

As KP ​​found out, no criminal case has been opened into the death of Lyudmila Bratash; the investigation continues. But the cause of death has been definitively established - traumatic brain injury.

Alcohol from the driver

Over the past two years, Luda has turned into a binge alcoholic. She categorically refused to undergo treatment,” continues Galina Zavyalova. “It was hard to watch her deteriorate before our eyes.” But someone supported this state of hers. I know that her driver Kuronov always came to her with a bottle. I also saw Dzhigurda visiting Bratash. He could get her, for example, watermelon, but not booze. It was Nikita who, after the New Year, took Luda in a drunken state from her house, loaded her into his car and sent her to the clinic. It was like this: after the New Year, her sister Sveta found me: they say, on January 1, Luda disappeared, she was kidnapped by Dzhigurda! I contacted Marina Anisina in Paris (I have known Marina since my youth, I worked with her figure skating coach Lyudmila Pakhomova for a long time). Marina says to me: “You have no idea what condition Lucy is in! Nikita couldn't look at it. I myself looked for a clinic on the Internet so that at least someone could see her on January 2.”

During Lyuda's absence, it turned out that jewelry and money - about 250 thousand euros - were stolen from the safe in her apartment. On New Year's Day, Luda had Dzhigurda. And then her driver arrived and he opened the door with his key. He, according to his confession, opened the safe with a spare key and saw that it was empty. Then Lyuda told me: “Kuronov stole the money from the safe.” But later she began to think about both Nikita and her sister.

The last people to see Bratash alive were Dmitry Kuronov and his wife. According to the forensic examination, Bratash's death occurred at 14.40 - three hours after the couple left.

Karma as an argument

The next day the driver came to Lyudmila again. Having found Bratash dead, he called the police.

My sister immediately arrived and saw Luda covered in blood,” says Galina Zavyalova. - Sveta cried and told me: “She has a crushed head from the back, from the back of her head.” Sveta decided that her sister had been killed. All the fuss, of course, is around inheritance.

Luda was terribly worried that she could not have children. At the age of 25, she had an unsuccessful abortion while pregnant. It was a terrible tragedy for her. They say that Dzhigurda told her that his son is the karmic embodiment of her child. Therefore, I was not surprised that she became the godmother of Dzhigurda’s son. Luda could well have written off the inheritance to the parents of her godson - Dzhigurda and Anisina.

- How was her relationship with men?

She showed me her love - a pilot from France. They lived together. And then Luda found him with someone else. At the end of her life, Luda was lonely.

"Binge? Try not to buy!”

We asked the driver Lyudmila Bratash why he regularly brought alcohol to a drunken woman.

Try not to buy it! “I’m her subordinate,” answered Dmitry Kuronov. - If you refuse, you won’t see your salary on the first day. Besides, I knew: when I left, she would order a box of vodka on the Internet.

- How did Lyudmila behave shortly before her death?

Usually. My wife and I left, and she was surfing the Internet.

- Why was she buried in the grave of your relatives?

Because you can only get a free place in a cemetery outside the Moscow Ring Road. In Moscow, a place costs at least a million. And we have a family grave at the Kolomenskoye cemetery. And I also thought: my sister will still take Lyuda to Belarus when it’s all over. The body cannot be removed now - until all the circumstances of the death are clarified. It may be exhumed.

- Dzhigurda said that Bratash’s inheritance is 800 million...

Who are you listening to? By the way, without waiting for the court’s decision, a month and a half after Lucy’s death, Dzhigurda and Anisina broke the locks in her Paris apartment. Moreover, during those two days in early January when we considered Luda missing and Dzhigurda took her away, 476 thousand rubles were withdrawn from her accounts! When Lyudmila left the clinic, she requested bank statements. They show that the amounts were withdrawn on January 2 from three of her bank cards through ATMs. At her request, she was allowed to view CCTV footage of the ATMs. In the video - Dzhigurda and his driver. Then Dzhigurda said that he withdrew money for Lyuda’s treatment at the clinic. Lyusya made a request to the medical institution how much was paid for her treatment, but no answer came. By the way, Lyuda downloaded the data from her investigation onto a flash drive and gave it to my wife.

- Dzhigurda suspects you of involvement in the death of Bratash...

Rave! Luda's death is absolutely unprofitable for me. After she left, I lost my job! Sometimes I had a working day - I came to her at 10 in the morning, and left at 12 noon. I didn't stress at all. For the kind of money that she paid me, I will now have to work hard from dawn to dusk.


How much has Bratash really saved?

1. A business lady owned an elite apartment in Ostrovny Proezd, building 8. Its cost was from 120 million rubles.

2. Apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospect, 50 sq. m. meters is estimated at between 50 and 70 million.

