How to make a rainbow at home. How to make a rainbow at home, or the decomposition of white light into a spectrum

Feoktistova Yulia Rysaeva Elmira

Rysaeva Elmira Faizovna, Feoktistova Yulia Sergeevna

Supervisor: Korol Yulia Nikolaevna

Project theme: “Creating a rainbow at home.”

Purpose of the study: determine what the connection is between rain, sun and the appearance of a rainbow, and whether it is possible to get a rainbow at home.

Research objectives:

  1. How does a rainbow appear?
  2. When does a rainbow appear?
  3. Is it possible to get a rainbow at home?

Hypotheses put forward:

  • Suppose a rainbow appears in sunny weather during rain, when the sun's rays pass through the raindrops.
  • Suppose that a rainbow can be obtained by replacing the sun's rays with an artificial light source.

Basic methods: literature study, observation, experiment.

Experience “Creating a rainbow at home”

To make sure that the white color consists of seven colors and the rainbow can be obtained artificially, we carried out experience. We needed a flashlight, a water container, a flat mirror, white cardboard and water.

Progress of the experiment: Filled the tray with water , We placed a mirror at an angle and directed the light of a flashlight onto the part of the mirror immersed in water. To catch the reflected (or refracted) rays, they placed cardboard in front of the mirror. As a result, a reflection of all the colors of the rainbow appeared on the cardboard; we were able to get a rainbow in “home” conditions.

As a result of the work done, we convinced that the prism can turn a white beam into a seven-color, rainbow one. We met with ways to get a rainbow at home



Department of Education of the Municipal District Administration

Kuyurgazinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Research work

How to create a rainbow at home

Completed by 4b grade students

MBOU Secondary School No. 2 s. Ermolaevo

Kuyurgazinsky district

Republic of Bashkortostan

Feoktistova Yulia

Rysaeva Elmira

Head Korol Yu.N.

Ermolaevo - 2015

1. Introduction

2. Why does a rainbow appear?

3.How a rainbow appears

4. When it appears

5. Experience “Creating a rainbow at home”

Anastasia Panfilova
Lesson summary “Rainbow at home”

Rainbow at home.

Purpose of the study: define what it is rainbow how is it formed, and is it possible to obtain rainbow at home.

Research objectives:

1. Find out where it comes from rainbow.

2. Determine what they are rainbows.

3. Try to get rainbow at home.

Progress of the lesson:

1. What is rainbow?

Rainbow- modified word "raiduga", or God's arc.

(According to V. Dahl's dictionary)

Rainbow- a multi-colored arc-shaped stripe on the firmament,

formed due to the refraction of sunlight in raindrops.

(Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Ozhegova S.I.)

Both ancient people and ancient scientists tried to unravel the cause of its occurrence. 2. How is it formed? rainbow?

Sunlight appears white to us. But in fact it consists of several colors. It happens that when it rains, the sun comes out, and then the sunlight passes through the water droplets and "disintegrates" for several colors. There are always seven of these colors, and they are arranged in strict order. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. So it turns out multi-colored rainbow. An object that can split a ray of light into its components is called "prism". The resulting colors create a strip of colored lines called "range". Rainbow and there is a large spectrum, or band of colored lines, resulting from the decay of a ray of light passing through raindrops. In this case, raindrops act as a prism.

Rainbow appears, only when the sun peeked out from behind the clouds and only in the direction opposite to the sun.

Rainbow appears when the sun illuminates the curtain of rain. You need to be strictly between the sun (it should be at the back) and rain (he should be in front of you). Otherwise can't see the rainbow!

The sun, our eyes and center rainbows must be on the same line! If the sun is high in the sky, then it is impossible to draw such a straight line. That's why rainbow can only be observed early in the morning or late in the evening. Rainbow appears under condition that the angular height of the sun above the horizon does not exceed 42 degrees.

Does it happen? rainbow without rain?

It turns out that such a miracle also happens. In the air in winter "float" ice crystals. They can also divide white into seven colors rainbows, That's why rainbow can be observed even in winter.

How to do rainbow at home?

