Why do you dream about big ripe cherries? Why do you dream about eating cherries? Esoteric book of interpretations

When we mention cherries, we think of a beautiful and very tasty berry of yellow or dark red color. Seen in dreams, in most cases it has a positive meaning. It can be a symbol of the emergence of new useful acquaintances, the emergence of a romantic relationship, fulfillment, obtaining a promising job and other pleasant moments in life.

But when interpreting a dream, you need to compare what ripeness and quality it had. You also need to consider it in the context of the impact the sleeper had on it (plucked, ate, sold, etc.). Next, consider why you dream of cherries in a dream.

Value options

The interpretation of a dream in which cherries are present may differ slightly from each other in different dream books.

    According to Miller's dream book

    If a sleeping person saw beautiful cherries in a dream, this means that in real life he will be waiting for him in business, thanks to his personal qualities, he will gain popularity and respect from others. Perhaps very soon he will receive financial profit.

    Seeing cherry blossoms in a dream means that all hopes and plans for the future will come true in the near future. Also, this dream foreshadows for married men a new romance, which will end very quickly, but its consequences can lead to divorce. For a young man or girl who is still single, a cherry in a dream can promise a quick meeting with his other half.

    According to Fedorovskaya's dream book

    If a person sleeping eats cherries in a dream, then he will soon receive a very lucrative job offer. When a person sees others eating berries in a dream, it means that one of his relatives will receive a large financial income. Cherry blossoms dream of stable and large incomes.

    According to Veles's dream book

    If in a dream a person sees a lot of large ripe berries, this means that in reality all his endeavors will end successfully, and his deepest desires will come true. If a single person or an unmarried woman has a dream in which they eat beautiful cherries, then in the near future they should prepare for a wedding celebration. Cherry blossoms dream of prosperity and an addition to the family.

    According to the dream book of the sorceress Medea

    If in a dream a cherry tree is strewn with a large number of large, ripe berries, then this portends prosperity in the house, and for single men and women an imminent marriage. And if the cherry on the tree is small, then the sleeper will face minor troubles.

    An unmarried girl eats a beautiful cherry in a dream, means that she will soon meet her loved one. For a man, such a dream foreshadows some joyful event or a fun time. For married couples, such a dream may indicate an unexpected increase in wealth.

What did you do with the berry in your dream?

Picking cherries in a dream means you will soon be repaid an old debt that you may have already forgotten about. Also, such a dream foreshadows a calm existence and favor in the near future. In some dream books, the dream suggests that the sleeper may start a secret affair, which will lead to a quarrel with his partner.

If a person sees that someone is picking berries, then in reality he will make a successful financial investment or find a simple way out of a difficult situation. Perhaps his salary or position will be increased due to his high organizational skills.

If in a dream a person buys cherries, then in reality, he will soon pay off all his debts and get rid of troubles and problems. Also, such a dream foreshadows a successful deal, successful trading, or a lucrative offer from a stranger. A dream in which someone gave the sleeping person a tasty, ripe berry indicates that his environment consists of decent and reliable people who will always provide the required help.

If in a dream a person sells cherries, then in the near future he will be in business. When a sleeping person sees that his relatives or friends are selling berries, then in reality one of them will offer their help and protection at the right time. Climbing a tree with ripe cherries in a dream foreshadows an unexpected turn in fate that will bring dramatic changes in life.

What color was she?

The color of the cherry, its ripeness and appearance are of great importance for the interpretation of dreams. For a sleeper who saw a ripe berry in a dream, it foreshadows career advancement and good job prospects. For those who are engaged in business, such a dream promises in reality a successful deal or an investment of financial resources, which will bring great profits in the future.

Also, ripe cherries can indicate that a lonely woman will soon take on a young lover who will try in every way to please her. In this case, it is better to interrupt such a connection as early as possible, since it will be unstable and will not bring anything good.

If a man dreams of a ripe berry, this means that he experiences complete satisfaction from his existing love relationship. In general, ripe cherries in a dream mean good financial income and foreshadow various love adventures. A large number of ripe berries indicates an unexpected arrival of guests or an upcoming trip.

If a young woman dreams that she is eating yellow cherries, it means that in reality she may suffer from unfounded gossip and gossip, which will cause great harm to her reputation. You should not be too frank with people who do not inspire confidence.

For a man, such a dream foreshadows a meeting with the necessary, influential people who will provide him with the help he needs or the favor of his superiors. If a person sleeping throws out yellow berries in a dream, it means that in real life he needs to learn to restrain his emotions. His jokes and barbs directed at others can turn against him.

Bright red cherries in a dream may indicate that the sleeper will receive monetary profit in the near future. Also, red berries in dreams are always a symbol of passion and extramarital affairs, which, as a rule, do not end very well.

If a sleeper sees in a dream a cherry with traces of rot, then in reality he will fail in his endeavors, and his hopes will not live up to expectations. An unripe berry indicates that a person is not morally ready to take responsibility for serious decisions not only in the business sphere, but also in his personal life.

If there is a large amount of green cherries in the dream, then in reality there is no need to adjust the course of events, this will not help the matter, and may even completely ruin it. Some dream books believe that such a dream means quick success in business.

The taste of cherries is also important for the correct interpretation of sleep. If a sleeper dreams that he is eating sweet berries, it means luck and a happy life await him in the near future. Also, such a dream can indicate meeting a very interesting person.

For a man, the feeling of the sweet taste of cherries in a dream foreshadows the successful completion of some very important matter for him. For a woman, such a dream promises to receive a promising job offer. Such a dream can also indicate that a person will achieve significant success without making special efforts.

