Map of area 51 from satellite now. Mystery Zones

The secret base "Area 51" is located in the Nevada desert. It is not displayed on maps, as it is carefully hidden by the US authorities. According to some rumors, the latest military equipment and unusual flying machines are being tested at this base. Some experts argue that this is where direct evidence of the existence of alien life is stored. Area 51 contains the remains of alien creatures, UFO debris and other artifacts that were collected throughout the planet.

1955, Nevada

The state of Nevada is located 150 kilometers north of Las Vegas. In 1995, Tony LeVere and Dorsey Kammerier ventured to fly over this area by helicopter. They were trying to find the mysterious “Area 51,” which many have heard about, but no one knows where it is. They flew around the entire perimeter of the state without finding anything, after which they decided to go to the Groom Lake plain. This is a vast territory, hidden from prying eyes by elevations (mountains and hills). Such a natural fence, it turns out, hid the test site belonging to the Atomic Energy Commission from outsiders. After 1955, mysterious builders will arrive in that area...

What is currently located on Groom Lake?

Today, according to some reports, the mysterious “Area 51” is located on the territory of Groom Lake. It received this name back in the 50s, when it was built. The most incredible rumors are associated with this place. Random eyewitnesses claim that buildings, hangars, houses, asphalt roads and other infrastructure are growing out of the ground there. Random satellite images sometimes recorded swimming pools, parks, theaters and other entertainment venues necessary for modern man on the territory of Groom Lake. One gets the feeling that “Area 51” is a real small town, equipped with everything necessary for a person.

Some believe that all of the above is just the visible part of the iceberg. In fact, Area 51 is equipped with an underground base in which all the most interesting things are stored. It is almost impossible to get out of the zone, and there is no need for it. “Area 51” is connected by a special terminal only to the Las Vegas airport, from where Boeing 737s constantly depart, which supposedly take people to work in the desert area. All these people are employees of a particularly secret zone.

Jeeps with armed guards constantly ride along the perimeter of the Groom Lake plain, making sure that no strangers approach Area 51. If any onlookers get too close to the restricted area, they will have to pay a fine of $6,000. Journalists are not allowed there either.

Despite all of the above, the number of people wishing to reveal the secrets of Area 51 is increasing every year. Among them are former employees of NASA and other organizations, former residents of Area 51 and ordinary eyewitnesses whose friends sometimes visited that area. A journalist can visit a nearby bar, located a few kilometers from Groom Lake, whose name says a lot: “Little A’Le’Inn”, or “Little Alien”. It is there that you can meet a huge number of people who, with great pleasure, will tell you everything they know about Area 51.

The most interesting legend about the zone is the one that says that the remains of aliens that were found on the territory of Roswell in 1947 are stored there. Also, many say that UFOs of extraterrestrial and terrestrial origin periodically appear over the zone. It is there that new flying vehicles are built using secret technologies that were recovered from ships of extraterrestrial origin after their crash.

The most “strange” theories that come from “Area 51”:

  • John Kennedy was shot by the Tsar for knowing too much about Area 51;
  • Special services mix drugs into the water of ordinary people to make them easier to control;
  • At the end of World War II, the Nazis landed on the moon and created a colony there that still operates to this day;
  • All photos from the moon are fake. In fact, human colonists have existed there for a long time;
  • The Americans were not able to reach our satellite at all, and they filmed the report from there in a specially prepared studio;
  • Aliens collaborate with Americans, constantly visiting Area 51.

Why is the United States government hiding UFOs in Area 51 from everyone?

As mentioned earlier, in the late 40s, an alien saucer allegedly crashed on the territory of Roswell, with aliens on board. They all died, but their bodies remained intact. All the material evidence seized from the Roswell UFO suddenly disappeared, and the media abruptly stopped writing about the incident itself. The only real evidence that a UFO actually flew over Roswell is the words of First Lieutenant of the United States Air Force W. Haught:

Rumors about unidentified flying vehicles were confirmed yesterday. Signalmen of the 509th Bomb Squadron reported that a farmer reported a UFO that he found on his property. An unidentified extraterrestrial vehicle landed on the outskirts of Roswell, after which it was noticed by a farmer, who immediately reported it to the local sheriff.

The farmer who first found the UFO in Roswell was named William Brazel. More precisely, he discovered not a solid flying machine, but its fragments, from the appearance of which one could understand what they were before the crash.