3. Apartment on Dunaevsky Street - about 10 million rubles.

4. Lexus car - cost about 7 million rubles.

5. Apartment in Paris - approximately 32 million rubles.

As a result, according to the roughest estimates, it turns out to be 219 million rubles.

There is money in bank accounts as well. How much exactly, lawyers are finding out. According to Bratash driver Dmitry Kuronov, at the time of Lyudmila’s death there were about 800 thousand euros (approximately 55 million 640 thousand rubles) in her accounts. A lot, of course, but not 800 million, as Dzhigurda assured.



Not without love passion

KP asked writer and detective author Polina Dashkova to analyze this story. She immediately began asking clarifying questions:

According to the conclusion of the forensic examination, what is the cause of Lyudmila’s death?

At first, doctors believed that she died due to a detached blood clot. But there were injuries on her body. The medical examiner's report indicated that death was due to traumatic brain injury.

People who drink often die this way. The man got drunk, fell, broke his head and never regained consciousness.

I think that if she bequeathed her fortune to someone, it would only be to her lover. It seems very likely that he was Dzhigurda. Perhaps he somehow pulled this will out of her in a fit of love passion - he persuaded her to sign it.

One more question: why did she draw up a will not in Russia, but in America? It is very strange. The woman was smart, had a business, which means that when drawing up the document, she had to consult with lawyers whether the will drawn up in America was valid in Russia. And one more thing: a will always includes a list of all property - this is not the case here. Finally, if the woman took this will seriously, I think she would find the opportunity to make it again in Russia, so that there would be no doubts.

- A month before Lyudmila’s death, a theft was committed in her apartment. Dzhigurda assures: the driver is to blame...

The driver had the opportunity to enter the apartment and had access to the safe - which means he could take money at any time. I could have slowly pulled him out of there, and no one would have noticed anything. Most likely, the theft was committed by a person who did not usually have access to the safe and who took advantage of the situation when the owner was drunk.

CCTV footage from the entrance showed that three hours before Bratash’s death, the driver and his wife were in her apartment. Dzhigurda wrote on social networks: “They were going to kill Lucy!”

Well, I came to the apartment as if I was going to work. I don't see anything illogical in the driver's actions. The classic question: who benefited from her death? To the driver - no. The woman paid his salary. To my own sister - also unlikely. The more Dzhigurda blames others, the more suspicious he becomes. A competent, objective investigator must understand the history.


“There is a chance to win the trial”

Dzhigurda has a certain chance of winning the trial, said “KP” inheritance lawyer at the Knyazev and Partners Bar Association Maria Rulkova. - If the American notary who certified the will confirms in court that, yes, this woman came to him, was of sound mind, that he certified her will, then if there is strong evidence, you can win the case. For example, if he presents to the court a video recording of how the document was drawn up.

In general, according to the laws of our country, a will by a Russian citizen in America should be drawn up not by an American notary, but at the consulate of the Russian Embassy in the USA. It will look like an ordinary will in Russian in form, only it will be indicated where it was drawn up - that is, it was certified not by a notary, but by a consul. And yet, in some cases, the court may recognize an improperly executed will as valid. And then Dzhigurda will win the trial.

Jewelry of Lyudmila Bratash. Photo: Personal archive of Dmitry Kuronov

According to Dmitry Kuronov, jewelry worth 600 thousand euros (more than 41 million rubles) disappeared from the Bratash safe. Here are photos of just some of them. Dmitry explained: Lyudmila herself photographed the jewelry. She viewed such purchases as an investment and kept records of her investments.

Nikita, you said that her driver Dmitry Kuronov and her sister Svetlana Romanova were to blame for Lyudmila’s death. How did you find out about this?

Lyudmila died on February 14. Sorry, it's hard for me to talk, I haven't slept all night. Unfortunately, we found out very late that before that she had been given vodka for a week. CCTV cameras at the entrance recorded Kuronov handing over money to security. True, the recording was later deleted, but I managed to restore this footage in France. The film recorded how on February 14 at 11.40 Kuronov and his wife entered her apartment and left her at 11.57. Death, according to experts, occurred around this time as a result of a traumatic brain injury to the base of the skull. The head was broken in four places!

Are you being threatened because of this video?

They said that if I tried to investigate this case, it would be me who would be accused of murder. They were preparing a trap for me - they knew that I was going to visit her that day. Because the day before, February 13th, she called me and cried. She said that before that she withdrew 300 thousand euros from the bank, and then the money was stolen. It’s not hard to guess who did it - Kuronov had the keys to the safe. I have Lyuda’s suicide notes and other documents. They say that if I give all these documents to the prosecutor's office, I will be killed.

How are your wife and children now?

