How to charge your wallet with money. How to enchant a wallet to attract money

Esotericists, magicians and psychics claim that in order for money to be transferred, it is necessary to read and perform rituals for a new wallet.

In their opinion, by buying a new wallet, a person changes material energy. And in order for it to act to increase wealth, it is necessary to read certain conspiracies and spells over the new wallet.

If you do everything correctly, the wallet itself will begin to attract money in large quantities.

Ritual for a new wallet

In order for there to be money in a wallet, a person must buy a wallet that he especially likes. You should not save on this accessory; it is better to buy exactly the one you like, regardless of the cost.

Besides this, there is also a number of criteria that should be followed when purchasing a wallet:

  • It must have compartments for large and small ones.
  • If the wallet has transparent inserts, then they It’s better not to bother with any other documents, as this will impede the flow of monetary energy.
  • It’s better if the wallet is a calm color, for example, dark brown can protect money from envious glances and help attract positive financial energy.
  • Immediately after purchasing a new wallet, you need to put a coin in it with a denomination of 1 ruble or 1 kopeck, and never waste it.

In order to set up a new wallet to attract money, you need to perform a special ritual with it. For this it is necessary put any coin in your wallet and go with it to any body of water.

On the shore it is necessary wet your hand in water and spray it three times on the open wallet so that the droplets fall on the coin itself. In this case, you need to say the following words (preferably out loud):

The water in the river flows and does not end. So my wallet will never run out of money. The water flows, always silver and sparkling. So money will flow into my wallet forever, sparkle and silver for my joy and for the benefit of everyone.

This coin must be spent in the next three days after completion.

On the same day, it is advisable to get rid of your old wallet. It is not recommended to give or give this wallet to someone else.

The best way to get rid of it is to burn your wallet.. This can be done at home. While the wallet is burning, you must read the following spell:

Burn with a red flame, and take poverty with you into the fire. What was in you before will triple, what was not there before will appear. So be it. Amen.

Powerful spells to attract money

In order for the new wallet to contain money, special spells must be read over it. There are several options for particularly strong conspiracies that will definitely attract the energy of money.

On the new moon

To conduct this, you need to prepare three different coins: white, gold and copper (no matter what time they are from or what country). You need to put them in your wallet and go outside. Looking at the moon, you need to say the following words:

Money floats across the sky.

They will send me wealth.

Then you need to carry these coins with you in your wallet.

On the mouse

Before performing this ceremony, need to buy a small mouse figurine. After this, you need to put it in your wallet and read the spell:

Mouse sit down, get some money.

To a red wallet

If purchased the wallet is red, then there is a special conspiracy for this.

In order for money to start flowing into a red wallet, you need to place it in front of you on the waxing Moon and hold a lit candle over the wallet.

At the same time, say: “Charge yourself with the power of fire!” Then you need to sprinkle a pinch of earth and say: “By the power of the Earth - prosper!” Next, splash water with the words: “Fill yourself with the Power of Water!” And finally, blow on it and say: “By the Power of Air - increase!”

After that, put the wallet in the eastern part of the house for a day, and then you can use it.

What prayer should you read?

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Have mercy and do not be angry at my mortal request. Bless me with money in a new wallet. Just as everything has always been bought, so to this day it is famously sold. May God’s will not oppose you and my income will rise. As the wallet is filled with wealth, so will my request be fulfilled for the good. Thy will be done. Amen.

In this article:

To increase their income, people use various methods: some look for a higher-paying job, others open their own business, others start gambling - there are many options. However, in addition to the chosen option, you can further strengthen your efforts; to do this, you need to turn to magic for help and read a conspiracy for money and a new wallet.

As you know, everything has its place. The place of money is the wallet. Moreover, a wallet is also called a money house, and in order for more and more money to arrive, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for this.

Wallets differ in size, shape, and where money is stored. They also have the amazing ability to attract the amount of money the owner needs and promote the magic of wealth, which is based on monetary energy. The carrier of such energy can be certain elements, colors, plants and planets.

Probably every person feels a sense of comfort when in his wallet there is an amount that can be spent on an expensive and unexpected purchase, pleasure or entertainment.

Properly selected and purchased, it is a guarantee that such an amount will always be available.

Therefore, the first step to the desired wealth is the right wallet.

How to choose a wallet?

