How to give unusual money for a birthday. How to give money for a holiday in an unusual way: original ideas and tips

From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on your birthday,
But there was a problem with the gift:
I really want him to be unusual,
But worthy, and also practical!

There was a choice - an apartment or a car,
But no one supported me
So I give you an envelope with money,
You can decide what to buy for yourself!

To have an opportunity in life
Suddenly go on an adventure
I present to you today
I'm crispy bills.

May they give you joy
Let them make the goal closer,
Let them multiply continually,
The main thing is to believe in luck!

We are a birthday gift
It took us a long time to choose.
We bought the item in doubt.
And then they handed it back.

In general, we decided
That we have no idea...
Happy Birthday,
We give money and an envelope!

Let this warm light illuminate the whole house.
Be happy and healthy for the joy of all of us,
May your entire life's wishes come true.
We are giving an envelope with money so that your home will continue to be
After the renovation, I greeted all my friends with warmth.
Long life to you and good luck, and victories in love
On all days. Live brighter, without insults and troubles!

Funny poems for a gift money

Money is not a gift, they say!
But everyone would like to be rich!
And that's why I give you the envelope,
But I’m not telling you about the amount!

You'll see everything for yourself later.
Just don't beat me up with a whip
Happy Birthday! I wholeheartedly
I gave you as much as I could!

I'm giving you money today
Enough for cognac
And for oysters with caviar,
For any other trifle.

For relatives banknotes
Let them serve as a beacon
Let the banknotes go
Only honest work.

It's your birthday.
Congratulations with all our hearts!
And loving gift
We're giving away a white one, a small one!

It contains your dreams, desires,
Just turn on your imagination.
Rate our efforts
And show me a smile!

We present with respect the plump envelope.
Well, there’s a bundle of money, we’ve got a surprise for you
For an apartment or a car, or for a cruise.
But don't forget about us. Sometimes in response
On your birthday, give us an envelope.
Money loves the grateful, we love you, and you love us.
Be happy and know the exact balance of your money.

Give money with comic poems to a man

They say money doesn't buy happiness
But everyone is always welcome to them.
I give too! Spend wisely
And report back to me later!

What did you see or what did you buy?
Or maybe he opened his own business?
I give from my heart, from my soul,
Hurry up and spend your gift!

I present cash
To have a stash.
The envelope will grow even thin
In a plump package.

Let the money “stick” to you,
They don't allow passage
I only wish to grow
Your income.

Choosing a gift is difficult
And besides, it’s extremely boring.
Well, why such sacrifices,
There are money and envelopes!

Happy birthday
And we give you a gift!
To yourself, whatever you want,
Buy it - you won't go wrong!

What would you like to receive from us as a gift?
We judged and judged, this and that, all day -
Razor, winter gloves, leather belt?
Why are we scratching our heads? We'll give you an envelope
With best wishes for many long years to come.
Let him rack his brains about what to buy for himself,
Since such a fashion has started - giving money.

Give money with funny poems to a woman

I give you an envelope for good luck,
You will become rich overnight!
Spend them however you want
To make your dreams come true!

For travel, outfits,
Perfumes, sweets and lipsticks,
Earrings, rings and bracelets,
Rubies or gems!

So that I can afford it
Various pranks,
I give you, beauty,
Cash from the heart.

So that there is enough to do your hair,
SPA, massage and manicure,
I wish to be a magnet
For solid banknotes only.

Honey, happy birthday!
Dear, you really are...
And your desires are “modest”
Wishes and dreams...

And tired, in a futile attempt,
Satisfy your dream.
We give for your cherished one,
Better money for you!

Original poems for a gift of money (for a specific purpose)

I give you an empty envelope, without stamps,
But it has a gift for you!
I want my small contribution
This was just the beginning! Be rich!

To be included in the Forbes list,
I give both euros and rubles!
Don't spend it just on a coat,
Buy yourself a car with them!

I give a difficult gift,
There is an envelope for him, but not empty.
You will find several bills in it,
Buy a suit that's haute couture!

You've been dreaming about this for a long time,
And I was looking for one like this for you,
With the size so as not to miscalculate,
I want to give you money!

