Corporate birthday party for a woman, funny scene. Congratulations in skits are the best gift for the birthday boy

Cool scenarios and scenes for anniversaries and birthdays of men and women, which are always useful for cheerful congratulations at the table.

Most often, skits are needed for performances and at the same time presenting gifts. We have more than 100 types of various congratulatory performances for different ages: from 18 to 80 years old! But the most popular, of course, are for the 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th, 70th anniversary. There are also mini skits for children's birthdays from 1 year to adulthood.

We also offer complete scenarios for holding anniversaries with musical accompaniment, competitions, games, remade songs, ditties and congratulations from guests.

We offer to buy scenes at a price of 49 rubles for a cheerful congratulation:

– a colleague (woman or man);
– girlfriend, friend, colleague;
– close relatives: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, daughter, son, etc.;
– other relatives: aunt, uncle, mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, godfather, niece, goddaughter;
– retiring or leaving for another job.

There are no such humorous and original miniatures on the Internet; the likelihood that someone will congratulate the hero of the day with the same scene as yours is minimal!

If the sample scripts do not suit you, we will be happy to compose a new original custom script for you! To do this, write to us by email: ZAKAZ@site

Holiday. Anyone who hears this word involuntarily smiles. Unfortunately, for many people, the holidays boil down to drinking, fighting and screaming. Having a fun and interesting anniversary is not that difficult. Especially when it comes to a woman’s birthday! Mothers, sisters, grandmothers, wives simply deserve a grand celebration. Apply a little imagination and patience, and then both the guests and the hero of the day will be delighted.


The holiday scenario needs to be thought out and painted on a sheet of paper, and the props must be prepared. The tasks are simple, but require a little free time. You don't have to spend a lot of money on costumes and attributes. Conduct an inspection of your own home; usually everything you need is easily found there. Every competition, skit, and congratulations on a woman’s anniversary should be thought out to the smallest detail. You can set a specific theme, or you can simply entertain guests in different styles and genres. It's a matter of taste. When choosing a theme for the holiday, take into account the hobbies and profession of the hostess of the celebration. If many employees are invited, be sure to play and “laugh” at their professional activities. Be sure to involve all the children present, they will stay out of the way and have fun!

30 years old is the best age

Three decades is the most wonderful age. The girl is beautiful, smart, and not so naive anymore. Give the hero of the day a piece of the east. The Shah, the oligarch Akavnar Busin Musalovich, will congratulate her on this birthday! Prepare in advance a stretcher decorated with fabrics and pillows, a fan, and props for black servants. Give all men present the task of coming up with a compliment for the hero of the day. For the servants, pull black stockings over their heads, put on beads, flower wreaths, straw skirts - whatever you can think of for the look. Wide robes and turbans are also suitable. Invite any male guest, preferably a relaxed one, to play the role of Shah. Dress him up in a chic outfit, a turban, and put family polka-dot panties on his clothes as props!

A sketch of congratulations on a woman’s 30th birthday will begin with the culprit being carried into the hall on a stretcher. Let the slaves walk around a couple of circles, and then put the stretcher on the floor and lower the hero of the day onto the floor under her white little hands. The presenter begins his speech: “Oh, the most beautiful of the most beautiful, the diamond of our eyes, the delicate flower of the Arabian tree! The Shah himself and the ruler of the land of camels came to congratulate you! Lower your bottomless aquamarine eyes and listen to his congratulations!” To make it funnier, the Shah speaks an incomprehensible gibberish language. The presenter asks to invite an interpreter. Give one of the guests the words written on a piece of paper in advance, and let him read them as a translator.

"You broke my heart,

I will marry you!

A 33rd wife never hurts!

Gather your family, I'm loading you on a camel,

And we’ll go to heaven to me on a loaded ship!”

Presenter: “Now the Shah wants to perform a dance as a sign of respect and love. It symbolizes love and marriage proposal!” The Shah begins to perform a dance with elements of striptease to oriental music. Having thrown off his prop attire, he remains in his family's polka-dot shorts.

Now the host asks each male guest to come out and, kissing the birthday girl’s hand, say his compliment as a congratulation.

35 - there’s nowhere to get such a beauty

The hero of the day is still young and beautiful, but she is already worried about the wrinkles and extra folds that have appeared. Remind her how attractive she is: men still pay attention to a young girl. A sketch of congratulations on a woman’s 35th birthday will take place on Olympus. Dress up your guests as the gods of Olympus. Tie white sheets on one shoulder, add crowns and halos to the head, and dress the child as Cupid.