  • It should not be the cheapest, as it carries the energy of poverty. Large banknotes have virtually no chance of appearing in it. But this does not mean that you have to spend your entire salary on the purchase, just enough to make it look respectable.
  • The new wallet should have different compartments for large and medium bills, as well as for coins.
  • The material should be natural, such as suede, leather or fabric. The most suitable color for a wallet is dark brown or black, as they protect it from evil eyes and help save money.
  • After purchasing, you must put an irredeemable coin in it: 1 ruble or 1 kopeck - it will be a symbol that attracts money.
  • Many magicians claim that a piece of dried horseradish root placed in a compartment with a fiat coin is very good at attracting material energy.
  • If the new wallet has transparent inserts, then it is better not to insert anything into them, so as not to interfere with attracting the energy of money.
  • After you buy a new wallet, you need to immediately get rid of the old one. To do this, you need to burn it in a fire by reciting a magic spell:

    “Burn with a red flame, and take poverty with you into the fire. What was in you before will triple, what was not there before will appear. So be it. Amen".

Charging a new wallet

To charge a newly purchased wallet, you need to use the following magical ritual. First you need to go to church and buy 7 of the most expensive green candles there. The ritual should be performed on the waxing moon at midnight, preferably on Thursday. You need to put a new, unused wallet in a place where moonlight falls freely, and place 7 candles around it and set them on fire, while saying the following words:

“The cash flow rushes and runs into my magical new wallet. Multiplies my income, expenses have become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, and poverty rather runs away from the holy fire. Let it be so. My word is strong. Amen".

As the plot was told, the candles must be allowed to burn out quietly, and then get rid of their remains. You should always carry your wallet with you and make sure it is in perfect order.

Green color attracts money energy

A wallet charged with material energy cannot be given to other hands and its contents must not be shown. Also, you should not tell about the magical ritual performed, even to your closest people. Otherwise, the monetary energy will turn away and in the future it will be very difficult to return it back.

Magic spell for a wallet

The ritual is performed on the new month. In the evening you need to sit down at the table facing the window, let your hair down, take off your shoes, light a candle, cross your new wallet 3 times with the words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After this, put a gold coin or a gold ring in your wallet and, looking at the month, say the spell words:

“Moon-moon silver horns, give my new wallet silver-gold so that it grows, fills and is filled with money. Let it be so. Amen".

A powerful magic spell for a new wallet

The plot for charging a new wallet must be read before you start using it.

In the morning, you should put one coin and one banknote of different denominations in your wallet, but the more, the better.

Perform money rituals only on the waxing moon or new moon.

Foreign banknotes can also be used, the main condition is that you cannot put dead money, that is, those that have already gone out of use (for example, Soviet ones).

“Just as coins collect from coins, so wealth with happiness strives and gathers towards me, money flows to coins into my new wallet. And in my wallet there is always a ringing and rustling sound, enough for a shiny ring, for new clothes, and enough for everything. My word is strong. To them are earth and sky, lock and key. Amen".

After the conspiracy, you need to carry your wallet with you all day, and in the evening you can take out the money. The best time to perform the ritual is the first lunar quarter.

How to speak a new wallet

There are several ways to use a wallet spell; they vary in both complexity and effectiveness.

Magic ritual No. 1

In the new wallet, put one white coin, one yellow and one paper bill of any denomination, and then say the following words:

“Just as my purse (that is, my wallet) is full, so I am very strong. Like coin to coin, like money to money quickly collected, so prosperity and happiness follow me, money flows into a new house in a stream. Let my purse always rustle and ring, I will never know the age of poverty. My word is strong, and my deed is faithful. I will always hold it in my hands and never let go. Amen".

Carry out such rituals regularly, and the money egregor will not keep you waiting to help you

Magic ritual No. 2

The following ritual will help you set up a new wallet for cash flow. You should put any coin in it, then leave the house and go to any spring or to the river bank. On the spot, wet your hand and lightly spray the wallet 3 times, so that a few drops fall on the coin, while you need to say a magic spell:

“The water in the river (spring) flows and does not end. So my wallet will never run out of money. The water flows, always silver and sparkling. So money will flow into my wallet forever, sparkle and silver for my joy and for the benefit of everyone.”

The charmed coin should be spent within 3 days.

