Callanetics for those over 50. Callanetics for those who want to lose weight - video lesson on gymnastics in awkward positions

Many women claim that they would go in for sports and do exercises if they had the opportunity to go to the gym, had more free time, had more space in the apartment, etc. Callanetics is a system of exercises that is ideal for such women, since it does not require visiting the gym, having certain equipment or a large space. All you need is a minimum of time and the desire to make your figure beautiful and your health strong. These are very effective exercises that help you lose weight and shape your figure. In addition, it helps correct posture and relieve back and joint problems. Static exercises activate absolutely all the muscles of the body and strengthen them.

Features of callanetics exercises

The system includes very soft and non-dynamic movements that are designed to stretch muscles and create static loads. If you perform all the exercises correctly, they will allow you to work out deep muscles that remain unused during other, for example, aerobic training. This allows you to lose weight very effectively, strengthen your body and increase its flexibility.

Many exercises are borrowed from yoga, but they are often performed with long posture delays. Callanetics is often called gymnastics of awkward positions; holding complex poses for several minutes requires a lot of strength, so it effectively uses up excess energy and provides stress to the muscles.

The creator of the technique claims that in just 10 hours of exercise you can look 10 years younger.

The technique pays special attention, as in yoga, to proper breathing. It should be deep and provide all muscles with oxygen well. It is better not to eat two hours before exercise, and it is also better not to eat for another three hours after doing the exercises.

Benefits of classes

Callanetics gymnastics was created by the American Callan Pinckney. She suffered from knee and back problems, so almost none of the sports suited her. The woman refused surgical treatment and decided to heal herself using the technology she created. Surprisingly, her idea was a success, and in the 80s of the last century she was able to loudly declare her success.

According to the creator, this gymnastics is very effective with minimal harm to health. One hour of exercise can replace 24 hours of aerobics or seven hours of gymnastic exercises. For most sensible people, of course, it is clear that this is nothing more than an exaggeration, but those who have tried classes using this system on themselves confirm that their effectiveness is extremely high.

One of the main advantages is its high efficiency in influencing the press. The abdomen is a problem area for most women, so a system of exercises can be a real salvation.

Callanetics helps to put your metabolism in order. During exercise, your metabolism is activated and remains so for some time after the end of the workout, so you can lose weight much faster.

The basis is 29 exercises, the basis for which are yoga asanas.

From the very beginning, the exercise system was focused not only on weight and figure correction, but also on treating problems with the spine and joints. Therefore, regular exercises help not only improve your figure, but also improve your posture and even cure osteochondrosis.

The exercises are performed at a leisurely pace, so they can act as an alternative to fitness and aerobics in the hot summer months, when active exercise is difficult.

At first, you need to exercise three times a week. Once you reach your goal, you will only need to exercise for one hour a week to maintain your results.


But it would also be wrong to consider callanetics a panacea for all problems with figure and posture. She also has her shortcomings. The first is the fairly high complexity of the exercises. For beginners, it may seem incomprehensible, and the exercises may seem too complicated. Typically, it takes about an hour and a half to complete one exercise, including warm-up, but beginners rarely last more than 45 minutes. In order to improve your physical capabilities to the level necessary to complete the entire volume of exercises in an hour and a half, an average of about 30 sessions is required.

The exercises are designed for people who have a fairly high level of physical fitness. If there excess weight, then many exercises may seem simply impossible. But there's no need to give up ahead of schedule, it is necessary to combine exercises with and gradually increase the load daily.

Callanetics is one of the most non-traumatic sets of exercises; if everything is done correctly, it is simply impossible to get injured.

A very important disadvantage is that the system is not suitable for all women and has a number of significant contraindications. Women who have problems with cardiovascular diseases or asthma should not perform this set of exercises. If desired, some exercises can be performed, but the loads should be much lower than for women with satisfactory health. It is necessary to abstain from exercise for about a year or even a year and a half after any operations, including after a cesarean section.

Recommendations for those who decide to engage in callanetics (Video)

In essence, this is a very specific set of exercises; sometimes tips that are familiar to most sports do not work here. Therefore, let's look at specific tips for beginners.

Firstly, during classes you cannot overexert yourself. All exercises must be performed gradually and slowly. The load must also be increased very slowly and gently. It is important to do what works and not try to achieve everything very quickly.

It is better to conduct classes in front of a mirror, this will help you record all movements and monitor your success.