Of course, the wife gets upset and cries. Now she is in France with her children under guard. I also have an armed bodyguard, I don’t need any more. If they want to kill, they will kill with security.

Talk about it so calmly...

I'm not afraid to die. Our souls are immortal. Glory to the madmen who live as if they think they will never die. I have nothing left to live for if my friends are being killed and nothing can be done about it. The entire world community will be drawn to this problem. The murder of Dzhigurda will produce that same spiritual explosion, which will be a cleansing enema for both Russia and other countries. Let them kill, but I will not remain silent.

I will definitely hand over the envelopes with video materials and Bratash’s notes to the prosecutor’s office. In this way we will stop the chaos that could begin if Kuronov and his sister evade responsibility. This will be a signal for the servants, for the drivers - that, it turns out, you can kill your owners by agreeing with the cops, and they will not get anything for it. This could be a detonator. Remember the pre-revolutionary situation, when servants killed their masters. Now the same thing is happening - in the heart of Russia, in Moscow, my close friend was tortured and defamed.

And yet Kuronov worked for your godmother for eleven whole years. How did he decide to kill?

Lyusya said that since 2003, Kuronov injected her with strong drugs. They paralyzed her, Kuronov raped her in a perverted form and for many years gave her pills that simply burn her brain. He gave two types of drugs at the same time - those that cause a burning sensation inside and those that are incompatible with alcohol. She drank because only alcohol dulled this burning sensation. Gradually, Kuronov isolated her from her friends and from all foreign partners. Lucy, let me remind you, was the only woman who managed to break into the elite airline business. Elite planes landed where the customer wanted and delivered owners to luxury yachts.

We have observed more than once when Lucy, in a normal state, drank two glasses of wine and after that, as they say, “caught a squirrel”, did not recognize anyone.

Why didn't you immediately sound the alarm?

She begged us not to interfere. Dmitry Kuronov beat her for dating us, and even for talking on the phone. Three years ago we saved her from death. We came to her house and saw her blue, beaten, with signs of strangulation. Lyusya said that we don’t understand who we are contacting – they will kill everyone. And if we call the police, she will say that Kuronov is good, because he blackmailed her and could post a video of her intimate relationships with high-ranking officials.

Despite her objections, we called a narcologist, who barely found a vein where we could inject the medicine. The veins were stuck together from the drug that Kuronov had given her. For three days, day and night, I looked after her, not letting Kuronov in. She cried on my shoulder and told me such secrets that I will write about in my book about godfather. The narcologist started drips, and within three days Lucy came to her senses a little. We flew to America to film in Hollywood. Lucy was supposed to fly with us, but she couldn’t. And already in America we learned that she had broken her leg. Of course, the question is how she got the fracture.

On New Year's Day, my driver and I came to Lyusya and found her in a disgraceful state, intoxicated by drugs and alcohol. She walked under herself and did not understand where she was. She had already begun to have death convulsions, I resuscitated her - I have a paramedic education. After that, she said that Kuronov and his wife were injecting her with drugs. All this happened under the cover of her sister, whom Lucy crossed out of her will. In general, Lyusya wanted Marina Anisina (Dzhigurda’s wife – Ed.), who worked at her company Al-Air, to become her guardian, but her sister flatly refused. On the third day we admitted Lyudmila to an elite clinic. And the next day, her sister, knowing about this fact, reported to the police that we had kidnapped the godmother in order to forge a will.

On January 6, we brought detectives from the Krylatsky District Department of Internal Affairs to the clinic, where Lyusya, having come to her senses, called her sister a thief and wrote a statement to the police. In front of them, she called Svetlana, swore at her and said what she told the opera and doctors: “Dzhigurda is my savior in life,” and called Anisina the only friend she trusts. Bratash from the clinic contacted her nephew, Romanova’s eldest son Yaroslav, via the Internet. He wondered where it was and what kind of institution it was. Lucy didn’t want to scare him, she replied that she was bringing beauty to a special boarding house.

Is it true that Lyudmila bequeathed her entire fortune to you?

Lyudmila left her property to me and Marina in equal shares. The will was written in America. They ask why there. Firstly, by law you can write anywhere. Secondly, she was beaten and blackmailed here. And thirdly, in New York she had apartments and a company registered in Manhattan - the same place where the will was written. You just can’t imagine what a nightmare she lived in! Her company was taken away by raider. Let me remind you that Kuronov forced her to either transfer everything to her sister or marry him. Lucy held on with all her strength.