Magic ritual No. 3

You should put silver coins in your newly purchased purse and place it on the windowsill when the young narrow crescent of the month begins to be visible in the sky. In this case, you need to say 3 times:

“I charm this wallet for myself (my name) for monetary growth, for prosperity, so that the money in it multiplies and grows, just as the month grows in the sky and the stars multiply from evening to late night.

And if someone wants to take my wallet into their hands, then a severe, deaf lack of money and 33 misfortunes will fall on this person, which I will not see forever and ever. Amen".

After 3 days, you need to leave a banknote of any denomination in your wallet and only then start using it. Before placing money in your wallet, you must say:

“Every time I remember the Lord God, every time I take out a ruble, let the Lord be remembered and the ruble multiply. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If you have a large amount of money in your wallet, you need to bring it to your lips for prosperity and whisper the spell 3 times:

“As there are countless stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea-ocean, as there are countless grains of sand in the desert!”

The new wallet should be solid, attractive, expensive and have several compartments. A cheap product will attract poverty, and emptiness inside is fraught with a long absence of financial income. Banknotes from a wallet should never be completely spent, otherwise the item purchased with the last money will be of no use. Careless handling of paper bills and disrespect for them is costly for the owner. When buying a new wallet, you need to read the corresponding wallet spell and in the future follow the basic rules for handling finances. Monetary energy dictates its own laws.

How to buy the right wallet

To prevent them from running away, the bills should be arranged in descending order by value and with the reverse side facing inward. The wallet must be free of foreign objects: notes, photographs, recipes, tickets, receipts. If money periodically falls on the floor, this is a bad omen.

The money storage should not be less than 18 cm and should be changed at least once a year. The best period for this procedure is New Year's Eve, and the most suitable day of the week is the first half of Wednesday or Thursday. At the same time, the Moon should be in the waxing phase, but not reach the first quarter. After paying for your purchase, you need to take it in your left hand and mentally say:

“Be a worthy home for my money and increase it. The Lord will bless, and the Guardian Angel will help. Amen".

They don’t tell anyone about their purchase, and they return home from the store in silence.

The magic of the money vault

What not to keep in your wallet

You cannot store “dead” bills and small change (out of circulation) in a new wallet. You can put all samples of money (including foreign ones) in the house in it. The conspiracy is read above the wallet:

“Coin reaches for coin, and wealth rushes to me with happiness. Money in the new wallet is constantly ringing and rustling. They wear beautiful clothes, buy shiny rings and have enough for everything. To my words the key, the lock, the tongue. Amen".

This product should be with the owner until the evening, and the next day it can be used.

If a purse is bought as a gift, then a coin is placed in it so that the new owner always has money. When buying a “money house”, you need to give preference to beige, brown, red or green.

Money talisman in wallet

We use talismans

To improve your financial situation, a financial talisman is made, which can be a mint or clover leaf (or a bag of mint tea), Chinese coins with a red ribbon, a red piece of paper, tea, a sprig of heather, an aspen leaf or a horseradish root.
Our ancestors also knew that in nature there are plants that attract love, luck and prosperity to a person. It is customary to store peony root, mustard and wheat seeds in a green or red bag, acorns, leaves or oak bark in a wallet.

A powerful monetary talisman is the American currency of one dollar, which attracts material wealth to its owner. This phenomenon is explained by the presence on the back of the dollar of an image of the all-seeing eye on the Egyptian pyramid - a symbol of success. It is folded into a triangle and stored in the smallest compartment.

To attract cash flow and protect it from outside encroachment, images of magical runes - “Feu” and “Otal” - are used. Marks are applied to the cut out squares with a marker or gold paint.

Rituals to attract cash flows

We attract cash flows

You don't just throw away an old wallet. It, together with a small bill, is placed in a good mood in the eastern part of the room, and after a month the bill is exchanged for a larger one.

The purchased wallet with “silver coins” must be left on the windowsill during the waxing moon (until the first quarter) and the spell for the new wallet must be cast 3 times:

“I’m talking myself and my wallet into constant financial wealth. So that money constantly multiplies in it, like stars in the sky. So that their number grows as the moon arrives. Whoever steals my wallet, let him take with him 33 misfortune with deep lack of money, which I will never see. Amen".

On the third day, any bill goes into the wallet, and from then on you can use it.