If the taste of cherries is sour or very tart, then a person serious obstacles await in the implementation of his plans. He will have to endure disappointments and grievances and even experience a severe loss of strength. Bitter berries in a dream are a warning about deception or betrayal on the part of a loved one.

Despite the fact that various dream books explain the meaning of a dreamed cherry in their own way, it mostly carries positive emotions. If in some situations it has a negative interpretation, then it does not foreshadow particularly tragic events.

In this case, it is important to carefully study all the details of the dream, compare them with each other, and then seek help from several sources. Only after this can you get a complete picture of the interpretation of the dream. It should be remembered that such dreams mainly concern love relationships and changes in life.

Dream interpretation of eating cherries

When you see cherries or cherries in a dream, this vision predicts new prospects for you at work. You can also meet new people who will be useful to you. Interpreters believe that all the dreamer’s plans will soon come true.

Enjoying cherries in a dream

Why do you dream of eating cherries? A dream interpreter can help you in this matter. The main thing is to remember your vision in the smallest details.

What will the dream books say?

Enjoy fragrant berries in a dream

This symbol is often discussed in various sources. When you eat a sweet berry, you hardly think about what such a process means in a dream. You'll have to spend time looking for the right values.

Velesov interpreter

This berry, according to the dream book, promises tears that the dreamer will shed. When in your dreams you ate cherries, then troubles await you, you will begin to worry about something.

Autumn interpreter

If the dreamer eats a red berry in his vision, it means that in reality he will learn some information. The fortuneteller believes that the news will be pleasant and useful.

Summer interpreter

Dreaming of eating summer berries

The dream book positively examines the vision in which you ate a sweet berry. This vision promises you benefits in business. The coming time will be successful for any endeavors.

Interpreter Morozova

Eating cherries in a dream is a pleasant vision. It predicts a romantic meeting for you, a pleasant evening.

Interpreter of Avadyaeva

Picking cherries from a tree is a joyful change. Everything that happens to a sleeping person in real life will bring him pleasure.

Eating it means the interpreter promises happiness.

I dreamed of a lonely berry on a tree

When in a dream you see one ripe berry hanging on a tree and you are going to eat it, or a person says that in a dream I am eating cherries, then everything will be fine in the dreamer’s family. Financial adversity will not affect you, and your other half will be faithful and loving.

Interpreter Fedorovskaya

Why do you dream about cherries? The dreamer has a lot of work to do. What else can a vision about these berries promise you:

  • beautiful berries - life will soon change for the better;
  • dreamed of eating cherries - they will make you a lucrative offer;
  • buy it on the market and then eat it - you will finally be able to deal with the troubles that have been bothering you for a long time;
  • according to the dream book, if in a dream you watched a friend or relative eat red fruits, then soon someone will take care of you.

Gustav Miller's prediction

Buying berries at the market in a dream

If in a dream you eat sweet fruits, then you will be able to finally become the owner of something you have long desired.

Even if you dream of berries that are not very ripe and green, Miller still believed that your life would soon begin to improve.

All changes will only happen for the better.

Gender of the dreamer

Often, when answering the question of why you dream about cherries and eating them, dream books focus on the dreamer’s gender.

If it was a man, then the dream book promises him a successful deal, a win, a profitable business. It’s especially good when in a dream you felt its sweetish taste.

Dreaming of a man eating berries When such a vision visited a woman, the interpreter advises to be prepared for a tempting offer.

If you agree, you won’t go wrong.

Negative Predictions

When you dream of such a berry in the summer, it promises only pleasant changes in your life. If you dreamed about it in winter, then such a vision speaks of the futility of all your efforts.

It is also negative if you ate spoiled fruits, or if the berries were almost black. In this case, it is possible that because of your stupidity you may lose important things. In general, the question of why cherries are dreamed of is viewed in dream books very positively.

This symbol can be classified as auspicious night visions.

Even if it promises you certain troubles, everything often depends on the person’s mood, on his belief in his own strength. A yellow berry can also spell trouble. For a married woman, any plot with such a berry can predict the appearance of gossip behind her back.

For men, angry conversations behind their back will only add to their attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. In addition, the dreamer can find useful connections.

Your mark:

Cherry berries seen in a dream can symbolize the birth of a new love relationship, the emergence of new career prospects, or the achievement of what you want. In order to find out in more detail why cherries are dreamed of, you need to remember in detail everything that you dreamed about.

If you dreamed of a cherry tree in blossom, then your hopes will be justified and your wishes will come true. If a married man saw such a dream, then perhaps he will have a new love interest, which in the future could lead to the breakup of the family.

However, you should be careful, because this romantic adventure will end as quickly as the tree fades, so think about whether it is worth it.

If the cherry berries were hanging on a tree, then in the near future you are guaranteed financial stability and the likelihood of a high income.

A cherry in a dream, which a young man who is not in a relationship saw, indicates that he will soon find his soulmate. If an unmarried girl had such a dream, then she will soon receive a marriage proposal from her loved one. A flowering tree for a girl means an imminent wedding.

The color of the berries is of great importance, as is how ripe they are. Many people see yellow cherries in their dreams and, accordingly, want to know what this may portend.

If in a dream a girl eats berries, then such a dream may mean that in real life she may be surrounded by gossip, which may subsequently negatively affect her reputation. For men, such a dream will mean that all the gossip surrounding him will only benefit him, and to be more precise, will help to attract many of the right people to his person.

If a person dreamed that in a dream he was throwing away yellow berries, then in real life it is better to think first and only then speak. Since all negative statements coming out of the dreamer’s mouth can be directed against him.

Red cherries seen in a dream are interpreted differently in different dream books. Some say that this can be a symbol of sudden passion or a love affair, while others say that you will have to fight for your rights.