In 1997, the United States Air Force issued a report addressing the above incident. This document stated that in the forties, somewhere over Roswell, ordinary military aircraft were tested, on board of which there were mannequins resembling a person in appearance. Perhaps the farmer discovered exactly one of these planes.

Even after this, inquisitive UFO fans did not calm down. Indeed, the US government could thus try to hide reliable information from people. Ufologists constantly demonstrated interesting evidence, among which the black and white film, which captured the process of dissecting an alien creature, deserved special attention. The legend said that in this video you can see exactly those aliens who were removed from the UFO in Roswell and then taken to Area 51. The operation, which one of the doctors filmed, took place in Ohio, where another similar secret base is located. Some evidence suggests that this operation was carried out directly on the territory of Area 51.

1989, Robert Lazar

In 1989, a certain Robert Lazar, speaking on one of the programs of a private channel, shared his story about how he worked in sector S-4, located in Area 51. He claimed to have seen an alien ship with his own eyes. According to him, the material it is made of is very reminiscent of special wax, denser and more durable than regular wax. The entire UFO, as he said, is made by casting, after which it is a single whole, which gives it special strength.

United States Air Force spokeswoman Mary Felto, in turn, said that there are no UFOs present in Area 51, as in other classified bases. What is hidden there from ordinary people does not concern aliens at all. And they hide it for other reasons, which she, of course, did not disclose.

Experts believe that supersonic flying vehicles are being tested in Area 51, which can easily be confused with a UFO.

Today, as certain experts suggest, in Area 51 they are designing, creating and testing new flying vehicles whose speed is five times higher than sound speed. If such a device flies over ordinary onlookers, they will most likely confuse it with an alien ship. The latest generation of drone helicopters and stealth helicopters are also being tested at Area 51.

It is impossible to say exactly what is happening now on the territory of Area 51. No one even knows how much money is allocated for it annually. We can only believe the rumors that appear periodically. All that is known is that Area 51 is a real “black hole” from which reliable information has never escaped.

Area 51 is an American top-secret Nellis training ground, located between the Groom Mountains (Groom Lake area) and the towns of Alamo and Rachel in Nevada. The coordinates of Zone 51 are 37° 14" 30" N, 115° 49" 00" W.
Source Wikipedia
There is a lot of mystery in this area when viewed from above. Groom Lake, Nevada
One night in May 1989, a Las Vegas radio station broadcast an unusual story. The young physicist, speaking under the pseudonym Dennis, told of nine “flying saucers” being investigated by a small government group at a secret base located near Groom Lake (“Groom Lake”). Dennis stated that he had worked at the base and was very knowledgeable about the research and development going on there. A few weeks later, he revealed his real name - Robert Lazar... Robert Lazar took off from McCarran Airport in Las Vegas and landed at Area 51, a secret government base at the Nevada Test Site. Area 51 is located approximately 125 miles north of Las Vegas near the Groom Lake Dry Lake. From here the scientist was transported to an even more secret location located approximately 15 miles south of Area 51. This location is called S4. Area S4 is located near the dry Papus Lake and has an even higher level of secrecy than Area-51.
As the bus carrying base personnel entered Site S4, through its darkened windows to the left of the road, Lazar saw a row of hangars “recessed” into the base of the mountain. After the last, ninth, hangar the bus turned sharply to the left and stopped. Having passed the guards, Lazar and his companions approached the only door carved into the mountain. This was the entrance to the underground research complex of the S4 base. The S4 facility itself is located inside a mountain, with nine hangar gates located at a 60-degree slope. The gate has a camouflage coating the color of sand, so that the texture of the mountain smoothly transforms into the texture of desert soil... Behind the door there was a small empty room with one guard. In the next room, those entering were searched and allowed to continue. A long corridor led to the hangar door control center, laboratories, first aid station and other rooms. Here scientists were engaged not only in physical and technical research, but also got acquainted with various aspects of everything related to aliens from outer space.
Former Navy Special Forces officer Derek Hennessy, who served at this site in 1982, clarified and expanded Lazar's story: “At Site S4, not counting the topmost one, carved into the rocks, there are four underground floors. There are hangars connected to each other by elevators, with the help of which flying saucers are delivered to the surface.” Only people with special powers were allowed into the third and fourth levels. Each of them had a special magnetic card, and in addition, special scanning devices checked their fingerprints and iris patterns... Classified as “Top Secret”
Every weekday morning, a group of approximately five hundred people goes to a secure area located on the northwest side of McCarran Airport in Las Vegas. They board small, unmarked Boeing 737-200 aircraft with the prefix "Janet". Boeings take off every half hour and head towards the North.
The planes' destination is Groom Lake, also known as Area 51, a military base whose existence was kept a closely guarded secret for many years by the government and personnel with ties to the site. In 1955, an experimental project for the U-2 spy plane was completed at the base. From this point on, Groom Lake began to rapidly expand its boundaries due to the need to conduct more testing of the most high-tech aircraft in the world. Over the years, Area 51 has seen projects such as the aforementioned Lockheed U-2, the Blackbird SR-71, the F-117 stealth aircraft, the B-2 stealth bomber, the mysterious Project Aurora, and perhaps even a spaceship. aliens.