The presenter addresses the hero of the day: “Dear Aphrodite! Your mother revealed to us the secret of your birth! It turns out that according to your horoscope you are a Goddess! And your relatives came down from Olympus to congratulate you personally and wish you to always remain as incomparable!”

The birthday girl can also be dressed in a white sheet.

Presenter: “Now we know that little ... (name) did not cry as a child, but sang like a Siren. That is why light emanates from it, as if from a phosphorus figurine. She is a Goddess! The secret is revealed, now everyone understands why everything in life works out better for her than others. Goddesses do not eat earthly food, they need light and positive emotions. Let’s all raise our glasses and take turns telling our Goddess one good parting word!”

Guests raise their glasses and say what they wish (goodness, prosperity, love, happiness), and write down their words on a small piece of paper. The host prepares a beautiful box in advance, where the wishes are stored. Then he presents this gift to the hero of the day: “Each guest shared something secret with you, just as you illuminate this hall with your light.”

Zeus invites the birthday girl to dance.

Presenter: “Today Hercules himself came down to us to congratulate you on the holiday!” Everyone will love this scene of congratulations on a woman’s anniversary. Cool moments will come from the appearance of a new hero. The role of Hercules should be the frailest and thinnest guest you can find!

“Now he will demonstrate his heroic strength!” Two guests pull a thin thread at a distance of 2 meters. Presenter: “Now Hercules will break the steel chain right before your eyes.” Hercules pretends to exert superhuman strength and breaks the thread.

Presenter: “Hercules will lift 5 tons to the ceiling in honor of our Goddess!” The pre-prepared can says “5 tons.” Hercules lifts weights and receives applause!

The scene is a little sentimental, but the guests will still have fun.


Everyone knows the expression “At 45, the woman is a berry again!” Under this motto, a congratulations sketch will be held on the anniversary of a woman turning 45! You will need attributes for berry and fruit costumes. Congratulatory words will be spoken by guests dressed in raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, cherry, blueberry, and watermelon costumes. Make costumes with humor, it is not necessary to sew overalls or dresses, a mask, a bright scarf, a hat, or an accessory will be enough. It will be funny if half the berries are men, let them speak in thin voices.

Presenter: “Today her berry friends came to congratulate the birthday girl! Just as young, beautiful and stylish!” Dressed up guests come out and congratulate the hero of the day. The sketch begins with congratulations to a woman on her anniversary with the release of cherries.

“Be like me, you are juicy, passionate,

Bright, sweet and beautiful!

So that everyone wants you

And they looked enviously!”


“I wish you happiness, juicy like me!

To have a lot of money

So that there is a broom outside the door.

Banknotes you will take revenge on them

And take it to the piggy bank!”

“How many bones are there in me -

I wish you so many diamonds!

Place them in boxes,

Shine through life and shine!”

“I am beautiful and tasty, the main thing is that I am healthy!

So that you will always be like me

Both beautiful and necessary

Could cure a cold

And to amuse the children!”

Half my life

A congratulations sketch for a woman's 50th birthday should be funny and musical! The best solution is congratulations from real gypsies! You will need a lot of long, bright skirts for the guests to wear, and shirts for the men. Skirts can be made from old sheets and pieces of fabric, gathered with elastic. Wigs, huge artificial flowers, shawls, scarves - all this can be found at home or with friends. Choose energetic music, you can make an imitation of a hut, tent, fire. This will be a very active and fiery scene of congratulations on a woman’s anniversary. Cool costumes will complement the picture, and a bear coming out on a leash from a seasoned gypsy with a pipe will create a sensation!

Gypsies surround the birthday girl and dance around her. An old gypsy woman comes out with a deck of cards and a crystal ball. She invites the hero of the day to reveal the secrets of her future. If you are well acquainted with the hero of the occasion, then you know about her cherished desires, the problems that she wants to solve. Let the gypsy tell her exactly what she wants! You can do this in a veiled form so that only she understands!

Pirates attack

Pirate parties are already a classic. But it always turns out funny and interesting. A sketch of congratulations on a woman’s 55th birthday will be intriguing and fun. You can arrange a treasure hunt. Give the birthday girl and her team the first note, which indicates where the next one is. After a short search, the hero of the day must discover the treasure. A surprise can be a real gift or any cool little thing, souvenir, or box of chocolates.