If in a dream you fed someone red cherries, then it is quite possible that you will have an emotional connection with this person.

It is important to know why you dream about cherries that are already ripe. If in reality you dream of moving up the career ladder or increasing your salary, then just such a dream bodes well for you. For people involved in business, ripe cherries can indicate successful transactions and investments that will bring profit.

For a married woman, ripe cherry berries can mean that in the near future she will have a young admirer who will seek the lady’s favor in various ways. However, you should not get too carried away with this relationship, and it is best not to succumb to provocations at all, because the love of a young man will not last long, and you may be left with nothing.

Rotten berries symbolize the collapse of all hopes or plans, or they have become irrelevant at the present time. An unripe cherry seen in a dream indicates that you are not yet ready to take responsibility, and this may apply to both your personal life and work.

A large berry is a symbol of love and fertility, which means that for married couples such a dream will bring happiness and good luck in business.

Also remember if you tasted the berries when you ate them. If they were sour, then perhaps you will have obstacles on the way to what you want, and if they were sweet, then your life will be full of happiness and good luck.

In order to correctly interpret your dream, first of all, you need to remember all the small details, only in this case you can turn to the dream book to find out what this or that object symbolizes.

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Cherry is a juicy, ripe berry with sourness that evokes appetite at its very mention. Why do you dream about cherries?

If you see berries at night, this is often a good sign. Cherry often promises pleasant, joyful events and love adventures.

Of course, the exact interpretation depends on the details of the dream. The taste of the berry, its appearance, location and your actions in the dream - everything affects the interpretation of the dream. The color of the berry is also very important, as is its size and quantity.

Psychologists are sure that ripe sour berries are often dreamed of by overly sensitive and suspicious people. This article, which provides interpretations of the most popular dream books, will help you understand what a dream about a cherry portends.

Why do you dream of a cherry on a tree?

A cherry tree seen in a dream may foretell universal recognition and respect due to your selfless actions.

  • The branches are abundantly strewn with blood-red berries - you can count on the support and understanding of loved ones. According to the modern dream book, a fruiting cherry foreshadows a passionate relationship with a new lover.
  • A flowering tree or unripe berries in a dream can be interpreted as a quick acquaintance, which can lead to a long romance and intense feelings. Sometimes such a dream is interpreted as a symbol of imminent joy and good news.
  • The family dream book interprets cherry trees as a sign of popularity in a team and strong friendships. According to Hasse’s dream book, such a dream foreshadows happy events and a pleasant time with the family.

An old tree with a small number of berries on its branches warns of the end of a relationship and disappointment in a loved one. A dream of a drying cherry in the middle of winter is interpreted as treason or betrayal of a loved one.

Walking through a garden full of fruit-bearing cherries usually symbolizes amazing news and unfulfilled dreams. Stumbling upon a cherry tree with berries in the forest in a dream can foretell a passionate love that will change the course of your life.

Appearance of the berry

A red berry indicates good luck in the love sphere.

In addition, some dream books believe that the red color of the berry characterizes the dreamer as a person who takes everything from life. He knows how to enjoy it and tries not to miss a single good moment for himself. The dreamer enjoys new romantic relationships (especially forbidden ones), luxury, and a carefree attitude towards life.

If the sleeper found a seed in the cherry he dreamed about, then this indicates some obstacles that will arise at the moment when he is one step away from what he wants. Ripe cherries are also interpreted positively by dream books. Interpreters predict the sleeper good luck in the professional sphere and prosperity.

  1. A black cherry in a dream speaks of deception, betrayal of a loved one. Perhaps the chosen one of the sleeping person will lie to him, which will cause a storm of negative emotions in the latter. The interpreter does not recommend that the dreamer start a universal scandal; it would be better if he has a heart-to-heart talk with his partner and tries to understand his action.
  2. Sour berries in a dream mean that the sleeper needs to reconsider his desires. He is probably trying to achieve something that is almost impossible to achieve. Green cherry, oddly enough, indicates a successful period. According to interpreters, such a dream promises that the debt will soon be repaid to the sleeper. It is worth noting that this will not necessarily concern money; perhaps the dreamer in a difficult situation will be helped by a person to whom he also once did a good deed.
  3. A dried or rotten cherry in a bucket or basket is a sign that feelings have cooled down, there is no longer the former passion between partners, and this alienates them from each other. This may also indicate that the sleeper will be disappointed in one of his close friends. Perhaps he should be more attentive to dating and once again reconsider his social circle.
  4. If large, ripe fruits are simply lying on the ground, it means that a selfish person will take advantage of the dreamer’s feelings. Cherry fruits hanging on a tree indicate an affair on the side. Frozen cherries indicate the absence of a partner or suppression of sexual desire.

A dream in which ripe fruits hanging on a tree are mixed with unripe berries indicates that a moment will soon come in the dreamer’s life when it will be very difficult for him to make a choice. If the berries on the tree were rotten, it means that the sleeper will have a difficult conversation with the leader.

Cherry blossom

  • Green color symbolizes good luck and help from the side you didn’t expect. Don’t be afraid to take on new projects and make new acquaintances, all this will bring you prosperity and joy.
  • Black cherry is a sign of betrayal and deception. Your loved one may lie to you. This can be prevented with a heart-to-heart conversation. Do not hesitate to express your opinion and ask him about what he is concerned about and what does not suit him.

  • A bright red cherry speaks of trust and honesty. No matter what, your other half truly loves you.

Cherry in a dream is a symbol that has a fairly close relationship with the sphere of relationships. Therefore, after such a dream one should expect various kinds of changes in this area of ​​life. What kind they will be depends on the details of the dream.