Breathing during exercises should be even and calm, and should not be held.

You shouldn’t practice while listening to music, it will only slow down the pace, it’s better to do everything in silence and concentrate on your breathing and your sensations.

One of the names of the technique is “ladies’ gymnastics,” since men usually do not have the patience to perform long-term static exercises.

At the very beginning of training, the weight may increase slightly. This is not scary, it usually happens due to enlarged muscles. The waist size may also increase, but over time everything will return to normal, the volumes will also decrease.

At first you will have to study at least 2-3 times a week for an hour. Over time, the duration of training will decrease; only 15 minutes a day will be enough for support.

In order for callanetics classes to have only a positive effect on you, we will formulate a number of methodological requirements. Callanetics is gymnastics of static poses. A feature of this system is a certain static load on the muscles of the body. When taking the required pose, you need to hold it for 25-100 counts, depending on the initial level of your training.

I note that those who have never engaged in fitness programs cannot hold the pose for more than 10-15 counts. But don’t despair, over time your muscles will get used to the load, and the duration of static tension can be increased to the upper limit.

To begin with, try to hold the pose for 5-10 counts, then, after taking a break, repeat the exercise again. If you are serious about losing weight and aiming to achieve an ideal figure, we recommend exercising at a basic level of physical fitness three times a week for half an hour. For those who just want to correct problem areas, classes are for an hour three times a week. When you feel the benefits of your classes, reduce them to twice. When you achieve stable success, you can study for just one hour a week, enjoying it along with excellent health and a great mood.

But for systematic training, especially for women who are just starting to engage in fitness or who have not been involved in sports for a long time for several years, we recommend that you read carefully following rules:

The first rule of training is to gradually increase the intensity and duration of the load. With low initial fitness, at the initial stage, it is necessary to take a very measured approach to the loads. The addition of loads should be 3-5% in each week of training in relation to the achieved level, and after achieving high results - less. Since it is difficult to determine the functional capabilities of your body, at the initial stage we do not recommend performing exercises to the maximum, since overtraining will not allow you to start regular exercise for a long time. You should not immediately strive to achieve final results for another reason. Research shows that the benefits of training are greater in the early stages than in later stages as you approach your limits. The point is not only the danger of an overdose of exercise, but also the fact that feasible, that is, significant, but not extreme physical activity, improves the condition of internal organs much more effectively. Therefore, do not rush to quickly catch up with lost time and urgently become beautiful. This kind of impatience is dangerous. Gradual, gradual and gradual is your motto!

The 2nd rule that must be taken into account is the variety of exercises. For quality variety physical activity you only need 7 to 12 exercises, but they are significantly different from each other. This will allow you to train different aspects of the functional abilities of the whole organism. If you include only one or two exercises, and besides, if they affect only small muscle groups, then a highly specialized effect from the training is achieved. You cannot tighten your stomach or achieve a thin waist if you have weak back muscles, and you also cannot pump up your buttock muscles without training your hips.

The 3rd rule, the observance of which ensures active counteraction to premature aging, is the primary training of motor function. This applies primarily to those women whose age is over forty. If quite recently some exercises were considered contraindicated for middle-aged and elderly people, now studies refute the old data. Dosed callanetics exercises are most effective for healing. The more the body becomes accustomed to a particular movement, the more valuable it is as a means of training. Unless, of course, you forget about strict dosing and gradual increase in loads.

The 4th rule is systematic training. Only with regular exercise can we get the maximum effect, that is, not only achieve an ideal figure, but also maintain the optimal physical condition of the body long years.

Preparing for callanetics training

1. Before starting training, be sure to consult your doctor. This is especially important if you have had injuries in the past, chronic diseases, or you are pregnant, and also if you are over 50 years old, although callanetics does not give any contraindications. Start your first workout only after carefully familiarizing yourself with the exercises. In addition to the main complex, we provide a description of a small complex consisting of only 3 exercises. By doing it, you will get rid of back pain for a long time or be able to prevent its occurrence. Exercises can be performed at any time of the day: both in the morning to give tone and energy to your body for the whole day, and in the evening to relax the body after a hard day and relieve tension from the back muscles. These exercises can serve as a warm-up before performing the main complex; in general, you can perform them at any time of the day and anywhere, even at work.