You can ask children for pirate paraphernalia: pistols, knives, eye patches. Dress up several people as pirates and kidnap the hero of the day. A congratulations sketch for a woman’s anniversary will be full of adventure. Place the birthday girl on a chair and put her in chains. They can be made from colored paper. Now the rest of the guests must complete comic pirate tasks in order to free the hero of the holiday.


Exercise 1

The guest and the pirate compete to see who can drink a glass of rum the fastest! Of course, you can pour lemonade into a glass.

Task 2

Now the talent competition. The pirate and the guest dance a fiery dance or sing karaoke.

Task 3

One of the pirates and a guest show their athletic abilities: they do push-ups, squats, jump rope, whoever does it longer.

After all the tasks have been completed, you can return the birthday girl to her place and drink to her health.

Grandfather's wife

A congratulations scene for a woman’s 60th birthday can be done in a fairy-tale style. Usually at this age the hero of the day is already a grandmother. And her favorite fairy-tale characters will come to congratulate her. More familiar and understandable to her will be Pinocchio, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, Koschey the Immortal, Vodyanoy. The host explains to the hero of the day that uninvited guests have come to her and want to give her gifts. Guests dressed up as fairy-tale characters enter.

Baba Yaga: “You, of course, are nothing but a woman, but there is no more beautiful grandmother in this world than me! It will be boring - come and visit us, we’ll throw some seagulls and fly agarics. I want to give you a brand new shiny broom! You will fly to the garden to fetch your granddaughters!” Next, Baba Yaga hands over keys tied with a bow, or a real broom.

Koschey: “Actually, I was flying to get married!” But since it’s your anniversary here, I’ll postpone the visit until tomorrow! Here I give you a million! Buy a dress for the wedding - expect me tomorrow!” Hands over a wad of money from the joke bank!

Have fun from the heart

Under no circumstances should you spend your holidays boringly, without competitions and fun! This is especially true for anniversaries. Any sketch of congratulations on a woman’s anniversary will be remembered by her for the rest of her life! Pay as much attention as possible to your loved ones and don’t lose

Scene for Valentine's Day. Two cupids with bows and arrows come out to do their job. An unusual scene where participants will need to go down to the auditorium.

The plot is this: girls decide what to give their boyfriends on February 23rd. Only ladies participate in the scene. Finally, a legitimate reason to throw the men into the auditorium and enjoy the scene to the fullest.

This skit can be staged on March 8th and on a bachelorette party. The plot is already revealed in the title: best friends tell everyone the secret of how to make and not lose best friends. All, of course, with humor.

A skit for March 8, in which men will joke about typical feminine things. This sketch will be a good addition to the concert dedicated to International Women's Day.

It’s difficult not only for women before February 23, but also for men before March 8. Everyone is solving the most difficult problem - what to give?! This is exactly what we joke about in this scene.

This sketch can be shown at a concert in honor of March 8th, and at a corporate event at a beauty salon or store. Everyone wants to laugh at stereotypical approaches to female beauty.

Imagine that car designers finally decided to create a purely women's car. And even give it to women on March 8th. You understand that this scene is very funny.

A scene for a birthday or anniversary. It can be quickly shown on any free spot in a cafe or restaurant. For the joy of the birthday boy and for the amusement of the guests.

Another humorous skit on the topic of finding a gift for a birthday. Choosing a gift is especially difficult. And in this case, the problem seems completely unsolvable. Both the guests and the birthday boy recognize themselves in this story.

By the way, this scene is also suitable for an anniversary. From five to 10 people can participate in it. The more, the more fun the scene will be.

Sketch about school, studying

From the title of the skit it is already clear that it is the most school-themed one. The plot is this: the school director calls a meeting to prepare the educational institution for the arrival of a strict inspection.

It’s always interesting to imagine how children will be taught this way in forty or fifty years. And if you add humor to these dreams, you will get a good scene for a school concert.

We tried to imagine how officials come up with new topics for graduation essays. This sketch will look natural in a concert on the occasion of the last bell or graduation at school. It can be played by both teachers and students.

Imagine that the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov quit his TV shows and began working as a literature teacher. In the skit we tried to show what his lesson would look like.

Imagine that, due to the crisis, it was decided to hold a summit of leaders from all countries of the world in one of the children's health camps. The skit is also good because it is popular, but everyone doesn’t need to learn the words.

New Year's scenes

Dynamic, modern, and most importantly, a funny New Year's scene. The beginning is like this: Santa Claus reads the letters of the children and is completely disappointed in them.

Scenario for a New Year's party for primary schoolchildren. Jack Sparrow, young hacker, Father Frost and Snow Maiden in one scenario. We guarantee humor!