There is another dark point in this story. Two originals of the will were stolen from us - one from Lucy’s apartment, the other from ours in Paris. After this, the Parisian police assigned guards to my wife and children. What’s interesting is that we had one “cleaning lady” who, referring to the people she worked for, got a job with Peskov’s ex-wife, Katya, who lives in Paris. And so Marina wrote an SMS to her friend Tanyusha Navka - so that she would warn Katya and Dmitry Peskov - and at the same time told about the threats that we were receiving. I’m not saying anything, but after some time the daughter of Peskov and Katya ended up in a French hospital with severe poisoning. And I want to say a big thank you to Tatyana Navka. We received a call from the FSB and were informed that I would be taken into custody.

Still, the amount of the inheritance is not small - if I’m not mistaken, about 800 million rubles. How do you plan to manage your money?

When the civil court recognizes the will as legal (and it recognizes it, because the document has already been recognized as valid by notaries in Switzerland, America and England), we will enter into inheritance rights and will be able to fulfill the dream of our godfather - to complete the construction of a spiritual and medical center in Greece named after her father Jonathan. This is a unique place near Athens. It is there that the monument to King Leonidas and 300 Spartans stands. Nearby is the famous resort of Parnassus. Interestingly, 20 kilometers from there, Roma Abramovich bought an entire mountain.

Abramovich himself?

I'll tell you, Lucy knew him even before he became an oligarch. Now we can already talk about this - at one time Boris Berezovsky, who used her services, offered her huge amounts of money to speak out against Roma at the trial. Of course, she laughed in Berezovsky’s face and said that she did not betray her friends. After that, Berezovsky abandoned her with two flights. Roman Abramovich paid for these flights, but, alas, did not follow the further fate of his girlfriend. And Berezovsky promised to take revenge. And he took revenge by ordering Lucy’s “friends” to do to her what Kuronov and company did.

They wrote that you did not allow any of your friends to attend the funeral.

This blatant lie was spread in a commissioned article with a million circulation by one of the central newspapers, writing that we did not even invite my sister to the funeral. But it was her sister and Kuronov who secretly buried her physical body in the grave of Kuronov’s relatives, even without a funeral service, without notifying either relatives or friends. At first the killers wanted to cremate the body, but I made such a fuss that no one thought it was enough. The police didn’t let them - it was murder after all. For forty days I performed the funeral service for my godfather, as required by faith. I felt terrible after that, because I pulled Lucy, spitting blood and pus, out of the energy hole where she had been driven. I know for sure that she is now happy, in heaven, because all the necessary rituals have been carried out.

Were you good friends with Lyudmila? How long did you know her?

I knew Lyudmila Bratash even before Marina Anisina. And if he wanted, he could be her husband - I’m telling you secret information. When we met, this woman was simply magnificent! But I knew that she was a millionaire, that it would be an unequal relationship. Despite the fact that at that time I received the salary that is paid to the president and prime minister of the country. I had 10-15 thousand dollars a month - this was enough to give gifts to the woman I loved (I mean Anisina). So I didn’t go for it - I didn’t want to be called a gigolo. At the same time, I treated Lucy very warmly, admired both her forms and her mentality.

Why did she become your son's godmother?

Lyusya Bratash and her mother Valentina Iosifovna - may they rest in heaven - at one time insisted that I be baptized and marry Marina. In general, my roots go back to Vedic Rus'. To some extent I was a pagan. Thanks to Lyusya, I was baptized, Marina and I were married by the head of the Danilovsky Monastery. With Lyudmila we were like brother and sister. But a cousin’s sister, not a real one – with whom you could dance, and argue, and touch her...

When her son was born, Bratash had no doubt that she would be godmother. The fact is that before 2000 she had an abortion from a loved one. She had twins - a boy and a girl. This was her trauma, her pain. The witch grandmothers told her that a boy would be born into a family of close friends, and a year later a girl would be born into the same family. And the souls of her children will incarnate in them.

We performed a special religious Vedic ritual. And our son, Angel-Christ - in French, and in Russian - Angel Christ, was born on January 7 in France. Lucy became godmother. A year later, Eva-Vlada Krist was born. Lucy was supposed to become her godmother. But Kuronov simply did not let her in. Before Angela’s christening, he came to us, said that she was “out,” drank half a liter of vodka and was sleeping. My people went to her, we waited for more than an hour for her to be brought to her senses. And she still became a godmother. And before Eva’s christening, he knocked her out again in the same way. But this time we had to urgently look for another godmother. Later Lyusenka regretted it very much.

Thank you very much for the interview! I remember how the whole family watched the film “Love in Russian” and admired your hero.

Thank you. I think I didn't let my viewers down. I've played heroes all my life, and now I have to fight to ensure that those responsible for Lucy's death are punished. So that other people don't get hurt.

P.S. While the material was being compiled, Nikita Dzhigurda, despite the threats, filed a petition with the prosecutor’s office to initiate a criminal investigation and exhume Bratash’s body. The actor posted a report about this on his