Allow me to contribute
To the cherished dream fund.
To quickly become the owner
You are noticeable cars.

May my gift help
Bring the goal even a little closer,
The car is already waiting for you,
The meeting is coming soon - believe me!

We know you dream of buying a car,
We will do our bit too.
So that there is less time left to save,
We'll help you a little with money!

And the reason is just right -
Your holiday, your birthday!
Please accept congratulations and a small contribution,
Bring your dreams closer to fulfillment!

You, my dear, dream of a miracle,
About a cool fluffy mink coat,
So that she came out and everyone got caught. Chic!
And the only money is for a down jacket.
But on a birthday, anything can happen.
We congratulate you and wish you
Find the contribution in the envelope for the fur coat,
And you will find your treasured outfit!

One of your loved ones or friends has a special day ahead, and you need to figure out what to give. Common situation? There is always a choice: to suffer, looking for a gift, and in the end to present something not very necessary, or to hand the birthday boy an envelope with a certain amount, which he will spend at his own discretion. If you like the second option better, then the question arises: what is a fun way to give money for a birthday? Our article has several creative solutions.

Why can you give money?

  • You don’t know the person who invited you well and are afraid of making a mistake with the gift.
  • You can't choose a gift for the person who has everything.
  • The birthday boy asked in advance to donate money.
  • You don't have time to buy a gift.
  • The hero of the occasion is picky about everything and prefers to purchase things for himself.

Quick and easy: store-bought postcard envelope

A very common situation today is using money as a gift. The modern gift industry offers cute envelopes with wishes and inscriptions. Such a purchased “assistant” is quite suitable for presenting at an official reception or in case of congratulations to a stranger. Beautiful, tasteful and no need to rack your brains about how to give money for your birthday.

But handing an envelope to a friend or close relative after reading out a wish is a rather poor gift option. For this case, you need to come up with something different, more interesting and more original.

If you have imagination, time and desire, you can make a money card yourself. For example, bills can be rolled into a tube and attached to a design, like candles on a birthday cake.

The postcard can be in the form of a checkbook, the leaves of which are gift bills.

Solemn: beautiful packaging

The bills themselves are a faceless object, so you should think about how to give money beautifully. For birthdays, gifts are usually brought in bright, elegant packaging - spectacular boxes of original shape, shiny wrappers, bows and flowers. Why not apply this to a monetary gift as well? You can design a small box or casket containing banknotes yourself or with the help of companies working in this direction. It all depends on your financial capabilities, imagination and materials at hand. The birthday person will be equally pleased to receive a gift, spectacularly decorated by specialists or created by your own hands.

If there are children in the house, you can involve them in creating the packaging design for the monetary gift. Scissors, cardboard, wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, etc. can be found in almost every home, so you can safely get down to business! A masterpiece created by children's hands will definitely surprise the birthday boy, and you have no choice but to give money for his birthday in just such a package.

With imagination: a hundred clothes

With a little imagination, you can pack banknotes in several boxes stacked inside each other. If you are wondering how to give money for a birthday in a fun way, this option is for you.

First you need a small box the size of banknotes or a little larger. Beautiful packaging and a lot of tape will take some of the birthday boy’s time. This beautiful gift is placed in a larger container, which, just like the previous one, is thoroughly decorated with wrapping paper and secured. This process can be continued many times. To the extent that the birthday person will be given a huge box for a TV or other household appliances. If he doesn’t start opening the gift himself right at the celebration, ask him about it. Everyone present should learn how to give money as a gift with a joke.

Similar sets of boxes folding into each other can be bought in a store or selected from the packages available at home.

Fun: add text!

The variant of the previous gift, where one package, like a nesting doll, is folded into another, does not necessarily require boxes; they can be replaced with bright gift bags or simply bright layers of wrapping paper. It is better if each new layer is a different color.

If you decide how interesting it is to give money, then add a wish to each layer of the gift, after reading which the hero of the occasion opens the packaging again and receives the next congratulation. Finding texts of wishes on the Internet is not so difficult; you can write them yourself, taking into account the characteristics of the birthday person. It is possible that, unwrapping his gift layer by layer, the hero of the day receives compliments: “This gift is for the smartest and most far-sighted person”; “There is something inside for a good, smart owner”; “This package is a gift to the cheerful and charming hero of the day”; “Open only to a responsible person with a sense of humor”; “A small gift for a person with a big heart” and so on.