There are several hangars on the base, the largest of which can accommodate a Boeing 747 with a launch vehicle. The purpose of almost all hangars, according to Bob Lazar (a former employee of the base), is more or less known. One of the buildings serves as a research laboratory, which is engaged in the creation and design of modern nuclear weapons. Other hangars contain the most modern aircraft, which are tested and refined here. The world's longest runway was built at the base - 9.5 kilometers. According to some reports, the number of employees in this place reaches 2,000 people.
The military complex near Groom Lake has been given many names since its construction. One of the former employees of the base, Kelly Johnson, calls this place “Paradise Ranch,” while his colleagues, a group of testers, called the base simply “The Ranch.” Also, the base formally had the generally accepted name Watertown Strip, which translated means Watertown runway. The mention of the city of Watertown is due to the fact that the future director of the CIA, Alan Dulles, was born in this town in New York state.
In June 1958, the base was officially named Area-51 by the Atomic Energy Commission. In the mid-70s, “Dreamland” actually became the semi-official name, thanks to the production of new exotic aerospace projects such as Have Blue and Tacit Blue (the word Blue in these names, and indeed in the military vocabulary in general, means aliens, same as Grays). Testing of these latest stealth projects was carried out under extreme security and secrecy conditions. In the early 1980s, the official name of the base was changed to Air Force Flight Test Center, Detachment 3 or AFFTC Det. 3 for short, but the old name "Area 51" was retained. usage, and at the moment it is often used to designate a military installation.
The boundaries of the base are clearly marked, but generally do not have any obvious fence or fencing: the entire length of the border is patrolled by special anonymous security units, a private security agency EG and G (Edgerton, Germeshausen and Grier) Technical Services, Inc., including both ground infantry (the Cammo Dudes) and Sikorsky MH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters. They are equipped with high-tech equipment for careful surveillance of the territory, and in the peripheral part of the zone there are many camouflaged security cameras, motion and heat detectors, and laser alarms.

The guards have no official authority outside the base and are required to avoid any contact with tourists and other civilians in the vicinity of the facility. However, if a person violates the boundaries of a military base for any reason, the guards will immediately detain him and (at best) send him to the state sheriff (Lincoln County Sheriff) for arrest. As a prescribed punishment, the violator can be charged a minimum fine for entering a protected area in the amount of $1000, or given six months in custody, or face both. Also, specialized security has permission to use weapons against violators, although according to official data, such situations have not occurred.
Area 51 is a fairly large (35 by 40 kilometers) area around Groom Lake. Initially, in 1955, this place was chosen by the Lockheed aircraft concern to test its top-secret brainchild - the U-2 spy plane. The place could not have been better suited for such work: a lifeless “lunar” landscape at an altitude of 1500 meters, an absolutely smooth five-kilometer bed of a dried-up lake, cut off from the outside world by high (up to 2700 meters) mountain ranges. Civil aircraft flights are prohibited due to nuclear tests being carried out in the area, the complete absence of local population is an ideal place to keep secrets.
A variety of sources claim that since the late 50s, work on the study of extraterrestrial technologies from the Wright Patterson base (Ohio) has gradually begun to move here. Physicist Otto Krause once admitted in a confidential conversation that alien devices that crashed in the late 40s in New Mexico are being tested in Area 51. The goal of the program, he said, was to create engines similar to those installed on “flying saucers.” Participants in nuclear tests in Nevada have seen “metal plates” over Groom Lake more than once through magnifying optics.