2. Before performing the main complex, it is necessary to prepare the muscles and joints for work. To do this, we offer a warm-up consisting of exercises that must be performed before performing a set of exercises. Doing a warm-up will help warm up and prepare your muscles for work and protect you from injury. Each exercise consists of simple and easy to perform movements. All of them are based on stretching. Stretching the muscles before training will make them elastic and help accustom them to the static loads on which callanetics is based. In childhood, everyone has natural flexibility, but as we age, without regular exercise, we begin to lose it. But good flexibility of muscles and joints is an indicator of the youth of our body. In addition, flexible muscles and joints are less prone to sprains and dislocations. Therefore, before starting the main activities, be sure to complete a warm-up complex. Try not to hold your breath while doing exercises, breathe calmly and evenly.

3. Avoid sudden and jerky movements; the muscles should be stretched smoothly and slowly, but with some effort, until you feel tension. Hold the position for as long as your physical fitness allows. At the initial stage, 10-20 counts will be enough; at a more advanced level, increase the count to 30. In the future, you can increase the count to 60. But never stretch the muscles to the point of pain.

4. Every woman dreams of being beautiful, slim and fit. But by being passionately engaged only physical exercise, it is difficult to achieve perfection in the formation of an ideal figure. It is also necessary to maintain a rational, balanced diet. As practice shows, we take this issue rather lightly.

The name in the title was given to this gymnastics not because it is easy.

Callanetics was created taking into account certain needs...

The inventor is the Dutch ballerina Callan Pinckney. Having reached retirement age by ballet standards (that is, those very 40 years), she began to look for a way to save physical fitness and not to part with the profession. So in the 80s of the twentieth century, a complex of 30 exercises appeared based on Indian and Chinese (Taoist) yoga and choreographic positions performed at the ballet barre.


Callanetics is very different from most workouts. Slow, calm, static exercises force the deep internal muscles of the body to act and increase the overall vitality of the body. Exercises correct the figure, improve posture, and develop plasticity.

A little background. Both India and China believe that the whole world is woven from two energies: yang - male, active and yin - female, passive. One energy tends to smoothly flow into another, thus, in any state there is a germ of the opposite. When united, such opposites form a single whole.

Callan Pinkney decided to combine opposites from different gymnastics. Thus, the exercises of Indian hatha yoga form the inner core of a person and his ability to repel the blows of fate without letting them pass deeper. Chinese Tao Yoga comes from the opposite. The ability to relax, let go of yourself and give internal energy the opportunity to flow freely gives rise to amazing body plasticity. Such a person is like a reed that, bending under the gusts of wind, never breaks. And choreography, organically complementing yoga, gives the figure a fit and slim look.

What does it look like

Callanetics does not require fast and noisy music. Each exercise requires concentration on internal sensations. The tense pose should be maintained for a certain number of seconds (from 30 to 150), after which relaxation occurs. At this time, internal muscle groups are intensively involved. Americans call callanetics “gymnastics of awkward poses” - each exercise looks strange, but at the same time it forces almost all large muscle groups to work at the same time. This is the fundamental difference between this gymnastics and exercises in gym or from the once popular shaping, where muscle groups work strictly in turn.

While taking “uncomfortable poses”, the body is harmonized and healed, resulting in weight loss and strengthening of skin tone. Many people notice that exercise has a calming effect on the psyche and develops inner peace and balance. In addition, callanetics has a beneficial effect on the spine, helps prevent and treat osteochondrosis and various curvatures. The results of callanetics can be felt and even “weighed” after just a few sessions. There are studies that have shown that 1 hour of callanetics exercises gives the body a load equal to 7 hours of regular gymnastics. There are no sudden movements, jumps, or impacts, so gymnastics is suitable even for those who have contraindications to regular training. Accordingly, people of all ages can practice it: from 7 years to old age.

Let's get started!

When you perform the proposed complex, adhere to the following rules.

● If you don’t have enough strength for all the exercises, stop at those that can affect your problem areas.
● To start, commit to training for an hour 3 times a week. When you reach the desired shape, reduce them to 2 hours per week.
● The starting position for all exercises is feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward, back straight, stomach and buttocks tucked in. Breathe only through your nose, make effort as you exhale.
● Start each pose with 60 seconds, if you don’t have enough strength - with 30. Add 10 seconds per week. Results are usually visible within 2 weeks.