Red berries

The gypsy dream book interprets a dream with red berries as a symbol of trust in a loved one. It is quite possible that a situation will soon arise when you can be convinced of the devotion of your chosen one. But if the cherry is black, beware of treason and betrayal of your loved one.

  1. According to Freud's dream book, red berries symbolize carnal pleasures from close relationships.
  2. Seeing a lot of red berries in a dream means a series of pleasant events.
  3. Overripe berries indicate missed opportunities and a lack of interesting events in life.
  4. Admiring red berries on branches in the middle of winter can indicate great luck and long-awaited good news.

For a man to see ripe berries in a dream symbolizes a quick fall in love with a young woman. To see a tree with ripe large cherries in someone else’s garden - such a dream may foretell an imminent addition to the family of loved ones. A flowering tree warns of an imminent wedding.

Wormy berries warn of illness or conflicts in the family. You should be more attentive to your health and control your emotions when communicating with people dear to you.

Ripe berries

  1. According to Freud's dream book, ripe berries symbolize the pleasure of an intimate relationship with a new lover.
  2. According to the Family Dream Book, seeing a lot of ripe berries is interpreted as a happy family life and pride in children.
  3. According to the Ukrainian dream book, ripe cherries, oddly enough, dream of sadness and tears. It is not at all necessary that you will have a reason for sadness; it is quite possible that sad events will happen to someone close to you.

To see a ripe berry in a woman’s hands - a dream warns that you have a dangerous rival. If you dreamed of ripe cherries on the table or as a filling for a pie, the dream can be interpreted as a sign that the ugly truth will soon be revealed to you. Frozen or dry berries are dreamed of as a sign that your personal life is not satisfying.

An unripe or completely green cherry in a dream is a good sign. Pleasant events await you:

  • meeting an interesting person;
  • an unexpected gift of fate.

The main thing is to be prepared for unexpected changes and believe that the turn of fate brings only good things. According to the lunar dream book, unripe berries foretell the collapse of all plans and the realization of the unrealizability of hopes.

Spoiled or unripe cherries in a dream

The bitter or sour taste of cherries is a harbinger of tears, illnesses and troubles. You should be vigilant and not make hasty decisions. In addition, you need to reconsider your desires and set your priorities correctly.

Tasting unripe cherries foreshadows the return of what was taken from you. It is likely that your stolen or lost item will soon be returned to you. A rotten cherry predicts bad fame for you, to which your envious people will doom you. Be prepared for slander, as a result of which you will have a very long time to restore your reputation.


Interpretation depending on the actions of the dreamer

  1. Eating sweet cherries in a dream is a sign that the sleeper will soon have what he wants.
  2. If a person eats sour fruits with great greed, then this indicates mental disorder. Probably, the dreamer is deeply immersed in his problems and now he simply needs a long vacation, thanks to which he can not only relax, but also put his thoughts in order.
  3. If in a dream a sleeping person feeds a child with sweet fruits, it means that in reality he will receive a well-deserved reward or just a pleasant gift.

A dream in which the sleeper watched someone picking berries warns him of danger. Probably, someone “had his eye” on the dreamer’s property and now he should be more careful so as not to lose everything.

  • If the sleeper sees cherries on the ground scattered from a bucket, it means that he will soon meet a person who will completely change his destiny.
  • Treating strangers to berries means positive emotions and peace of mind.
  • If in a dream you had to buy cherries in a store or market, it means that the dreamer will travel to distant lands. However, if in the vision the sleeper himself is a cherry seller, then in reality he will be surprised by the behavior of a loved one.
  • Trying to climb a cherry tree means that the dreamer’s chosen one does not take him seriously. There is probably no future for their relationship.
  • Watering a cherry in a dream is a sign of great success, thanks to which the sleeper will achieve a lot in life. If the dreamer plants a cherry tree seedling, it means that great wealth awaits him soon.
  • Cutting down a young tree means vain hopes; the business you have started will bring neither profit nor pleasure.


Picking cherries

According to Hasse's dream book, a dream in which you pick cherries promises joyful events and good news. Most likely, in the near future there will be many reasons to enjoy life, you will enjoy family troubles.

  1. The Russian dream book interprets such a dream as well-being in family life.
  2. Shuvalova's dream book interprets a cherry picked in a dream as the loss of virginity.
  3. The Eastern dream book interprets sleep as immediate carnal pleasures, which will lead to not the most pleasant consequences.
  4. According to Azar's dream book, a picked cherry portends joy and pleasure. Picking cherries in someone else's garden means dishonest thoughts and a desire to start a new romantic relationship. Picking a dried cherry can be interpreted as disappointment in your lover and a desire for radical changes.
    Perhaps you feel cooling on the part of your loved one and are worried about the fate of your future relationship.
  5. According to the ancient dream book, picking a dried berry in a dream warns of an imminent final break with your chosen one. Picking green berries - a dream foretells receiving a well-deserved reward or repaying an old debt.

Buy cherries

If you dreamed that you were buying cherries at a market or in a store, then this indicates that you are about to travel to distant lands. But if, according to the plot of your night dreams, you see yourself as a berry seller, then in real life you will be surprised by the behavior of a loved one.


Eating berries in a dream

There is a ripe cherry in a dream, which unexpectedly turns out to be sour - the dream can be interpreted as sad events and tears. Eating a large, sweet berry means great luck and the implementation of the most ambitious plans.

The spring dream book interprets eating red cherries as a quick marriage to a widower.