Experiment No. 1.

Target: receiving rainbows at home using a CD.

Equipment: CD, light source - sunbeam.

Description of the experiment: A computer disk caught a ray of sunlight and directed it to the wall and ceiling of the room. It turned out rainbow.

Experiment No. 2.

Target: receiving rainbows at home using napkins, water and markers.

Equipment: a plate of water, napkins and markers.

Draw circles on a napkin using felt-tip pens of different colors. Pour enough water into the plate to cover the bottom. Place a napkin in the water and watch the miracle!

Experiment No. 3.

Target: receiving rainbows at home with candy and water.

Equipment: plate, water, MMDEMS

Put the candies in the circle in order rainbow colors, pour plain water into the middle of the plate and enjoy the process. After a few seconds, the child clearly understands what the dye is.

Experiment No. 4.

Target: receiving rainbows at home using a mirror and a flashlight.

Equipment: a plate filled with water, white cardboard, a mirror, a light source - a flashlight.

Description of the experiment: We took a plate, filled it with water, and lowered the mirror at an angle. Then they directed the light of the flashlight onto the part of the mirror immersed in water. When we placed white cardboard in front of a mirror to catch the reflected rays, we saw a reflection on the cardboard rainbows.

The rainbow hung like a multi-colored rocker,
Dipping one end into the green ocean...
M. Rysakov

Every person at least once in his life admired a natural miracle - a rainbow.

Many people have probably noticed that rainbows usually appear after rain.

I have seen a rainbow many times, and this phenomenon always delighted me. Last summer my parents and I walked around the city. The weather was sunny, but suddenly it started raining: warm, lightly drizzling. It stopped as quickly as it started, and literally immediately we all saw a rainbow in the sky.

I wanted to know what a rainbow is and how it appears.

Purpose of the study: determine what the connection is between rain, sun and the appearance of a rainbow, and whether it is possible to get a rainbow at home.

Object of study- natural phenomenon rainbow.

Subject of study- the origin of the rainbow.

Research objectives - find answers to the following questions:

  1. How does a rainbow appear?
  2. Do rainbows only appear in sunny weather or can they be seen at night?
  3. Is it possible to get a rainbow at home?

Hypotheses put forward:

  1. Suppose a rainbow appears only on a sunny day after rain.
  2. Let's assume that it is impossible to see a rainbow in nature at night.
  3. Suppose that a rainbow can be obtained by replacing the sun's rays with an artificial light source.

Basic methods: literature study, observation, experiment.


Ekimova Valeria

Student of grade 2 “b” of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 of the Russian Federation, Chapaevsk

Evseeva Oksana Pavlovna

scientific supervisor, teacher of the highest category, primary school teacher, State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1

Russian Federation, Samara region, Chapaevsk

Very often we notice strange and unusual phenomena in nature. They capture our imagination and are remembered for a long time. Many of these amazing phenomena have already been explained by scientists, but continue to remain mysterious to us. I would classify a rainbow as such a phenomenon.

How is a rainbow formed? Is it possible to observe this beauty at home? What kind of rainbows are there? I have to find answers to these questions.

Object of my research- natural phenomenon RAINBOW.

I'm sure - the topic is relevant. After all, it is very important to understand how and why something happens that fascinates our eyes so much.

The purpose of my work- try to replicate such a natural phenomenon as a rainbow at home.

In my work I set myself the following tasks: 1. Find out under what conditions a rainbow appears. 2. Study what types of rainbows exist in nature. 3. Get acquainted with legends and myths, symbols and other aspects of people’s lives associated with the rainbow. 4. Using experiments, find out whether it is possible to reproduce a rainbow at home.

Research methods: analysis of publications and Internet materials on this topic; systematization and classification of the studied material; observation; experiment.

Meaning of the word "rainbow". Rainbow - God's arc, celestial arc - celestial phenomenon; a seven-color arc under the clouds, from the sun behind the rain. (V. Dahl's Dictionary).