Callanetics is one of the popular types of fitness and a system of weight loss exercises for advanced people. Callanetics fans believe that an hour replaces 7 hours of gymnastics and 24 hours of aerobics. Impressive? Need to try! We'll tell you where to start.

Callanetics became popular not so long ago, although the method is already more than 40 years old. First, Western countries and Europe were conquered, now more and more people are learning about it in Russia.

What is callanetics

Let's take a closer look at what callanetics is and why people lose weight with it. Fitness technique consists of 29 static exercises that form the basis of yoga asana.

Measured callanetics exercises are suitable for everyone

Static exercises callanetics are built on harmonious combination of static load and stretching. Ideal for those who like active sports without high intensity. There are no excessive loads and work at full capacity. But due to the fact that all internal muscles are involved, Fat burning occurs quickly and effectively. A set of callanetics exercises for weight loss speeds up metabolism, so those extra pounds go away.

The advantages include the fact that classes can be done at home without damage. Organizing the process is very simple: just turn on the video and prepare a notepad with a manual to record everything you do.

Callanetics does not require a strict diet, but you must understand that if you want to lose weight, then to achieve quick results, you need to reconsider your diet, give up bad habits, drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

How many calories will I lose during callanetics exercises for weight loss?

Below are some sample results. Of course, they can fluctuate significantly depending on the intensity of training and the time of training.

First try rating the energy of your workout on a scale of 10. For example, if the load is light intensity (approximately from 3 to 6 on a scale), then, on average, it is burned up to 250 calories per hour.

), then the calorie burn rate will be approximately 350-390 per hour. Typically, such classes include squats and push-ups as part of the technique, but nevertheless, a fairly high load.

What is more effective: Pilates exercises or callanetics?

The goal of both methods is development of muscle tone, strength, flexibility. At the same time, both types of fitness have minimal impact on bones and joints, and therefore are appreciated by people of all ages and athletic abilities. Of course, there are differences between them in the path to achieving the goal. Callanetics exercises involve training specific muscles: abdominal, shoulder, etc. While Pilates “works” with the whole body.

Exercises target specific muscle groups

In Pilates, many exercises are aimed at entire muscle groups: abdominal and oblique muscles, lower back muscles and gluteal muscles. The Hip-Up exercise illustrates this type of fitness well: in this element, group members lie on their backs, knees bent and legs crossed. Next, they use a rocking motion to lift their hips off the floor. Beginners or people with poorly trained abdominal muscles may find this exercise too difficult. Also, if you have problems with the cervical vertebrae, then it is better to avoid Hip-Up.

This is The main difference between callanetics and Pilates: callanetics involves exercises that are more limited in terms of movement, focusing on a specific area of ​​the body without high load. For example, abdominal muscle training: participants lie on the floor on their backs with their knees bent. With their arms fully extended, they slowly lift their head and shoulders off the floor and bring their chin as close to their chest as possible. Then they return to the starting position and repeat the physical element.

Who is callanetics suitable for?

This type of fitness - good way figure correction is for you if you:

Who is not suitable for callanetics?

Despite all the advantages, there are some features that do not allow you to master the unique technique. Callanetics is not recommended if you have:

  • have cardiovascular diseases;
  • vision problems;
  • you had a caesarean section (it is permissible to exercise if more than a year and a half has passed);
  • back injuries;
  • asthma;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • during last year there was an operation.

Benefits from callanetics

Callanetics helps create a harmonious balance between mind and body, develops a person’s ability to concentrate, and helps to lose excess weight.

Benefits and advantages:

  • weight loss exercises will help reduce body weight and reduce its volume in the desired place;
  • this type of fitness is really easy to practice: the exercises are effective, but not complicated;
  • people of almost any age can try themselves;
  • complete restoration of metabolism (and this will help control weight);
  • keeps the body toned and strengthens muscles;
  • mastery of one's body;
  • no special equipment required;
  • very low risk of injury, unlike some other types of fitness;
  • no special diet or supplements required.

Best exercises with photos for beginners that you can do at home

An exercise aimed at working the abdominal muscles.

  1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Place your arms along your body, palms down.
  3. Smoothly, without sudden movements, begin to tear off the upper part of the body. Control straight position limbs that should not be lifted off the floor.
  4. Aim your upper body upward.
  5. Once you have reached the point where your body is almost folded in half, hold this pose for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

Increases the overall endurance of the body. Trains the back, gluteal and thigh muscles.