Correct advice

To always have money in the house, you should listen to the experience of your ancestors:

  • — there should always be change in your wallet;
  • - in order for big money to appear in the house during the week, on Sunday you need to give all the change from your wallet to the poor or spend it usefully;
  • - there should be money in the pockets of clothes hidden for storage;
  • — it is not recommended to exchange large bills for small ones, this brings additional expenses;
  • - regular counting of banknotes (especially written) is the key to wealth;
  • - if you have a lot of money in your wallet, then you need to bring it to your lips and say 3 times:
  • - manipulations with money after sunset can lead to ruin;
  • - on Monday and Friday debts are not repaid, and on Tuesday money is not borrowed;
  • - banknotes loaned on Sunday are not returned;
  • — stray incomes do not bring happiness, you need to get rid of them first;
  • — for the service it is necessary to give a generous reward in the form of a “tip”, the money will be returned back in larger quantities;
  • - you cannot lend money to a person to whom you owe something, as it will not be returned;
  • - money loves cheerful and cheerful people;
  • — foreign bills must be in a separate pocket;
  • - when receiving a salary or other income, it is not recommended to spend it on the same day; the banknotes should spend the night in the house;
  • - they do not take money from hand to hand and do not lend it to poor people, because when repaying the debt, they can transfer the negative energy of an unlucky person, fraught with financial losses.

A strong conspiracy for material well-being

The power of conspiracy

During the waxing moon, you need to let your hair down, take off your shoes and sit down, turning your face to the window. You need to cross the new wallet 3 times, put a gold item in it, light a church candle and recite the following magic spell:

“Give the Moon, silver horns, gold and silver to my wallet. The way it grows, fills, and is saturated with money. Amen".

Psychics also advise writing a magic formula on the largest irredeemable paper bill stored in your wallet (required amount x 27 = ∞). Financial success is brought by money donated by a person with good intentions. To improve material affairs, the lining of the wallet should be periodically moistened with peppermint oil, which serves as a magnet for monetary energy.

To achieve financial well-being, you need to work hard and follow certain financial guidelines. When you buy a new wallet, you need to charge it, then there will always be money in it.

Folk signs about a new wallet

When choosing a wallet, appearance is not very important. You are going to store your savings in it and increase them. Rely on the advice of your ancestors, and then poverty will never befall you.

Size and cost

Money does not like cramped conditions; it needs space. So, there should be more space in your wallet. A spacious wallet from which it is convenient to take money out is the best solution. Banknotes must be treated with care and folded carefully. A cluttered wallet will lead to instability in your financial situation.

It must have a compartment for small change: a penny saves a ruble.

Spend a little more on a quality product. Genuine leather wallets attract more financial energy flows.


There are several signs regarding the color scheme of a wallet. Feng Shui advises buying wallets in black, yellow or brown. Gold and gray shades attract money.

Green and blue colors correspond to water: money will flow out of a wallet of this shade all the time.

Magic red color is suitable for a wallet. It represents vitality and wealth. Such a wallet will always contain large bills.

What to put in your wallet

There are different signs for a new wallet so that money can be found.

The most effective:

  1. A piece of black dried bread left in a secret pocket will definitely attract good luck.
  2. A little cinnamon or beans in the change compartment will activate positive financial energy.
  3. Red items in the wallet, sewn under the lining, will attract favorable monetary energy.
  4. Unchangeable coin of 1 ruble. It is never used for payment; it is kept as a talisman.
  5. Talisman stones. Peridot brings good luck and wealth to its owner, helping even in times of lack of money. You need to store it in a secret pocket of your wallet. No less effective stones are: chrysoprase, tiger's eye, aquamarine, garnet, black tourmaline.

Money conspiracies of the new wallet

Luck is important in finance. To ensure that she is always on your side and your financial fortune only increases, use magical rituals for a new wallet.

On the mirror

The ritual is performed on a full moon; for it you need to prepare:

  1. Small pocket mirror.
  2. Five-ruble coin.

During the full moon before dark, place a mirror on the windowsill with the reflective side facing the window. The coin is placed next to it so that it is reflected on the mirror surface, and the plot is read three times:

“Mother Moon, your money is in my wallet, your treasury is my treasury, money to money. Amen".

After the ritual is completed, such a structure is left on the window until the morning. When you wake up, put the coin in your wallet and do not touch it until the new full moon. The conspiracy can be repeated several times, this will only increase its power.