Intellectually: Guess what's inside

Instead of wishes, you can place notes with information about the gift. Something like money riddles. Here are a few examples that will show you how fun it is to give money for a birthday:

  • The gift is not a ball, but it bounces from pocket to pocket.
  • No matter how carefully we take care of our gift, it will still be shaken.
  • The gift inside is small, but everyone needs it.
  • The whole world knows about our gift, because some people have a lot of them, while others don’t have them at all.
  • Our gift looks small, but anyone would take it.

A fun package of banknotes with riddles and tasks is also suitable if you are thinking about how to give your child money. Answering questions, he begins to guess what is inside. Therefore, he strives to quickly get to the gift itself. This packaging, reminiscent of a nesting doll, amuses and captivates children. This presentation will be remembered for a long time. Memories will definitely last much longer than donated money.

Sweet: with wishes and confessions

If you replace riddles with kind words, you can solve the problem of how to beautifully give money for a birthday. Each part of the gift that is opened should bring joy and surprise to the birthday person. If this is a gift to a loved one from a girl or woman, then these can be sweet declarations of love, starting with the words: “I love you because...” The continuation of the phrase can be completely different. The more features of a particular person they contain, the better. The standard “I feel good next to you” or “You hug me” can alternate with “You raise your right eyebrow when you smile”, “Call me Bear (or someone else).” Of course, these are just words, but a person will be pleased to receive them on his birthday. Don’t forget to write on the last package that in fact you love him not for anything, but simply for the fact that he exists. Tender words will tell you how to give money to a man and at the same time give him an unforgettable experience.

A man can give the same gift to his beloved girl or woman. Since ladies are more sentimental, this will definitely touch them. Having saved all the sheets of confessions, the woman will re-read them more than once.

There are ready-made sets of cards on sale on the pages of online stores on the topic “Why I love you,” but handwritten confessions are much nicer and warmer, because you can feel the living person who wrote them. So don’t be lazy, pick up a pen and give your loved one a pleasant surprise!

Gently: for the dearest ones

A touching version of such a monetary gift may also be useful for one of the older relatives. The mother or father will be touched by the children’s confessions, which will certainly please the parents more than just an envelope with money. Unfortunately, we don’t often get to say how much we love them. Giving a gift wrapped in kind words will help correct this. Such confessions will correct and brighten up the faceless monetary gift. They themselves will be a great gift for dad, mom, grandma or grandpa.

With humor: bank account

Let's consider another way to give money for a birthday in a fun way. A funny catch is that for a gift, take small denomination bills (ten, fifty or one hundred rubles) and put them in a glass jar. It can be large (for example, three-liter) or small in volume. The bills must first be slightly twisted so that they are distributed and occupy the entire container. After which the jar should be rolled up with a lid. The most important thing is to come up with and print a label: “Keep your money in the bank”, “Yubileiny Bank”, “Gift Deposit” or other names you come up with.

Funny: your own bank deposit

A glass jar is one of the ways to give money to a friend for her birthday. You just need to take care of a cool label. Come up with something that suits her personality. Use humorous statuses, funny photos, bright pictures. Ready-made sticker options can be found on the Internet and modified using Photoshop or another graphics program. Perhaps she will be pleased with a gift with the inscription: “If things get tough, take the money from the bank, friend!” Give the birthday girl a gift with the words: “Now you have your own deposit in the bank!”

With a joke: crack, fax, pex!

Each of us is familiar with a fragment from the fairy tale about Pinocchio, who was persuaded by the cat Basilio and the fox Alice to sow gold in the ground and grow a money tree. Based on this plot, you can figure out how to give money for an anniversary in an original way. Creating a plant on which finances “grow” is quite simple. Secure a branch in a beautiful flower pot using a piece of polystyrene foam (or in another way), and hang banknotes on it, secured with clothespins, which will be a gift to the birthday boy. You can additionally decorate the product with fragments of natural material, moss, grass, flowers, as well as bows, ribbons, and beads.