  1. Get on all fours.
  2. Take your legs back one at a time, lifting your knees as a result. Find support in your forearms and toes, tighten your abs.
  3. The back should remain level and in a straight line with the crown and heels. You should freeze in this position for as long as possible.

Training the lower abdominal muscles.

  1. Lie on your back. Pull your knees towards your chest and then straighten them (similar to the “birch tree” exercise). Top part the body will remain motionless.
  2. Place your hands along your body, palms facing down.
  3. Relax your body and neck.
  4. Exhale and return your legs to the starting position.
  5. Repeat 10 times.

Stretching "dog"

Works out your back, forearms, hamstrings and shoulders.

  1. Get on all fours with your hands and knees shoulder-width apart.
  2. Inhale and rise onto your tiptoes, lifting your hips.
  3. Move your body into a position that looks like the letter “V” by straightening your arms and legs.
  4. Focus on your fingers, lower your chest down.
  5. The tailbone will remain up.
  6. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

What result will I get? Amazing results, namely an athletic body and muscle tone, will not take long to arrive if you engage in this type of fitness. You will be able to lose weight, stimulate your metabolism, have correct posture, and strengthen your muscles without increasing their size. First, you should understand which callanetics exercises are suitable for you and which will be most effective for losing weight.

An exercise that is distinguished by its versatility. Involves the muscles of the chest, abdomen, and arms. Look at the picture to see how to do it correctly.

  1. Kneel in front of an object (for example, use a gymnastic ball) that will serve as support for you.
  2. Place your hands on the ball, shoulder-width apart.
  3. Lean forward, but place the bulk of your weight on your toes.
  4. The back must be straight.
  5. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lower your torso, bending your elbows until they are at a 90-degree angle.
  6. Exhale, returning your body to the starting position.
  7. Repeat 10 times.

The muscles of the back, thighs, and calf muscles are involved.

  1. Sit on the mat with your legs straight.
  2. Stretch your hands towards your toes.
  3. It will be good if you can reach your forehead to your knees.
  4. Freeze in this position for a few seconds.
  5. If it is difficult for you to touch your knees, simply reach your palms towards your toes and also stay in this pose for a while.

Callanetics does not require a strict diet, but you must understand that if you want to lose weight, then to achieve quick results, you need to review your diet, give up bad habits, and drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day.

Callanetics is a special system of stretching exercises for all muscle groups, which is characterized by incredible muscle work. This is a kind of slow, leisurely gymnastics that gives a huge static load. Each exercise is designed in such a way that it simultaneously loads all the muscles of the body at once.

Exercise for training the spine, knees, back muscles, and abs.

  1. Lie on the floor with your knees bent.
  2. The shins are at an angle of 90 degrees. Close your hands behind your head, spread your elbows to the sides.
  3. Raise your upper body and touch one of your elbows to the opposite knee.
  4. At the end point, stop for 5 seconds. Then return to the starting position.
  5. Now, the same should be repeated for the other leg.
  6. For each side you need to do 6 repetitions.

Exercise helps improve the tone of the thigh muscles.

  1. While lying on your back, place the ball between your knees and squeeze it.
  2. Making sure that your back is straight and your spine is relaxed, raise your legs to 45 degrees.
  3. We hold for 5-10 seconds (the more you can do, the better) and lower your legs.
  4. It is necessary to perform 3 approaches.

Callanetics for pregnant women

Thanks to its careful approach to training, callanetics can be practiced by pregnant women. Of course, most likely, you will have various restrictions, but a fitness trainer or you yourself (if you conduct classes at home) should select the optimal balanced set of callanetics exercises. In this case, you will only receive the following benefits:

  • By strengthening your abdominal muscles during pregnancy, you strengthen your pelvis - and this will be useful for future use, because... About 50% of women suffer from some form of back pain during pregnancy. The abdominal muscles need to be trained especially carefully, it is possible to change or facilitate execution, first after consulting a doctor about the opportunity to train.
  • Physical education is always a workout endorphins(happiness hormones), which will certainly have a positive impact on well-being and health.
  • Deep sleep– you should exercise in a calm and relaxed atmosphere, then you will feel less stress, and this will help you fall asleep more soundly and feel rested.
  • After giving birth, you will get in shape faster, and abdominal muscles will recover.

Video exercise complexes with the most popular callanetics instructors

All you need to do is simply follow the fitness trainer. Turn on the video and join the sport!