It became increasingly difficult to hide the tests being carried out at the secret base, since Area 51 was very visible from the nearby mountains. There was only one way out - to “privatize” these mountains. Air Force public affairs spokesman Lt. Col. Cannon: “The U.S. Air Force needs this land to support new technological developments in the military industry... The influx of curious people in recent years has often led to test flights being delayed, rescheduled, or even cancelled. The expansion of the territory will prevent further threats to national security.” Congress heeded the military's invincible logic and agreed to expand the base's territory. Since April 10, 1995, the mountains, which so worried the secret services, became the territory of Area 51.
Information about Area 51, leaked to the press, aroused enormous interest, and sensation lovers flocked to this God-forgotten corner of Nevada. And then they were faced with a paradoxical situation: despite official statements about the absence of any secrets, it was impossible to get into this area. Round-the-clock patrols, a carefully guarded area fenced with barbed wire, written warnings, and unequivocal threats from the guards clearly indicated that something extraordinary was happening here. This aroused even more curiosity.
The public began to hope that, in accordance with the 25-year secrecy law, it would learn more about the mysterious base. But for this zone, President Clinton made an exception. On September 29, 1995, he signed a special order on its special status: “It is of vital importance to the United States that classified information about this base not become public knowledge.”
Nobody was going to reveal anything to anyone. Neither about “Area 51”, much less about the “holy of holies” - the top-secret facility S4, which, as mentioned above, is located not far from it.

There are no symbols for it on any map. It was considered the most secret US base. And only at the end of the last century its existence was officially recognized. Area 51. Myths and reality.

Secret base

The area where Area 51 is located is in the state of Nevada.

You can get there by car, but the road there is always deserted. No village, no road sign, just huge billboards indicating that there is a dangerous zone ahead. On one side the base is guarded by the military, on the other side it is surrounded by mountains. On its territory there are hangars, the purpose of which is to store launch vehicles. It is believed that the zone contains a research laboratory for the creation of modern nuclear weapons.

Employee stories

One of those who first told about the secrets of the zone was Bob Lazar. In his statements, he claims that the main facility of the base is underground, and this is nothing more than a ufological laboratory for the study of UFOs.

How scientists obtain information about extraterrestrial civilizations remains a mystery, but there are a number of assumptions that the data comes from the crashed. There is a theory that the American government is not just hiding information about UFO research, but is directly in contact with them. At the end of the last century, one of the employees of Area 51 made a statement that scientists had placed alien creatures on the territory of the base. Then the American authorities hastened to refute this fact. Even the president himself spoke out and officially recognized the existence of such a test site in Nevada, but categorically denied all rumors about a ufological laboratory. But Clinton's speech only fueled speculation about such research.

Opinions of ufologists and eyewitness accounts

It's no secret that there are people who carefully study UFOs. Their observations suggest that the number has increased sharply in recent decades. In addition to statements from former employees, there is evidence from ordinary citizens that zone 51 has become a place for observing strange phenomena and objects. In the 90s of the last century, one of the local residents said that over the territory of the base it was descending at a low speed. It hovered several hundred meters above the ground, but as soon as the spotlights illuminated this object, the ball slowly began to rise upward, and then disappeared with lightning speed. Around the same time, only a year later, Area 51 came into focus again. Several bright small objects flashed across the entire territory of the base at high speed. Bob Lazar claims that Area 51 often attracts strange objects. A special device installed on the base begins to vibrate and make noise.

What's really there?

Many believe that there is indeed a base located in Nevada. It is often called that way - area 51. Satellite photos can be seen on any maps. But is there really a hidden scientific laboratory there for studying alien civilizations, and even more so for establishing relations with them? Perhaps rumors about the existence of Area 51 are being spread in order to divert attention from the actual secret bases. If we take Robert Lazar's report as a basis, then the interest in this place is a common advertising ploy, which was made in order to show the superiority of the American people over other countries. But there are still experts who are more than confident that there is a secret laboratory located underground in Area 51. And to this day, every day, a plane delivers about 1,500 workers to this military base, and takes them back in the evening. What they do there remains a mystery.

Anyone who is interested in science fiction and watches TV series about the mysterious and unidentified knows what Area 51 is. Most people tend to think that Area 51 is just an invention of writers and directors, created in order to enhance the emotional effect of the book they read and watching a movie. But in fact, many myths are deliberately created by intelligence agencies in order to pass off the truth as fiction, and thus hide it in plain sight.