For your anniversary, you can make improvised costumes for Alice the fox and Basilio the cat. It's not that difficult. The cat needs a hat, a stick and black glasses (preferably with round glasses); the mustache can be drawn with a cosmetic pencil or face painting, which will quickly wash off after the staging. A lady's hat and a fur collar from a coat, thrown over the shoulders, are suitable for a fox. Coming to the anniversary, the heroes can funny quarrel with each other, deciding who will be the first to approach the birthday boy. If you wish, you can give it as a gift and ask him to put on Pinocchio’s cap and nose: “Dear, sweet birthday boy! You remind us so much of our beloved boy Pinocchio!”

Such staging is not at all necessary. If you do not have sufficient artistic talents, it is enough to simply say hello to the hero of the day from the fabulous cat Basilio and the fox Alice.

Invite the birthday boy to plant coins in a flower pot filled with soil. After this, under any pretext, distract the attention of the hero of the day (for example, ask him to close his eyes or take him to the table for some water to water the tree), and at this time replace the pot of soil with another one, exactly the same, with a prepared “money” tree.

Visionary: a stepping stone to a dream

If you have already decided on the amount, all you have to do is figure out how to give money in an original way for your anniversary.

Let's say you know that your friend or relative, who has an anniversary coming up, passionately dreams of something or is preparing to make some kind of purchase. Then a financial gift would be reasonable. This will be your unique contribution to a future acquisition.

Is the birthday boy planning to buy a car? Give him money by decorating the box in the shape of a wheel or steering wheel. Dreaming of a new computer? Place a picture of a mouse or monitor on the envelope. Preparing for a long trip? A small souvenir suitcase with banknotes will not hurt.

Effective: everything is at your feet!

Can you imagine the surprise of the birthday boy when he receives a path lined with banknotes as a gift? A money mat can be made from transparent film. You need to fold it in half and stitch or separate the pockets according to the size of the bills with double-sided tape. Insert money into the resulting cells - and the mat is ready! All that remains is to throw it at the feet of the hero of the occasion and you no longer need to think about how to beautifully give money for the day of celebration.

Festive: flowers for a beautiful lady

Do you want to pleasantly surprise a woman? Give the birthday girl a money bouquet. If you use ingenuity, banknotes can become material for creating a flower. They are strong enough and hold their shape well, so money can be bent to give it the desired shape. It is good to complement flowers from banknotes with fresh ones. The bouquet will turn out bright and spectacular. You can give it to a lady not only for her birthday, but also on any other holiday.

Complete this gift with cute money butterflies. Making them is quite simple: cut out a silhouette from bright colored paper or cardboard, make two small cuts in the middle and insert a rolled up bill into them, it will act as the body of a moth. Attach a strong wire, the end of which is secured in the bouquet.

On a grand scale: aiming for wealth

A money bag is another gift idea that has many options. It can be small, specially made from beautiful fabric, decorated with embroidery, beads, rhinestones, and ribbons. You can also buy ready-made in the store. Or you can fill a fairly large bag with small bills or bundles made from bills. You can put bills in them only at the edges, and make the middle from cut paper or newspaper. Carry out a cool ritual of presenting a symbol of wealth - a money bag. Read the presidential decree about how the birthday boy can live comfortably or act out a scene with bandits who come shouting “Hands on your head! Everyone stay down, this is a robbery!” Bandits can take the hero of the day hostage, and ask the guests to carry out some task in order to free the prisoner.

Recently, a cash gift has been considered practical, rational, convenient and even fashionable. Indeed, a gift of money benefits everyone: both the giver and the recipient. One does not have to rack his brains, thinking about what to give, run around the shops, search, buy, and then doubt for a long time about the correctness of the choice. The second, in turn, certainly does not have to fear that instead of the coveted coffee maker or spinning rod, he will receive a set of unnecessary forks or another tie. In the end, all parties will benefit when it comes time to give and receive. And as a wedding gift, money is not at all a replaceable thing.

A cash gift has only one drawback - its design. You can’t just hand over banknotes, and the envelope doesn’t always look appropriate. This problem can be helped by making packaging for banknotes with your own hands or, for example, donating money in the form of a money tree.

Money Tree

For work we will need:

  • gift banknotes;
  • a branch from a tree;
  • acrylic paints in gold or silver colors;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • coins;
  • brush.