  1. For a girl to dream that her chosen one is feasting on a ripe cherry is a sign that you may soon learn about the existence of a rival. Seeing another woman eating a cherry means news about your chosen one’s betrayal will reach you.
  2. For a man, treating a girl to cherries symbolizes a new romance and intense love. For a married woman, treating a man to a berry in a dream means squabbles in the family and a lack of trusting relationships with her husband.

If in a dream you eat very small berries, get ready for a lot of gossip and rumors about your person. Eating delicious, juicy berries - a dream foretells success in business and a serene life. If the berries are sour or wormy, get ready for disappointment and sad events.

I dreamed about a lot of berries

When in a dream you see a lot of berries and at the same time ripe cherries are mixed with unripe fruits, this indicates that in real life a moment has come when you have difficulty making a choice. And when you saw a lot of rotten cherries in a dream, this foreshadows a serious conversation with your superiors.


Cherries in cooking

Dumplings with cherries

If, according to the plot of your night dreams, someone offers you to try dumplings with cherries, then in real life you can expect a good profit. Also, such a dream can be a harbinger that in life you will meet a person who will become a good friend or reliable partner.

A dream in which the dreamer had a chance to make dumplings with cherries himself is interpreted differently:

  • If the dumplings turn out neat and beautiful, and you enjoy the cooking process, then this indicates that in reality you will be able to realize all your plans.
  • If the cooking process is a burden for you, and the dumplings themselves turn out ugly, then on the way to the goal there will be many obstacles that will have to be overcome.

Cherry pies

Various treats with cherries often appear in dreams, and the question arises as to why such a thing is dreamed about. If in a dream you saw pies with cherries or tried them, then this indicates that in life close people are hiding some secret from you, and you have to get to the bottom of it.

Also, such a dream may indicate that you idealize the world around you.

Cherries and apples

To see a lot of ripe apples and cherries - a dream foretells success and complete satisfaction from life. Fate promises you complete understanding with your chosen one and a quick climb up the career ladder.

  1. Picking apples and cherries in the garden can be interpreted as your support and help to your friends.
  2. Picking unripe apples and berries is a sign that unexpected obstacles will arise on your way and that putting your plans into action will require much more effort than you expected.
  3. Eating juicy apples and cherries is interpreted in dream books as recovery from a serious illness.
  4. Eating tasteless fruits - a dream foreshadows disappointment and dissatisfaction with your personal life. Treating a stranger with cherries and apples in a dream means providing selfless help to a stranger.
  5. Eating cherries as large as an apple - a dream foreshadows a successful marriage.


Cherry in a woman's dream

For a married woman to see a cherry tree in a dream means gaining popularity. Moreover, a lady can gain fame both in the work team and among complete strangers. The main condition is to show sincere friendliness towards others.

A dream in which a married woman sees her friend eating a cherry with appetite characterizes this lady as a rival. Probably, the homewrecker cunningly got into the family and is trying to destroy it, but she does this unnoticed, under the guise of sympathy and kindness.

  • Ripe, large fruits indicate an acquaintance with the man of her dreams, with whom the unmarried dreamer will begin a close relationship in the future.
  • If the cherries turn out to be rotten, it means that the chosen one will take advantage of meeting the girl solely for selfish reasons.
  • If in a dream a pregnant woman is offered a choice of different berries and fruits, but she chooses cherries, then this indicates the birth of a girl or twins.

Red berry in a man's dream

If a man in a dream saw himself walking through a blooming cherry orchard, it means that in reality he will be walking at a cheerful wedding. Picking small berries in a basket is a sign that the sleeper will have a lot of trouble, which in the end will turn out to be meaningless and will not lead to the expected result.

Eating a berry in a dream means losses. It is worth noting that the dreamer can lose not only some thing, but also a person dear to him.


Other interpretations

Cherry compote, which the sleeper drinks in a dream with friends, portends him a fun time. Perhaps the sleeping person will be invited to a party or anniversary, where he will have a good rest. Unfortunately, not all dream books give such a positive interpretation.

Some believe that drinking cherry compote or nectar in a dream indicates stomach problems or food poisoning. Therefore, the sleeper should be more careful and carefully choose products.

  1. Cherry juice spilled by a sleeping person on his clothes means that he may be accused of illegal acts that he did not commit.
  2. Cherry jam is a sign that the dreamer will spend a lot of time communicating with children. If you dreamed of cherry jam, then get ready to spend time with your children.
  3. Cherry pies mean that those around you are hiding something from the dreamer. And not in vain, because if the sleeper finds out the truth, he is unlikely to like it.
  4. Dumplings with cherries, which strangers offer the sleeping person to taste, promise him stability in the financial sphere. For a lonely person, such a dream can predict an acquaintance with his other half.

Dream books interpret ambiguously a vision in which the sleeper independently makes dumplings with cherries. Basically, the interpretation of a dream depends on the emotional state of the sleeper and the appearance of the product.

If the dreamer did the work with pleasure and the dumplings turned out very appetizing, it means that in reality all the dreamer’s plans will come true, all that remains is to show a little patience.

In the case where the modeling of dumplings caused irritation and the products themselves turned out crooked and ugly, nothing good can be expected. It is likely that some obstacles will appear on the way to achieving the goal, which will be very difficult for the sleeper to overcome. Even if he achieves what he wants, it will not bring him any pleasure.

A blossoming cherry tree portends good luck and prosperity.

If all the color has fallen off, it means that what the sleeper considers good luck will actually bring him huge problems. The cherries from the compote, which the sleeping person treats to guests, characterize him as an overly greedy person.

The interpreter assures that the dreamer should try to overcome this character trait in himself, otherwise even close people may turn away from him.