Sketch-dialogues for two hosts of the New Year's evening. They will help out your concert and connect even the most disparate numbers with each other. The jokes are light, funny, New Year's jokes.

Anything can happen during the New Year holidays. The skit is about exactly this: the artistic director gives a scolding to the artists who performed at children's New Year's matinees. A sketch in the spirit of a Comedy club with a fair amount of childish humor.

A new, up-to-date scenario for a children's New Year's party. Recognizable modern characters: Cashier of Pyaterochka, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, and the symbol of the new year 2019 - Pig.

The classic battle of the Old and New Years has been transferred to the walls of an ordinary office. The scene is suitable for a corporate New Year's party. If your department is asked to stage a skit, take it and don’t suffer.

The plot of the sketch is as follows: astrologers-predictors compete in predicting the New Year for office employees. As you understand, you can weave all your intra-office joys and current events into the scene. Success at the New Year's corporate party is guaranteed!

Let's go back three hundred years and imagine how Russia switched to celebrating the New Year in winter. Let's do this in the form of a fun scene. If you rent theatrical costumes, the scene will be simply bombastic.

A current New Year's scene on a school theme. About how difficult it is for schoolchildren and teachers on the eve of the New Year. Suitable for school or student KVN on a New Year's theme.

The plot of the scene is this: somewhere in the north there is a secret base for training Santa Clauses. How can they do without preparation?! You can show such a scene at KVN and at the New Year’s concert.

The scenario is designed for the ceremonial part of the anniversary. The text of the script allows you to restore the chronology of the life of the anniversary. At each stage of life, the hero of the occasion will need to be given gifts, which should be prepared in advance.

Scenario for a 55th anniversary for a woman “You can’t count everyone’s wishes!”

The scenario is designed for a woman’s 55th birthday. Or rather, this is a congratulation from eminent and famous guests - a rich Italian and his respected translator in the area. You should prepare the Italian national costume in advance - black knee-length pants, a white shirt, a red belt, and a wide-brimmed hat.

Anniversary scenario

An anniversary is not an ordinary birthday. On this day, a person’s life seems to begin with a new stage, a round date, one might say “a reporting point.” Therefore, this day should be unusually fabulous and colorful. Everything should be simply magnificent and indescribable. This scenario is suitable for adults, no matter men or women.

Script for the 30th anniversary “Attention, we are filming the Anniversary!”

Celebration in style - shooting a detective film. All the men are dressed in tuxedos and the women are in evening dresses. The anniversary takes place in a restaurant, which is rented for the whole evening only for party participants. No special design. Guests are warned of their roles.

Scenarios for women's anniversary “Roses just for you!”

The scenario is designed for an anniversary celebrated by a woman. The presenter must prepare roses in advance - flowers cut out of colored cardboard or colored paper. Flowers must be large in size so that they can later be collected into a huge bouquet.

Scenario for celebrating the 20th anniversary.

An anniversary happens not only when you turn forty or fifty years old, but also when you turn twenty. For some reason, you want to celebrate round dates better than “ordinary” ones, and when you’re young, it’s crazy fun. This scenario is designed for young people (20-30 years old) who love active recreation; it is better to organize the celebration in a separate apartment or in nature.

Anniversary script for a woman

Anniversary or woman's birthday. Each guest gives a compliment to the Birthday Girl, starting with a letter written on paper, which is located under the plate. The bravest men dance an impromptu striptease. All guests are divided into 3 teams and make paper bouquets. Each guest draws on a piece of paper what he wishes for the Birthday Girl. Competition for the title of Best Friend.

Scenario for celebrating a man's 70th birthday

The script was written to celebrate a man's seventieth birthday. It is perfect for both a professional presenter and for the children or grandchildren of the hero of the day. Following this scenario, the holiday will turn out to be warm, sincere and memorable for the hero of the day.

Anniversary scenario “If a lady is 35!”

The scenario is intended for holding a birthday in the form of a bachelorette party, which is attended by only the birthday girl’s friends or her employees. You can spend it at home or reserve tables in an establishment.

Scenario for the anniversary “At 65 years old - a young soul”

The scenario is intended for holding a tea party in honor of the birthday girl, in the house of an elderly person. The celebration should not be delayed and should be agreed upon in advance with all participants.

Scenario for a woman's 30th birthday.

The scenario is for celebrating the anniversary of a 30-year-old woman, but can be used for any adult anniversaries and is held in a spacious room. The hosts of the holiday are clowns Kuzya and Anfisa.