Let's start creating the tree.

The money tree is ready!

Money in a ball

One of the most fashionable gifts is a gift in a balloon. You can give money in exactly the same way.

You will need money and a balloon.

  1. Roll the bills into a tube.
  2. Push them inside the ball one after another.
  3. Inflate the balloon.
  4. Tie it in a beautiful bow.
  5. Hang it on the chandelier above the holiday table.
  6. At the right moment, pierce the ball and money will fall from it onto the head of the hero of the occasion.

If desired, you can give a ball simply on a ribbon (string, rope, stick), or you can give it a whole bunch of balls. But put money in only one.

Box with money

A box full of money looks luxurious.

To make such a box, no special materials or skill are required.

  1. Take a shoebox and cover the outside with wrapping paper.
  2. Inside the box, glue gold foil or a beautiful piece of paper that is used in candy boxes.
  3. Place chocolate money medals and other candies in the box.
  4. Place banknotes on top of the sweet abundance.

The box is ready!

Money bag

Turn an ordinary women's cosmetic bag into a purse for a monetary gift.

We will need:

  • cosmetic bag;
  • coins;
  • Double-sided tape.

Let's start decorating the cosmetic bag.

  1. Place double-sided tape on the cosmetic bag.
  2. Tear off the protective strip and stick on the coins.
  3. You can stick a sheet of tape over the coins.

The cosmetic bag turned into a purse made of coins. Now you can put large bills in it.

Money inside a chocolate egg

A very original and unexpected gift - money inside a chocolate egg.

Buy a large chocolate egg. Unpack carefully. Just as carefully, cut the chocolate with a knife and remove the capsule. Take the toy out of it and put the bills in it. Pack the egg.

When giving a gift, do not forget to express regret about your poor financial situation and advise you to open the egg immediately, since inside it is stored a prediction of the fate of the recipient.

A few more original ideas

Separate piggy bank

If your gift is intended for both husband and wife at once, then you can give an original piggy bank made from any plastic box, divided into two parts. Don't forget to put money in it.

Money in the bank

Your gift will not go unnoticed if it is money in the bank. We all know that it’s best to keep cash in a bank, so give it all at once: both the money and the bank. You can put flowers inside the jar, and replace the coins with chocolate medals. The banknotes must be kept real. You can write a comic inscription “Dried greens” on the jar label.

Money under lock and key

A wad of money can be wrapped in a chain and locked, and the key can be hidden, thrown into a glass of champagne, or the recipient can be asked to do something to get the key: sing, dance, tell a joke.

Money umbrella

A money umbrella that protects from both bad weather and unexpected price increases would be a wonderful gift.

Money tree

A New Year tree decorated with banknotes will not only save you from unnecessary worries during the holidays, but will also please the hostess of the coming year, the Snake.

To please the Black Water Snake means to live the whole year happily, without worries and in abundance.

Giving cash gifts is not a problem. Banknotes look great in a hand-sewn bag, in a regular bottle sealed with wax, or in a piece of ice.

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Comments 5

Tiffany 2014-06-18 11:11:57
Looks great on ice! But how to pack is the second question) The main thing is where to get it. We even took out a loan for a vivus for a wedding gift for friends.

When a loved one has such a significant and long-awaited day - his birthday, and you need to go to the celebration with a special gift, but you have already run out of ideas for what to give, you often have to give just money. But I want this gift to also be remembered along with the others and bring a lot of joy and positive emotions to the birthday boy. How to give money for a birthday in an original way?