Interpretations of a dream with a cherry in different dream books

Numerology book of interpretations

This is what this dream book says: cherries that seem wilted foreshadow the emergence of new promising opportunities. Most likely, a person will not consider them as such, but you should not refuse offers. Especially if they relate to work.

Two cherries on one branch indicate that the dreamer is too concerned about his finances. And because of this, he abandoned self-development, education and other useful things.

A dream in which a person saw unripe, completely green berries in large quantities is considered good. This usually portends good luck. If a person picked a green cherry, it means that he will either be repaid an old, long-forgotten debt, or he will receive a well-deserved reward.

True, if you believe the Lunar Dream Book, unripe berries promise only disappointment, unrealistic hopes and the collapse of plans.

Miller's Dream Book

This dream book can also tell you something useful. Cherries are a harbinger of the popularity that a person will gain thanks to his selflessness and friendliness.

  • If a person ate these berries on both cheeks, it means that he will receive some very desirable item for use. Were the cherries large, ripe and juicy? Someone will love him very much, and not for his appearance, but for his generosity and kindness.
  • A man saw a tree with green berries? Most likely, a wonderful acquaintance will soon happen in his life - with someone who will become his “soul mate.”

But that’s not all that the dream book tells. A cherry on a tree, which is impossible to reach, foreshadows plans that are difficult to translate into reality. Of course, it is possible to implement them, but this will require a lot of effort.

But the vision in which a man was picking cherries is a harbinger of the onset of a white streak. The days will be filled with joyful and pleasant events, and the news will no longer be upsetting.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

This book of interpretations should also be consulted. This is what this dream book says: cherries that a person ate with pleasure foreshadow the arrival of long-awaited guests.

  1. Did the bone accidentally end up in your stomach? This is also a good sign - in a serious dispute, a person will be able to defend his point of view.
  2. Was there only one berry? The person will receive a long-awaited call.
  3. Were there several cherries? Soon you will have a chance to improve your health.
  4. Did the dreamer treat his friends to berries? Some joyful event will happen in the near future. Perhaps a person will gain long-awaited peace of mind.
  5. Did the dreamer make compote from cherries, and then drink it with pleasure? Soon he will have a good time with his friends, and will remember this event for a long time.

But the most pleasant thing is promised by dumplings with cherries that appeared in a dream. They are harbingers of profit and wealth. If a person did not eat them, but sculpted them, it means that all his plans and ideas will be successfully translated into reality.

The main thing is that the cooking process is not a burden. Because in this case, you won’t have to wait for anything except obstacles that arise on the way to the goal.

Freud's Dream Book

The dream book of an Austrian psychoanalyst gives different interpretations to the dream of a cherry.

  • Red, juicy, tasty berries are associated with carnal love and promise love pleasures with a new partner. From such a connection the dreamer will receive physical pleasure and will literally bathe in pleasure.
  • A lot of cherries means a series of pleasant events, and a few large red berries mean several romances at the same time.
  • But if the berries are dry in a dream, then in reality you should expect a cooling of feelings with your former partner, a break in the love affair. Spoiled berries are a warning about illness or improper behavior of the dreamer. Perhaps he is overly emotional and offends loved ones. Frozen berries hint that the dreamer is not satisfied with his personal life.

A dream about overripe cherries is unfavorable. He says that the dreamer missed opportunities and will now regret what he did not do. His life will turn into a series of boring days.

Why do you dream about cherry blossoms? The dream predicts sudden love that will illuminate the dreamer's life. Perhaps a marriage alliance will be concluded. Seeing berries on a cherry tree in the middle of winter means receiving pleasant, long-awaited news.

Admiring a cherry tree strewn with berries and standing on someone else's land warns of an imminent addition to the family of friends, relatives or acquaintances.


Family dream book

An unfavorable interpretation is given to dreams about cherries by the family dream book. Seeing her means disappointment, grief because of family, unrequited love. If the dreamer has an illicit love affair, then after such a dream he should think carefully about whether it needs to be continued. The dream book warns: such love will bring severe pain and grief.

Why do you dream of cherries poured into containers or scattered on the ground? The berry is perishable, and therefore symbolically it means the fragility of a love affair, false promises, and wasted work.

  1. But a blooming cherry tree is a sign of happy, imminent changes.
  2. It’s also very good to plant cherries. Such a dream promises great wealth.
  3. Picking cherries from the branches means getting joy and pleasure in real life.
  4. Eating cherries means being disappointed and bogged down in numerous worries. Eating cherries was very sweet, it promises pleasure and pleasure.

Modern dream book

A dream about a cherry foretells love pleasures. The sweeter the berry, the more passionate the sudden feeling will be. But if at first the cherry was tasty, and then became sour, bitter or tasteless, the dreamer will experience sadness, melancholy, and tears. He will be disappointed in his lover. Perhaps he was deceived or used for his own purposes from the very beginning.

Another interpretation of a dream about a sweet cherry is given if the dreamer is married and does not intend to enter into another relationship. Then the dream should be interpreted as an excellent opportunity that will soon present itself at work. This could be the beginning of long-term partnerships that promise success, honors, and glory. If some work has already been started and the dreamer is waiting for its completion, then the ending will be successful.

  • Why do you dream of a cherry that another person is enjoying? If a young girl or woman had a dream, then she has a happy rival. The lover is unfaithful or will soon betray her. If a business person sees a dream, there is a danger that his achievements will be unfairly appropriated by a stranger. He will also receive honors.
  • If a married woman treats a stranger to a cherry in a dream, then a conflict will soon occur in her family. Relationships with your spouse will be damaged for a long time; there can be no question of trust between spouses.
  • Seeing small berries and eating them is a bad dream, after which you should prepare for troubles, disappointments and even a blow. In real life, there are many unpleasant rumors about the dreamer, and this will undermine his trust in others and affect his family life and work relationships with colleagues.