Scenario for the 50th anniversary for the woman “The Most Beautiful”

Anniversary for a married woman with children. The scenario includes music, dance and writing competitions. The main prize of the evening is a ticket for the birthday girl to make her wish come true. At the end of the evening, a Birthday cake with 50 candles is brought out.

Anniversary scenario - 50 years for a woman “Life full of flowers!”

The script was developed to congratulate a woman on her 50th birthday. It is recommended to prepare in advance 5 vases of different sizes and 5 bouquets of flowers - daisies, lilies, roses, chrysanthemums, orchids. Each bouquet will symbolize a 10-year milestone in the life of the hero of the day.

Scenario for a woman’s 60th anniversary “Take a picture, take a picture of me, photographer!”

The scenario is designed for holding a celebration in any room (apartment, cafe, restaurant). The plot revolves around photographs from birth to the present day of the birthday girl herself. Competitions that are as close to the theme as possible (Photoshop, choosing a wardrobe, putting together puzzles with photos of the hero of the day, coming up with a funny caption for a photo).

Scenario for a man’s 60th birthday “Stretch, soul, like an accordion”

The 60th birthday is the age when it is very important for a man to feel significant, loved, and not deprived of attention. Most often, the celebration comes down to banal gatherings and feasts. It is much more effective to follow a different scheme - to surprise the hero of the day with a spectacular and bright staging of the celebration.

Scenario for the 55th anniversary of a woman “Walk, Crazy Empress”

For a woman, her 55th birthday is almost always a double date: an anniversary and retirement. It is important to spend the holiday in such a way that the hero of the day feels beautiful, needed and important. It is advisable to play up retirement without allowing a hint of despondency, but, on the contrary, cheerfully and with inspiration. The sonorous date itself is conducive to spectacular congratulations and beautiful gifts.

Scenario for a man’s 50th anniversary “Fifty. The path is half completed, half not yet"

The scenario is designed for a holiday taking place in a cafe or restaurant. You can decorate the hall thematically, taking into account the preferences of the hero of the day. You can also make a special collage with photographs of guests, under which there will be wishes.

This is a small scene for a man’s anniversary, which can be both entertaining and congratulatory at the same time.The essence of the entertainment is as follows: the hero of the day is invited to the center and praised in every possible way, emphasizing his merits. And such a man cannot be deprived of the attention of the fair half of humanity - the five ladies who love and appreciate the birthday boy more than anyone else are also invited to the center of the hall. Their task is to create the appropriate surroundings for their beloved real man.

Each of the ladies will play roles written on special signs. These signs can be pinned to dresses like badges, or you can simply hang them around your neck using a beautiful ribbon: “cologne”, “tie”, “watch”, “gun”, “car”.

The presenter comments something like this: “By what details do we usually recognize a real man? Firstly, a real man can always be recognized by his expensive perfume.Cologne to the exit! (the lady with the sign “Cologne” makes an impressive exit to the music) Now make it clear to everyone how fragrant our birthday boy smells (the girl waves her arms and moves around the hero of the day, depicting fragrance and aroma). Sprinkle it again and again on all sides and continue to smell fragrant!

Secondly, a true dandy in such solemn moments as today cannot do without G alstuka. (If the hero of the day has a tie, then you can emphasize that it does not hang erotically enough, so another one is needed). Tie, we are waiting for you! (“the tie” comes out effectively to the music). Decorate our hero's neck! Hang on it! Hanging!

A tie like this requires a matching watch. A Rollex no less!Watch your time has come! (the lady with the “Clock” sign comes out to her song). Decorate the courageous hand of our hero of the day. Grab it tightly, otherwise you will fall and get lost!

The image is almost complete; to complete the picture, our man needs a brutal hobby. Let it be a hunt.Gun , hurry up to your owner! (comes out to music) And take your place on the hunter's shoulder!

At the end, we’ll give the birthday boy a cool Tachku (a girl comes out who happens to play the role of a car and the hero of the day must lean on her in his own way).”

As the game progresses, the host can comment and ask the ladies to better perform their role: smell fragrant, hang more erotically, etc.

“Well, isn’t it obvious now that this is not just a Superman, I would even say a macho! And what circumstance gives it away? Naturally, a swarm of beautiful women hovering around him: one cannot let go of his hands (watch), the other literally does not move a step wherever he goes (cologne), and the rest simply hang on him in the literal sense of the word!

So let's drink to the superman (Name)!»