TOP 15 original ways to give money

  1. The most common way to give money is to put it in an envelope. The stores have a huge selection of postcards and envelopes that are designed for such events. You can write congratulations in postcards or buy one already signed with important words. However, such a gift is completely unoriginal, and is unlikely to be a favorite.
  2. If you make an envelope or postcard with your own hands, spending time and effort, showing creativity, it will be a significant and important surprise for the recipient. To make such a postcard yourself, you should watch a couple of master classes on the Internet. There are a lot of ideas, and to implement them you just need to visit art stores and show a little creativity.
  3. One of the fun ways to give a cash gift is to put banknotes next to another gift, which will be a big surprise for the birthday person. Children will be especially surprised, but the main thing is to explain to them in time what the catch is, so that no offense will follow. For example, in a box of sealed chocolates, carefully make a cut in the wrapper and insert a bill there so that it is not visible. But, since people often re-gift sweets or postpone the opening to another date, persistently ask the birthday person to try the sweet gift!
  4. It will be unexpected for the birthday boy if you bring a large box as a gift, beautifully decorated with wrapping paper and a large bow, and inside there will be a cash gift. The main thing is to accompany such a comic gift with verbal congratulations, playing up the situation.
  5. A donated bag of money will surprise not only the birthday boy, but also all the guests. To do this, buy a ready-made bag or sew it yourself; burlap is a good choice for this. Draw a dollar, euro or ruble sign on the finished bag, and place beautifully tied banknotes inside. The smaller the bills, the more original, even coins will do.
  6. A cash gift in a locked box will be original and non-standard. To open the box, the birthday person needs to complete a task, after which hand him a key or hang a combination lock so that he can figure out the password. For example, to find a key, you can make a whole map, where at each stage you will have to complete tasks that will give a hint where to look next. For the main hero of the occasion there will be a whole quest that will be remembered for a long time, and the guests involved will receive a lot of positive emotions. You can prepare different tasks, depending on the birthday person’s passion, and after each completed stage you can reward them with a small gift.
  7. It’s not for nothing that they say that flowers are a meaningful gift. What if you give a bouquet made of money. You'll have to show some skill and look for origami patterns to make a beautiful bouquet and not tear the bills. It’s difficult to make a whole bouquet yourself the first time, but it’s not difficult to make one money flower; a five-thousandth rose will delight the birthday boy. Not only flowers, but also animals are made from banknotes, and a tie made from money is perfect for a man. Having given a fish made from a banknote, you can make a wish in your congratulations so that this fish will fulfill your most cherished wish.
  8. For young people with a good sense of humor, a roll of toilet paper with comic congratulations is suitable to make life easy and carefree. And wrapping banknotes in a roll will surprise and make you laugh.
  9. For connoisseurs of beauty, a cake made from money is suitable. It is worth carefully rolling the bills into tubes, laying them out in several rows, packing them in transparent cellophane, and attaching a bow on top. You can play up your congratulations with wishes for a sweet life, emphasizing that the ingredients in the cake will help you realize your plans and fulfill your wishes.
  10. A cash gift can be presented by placing banknotes with another gift, for example, giving a wallet or purse already with money. To add originality, you need to approach your choice using a creative approach. If you give an umbrella and attach banknotes of different denominations to each spoke on a ribbon, it will pleasantly surprise and delight. When making a gift, use multi-colored bright ribbons and clothespins to avoid damaging the bills. Congratulating you, wish that riches will continue to fall from the sky.
  11. For smokers, a cigarette case or even a humidor (a special box for storing cigars) is a good idea, and instead of the contents, put rolled up bills. Anyone who receives such a gift will be pleasantly surprised.
  12. Buy a ready-made “simulation” book with a hole for a gift so as not to spoil the real book.
  13. A diary will be suitable for a colleague or friend. Attach banknotes to each day off and write humorous wishes to “spend your holiday to the fullest.”
  14. You can also invest money in helium balloons, the main thing is that when giving such a gift, you strongly recommend that the birthday person not release the balloons into the sky.
  15. You can also make a comic decoration in the form of a necklace and earrings from money. Attach banknotes to regular accessories with clothespins, then put the finished jewelry directly on the birthday boy.
  16. A glass jar with banknotes, closed with a lid, or maybe even preserved, with funny inscriptions - preparation for the winter, keep away from children, for a rainy day or with any other phrases - an excellent gift that will make you smile and delight.
  17. You can present a beautiful box with money as a gift. It is not necessary to put in rubles, you can put in euro coins or exchange coins from different countries at exchange offices, mix everything with rhinestones and beads. As a result, such a gift will look like treasure.