Esoteric book of interpretations

If a person happened to eat a cherry in a dream, the dream book advises remembering its taste.

  1. Sweet berries portend the embodiment of dreams and desires into reality.
  2. Bitter - to tears and disappointments.
  3. Sour - to grief, which, most likely, will be brought by close and dear people.
  4. But dried berries promise joy.

Their color is also important. Dark, almost black cherries are considered the most delicious and sweet, but in a vision they symbolize betrayal and deception of a loved one. Red berries, on the contrary, speak of loyalty and devotion to the “other half”. And green ones are for good luck.

Have you ever made jam? And it turned out sour? Usually such a vision reflects the dreamer's pessimistic view of life. A person would do well to cheer himself up.

If the dreamer picked berries from a tree, he will soon enter into a relationship that will be established only for the sake of physical intimacy. The more berries he spills, the faster the romance will end.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

After dreaming about a cherry, you should expect a love adventure or the beginning of a close relationship with someone you have known for a long time. However, the connection will be illegal. Perhaps the dreamer or his lover is a family man. Love will be hot, but dangerous and is unlikely to bring happiness in the long term.

Picking cherries from a green, strong tree is a harbinger of imminent joyful and important events in the dreamer’s life. You may receive good news. There will be many reasons for joy in the near future, and family life, despite the troubles, will bring a lot of pleasure and happiness.

United dream book

Respect from others and increased status at work promise a dream in a cherry tree. The dreamer has earned such an attitude towards himself through his own actions; the time has come to reap the fruits of his kindness and selflessness.

  1. Why do you dream of a cherry strewn with red ripe berries? Such a dream promises that those around him will be happy to solve any of the dreamer’s problems, he will not be left alone and can always count on the help, sympathy and support of people who love him.
  2. In addition, the dream promises vivid love experiences. The romance will be passionate, sudden, and the beloved will give real happiness. Perhaps the love affair will develop into a serious long-term relationship and end with a wedding. If you had a dream on the eve of the wedding, then the life of the spouses will be happy, and the relationship will always be wonderful, without scandals, reproaches and betrayals.

Why do you dream of cherries poured into a beautiful plate? To pleasant, good news. If the dreamer is waiting for some important decision in business or career, then in real life he will receive even more than he expected.

For family people, a dream can mean that relationships between household members are trusting, communication gives them pleasure, and family ties are strong.

Collecting cherries in a basket is a dream that promises unpleasant chores and problems. After waking up, you need to think carefully about who to turn to for help. If you quickly get your bearings, major troubles can be avoided.

  • Squeezing cherry juice means having fun in good company. The dreamer will be invited to visit. The event will be not only pleasant, but also with great benefit. New information received at the party will help in life.
  • A dried cherry tree is an unfavorable sign. The dream means that some important relationship has ended, and there is no way to resume it. Perhaps the breakup will occur due to the betrayal of a loved one, or maybe love has simply left. You need to prepare for trouble and not try to fix anything.

Vanga's Dream Book

This dream book gives an ambiguous interpretation to the dream of a cherry. The cherry tree symbolizes the sincere joy that the dreamer will experience. This joy, however, will be overshadowed by some slight sadness.

Eating a cherry in a dream means being dissatisfied with your life. The dream means sadness, tears, melancholic mood. Sometimes you dream of cherries as a sign of imminent disappointment, troubles at work and in the family. You need to treat them philosophically, just wait out the unfavorable period.

Pay attention to the color of the berries.

  1. Red, juice-rich cherries are a good sign for family people. The dream means that the spouse is faithful and devoted.
  2. If the cherry in a dream is black, expect deception and betrayal on his part.

For a girl, a dream about this berry has a special meaning. Why do you dream of a cherry that a young lady picks from a tree? To the loss of innocence in the near future. Sometimes such a dream predicts that her love will be illegal, secret, but very sweet.

Women's dream book

According to the women's dream book, a ripe cherry on a tree promises a meeting with a lover. Sometimes such a dream is a harbinger of the fulfillment of a cherished desire. The cherry tree promises a person popularity and success, but he will reach heights only thanks to selflessness and friendliness.

When you dream of ripe cherries from Wednesday to Thursday, you should prepare for a meeting with an influential person. If everything goes well, you will be able to make a friend who will help in any matter. Thanks to his support, the dreamer will be able to make a good fortune.

  • Cherry berries promise a woman the support of a wealthy man who will soon propose marriage to her. You should not refuse him, since the dreamer cannot find a better husband. He will fulfill all her wishes and become a good friend. With him, a woman will feel protected and happy.
  • If the cherries were unripe in a dream, then in reality the person will have good luck. He can take risks by investing money in dubious projects, they will bring him huge profits. Don't miss this chance, as it may never come again.
  • If the berries tasted bitter in a dream, the person will be disappointed. Ripe, sweet cherries promise new love. However, it will be difficult for the dreamer to win the object of his adoration, but he should not give up trying to do this, since water does not flow under a lying stone.

Ancient Russian dream book

An old Russian dream book will help you find out why you dream about cherries. If you believe him, then a person will have pleasure. Perhaps he will be invited to a celebration and will be able to have fun eating various dishes. Sometimes such a dream promises a romantic date.

  1. If in a dream the berries tasted sweet, good news awaits the person in reality. For a girl, such a dream may foretell a meeting with a man who will capture her heart. It will be difficult for the dreamer to resist the charm and charisma of the gentleman, and she will quickly fall into his arms.
  2. If the berries tasted bitter, sad events await the person. Perhaps he will cry a lot because of some misfortune. But you should pull yourself together, because life does not stand still. You need to leave your sorrows in the past and try to start enjoying life and forget about your sorrows.