Legends and myths. The ancient Greeks believed that the rainbow was the smile of the goddess Iris. And in the Bible, a rainbow appears after the global flood. In Armenian mythology, the rainbow is the belt of Tyre (originally the god of the sun, then the god of writing, arts and sciences). The Slavs believed that the rainbow drinks water from lakes, rivers and seas, and then rains down. Sometimes she swallows fish and frogs along with the water, so sometimes they fall from the sky.

History of the study. Why does such a beautiful color picture appear in the air? I looked for the answer to this question in additional literature and the Internet. Here's what I found out.

In 1672, Isaac Newton proved that the ordinary white color is a mixture of rays of different colors. “I darkened my room,” he wrote, “and made a very small hole in the shutter to admit an appropriate amount of sunlight.” In the path of the sun's ray, the scientist placed a special triangular piece of glass - a prism.

On the opposite wall he saw a multi-colored strip - a spectrum.

The word spectrum comes from the Latin “spectrum” - visible.

Newton explained this by saying that the prism decomposed the white color into its component colors. Then he placed another prism in the path of the multi-colored beam. With this, the scientist collected all the colors into one ordinary ray of sunlight. Moreover, initially Newton distinguished only five colors - red, yellow, green, blue and violet. But then, Newton added two more colors to the five listed colors of the spectrum - orange and indigo. He wanted to create a correspondence between the number of colors in the spectrum and the number of fundamental tones of the musical scale. Or maybe the number 7 had some other symbolic meaning for him. When it rains, there is a huge amount of water droplets in the air. The sun's rays pass through drops of water, white light is refracted and decomposed into 7 colors of the spectrum from red to violet.

Light refraction. Refraction of light is the change in the direction of propagation of light (light rays) when passing through the interface between two different transparent media (for example: air and water). An example of light refraction: if you lower a straw into a glass of liquid, it will seem curved to us due to the refraction of light (Fig. 1). Each drop of liquid becomes a tiny prism. Since there are a lot of prism droplets after rain, a rainbow appears in half the sky.

Drawing 1 . Refraction

Experience 1. I decided to make sure that the light consisted of seven colors. To do this, I tried to conduct an experiment. I cut out a circle with a radius of about 5 cm from cardboard. I divided the circle into 7 sectors. Each sector was painted with the desired color (like a rainbow) (Fig. 2). I made a small hole in the very center of the circle and inserted a toothpick into it. I got a top. I launched the top. As it rotated, it turned white. Why? This is the process of “picking” flowers. White color is the keeper of all colors on earth.

Drawing 2 . Spinning top - rainbow

Types of rainbows. A rainbow that appears after rain is a primary rainbow. Sometimes we may see an extra rainbow. In it, the colors follow in reverse order from purple to red. There might even be a third and fourth rainbow. Why does a second rainbow appear? Also due to the refraction and reflection of light in water droplets. But before turning into a “second rainbow,” the rays of sunlight have time to reflect twice, not once, from the inner surface of each droplet. On a bright moonlit night, you can also see a rainbow from the Moon. But the receptors of the human eye do not perceive colors in low night light, and the lunar rainbow looks whitish. The brighter the light, the more “colorful” the rainbow. Does a rainbow happen when rain is impossible - in frosty winter? It turns out that such a miracle also happens. In winter, ice crystals “float” in the air. They divide white into seven colors.

Experiment 1. Let's try to replicate the rainbow at home. For this I need spray as rain and sunbeam. We fill the spray bottle with water and on a sunny day we create a cloud of droplets in the air (Fig. 3). On them we see a rainbow (Fig. 4).

Drawing 3 . Cloud of drops

Drawing4 . Rainbow

Conclusion: You can get a rainbow at home, just like in nature. This occurs due to the refraction of the sun's ray in drops of water and its division into a spectrum.

Experiment 2. I needed a CD, a flashlight and a smooth surface (wall). I direct the flashlight beam at the disk. A rainbow appears on the wall! (Fig. 5).

Drawing 5 . Rainbow on the wall

Experiment 3. For the experiment, you needed a container with water, a mirror, a beam of light, and a smooth surface. I poured water into the basin. The mirror was placed so that one part of it was under water, and the other part was above it. I point the mirror towards a smooth surface. I direct the beam to different parts of the mirror so that the reflected light falls on the wall.