Callanetics with instructor Sandra Hanna

Sandra was introduced to the callanetics program after the birth of her second son in 1987. The creator's first book Callan Pinkney methods: “10 years younger in 10 hours”“changed her life, and she realized that this was what would help her regain her beautiful shape. Sandra's further path was aimed at training and development. Already in June 2001, she opened her callanetics studio.

In 2006, Sandra was selected as the lead teacher for Callanetics' new line of DVDs. Since then, she has starred in 35 more videos on her chosen type of fitness. She is currently a global trainer and travels to countries where she does what she loves. Sandra has already visited Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Europe and the USA.

Watch the video: callanetics with Sandra Hannah

Callanetics with trainer Tatyana Rogatina

Tatyana Rogatina is one of the popular Russian fitness trainers. She conducts group classes in such areas as Pilates, callanetics, and stretching. Improve problem areas with video lessons from a professional instructor.

Watch the video: exercises for beginners with Tatyana Rogatina

Callanetics from the creator of the method, Callan Pinkney

Inventor Callan Pinkney was a sickly child; health problems since childhood prompted her to create her own practice, which ultimately helped solve health issues + gain a beautiful figure. Each of us can also achieve amazing results if we are not lazy.

Watch the video: exercises for beginners with Callan Pinkney

There is no greater value for a person than health. But every woman wants to be not only healthy, but also beautiful, and maintain her physical attractiveness for many years. The most reliable way for this is physical training, which allows you to maintain the function of muscles and joints in optimal condition, and, more importantly, with the help of muscle work, maintain and increase the energy capabilities of the body, filling every cell of the body with energy, strength and physical beauty. A universal system of physical training, created taking into account all the characteristics of the female body, is presented in this book. This system is called “Callanetics”.

Despite the huge number of different programs for healing and improving your figure, callanetics - one of the unique and popular finds in the health industry - has long conquered the countries of Europe, Asia and America.
Callanetics is a slow, calm form of gymnastics with a static load. It is highly effective and promotes muscle tightening and rapid weight loss and body size. Activates the body's immune system.

Ideal for those who prefer thoughtful, calm exercises to active and complex dance types of fitness. This amazingly effective workout program will help you create a harmonious balance between your body and mind, get you into great physical shape, develop concentration and prevent injury.
The creator of this exercise system is the American doctor Callan Pinkney. The exercise system is named after her. Even as a child, Callan had problems with her hips, and to get rid of her shortcomings, she practiced dancing and diving. Pinckney introduced these elements into her figure improvement technique.

Callan Pinkney is already over 60, but her figure can be the envy of sixteen-year-old girls. She assures that the set of exercises she developed has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body: after 10 sessions you will feel 10 years younger. After all, one hour of callanetics is equal to 7 hours of classical gymnastics or 24 hours of aerobics.
Imagine that you pick up an orange and squeeze the juice out of it. So in callanetics we squeeze out excess fat and waste from the body. At the same time, we spare and strengthen the joints and do not overload the heart - callanetics has no contraindications.
In Europe and many other countries, people of different ages are fond of it - from 16 to 60 years old. Moreover, this exercise system is popular not only among women; a huge number of men also engage in health clubs.
Here are just a few enthusiastic responses:
“I experienced instant strength improvements, and then the extra inches on my body began to disappear!” – Rose Marie O'Malley, Sacramento, California.
“Callanetics not only allowed me to play golf again, but also improved my performance in the game!..” - George Thorne, Denver.
“Now I wear my clothes with pride and comfort. I stand straight and have complete confidence in myself... For the first time in my life I have strong, beautiful legs, a toned flat stomach and beautiful buttocks, cellulite and flabbiness have disappeared" - Lisa Collins, Chicago.
We can safely say that of all types of gymnastics, it is callanetics that makes it possible to feel your muscles, tightens the skin, gives energy and increases sexuality. This is confirmed by women practicing callanetics all over the world.
What is the secret of such success?