Cemetery ceremony

The ritual is performed on the first day of the new moon, in front of the cemetery gates. You can do this at any time of the day:

  1. Standing in front of the gate, place 1 ruble under your left heel in your shoes.
  2. Read the spell to attract money 3 times.
  3. While reading, hit the ground with your left foot.

Text of the conspiracy: “Cheer, mind, dead people, your place is holy, and let mine be rich. To you, dead men, good sleep, and to me (name), gold and silver. Mind you, mind you, dead people, your place is holy, and in my pocket there is silver and gold. Let it be so".

After reading the plot, they turn their backs to the gate and leave. The coin is taken out of the shoe and carried in a separate pocket of the wallet. Before repeating the ritual again, the ruble must be spent.

Cemetery conspiracies to attract money work quickly. To be more effective, repentance in the form of commemoration should be made a few days after the ritual. Take part of the profits to the cemetery crossroads or place them on unmarked graves.

How to triple your income

Well-being and prosperity, if you have a large family, can be achieved using the ritual of tripling your income. To do this, buy three wallets at once in different places. They take large bills and use them to buy something insignificant; the change from each purchase is put into different wallets. It is better if the seller does this himself. As he puts in the change, look at his hands and say to yourself: “Catch and catch the money, big and small! For my good and for the good of my loved ones.”

Change cannot be spent; it will attract wealth. It is placed in a separate pocket or sewn under the lining of the wallet.

But one person does not need all three wallets; you can keep only one for yourself, and give the rest to your loved ones, warning about the irredeemable money.

To the moonlight

Open a new wallet at night with moonlight so that it falls on it. Place a few silver coins of 1 or 5 rubles inside and say the spell: “I’m spelling a new wallet for prosperity. Multiply, money, like the stars in the sky! Come as the moon rises in the sky! And whoever steals my wallet will take all my troubles with it! Amen".

Ritual with a red wallet

Since ancient times, this color has been associated with living vital energy, repels the bad and attracts the good, helps to get rich. The red wallet ritual is carried out only with large new bills. At midnight they go out into the street, showing the new moon their acquisition, with the words: “The month is clear, a beautiful light! You grow, illuminating the world, making you happy, playing like a wave! You can move water, you can shake the earth! Give your wallet your good power! Let your income grow with you! Let the money come, I have enough for everything!”

Then the bills are put into the wallet and said:

“As banknotes lie next to banknotes, so am I glad to have prosperity with me! The moon's horns are growing into the moon, money has sent a wave into the red wallet! Income comes every day, every hour! The red wallet will make me and all of us happy! There is enough money for everything! For a dress and a coat, a fur coat, a ring and a chain, I will rejoice both day and night!”

They go into the house and put the wallet under the pillow and go to bed.

You need to remember the dream; you can use it to interpret future profits:

  1. Dreaming about water means big profits.
  2. If you have watched the flight of birds, then new projects await you.
  3. A small child or a loudly croaking crow is a sign of damage due to lack of money. The conspiracy in this case does not work; the help of someone who can remove the damage is needed.
  4. If in a dream you communicated with someone, income will come from this person.

Ritual with 7 candles

The most mystical and complex conspiracy, but no less effective, is performed on the waxing moon:

  1. Before performing this ritual, you need to go to the church and purchase 7 green candles.
  2. At exactly midnight, go to the window where the moonlight falls.
  3. Place the wallet in a circle of candles.
  4. Light them with a match gradually, clockwise.
  5. Read the plot.
  6. Wait until the candles burn out and throw away the cinders.

The text of the plot goes like this: “The cash flow rushes and runs into my magical new wallet. Multiplies my income, expenses have become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, and poverty rather runs away from the holy fire. Let it be so. My word is strong. Amen".

Conspiracy with coins

This ritual is one of the simplest; it requires one coin and one bill, both of different denominations.

“Just as coins collect from coins, so wealth with happiness strives and gathers towards me, money flows to coins into my new wallet. And in my wallet there is always a ringing and rustling sound, enough for a shiny ring, for new clothes, and enough for everything. My word is strong. To them are earth and sky, lock and key. Amen".

After which they carry both the coin and the bill with them all day. And then they put it away in a secret pocket and don’t waste it.

For the plot to work:

  1. There is no need to start the ritual in a bad mood; there is a high risk of failure.
  2. Tell someone about a magical ritual.
  3. Do not show the contents of your wallet to anyone.

Other signs about the wallet

There are many ways to bring financial well-being into your home. If you don’t want to use conspiracies, then you can rely on financial signs. They will help restore former prosperity or attract good luck.