The secret facility is located deep in the Nevada desert and belongs to the US Air Force. It has many names, such as "Dreamland" or "Groom Lake". This is practically the most secret place on Earth, which can only be seen by a select few of the country's officials.

Area 51 on a satellite map

As many scientists are inclined to think, the secret zone contains the wreckage of spaceships, as well as the bodies of aliens who once flew to Earth. In addition to all this, constant research and testing of modern advanced flying machines is carried out here, as well as the development of weapons using extraterrestrial technologies.

Just recently, no one even knew about the existence of Area 51. It was the biggest secret of the American government and therefore the road to the facility was always empty. Within a radius of one hundred kilometers from it it is impossible to find any settlement, or even a residential building. Only as you approach the Zone, established warnings appear on the way that it is prohibited to continue further in this direction.

It is impossible to sneak up to a secret base. Near it are hidden many security cameras, as well as various motion and heat detectors. At night, the base is guarded by black helicopters equipped with searchlights and without any identification marks.

Area 51 what's happening there

Information has leaked to the outside world that Area 51 is divided into 14 levels, each of which goes underground. But we can only guess why the base was built this way and what secrets it holds. Ufologists are confident that research is being conducted at the base to develop new aircraft that will be improved by using alien technology.

It’s hard to believe, but even now, among those who have been near Area 51 at least once, one can find witnesses who have seen strange flying machines in these vicinities, not similar to those that people usually use. Their maneuvers are not subject to the forces of nature.

The secret base was created in 1955 with a specific purpose - the only developed legendary U-2 aircraft was tested here.

U.S. Air Force photo

The desert terrain was ideal for testing. In addition, civil aircraft were prohibited from appearing here in connection with nuclear tests. An ideal place to launch secret activities.

In 1977, ten years before Area 51 became known to everyone, testing of the F-117A attack aircraft began there. Some of those who had the good fortune to take part in the tests claim that the technology used to develop the aircraft used elements and technologies from UFOs that crashed over the territory of the United States.

There are other facts that allow us to at least superficially evaluate the work of Area 51.

In 1977, during a training exercise, Colonel Stevens entered the Zone's airspace without permission. Suddenly, he saw a huge disk that looked like a flying saucer. The pilot immediately received orders to immediately return to base.

After returning, the colonel was taken into custody. He lived in a bunker for two days, where he was forced to answer all questions from the intelligence services. In the end, Stevens was released.

The shock was so great that the colonel only dared to tell the media about what he saw several years later.

But for a mere mortal, the mystery of Area 51 remains unsolved.

Area 51 is a military base, a remote subdivision of Edwards Air Force Base. Located in the USA in the south of Nevada, 133 km northwest of Las Vegas, on the southern shore of the dry salt lake Groom Lake. According to official data, experimental aircraft and weapons systems are being developed at Area 51. The name Area 51 is used in official CIA documents, and the code names Dreamland, Paradise Ranch, Home Base, Watertown Strip, Groom Lake and, most recently, Homey Airport are also used.

Area 51 is part of the Nellis Military Operations Area and the airspace around it is restricted for flights. The impressive secrecy of the base, the very existence of which the government has only reluctantly acknowledged, has made it the subject of numerous conspiracy theories, especially about unidentified flying objects. Often used in popular culture as a symbol of the secrets hidden by the military and government of the United States of America; connected. It is believed that the material remains of the Roswell airborne disaster in 1947 are also stored in Area 51. According to proponents of the lunar conspiracy theory, the filming of astronauts on the “Moon” actually took place in Area 51. In the 90s, there was a rumor in the press that chemical weapons are being tested illegally at Area 51 and that there is an increase in deaths and miscarriages in the area. It became famous in April 2000, when American journalists discovered photographs of a top-secret US military base, also known as Base 51, among photographs distributed by Sovinformsputnik. Some information about Area 51 was declassified in the summer of 2013. It is assumed that the top-secret hypersonic strategic stealth reconnaissance aircraft SR-91 Aurora (Aurora) was created, tested and based in Area 51, some of the numerous flights of which have been associated with the 1980s. observations both in the Zone and in other places of one of the types of UFOs - the so-called. “black triangles”.