Conclusion: Rays of light hit the mirror and are reflected. But, passing through water, white light is refracted. As a result, we get a rainbow on the wall.

Drawing 6 . Passing through water, light is refracted

Experiment 4. To me I needed a solution for soap bubbles.

Figure 7. Rainbow patterns on soap bubbles

Conclusion: Thin films of soap on the surface of the bubble constantly move and refract light. We see constantly changing rainbow patterns (Fig. 7).

Based on the results of my work, I can draw the following conclusions. Rainbow can be obtained at home. An artificial light source can be used instead of a sunbeam. Rainbows can be observed not only during the day, but also at night, and even in winter. I achieved my goal - to learn about the rainbow and try to repeat it at home. I conducted experiments and proved that you can get the rainbow effect at home and at any time of the year you can admire this beautiful phenomenon, which still holds many mysteries. The results that I obtained from studying the rainbow should be interesting and useful to my classmates.


  1. Bogdanov K.I. “It’s not so simple.”/ First of September - 2006, - No. 3. - p. 31-33.
  2. Burova S.A. Unusual natural phenomena./ September 1, 2003, No. 3.
  3. Geguzin Ya.E. Who makes the rainbow? - Kvant, 1988, No. 6.
  4. Family photo archive.
  5. Trifonov E.D. Once again about the rainbow. - Soros Educational Journal, - 2000, - vol. 6, - No. 7.
  6. [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:
  7. [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:

Why does such a beautiful, and even colorful, picture appear in the air? We looked for the answer to this question in encyclopedias. Here's what we learned. You can see a rainbow only if the sun and the rain curtain are located on opposite parts of the sky, and you stand with your back to the sun. A phenomenon similar to a rainbow can be observed in the spray of fountains and waterfalls.

Consider the colors of the rainbow. Color stripes differ in brightness, but their sequence is always the same - each color has its own strictly assigned place. The larger the raindrops, the brighter the rainbow. If the drops are small, the rainbow appears pale and barely noticeable. The sequence of colors in the rainbow is easy to remember if you learn the phrase: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.” In this phrase, the first letter of each word is the same as the first letter of the color name! Every (Red) Hunter (Orange) Wants (Yellow) to Know (Green) Where the (Blue) Pheasant (Purple) Sits.

Making rainbows at home

To prove that rainbows can be obtained at home, we conducted several experiments.

First experience

Equipment: soap solution, hollow tube.

We blew a soap bubble. We turned it so that the sun's rays fell on the surface. The ball “played” with all the colors of the rainbow. It was a successful experience. It is very simple to implement.

Experience two

Equipment: a basin filled to the brim with water; a mirror installed in the water at an angle; light source (sun or table lamp).

On a sunny day, they placed a basin of water near the window and lowered a mirror into it. A ray of light was “caught” with a mirror, and as a result of the refraction of the ray in water and its reflection from the mirror on the wall or ceiling, a rainbow appeared.

Experience three

Equipment: plate with water, nail polish, toothpick.

Dropped a drop of varnish into the water. A thin film formed on the surface of the water. It was carefully removed with a toothpick. The varnish film plays with all colors, reminiscent of the wings of a dragonfly. The experience does not require complex equipment, this is its advantage. But to see a good rainbow, the film needs to be quite large.

Chapter 3. Is it possible to draw a rainbow with three colors?

If the question is asked this way, then it is possible. All that remains is to try it on paper.

I took some drawing paper

I took watercolor paints (multicolor)

I tried mixing some paints.

I immediately removed the black and brown paint to the side, as they were too dark. I spent a long time mixing different colors. I took an interest in the library and realized that I needed yellow, blue, and red paint. By mixing these colors one by one, I created a rainbow.


A rainbow is an amazing natural phenomenon that leaves no one indifferent, causing joy, delight, and admiration. Now we know how we can improve our mood. To do this, you need to create your own “home” rainbow. And this can be done at any time.

While working on this topic, we studied the literature and conducted experiments.