Firstly, callanetics does not require visiting specially equipped gyms; you can experience all the delights of training at home. No special equipment, special clothing or shoes are needed. It is enough to put on a regular sports uniform that is comfortable for you, preferably something bright that creates a good mood, turn on your favorite tunes and start exercising.
Secondly, this slow and calm gymnastics at the same time implies colossal intense muscle work during exercise. It is built on the basis of static loads, classical yoga poses and stretches after each exercise, the role of which is to prevent muscle pain and prevent excessive relief.
Static exercises are aimed at micro-contractions of muscles. In callanetics there are no jerks and jumps (you don’t have to worry about your knees and back), there is no difference in the tension of neighboring muscle groups. Everything is involved, including small muscles. Exercises based on stretching (stretching) and static exercises cause the activity of deeply located muscle groups, so deep areas of stored adipose tissue quickly begin to lose weight. The physiological effect is based on the fact that with prolonged static load on a muscle, the level of its metabolism increases (metabolic rate increases), this is much more effective than with cyclic load, and what is much more important - due to this, more calories are burned. You do not build muscle mass, but bring them from a flabby state to a natural aesthetic form that corresponds to a healthy body.
Callanetics, like a talented sculptor, will help you sculpt a new figure with impeccable forms: your posture will improve and osteochondrosis will disappear, your chest will rise, you will become toned and flat stomach, the shape of your buttocks will improve, you will be surprised how in a short time you will become more flexible, toned and, most importantly, your movements will become smooth and feminine. After exercise, you will feel amazing lightness throughout your body, as the exercises have a healing effect. Callanetics will help you achieve results that you can “weigh” and “measure” after just a few sessions. Americans call callanetics “gymnastics of awkward positions,” since the exercises are designed in such a way that all the main muscles of the body work simultaneously. This is a huge plus and a fundamental difference from other types of fitness, where when only individual muscle groups work hard, the rest of the body remains unused.
Here are just eight possible or incentives to start improving yourself tomorrow:
1. Your weight is above normal. If you go to a fitness club tomorrow, it is possible that you will not be able to withstand more than 10 minutes, while the lesson lasts 50 minutes. Shortness of breath and joint pain are guaranteed.
2. You are not a supporter of high-intensity training. Running and jumping are not for you. A high pace is tiring for you, and all desire to exercise disappears.
3. You are not interested in exercise equipment, and it seems difficult to lift dumbbells, barbells, or actively work on them, especially if you are just starting your fitness routine.
4. You like a calm atmosphere. Callanetics is somewhat similar to yoga; it involves complete concentration on every movement. A calm atmosphere is of course guaranteed, but do not fall into the illusion that the classes are very simple. To overcome all the exercises and withstand static tension, you will have to make a lot of effort.
5. You want to try something new, since you’ve been doing fitness for several years, maybe you should diversify your workouts with callanetics.
6. In fitness clubs, you can get lost among the variety of programs - fitball, hip-hop, taibo, kibo, and your coordination of movements is poor. This means callanetics is also for you - simple, uncomplicated exercises in terms of coordination give a decent load.
7. In general, you are happy with your figure, but want to adjust your hips or emphasize your waist. Callanetics will help you with this, since the entire system of exercises is aimed at correcting problem areas.
8. You prefer to study at home. You have very little time to visit the fitness club regularly. Then this book is for you too. After all, you only need a chair, a towel and a mirror.

Beneficial effects of practicing CALLANETICS
Regular training with callanetics provides all the beneficial effects, and even more. The longer and more persistently you practice, the more benefits you will receive from this simple, but at the same time very effective system. Here are the most general results that will become noticeable to you after just a few weeks of training:
– posture will improve, osteochondrosis and back pain will disappear;
– metabolism will improve and the immune system will strengthen;
– weight will naturally decrease;
– body tone will improve;
– flexibility will improve and muscles will lengthen without excess volume;
– joints will become stronger, muscles will become stronger;
– decreased exposure to stress and increased self-confidence.