Video tips

  • Give humorous gifts to a person you have known for a long time and who will appreciate humor.
  • Decide on the amount in advance. If you can’t give a significant amount of money, it’s not very logical to give 5 or 6 hundred-ruble bills; it’s better to put this money in an envelope.
  • It’s not very decent if you start counting out bills in front of the birthday boy from your wallet, prepare in advance.
  • If you have known the birthday person not so long ago, it would be useful to clarify what attitude this person has towards a monetary gift. Perhaps he will immediately suggest what is best to present for a birthday.
  • Remember that it is necessary to give a gift to a person from the heart, regardless of the choice of gift. When presenting a gift, the action should be accompanied by words of congratulations. If you settled on a comic congratulation, then the gift is played out in advance, a text is invented and the idea is explained.

Regardless of the gift, attention and words of congratulations are important to the person. The more original the choice, the longer it will be remembered. To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, find out in advance how a person feels about a comic gift, and, in general, about a gift in the form of money. Any congratulation requires preparation and investment of the soul, and this is what is valued by the birthday person.

It is believed that money is the best gift. And indeed it is. But why? The answer is simple: the hero of the occasion will buy what he needs right now. After all, perhaps you will give something that turns out to be completely useless, and the situation will turn out to be a little offensive and awkward.

And the price for a cash gift is equal to what you would choose. Therefore, it is really worth giving money as a gift, just not with simple pieces of paper, but in some unusual way. Which is what we will look at in our article.

A wedding is precisely the occasion when it is customary to give monetary gifts. Still, this is considered basic for the budget of a young family. There are many options for how to present them.

For example, ordinary bills, in glass jars, thrown at the feet of the newlyweds... Then paper envelopes appeared in which you can invest money. Their designs are very diverse.

It’s also quite easy not only to buy, but also to make it yourself, so that such an envelope comes in only one, unique version. If you don’t have the ability to do this, then in any city you can find hand-made studios where they will be happy to fulfill your order.

True, now no one can be surprised by such envelopes; people want more originality and unusualness, which is not even surprising. Then we offer you the option of a savings book for newlyweds.

It looks like a small album with colorful photographs, handwritten wishes, themed pictures or stickers and, of course, money for a future happy life.

It’s easy to make such a book, but only if you have creative abilities. If this is still not for you, then, as in the case of envelopes, a hand-made studio or even just a friend who is interested in handicrafts will help you.

The easiest option is to buy a ready-made savings book at stationery stores or gift shops. All you have to do is paste photos, write wishes and invest money.

Money in the bank

Another old custom for presenting money as a gift is to put it in a jar and preserve it. It is believed that this will be the first family budget, and it is preserved in order to remain intact for as long as possible and not be opened unnecessarily.

There are several most common ways to make a gift of money in a bank. Of course, first you need to find a container in which you will put the money.

This can be the most ordinary Soviet-style jar, or a modern figured one, which in itself is a good decoration. Choose the volume based on how much money you want to deposit. However, a jar filled only halfway will not look so impressive and beautiful.

A simple way to fill a jar with money without spending too much is to exchange bills for lower denominations. Or, if you don’t want to change it, put the money on the walls, and pour different candies inside, put a soft toy or some other symbolic gift.

A jar containing money as a gift is easy to decorate. To do this, you can use a decorative scarf and a ribbon that should be wrapped around the neck.

If you want, attach a card with wishes or congratulations to the ribbon. You can also paint the jar with funny pictures or simply buy themed stickers.

Such a gift from a bank of money can be not only original, but also funny. You may even hear “nice words” from the newlyweds. To achieve a similar result, exchange bills with iron coins and pour them into a jar.

Of course, you will have to collect change in advance, because large sums are usually given as gifts. Also remember that a gift of iron money with a slight hint of mockery will be appreciated by close people with whom you have a good relationship, and you know about their good sense of humor.

Origami made from money

Another unusual option for how to decorate money as a gift is origami. Surely almost every person did this in childhood, and on the Internet you can find many options with instructions.

In the table below, we have collected several interesting ready-made figures:

Figure name Photo
Racing car







Instructions on how to make a dress out of money are presented in the video in this article:

Of course, money is ordinary paper, so it is easy to bend and assemble into the most incredible shapes. Most often these are clothes, figures of small people or other objects: a heart, flowers, butterflies or even birds.