The practical value of the work lies in the fact that the materials obtained can be used by teachers and kindergarten teachers when conducting lessons and activities to familiarize themselves with the outside world.

Secrets of the multi-colored arc

There is a belief that treasure can be found at the bottom of the rainbow. The sight of a multi-colored semicircle in the sky evokes pleasant and even mystical feelings in people and a desire to admire it. But do we know everything about the rainbow? Let us consider the little-known external properties of this phenomenon, or even completely unknown ones.

Rainbows are observed in atmospheric clouds, rain curtains, fog, waterfalls, fountains and other places where there is a layer of water drops that are suspended in the air or are in a state of falling. Effective observation is carried out from 9-00 to 18-00 at different times of the year, but always in sunny weather.

There are two rainbows: the first and the second, which have the form of concentric rings (circles) or their fragments (arcs), and are sometimes accompanied by phenomena described in the literature as a halo and gloria. Under certain conditions, three phenomena can be observed simultaneously: a halo, a gloria and two rainbows. You can find the optimal location between the waterfall and the Sun and observe these phenomena simultaneously many times.

You can often see a rainbow in the evening, when the Sun has already touched the horizon, and less often in the morning. Few people pay attention to the fact that the plane of the rainbow at this time is inclined towards the observer and it seems that the sun's ray is perpendicular to the plane of the rainbow. The solar disk at this moment is behind the observer’s head or below the head. Interestingly, when one day a narrow cloud on the horizon covered the edge of the solar disk, part of the rainbow arc disappeared.

A rainbow is an optical phenomenon in the atmosphere that looks like a multi-colored arc against the sky. It is observed in cases when the sun's rays illuminate a curtain of rain on the side of the sky opposite to the Sun. The center of the rainbow is in the direction of the straight line that passes through the solar disk and the observer's eye, that is, at the point opposite to the Sun.

The arc of the rainbow is part of a circle described around this point with a radius of 42 degrees. The sequence of colors in it is the same as in the solar spectrum, with red most often located on the outer edge and violet on the inner edge. From the inner edge, secondary colored arcs are sometimes visible, which are located next to the main arc. When the Sun is on the horizon, the rainbow looks like a semicircle; as the Sun rises, the inner part of the rainbow's arc decreases, and when the Sun's height is 42 degrees, the rainbow disappears. A phenomenon similar to a rainbow can be observed in the splashes of fountains and waterfalls. A lunar rainbow can also appear from an artificial light source. A second rainbow with an angular radius of 52 degrees and the reverse arrangement of colors is often observed.

The first theory of the rainbow was given by Descartes in 1637. A more accurate theory was carried out in 1836 by the English astronomer John Eray and at the end of the 19th century developed by the Austrian geophysicist I. G. Perter. This theory is based on the calculation of the phenomena of diffraction and interference that accompany the meeting of a solar beam with a grating that forms water drops.

This explanation of the rainbow has been published in many publications, including school textbooks, and no one questions this statement. Many popular articles have been written on the topic of rainbows and other atmospheric light phenomena. Therefore, at one time an attempt was made to summarize all the information on this topic to create a kind of starting point for the study and subsequent research of optical phenomena in the atmosphere.

G. Minnaert wrote the book “Light and Color in Nature” in 1958, which united all existing theories on the subject of the rainbow. Subsequently, many popular and scientific books were written on this topic, but none of them added anything new to this unified theory.

After becoming familiar with the theory of the rainbow and other optical phenomena in the atmosphere (halos, crowns, glories and others), a number of questions immediately arise. Descriptions of individual phenomena and their explanations give rise to such contradictions, due to which some conclusions completely or partially deny each other. Some descriptions may be questionable. The question arises: has the rainbow phenomenon been fully described? Therefore, it may be necessary to create one universal theory to explain all optical phenomena in the atmosphere, in which there should be a single approach to the study of all phenomena.

www. from-ua. com. Petr Kondratenko

Every person at least once in his life has admired the sight of a rainbow appearing after rain and is interested in the appearance of a rainbow. I wanted to know more about what a rainbow is.