Rules for training when practicing CALLANETICS
In order for callanetics classes to have only a positive effect on you, we will formulate a number of methodological requirements.
As we have already written, callanetics is gymnastics of static poses. A feature of this system is a certain static load on the muscles of the body. When taking the required pose, you need to hold it for 25-100 counts, depending on the initial level of your training. I note that those who have never engaged in fitness programs cannot hold the pose for more than 10–15 counts. But don’t despair, over time your muscles will get used to the load, and the duration of static tension can be increased to the upper limit. To begin with, try to hold the pose for 5-10 counts, then, after taking a break, repeat the exercise again. If you are serious about losing weight and aiming to achieve an ideal figure, we recommend exercising at a basic level of physical fitness 3 times a week for 30 minutes. For those who just want to correct problem areas, we recommend classes for 1 hour 3 times a week. When you feel the benefits of your classes, reduce them to 2 times. When you achieve stable success, you can study for just 1 hour a week, enjoying it along with excellent well-being and a great mood.
But during systematic training, especially for women who are just starting to engage in fitness or who have not been involved in sports for a long time for several years, we recommend that you carefully read the following rules.
The first rule of training is to gradually increase the intensity and duration of the load. With low initial fitness, at the initial stage, it is necessary to take a very measured approach to the loads. The addition of loads should be 3-5% in each week of training in relation to the achieved level, and after achieving high results - less. Since it is difficult to determine the functional capabilities of your body, at the initial stage we do not recommend performing exercises to the maximum, since overtraining will not allow you to start regular exercise for a long time. You should not immediately strive to achieve final results for another reason. Research shows that the benefits of training are greater in the early stages than in later stages as you approach your limits. The point is not only the danger of an overdose of exercise, but also the fact that feasible, that is, significant, but not extreme physical activity, improves the condition of internal organs much more effectively. Therefore, do not rush to quickly catch up with lost time and urgently become beautiful. This kind of impatience is dangerous. Gradual, gradual and gradual is your motto!
The second rule to consider is the variety of exercises. For a high-quality variety of physical activity, you only need from 7 to 12 exercises, but they are significantly different from each other. This will allow you to train different aspects of the functional abilities of the whole organism. If you include only one or two exercises, and besides, if they affect only small muscle groups, then a highly specialized effect from the training is achieved. You cannot tighten your stomach or achieve a thin waist if you have weak back muscles, and you also cannot pump up your buttock muscles without training your hips.
The third rule, the observance of which ensures active counteraction to premature aging, is the primary training of motor function. This applies primarily to those women whose age is over forty. If quite recently some exercises were considered contraindicated for middle-aged and elderly people, now studies refute the old data. Dosed callanetics exercises are most effective for healing. The more the body becomes accustomed to a particular movement, the more valuable it is as a means of training. Unless, of course, you forget about strict dosing and gradual increase in loads. By the way, mother Callan Pinkney, who is 80 years old, enjoys doing callanetics, actively counteracting aging.
The fourth rule is systematic training. Only with regular exercise can we get the maximum effect, that is, not only achieve an ideal figure, but maintain the optimal physical condition of the body for many years.

Preparing for CALLANETICS training
Before you start exercising, be sure to consult your doctor. This is especially important if you have had injuries in the past, chronic illnesses, or are pregnant, or if you are over 50 years old, although callanetics does not provide any contraindications. Start your first workout only after carefully familiarizing yourself with the exercises.
In addition to the main complex, we give a description of a small complex consisting of only three exercises. By doing it, you will get rid of back pain for a long time or be able to prevent its occurrence. Exercises can be performed at any time of the day: both in the morning to give tone and energy to your body for the whole day, and in the evening to relax the body after a hard day and relieve tension from the back muscles. These exercises can serve as a warm-up before performing the main complex; in general, you can perform them at any time of the day and anywhere, even at work.
Before performing the main complex, it is necessary to prepare the muscles and joints for work. To do this, we offer a warm-up consisting of exercises that must be performed before performing a set of exercises. Doing a warm-up will help warm up and prepare your muscles for work and protect you from injury. Each exercise consists of simple and easy to perform movements. All of them are based on stretching. Stretching the muscles before training will make them elastic and help accustom them to the static loads on which callanetics is based. In childhood, everyone has natural flexibility, but as we age, without regular exercise, we begin to lose it. But good flexibility of muscles and joints is an indicator of the youth of our body. In addition, flexible muscles and joints are less prone to sprains and dislocations. Therefore, before starting the main activities, be sure to complete a warm-up complex. Try not to hold your breath while doing exercises, breathe calmly and evenly.
Avoid sudden and jerky movements; the muscles should be stretched smoothly and slowly, but with some effort, until you feel tension. Hold the position for as long as your physical fitness allows.
At the initial stage, 10–20 counts will be enough; at a more advanced level, increase the count to 30. In the future, you can increase the count to 60. But never stretch the muscles to the point of pain.
Every woman dreams of being beautiful, slim and fit. But if you are enthusiastically engaged only in physical exercises, it is difficult to achieve perfection in the formation of an ideal figure.
It is also necessary to maintain a rational, balanced diet. As practice shows, we take this issue rather lightly.