There are different signs for a new wallet, but there are also those that allow you to bring financial well-being to an old wallet, or warn against possible negative events:

  1. If your wallet is torn, then changes in the material sphere await you. These are difficult times, which can be mitigated by purchasing a new wallet. The old one needs to be burned if there was never any big money in it.
  2. If the wallet was able to properly store large bills, it would make an excellent talisman. Before this, you need to prepare it: put a banknote of the smallest denomination in your wallet and put it away from prying eyes. A month later, during the waxing moon, take it out of the hiding place and exchange the small bill for a larger one. Do this until there is a high denomination banknote in it. Such a talisman will only increase the owner’s income.
  3. If you are given an empty wallet, put three feng shui coins in it, tied with red thread. This way you will correct the situation, and the universe will reward you with abundance.

The purchase of a wallet should be approached with particular seriousness, taking into account not only the selection criteria (color, size, material, number of departments), but also providing for the magical ability of this attribute to attract money, which is easily activated by a correctly applied spell on a new wallet. How to open an endless flow of finances with the help of magic - arm yourself with the knowledge of knowledgeable sorcerers!

  • Choosing a wallet is the first step to wealth

    Before using a wallet spell for money, be sure to study the main ones:

    1. No spell likes to be tolerated. Skepticism and cynicism are not appropriate if your goal is to attract wealth.
    2. Concentrate on the action and put all the strength of your desire into the spoken words. Remember, the emotional color symbolizes the energy that you give to higher powers to create a channel for the receipt of funds.
    3. Keep the ritual you performed in the strictest confidence.

    Spell for a red wallet

    So, you are the happy owner of a red accessory, and you can begin the ritual. The bait for future receipts of a material nature will be pre-prepared banknotes - they will need to be placed in the wallet during the ritual, so do not skimp, take larger banknotes and in sufficient quantities.

    You will also need to be at night, on a new moon, in an area open to the sky: a street, a balcony, or at least a wide open window in the opening of which the young moon is visible will do. Twist your purchase in your hands, as if demonstrating it to the night luminary, then read the following while looking at the wallet:

    “The Moon is clear and beautiful, young light!
    You grow, illuminating the whole earth with silver,
    You pamper us and make us happy, playing with the waves of the sea.
    You are able to move mighty waters from their place,
    You can shake the whole earth without difficulty!
    Direct your good power to my red purse!
    Let my constant income grow with you!
    Let more money come,
    Let me now have enough for all of them!”

    Then put the money you saved in advance into your wallet, saying:

    “How all the bills lie side by side,
    So I’m happy to have wealth with me!
    During the month the silver horns will grow into the moon,
    Sending a strong wave of money into the red wallet!
    Profit-income, come here soon!
    Give the red wallet a lot of money!
    Let the money from it be enough for me to do everything!
    A cotton dress, a new coat,
    rich sable fur coat,
    A ring, a brooch, and a chain to go with them,
    I will be glad to have wealth day and night!”

    Place the enchanted accessory under your pillow. Try to remember what you dream about on the ritual night. Any liquid, birds, conversations - everything is profitable.

    Only a dream in which a black crow croaks over a child at night brings bad news. It is dreamed only by those people who have been cursed by poverty. It will be necessary to first get rid of it, and only then carry out the magical action again. There are also interesting money conspiracies.

    Spell for a new wallet on the full moon

    To attract money during the full moon, you only need three coins. One is white, the other is golden, and the third is copper. If coins of any of the required colors are not found, it is permissible to color another coin in the desired shade. Place the pennies in the change department and read while looking at the sky:

    “Money is floating across the sky.
    They will send me wealth."

    Leave the charmed coins in your wallet. Repeat the spell periodically to increase your capital.

    Spell for a wallet with a gold ring

    For the ritual, dress in looser clothes at night; buttons, zippers, cuffs must be undone. Let your hair down. After turning off the electric lighting, light a church candle.

    Place a gold ring in any compartment of the wallet, then cross the newly acquired accessory three times. Place the wallet on the windowsill (or on the table) so that it is in the moonlight spectrum. Say three times:

    “Friend month, the legs are silvered, the horns are gilded!
    Give me gold and silver for good deeds,
    Give profit and prosperity!
    Let my wallet fill up soon,
    And it’s always filled with good things!