If you dream of cherry trees in blossom, pleasant events await you in reality. A woman may soon marry her loved one. The marriage will be happy and harmonious. When such a dream happens on the eve of a wedding, it means that the person will be very happy to live with the chosen one. There will be practically no quarrels in the family, and disagreements will be resolved quickly and without mutual reproaches.

If you see a cherry from Wednesday to Tuesday, a family person should spend more time at home and spend time with family. Otherwise, the other half will suspect something is wrong and will try to catch the dreamer cheating.

Sometimes a dream promises the revelation of some secret, so you need to be careful not to accidentally let it slip.

Dream book for the whole family

According to the dream book for the whole family, a cherry orchard promises a woman popularity, which she will gain thanks to her good character. She should not become arrogant and treat people badly, otherwise everyone will turn away from her and the dreamer will be left alone, which will give her thoughts of suicide.

  1. If a girl was picking cherries in a basket in a dream, a serious problem will arise in reality, but thanks to some people it will be resolved in a short time.
  2. For a man, such a dream promises troubles in the family. He will need to make a huge effort to get everything back to normal; but he will succeed, the main thing is not to give up and try to solve problems as they arise, and not forget about them, since they will remind you of themselves sooner or later.

If a person dreamed that he was making wine from cherries, in reality he will grieve about his past, but he should let him go. You shouldn’t remember what you can change, you need to look into the future with optimism and try to become happy.

Squeezing juice from cherries means having a fun time. A person can be invited to visit. You shouldn’t refuse, you should definitely go to the celebration. There the dreamer will be able to have a good rest and learn a lot of interesting news.

For a girl, such a dream may portend an affair. But you shouldn’t start it, as it won’t end very well. It is better to try to escape from the clutches of the gentleman, as he will not show himself at his best.


Book of interpretations of Medea

It is worth noting what this dream book tells. A cherry that is ripe, large and beautiful can mean many things. But if a person ate it, and it unexpectedly turned out to be sour, something bad will happen soon. Moreover, trouble will come from where no one could expect it.

But if the berry, which seemed unripe and sour, turns out to be juicy and sweet, the business, which was not particularly promising, will turn out to be a tremendous success for the dreamer.

  1. The dreamer was a girl, and she watched her lover eat a cherry with appetite? So someone had their eye on him. Moreover, the young man knows about the existence of his rival, but does not tell his beloved - so as not to upset her. The main thing is that the girl does not dream of a stranger eating cherries. Since such a vision foreshadows the betrayal of the chosen one.
  2. But if the dreamer was a man, and in his dream he treated the stranger to berries, he will soon have a whirlwind romance. And not temporary, but serious. But if a married woman treated a stranger to such berries, she should expect conflicts with her husband.


Noble dream book by N. Grishina

A cherry tree in a dream usually denotes a girl of marriageable age. Cherries can symbolize virginity, as well as some kind of promise, the fulfillment of which is better not to count on.

Eating sweet cherries - for pleasures and fulfillment of desires, sour - for unfulfilled promises, sadness, dashed hopes, dried - for joy.

Dream book for the whole family

A dream in which you see a cherry orchard or eat cherries (regardless of their ripeness) is a very good harbinger for a woman, for whom it promises success and popularity in society, including among colleagues; however, to do this you must be friendly and selfless.

A dream about cherries, depending on real circumstances, can mean successful completion of a business or an upcoming acquaintance with an interesting man (for women).


The larger, more beautiful and sweeter the cherry in your dream, the greater luck it promises.

  1. Small unripe cherries may portend tears.
  2. Picking cherries is a sign of a love affair, but it will be fleeting.
  3. Buying cherries means you can get even with your opponents; selling them means you can make good money.


Dream book of lovers

  • Seeing a cherry in a dream means that you will be loved for your kindness and generosity.
  • If you eat cherries in a dream, it means that the person whose love you are seeking will pay attention to you.
  • Seeing unripe, green cherries is a sign of approaching acquaintance with the person who will become your lover.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A dream in which you see a cherry tree foreshadows belated joy with a tinge of some sadness. Eating cherries in a dream is a sign that in reality you will be able to find some satisfaction, but sadness and melancholy will still prevail.

In general, cherries are most often dreamed of by people prone to melodramatic plots.

Solomon's Dream Book

Cherries - criminal love, illicit relationship.

Cherry does not grow in all regions, so its interpretation in popular dream books often coincides with the more common cherry.

In order to accurately explain a dream about cherries, you should pay attention to its color and, of course, taste. Also of great importance is the circumstances under which you dreamed about it - growing on a tree or lying on a plate.

Which promises a lot of cherries

Many ripe berries in a basket or on a plate - a sign of the imminent arrival of unexpected guests. If the cherries are all as smooth as a selection, you will have an interesting pastime and a long journey.

Holding a berry in your palms that is trying to fall on you means overestimating your strength and making promises that are difficult to fulfill. Many berries on the branches of a tree symbolize ardent feelings that cannot be controlled.

What does the cherry portend?

dream books interpret it as a symbol of love relationships. A red berry means loyalty to the chosen one, a black cherry warns of his betrayal. A dream in which a girl sees her beloved feasting on ripe berries can also speak of betrayal. If you dreamed that a young girl was eating cherries, this means perhaps you have a dangerous rival.

If Birds feast on berries– the dream promises the emergence of a large number of competitors. A berry scattered on the ground warns of a long-term illness. If the berries do not fit in your palms, this symbolizes that you have taken on too many obligations that you will not be able to fulfill.