Remember that you need to choose a form depending on the event for which you are giving. It is clear that putting money in a dress for a man’s birthday is not the best option. Also be sure to be careful! It's best to practice on plain paper before moving on to money.

Birthday gifts

Usually the owner of a creative mind and a good sense of humor likes to stand out from all other people. And this is noticeable even when presenting a birthday gift.

I am glad that now there are many original ideas that really seem unusual and will make everyone smile. And, of course, don’t forget to use your own creativity!

A great way to surprise not only the birthday boy, but also other guests is a money cake. Only, unfortunately, it cannot be made from real banknotes, but from those that are sold in souvenir shops. If you can’t find them there, then you can print them yourself on a regular color printer.

The cake itself consists of several small boxes that are placed on top of each other. Each box contains a gift - a fake banknote. Don't forget to put a few real ones and warn the hero of the occasion about it! This will add intrigue and a desire to open all the boxes to find the money.

There are other options for giving money as a gift in the form of a cake. Of course, you can make it from real banknotes, but then it’s better to chip in with a large group so that the amount turns out to be impressive, and you can make a cake from the banknotes.

This will be necessary if you want to depict a cake that consists entirely of money rolled into a tube and attached to a box of the desired shape. You can decorate with bows, ribbon flowers, or even real ones.

And use foam or a sponge as a base.

Another option to give a gift in money is to put all the bills in one large box, wrapping each one with a ribbon and a bow. Yes, you will have to spend time on this, but you will create a wonderful and festive mood! It looks especially successful and interesting with small bills.

Another good money gift idea for birthdays is bills in balloons. You can either put all the balls in one huge box, or simply give a bouquet of multi-colored balls, inside of which there are banknotes. It will be interesting if, in addition to money, you add confetti, sparkles or even small candies to the ball.

You can also make a gift of money in a frame. This gift is suitable for any occasion, be it a birthday, wedding or relationship anniversary.

You can find these kinds of souvenir gifts at almost any gift shop, but we suggest you make your own with real money to add value.

What you will need:

  • Standard photo frame;
  • One large denomination banknote;
  • Humorous stickers for congratulations. Or you can write it yourself.

How to do:

  • Open the frame and place dark colored background paper on the base. Thanks to it, the light-colored bill will be favorably shaded and become even more noticeable.
  • Stick a wish or even an instruction on the frame about how best to spend this money. You can see examples below.
  • Place the bill and close the frame.

As you can see, everything is very simple and easy, and anyone can do this, even those who are not involved in handmade crafts. We advise you to pack the frame in opaque packaging so that the recipient does not immediately guess what you are giving him.

Below you will find a photo gallery with examples of what kind of original and unusual inscription you can make.

A money tree is another fun way to use money for a gift. There is far more than one way in which it can be presented. We'll look at just a few.

One option is topiary. You probably know about it as a coffee tree, but there are also monetary ones. It is easy to buy in appropriate themed stores and easy to make at home, with your own hands.

To do this, you will need a small flower pot, a piece of wood, which you need to buy at a craft store, and a few banknotes.

Pour earth, beautiful stones or even plasticine into the pot - it all depends on your imagination. Place the tree stick and hold it firmly so it doesn't fall.

If you put plasticine, cover it with floral drainage to make it look more beautiful. Use a utility knife to make indentations in the foam tree crown mold. Insert the folded bills into them.

Attention! Instead of drainage, you can use regular change for decoration. Just pour in a lot of coins, even pennies.

The tree trunk itself is decorated with paints or other decorative elements. For example, serpentine, lace, fabric, beads... It all depends only on your imagination and the tastes of the gift recipient.

Another option on how you can make a money tree is by decorating an artificial tree. You will need to go through many souvenir shops to find one that suits your occasion.

You can decorate it with real banknotes of any denomination you can afford: just attach them with ribbons tied in bows.

The third method is a real money tree, but with real banknotes. Money trees are sold in many flower shops. You should very carefully tie banknotes rolled into a tube and tied with a ribbon to its leaves so as not to break them.

This concludes our article. Don’t forget, in addition to the fact that you are giving money as a gift, congratulations in verse are almost mandatory! Otherwise, what kind of gift is this? Now on the Internet there are many options for poetic congratulations for any holiday.